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LONDON. Press Association.—Electric Telegraph.— London, May 4. There is good competition at the wool sales. Prices are unchanged, London, May 5. The Bradford market is quiet, and little business is doing. THE AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHAREBROKERS' ASSOCIATION. ' Kusixkss Done.—Northern Steamship, (Is 2d| Allmriila Kast, 4jd; Kurunul, is Gd; New Alliumia, (5s lOd ; Uangatlra, fid ; Royal, Is, la Id , Sheridan, Is Id, 1» 2d; Victoria, 3s Id ; liiTicta, M ; Jupiter. 3s 3d ; Kapal-Verraont, 8s ; Kuaotunu, Is fld; Maorlland, Is; Phoenix, fjjd, 7d, (id ; Try Fluke, 7s Gd; Alpha, 4d; Golden Fleece, Gd; Uoldon Spur, 6d; Grace Darling, ls9d ; Imperial, Is Od ; Jewel, paid up, Jil; Jewel, contributing, {jd, Oil; Karangahake, ujd, Sd, Gd, id ; New Zealander, Old; Queen of Wajhi, in fid, 2s Gd ; South British, "Jd, 4d; Sovereign, Is 7(1, In Od, Is Gd ; Stanley, Gjd, id: Waihi Consols, Is, Is Id Waihl tended, Hid; Walhl-Silvirton, 735; Waihl South, fid; Waitekauri King, «Jd,7d ; Waitekauri No, 4,2 i Id; Wealth of Nations, 4jd ; Youne New Zealand, Is 7.1, Is k'd; Bunkos Hill, Gs 8d; Four-ln-Uand, Is 4d ; Harbour View, «d ; New OolconcU. Kid ; Pride of Tnkstm, Is M, Is Id', Zealaudla, Ojd, BUYERS. -National Bank. 30s 3d ; New Zealand lii.-ur.ujce, Ti»; New Zealand and lliver Plate lis ; Auckland (las, old £12 176, new £n lfo • Northern Steamship, Os Id; Tauplrl Coal, 21«Gd ; Albumin Kast, 4jd ; Broken Hill, Oil ; Cambria, Is 4d; Cardinal). U 4d; City of Dunedlii, lsGd ; Clunes, 3d ; Couistock, 3d ; llazelhank, 3s 04 ; May Queen, 7s 4d; May Queen Extended, 3d Moanataiarl, 10« fld ; Moanatalri North, fid; Monowai, 4s Od ; New Alburnla, 6s M; New Whau, 8d; Norfolk, 3s fid; Occidental, 3d; Orlando, cd: Puru Consolidated, Is 3d; Hoyal, Is ; Sheridan, Is; Victoria, i) 3d; Oolden Anchor. B(l; Golden IJnk, 7d: Inricta, Dill ; Inrlcta North, 2d ; Juno, fid; Jupiter. 3s lei; Kapai.Vermont, 8s; Kuao. tunii, Is 4(1; Maori Dream, in 2d; Phterilx, Gd; Try Fluke, 7.; Alpha, 3s 9d; British Umpire, 0(1 ; Central, 9d ; chelt, 3jd; Crown, 31s fid ; Golden Fleece, Cd ; Grace Darling, Is 9d ; Ifuanul, In 3d; Imperial, Is fid; Ivauhoe, Hid; Jewel, paid up, 7d: Jewel, eoiitrlbutinr, 4jd; Uaraneahake, 4jd ; Kin* of YTalhl, Gd ; New Zealander, fid; Nil Desperandum. 3d; Owharoa, 3s ; Portsoa, fid; Queen of Waihi, 2s fid; South British, «Jd; Horerelgn, is fid; Stanley, fijd; HterliUK, 3d i Talisman, 10s Od * Victor, 2s 9d; Waihl Consols, la Id; Waihi Extended, 9Jd; Walhl .Slltorton, 71s 6d: Waihi South, 4d; Waltekauri King, 6d ; Waltokatiri No. 2, 7Jd ; Waittkaurl No. 4, Is lOd J Ward Proprietary, B}d ; Warerley, Is ; Wealth of Nations, 3}d; Woodstock. 21s fid; Yonng New Zealand, la 7d; Zlon. 7d; Bunker's Dill. 6s 8(1; Freehold Proprietary, li 10d; Four-in-lUnd, Is 4d; llauraklNo. 2, Is 8d; Haurakl South, Is ed; Harbour View, fid ; Pride of Tokatet, Is; Pukewhau, 3d ; Welcome Find, Is fld; Wynyardton, fid; Zealaudla, Od. Brimm,. -National Bank, 3l«j National Insurance, its id ; New Zealand and filter Plate,

