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i [irjtiLiams.—»wx oobmsposeim.]. : ; Thaws, Friday. ' flpi»runtn.~Albaroi> East, tellers la; Argosy, sellers Is; Cambria, sellers 2s 9d; Conservative, eelleri 7d; Golden Horn, sellers It 3d; Hazelbank, buyers Gs; Karanul, «ellen li 10d; Mat« Reefs, •client (M; May Queen, sclera 9i 9d; New Whan, sellers 9d; Tararu Creek, sellers 6s 6d; Victoria, sellers 3s 6d.; ■■■' Mat Qoem Extended.— new crosscut is in a distance of 75 feet, and is passing through a good class of country for gold. r Kobasoi-Calidonia^.—This company's crashing of 60 loads of quartz, and a parcel of picked stone has been completed for the very excellent return of 2320z 2dwb of melted gold, valued at £620 17s 3d. The bulb of the quartz treated was obtained from the slopes upon Darby's leader above No. 1 level, the balance being won from ; he cross reef adjacent to Darby's leader, and the return therefrom is sufficient proof of the quality of the quartz from both points. The manager informs me that a much better claw of country is now being penetrated in the prospecting crosscut at No. 1 level than has prevailed, for some time past, and he is in hopes of meeting with quartz of a payable character Tory shortly. The re-timbering of the company's main shaft has been completed down to No. 2 level, and the placing of the guides and ladders in position between Nos. 1 and 2 levels is now proceeding. Tarabu Creek Gold Mining Compant. —This company had a cleaning-up at their battery this week, after crashing 410 tons of ore with the stampers, and treating with the cyanide process 320 tons of tailings saved from the abovementioned ore, with the result that a return of bullion was obtained of the total value of £699 12* 2d. Good progress iis being made with all the works in band In the mine excellent prospects are being mot with. The reef in the western faco of the City of Dunedin low level hag opened out to large dimensions during the past month, and at the present time folly eight feet of quartz is being broken out with no appearance of either walls of the roef. The class of ore coming to hand therefrom is of good quality, Rising and toping over this level is being carried oat at usual, and the company now have a large block to operate upon. In the Norfolk section operations aro confined to btoping upon the Star of California reef with very fair resultn. May Qukp.n,—A crashing of 88 loads of quartz was completed for this company a few days ago for the payable return of 1290z 6dwt of melted gold, valued at £346 8s 9d. The balk of the quartz crushed was obtained from Clarken's leador at No. 4 level, and Hay's leader at No. 6 levol, but a trial parcel from No. 1 reef, at No. 6 level, was also included. Good headway is being made with the new prospecting crosscut at the last-mentioned level through a most congenial class of sandstone country. A leader about two inchos in thickness was intersected a few days ago, in which colours of gold were seen, and it is anticipated that other larger bodies of quartz will soon be mot with. A start is shortly to be made to increase the size of the May Queen shaft with a viow of eventually sinking for deeper levels. At present tho size of the shaft is extremely small, and no ladder road is provided in it, but the proposal is to inoroaso its dimensions to 12 feob by 4} feet, which will do away with all the existing defects. Prospecting operations in the St. Hippo section have also been commenced with a couple of men upon a nice-looking reef running parallel with the St. Hippo main reef in the hangingwall country of the latter body. WAinr, Thursday. Grand Jonction.—Operations upon the Martha lode in the Waihi West section were brought to a sudden termination owing to the quantity of water that came away from the reef. As a consequence an auxiliary pump had to be brought into service, and to-day the workings were almost free. It is anticipated that by tomorrow all the accumulated water will be i pumped out, and work allowed to be resumed. . No further work will, however, be done on the lode in the meantime, but a commencement is to be made to extend the main crosscut for the purposo of intersecting the Welcome lode. A start has also been mode to sink an air winze and pomp shaft about 440 feeb south of the present shaft, and this will intersect the crosscut about seven feet past the Martha lode. A Davey pump will be placed in this shaft in anticipation of another flow of water when the Welcome lode is intersected. With regard to the Grand Junction section the work preparatory to opening out is being pushed ahead with expedition. Waihi-Silverton. — Operations in this mine are at present confined to stoping on the No. 2 loue and the sinking of the shaft. The latter is nowdown a depth of 78 feet,so that when another couple of feet have been negotiated opening out for the new or No. 2 level will be commenced. At the battery crushing is proceeding with about 15 head of stampers, the others being bung up owing to an intufficieney of wator for motive power.

ALPHA—RAIN BOW. Mr. H. Gilfillan, jun., yesterday posted the following Mr. Duncan E. Clerk, who is negotiating the sale of the above company's property in the London market, has received the following cablegram from his Ixmdon agents: Can float on LiH'ms, —Capital of company, £150,000 in £1 shares, vendors to receiveso,ooo paid-up shares, £25,000 working capital to ho provided. The directors of both companies have accepted th§ terms, The number of shares receivable by vendors is net.

