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MERCHANTS, HEATHER, ROBERTON, & DO. CUSTOM-STREET. STOCK LIST: Almondj SISSKp) oB?* Fn.ll.(PTM6md) jujubes HKfflS"" oB:Si • Kg,™.* ■ • SandSoap h SPECIALTIES, Apples (evaporated) Barley Canary Seed Fire Kindleri Jelly, C. Foot fen?* 9 Ointment, Holloway-s Raisins Elemes Seidlitz Powders layby's Goods Add Tart Brooms Carraway Seeds Flour Jelly Cone. {"' terd Oil Flasks sins Hun lazenbys Goods Ad.l Citric Broom handle. clothes Pees Fruits (Crystallised) ?!' }?„. ' Si. _. Monkev Starch Ammonia liruxhwaro Carbonate Soda Knife Polish J}"'' Peaches, Rjaporated Raisins Valencia:. Tapioca ? Arrowroot Botril Cbutney Ginger (Bleached) Knives S'' ( . _. .. Pepper, Whole Rape heed Taiaks PusDarama Tea Anchovy sauce ui cults Confectionery Ginger (Unbleached) Knife Blades *fcwpii„ Pepper, Ground S'"'V e Lc trlm Ti n ; Piisparama Tea IM..V Pule Co fee Gelatine Keroaena Monarch of Pain Pickles Raspberry Syrup Twine . . n ,, _ , Am I Ilk Coffee Extract Gelatine Lozenges KitT ««*. «}'»• " oll »* a ■ Tobaccos Electr.c Baking Powder Yi.m )•pnffAft Dandelion Groats Patent Mil It Food Pills, Beecham's Saucea "eas in packets Allan and Hanbury's Food ack9 CoK Germhia Unseed Machine Oil Pills, Cockles' Starch Teas in Sulk Pbtenfc Baking Powder A! ,„v K.«V<l .nn» Powder St Tonic Golden Svrun fflll. SSSL Patent Medicines Teas in lead „ , „ Coffee Essence Anriccts (evap° r; »tcii) ens anl Powder Cocomut Desiccated Ginger al# lobster. Mete Fruits Paper, Brown Sardines Tin Plates Baird. Coffee Essence mm "Z» 85Son» fflSßl «„«„ ifiU. MM StsL- Si Y«, U B..dM «»«•-• gar „. ta iSttt, as& Suit, &sS b ""' SSSSnw v5!Jv»C M ' v.*.vab. :: „ Millers cmry Extract of Soap Herring (all kinds) Lead Pencils Note Papßr Painkirfer . Soda Crystals Vi„ gC a,. Bacon cap-rs Kmbrocation KUiraan's Hemp Seed Lashing J a, [ . ,Ax Pimento , Sharps vinegar, Bulk Electric Vestas Blacking Corks Essences (Flatourlng) Hatchets for Gum ■ Lard Nectarine. (Evaporated) Prunes Eraporated Spice vSlwwlnHn. JMlln', Fnn(l ... Black Lead clothes Lines Eucalyptus Hams Lung Balsam Oatmfl&l Pineapples Senna • Vegetables in tins . Mellin fl Food, etc. SSrttßhrt ST" SS3ST Insect Powder {=!$? ' "jA* 'lF » „ Men.lV, Lemonade Bathbiifks Cream Tartar Kno's Fruit Salts Isinslass J]''.' Provision* Laienbya Sago Vashboards , Bliiesiiuu' cigars Egg Powder Irish Moss Mellln'a Food oata alnts Suhur Wines and Spirits Menzle e Ginger Ale Beausltiario

BooksellersfJPTON AND C o ' 1 11ST OF N'i:w NOVELS AND BOOKS SUITED m TilK HOLIDAY SEASON, " 6 The Men of the >loss-na?s, S. J CJrockett 2 6 mil 111;' .Memoirs of a Minister 01 nance, ...ABliS Wat?™. Julian Corbott •* fi l' orre Hid ili< People, Gilbert Parker •' t Jlattles of Knplisl. History, H. B. Ueurge •' d lUr.hUis, Marie L'orelli iuAMm "f M irk, Anthony Hope _ ,"i Ii Tales *'f Mean-street, A tlmr Morrison 2 ' The I'nil of the sword, Gilbert Parker > „ F.urv Tales Unold. -S J!arii»p-G°ul.l 1 6 No P 001. A Detective Story, 1.. L. Lyncn ■> 6 The White Company, Coinn Doyle > 6 The Maiden's Progress, Violet Hunt ! ti The Moving Finger, Mary Gaunt l 6 By I hrasna River, shan F. BullocK ; 6 KnglMi Traits, B- W. Kmerson 1 (i The liimlers, >. 