IGj ; South British Insurance, SOj ; Hikaraaj 1 Coal, Si: Kauri Timber, contributing. It 8d; Union Oil, 36s ti; Albumi* Kurt, sii; Broken Hill, .lOd; Cambria, Is «d; Ciniijto, Is M: City of Dunedin, U lOd; Claau, 74; Com>toek, 6d; City of London, 9d; Freedom, (A; Golden Point, Is Ed: HaulbuiK, It ; Kuianai, St; Magazine, 61; May Queen, ?s M; May Queen Kxtended, W; Moaoaiaiari, lit 3.1: MoanataUri Extended, -'d; Moanatain North, 6d; Monowai, 5* id; New AiburnW. fa; New Whan, lOd; Norfolk, Si Sd; Occidental, ed; Orlando, M; Pom Consolidated, la 01; Rangitira, «d ; Royal, Li Sd : Seandinirian, Is; Sheridan, Is 3d; Victoria, St Sd; Ajax, 6d; Aorere, la 4d; Aurora, id; Al, (d; Balfour, 7d; Diadem, la; Empire, 6d; Gladys, 01; Golden Anchor, »}d: Golden Link, Sd; Great United, CI; lurJcta, Of J; Inricti North. 4d; Juno, 8d; Jupiter, Si 6d; Kauai-Vermont, as Sd; Kuaotuna, Is Cd; Maori Dream, Is M; Maoriland, It; Midas. U7d; Monarch of All, <d; Mountain Flower, 3d; Pb<enix, 7}d; Premier, «d; Try Fluke, 7s Sd; Waltala, Si 6d; Alpha, U; Asteroid, M; British Empire, 101: Byron Bay. Is; Central, U; Chelt, id; Crown, 37» M; Day Dawn, 6J<l; Excelsior, 6.1; Golden Fleece, Sd; Golden Lion, (d ; Golden Spur, *d; Grace Dirlinr, is ; Heitnunn Freehold, M; Hercules, M; iluanul, Isfid; Imperial, Is 7d ; Intlewood, ed: Iranboe. Sd ; Jewel, paid up, 9d ; Jewel, contributing, ed; Karantahake, fid ; Kin:of Wailii. 7Jd; KinKlla'* Freehold, H 3d; Mariner, 6d: Mount Waihi, Od; New Zealander, 7fd; Nil Desperaudum, i(d; Oceania, 10} d; Ophir, Id; Oirharoa, Is Cd ; PorUt*. Is; Puriri, M; Qoeen of Waihi. 2s 9d ; Sir Julias, 7d; South British, 6d: Sortrcian, It id; St. Patrick, 7d; Stanley, 7d ; Sterling, lid; Talisman, lis; Taliram Extended, 1* ed; Teutonic, Cd ; Victor. Si 3d; Waihi Consols, Is 2d; Waihi Dredging, id; Waihi Extended, lOd; Waihi Monument, Od ; Wafhi-Silferton, "is; Waihi South, 7d; Waitekauri, 10i»; Waitekaori King, 8d ; Waitekaari No. 2, M ; WaiUkauri No. 4, ii 3d; Waitekauri Sontb, M; Ward Proprietary, Cd; Waterier, is Sd; Wealth of Nations, 4JJ; Woodstock, Ks6d: Woodstock North, SI; Young New Zealand, Is 8d ; Zion, 3d; Golden Crown, 7d; P.iitaunia, Is; Banker's Hill, 7s; Conquerinc Hero. 6d; Coroma- del Freehold Proprietary, 2s; Four-in-Hand, Is Od; Golden Hill, 4d; Golden Hill Extended, 2Jd; Golden Lead, 8d; Golden Tokatea, Iftd; Hanraki No. 2, Is Sd; Hauraki North, laid up, Si; Bauraki North, contributing, Is 3d; Hauraki South, la 8d; Harbour View, 7d; Napier, 8d; New Golconda, Is Id; New Tokatea, Is; North. 8d ; Pinny, fijd ; Pride of Tokatea, Is 2d; Princess May, 6d ; Progress-Castle Itock, Cd; Pukewbao, Sd; Tandem, Is ; Welcome Find, S$ Cd; Wynjardkm, lOd; Zealudia, 10<L

J. Friar Clark* D. Mcleod B. Prater M.T.N. Black I). B. McDonald Duncan E. Clerk AitkenCarrick If. L M.rkhaa Francis Hull W. A. Ryan James Reid J. t Araitage K. 0. Maeky ff A. Prim* 0. P. Brimblecotab* V. J. Lamer James Frater Laurence A. Terr O.A. Buttle H. 8. Pen wick Charles Alexander Charles Clayfortb John Mowbray Bob-it E, Isaacs Phil B. Morris W. A. Knight a 3. Bttddoek A, B, Garllck J. M. LMiiOX, Chairman. * p.m., Tuesday, May 5, ISM.

