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[by telegraph.— correspondent.] Thames, Thursday. Sharemarket.— Bill, sellers Is; Cambria, sellers Is 6d; Cardigan, sellers Is 6d; Golden Point), sellers Is 9d; Imperial, sellers Is 6d; May Queen Extended, sellers 6d; Sheridan, Belters Is sd; Try Fluke, sales 7s 6d; Victoria, sellers 3s 6d; Wuihi Consols, sellers Is 6d; Welcome Find, sellers 2s 6d; Royal, sellers ls4d. Moanataiari.—The prospects in this company's productive workings have been a little brighter this week that) was the case last week, more gold having been seen in the quartz obtained from the various points. A few pounds of picked stone have been secured from the No. 4 leader in the stopes above the 150-fcet level, and from the No. 2 Eureka reef in the block of ground opened up in the rise lately put up from the same level, Strong colours of gold have also been seen in the eastern stopes upon No. 2 reef in the Golden Calf section, and also in the stopes upon the Reuben Parr reef above the 100-feeb level, but there has been nothing good enough at these latter points to put aside as picked stone. The eastern drive on the main portion of the Reuben Parr roef at the 100-feet level is being pushed forward, and driving on the same reef at the Point Russell level has also been commenced. The various prospecting drives are being pushed forward as usual, and good headway is being made with the enlargement of No. 2 shaft below the 150feet levol. Cleaning up and retorting for this company as the result of the past five weeks' operations will probably eventuate on Monday next. Paeroa, Thursday. Woodstock. — Operations at No. 3 level are of a very satisfactory nature, the lode which is three feet wide having lately very much improved in quality, the average assay value of the ore being from £7 to £8 per ton. It is of course hard to determine just yet whether the improvement) is due to the influence of the Huuraki shoot, but no doubt as the development work proceeds the solution will be found; at all events, the Hauraki shoot of ore should now bo to hand, and further developments here will no doubt be watched with interest. At No. 4 level the lode which was heaving westward by a break was recovered this morning, but as the ore body has only boon intersected it is too early to state what it is like.

MARITAN'A. We understand that an offer has been received for the Maritana property at Owharoa.


There were again yesterday additions to the numbers of buyers at the Auckland Stock and Sharebrokers' Association. New Zealand and Standard Insurances were done at 73s and 15s lOd respectively. New Albumins remain steady with again sales at 5a 9d. Hazelbauks at 3s lOd, and May Queens at 7s 4d were firm. Royals and Sheridaus were both done at Is Id, with buyers at Is. Victorias hardened, and there were transfers at from 3s 4d to 3s 6d, closing hard. KapaiVermonts were dealt in largely at 83 3d to 8s 6d, keeping steady. Golden Anchors were exchanged at 9Jd, with an unsatisfied demand. Alphas were hard at 4s, and there was a run on Karangahakes at from 5d to 7d, falling agaiu, however, to sellers 6d, buyers %1. Queen of alius, Sovereigns, Stanleys, and Talisman Extended were largely bought. Talismans went up from sales at lis to lis 6<l, and closed with but little alteration. Silvertons were dealt in from 75s to 78s, with further buyers at the latter figure, while £6 was offered for Waihis with no sellers. There were sales in WoodStocks at 225, in Waitekauri No. 4's at 2s 4d, in Young New Zealauds at is 7d and Is Bd, and Waverleya at Is 2d. Bunker's Hills were firm at 7s, at which there were sales and buyers.