NEW CLfJNES. Information has been received from London that the company formed for the purposo of acquiring the New Whau and Clunei properties have gone to registration.


A meeting of shareholders in the above company's property (situated at Kennedy's Bay) was held at the office of Messrs, Jesse King and Co, It wai decided to form a noliability company with a capital represented by 80,000 sharei of If Gd each. The following appointments were itinde Diructors, Dr. A. G. Purchds, Captain Pitt. Messrs. W. Gorrie, G. Ciarksnn, ft N. Abbott; legal manager, Mr. Jesse Kin#; bankers, National Bank of New Zealand; auditor, Mr. E. Wiiymoutli; solicitors, Messrs, Parr and Inder. Mr. VV, Gorrie was elected chairman of directors.

KAPAI-VERMONT. During the four weeks just ended, 240 tons of quartz were treated by the Kitpai-Ver-mont Gold Mining Company for 2850z» bullion. Last month 200 tons yielded 2040z5,

AUCKLAND SHAREMARKET, The market was better yesterday. May Queens wure exchanged at 9s 9d and 9s fid, with sellers and buyers at the prices quoted. Sheridan* changed hands at 9<l, Grace Darlings up to 3s. ftiul Portseas at Is Od. There were transactions in WaihiSiivertfltis at 30a, and Four-in-Hnnds at 24 2d, The ..heavier stocks were steady, There were buyers of Wnitckauris at 87s fid, of Talismans at 15s 4d, of Woodstock* at 46i, of Crowns at 458, of Kapai-Vermonts at On 3d, of Waiotahis at 40*, and of Moana- | taiaris ft 16s 6d. x

THAMES WARDEN'S COURT, [BY mKOJUPH—OWN OOIIHEfIPONDIEST.] Til AM ICS, Thursday. At tho usual fortnightly sitting to-day Warden Jsyre Kenny dealt with the following; applications . . . HI'WJIAL CLAIMS, ' Tim following • application!! for speoial claims worn recommended Gerald B. Bcere, the Topaz, situated between Puru and the head of l'apu ' Tlios. McDonnough. Rotomaliana United,Tftirua ; J. Barber and K. Kelly, Micuwbrr, Tidrua; F. W. Abbott, Great Auburn, Wfian«»mata; ,J. Biuotfc, Whiitifsainatii Reserve Nun, 1, >'•'2,; and 3, Whangamatu ; A. Wright, Brontes, Waiomo, J. 0. Raljth, Taiiua liiinkors, Tairuaj J.H. Fleming, Union Jack and Mary Hill, Talrua; H.R. Cook, Parenga, between Purirl and Omahu: J. H. l),»lfcon, Arawata, between Hikutaia and Omaliu: Albert Spencer, the President, Oruahu; G. A. Harris, Royal, Tapu; F. Bennett, Star of Tararu.iTarani Creek i R. R. McGregor, The Golden ■Galatea, Tairua. v . v • %" 1 APPLICATIONS ADJOURNED. Jf!# / p The i following .applications' for . special claims were adjourned to December 10:— Joseph Varney, Hula, Whangamata i Henry fcowe, The Best, Puru; George Loram, Rotomaliana United No. 8, Tatrua; 0. W. Ca*e, Athens,' Puru ; J. H. Smith, Beehive, Upptr Tararu; W. T. McGregor, Snip, Puruj John Bowler, Gtoldfinoh,. Whangamata ; J. ; Bajrgott and B.'. Montgomery, Kelvin No. 2, Puru j H. ! Low, The -Next Best, Pur,u • J.O. Webster, Carnival, between Puriri I and- Omaha; v 0. • i, .Wi»lktr, ? JunotioD,

Whing&mata ; J. H. Fleming, Montezuma, Tairii*; John Murphy, Waingobia Extended, Pom; W. Callaway, Albion, Tairu*; J. Kneebone, Stan and' Stripes, Taima; J. Murdoch, Khalif, Tairua; William Forrest, Calibash, - Whanpraata; F. Hollis, The Hollis, Tairua; J. B. Lawlor, Lee-Mitford, Paraj Henry Culpin, ' SveDeali, Whangamata; J. Maxwell, St. Simon, Paru. _ ' The following applications wore adjourned to2lst JanuaryW. F. Scott andotbera, Maid of the Mist, Tairna; James Bageott, Whangamata Reserve, Whangamata; James Wellman, Madagascar, Tairua; J. W. Neville, Zanzibar, Tairua; 0. 17. Budge, Gem of Tairua, Tairua. * The application of R. C. Greenwood for the Imperial and Maribel special claims, Whanmail, were adjourned to the sitting of the Paeiroa Wardens Court, on December 8. The ground applied for being within the jurisdiction of that Court. - ■ * The applications off?, H. Wballey for the Mary Collin special claim, Tairua, and W. G. Nicholls for the Omahu Consols, Oma,hu, were withdrawn.