No. of - Paid . . m Company. Snares! § up per £i" Date. Ihioedia 8&»>l 8 *" Bt5t3- £ Uilil r. Colonial „ KO.030) 5 2 0 ( - - , N.Z., old .. lOLOX* 5) 5 5'. - - , * „ new .. 60,003 7 7 10 C - - ,' National ..100,0m 7| 2 10 (i 110 Ohyl *• New S. Wales 100,005 » JO 0 C - - Union of Aus- { tralia .. 60,000 76 a 0 0 - - , e Insurance— i New Zealand 100,009 10 2 0 0 3 II OApr'4 National .. 196,116 10 0 10 0 0 18 « May 2 N.Z. Accident 20,000 10 6 1' - J e South BriUilj 61,62: 19 1 0 0 2 10 0 Apr 23 r- Standard .. 100,000 10 0 15 0 0 15 8 ! Mar 28 d l*M- . N.Z. L. AM ..320,000 10 1 10 0 - _ '' „ Preference 200,0001 31 3 10 V - _ -• Nat'u'IM.44. 109,005 10 2 o 0 - _ ■• N.Z. A B.P. .. 200,000 9 10 1- _ OiS- I Auckland, old 15,500 6 9 0 i 12 14 0 Apr 23 . t „ new .. 13,713 5 2 10 I- 6 3 0 Jan! 11 { Chrutchrch { gjjl f J ,• • - | - i Olnborai .. 12.00'' 1 1 n i 1 13 0 Jan. 30 - J Lyttelton .. 2,090 5 5 0 0 - _ I, I i l.fiCd 10 0 0 i' Nipier.. i 500; 500— _ . I 2,000] 1 0 0 '" New Plymouth 2,000 5 317 6 - _ • Palmerston N. 6,000 6 2 10 0 — _ », Thames .. 9.930 21 I I) i 1 IS 6 Apr 13 I- ( 10 0 0 ; ' " i Wellington \ 15,000 10 HMD Dim 0 ; I 10 0 I ,' Timber— • Kauri Timber I60,00u ! J o i _ | _ „ neti IJn.OOC i 12 0 2 0 M»v 1 HHIFP1KO- | "' DeTonrx.rt8.F- IO.OOj 1 1 0 ' — I _ . N.Z. Snipping ia,CSV » 8 0 v - _ ,, Northern H.S. 12,495 U/t (III i 0 6 2, May 5 „ n»» 101,289 U/i 11 J 1 0 6 Hu.r M 8 Union AS. .. itfiii l« 0 „ . _ I il "- a • Coal— ! hikurangl „ 30,00-; } 0 7 0 0 9 ok» M i Tanpiri .. 24,00u 1 0 13 0 0 19 oijiar 30 TaupiriBeVri* 3.000 j 1 0 i - _ ,i new 16,215 J 0 is « _ _ WeitpurtCoal 89,3* M 1 1) 0 -. _ NgunRUru .. 16,000 - 1 0 0 1 0 0 „ MlaCKlXINK'Us | r Auckl'od Fibre 19.941 1 1 0 : — _ Colonial Sugar 79,373 20 20 0 0 — Z , „ >, 2,480 «6 in 0 ol _ _ N.Z. Oruj .. 70.W1 2 2 0 0!1. •■ - 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 4 Pr 23 Northern M""' 12,62? I 0 18 U 0 8 6.Mar '8 I bharlaod 4 Co. M),kw 1 0 12 u — J" Union Oil .. 10,850 1 0 It 0 0 17 Oinr It OOLDFIKLI)*- v i Thamu. ' Adelaide,!*.!... 80,0001 i 0 0 4 0 0 6 Adi . no I Alburnta 50,W 3/ 0 0 1; 0 0 4}MayT Broken Uill .. bb,OW\ V ; u 0 £ 0 O 8,»pr 21 Cambria . co.i/jj i ; u .' v 0 1 6 ! m. v 'i I Cardigat, Ltd. 100,000 3/ | _ 014 Ma 4 City DUuedU iij.iKlJ I MtIO 1 OAor 14 : City of London 80,000 2/4 - - i _ dunes, .. 