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. Sides; by ;Anction. t f. ' —r—7-- ~ ' 'PHIS DAY, i ■ " '"' Af)!2p.m Slhirp,:. ; ;'; (V : SAMUEL 7AILB &ISOKS, i' "' • (M Sirauai Vailo], wili ' deli Uy ia«ctiiori ait ■ Mri ;f r_ , .r^aisalßiE<ioms,i9s|(^e ( 3n<3tKe«,-i- • !■<< y mm. I GRAND : SEASIDE iES^ATiB; ' .LI -..j .; .Aiowwra*: p>" KNOW AS! "SBBTOK."f Tie i propeifty:. comprises r-H4Ol ticres-o! K«fd) , - land, pari; df which will glrow SO buihels sof naixe i '' tc the acta rwith mc ituanure.i VTlla Iso is partly ] diaitieol swamp laid ipartly la', bUclt Sandy loan, alwut two-talmsof whole togtiabld and w<i bible in any weatliet. A 1 *ell ijniceu ill I# subihistonis. • ICO acres in p-^ssi; dOB a*r«s in ro'u feed. a r idi ttie i bnlanco is fern anditutu scrub, With la lit to hush. I Weir vlraterßdj ; '■ SIJHKRIOB lIK3IDIINOB df 10 Buiit lot fl-sticUsa kauri,, at.d ironed i thinnc nearly nem Xt'e Bituaxfoti ib escoptioa*1 ally heUtoy' andpleasant, be:lnp wpllieljTatert, iatid i commaindinijaimiijiaittcehtpaiioraiiiaiol trio .Bay ijf: PI d impounding towntoy, 'fh'B cutibulldlnj;s ate raoit substantial tind complete, una dpitsist »f; ' sUbie (5 Nitidis ai d i loose aotes), ibnrn. w.orisliop, [ implenlient shed, and diifjinp room, ipiggsries fori lifl pi us, i,heep jarlsi for il5)0( »1 leip,; s lodic: : Frontage rivenarid isei jjhalfiiniloi /ram acnooj; I " mails dsliferedoii to property; , ■ j Also i WAIRIU 800T.HJ ? . ■'- ~ . MCEIMNT MTTLEJ EAJM -1 : " . I 0! 8) ictes' ajl .fenced in 10 BUDdhitioms:: i Herds' BHZB, Dats,ipot»> oets, eta; 1 icre lorrfw.rdi, £ afcres 'r jnuiakabiusii, balance ;gr ; 510 acces'le 'eli, bills,nae i undulating} pemiaineitiwater linieveny paddock, i H u'ie af a rooms; >v,as i-Uousei dAiny.'coivsiieli,' etc. : A niilo andia-lialf rrciiuipdstiauditeleplraphiofk*, cr=aiceiy,iscl3oM,(cliutich', e.tcj .Tradesmen call sit the lartn.i Tertas:: J cash, b,ilf:noe £,t 6 riencent.i fcr i years. iA pnHly l;itUle proparhy. i Vi'Mbfl Jiold io i Uireo lets;if Futther particulars from i giAiMUBIi iVAIUBi . ( fc I £lOSNi3,S House audi Laud; Aactioneeca.i , j 9ii, Qiteamsbrestii , FHIMYi, DECEMBER 111 , Afcl2 p.p.; eliarpi , SAMUEL! VAILE !& £!ON)3 ! (Eer'SamueljYiLiln, Aufctioneei) v-ilk sdll sbyl auction, It tbtir lUhdiSfleiKooms,] 91', quv'ew-skre&t,! MANGARIS4 ■ nriHAT :EXGKIiLENT 'faiiki'.oi 115 JL 1 acres, 1 al. present in 111 e iDcuupatioti of Mr. John! Masiiey, twgethen wi.tli t.Le rnaolher tapriTtmsnKs therenn; , And I WAIRGAi ISIAWU, I iil.nStfo! is tijeM imikimUf.tbiour, inffMiingatje, »nd atprssanfelettftMr.!'Will's, i Area, iOfl acres. i And: . ON'KUIJNG.W ■ 7ILIIA. RESIDENCE SAND GROUNDS, !b<ln* lata • 18,2 ft 123, n,nd 21J (it Section' 4!', Mougli of Onehunga, . And: , ONEHUNGA-c ■ IXXTTAOiE AN ID ALLOTMENT,: basing Lot !t df &l:ottHßnt:l4, Section aft,lß<irougti Of Ouehunga, , A li d] WTTEOOT BISSEEVIW- ■ ]».IBEMOKEMO PAIRISH4L«t t'O.lccntnicinK 8(8 iicies.' . WAIVFEX ?AIRISH-:P«rtioti Int-48 : cqntaicin? 