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Booksel] Machinery. I»^ Assurance- Medical. UP II^ C °" \«Am ' Mutual Life Association ~« ~ •jjblcai™ ih obse a' i< KSI ____■ e^_s____M_Bi " of Australasia. BEAUTIFUL ■■ ■ a _■__ " ED 'ucai,ng~ Qo»r OF AUSTRALASIA. dEAUTIFUL HAI , **SSisb^• ,l, I H TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT, h** Hair Vigor max. W IW Adopted at Ming MONDAY. APRIL 27, 1896. RESTORES COLOB, 4 " ,ra "J« 1 5»"™ M ' in INCREASED NEW BUSINESS DIMINISHED MORTALITY. £L "»*ms lUustrated by Pb'«ss Blocks. ~* — — tail liiviiriint PrfliirrK - T B ACII * C°- MAINTENANCE OF INTEREST REVENUE. H ™™< P "' * vuioAUWom REDUCTION OF EXPENSES. ' INCREASE OF EMS. jf j_£j__i**» ITPTO& Co-, K QVE« que miluoh STEgLjHC safely INVESTED. JJkZ&Ti.'Z QUEEN.STRAUCKIAND. Iron Water Main, for Batter!*. c. W. CALDWELL, Acting District Secretary. ; M&HJrlbest dressing in : ___£ Estimates for ail kind, of ironwork. BRANCH OFFICE: 56, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. ULItW to world, and is ¥ E W 0 0 K S. repairs promptly attended to. Local Director: A. G. HORTON, Esq. perfectly harmless. COLONIAL Llß*All>6d paper. Si 6d cloth. Firct-dass Workmen Employed. gag. %fA& Those desiring to Gathering cloudsi 2 Tr r<jhdeacon karrar Provisions, &c. WOl gfi ■?& retain the youthful Under Crescent iid i Lieut-Colonel Andrew Til OR SALE- - . ■ ——■ W-£r : . j««<"""* w»wSg Man. ?or * Gerard. i. __,M . . ,_,... ' " Inall Parts of the Worldttie NATURAL FOOD FOR A BABE Is MOTH fß%s&s appearance of the Tmili.i,. in i «„?? n.vmnnrf i Portable Engines, to and 18 horse power Mil K and THIS DOES NOT CONTAIN STARCH ISH&s a t>jSJ * hair to Winifred Mount, Lprice, 1 gin. Cylinder Coal Whip, for working two MILK, and THIS DOES NOT CONTAIN STARCH. adHiimrco siount, ichi rice. 18in. Cylinder Coal Whip, for working two ....»..», IT adMi Witt's Ivil' i M Hone bilsl " ts Voim 2 Infants CANNOT digest STARCHY FOODS, a perfect Artificial Food for » vaced Ursula Mirouet,l d&lc. ' 1 Double Cylinder steam Winch Infants must, therefore, NOT CONTAIN STARCH. period Se QuMn o^ lb r- U "-™W 1 Hydraulic Wool or Flax Press, Oft lift, with _g M «_ £ Cij /*"* 'J tfeld| ° f llfe Memoirs of a MiM France, Stanley Weyman. 1 Donkey Steam Pump, for boiler feeding, etc. '■)£& Em w RSI ASfiS if use | Corruption, Percfle, Ss6d. 1 Compound Surface-condensing Marine Engine, ¥___£________ Btt E_l V fSI IB Bag* ill til w fill 11 I 1» Vll 1 H<^^ l S«f , SS , m i2„i < 2!Ii»I? w "* suitable Wfifs, BP*" 1 " "■ 4-1 &!» ; Co» Medals at the World's Great Expositions. Every Man His Uhwyer. 1595 edtion, 6s Sd. '<" use as * pumping engine. »L tl " " and Adrentuii Baaban and'tbe Desert, by WlNn i\n KNOTNFS PUMPS OP ALL DK. EST** MP _JP*"A Iff'*<S_- ra» Beware of cheap Imitations. The name Dr William Vkt 7» Rd VUNMMi ftftUiKM, fL.MfS Uf ai,l UK- Ml mm- IB jar T» Bj >» _ Ayer-Is prominent on the wrapper, and ii The Platform, its« and Progresi, 2 vols., Henry SCBUPTIONS, & STAMPING MACHINERY |gfl| H Hi S3 H «I blown In the glass of each bottle. Elements of .MusHarmonjr, anc Musical Form, — ■■ "ilMI* >**»»- ■■»** ' nrAViwni'nr TWTTiTnTWP *£&'■£s&■ S.MCCOSKRIE4SON. CONTAINS NO STARCH,. a wonderful medicine. The Spanish Storjthe A madftbyJ. A. Fronde, CHAPEL STREET IRONWORKS, BUT MAK g S A PERFECT FOOD FOR THE YOUNGEST CHILD. WILD.S AND I/K.LL, _ ~" , _. ... HBLLIN'S FOOD for Infants and Invelldj may be obtained of nil Dealers throughout the World. TV |i' "I? /I IT .1 Tlf J 0 TJTT TQ ■ Boowie.Mjtat^Aucu.and. Tailors and Clothiers. fi MELUN| MARLBDRO - WORKSj p£GKKAM, LONDON, ENGLAND. ""JauilAM D riliLiD p HAMPT4OU! & fjOOPER, Agents: ghar , ftnd ft Co., Kempthorne, Pressor ft Co, Arthnr Heather, V. Hayuian &Co ARE nniversally admitted to be worth roMMFB*! "ATIONERS. r* A A TC* --" .- __- — ■*•*• a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Ner»ou* COMMEHAL .AiiUMUtt. LvUAlli. OB C? 5 MMM|M 01 j«■ Wft . Disorders, such as Wind and pain in the Stomach, Ijttrasnperflne ThiTiperiting Carbon Papers t*Kia»l& od m 8 ra/l» Eflfa ffi K " ter es ' 8 ' DizzioeM and Drow ' ineß! « Col(l Cni,ls i Cyclostyle" Fool>n and etter size 8 111 fO ft 4" QAn |W| ra ABf raL flWii o>m H ™ Breath, Costheness, Scurvy and blotches on the U"UcircllilccU If 1 ,l Mti&kmmm i&JLJ I' M f * in ' I)istutbed Sleep. Frightful Dream,, and all A.B.C. Copier Conrsitic anil Ink El'.¥ djflP kvf ■»■ aOnS) w Ml Kerrous and 'l'reinbllng Sensations, &c. The first sttnteo^,r Zepber,andThickßufl i-Knfniio-lilTf #» ] - BRAND *.^,.««iwi. »*, Vegetable ParohnfW l#ilvJJ.V/UL€il*liV iPM ■•■■■"*■■■» _- _ oufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these KudW Cord, Sli-linfor Cyanide Baths Vtf T"A t*V\ VCS fit «kIiWIB S" ' M I* ii iwili li WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. Rubber Sump In! VV C%> l*W M. l/i V/ V/ A • Wf JhW |ffl»(y ihtf ,§, W BLJ?JLe9 A'JfilSn For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, Tea and SeedVmle Efl _f_ u^i _. ~„„..„ ~„ - , . as a few doses of them carry oft all humours, and Swan StylographioSn. g |-|/> Hi© " Milkmaid. Brand IS guaranteed tQ bring about all that Is required. No female should Independent Stvlorapt Pens I I I ■""■ i • n n n., ■ . . , „, . , . ~ - .t < i Caw's Stylograp'hicPen * * 4 v Contain all the Cream 01 the Original milk, be without them. There is no medicine to befouni BeTS'G^; srailic 1 i iCONDENSFD Mill iln the process of manufacture nothing but •*•> t0 BBec,,am ' B m > lot temoving any ,°- t-»-| "5 \jr*^l» 7 C« Li . "lylnwitii* ic ~^-.«^, „«+1,;.,,» i,„ 4. it- x. a stratUoii or irregularity of the system. If taken GOLD mini*} O.'S REQUISITES. IXlclKer S » JkJK! ater is removed nothing but. the best KCCor(iil to the t)irectionß glTen wltu ttch bOI , Gold Mining Co ?e«'rs from 5s t.i each ' gMS retined SUgar added. they will soon restore females of all ;iget to sound : ;; " SST o*lll*3ll**3nfAA \W,M W ! Avoid low-priced brands from which the a,,a robuat lloallh ' Tl,is hM bean pro,ti bJ ' " ' ! »rmf pts gUdldllLCC « „ cream has been abstracted, and ask for "* hu ™ trle i d h tb J ro ; aml ' ound th ' " " " fcw. xi. „»„, -jii't. , .. , , „ ~ beneflls which are ensured by their use. ."I ;; :%s&**» • __ _ !j.l_ raSj the "Milkmaid "Brand, the best for all Forll Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and Bharebrokers" Transfrfooks clVGli vVILII purpoS6S. all Disorders of the Liter, they act like magic, and Order J _ Js* "* U " — — »{,„ doses will be found to work wonders on the QUEExstjet, AUCKLAND. x -FQ_\» mo ,i important organs In the human machine I . ii GVPrV m ? i[mi^m the whole muscular system, restore Priring Works. wvV* * J jf| I JBj ©Jj 1/ mjMjk mM m]kVi 11 m)JU „S% the bug lost complexion, bring back the keen edg- *— ■ — — ■■•?