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Messrs. Hunter and Nolan's annual sheop and ram fair was held at Greonlaue paddocks yesterday, and there was a large attendance of buyers and sellers, as well as a considerable supply of sheep and rams. Mr. J. P. A. Philson . officiated as salesman. For ewes and lambs there was a good demand, and where the pens were at . all good, reason* able prices were obtained. Mr. C. Barnball's pen of ewes topped the market at 15s, a price which was reluctantly Accepted. _ Lambs were in great request, and prices were obtained which must havo astonished the vendors, as none of the pens appeared to be remarkably choice. Major Harris obtained 7b Cd for his lambs, and others sold at good figures. The demand for rams was slaok, and even Lincolns were slow of sale, and were only quitted at moderate prices, but other breeds of sheep were almost at a discount. Out of two pens of Border Leicesters belonging to Mr. Every Maclean only three rams were disposed of, and they only realised a guinea each. Mr. James Wallace had some pens of splendid Lincolns, bred by himself from Mr. Overton's Canterbury-bred ram, whioh he purchased for 41 guineas after it had won the first nrize at the Auckland Agricultural Show. They were put up with a reserve of 2b guineas each, but no bidding was elicited. Romney Marsh rams sold at from a guinea downwards. Mr. Ballard's Shropshires fetched from 1$ to 1 guinea each, and Mr. Robert Hall's finely bred 2-tooth rams only realised 1J guineas each for two. Captain Parker had a reserve of 3J guineas on his Shropshire, and there was no offer made. Mr. R. Proude had a very fine exhibit of Hampshire?, but they failed to reach the reserve of £1, and Mr. E. Goalies 2-tooth Shropshires, a splondid sample, offered at tho reservo of £2 2s each, or six for 10 guineas, failed to reach the reservo, and finally one animal was disposed of for lj guineas. Mr. Rhodes was equally unsuccessful with his Shropshires. A detailed report of the sale is appended, but in addition to those sales rcoorded, thore were a number of rams sold at prices varying from 17a 6d to 3s od. They wero not of a class likely to attract much attention in a fair, ana many ot them appeared to be on t of place. The following are the results Siiii.;p. —W. Forbes: 65 ewes, 3s, Q. Lopper. H. Owen: 35 wethers, 6s 6d, E. Wood; 38,25, Gill. J.O. Wilson: 36ewes, 6s 3d, Austin. J. Carrie: 50 ewes, 5s 3d, Climo; 24,5s 6d, A. Sanfor4} 16, 6s6d, A. San ford. J. Derecourt: 43 eWes, 2s 9d, Sanford. J. Harris: 36 ewes, 10s, A. Robins. MoAndrew: 110 ewes, 3s 3d, Sanford ; 111, 3s 3d, Sanford. M. and S. Hunter t62 ewes, 2s, S. Douglas. P. Brown : 33 ewes, 4s 6(1, C. Shepherd. R. Barrow: 64 ewes, 4s 6d, A. Sanford ; 31 wethers, 6s 6d, Roulston Bros. A. Harris: 64 wethers, 6s, W. Crawford. W. T. Woods: 34 ewes, 2s, H. Alexander. W. D. Holgate: 122 ewes, Is 9d, W. Paul. Eintuge: 45 wethers, 83 3d, J. Contts. Mrs. Bell: 64 ewes, 2s 6d, C. Shanks. E. Wood 35 ewes, 9s 6(1, Baker. R. Hall: 39 ewes, 8s 3d, Willcox. Hardball: 15 ewes, 15s, S. P. Light. R. Hall: 40 ewes, 8a 3d, Wilcox: 29, 9s, Wilcox. R. Proud : 13 ewos, 8s 3d, Wilcox ; 14, Bs, Geortro Hill; 