LICENSED HOLDINGS. _ The application of John McGaire for the Puru United licensed holding, Paru, was granted, as was also the _ application of Robert Stevenson, for the Crib licensed holding, Whangamata.

PROTECTION. The following applications for protection were dealt with The Magazine Gold Mining Company, six months' protection for the Magazine West < special foreshore claim, Tararu, permission granted to work with one man; F. C. Dean, six months for the old Southern .Reefs • special foreshore claim, Shortland, permission granted to work with one man; F. H. Whailey, six months' protection tor the Mahurangi, Kaipara, Ponsonby, Cornhill, Warkworth, and Lombard special claims, granted; Wm. Elliott, six months' protection for the Whangamata Consolidated special claim, _ Whangamata, granted ; H. E. Partridge, six months' protection for the Mount Omahu ami Newhaven special claims, Omahu, granted; Hy, Fletcher, six months' protection for the Rita special claim, granted; J. G. Ralph, six months' protection for the Mary Kate special claim, Tairua, adjourned to December 10; C. C. Newton, six months' protection for the Newton special claim, Tairua, granted; Wm. Long, six months' protection for the Annie licensed holding, adjourned to December 10; F. W. Abbott, six months'protection 'for two water-races, Wharelcawa, withdrawn*. W. H. Cooper, six months' protection for the Ohui Extended licensed holding. Ohui, granted; E. C. Martin, six months' protection for the Queen Eva special claim, Whangamata, adjourned to December 10; C. J. Anderson, six months' protection for the Quecnie special claim, Whangamata, adjourned to December 10; H. P. Stark, six months protection for water'race, Puriri, granted; A, Cuff, six months protection for the Tairua United special claim. Tairua, granted. E. C. Beale, six months protection for tho McIsaacs South special claim, Karaka, granted for two months; Wm. Cruickshank, four months protection for the Tudor quartz claim, Moanatairi, granted.

PERMISSION to work WITH less MEN. Applications for permission to work with a less number of men were dealt with as follows:—John Teddy, to work the Golden Chariot special claim, Matatoke, with four instead of 32 men for four months, (/ranted; Charles Kiogswcll, three months for Waratah spocial claim, Tararu, adjourned to December 10; D. Abbot, to work the Maori Dream Proprietary special claim, Ohui, with. 4 instead of 33 men for four months, granted; The Argosy Gold Mining Company, permission to work the Argosy and Argosy Extended special claims, Upper Tararu,with two men each for four months, granted for 4 men cach for four months; tne Bendigo Gold Mining Company, to work the Bondigo special claim, Puru, with 7 men for four months, granted; the Thames-Hauraki Goldfieids Limited, permission to work the Deep Sinker special claim, Thames, with 12'inen instead of 22 men for four months, granted; C. Short, to work the New Wentworth special claim, Whangamata, with 2 men instead of 33 men for four months, adjourned to Docember 10; the vVaipuru Gold Mining Company, to work the Waipuru special claim, Puru, with 4 instead of 33 man for four mouths, granted; the Albert Gold Mining Company, to work the Winder spccial claim, Tairua, with 4 instead of 33 men for four months, granted; the Herald Gold Mining Company, to. work the Herald special claim, Whangamata, withsinstead of 31 men for 4 mouths, granted; tho Golden Horn Gold Mining Co., to work the Golden Horn licensed holding, Tapu, with 4 instead of 7 men for four months, granted ; T. M. Glasgow, to work the Ellerslie licensed holding, Kuranui, with 1 man instead of 9 men for four months, granted for three months; Arthur Wright, permission to work tbe Big Reef special claim, Puru, with 2 instead of 32 men for four months, adjourned to December 10; F. W. Abbott, to work the Triangle licensed holding, Whangamata, with 1 man instead of 4 men for four months, granted; Wm. Blomfield, to work the ■Sunlight special olaim, Paru, with 4 instead of 33 men for four months, granted; the Sybil Gold Mining Company to work the Sybil special claim, Whangamata, with 4 men Instead of 30 men for three months, adjourned to December 10; the Sheridan Gold Mining Company to work the _ Sheridan special claim, Tapu, with 6 men instead of 33 men for four months, granted; Henry Lowe to work the New Caledonia special claim, Waiotahi, with 2 instead of 14 men for four mouths, granted; the Nellie Gold Mining Compauy, permission to work the Nellie licensed holding, Whangamata, with 4 men instead of 5 for four months, granted; Peter Norbury to work the Guiding Star spccial claim, Tapu, with 2 instead of 29 men for 3 months granted.