•-. . . ' j II : LjT' J\js_ 'v Vril Pfi\ \tk sMI i of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud BOKBIXDUro, o.r| l-mp« f S't "' ' '' «^^^™^ of health the whole physical energy of the human LEREBPIESAKD LITHOGRAPHIC g C *' i 111 Will/ 'CiU " j |M ftftt each Jar .ears Jutu von liebig'a QiJljlwEllSw ft * n,e- '' J '" M, *™ FACM * ,tlfleii Co,ltlnDally b ' PT) TXTfPT AT n 1 _' ' ' '"'1 " '"•*'] Signature in Bltte Ink acrOBJ the label. members .. all classes of society, and one of the IV IJN 1 1 IN tr ITrhAtpQh IA '"'" ! V' >• il©_lHiA/li_ls_lll best guarantees to lh«Ner»oui and Debilitated is, WIIUICtjCIIC / ' /) •Al #__M__A\___WT_i_ BEKCA M'S PILLS Asm thLargutSaltofany OF A_Y DESCRIPTION, ' . .„ av ~,,,...„' ( - FINEST AND CHEAPEST PaUnti i edieiM inthmrid. IND IN THE BBS! STYLE WTQ -ffX HHI 1 OfJk ' /) SXfS% Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and ReUll VV Ctl UIUUOV / / vf _tV 7 STOCK FUR §13UH5>. b th proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helen*. as be obtained / J MADE DISHES AND SAUCES. HERALD WOIKS, >V** Invaluable«an Efficient gold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers Ul ILCIJi A Tonio in all.cases of i; B „ r ,ere. WYNDEAM-S.'REBT * /I *!, e ,*?;. .'' N 8.-Full directions are given with each box. ■ 1/ Keepsg-oodinallChmates, — _§{B@- _R_ >fflft_ A £ and fbr any-Jfineth of « T . V CRT ON 1 ra K _ MM- 2b li »«< 0/ ail sf»rrtwp«rj end Dm?««. time jsm&Kmsa dim ■■inniiiiii «_^> & j-_v.rv.xui. | i K*l Kli The Company's NEW COOKERY BOOK sent free on application to 'f\ MWTTR_I T. I have PLustrti in annoiv-ohg that || Jfo, J_ LiEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO. Ltd., 9. Fenclmrcli Avenue. London, Englanil. : f Law^^Mi^t^fJ mev have addedsobe ___»■_ &J a ¥Lil?H Cookery Books may also be obtained on application at the Herald Office. ... 9 gjJi; 8» I SPECIALLY DELICATE /fD IMPROVED Mis' M wbbt » >__2y D,, ~ , i Z=SBy 9 tittwuenoßwi wipcvona ? a SPECIALLY DELICATE fiD IMPROVED M W M ; I I I »? f I i Cutlery I *«* «euro. oo_r_ I MACHINERY ■ .m .y-a', ■m ' . - ; ' ~.;,; :, k_ c JI — CHotßl,: - — clauss knives _& shears, .&<■ 1/ »~.-—<±7 \ jV-<j_. ~a /' The following articles will be sent to any part of the colony at the advertised prico?, "„', * T,T 1T1?C R 0 1?a\l MAIL poet free on receipt of remittance:- ... PILLS. BRASS JHLAIJIiS It J) \ iTJL /f ====:::i:: =s>?l^^^^W^ l "' ' - ~.-■«.' V? FOR BILE. for FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL J '''-■„;) PILLS' OFFICE DOOK. HOTEL, Awarded the unusual distinction of Three Diplomas and Three Medals at the <■;■ . Es!Lt!s_!s: World's Fair, Chicago. . PILLS. SHO| WINDOWS, AOCKLAND. IMPORTANT REDUCTION IN PRICES - CLAUSS MANUFACTURES. V FOR ACIDITY. ..r,,„vr,T.r . cibTG Sets «' Knives (Bread, Cake, and Paring). i» I'd; Kiwi Kni«e.