CHAMBER OF MINES. A meeting of the Legal and Finance Committee of the Chamber of Mines was held yesterday, Mr. Seymour Thome George presiding. The following letter from Mr, James Macky was laid before the meeting:—Re Neavesville mining claims, Pukiraraki, Tairua, I shall feel obliged if you will be good enough to direct the attention of the committee of your chamber to the enclosed paragraph from the Herald of Thursday last, relating to the threatened oaucelmeut, by order of the Minister of Mines, of a number of licenses of properties at Neavesville, Tairua, all of which were applied for in due form, and granted by the Wardon. In his ruling at Paeroa on March 31, 1996, the Warden stated that" a licence conferred an indefeasible Parliamentary title, which could only be upset by conclusive proof of misrepresentation by the applicant amounting to actual fraud. It was fortunate it was so. . If he was compelled to hold otherwise, the confidence of the investing public in the security of their titles to mining properties would receive a rude shock, and tlio mining boom, concerning which wo hear so much just now, would collapse entirely. It must be thoroughly understood that a license once granted could only be disturbed upon the ground mentioned, viz., that of fraud, and Fraud would undoubtedly have to be proved up to the hilt. It was only right that in the absence of such fraud, persons holding titles should have the absolute Parliamentary title, which the provisions of the Mining Act appeared to contemplate." It seems to us the g.d)lication in London of the Minister's pro--1 posed action will have a most disastrous effect on the mining interests of the colony, and seriously retard the flotation of properties already in the market. Capital is proverbially shy, and if 1/ondon financiers are led to suppose that licenses will he issued by our Government to work holdings, and after months, or even years, of actual work, may be suddenly called in aud cancelled on account of some supposed technical irregularity, then it must be apparent to any thinking person that the security of tenure offered to English capitalists will be found of too precarious a nature to tempt any prudent investor. I trust the gravity of the situatiou, in the interests of the mining community generally, will influence the members of your respected Chamber to take such steps as will avert this threatened calamity to the gold mining industry in New Zealand. Bespeaking, therefore, your valued assistance in this direction. In view of the fact that many members were unable to attend, it was decided to call a. special meeting of the Council for Monday next.

GENERAL MINING ITEMS. The King Solomon property, comprising 219 acres, adjoining the Tararu Creek and Norfolk properties, has been successfully flouted on the local market by Mr. J. M. Shera. The ground is held by a syndicate with 50 shares, all of which have been taken Mr. Stntrbs, legal manager, of the Bunker's Hill. posted a telegram yesterday stating that there was no truth in the rumour that gold had been struck. Mr. Haggard, a member the London Stock Exchange, and who is also connected with the Thames-Hauraki Company, was a visitor at the noon call of the Brokers' Association yesterday. Some misapprehension appears to have arisen with regard to the drive at No. 4 level, at the Cardigan mine, reaching and being intercepted by the Quean of Beauty boundary. A glauce at the plan, at once disabuses the mind of any such wrong impression, the object being to get underneath Hogan's shaft, for future acoess to the mine; therefore, the endeavout to get near the company's shaft, diverted the drive so as to intercept the triangular corner of the Queen of Beauty claim. After No, 6 level is opened, the drive will go straight and uninterrupted to Sealey-street. The shallow level shows that the lodes deeper will be of different thickness altogether, the channel of country being excellent for gold. Zealandias, Oceanias, and Karangahakes, were dealt in very largely yesterday at the No. 2 Brokers' Association. J Operations have been commenced at the Star of Wynyardton, Mr. Warne having been appointed supervisor. Mr. Jesse King has left for Westport on behalf of a syndicate, formed in Auckland, to examine and report upon a claim in which, by a landslip, a reef lost some years ago has been disclosed. A sample of stone received yesterday by Mr. William Clarke, from the Karangahake, attracted considerable attention. Mr. G. W. Moss will sell by publio auction to-day, at two p.m., at the Auckland Free Exchange, all the right, title, and interest of the Auckland Free Stock aud Mining Ex change Company (Limited), in and to the lease of the Auckland Free Stock and Mining Exchange, with all buildings thereon erected, and office fitting, fnrnituro, fixtures, etc. A call of Id per share has been made in the Alburnia East Gold Mining Company, and of 2d per share in the Adelaide Gold Mining An extraordinary meeting of the Mataura Gold Mining Company will be held at the company's office, Shortland-street, on the Ist June, at 2.30 p.m. Mr. D. G. MacDonnell, manager, notifies elsewhere that in consctjuonce of a company being registered in a similar name to the " Old Pukewhau," the title of the Company has been altered to the " Nestor."

