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■ •">;. ' ___ . ; . , ■■■■-, .'■■■■ ~— " ,i ii,.i.i. i V ■■ •• 1..-W-. ... ■ - i m ..i t i ■■ i ■ .. ■.. ' STOCK LIST: • Aluonds u earn, flffnttii Kir to" ■ SS- r IS-* Bs*. BIS 1 ' '"Wum Add Tart Barley Canary Seed Fra KlnMers del y, u root Mustard Oil flanks Raisins Sultanas WUTOoyiWOU AddCitria Brooms Carraway Seeds Hour My Cone. ««"»« vu "™ Bai,ins Muscatels u»«w««.«i. Ammonia Broom handle. ,o l hee «,'., Fruit* (Crystallised) *„„.»„„„, MUM Peaches, Evaporated Buisins Valencia* Taplees • Monkey Starch Arrowroot Brushware Carbonate Soda Knife Polish »}«"« plpMrTwbofe Rape Seed Tanks ft,. MM ip« Anchory sauce Borrll Chutney Ginger Bleached) SSS?w.*- Magnesia Fluid fK Ground Bennett Tin Tacks Pojpmnu Te» Anchor, Paste Biscuit! Confectionery Ginger (Unbleached, Knife Blades Monarch of Pain pTffi Raspberry Syrup TV u« ~,,.„ __. Axe Handles Cortee ■ Gelatine Kerosene S Choi Pain w£itolto»ayi «wur»«vy Tobaccos Electric BaMnj Alum , Candles Coffee Extract GelwlrieUrenges Kits Sifli-w« Bi * Pflb ItSiiin'a fiaucel Tea* in packets «. , - w «. , Allen and Uanbury'« Food Cocoa Coffee Dandelion Gmti Patent Kb oil S Cockles' Starch Teas in Sol* Phojalx Baking Powder Albany Fooa Cornsacks Cod Ftati Qtrulufc Unseed ■ El™! Patent Medicines Salt Teas i.. lead - fi * _. „ Apricots (.raporated) Cayenne. Clements Tonic Golden Syrup Lends KftdL Paper Krowa Sardines Tin Plates , ***» Coffee «b«w Aunt Abbey's Oats Cus'ar.l Powder Cocoinut Desiccated Dinner Ale Lobsters »«?«•»». Vaper White Salmon ~ , , _ . Chocolate Chlorodyno Wng w«„» 4 ? Knar Bin Saltpetre i Upton's Good* Baking Powder Electric Chocolate Creams Candled Peel one ?,,Ll iWfc Nuts Paper Parchment Mln Vestas, B.andM • _, L . ■ „ Phoenix CornOw , Hop* bulk) Mniejnlea «™ pSTspIS Sheep's Tonaues ■ • Ve<tas Vulpes f Testa. » Ml'"' s Currants Dates Hop* (packet) 9 "^!? 4 ',, " NnteParier Painkiller Soda Crystals Vinegar, Case 4 „ ._, „ . ' Bacon Curry Extract o Soap Herrings (all kinds) Lead Pencils KaUs P •• Pimento Sharps Vinegar Bulk * Electric VesUs Blackine i Capjis Embrocation Elliman's Hemp Seed, Lashing,,, , N.l£rfn../ir..i«.«i..ii Prunes Fiarwnted Sdlcb ' ' Vflriidcelli " t, BkckLead Corks Essences. Figuring) HateU for Gum La«|*T '■ ' Nectarines (Evaporated) . Prunes aporated Spto V«otXtoM«i ' Mellia'e Food, eta. Blue Clothes Lines Eucalyptus Hams Lung Balsam .. p , ™ Bugarß ,; Brunswick Bis,; Cinnamon Kp-om Salts Lemon Squash . OonwHed Pate de foil Gras Soaps Whiting - Menjlp's lemowd.* Bathbrlcks Catsup i" , . eI TL«». Insect Powder Lemon Syrup Olios Provision! la?enby s Sago Washbo.rds M . ~ _, „ Bluesione Cream Tartar Kno'i. Fruit Salts Isinglass „,„. - A Oats Paints "* ' Sulphur Wines and Spirits . Menzle'e Oia«r Ala Beans Uiarie Cigars I Egg Powder • Irish Moss MellinsFood " ttM . , , i., ..■.n..i . ■■■ — mm piTTwmihii

Drills (iianu i «/•»»> Houses and Land. SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS OF REAL ESTATE, LAND AND HOUSB AUCTIONEERS, INVESTORS OK CAPITAL, TRUSTEES UNDER WILLS. &C, ATTORNEYS FOR RESIDENTS OR ABSENTEES COLLECTORS OK RENTS AND INTEREST. 02 - STREET'J KI.KI-lIONB NO. IS* JPOI^- SUBURBAN cV,ve>xl' FRI'IT FARM-6J acres choice orchard, l aero strawberries-, Cottage of 8 rooms; healthily siiiinteJ, Hint close to town. Price, only Samuel Wile ami Sons, 95, Queen-street. «S7 *?1 ''A-VERY RICH LITTLE Olf DAIRY FIRM-20 acres rich lerel allmlil Soil, «ell fenced in 7 paddocks, 1 i acres splendid nni«s, i acres fallow, j-acro good orrlir.rd. plriily of Brewood, fine crnok with strong power, cosy house of 4 rooms and skillion, large cow.shed and li m, dairy. This property, which is very piettiiy .situated la miles from Auckland; must 1*" Merit;, ed at this price on account if the o»ner's failing health.