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■' v ' ■ . rannfljousos. and Land. : , ...; „ fi , r j' , v "11111 II 'I "" ■ 'I -ii' ii I J "" ' . " —rrim 'i i i . i nil' • J. TiiORNES, LAN* ;; AUCTIONEER, , . • • \ BOUSE, LAND ESmE, ; AND FINANCIAL AGENT, 91, QUEENjBTBEBT, AUCKLAND. Established 1878. / London Address : 7 and 9, Finabtiry-ttreet, HQ, Telephone No. 674. — ~~— * sa«ss=2si6ssssh* SKsflasssfn. Bankers: Bank of Australasia. |nty iraooT charge. | for Absentees. < TAB SALE OF BUSINESSES OF jvERY DESCRIPTION EFFECTED, AND PARTNERSHIPS NEGOTIATED. Id refenng it will be sufficient to quote number only..

IN consequence of the great demand for Cottages in or near the City, I desire to draw ipecial attention to the following SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CITY COTTAGES BERESFORD-STREET. EAMILY RESIDENCE of eight good .-H rooms... detached _ >ra«hhonae., stable.. etc.. a, i <rer,y contplcUt hunie, ion fileehold lalkotJ S& f«o I DyJ2ShetJ Price; £itsd'. Terms canibe arranged / ml i SYMONDS'-STREET. 1 l | (OIOMIPLETE , REiglDfc'NCE ofi IB ml, I *_/ iai bMck land . c.inttre;e,i tfitli iplunw tin i i ihoffelr bai.h,'watsr < idattslmd ; wtisfliMis ! . i Bitta jar ire rdi ing room, larcJ alloimbnO 50/y. 1£ -I i fael. iHnld on lijnji lrg: o at, faivoiirabls rot/il [ i cinioC er thdsabjrpni i. I It is special*} trail iajtte 1 i for a bosirdjnghmiio, or toihpieta resilience ft lf.rg s i family; and tfiie [lojiti in (clnao tij Wrain;ii»rS«hbo) i i/i one of (this choicest faiths city. / ' 19il0 1 DAlt-SffIRSET, ' / I "YTEARI the Ktli-strceli alnd:, CMtr.andjn ; IX™ :fli!«nsire rre» <tf havbc.ur, lira# veranda l i lad.bailcdny. sßVi>n<roi)nitdiHau>e pity .wrarte , lieaimhgjcn r»n|;e, three regiut&r >:rajs; fl#war an i ' liluis gtrOem, oh liieehMii! allotment, » I y 1(M fee'. '■ HiiJcqniijaothoqe.iclDso tiicjty, fjirJßft), : 20; 10 i ALEXANDRA! AND! LIVfRPWOL ! STREETS. I I ITITHREE [COTTAGES una a (Freehold I .L' Altotmejt,ilming[frt>n|ages 6 itlireu sirens, ! nlwaysi Ist readily, ' fori imnedlite realisation, i i«rniir lempoworsi me to! ciosb loiikiJlOi, at vhicli : they aire iinpspetliat bjrgaiji, [ i '.!415 I tvest'-stree,t; NEAR K.AEANGA- : HAPE! EOIAJ I 17,'ERANIIA H (COTTIAOIJoIf four rotor,is. 'r ' wood sh,edi, c!ty: water,<et|.;: filaeho Id latot- < nteo6, 33 byi 8! feei-. l£175!; £eeca,ih* balamciß St (i ) k« clent. I i960 i QF.F NiBWTON MD. IjIIVB-ROOMEU VIEfUNDAH: COT . I I'AGb! en onia door.i nic< rang® ami totber i looTiiniiencea, tieUc4ic.l .rvakhhr .se; .iiltotnient)3(i ' »j> ICO jigdod position. i QnlJ? Jllni. ! SI30? . MYE! L'-ST KEB'P,! CITY. Four -roomed fHDIBE' wtibl» :v«rj,n. ! ciah, iron noof, ;ity wa,?r dose to: Q«ie*n rititeet; inigoodjrepa:r.) Qnfy4sl). ! 252! 1 MOUNT [ALBERT. "/TiEHTLBMAN'S! BSSIDBNCI3 loi: 112 \JTi roods' *i'll ant ftitafiily tluilt, ilavge. alnd lofty rcoms, with: slal.le and .-oi venitnt: outhouse. ' iTbe igrDuads 1 Krft j Tumds (if ißich 'Volcanic I.aind linol a roirn tjjtiifullji luidi oat i it: i{a;-d<n,iteiin:s lavni oratge' j»«e, «tc. 'From the ireiiuidaihdnit balcony mo't leueiTsiis news! o;f the scinery for milled airound can tie obtained.' Iht whole state Is a most icnoijiacii dnd dievirabi* cue uni theiterms iiretlibetal.l Fot cirds to rre* and !in;f oihuraipartilcu'laia aptly atithi! office. . 172"!