60,00* 3/ 0 0 10 0 5 Apr 16 Kxcelsior.N.L 80,000 3/ _ _ _' Freedoin.N.L.. 80.O./O, 3/ - 0 0 5} Fell 3 Uoldeim.NUIlOu.Ooo; £1 1 o 0, 0 1 s.Apr' 23 liatelbank .. I 42,000 i; 0 3 DO 3 10'\I&t4 Kuranui.Lt, ..I 60,000 l. 0 0 1 0 1 O'May 5 Lone Hand, Lt j W.O.fl J. 0 1 0 0 1 uW 4 May tjueei, .. 7»,oOO| » 0 1 II 0 7 6'May 4 MnyQueen Ex. iuo.OuO 3/ - 0 u olapr 22 Mouowal .. 60,00!'. i 0 1 0 0 5 8 Anr 22 1 Mnanat'i'ri Kx. 60,000 2/000100 5 Anr 28 Moana.N., N.L 50,000 3 0 111 0 0 6 Apr 23 NOW Whau.N.I. su.OUu 3/ 0 0 3 0 0 8 May i New AJUUrilU ou.iju, j U 2 o 0 5 10 May 6 North Star .. 45,00' 1-5 0 18 — — MoiniWi|4fl .. iO.OOo i 0 6 u 0 11 2 May 4 Norfolk . SO."**- j 0 7 10 4 OAp- il Orlando .. JO.Oon J 0 2 1 0 0 lllAyr 16 Occident&l.rt.L 53,700 1/6 0 0 4 - I - Puriri, K.L. .. 55,000 2/ 0 0 2 0 0 9 Apr. 1 Puru Cniuolid. 80,000 6/ - 0 1 4l.\lay 1 Hangatira .. - - - 0 0 6!May6 ttoyal .. .. 50,000 1 0 0 J 0 1 UMay 6 Sandina»lan,. Ki.ojO 3/ 0 0 l 0 0 7:Apr 27 Sheridan, N.L. i0,l«U 3' 0 110 1 2,May 5 TapuKluke .. 45,000 2/002 - I _ Victor*, H.U.. no,00, (02403 4 May 6 Walotalii . B,** •' J 10 O 1 10 li|Apr. 8 Zion.S.U ..80,000 3/ - 0 0 Apr. SO Upper J'haimi. I Alpha, N.U .. 50,000 3/ 0 0 10 4 O'May 6 Aaterold .. _ ;- _ 0 0 3 ! Apr. 2A Byron Bay, N.L 70,000 1 — 0 1 0 Jlar.3l B. Ernulre.N.L. 60,000 3/ - - I - Central, N.L. .. 70,i"iO 4/ — 0 Oil.May 2 Chelt, N.U .. 65,w0 2/6 0 0 1 0 0 4JMay2 Crown .. t iw; : ' 0 0 - I - Corajtock .. 80,001' '/ 0 0 2 0 0 5 Apr. 22 liayDawn.N.L 60,000 4/ - 0 0 6'Apr. 10 Golden Kleece 70,0'W 3/ — 0 0 BJMay 5 Oold'n Llon.NL 70,000 3/ _ - - > Golden Spur.. 80,001 W - 0 0 6May6 Grace Darling itO.iwu 0 fl 0 » 1 9 Mar 5 Hercules, N.L. 010 3/ - 0 II 61 Ma'r.20 Heitman Frhld|i00,O'X/ 2/6 — 0 0 7 Apr. 15 Hit or Mini, ni\ 60,000 5/ — - — Huanul, n.i„ .. 60,000 3/ ° 0 1 0 1 O.Feb. 21 Imperial, N.L. 55,000 2/ ° 0 3 0 1 «May5 Iniclewood, M.U 75,000 4/ - 0 0 BlMar.H Iianlioe, N.L... 65,00' 2/ » 0 2 0 0 7JA[ir. 29 Jewel, paid-up 6 ',000 2 —00 0 May 5 , ,. contrbtg 0 0 CMayi Karanpa'ke.Ni. 70,0 4/ - 0 0 5;May 6 KinRofWulhl 100,000 2/0 - 0 0 7|Apr. 20 Klneella'iFr.. 160,000 J - 01 OMayl Manner .. 70,000 3/ - 0 0 4j Feb. 22 '»er,Sl. 70,000 5/ - - - New Zealander 75,000 8/ - 0 0 61 May 6 N.Desp'ranrt'ni 80,000 2/ _ 0 0 3 May 1 Oceania, N.L.,. 