-*aumol Vaile and Sons, 95, Queensireei. 4573 QNUG LITTLE COUNTRY RETREAT >0 -House of 6 lirge rooms, Tcrandab, servant's room, new rinse, dairy, cow. bed, workshop, stable, barn, fo«lhouse, et:.' All roofs iron. AW" ga lons of water; 4 acres of and, all well fenced and subdivided, all level, 1 acre orchard, 10' vines, balance meadow. Price, £3fo (includes barnful of hay. crops, and implements, if sold at once). More land adjoining can be le.a»eil if desired. Situated in pliant country village; excellent climate, good neuhhours.-Samuel Vaile and Sons, 96, Queenstreet. 1529 COUNTRY RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS to be sold very ch-ap. The House contain:- D rooms «ith detached kitchen and wide verandah on three side«. Well built and in Eix.d order, (>la-s house for vines ; cow- three hails; stockyard, barn, stable, two loose boxes, w.vgon and implement shed, tight room capable of holding some ions of bacon or root crops, stye for P. pi.s, etc. All iron roofs. Eight acres of very rich land, all securely fenced and in good order, two acres p"ta;oi-3, out acre onions, 1 acre wellassarted orchard, tour acres good (trass. Price, £fiCO. Situated in one of the beat townships In the iVaikato.-Samuel Vaile and tons, 95, Queenstreet. 1543 .OOtQA-HOWICK, CHARMING 3&W\>V/ SEASIDE Home. Well built House of 1 rooms with verandah ; all outbuilding.-, splendid well. About three acres of land commanding a charming view of land and wat-r. Close to beach, wharf, and settlement. 'Buses lor town start within two minutes' w.»lk three times a day.— Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 4553 MERCER- A BARGAIN-Shop with four dwelling-rooms, iron roof, shed, etc: quarter-acre allotment fronting the main street. Price only £75. Close to the railway station. -Samuel Vaile and Sons, 9f, Queen-stteet. 45t8 T7i7AIKOMJTI-22i acres Unimproved VT 1-and, with deep-water frontage and handy to railway station. Price £S per acre. Also, Corner Section of about an acre, just opposite , Avondale Railway Station. Price £150. These two properties would be exchanged for Wellington property, — feamuel Vaile and Sons, 9s, Queenstreet 1579 I MOUNT ROSKILL ROAD-Good and Cheap Building Site, measuring 100 feet by 116} feet, all tastefully laid out with well-grown trees and shrubs; well fenced: land transfer title. Price only £2 per foot. Terms easy.-Samuel Vaile and Sons. 95, Queen-street. <f?AA-CHEAP SUBURBAN FARM dw**/" of 12 acres, all fenced: 2 acres orchard, balance rough feed ; all level (part drained swamp); email cottage, 1} miles from railway station, post office, school, and church; 14 miles from town. Price only £90.-Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 1507 XA-fl BARGAIN - WAITA O\J KEREI DISTKICT.-100 acres with shanty and about an acre of orchard and grass; 20 acres bush; balance heavy tea-tree; 75 acres level. Good water. Price only £50. School and church, 1 mile. Grand Tiews.-Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95. Queen-street. 1518 jfdQsd- ONEHDNOA - VERY CTW'OO CHEAP ALLOTMENT-66 by 99ft., in cood position, close to 'bus and train. Level volcanic land. Price only £30.-Samuel Vaile and Eons, 05, en-street. 4525 j£»e)/f -MOUNT EDEN-NEW SsViVTcSJ COTTAGE of 5 lofty rooms and verandah, built of first-class timber; iron roof; citv wa'er, range; stable, waslihuuse (cooper imi'lei), and fowl house. Volcanic allotment 100 feet by 131 feet, cleared of stones and in garden and orchard, footpaths tarre I and sanded ; pleasant outlook. Price only £145. Land transfer title.-Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 4521 i»*>ryA-ROCKY NOOK.