' THAMES WARDEN'S COURT. [FROM OUR OWN correspondent.] Thames, Thursday. The following applications were dealt with by Mr. H. Eyre Kenny, Warden, this momiug:— speoial CLAIMS. R. J. Hastings. Captain Cook, Puriri, recommended; R. J. Hastings, Success, Puriri, recommended; M. J. Gannon, The Wires, Whangamata, objected to by C. Short on ground of encroachment, and adjourned to May 21; J. Hague Smith, The Frenohman, Puriri, recommended, less an area of eight acres that encroach on the Churoh Mission property Wm. McCormick, Cardigan Extended, Thames foreshore, adjourned to May 21; E. R. Edwards, Magazine West, Thames foreshore, adjourned to May 21, notice in meantime to be served Thames Harbour Board; H. H. Metcalf, Electric, Whaugamata, adjourned to May 21; Joseph Varney, Huia, Whangumata, adjourned to May 21, for ameudmeut of plan; H. T. Torreuß, Golden Centre, Puriri, recommended ; T. P. Vuglar, Golden Three Reefs, Whangamata, adjourned to May 21; K. R. Edwards, Marco Polo, Whaugamata, adjourned to May 21, for amendment of plan ; R. C. Greenwood, My Sweetheart, Whangamata, adjourned to May 21; B. Anderson, Pukowhau Extended, Whangamata, recommended; H. B. Lusk, Phoenix Extended, Whangamata, recommended; R. B. Lusk, Golden Mount Extended, Whangamata, adjourned to May 21; James Darrow, Lomas, Tararu, recommended; E. McDonnell, Nikau Valley Extended, Mata Creek, recommended ; M. MoMahon, Hawke's Bay, Tapu, recommended: Moanataiari G.M.Co., Moanataiari, adjourned to June 4; Louis Von Rotter, Golden Mount No. 2, Whangamata, adjourned to May 21; F. Geratty, Kedge, Hapo Creek, recommended.

• LIOKNSBD HOLDINGS. Chas. Manuel, Star of England Extended, Tararu, granted; Geo. H. White, Dixon's, Shellback Creek, granted; W. H. Lucas, No Surrender Exteuded, Tararu, adjourned to May 21.


George Muttou, residence site, Tararu, granted; Thomas Gorman, residence site, Waiotahi Creek, granted; Richard Tierney, residence site, Tararu, granted.


J. H. Harrison, machine site and two water-races, Ohui, granted; John Smith, water-race, Karaka, granted; Thos. Duubar, water-race, adjourned to May 21; Thomas Dunbar, maolune site, Tararu, granted in name of the Argosy Gold Mining Company; James Reid, water-race, Whangamata, granted; Alexauder Campbell, water-race, Kirikiri, adjourned to May 21; R. B. Lusk, water-race, Wharekawa, objected to by Leylaud, O'Brien and Co., adjourned to May 21 ,W. T. McGregor, machine site, Alabama Creek, granted; T. S. Morpeth, machine site, Puru, adjourned to May 21; R. H. Abbott, water-race aud machine site, Ohui, grunted; J. P. Ward, extended prospecting area, Wharekawa, adjourned to May 21 ;!MoamUaiariG.M. Co., water-race, Moanataiwi Creek, granted sub jeot to its not interfering with the supply of water required for domestic purposes by the immediate residents; Malcolm Fleming, machine site, Kirikiri, granted; B. H. Bishop, water-race, Wharekawa, adjourned to May 21; D. H. Bishop, machine site, Wharekawa, granted; G, B. Beere, machine site, To Pnru, adjourned to May 21; J. H. White, water race, Puru Creek, granted in the same of the Puru Consolidated G.M.Uo.


James Hawkes, permission to work the Nikau special claim, Tapu, with two instead of 33 men for four months, granted to work with four men; Robert Kelly, permission to work the City of Dublin special claim, Tairua, with two instead of 33 men for four months, granted; W. J. Comes, permission to work the Dynamo special claim, Tairua, with two instead of 33 men for four months, granted; Hugh Fisher, permission to work the Londonderry licensed holding with three men instead of six for six months, granted; John McWilliams, permission to work the Rothschild special claim, Twrua, with two instead of 33 men for four months, granted; James Browne, permission to work the City of Auckland special claim, Tararu, with two instead of 33 men for four months, refused, the W&rdeu stating that the applicant had already received six months' protection for the tslaim in question, and he considered that he (the Warden) would be acting inconsistently if he granted the present application; R. Kelly, permission to work the Longstone licensed holding, Tapu, with two instead of five men for four mouths, granted; Tapu | Fluke Gold Mining Company, permission to work the Fluke licoused holding, Tapu, with two instead ot seven men for four months, granted; Robert Kelly, permission to work the Rose licensed holding. Tapu, with one man instead of three men for four months, granted; May Queen G.M.Co., permission to work the St. Hippo special claim with two instead of 25 men for four months, granted.


