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[BY TELEGRAPH.—OWN CORRESPONDENTS, J w Thames, Monday,' . Sharbmarket. — Cambria, sales Is sdi buyers Is sd; Crown, sellers 37s 6d; Imperial, sellers is fid; Moanat-aiari, sales lis 3d, sellers lis fid; New Whau, buyers 9d; Sheridan, sales Is fid, Is 6d, sellers Is 6d, buyers Is 3d; Stanley, sates Is, sellers Is; South British, sales 4£d; Royal, sales Is 2d ; Victoria, sellers 3s 8d ; Welcome Find, sellers 2s 6d,

Moanataiari. — Mr. G. S. Clark, manager of this company's mine, to-day banked 255 ounces melted gold, the result of a crushing of 584 tons general dirt , and 90 pounds of picked stone. The return shows a decrease of 204 ounces on the previous month. Bio Pomp. — Mr. Jobson, Government inspector of machinery and boilers, has notified Mr. Phillips that ho will visit the Thames next weelc in order to make bis annual inspection of the pumping plant, consequently the pump will be brought to a standstill on Thursday next in order to make the necessary arrangements for the inspection. Golden Point (Tapu).-Very fair progress continues to be made in the extension of the wostorn crosscut towards Bull's lode from the bottom of the shaft. The country which is being penetrated is highly charged with pyrites and, numerous small veins of quartz have been passed through. Karangahake, Monday. New Zealand Crown Minks.—Crushing for this company has been completed for a yield of 1226 ounces bullion, valued at £2126. The quantity of ore crushed and treated during the month was 530 tons,

ZEALANDIA G.M.C. (NO LIABILITY). An extraordinary general meeciug of shareholders in the Zcalandia Gold Mining Company was held at Mr. D. G, MaoDonnell's offices, Insurance Buildings, yesterday, There was a large attendance, and Mr. G. S. Kissling. The Chairman proposed the resolutions advertised authorising the directors to sell the company's property on such terms as they thought tit; also, to purchase adjoining properties, and that the directors be empowered to execute all necessary deeds to effect suoh sale or purchase. These resolutions were adopted without dissent.

NESTOR (TIKI). A meeting of directors of the Nestor Gold Mining Company, late Old Pukowhau (Tiki) was held at Mr. D. G. MacDonuell's office, Insurance Buildings, yesterday, for tho purposo of considering the carrying on of operations in the mine. It was agreed to appoint Mr. James McGregor, jun., as mine manager, with instructions to pursuo a vigorous system of prospecting, more especially by sinking on a lode which he had already favourably reported on.

MAORI DREAM. The following cablegram from London was recoived yesterday by Mr. F. A. White :- ' Mnon Dream: Have deposited at bank the sum of £500. Company now being promoted." ilns deposit is presumed, is on account of-, working capital.

KARANGAHAKE G.M. CO. Mr. \V. (Jlarko yesterday received the following result of assays made from samples from the Karangahaka Gold Milling Company's mine, sent to Mr. .J. Kitchener Wilsonßrown rubble: Gold, loz lldwt 9grs, value £6 5s 6d; silver, 2oz 17dwt 12gr, value us 8d; total, £8 lis 2d per ton. No. 2 sample, white stono: Gold, I6i)oz 17dwt 4*r, value £ff/9 8a 8d ; silver, lOooz 3dwt 14«r, value £10 10s 4d; total, £(>B9 life per ton. The latter sample is stated by Mr. W. Clarke to be from a four-inch leader, and that the stone was taken from between 301b and 401b of stone.

AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHAREBROKERS' ASSOCIATION. ~ Basiuess was yesterday better at the meetings of the Auckland Stock and Sharebrokers' Association. New Zealand Insurance were done at 745, with buyers at 73s Gd and no sellers. There were buyers in many other investment stocks and fow sellers, In mining stocks Cardigans were transferred at Is 4d, Moanataiaris at Us 3d and lis 4d. New Alburnias at 5s 9d, and Victorias at 3s4u with firm buyers. Kimotumi Gold Mining Company shares were done at Is 3d and Is 4d, with buyers at the latter figure. The Upper Thames list received a lot of attention. There were sales in Talismans from lis lOd to l'is 6d with still a demand at 12s 4d, Sovereigns, Stanleys, and Jewels (paid up) receiving a lot of attention. VVaihiSilvertons receded to sales at 77s 3d, with no buyers and sellers at 78.' fid. Woodstocks advanced, there being sates at from 2os to 25s Bd, with more buyers at 253. Coromaudel stocks were in greater favour.

