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r Farms, Houses, and Land. JJWfSOTOS k JJAKER, USD AMD ESTATE AGENTS, ; ' QOBEN-STSEIIT, AUCKLAND, Established 1866. MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE ' At low rate of interest. FOB SALE.— well-built Freehold Residence, In Vermont-street,. . Ponsonby, containing seven rooms, with large basement, copper,' bathroom, etc., bus, city water; also stable and outbuildings, and nearly 2} acres land, having large frontages to Vermontand Lincoln-streets, planted . with several hundred choice Fruit Trees, in full ' bearing. FOR SALE AT ST. HEIJER'S BAY, a 12-roomed house, suitable for a Summer Retreat or Boardinghouse • also a building 12 by 12 feet, used as a Store and Pont Office, adjoining the foregoing house, together with over an acre of land fenced in garden and orchard, Price, £600. The owner is reluctantly going away. For ten years he has got a good living there. FKUIT FARM for sale at EAST TAMAKI; 42J acres of good land with substantial House; 30 acres are in orchard, most of the trees bearing fruit. An enterpriiing man with a family might get an excellent living. FOB SALK in the heart of the City, three Houses, yielding 30s per week and well situated for future t TocrsmsAriSrvifijtf rgjcfm'liliif ,ifntec/2f!>'. IWe Ist 11 iho ve aifewigood, Ailotmer tsr fur bale at iltloclcyiNool:. ' IIHMIEI VOJLCAHI j I HUILDINC' ISITISSI AT i ; MOfIISTIALKKRTt or laifoi" iU7). I SNH«' KROHEHTY with, good oroha,rdt fit BIRi iRKMBmO, ». , Lovav HOUSIEi aid: grounds :all AVON'DAI i- 1 for xaco. 1 lirkUfNN AMD .101 '3 B.AM, lAJ 195, (IOiEItNtSTHE'J'D, lave for Salei IBHBI.M UKACHi liOAIi-IVillai Ileadtmoe )n, • final allotmanii; stable, yity w«terji (ttiS,(et,J. . > 1 tt,E.MUISIIA-3(iod: House' '( ipomi. fc'a l built 1 yiritli eivery icetivimiianpo i siafyle: tashh»u!e,|cot)piir, 1 eic.i „ii half icrd ailotmbm;. Ailmraaiti. =£550. . i ITHAMK3 BU-I'.NiKS i I?RKMISHS -A.nrej I chaniri'i lorrdiajerj priocer, or lotiier, Inswryiwrt - pinsliliftii jnlThaiDM Goldfielil; iSliopi aid fljonin | ) Xiwell;n{, thrsaiallutmonts, ifrontdgtj I'o two, ma 10 t sicreotfc. jVtiry clues. soM sit oni«,les-tafce wirtuiig j up, 1 IC-IT-r-i-Fort-sfereot,l£'(26D, iveryiflne ilargd Store. Clustoinsrsti'eelt West-r-I(ar;eißuilding Sits, Juiwt 16| fwjr-wnreJiotuso, ; , eHt--Hoi£Sßii alnti Allot* | 1 msr.tsl a solofficia to Jet, in city, : ITJAKAV, Oltseitci Ilaiiiwtyi station—(Homie of !)