80,000 2/6 - 0 0 b Apr. 23 ' Ophlr,N.L .. 70,000 2/ - - I - Owharoa .. 76,"0» } - 0 3 0|M.iy4 Portsea .. 60,000 I 0 0 3 0 0 May 1 Qn. of Wallil 100,000 J _ 11 2 U'M.i'y 5 Patrick,N.L. 100.000 2/ _ 0 0 6j|May2 S'th British, 70,0 0 4/ 0 2 3 " 0 4 May 5 1 Sovereign, N.L. 100,000 3/ - 0 1 «|May6 Stanley, N.L. ..I 00,0'«' 2/ 0 0 1 0 r. 7 May 5 Sterling, N.L... 000 2/ - lOJd May 4 Talisman ..100,000 5/ 0 1 7 011 O.May4 Talisman Ext. 160,000 3/ - 0 16 May 1 Teutonic, N.L. 84,006 3/ — — — IValhl Consols 176,000 2/ 1 0 0 0 1 J May 6 Victor, N.L. ..150,000 2/ 0 0 10 3 2.May 2 ♦ •Vailekaurl K. 76,000 2/ _ 0 0 7 May 5 Valeka'riNo.2 85,000 3/ - 0 0 8 Apr. If fateka'ri No.4 00,000 4/ 0 0 10 2 1 May 5 tVaitekauri S. 0,000 4/ - OOOjMiyl I IVaild-Slhert'i. 60,0Ui 1 1 0 0 3 13 0 May 6 r, ! WhIIh „ ..160,001 I) I 0 1. - - " WalhlKxt. .. 60,000 £1 0 10 0 0 10 May 5 IVaihi South, L!1W,00' 3/ • 0 I 10 0 5 May 6 IValhi Propr'y.|160,000 3/ 0 10 0 10 Mar. 7 IVaihi Mon'm't 80,000 3/ - 0 0 7 Apr. 9 IVaihi DredR.. 100,000 1/ _ 0 0 4 Apr.SO Ward t'ropri'ly 100,000 2/ - 0 0 3} Apr. 27 Woodstock N. 50,000 2/004— - Woodstock .. 150,091/ 1/ 10 0 12 C May i Waitckauri .. 150,(V v l -50 0 Apr. 29 IV. Nations, NL 70,000 4/ 0 0 10 0 <! May 6 Waterley, N.L. S5,0W 2/ 0 0 4 0 1 2 May 4 V. New '£., N.L 76,000 3/ - 0 1 9 May 6 - Kwiofuiiu. Aorere, N.L. .. 00,000 2/ — 0 1 3 Apr. 29 Aurora, N.L. .. 60,000 2/ - 0 0 8 Apr. 28 1 Balfour, N.L... 80,000 ji - 0 0 6 May 1 Diadem, N.L... 80,100 8/ — — — Isricca. M. ,. 75,000 2/ « 0 0 0May6 Invlcta North 65,000 2/ - - - Gladys, N.L. .. 70,000 3/ — 0 0 6} Feb. 21 Uolden Anchor 60,000 8/ - 0 0 ft Apr. 29 Golden Link.. 80,0Oi 2/6 - 0 0 8} Apr. 14 Ort. United, nl 70,000 2/ - 0 0 3) Apr. 14 Juno ., ,, 00,000 2/6 - 0 0 6 Mar.20 Jupiter .. 40,000 , - OS 3 May 6 IUpai-Venn'm 100,000 j — 0 8 0 May 5 Kuaotunu.N.L 00,000 2/ 0 0 1O1 6 May 6 Maori Droain. 00,000 3/ 0 0 10 13 Apr. 29 p Maoriland,N.L, 80,000 3/ 0 0 J 0 1 0 May 6 I MWa», N.U .. 70,000 3/ 0 0)01 7 May 4 j Monarch of All - - —00 4 Apr. 27 Mount Aurum 80,000 2/ — 0 0 4} Apr. 10 PlKMiii.fU... 60,00;- 8/ - 0 0 11 May6 fry Fluke .. a*,0iw 4 0 1 » 0 7 6 May 6 p Waitala .. 60,000 } 0 0 5} 0 3 3 Apr. 2 i CoromanM, Albion, N.U ..100,000 i — — — Alert, N.L. .. 