GENERAL MINING ITEMS. An extraordinary general meeting of the Phoenix Gold Miniug Company will ue held to-day at 2.30 p.m. at the office of the company, Victoria Arcade. A general meeting of the Scandinavian Gold Mining Company will be held at the New Zealand Insurance Buildings to-day at 2.30 p.m. All shares in the Alert Gold Mining Company on which the call due on April Bth has not been paid have been forfeited and will bo sold by auction.

MINE MANAGERS' REPORTS. Banker's Hill (Ciromandul, May B).— topes on No. 1 reef uittle or no change to report. The leader is now carrying a welldefined wall, and appears to bo opening out. Intermediate drive from tlio winze: Leader at present somewhat disturbed, caused through coming iu contact with a quarts vein ljiu. wide, striking through from the footwall side. The main shaft is still passing through an excellent class of country. Maoriland (Kuaotunu, May B).—Western crosscut: Are still penetrating & good class of country. Low level, Black Jack section: The reef looks very promising ; can get very good prospects. Prospector (Kuaotunu, May 9). —'The reef is 2 feet wide, and prospects equal to 2oz ccr ton :.its value is improving every foot wo sink. Total depth of winze 15 feet. Low level: The country for the last foot or two has been interlaced with mineral veins.

Golden Anchor (Kuaotunu, May B).— Low level: The country continues of a most favourable class for gold. Norkna (Kuaotunu, May B).— reef is fully two feet thick, and of a promising character.

Matawai (Matawai, May 9).— drive: No change m the reef; are now well under the shot of gold. Britannia (Coromaudel, May 9).-The shaft is being sunk through excellent country. Buffalo (Coromandol, ay 9), Crosscut At three feet from drive a promising-looking leader Was out, and although it showed no gold, should do so (judging by its appearance) when worked on.

Wynyaiidton (Coromandel, May 9).— indications at present are very encouraging, a nice mineral vein being met with, which is heavily charged with iron pyrites and silica.

Pokkwhau (Tiki, May B).—When break-ing-down the reef in the slopes colours of gold wereseen'in the stone. Mount Adrom (Kuuotunu, May B).— country still continues of an excellent class of sandstone. Mo. 2 drive; There is still a big flow of water coming from the face of the chive,

Great United (Kuuotunu, May B).—The couutry met with in the crosscut is a good class of sandstone interlaced with quartz stringers and mineral veins, a total of 325 feet.

Kdranui (Thames, May o),—The country in the face is still of a favourable nature, and carries bright mineral Beams through it. Inviota (Kuaotunu, May B).—Gold was seen in the stone pretty freoly when breaking down the reef to-day. The reef is rather split up at present. I shall have to discontinue sinking the winze for a time. With the country we have in the bottom of the winze now, picked stone may be obtained at any time, and I think it is well worth going down/fifty foot at the least. Stab of Wvnyardton (Coromandel, May 9).—Preparations commenced to sink the prospecting shaft. The whole of your property is of a highly auriferous character, and contains several well-known goldbearing reefs, including the Hauraki North reef.

New Wdau (Thames, May 9), — Low level: The large body of quartz of which i reported iu my last has now formed into two different reefs. The new reel which was out is now gone into the footwall side, having crossed the drive as a well defined reef. Try Fluke (Kuaotunu, May 9).— winze: The lode is well defined with good walls, aud the country is all that could be desired, Size of reef at present time at bottom of winze: 8 feet 6 inches thick, aud the quality of the ore has very much improved during last few feefc of sinking. The prospects are better and more general through the whole oi the reef than they have been for a very long time. V Inqmwood (Owharon, May 5).-The country is the same as when last reported. Hauraki No. 2 (Coromandef, May B).—ln consequence of the ground being of a tighter nature during the week, and having to put in bearers, a snorter depth in the shaft has been obtained than that' of the previous week,