• r(ionsi on it ncrssilafid,; with gat dun audi niiaj orchard, biubiiildings/ complete Ai flier pro., 1 p.srty.) Cheaii, £275. , , IiSI'JIJ'ABIiK' FOR A 1 FAffiTOE.Y —ICltosfe to a, Hailiwfiy iS6ati.ori, Propijrty jf 3 lacires, irith W l '" \«atpr power. Millibdil(jin« aind giod bousererectsd thewon.! Convenient tatciwn. 1 A bcir|!ain. 'Wanted 1,0 i buy i Sum 11 : Fin33 < maa'r Aubklanl, UuildiiglSii.eiinKJifcyaral Stibuibs; also, ii Fartnor-j ship in an ostaibliished Legal i Manager's or iMini ig Age'ntis liusimsss, < 1 : Kor liak-i-Snrelra'i vory gAod Banns: ii papariuia,] Thakaii, 1«,: Waikato, stc. i Houses to Lot,(Rents ("otlentod, sto. jgj D!WiA R:i> )W A! Y"D 13, HOUSE, (LAND, (ANC OBNBRAIi 'AGENT, HIGHfST.ttEIIT. [FOB SALE, SACKVII.JjEiSTKBK'K-liiigalAilot.mbnt Anil Cot eager! raomS, ill 2 5. i VDIiCIiNIC AI.];OTMEIN"St-Molinl Eld«n,i2sii, 35« iaifd i,sspcrfbot. , [ MOUM'I I'D KN.-100'bj) 2(o,inewi Hnuse 6 roiollis, l haitli, ■ffaflh-tioiisti, ISOfrHitftrnesi, *168), , , VAHLUII KOAD-POlby 1,10, House 6 (rooms, acidrlery,Lpjint,ry( o«thmise'.'£Bii(l. ' I NORT.HCOTK— JBl bt ',701, lions® near!wharf, 9iroarals, ba;h, etc.,l £400. DIK V ( )-N T If OR'l'—4- Acr:e, flciuse 8 rooms, iwasli-houE 9, iefc:„l£a i 0. , ', .BiAKQtIM BOAEI— f/wgd Albtmentlwi.tb business! ifiontasfc loiEdefi Terrace,l Hoi sei 9 room i, :etc,, ! ) £800. lELlilcitSLlfi <Ball,l-B,trfletJ—.LiicrJ, Hcusß7iroDir», [et«„ 166)0. O R IS A ! L i E.' ' WELLINGTON•'3TRISET-l-Hov.r , el of nine tobu s,: , city fairer, Allot;-- Ml', 33 by H9C. 'Price, >14110. 'AYKIIiLIKSiL 1-!YIS'"REI VVKsT-CatUge of tfoir i romnh, jriiigjnjt ill :)s per ive r »k: i(ity watsr,' etc. 1 lAllotaHintl, SO by HOC I . iPrict, £200. IBICHMaND RCIAO-Goivl Buildjng: Allotment, 10 1 by.99, Price, JltOa. I WARK WOIIT-lf-'- barm if 35aci'esl, 10 ni'iutbs from [ 1 fc,wniihip,ifoiiced and Subdivided, orchard]; good 1 six rconliedl boost andlot thuildiiig:;. . A biri;ain. 3 Pr.cei. *20(1 Al>o,!10») Aero partly Jinprcivei.; l iririg I'encal. 1 l!rice,i£)loo, i INKVY NORTH I IiOHD-Spieridil I Nev' Eight-' 1 )d:Ilwu;o, withißatlirowvl, ttVa.sbhrmsfe, Coj- 1 I ij) -! 1 Boiler.i gas and water, :G4odl heiltliyl situii- ! I tion, (iii l - *io'V rorrsxeß and Teiinila Lawn, btc ' i 56 mihuites' rtal't from Town. [ Mcjiey to tend oni Firat-ciasS fiieci»rity, I HARBISON BEOS., il«m& duel Laud Aglen Is. i 76, i QEienn-Bfalee b. . i, |rjpH!S I EW iZEALAMD lAND RtWR I mi:E,LAin)i mortgage xjompany [ (LLMITKIi), I Eas FOR SALK, on 1 leri,ns, IN J^IRKENHEAI), | £|IBTEICT, 600 IACE^S,