«, i'n fd; Carveia, H Od; KleCtrir COCKLE'S PILLS MEMORIAL TABIETS, Cleaners, Is 3.1; Meat Saws, *M ; Button-hole Sclwr«, :r. 4s: Solssors. etc. at reduced prices. ' l _ e «. _.A D T„,Ti ROBERT SCO IT, Proprietou. TO BE HAD AT Ol'li warkuOOM. . ,;.. W FOR HEARTBURN. PRIVATE ffillSE GATES. Our manufactures can be obtained at all respeciablH dealers in th« colony • a,aau ■ etc dm a e IKIVAIb ttlUDfi vjftiM, ASK FOR "CLAUSS," and see that you obtain them BEWARE of Spurious Imitations.; r: PILLS. Etc ' etc ■ '*' W FOR INDIGESTION. _ LOUCIF, HON, & COMPANY, ; 1 poCKLE'SCPIITsT 1 '■!== o ie Representatives for the "CLAUSS" SHEAR COMPANY, London)..; A-■' %fi FOR SICK HEADACHE. juoiAiioNSMAVBE obtained at the Photography. 91, STREET, AUCKLAND. ', PILLS .S™ OEOR q E q,« B o.t. — f , onrMll , s • JLJ^gs (Jinsmittts. ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, l*° rocc n.. iicd^mdw • : * corneb op queen and welleslevstreets ENCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY, V^ratLJLROMJiEBcuHY. SHOOTING SEASOiN, nrvwr€l wo , COCKLE'S PILLS*, O ■ O- ! O ENAMELLED CABINETS gS Aak your GROCER or BAKER for our V^ m USE OVER 94 YEARS 1896. ° ivoryttpS; 3 fob«. PATENT GERMINA. WHEATMEAL. hw«kiii,i».M,4».M,ii*,i«d». One sby 12 Opal Enlargement and One Dozen L„ A f J,, ""**«» X " '. » T XXUA IIU of att IW«M VttlmttlWgta*th WtaU. T) EVITT ln »n«S?'n B nvf n v o Tie Perfect Wheat Food. Germma The same quality a3 at present uged __; ' Ui Javiii, prompt DEuyhitY. Porridge is the most wholesome ~, ~,,, ~ , _ , gtomaker and importer OF sss ~ .; ~T^-" 1 bieakfast dish in New Zealand. by the British and American Food mE ; UPPER SYMONDS-STREET GDhMAKER, and IMFORiiKu* chemists and Druggists. Reform Associations. - 1 pharmacy. FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, — . SEMOLINA ' FISHING tackle, ! , „ Fresher, Cheaper, and immeasurably CHAMPION FLOUR. ;f : ™™ A!> '° / 3' better, for Old and young, than im- Medicines urgently required can now be obtained SPORTING REQUISITES OF EVERY ported Arrowroot, Tapioca, Corn- The Favourite and Leading Brand in u the above Pharmacy at any hour of the night. DESCRIPTION. m flour or Sago. the Colony. '■•'■-'■• notk the address • 5 3 " THE NORTHERN ROLLER MILLING CO, *"T - =^ & OTPOSIK BRANDS OF AMMUNITION. _. (LIMITED), '" J, M JEFFERSON, colonial A ra C n;f„rCo.^Ltri dE es-Brown, J 3" Quaystrflet and Fort-street Auckland. PUARMACEDTIOAL Chemist. 6s 6d per 100; Smokeless, 12b per 100. " A. McCORQUODALE, MANAOEB. — ~ U.M.C. New Club Cartridge, IQsdd per 100. A COMMA, then ft eemi-colon, and laei — ■ ■ .-■-■' pj HOCOLATE Ele/s Cartridges, loaded to order with any charge A. of allla Ml .top. This I *'""'- ■ - Medical t WORM. TABLETS, B . 