70,000 2/001- - Big Ben. N.L .. 00,000 6/ - - _ Britannia .. tO.OOO 2/ 0 0 2 0 0 1 Apr. 23 P'nkVi Hlll.M 60.00H 5/ 0 2 6 0 0 8 May 5 Con. Here, N.U 80,000 2/001008 Mar. 7 O.F.Propr'Ury 160.000 28 - 0 I 6 Apr. 27 Kiuprean, N,U 85,000 1/ 0 0 10 0 2 Feb. 20 tour In Hand W),000 2/ — 0 1 4 May 5 Ool.HIII El Nl. 100,000 3/ 0 0 2 0 0 2}Mar.23 Golden Hill,I. 50,000 3/ 0 0 10 0 0 4Apr. 22 Oold'nUad.Ni. 70,«K) 2/ — 0 0 9|.Mar.l8 Oold'nTokatoa 100,000 2/ - 0 010Mar.ll Or"at Knpanga 60,000 3/ — 0 0 alKeb. 21) Harbour View 80,000 2/ - 0 0 6 ! May 6 ' Uaurakl Spec'l|320,()00 2/0 - — j — HI Haurakl 2, N.L 100.000 3/ - 0 1 SWay 4 tli Hautakl North 100,000 20/ - 0 2 3! Apr. 28 „ contrlb. 0 t l|May4 Haurakl 8..N.L 60,000 4/ 0 0 10 1 O'May 4 N( Katie, Ltd. .. I00.J00 1/001 - | - N.Oolconda.Nl. 7h,000 2/ 0 U 2 0 0 10 May 6 — N, Tokatea, NL 80,000 2/ 0 0 1 0 0 0 May 1 „ P.Tokatoa, N.L 80,001) 1/0 - 0 1 l.Mayfi '•' North .. 80,000 2/ - 0 0 8J4pr,21 J Pigmy, N,U .. 90,000 2/ - 0 0 ft I Princess May. lOj.oii' 8/ — 0 0 41 May 4 "* Pu!wwliaii ,. 60,000 2/ - 0 (I «M»i\2l ')'. Castle Hock 66,000 3/ - 0 1 0 Apr. 25 Wei. Find, Ltd. 70,000 5/ 0 1 8 0 1 9 May 4 Wynyardton.. 70,000 8/ 0 0 3 0 0 Um.W /ealaudla. n.u 70.000 21 - 0 0 9} May 5

Dkbkxtvkes— Bnren. GtjtlAottUaAiX .. .. 10« ~ Dwnport Waterworks .. 107) — NewZ*ilindOar«am«it4}X.. - - P»mell Borough 6; .. .. 107| —

CAM, AND DIflDKKD LIST. cms : A ■> c. Date. Whan G.M. Co. » 0 0 1 .. Slay IS Wj-nj-Ardton CM. Co. .. 0 0 S . May IS City of London CM. Co. ..001.. Mail! MiduO.M.C.1. .. .10 1,, Maylj Maoriltnd CM. Co 0 0 1.. Mir 13 Onquerinr Hero O.M. Co... 0 0 1.. M»ylS Great Kapaoea G.M. Co ..001.. May 13 Katie CM Co. .. ..001.. May IS Kuaotnnn O.M. Co .. „ 0 0 1 „ May 13 Kmpren G.M. Co, .. .. 0 ( I .. May IS Empire CM Co. .. ..COO}.. May IS Waiianae O.M. Co 0 0 1.. May IS Britannia O.M. Co 0 0 1.. May II Golden Hill Extended CM. „Co. ..., • 0 0 1.. Miyi3 PortaeaO.M. Co 0 0 G\ .. May SI Magazine O.M. Co. .. ,.001.. Jone 10 Iranbof O.M. Co 0 0 1.. Miy 13 ■- ' 3

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10124, 6 May 1896, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10124, 6 May 1896, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10124, 6 May 1896, Page 4