156 acres-, . OKUII.'V I'ARIGE-IPo'rHoniS I.ofa 17 n'.ud 11, confulling 10 acres, i. SAMUEIi VAILE 4 SONS, , laud] i.uctbneera, i)sf Quiseo-ißtieeb.! » " 1 —■ 1 FRIDAY,' DECEMBER! 11, , At TVro'p m. SSlrarp.] SA.iIDEt VAILS k BONSI P<jr Mia, Audtionparj) w|ll sell Jiy auction, a i their laiid Sale Robms, S5, Que|;n«tveet, <• BIJliLfftWD,: MOUNT I EO3EILH , ]10A)WH0VSE iOF HIGHTI lIOOMS, UNDiTrt'O AQRI!S:OI' VOiLCANIC C£NiD. 41:30^ A NUMBER 10 P'CHCiIDie BUILDING i ALIiOTEIENTB,! IJach SO by about 1501 feet.' , Volcanic £eoi3. IPlealsa.itiSi luatianj , I'nrthir wtitubra iB future issiKi), o,r lirota ithß kui:tionee*s.; j -mmmm—mmmmmm——wmrnmmmmm FRIIDA DECEMBER 11, M'J p.m.iSiatp; .

SAMUEL VAILE & SDKS! |!P<|r SlaiauEl (FaUe; A.nctioinearX will sill ibyiatchoti, an their laid Sale Retails,] 93, Qu^stfeOt,! Ml CE))BE!Oi? THE!OFFICIAL .A!S3ZGKEE:IN BANKRUPTCY;:— ■ •ITTJ 'i'EEENO t-rSTDEE AND BWElirl' ]jlNC,WithDOacnesof freeholdland,partly ; improved. i IIOKIiBENUI-l-KJ Icrts, adjjirantf jthu above, i held (m?'] j«isaiD Fertility,l' r't an annual rental of 55a ; KCKKHENUM-tW} 'Ai res, adjoining iths abate, held [oil 1' Cccljpatton, i,rith (hi; <kf :PurchSsei' : lyatem, [at ai annual rdntal of <£i- 64 04.: s"hi whole is rich levlil illicit «,el> ♦aterfedi bp ; itremi this: DAY., , At 115! Nolon, SHatip; •511 T! Y ! P 'RIO IP EI R IT !?.. | MR. J IHDKNES ! ! Will Sell bylaictiori atliisiliind Auction Badmsi, I 01, Qu&eE-attreißt.i Desirable : cottage i in i liver. . rOOfrSTRIKBTC Lot 06 cif Lots £to 10; 890ti)nS7, CftyL ■ ..FRIDAY, PEOEMBBR 18.1 j At 112 olclbck sharp, | . ill:. 13. THOiKSES 1 ts i hDnouced byl iiustruisUons tfrcimi Mr! Joiiah Ihikiten tosellfbya/ickioti : »t ith 8 ; A ucmolj : Mattel, ;ue|et*-f!trei:,tctlandi, , HIS : VERY' SUPERIOR IE ARM 5 at iliingawahri; i only iin.lei trotaithe Biilvaw yiatiin,) audi near 'Mmesi Valteyl Certt- [ panyii folate. i This) dssiraiblel propertvi consists of: 15"3 jicces l ;)!: flrsUclaslt land,, the (vlrolts of [whidll' isiemral iftnciediar dnutodbMediiltoi 2?