] AJ AfS MI Oil -ST RE ET, ICIT.Y, CIOTTAGIE of two roams, aincl iporcb, ) isiuaM baihciuse,! freehold laliotioejit rOrilj I MO tike Jot, ! 503:1 ' !7J.\SEMT-SrrREEiT; CITY, CLOSE! TO : CGOKISTREBT. ITER AND AH COT/TACEi df lire rooms, T i bath room,! ranj;e,; registry grs.trf; trochoid i allotment,) 38 by: 100 i;'e;!t i siwajs swdl i let on ] iiccnuatof iclcseipibiim :ty totcily.: l*ri:o,J£;:2si with t ternsiif desimd. i 2S7ii i 'A7ON-SUREET, DFE BYMONDSU i STREET, FWK I-MOMED • HOUSE I AND, (PANTRY, city water an[lf;asi; Mmmanding I Sine: estcaqvi Tiers jfniini balcuny; (freehold allot- ] sent,! 33 iiy 83 filet; !very! closts lo :cily cm'.'o. [ Wi*,!£isa ; M ] HBP3UEN-STRBBT. : CLOSE iro T,'EXTERN PAttK AIND nba 3 ICEIe! POK6GN.3V ROAD TRAM, |l HOWSEiGFi EIGHT Rootyßi nit on] i oneifltjon, tiath, gisiaul sals fittings I tne views.' Oornei Allotment ni& 16 {feet frontage! , (ti'i 116 n'eet to side stn;eti oil lita3nliol|tl ground atl i nominal ireut.iard laltowance: ot: (mei tUircl value at' i itid'oileasK. 'Willisell now far (£3XI. i 2iJ7£ 1 : BASEBAND MORTON! streets. I pOIRNEF; ALLOTMENT, wtitli (House I\> of:six rooms and scullery, anil lr.rgle !)a;e- ---: a«.t, 1 wlasabotue,! with ijitv 'Ivaten, otc.; i nkwiy- < painted, tgcodi position,: near centre! of t,ir.'. : Low, : price 61 i'.VO. '.mi I ( COLLINGWDQB STREET, ' I "VTIIARi tije 1 Eoosiinby! Roi,id; Choice and : I iSuperior EtMolet cc ol sixßcous, l:iteh< i vcitji joodi e,. pantry, tbitb-rnoni, sdutacliedi i ifisbl'DHfe i alii the roons,! 11 feet iitndsi; islate, i riioli, concrete paths, and rtell drained ;i lolvely ivinw, ] otf Harixriir ifrom ivefaiidsih an.l hay window, , cannot] ■ be Hunt out. [Hsuse utands omextn allotment, 68| : by UO<fei>t,iatid is strongly! recommend sd asa well- ' built andicl.iearp lie-side iicc. ) (,'nly £600. i 2STOS ■ ' yiINUMT-STTtiEET; CM. ;| MUM BE 90LP-'-VEfi A >' I> AH' COT-1 1 TAGB ct tin! rosins, on' RreiihMd Allot- ; inert, : condre iyi.rd, all in igoodi order, sevsn i nununw ifrurn 1 Ftoit Office; city faiiei. 'Pnco lei duoid, effect imriediated salu, t!) H.W. I Sitrqnfily i ri:ccmmend:d asta hoyjet or investmant, i 2)'2SI [ ! EYMONDS'STRE'iET, CITY, OPPOSITE' : STL PAULS CHURCH, I T7IAMILY! RESIDENCE! or (jighti cocras,: IJD . th., waiihliOHse', hvi;h copper! Jar&ei en-; i ikossdiyilrth, (voodahiid.i timi allotment, : witli ex-. : KinsiTi view, in nice condition. Price; £67 S. !2i 31 ] 1 HEP3WF.N,I jyirtO K iONLY.-i-Sub.