Waiki : Consols (Waihi, May B).—Our shaft is 132 feet deep with the same class of country andesite. The ground is getting much harder and the soft country mentioned in mv last is dying out. •«. Wblcomb Find ? {Uororanndel, May B),— South-western crosscut at bottom level: A marked; improvement is manifest. The south-east drive at bottom level has been extended through splendid country for gold. The lode is being stripped. BEangingwall lode: The lode which averages about nine inches in width looks well. JuriTHK (Kuaotunu, May 9).—ln Golden City portion we are surface prospecting, and from one of the lodes discovered I had some assays made yesterday which is the best I have yet had. We took it in two samples. No. 1 sample footwall portion: Gold, 9dwts 19grs; silver, 3dwts ogrs. No. 2 sample haugiugwall portion: Gold, ld wfc 23 grs; silver, I6»rs. This quartz is from near the surface, Albcisnia East (Thames, May 9). —A leader two inohes wide has been cut through' containing a good deal of bright mineral and Other indications for gold.. European (Thames, May Have been prospecting ou the surface, and there are splsndid indications for Mold. The bottom [ level: Although the country is rather tight, St is very favourable for gold. Excelsior (Karangahake, May 9).—The country rock is of blue sandstone with small veins of quartz through it and of a good description for gold, Zkalandia (Coremandel, May 11). — The country is now tight sandstone country with mineral veins intersecting it. Several smail

veins of quartz are now on bottom of shaft, aud some of the stone looks very promising for gold, Juno (Kuaotunu, May 9). — Low level tunnel: The lode is somewhat pinched up at present, but the surrounding country is looking much better. The blue mineralised country, whioh has been confined to the footwall, is now making on both walls, and nice brown seams running through it, Portsea (Waitekauri, May B).— reef in the low level continues muoh of the same dimensions, viz., about 9 feet. There are indications of the walls converging, and the reef in consequence is getting a little smaller. The quartz coming to hand is of a similar class to that which we have had all the way from the crosscut, a nice kindly free milling ore.

Grace Darling (Waitekauri, May 8). — The drive: The country has now changed. There is about 2 feet 6 inches of solid quartz in the face at present. The other portion of the reef is somewhat broken. Pyramid and Vendor: Thedrives in both of these sections are penetrating a splendid class of sandstone country. Several small leaders have been i passed through. 1 New Golconda (Coromandel, May 11). — The country in the bottom of shaft eontinues ! ot_a very favourable description, being highly mineralised, and also intersected witn mineral and flinty veins. Midas (Kuaotunu, May 9).—The low level : The crosscut for Justice's reef have been extended through very nice channels of ground. Maori Drbam (Kuaotunu, May 9).-No. 2 reef is about 1 loot wide at present, and it is worth quite 15dwts per ton. This reef has every appearance of making larger at no great distance ahead. Diadem (Kuaotunu, May 9).—Two lodes have been cut through, the first about six inches. The class of sandstone is very good, r and the reef gives a little gold by mortar ■4ests. The next reef is four feet wide, and gives prospects equal to 15dwt per top. Hazklbank (Thames, May 9).—There is a Blight improvement in the quartz being won from Darby's, in the stope above No. 1 level, at the junction of the cross reef. The lead is about six inches thick at this point, with every appearance of opening out. Gold has been freely seen in the quartz, aud about 81b ox picked stone have been selected during the week. The ground in the drive on Kelly's lead, west of the orosscut, at No. 1 level, contains a considerable amount of mineral, amongst which gold is frequently seen.

Moaiatairi North (Thames, May 8). — New Whau low level: The reef has been broken down to the faoe. The reef iu the 1 north-east end averages two feet in width, and carries good mineral; colours of gold are occasionally seen in the quartz. The country iu this drive is of a splendid quality for gold. In the face of the drive going south-west the reef is one foot thick, and looks well, being a compact body of quartz, well defined, and encased in a nice joinfcy sandstone country, with mineral veins running through it into the reef, and has every, appearance of improving as the drive is extended. Waitaia (Kuaotunu, Way B),—Low level, north end: The reef still consists of quartz veins and country intermixed. Barrett's level, south : This drive has been extended through nice kindly country, the leader averaging six inches in width, gold showing freoly through the stone. . The reef appears to be increasing in width in the (ace of drive. Premier (Kuaolunu, May B).—The drive to cut the outcrop of quartz is going through easy working country. A reef two feet thick was cut on the surface, it consists of a kindly quartz, and should be cut in the drive about 25 feet ahead of the present face. Gladys (Kuaotunu). — The winze ; A marked improvement is seen, and if this improvement continues 1 hope to have a payable lode as 1 go down. _ Leader in the main crosicut: The leader is about four inches wide and carries a little gold. Chelsea (Tiki).-Expect to cut the Black reef in a few days on the lower lever. This reef where I cut it on the upper level was three feet wide and gave us good prospects. We are also driving on another reef, where we are getting good dish prospects. Zion (Waiteknuri).— country is still of a favourable description, silica and quartz veins intermixed with it.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10129, 12 May 1896, Page 6

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10129, 12 May 1896, Page 6

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10129, 12 May 1896, Page 6