- fiaijidacka ; by]st eett proofi (encs3,ipiiriii, mid senen wires.i M I ippolinaeij oni three sides by t'liel V'aifaoil fiiteir, and thsOkOroire: and Matitairoa mlreanui nffliMc* : lively, preriOHOactesihsTabeeticlßaifed, ploughed, : dutc^al, harrowed/and:laid Botvif in EnglishgiaHt, i 100 afctia »f plaptittom; over 15 lyt\m el useful anil , choice limhsr. i Ihe're are ;tibaut»_6ll aires sn icror,», i ■ oats,l e ingaldii, ea«ro:ts,l p imphina, snii potatoes; i 3 sicres dn ftllibesnnjj <<rcliard of iplnnis,:pe«aei i »ppl(p,«tc.;;m)ati complete siieipidips; y^rc-s,Uml i races; eiteiiswe' outbuildings, ;all covered' with corrugated froii, and comprising "wool-ohed,: IE by i 10 to, stable, 20 :b) 40 fid, vita loft 110 hold ten j toils :of hay: n,ilking iijipleriient isbed, 1) by 10 fe«t, large storage shecl dnd tboli house,, 4(,i blyfO I fect.snow! catbage for man,! wmaeie I dairy jind i lands, te sbhausi; with topper, concrete tank, 4000 1 railohsj and: niirer-liiilini; wel/. ITlie :re ridienlc« ha a BleiTen room, liaifee] aidi l( (t7, jwi'.hl y< wndab on i twD «idesl audi covered wa f t(0 detached 'kitchen, I bathfoani; «,tc;, lint range, Venetian Winds, and i STierj convenience of a modern: horns, i 'Ihe' bn<il, nt-prssunt, wilt carry lplXI aheep.ilO) Head of caltiO, and 10 Iho'rsss, i Hit' owieris ?:easoiii iotldispml is U'litig 'neilta.tind tb6 inattuations are.lnipersrtUe that: tie must b& noli,i land trs'.nafei' tdtli. TTi)l.fi9 (,'lio 1S1.! ?or plan, teitaa, and cAnoitJoria of sals aipply MR,! J, , THIOBfi'SS,! lar,diAacfcionoer, i i • 1,1 I - • j FRIDAY,! lECBHEBRIIto.i.•.. > . 1 A') 112.Nooo.Shalrpi , •• --r\ 1 : cn'ySiiocpjSftiY; BDBSON-BTRBET.: . rCJEFAKM M PDKBKOmi - COOITBYII-ANDI3,: ' ' Vi'ITIIOIIT' FKJEEYIE' , • ; >jR.rJrTHOENE3 i j Hiil'«ell ljylauctiori at Ms i _jAuctrtd Mailt,i)l,i • <{uJeB-»t(reißt,iAiidslano > -li-, ; •'. ?: nniHA'X IYAIuUAIBLB MODKOT LAND! If si .uited I iii tßoteon-atoieh jIJ ! A i'sboifft Northern, Pacsoily, -baviiig i9O litiko frontaßejto A Hobaoa-ssrelet/ w,ith lU CottaßW; tliewou ores ted,i ' 'Mid to Va'.uSbla Allothwatß'dnbuutlbupon; pojn-i piishig. the iwliolß of AllMmeinta ft 9, lftW'.ljji ' ■ SHb<di«Wori oi Bob 19 lard iothers iof SscHon <5,. C;iyl JiftlelliandMnafei:, ■ i -*• *' ' i_■ '■ ' • ■ • ilnlhi catcteof tie iatte 's Tlafc Most iDcsitaMei Firei at lulfekoif, mm-i ttisina 4ji abrns 0 ri>oc3 t pirnhes ef fiiAil-unn, all! nnceaiar d jaub-diridtld dntoleeren pa'wddefes, [With. Eodsei ol! ifino toomi, i I«i>y,i stablet. and ittieri Mthuildmss, good stream of water on properly.! land Trinsfet Tilh. i lob M,iß7, rciriihteait ipsrti U, Lots (8 and 5$ ol SBcHon 3, Farisli af I'ußekohe, i A: sol V.'ithobt flMet'tc, i. ' ■>: JoTlb.t*Mt! Tar. iiLotinenfci (8, I I&rtdl iWi'ii-! afcerei, 16" atre®. i>' m; ...• . \ • lot6Bi P,ar?sbiWailtoicitJ, .loaceeiit ;i '<■, (?-\ u'i 4 !" 3 m 1 j 8 !' 8 ' 1 l'aiemor(iri#,il7l aerw.! liotl7J, Hilntilyjlpj.riahiTaaptrijßC aires, i- • ~ . ; . J raiTsEg,;, . 91, Q«N&-)tncb.r ; •' viSSteflPii W : ■■ 7 ' A'- '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 8