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Licensing NoticesCIITY OF AUCKLAND LICENSING V./ DBTRICT.-NOTH "i OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE.-!, ROIIBHT SCOTT, of Auckland, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, And will at the next licensing meeting to he hohleii at tbe Magistrate Cotir-house, High-street, Auckland, «n the first day of June, ISOG, apuly for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house, .ituate at Victoria-it' e«t, and known by the sign of the Royal Mail Hotel, containing thirty-nine r.-.iras, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Name of owner, Lieutenant-Colon-1 Dawson. Dated the Ist day of May, 1693.110 BERT SCOTT. TiIDEN LICENSING DISTRICT.Vj notice OF APPLICATION FOR A PURlicans LICENSE.-I. JOHN conn's, of Avnmlale, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Llcui-im: Meeting to be holdou at Public Hall, Archbill, on tho 3rd day of June, 1896, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house, situate at Avondile, and known by the sign of tho Aionriale Hotel, containing eighteen rooms, exclusive of thos>; requited for the use of the family. Name of Owner, Hancock and Co. Dated the Ist .lay of May, 1S0&-JOHN COUTTS. MANUKAU LICENSING DISTRICT. -NOTICE OP application in a PUBLICAN'S UCENSE.-I, JAMES SMITH, -f Onehunga, Hotelkeeper, do hereby glte initio tint I desire to obtain, and will at the next licensing meeting to be holilen at Courthouse, Onehiinga, on the first day of June, 1890, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's Lie me for a House situate at Onehmuia. and known by the sign of the Royal Hotel, and containing ten looms, exclusive of those required for the una of the family. Name of Owner, Hancock ml Co. Dated the first day of May, ISM. -JAMES WKSTMOKK SMITH. 117 A ITEM AT A LICENSING DISM TRICT-NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PI'IILICAN'S LICKSSK -1, EMMA HOPE, of Henderoiiii, Hnlelfceeper, do he eby give nmice thai I desire to obtain and will at the next Licensing Mo tine, to be linldtill at tin Courthouse, tit'lensvillu. on the nth dav of June, 1898, apply for a certificate- nutlioriMiig the issue of a publican's liieiu.. (■ r a house situate at Henderson, ami known by the sign of the "Falls" Hotel, containing ten' rooms exclusive of thoserequired for the use uf the faiudy. Name of owner. Bank ot New Zealand Estates Company. tinted the Ist day of May, 1890. • MUM A HOPE. , W A ITEM AT * . LICENSING DIS I(."!".- NOTICE OF APPLICATION KOH A PUBLICAN'S LICKNBK.-I, A. 8. LUNIKiN, of Heleiisville, Hotelkeeper do hereby give notice that 1 desire to olitatn, and will at the next licensing mating t.< be hidden at the Court - bouse, Uelriisfille, on the sixth day of June. ISO!, apply f"r a cerllitc.tte authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house, situate at llelensville, ami known by the >>igii ol the Kslpara Hotel, contabling "0 rooms, exclusive of thnso required for the u-e of the family. Name of owner, Judge Itogan. Hated Hie Ist <Uy of May, 1890 -A. H. LONDON. \\7AITEMATA LICENSING MS»7 THK'T -NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOlt 1 RANSFKR OF I ICENr-I'..- 1, M. SARAH, ol Hakarati, btii\f the holder of an Accommodation License in respoct of the house and premises situate at Hakaran, ami known by 'lie sign of the Cornish Aims Hotel, do hereby git* n -lice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the oex licensing meeting to be bidden at the Courthouse. Helensville, on the sixth day of Join, IS'M, apply fora transfer of the said license froSX.Btyself to Duncan Stewart, my appointee. Dated, Hie 2&tli day of April, IKW.-M. SARAH. AITKMATA LICENSING DIS>T TR'CT.->o'l('E OF APPLICATION Foil A I't.'KI.ICAVS I.ICKKKK.-I, DUNCAN STEWART, oi ll.ik tan, llntelkeeper, do hereby give notice Cut 1 desire to olitii.'i, ami "ill at the iiSxt licelisiui! nut-tin,: ■>> lie hidden at the Clour - house, Helensvill-, on the sixth diy of June, 1898, apply for a cettilnate authorising the tan* of an I Ac -mm. elation License fur a house situate at Ualurau, and known by the sign of the t.'-rnish .Arms Hotel, .-.mUiiiiilK i-lgliU-vli rooms, exdttaive of those required for the use .'f the family. Name .ifnwi.or, Margaret Sarah. Dated the Ist day of May, ..-Ill's(JAN STF.WAUI MARSIHCN LIi:KNSINi! DISTRICT. -NOTICE oF APPLICATION FOB A PI 'IJLU'AN'S LICK.NsK.-I, EDMUND MORIAIt IV, of I'alii, Hotelkeeper, .In hereby cite notico dial 1 desite to olitiin, and will at the next lirensing meeting, to be hold u at the C mrtliouse, Wlnngani, on the third day of June, MIS, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house, situate at Pabi, and known by the situ «if th- Paid Hotel, containing fifteen rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the dirtily. .Name cX owner, Hancock and i(i Dried the llth ilav of April, 189a.-ED.MOND M' RIARTV. BAY OF ISLANDS LICENSING DISTUICr.-NOTICK OF APPLICATION 'It ITU.NNFKR OF LICKNSIi-l, ROBINSON SI'KNCI'.H, "( Waima, being the hold-r of an Accoinmod itioti License in reelect of the bouse and premises situ >te at Waima, and known by the sign of Hie Travellers' Rest Hotel, do hereby give notice thai I desire to obtain, and will, at the next licensing mce'in.-, to ho hidden at the Courthouse, Kanaka**, on the fifth day of June, 1890, apply for a transfer of ih>- said bcensu fiom myself to lleoige l.iiieliaiu, my appointee. D'ted the *4th day of April, 1896.