'of flrst-class Sinokele*, or Black Powder. to if you are* from mOlCtl OHIUMUW TAKE THRU READILY. GUNPOWDER: TIVI)T(tRSTIO-N ." — r " ifSITS. Cnrtiss & Harvey's Diamond Grain Gunpowder J-- 4 -' ■*• ■*-**■' •*■ ■*- v r— .. . Prepared only by B_Sei; 6 Teer'. ° Wder And do not take M me remedy. NE ' Flrnt the ttomach makes a pause,. It annot per _. If| R j '/\ A Chemist. f M „_, ' 0 l/'NII'T* nnAU/M BILIOUSNESS and all Affections of the Liver *" crawfords LIGHT-BROWN • """'nw™™™. V t/KAWD UltUO 1-iVII I I WiiVlin NEIL'S LIVER TONIC. GUNS! GUNS? GUNS! "ebEb?' Qli I 0 P II H 1 I IT D Till 7, WBUBIEVSTEBBt EAST „i»» m »»- WND a O N rILLo vUU LIYLK Usb- 1 «"-^—'" dCW Single and Double Breech-loadint' and Muzzle- £aF3K £1 H BSKA 0 » - loading Guns (Hammer and Hammerless). re «,, Ter thing you want . — • — SEND TOIIPMCB LIST ra_._intr_H._Y BOTKItIOB jtobdiseases OF THE BREAKFAST-SUPPER, repairs a specialty. they will relieve YOU. THROAT, CHEST, SKIN, DEBILITY, RICKETS, RHEUMATISM, &c. £ D D Q S Q Finns Restocked Choke-bored, Browned, Ac. |__ jj _ %£ ill-fitting Gunstick altered in bend, &c. lg la 6d 2 6d, and 4s g d a box. EDGAR SHEPPARD, Esq., M.D., says: I But G. D. GIBB, Babt., UJ3 t aays : All Repairs neatly find strongly executed. ' ' " A pint of Dr. Db Jonoh'b Oil is of more "It will sustain life when everything else GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. Mechanical Work of any description. value than a quart of any other." I fails." ' /,« I TrnnilTi Til * i Sold ONLY In Capsuled Half-Pints, Pints, and Quarts, by all Chemists and Storekeepers. f\ /% f\ A t) J] V IT T, CBAWOHD, rliarmaClSt, Sole Col nee.-ANSAR,HARPORD&CO.,Limited,2lo,Hi|h^lbor,London. V V V W M IMPORTER MEDICAL HALL, NEWTON, cA\JT\ON.-Stsutmercetiary attempts to recomvuml or su&sMfiife inferior kinds. BOILING WATER OR MILK. 166 J. Qoeen-street, Auckland, 4ND _—_—___ »_, """ THREE LAMPS. PONSONBY, ■ fec __ 3 ____ == . , ' - _ ______ r- TT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLEp H OSI'HA TE S Auckland. &fff|!ra^^^^^Sx?r IgoK, W; JiONEDUSTS iTODMG asso- fflffiMH B SSS*fc J" 3 TURNIP I7RI.TTTiTRET.i9 "fo R ok albert and StRKKto. \^^^m^m^l^^^^m^mm^& *y>» x J? r ,f a t an i g ' GenTffllTer Keyless IUIUNU IMjIVIIUIDEiJVO F o * cSmfortahly furnished. All l« The Universal Remedy .or Acidity of the Stomach, Onildren,Delicate Fe- Watches, good time•n/vrADTT P T'ATATTm leading Papers, Reviews, Magazines, etc., on th Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations. males, and the Sick- keepers.. .. • 1 -,_™_ l «~ POTASH & K AINU tables; eul!scriptlon,2.sed per quarter. The Libra; Biloua Affections. ness of Pregnanoy. And other lines equally cheap, contains upwards of 3000 vols, in he various de At SKEATES BROS,', Jewellers, Oppo•\TTnf> t'l'LT HI? WAnA parlmentz of literature; aubscnptlon, 'i» M no 4^T^^i»W^^P*^i site Town Clock, Queen-street, NIIJUIB, OF bODA P | r . E TKA o te£M\ NNEFOR ||®^^™^3W TURNII' SEEDS "OF ALL DESCRIP T>RASS PLATES for House Doors and tions rtzlv »S»Sf "tmmmmsl Sold Througliout the World, B^ p «^SSKtoKiSS — SlE!M*ar££ l« • N.8.-ASK FOR DINNEFORD»S MAGNESIA. ._ »«&«: ,W. s. latjiub & co., ;«»:»£ ,KW »JfiJ^Ao ( , Jgj^^*?Jß»« CDSTOM-STBERT, AOOKLAND. fl 10.90 p.m J' And SHARL AND & CO., Auckland. , pWe,HUd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10131, 14 May 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10131, 14 May 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10131, 14 May 1896, Page 3