Subdivided imti) Sections of I 10 asms and upward i. tTliiailand isieaafiUally.sui br iFiuiltgrowjug audi Vina Craltuni. Ailsc, J AND. ATj gT. | JJELIER 3 JJIAY,! ACRES, Subdivided into allotments to isuSt the requirembn a ) of all. purchasers. iTtisdiitrlctiisa tavDuritoMiiranriritesort, iTteiie i i inn bsacli am unsurpassed. I Forfrtrtteptntliicularsiai]pl;r if'.: E . , M A SIGN, 3S«crßts,ry, M 3, W¥NDQAM.SirKE.O, AOCKEANE, 'ToiLat mi) Funnishcd, rot about 6 weak!, IJ. a House of i eil:hit roams, with Rood wtsiblj.if, iniKdefi VEuli, 1 'ißusra pan doorJ-.|lpiply A. It. Oiilinoie. mo LET—iFnrniahe d iHausel, 8 rooms,! a 1 LI. woiiTiiniienceii, 3 acres xobanici hint!, trotn 18t i December— Bhtt;ray, Hi Fnt-strent. mo LET;, lib LaWe irskijpiiira-Hi'urniishe I IJ. ! Ootface Of ti nooiaia, dose: t4 Ileacb.—:Appl i ißcbmttonßirosl, Opipelr Symowl'-siirest. TO , LEr; (IFFJRNISBIEIDI, i BIRO®. ' IKKAIi: , % TVWSTORIiYI house 8 ro«nn),i4mmhhi and; bullion audi every #01. nrenieticb: :!uliy {uralslmdJ 'L'otlofc M)r ithi'eo rrtbnih:, Dccujiatiort at i«o ; i grand flows, eoccapkioha; |)o:i ibian, fire minutes' fnoir wharf. I -ilpiply ' VAILS & 8C5N13, mi) [LET DR ros SALEMidod Dajir/ '-*■ ' Bftr:n,:BinilesJr(imiTA AwamutuJ H-r:)OKiel fltuss, Iwithl ail lusha) dutbullrljnf a ; tchboi Anil charth, 2; miles;! at preterit in loepubatioa elf Mi. HVlietle; - . (Foasesiion Kb onto.-t—Applyl Ml. M, .O'lajlor, '' Stoitelpigh,'"- Mount lEdau and Three Kings iltcait; or, A., Bl Wh seler; on farm. jjllC' LIB %i A T. 810 W I OK- : Su|nj'niiiel House! fuinishud,, cOnitahiing i eight icumn, inclnilin(! tlatdirooin, et!iblßs,i and soaebhaua i at facte 1.1 oqu paddocl s, withevser.y conuenienc ) IA 90. Aipiteiiyif(ur.rconle(i tiotsa(;e,lwttb parrtrj, Jul. iiisn^d : :'<■ ■■■ .And. , . .. iFiirmlsled Apartmenta lh OilfelJlnghaaw; mitt) or Iwiihouti Boa xlj—Apply to Mrrt. Wa.gita®, Poet an 1 Telephone Office,[Hiwici. |r|p '0 ?)i £ • L B X Syxii(lnGß'«lrMt:-t)h')p:aiidii)welli!!g.l Heiit,!l2»6l iMill-atfiek ()5. liTc^rpbot-atire^t—6 • raonlied Mous«. I Rent; lis. iVictaria, Arcadii-MoHcii3,:Bliiglß rooms, Ar tn itulitei. 1 Kentunodiirate. Laigii atoi e, [Upper wltlt stalls. ' :y* 1 :a.!>iSHTON & s®^',j., : >; . 1 iHoiuii, Lnpd, andi Enti.teiAwuh, > . f Nevr Xer.laiul Tri«ursni;« jßdikttua< ■ ' '(Telapjioae tIM.V ; ; . ... 1 Mlidatioflj. ■ ; |J[ U: {I T PI 'JIE LII £ B:E D; ' J THE AMGSEL :; A;SrOI,Y'OF BBCHtBIIIONIIfi NEVV IiEiUW), . ■ ,"y . • .. .. ' IG. Mi KEEC, IJ.A ' r lAtlhor ofl'"fhß' ttc, 'P«ic« : !olir3hlUltng.: > :'i / [ MlishddbyjUjitfludnillCo. I WWW r w* IT »u< womwiwww • ffi 0 TiQ R Ail |J/J:A'PI£. I OOHESI OF. THESE lOR BAIL 3 'AT '.!!> ,->■ IiaELRALE OIFIIGE, .' *• '* ■ 1 • , >, i . .; . ipRICiS JSJACH. -.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 3