MISCKLUNBOO3 APPLICATIONS. C. D. Thome, water-race, Puriri, granted, subject to Kauri Timber Company's floatage rights; J. W. Ryan, water-race, VVharekaw.i ('reek, ({ranted, subject to Leyland and O'Brien floatage rights; A. M. McMahou water-race, Tairua, granted to the Albert G.M. Company, subject to the Kauri Timber Company's floatage rights :G. B. Bcere, water race, Waiomo, adjourned to December 10; A. M, MoMahou, residence site, Tairna, granted; A. Campbell, water-race, Tairua, praDtedsubjeotto the Kauri Timber Company floater; rights: John Jackson, residence site, Tairua; Joseph Thomas, water-race, Great Harrier Island, adjourned to December, 18 ; W. M. Robinson, residence site, Thames, granted; J.W. Ryan, residence site, Waiomo refused; Thomas Dunlop, residence site, Hape Creek, Thames, adjourned to December 10; Felix Skelton, exchange of title for residence site, Waiocahi, granted; F. A, White, water-race and machine site, Otanui, _ adjourned to December 10; Arthur Wright, water-race and machiue site, Waiomo, granted; Thomas Carlton, residence site, Great Barrier Island, granted.; A, L. Lee, residence site, Great Barrier Island, granted. FJjAINTS, George Fraser v. J. P. Ward; This was a plaint for'recovery of' £90 for alleged misrepresentation of tho locality of the Golden Hill No, 2 and Golden Hill Extended licensed holdings. Ohui. Judgment by. consent for £88, including costs. Jas. Hickey and Alf. Sawyer v. A. Wright and J. B,_ Blaikie: Plaint for half slmro in the. Union Bank licensed holding. Thames, Mr. Inder appeared for complainants, and Mr. Baume for defendants. After the hearing of complainant#' evidence, the Warden decided that the allegations contained in the plaint had not been sustained, and he consequently dismissed tho case without prejudice with costs amounting to £8 6s 6d against the complainants. Plaints for the forfeiture of the Golden Mount Extended special claim, the Cascado ipeoial claim, the Rapid special claim, tho Carnation licensed holding, the Marigold licensed holding, tho Junction (WhangamaU) special claim, the Venus licensed holding, the Pakirarahi special claim, and the Oceola special claim, were adjourned to December 10. The plaint, Thomas Enwright; v, Thomas Millutt. and E, 0. Beale, for forfeiture of- the Mount Taylor ;Spociai claim, Upper Tararu, was discontinued, costs being allowed defendants, and tho plaint of Ephraim Coulter, against James Roid, for £9 12s wages due, was withdrawn, the amount haviog been paid. Sevoral plaints and ordinary applications were , adjourned until to-morrow morning. -v •, Js ' •' AN XXPMrifATION. ' , .

4;.-h • Before commencing the ordinary business at tlio Women's \Court: this morning, the Warden read the following letter, received from Mr. A. B. Morris, sufvoyor, which explain! itself!-" Bir,r-Daring the heating of th« case,'Compboll v,. White, in your' Gome lost Friday, for shares in the Puru Consolidated Gold Mining Company,v White Haiti the surveyor might havo shifted the position of the Russell special claim 200 yards. As the surveyor, I : wish you to know ; that . I did not shift the peg*' #r the position of the claim. Samuel Montgomery on behalf of White showed me the pegs, and they wero not moved while I. was in the district. The plan of my »umy shows them in their position,' (is first pointed out to n)e by Montgomery. As the statement has been reported in ,th« Auckland papers, ami Jib, thus been given considerable publicity. I would esteom it ft favour iif you would mention this letter at the next sitting of your court at the Thames." .His Worship mado no comment whatever on tlio lotwiv

- • A REMINDHH, • I v The Warden took occasion to-day to again remind Applicant* and thoir solicitor# that in applying for a special'claim thq first allegation in the declaration should be, " Tills land is on Grown land often for mining within the meaning of the Mining AcO of 1891 and regulations,' His Worship, stated that,in some .caws this rale had not been complied'with, .and he wo\ild have jho faalab on it* enforce- j mqpt» i ■ *• > • • ■ ■ 1

GENERAL MINING ITEMS, v Mr W. Clarke yesterday posted the result of assays from the Waitftkauri South, made by the i National - Bank at Paeroa. No 1 •ample gave at the rate of £4 4i Bdper ton; No *2 sample £2 •9a 8d: No 3, £p V*; Bd. " The reef is 2 feet wide, ft splendid description of quartz and war; to the old Waitekauri claim," Mr Clarke added. • : , < ■ - All shares in the Albnrnia East and .British Empire. Gold: Mining Companies on ..which calls are due and not paid, have been forfeited and will be sold by auction aa notified elsewhere. . 1 j,?

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 6

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 6

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 6