«Uiitilallyi built icftld'LK<LK I House ofseifth* rrjoytsi llatthrooin, •. Srtasnhouiie.ipaintry. lrngt »aed, »itjr valerian I i(sa»,, uell-diaitef, icomcir«-t a iia-tlii. llfclu ilntlerl teue' friotft (Jity Couijcil ait moriiiralirent. at £7:pdr annum, i Mr I|9 years; witl>i onei-thlircl oompcnsAtian' at idote! I >S leas';. I vjeir, ; Katraice t» Western : i Plarlc, '2' 32 1 ■ REMUIERA. I'OBSffIENCE [ANI) (LABID4Hou9a of I .D; 7 iro'iirs, i will finished, one'Unci; colacii hoaie,; stable; Inr-icss-rocrnj mai'si mo itoiliili3u:ie,i caniaije■ cntraacii; I tamei acrjn land,. i eiirtlen, aind large smhird. 'Property Ivell J«ncel: ; Price, «SW. 1 2(79 : ( "E'INCHII.EY LWIJIGS." I "OIRKEiNHEAI-1.-l-This' very I desiriible| I Jtj l Eittal.e,: ciimipriisirig 12i nereis, in iciiltiivation, I mclxar I, ,gard«nf, paddocl s, delisJitlu y isituated;. ! resider of lei* iDoi,ns; lath.Btiiblns.i etc.; mow, i under excleptiohail circmia> offered xs ii pre it ■ ibjrgain.' Most i mafpiitlcenti siirrpuhdjnft, murine, ! «enierT, dnd requwire i for i iheilnhf lljand [ : chaimingrebldonee, ' 2'c4 ] IT 1 HAVE: SOM .CHOICE I BUILD-' IJL 'IMG ALTiOTM Rid I diosireitd draw: I aiteatiom t( ;belfollonviug asspacialby cheap. ' CIOiLIWGWCOf) ISTFiEET AND CLYDEISTFiEE T. ' ALLOTMEKT,i near Ponson- ,° / byi Kraal, ion rising rgrotuid; coiiiinnmliiig 1 i Idhrei.y lard extenaii'e ■ vieiw it - the I whole oft the' i Mrliour, Iwliich cann jtibu Built out. I This is IB; • *et|bv 100, feet, 1 and lean j.cdept ti;Mlo*v price of £ ! 58 Ips'ncD f(,ot, .Should ben'eciited at oaco. > I£o3 i ■J.ITJaOIUmiLANDIA I yEK'llLmoli. jyEMILATIOU.. WIKO'S DI3B FANS ] -WING'S DI3CB FADS ;j lArethillesitfor 'j fifiIITILVIIIMGI Keataurantß, i Hotels* <r [Public jj ] BuildiM|;s . , BEMQVING iitean'i Rumesi or Jnus't iroto Factories.' i DRYING Wo<il."itdathar, ?0;)3,i i miJNG M, Milk,i &t, I ) nstpecti 9n i Irtvited. , ! A. YD>HJG & €0.,' FOKT:street. " ffIKE! I LATEST ;• WO'Vi-BfiTY.; . .L ' llHfi CBANOB KUIISK. • > i IVill hblcl securely a. iquaKfcily oflaJl Coind ol tfia ! HeaJm; Impossiblo Mr Coins to drop out without: i withdrawn., i COINS AIWiAVSI INTIVIKW; DOES HOT BEI OUIKEITD BE OPENKD.i BIOHKIj ' UHIIOITOHOtJT, HlvlfD'jlJiMiEi V! KMBOSSEI). 1 IbeiliJaiiKtpnisoreieri inveintsd.! The right) c< in- : ?in bo: eatnicted even initiib dart .tfikhout bar. o( a ■ i nkttkc. ii .': A ' .*' i i .43 3d ((Past frjee'i £AUfl. ' ! Oi>talnU.bie only i-.t-- < • ISffOWfl WKDOtf iAJiIQA])EBi

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10300, 27 November 1896, Page 3