—ROBINSON SPK.NCKR. BAY OF ISLANDS LICENSING DISTIU'T. NOTICK OF APPLICATION FOII A.N tCCOMMODATION LICENSE. -J, OEOROK I.INEIIA.M, of Waima. Hotelkeeper, do bereb) give notice that. 1 desire to obtain, and will at the next licencing meeting to be holilen at the Conrthuuse, Kawakawa, on the fifth day of June, l!>'.6, apply foracertilicale authorising the issue of an act oiu'i'odatiou license for a house, situate at vv.iiina, and known by the sign of the Travellers' Best Hotel, containing ten rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Name of Owner, Hancock ami Co. Dated the Ist day of May, 189f1.-HKOR(IK LINEIIAM. 11HAMES LICENSING DISTRICT.NOTICB OK APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I, PATRICK O'BRIEN, of Corouiandel, HoU-lkueper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next licensing meeting to be hidden at the Court-house, Thame , on tin- tlih day of June, ISOG, apply lor a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house, situate at Corou.andel, ami by the sign of the Btlla at Hotel, containing eight mollis, exclusive of those required for the use of ibe (unity. Name of owner, Mrs. Doyle. Dated the Ist day of May, IS9J.-PATRICK O'BIUKN. THAMES LICENSING DISTRICT.I NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE.-I. WILLIAM ARTHUR HPTCIUNOs, of loromandel, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next licensing meeting to be holilen at the Courthouse, Thames, on the fifth day of June, 1890, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house, situate at Corolnandel, and known by the sign of the Coromandel Hotel, containing thirty-three rooms, exclusive ol those required for the use of the family. Name of owner, Mrs. Bojrd. Dated the Ist day of May, UK-WILLIAM ARTHUR HUTCUINOS. mHAMES LICENSING DISTRICT.I NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE.-I, CORNELIUS MCMAN US, of KnaoUlou, Hotelkoeper, do hereby give notice that I de ire to obtain, and will at the next licensing meeting to be holden at the Courthouse, Thames, on the fifth day of June, 1896, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Public-ui'ii License for a house, situate at Kuaotunu, and known by the sign of the Royal Hotel, containing ten rooms, exclusive of those iequired lor the use of tho family. Name of Owner, Uenrgo Lorain. Dated the first (lay of May, 18911.-COfiNEI.IUS McMANUS. LICENSING DISTRICT OF BAY OF ISLANDS-NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICKNSK.-I, Frederick Thomas Howard, of Jlangawltare, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting, to lie holden at Kawakawa, on the filth day of June, 1896, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a House situate at Mangawhare aforesaid, and known by the sign of the Commercial Hotel, containing 20 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of tho family. Name of owner: John Logan Campbell, ot Auckland (trading a" Hi own, Campbell and Co.-Dated the flint day of May, 1896.-F. T. HOWARD. OF AUCKLAND LICENSING \J DISTRICT.-NOTICK OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S I.IOBNSW. -I, Simon Coouibo, of Auckland, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at the Magistrate's Couithotisc, High-street, on the Ist day of June, lsflli, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house situate at Queenstreet and known by the sign of the British Hotel, containing 16 rooms, exclusive of those required for tho use of the family. Name of owner : Executors of Mrs. Weir. Dated the Oth day of April, 1896.SIMON CUOMBIC. CIITY OP AUCKLAND LICENSING V; DISTRICT.-NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICKNSIt.-I, John Gallagher, of Auckland, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give nonce that 1 desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to bo holden at the .Magistrate's Courthouse, High-street, on the Ist day of June, 1890, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house situated at Queen-stre-t and known by the sign of the Metropolitan Hotel, containing 35 rooms, exclusive of those required for the. uso of the family, Name of owner— Dr. J. L. Campbell. Dated the 22nd day of April, 1890.-JOIIN GALLAGHER. CITY OF AUCKLAND LICENSING DISTRICT.-NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE.-I, James Hawkins, of Auckland, Uotelkeeper, do hereI)} give notice that I desire to obtain, and . will at the next Licensing Meeting to be ' holden at the Magistrate's Courthouse, Highstreet, on Iho first day of June, 1896, apply for a , certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's license for a house, situate at Victoria-Street, and . known by the sign of the Empire Hotel, containing 16 rooms, exclusive of thoao required for the use of the family. Name of owner: Hancock & Co. Dated the Bth day of April, 1896,-JAMES HA KINS. >—■» ■ ii . —™~»i i M m IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLEGold Brooches.. ~ From flu Silver Brooches .. Prom 2s Genta' Nickel Keyless Watches, good time- ' keepers 16a | dents' Silver Keyless ; Watches, good timekeepers From SOs And other lines equally cheap, At SKKATES BROS.', Jewellers, Opposite Town Clock, Quoen-streot. ■ OAA VARIETIES OF PHOTO f- rVV" FRAMKStoseloufromatGOODSON'a LONDON ARCADES Cabinets from 3d each

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10124, 6 May 1896, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10124, 6 May 1896, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10124, 6 May 1896, Page 8