-CHEAP 3&-V 8 \r LITTLE HOUSE of six rooms; Mistress liange, washhousi.-. Allotment SO feet 7 in. In-, by 163 feet 7 inches, Price, £27a—Siimuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 1520 jf&QAA-PRETTY LITTLE SUB c 3&0"" " URBAN PROPERTY, comprising 2 acre- of the richest volcanic land, all level and under cultivation. Cottage of five rooms and also another cottage ot two rooms; stable, taphouse, etc. There i-a well and tank to each house, and the whole of the land is well fenced by a stone wall. Price, £SOO.-Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 1196 i MANUKAU ROAD, NEWMARKET- i Desirable little House of six rooms, scullery and pantry, gas stove and colonial oven, gas anil city water, small stable and coachhou-e; allotment 44 feet by 112 feet, drained into main sewer. Price, £325— Samael Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 4517 j(*-fl QA-CENTRAL CITY PRO PER IV with thjee street frontages There are two cottages of five rooms each, on freehold Allotment fronting two streets, each 'lb feet, and another street 100 feet. Piice, only £180; or the cottages would be sold separately.- Samuel Vaile and sons, 95, Queen street. 1192 "Vf OTE.— above are merely specimens _Lv of some of the smaller properties on our books. Particulars of others of all sizes and prices ' ay be. had on application at our offices. ' i O L E T. A RESIDENCES. SENROSE-CLOSI'. TO TUB STATION-House of six rooms, with -even acres of lAnd; washhouse, dairy, stable, etc., garden, 6000-gallon cistern. Kent, 15s per week. - SHELLY BEACH MOaD Superior House of nine rooms with washhouse, copper, etc., hot and cold water laid on. Close to beacb. Kent, 22s 6d per BKMI.'eRA, GREISN LANE ROAD-Splendid Suburban Residence of 15 rooms (some very larf,e), gas laid on, connected with telephone, plenty of water, wash-house (with copper boiler, large stable, coach-house, loft, man's room, etc.; nearly 6 acres of land, well ialdout tennis lawn;, etc. Rent £H5 per annum. Handy to Oreenlane railway station and to Rem uera'>s. ' ONBHfJNGA-FCRNISfIKD BOI'SB of nine rooms, with 3 acres of land; stable and cOachhouse; use of piano, linen, and cutlery, Eent, only :'ss per week. _ • , „ ~» WATEKVIEW (near Avondale)-Good House of 7 rooms and bathroom; siable, buggyhouse. etc., with 8 acres land; orchard. 15s per week. Four mil-s from Queen-streot. . , UOWICK-Superlor House of 5 large rooms, wash, house, large stable (0 stalls), coachhouse, etc., with 1 acres of good land. Elevated, healthy, and convenient position. £40 per annum. EIKKENHEAD-Houseof 5 rooms and 4 attics, 3 fireplaces, plenty of water from tanks and stream; 6} acres of land, 1 acre bush, balance grass; magnificent views. Rent only £30 per annum. SHOPS. BENERAL STORE. naRY, AND DWELLING of seven rooms, also Butchery; washhouse, dairy, cowshed, and stable; 8 acres of land, partly in orchard; best position in good country township. Rent, only £30 per annum. Stock at valuation. VniANGAREI-Draper's Shop, 20j tot week i also Bakery, £40 per annum. SUNDRIES. . OFFICII, QUKEN-STREBT-2 good rooms on Ist floor of No. 95, Queen st> eet. Use of lavatory and w.c. Splendid light. Rent, 20s per week ; or would let separately. „ „. OFFICES, QUEEN-STREET-Two Rooms on the second floor of Mb. 95, Queen-street. Lavatory and all conveniences; Separate entrance. Rents, "» and Os Cd per week respectively, . Very handy to both Ex. haiiges.'. ', ",. ■■ , . • BIGU.sTBKr.T-I»UICK STOB.E of two storeys **& cellar. .Bjent, only £1 per week.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10127, 9 May 1896, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10127, 9 May 1896, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10127, 9 May 1896, Page 7