18, Bs, Wilcox. A. Boyle: 58 ewos, 7s, F. Perkins ; 56,68 3d, Suttie and Co.; 83, 5s 3d, A. Sanford ; 56, 2s 6d, A. Sanford. L. D. Nathan : 117 ewes, 6s, C. Shepherd. Massey, jun.: 70 owes, 7s, A. Sanford ; 33 wethers, 7s 3d, A. Sanford ; 91 ewes, 6s 6d, Gregory; 27 ewes, 6s, A. Sanford. Martin Bros.: 50 ewes, 5s 91 A. White ; 40, 4s 3d, Jenkins; 29, 4s, J. Sutelide. F. Wills :30 ewes, 7s 6d, A. Sanford; 23, 3« 3d, D. McNeil; 24 wethers, 7a 6d, C. Coxhead. Win. Smith: 41 ewes, 6s, Godwin Smith; 42, 5s 3d, Godwin Smith. W. H. Martin, 38 owes, 10s, Coutts. J. E. Wilson, 25 wethers, 6» 6d. VVylie, sen. R. Kemp: 50 ewes, ss, G. Clarke; 50, ss, G. Clarke. George Shelley: 32 ewes, 5s 6d, F. Perkins. E. Smyth: 60 ewes, 6s, Sanford. George Shelley; 128 owes, Cs 3d, Sanford. W. Smith : 39 ewes, Is 9d, W. Harris; 60,5s 6d, W. Joues. C. FitzPatriok, 50 ewes, 7s, W. Brown hill; 50, 7s, Thomas Hall; 48, 6s 9d, Comrie; 24, 6s 3d, Comrie. W. H. Martin: 48 ewes, 3s 9d, J. Thompson. F. G. Hall: 45 ewes, 3s 3d, Joseph May. A. Collie : 50 ewes, 4s 3d, J. Colquhon. R. McKenzio: 27 ewes, 7s, J. O'Neill; 29, 6s3d, J. O'Noill; 56, 4s 9d, George Clarke. I. Gill; 44 ewes, 5s 9d, Georgo Clarke ; 20 wethers, 7s 7d, Sanford. Major Harris : 53 ewes, 3i 9d, Sanford. 24 lambs, 7s 3d, E. Wood; 63 lambs, 5s 3d, J. Peach. R. Coutts: 64 lambs, 3s 3d, C. E. Morgan. John Smith:69 lambs, 5s 6d, G. Shelley. R. Barrow: 42 lambs, 4s, H. Cottell. A. Harris: 43 lambs, ss, G. Shelley; 25,5s 3d, G. Shelley. J. Embling: 31 lambs, ss 3d,G. Shelley; Geo. Embling: 46 lambs, 5s 6d, G. Shelley. E. Smyth: 46 lambs, 4s 9d, Cottell. D. A. Haleßs lambs, 4s, S. Douglas. W. A. Swears; 20 lambs, 4s 9d, Cottell. F. G. Hales: 91 lambs, 4s 9(1, G. Shelley. A. Barter: 50 lambs, 5s 3d, G. Shelley. A, French: 43 lambs, ss, G. Shelley, N. Williams; 52 lambs, 4s 9a, G. Shelley; 62, 5s 3d, G. Shelley. S. Blauey: 53 ewes, ss, M. McNeill. A. French: 36 ewes, 2s 9d, A. Sanford. Swears: 44 owes, 4s 6d, Wylie, senr. Hattaway jun.: 47 ewes, 2s, George Clarke. J. Harris: 17 ewes, 6s, G. Williams; 17 ewes, 5s 9d, Wylie sen. J. Smith: 25 ewes, Is 3d, Sandford. Stoulsen: 12 ewes, 2s 6d, W. Paul, Coutts: 25 ewes, 3s, W. Paul. P. Brown : 2-1 lambs, 4s 6d, W. Goble. W. T. Woods: 35 ewes, Is 3d, Sanford. Emptage: 12 ewos. 5s 6d, W. Goble. Ex Maori : 19 limbs, 4a 9d, Cottle; 22 ewes, 3s 6d, W. Goble. Mrs. Bell: 11 ewes, 6s 6d, M. and S. Hunter. H. E. Potter: 25 ewes, 3s 9d, James Blaok. J. Embling: 20 ewes, 4s, James Black. George Embling: 18 ewe 3, 3s, G. Smith. R. Kemp: 24 lambs, 53 6d, Georgo Shelloy. E. Wood :16 ewes, 8s 6(1, A. White. Mosig: 11 ewes, 7s 6d, J. Peach. J. Taylor: 15 ewes, 3s 9d, Edward Morgan; 17 lambs, 4s, Driffeli. H. J. Bull: 25 owes. 2s, G. Smith. D. Halo: 19 ewes, 3s 9d, G. Smith. E. Wood: 18 wethers, 7s, W. Sanford. Sisam; 20 wethers, 7s 9d, J. Peach. Blauey; 20 lambs, 4s 3d, Driffel. Mrs. Bell: 11 sheep, 6s, M. and S. Hunter. Edward Morgan: 10 lambs, 5s 9d, Robertson. E. Smyth: 4 sheep. 5s 6d, J.May. Rams.