T. Millett and E. C. lieale, three months' protection for the Mount Taylor special claim, Tararu, adjourned to May 21st; R. Comer and P. Maher, six months' prelection for the Straight Tin special claim, Tararu, granted; M. McMahou, six months' protection for water-race No. 9313, Tapu, granted; L. McLivor, four months' protection for the Golden Arrow licensed holding, Neavesvillo, granted without prejudice, the Holding in question being one that has been called upon for surrender by the Warden's office ; P. VV. Abbott, six months' protection for two water-races, Wharelcawa, granted; Wm. McCormick, six mouths' protection for the Oceola special claim, Ohui, granted; John Abbott, six months' protection for the Tasmania special claim, Ohui, granted; Robert tarrell, six months' protection for Broken Hill special claim, Tairua, adjourned to May 21; Hitch Fisher, six months' protection for the Londonderry Extended licensed holding, Punija Flat, adjourned to May 21; Arthur Wright, six months' protection for Dixon's licensed holding, Thames, adjourned to June 4; T. M. Glasgow, six months' protection for Ellerslie special claim, Moauataiari Hill, granted; James Browne, six mouths' protection for water-race No. 9204, Tararu, refused ; 0. Melhosc, six months' protection lor the Ulysses No. 2 special claim, Puru, granted; 1. H. Barclay, six months' protection for the Ulysses No. 1 special claim, I'uru, granted ; Nathaniel Payne, six months' protection for the Ulysses No. 3 special claim, Puru, granted; L, Melhoae, six months' protection for the Bonanza special claim, Piuu, granted; i\ A. Duulop, six months' protection for the Park licensed holding, Puru, granted; J. H. Smith, six months' protection for the Waimea Extended special claim, Puru, granted ; Geo. darken jun., six months' protection for Shelly Beach and Florence May liceused holdings, Ohui, granted; Scandinavian Gold Miuine Company, six months' protection for Scandinavian licensed holding, Tararu, granted; Albert Kummert, six months' protection for Herald special claim, Wliangamala, granted; George Clarkson, six months' protection for Nil Desperandum licensed holding, Ohui, granted,


J. P. Ward v. Akuhata Ngatoto, plaiut for forfeiture of Maori Land licensed holding, Ohui, withdrawn; J.W. Ryan v. F. Hollis, surplus of Broken Hill Extended special claim, Tairua, struck out; James Reid and 8. Anderson v. D. H. Lusk, breach of agreement, adjourned to May 21; G. H. White v. A. Pittar, surplus of Waitanga licensed holding, Shellback, withdrawn; W. F. MoWilliams v. John Goonan, surplus of the Colonial special claim, Whangamata, withdrawn ; Wm. Taylor v. J. H. Smith, surplus of the Frenchman special claim, Puriri, granted for surplus shown on plan.

MINE MANAGERS' REPORTS. Lady Glasgow (Kuaotunu, May 4).— western drive lias been extended a further distance of 10 foot through the sivme kind of ground. The eastern drive has been extended 12 feet. Maoazink (Thames, May 5).-Our drive is still in a very tight country, but for all it is in good-looking country for gold, Sheridan (Tapu, May 4).—The low level crosscut has been driven a further dist&uce of seven feet for the week, although the same class of country continues to be penetrated Auother head was met with, but is not sufficiently out into to prove whether it is a forerunner of a change of country or not. The total length ot this tunnel up to the present is 485 feet. Ivanhok (Karangahake, May 5).-"-The low level crosscut haa oeen extended eight feet (luring the past fortnight. The ground has been very hard to break, but it proved to be the hanging wall of the reef which was intersected to-day. It is a woll-defined lode, two feet in thickness. The quartz being broken out looks to bo a very good class of stone, with mineral veius running through it, but I have not soon any gold in it yet. > : Sooth British (Karangahake, May 2).A somewhat ucw discovery has been made, which -will, in ray opinion, make your mine a valuable property; what appears to be a very large lode, is outcropping. I prospected the reef myself, and obtained a payable prospect in the dish. Karangahake (Karangahake, May 2).No 4 level: Most encouraging prospects have I been obtained; started a drive north on a leader, which had been intersected, with the result 1 obtained 2oz prospects of gold in the dish. It was only about 2 inches wide at first, but after driving a distance of 3 feet it made, aud it ia now about 5 inches, makine hie on the floor of the drive. New (Waitckauri, May 2).The country penetrated is of a good description. If a reef is met with in this class of country, cold should bs got in the quartz.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10126, 8 May 1896, Page 6

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10126, 8 May 1896, Page 6

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10126, 8 May 1896, Page 6