—James Harris: 1 Lincoln ram, £2 7s 6d, A. Trotter; 1, £2life, A. Harris; 1, £2 2s 6d, James Andrews; 1, £2, C. Shepherd; 1, £110s, N. McNeal; 1, £1 6s, Schishka; 1, £2 7s 6d, A. Trotter; 1, £2 7s 6d, A. Sanford; 1, £2 2s 6d, C. Shepherd; 1, £2 2s 6d, Coutts; 1, £2, A. Sanford. L. Ballard: 2 rams, £1 ss, W. Robinson ; 1, 15s, F. Perkins; 1, 14s, John Embling; 2, 6a, Suttie; 2, £1 Gs, A Trotter; I,£l, W, Pollock; 2, £1, Lamuert; 1,175, G. Smith, J. Crago; 1 ram, £3 3s, A. Trotter; 1, £2 12s 6d, Jas. Blaok; 1, £s 2s, J. Hattaway; 2, £2 2s, Cossey. R. Hall: 1, £2 2s, C. Shephard; I. £2 2s, 1. Clarke. Middleton; 1 ram, £1 Is, Lambert. R. Hall: 1 ram, £2 2s, C. Shepherd,' 1, £2 2s. L. Ballard; 1, £2 12s 6d, A, E. Price. C. Barriball: 1 ram, £3 3s, Trotter; 1, a 3s, R. A. Coutts; 1, £2 7s 3d, F. Halo; 1, £225, F. Hale; 1, £1 lis 6d, A. Trotter; 1, £1 Is, Noill; I,£l Is, A. Trotter; 1, £1 lis 6d, C. Kelsey: 4, £1 10s Gd, C. Kelsey; 1, £1 6s 3d, M. Bell; 1, £1 6s 3d, 0. VV. Greenwood; 1, £1 6s 3d, Bell; 2, £1 Is, A. Trotter, C. Hosking: 1 ram, £1 6s 3d; H. Crispo; 1, £1 Is, Butcher and Co.; 1, £1 Is, R. Smyth; 1, £1 Is, A, Sanford. A. Harris: 4 rams, £1 Is, A. Sanford; 1, £11, M. and S. Hunter; 2, £1 Is. Gregory; 1, £1 Is, Sanford ; R. Hall: 1 Lincoln ram, £2 2s, Greenwood; E. Maclean: 3 Leicester, £1 Is, A. Sanford; J. J. May: 5 Lincoln, £1, A. Sanford; 5, £1, J, B. Ariel; John Smith: 1 Lincoln, £3 8s 3d, D. McLean; R. Hall, 1 Lincolu, £1 lis 6(1, Cruickshank; A. E. Price, 4 Lincoln, £1 3s, Cruickshank: 2, £1, A. Shaw; Woodward Brothers: 1 Komuey ram, £2 2s, Sisson; Geo. Selby: 7 Romney rams, 18s, A. Trotter; A. E. Harding 2 Romney, 12s 6d, Jno. Smyth ; L. Ballard: 1 Shropshire, £1 lis 6d, Major Harris; 1, £1 is, R. Glasson; 2, £lls,M. Wallace, jun.; 2, £1 Is, Jas. Wallace; 1, £1 Is, Burgoyne: 1, ill Is, CHmo; 1, £1 Is, Glasson; R. Hall: 1 Shropshire, £1 lis 6d, A. Whyte; 1, £1 lis Gd, Crawford : Honeyfiold: 1 Hampshire, £1 lis 6d, Brownhill; 2, £1 lis 6d, F. Hale; 1, £1 lis 6(1. D. Hale; E. Cofttcs : 1 Shropshire, £1 6s 3d, T. Kelly; R. Hall: 1 Lincoln, £2 2s, Anderson; R. Proudo: 1 ram, £1. WANGANUI RAM FAIR. Wanganoi, February 6,—The second day of Freeman R. Jackson and Co.'s ram fair was marked by great spiritedness, and those whose who waited for bargains fonnd they had to nay much higher prices. This was principally the case with Mr. J. S. Holmes' rams, which averaged S2 3s 9d better than tho previous day. W. Wilson made 15s better, and other good breeders in proportion. Twenty-nine guineas was the highest price obtained for a flock ram of W. Wilson's. The medium rams were, however, a J-guinea cheaper, and dropped perhaps more towards the end of the sale. _ Much business was done after the sale with rams that had been passed ,ir>. breeders readily meeting the buyers. l!>00 Lincoln rams were all sold, ana altogether it was the most successful sale, and a marked improvement over last year. The perfect arrangement of the management of the sale was unanimously acknowledged.' j aoknowledsed.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10048, 7 February 1896, Page 6

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GREEN LANE SHEEP FAIR. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10048, 7 February 1896, Page 6

GREEN LANE SHEEP FAIR. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10048, 7 February 1896, Page 6