11. Crockett •' C The Great Dominion. Studies of Canada, G. It. Parkin. M. A. „ , ...... •I C Barracks, Bivouacs and Battles, Archibald Forbes 2 6 Fiench and English, P. 0. ITamerton 1 6 The Crooked Stick, Rolf. Holdrewood 2 ti The Burden of a Woman, Richard Pryce 2 6 The Expansion of England, J. K. Seeley 2 6 Life's Little Ironies, T. Hardy 2 Ii A Group of Noble Dames, T. Hardy 2 6 Seething Days, c. C. Uolroyd 2 (i Peter Steele, the Cricketer, 11. G. Hutchinson 2 5 The Humour of Italy, A. Werner 2 6 Sonia Kovalevsky 2 6 Regimental Rhymes, Kentish Rag J ti Sir Quixote of The Moors, J, Buchan S 6 A Mail's Foes, E. H. Strain 2 6 A Bid for Fortune, Guy Boothby 2 C A Woman of the Commune, G. A. Ilenty 2 6 Prisoners ot Silence, Mary A. Dickens » 6 The Education of Antonia. F. K Phillips ; (i On and Off the Turf Iu Australia, Nat Gould ; ii By iteef and I'alra, Louis Becke 16 A "Comedy In Spasms, lota 1 d A M tn ami His Womankind, Nora Vynne « 6 The Woman Who Did, Grant Allen SUA Veldt Offi. ial, Bertram Mitford 8 6 Maids in a Market Garden, Clo. Graves 5 6 A Woman in I', Rita ■ • 3 6 (i rut ii as Grass, F. M. Allen 3 « The Judgment Hooks, K. F. Benson ;t ii The Heart of Man, Hlas K. Hocking. 3 6 The Unknown Life of Christ, Nicolas Notofitch 3ii The Holy Estate, W. 11. dkinsand F. Thatcher 3 6 Cheer Boy.-, Cheer, Henry RiK-ell . 3 6 XX Stories by XX. Telleis, Cobban 3 6 ih» King of Anda an, J. Maclaren 3 8 Joan Haste, 11 Rider Haggard 3 6 Minor Dialogues, W. Pett Ridge 3 6 I Forbid the Banns, F. Frankfort Moore 3 6 The Crooked Sties, Rolf Bolderwood J 6 Red Rowans, F. A. Steel 3 6 A son of the Plains, Arthur Paterson 3 6 Life of W. H. Smith, M.P., Sir H. Maxwell 3 6 The Majesty of Man, Alien 3 6 Two tiirls on a Barge, W. Cecil Cotes S 0 Lyre and lancet, Anstey ! 6 A New Zealand Courtship, E. Boyd Bayly } 6 Catalogue and Price List of Postage Stamps, 1895-6, Stanley Gibb(us 2 6 Mona Maclean, Graham Travers 2 C A Flash of Summer, Mrs. W. K. Clifford 2 6 The Unclassed, G. Oissine 2 6 The Love Affairs of an Old Maid, Lilian Bell 2 e Eugene Vidocq, Dick Donovan j 2 6 A Dangerous Brute, Mrs. Robert Jocelyn ' 2 8 I he Sorrows of Satan, Marie Core'li 2 6 Strength, a Treatise on the Development and Usa of Muscle, C. A. Sampson 1 0 England v. Australia, J. N. Pentolow 1 3 Phil May's Illustrated Winter Annual 0 0 The Yellow Book, Vol VII. Postage, 2d extra in the Is. UPTON & CO. 158, QUEEN-STREET, 180. ■* OHAMPTALOUP & £JOOPER, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. 8. d. MacUren, lan, The Days of Auld Lang Syne 6 0 Westall, W., Sons of Belial '2 0 A rdasser. Short Lessons in Photography .. 10 Badminton Library-Yachting, '2 vols, ..21 0 Allen, T. G., Across A.-ia on a Bicycle . ( 0 Alden, W ].., Told by the Colonel .. ..3 6 Allen, Grant, At Market Value 3 0 Bret, Ha.rte, Clarence 3 6 Bliss. W. D., A Handbook of Socialism ..2 6 Browne, M., Practical Taxidermy .. ..7 6 Butler, t'Jenenl, The Great Lone Land ..2 6 Churchi i's Men, Mines, and Mineral, in South Africa 2 6 Dickens, M. A., I risoners of Silence .. ..3 6 Ela, A Naturalist on the Prowl 8 6 Fritts, C , The Watch Adjuster's Manual ..16 0 Froude, J. A., Spanish Story of the Armada.. 3 6 Haggard, H. It., Joan 11 >ste 3 6 Barker's Petrology far Students .. ..7 6 Hooking, J., All Men are Liars 3 6 Johnston, It. H., The Congo River .. ..2 6 Kapp, G., Alternate Currents of Electricity., 4 6 Kind, 8., Social Evolution 6 A Kipling, R, Departmental Ditties .. ..6 0 Holmes, 0. W., One Hundred Days a Europe 2 6 Mason, 0., The Origins of Inventior .. ..3 6 Mechanical World ) ear Book and I iary .. 0 6 My Honey, by author of Tip-Cat . ..3 6 Notable Answers to 1000 Questions . ..2 6 New Zealand Official Yea Book (PostA, « Sd) 1 0 Park, J., Assaying and Practical Che nist. f.. 7 6 Phillips, F., The Education of Antonia ..3 6 Redford, 0., Ammonia Refrigeration .. ..4 6 Itusseli, Dura, * Country Sweetheart.. .. 3 6 Ridge, W. P., Minor Dialogues 3 6 Roy, Neil, The Horseman's Word .. .. 3(1 St. Aubyn A.. In the Face of the World ..3 6 Strand Novelettes, Vol. 2.. .. .. ..2 6 Scheidel, Dr. a., CyanideP ocess .. ..3 6 S:ebel, J. E., Compend of Mechanical Refrigeration 10 6 Turner, E., Seven Little Australasian. .. 2 0 Turner. E , The Story of a Baby .. ..2 6 Turner, K., The Family at Misrule .. ..2 6 Wilso-i, A C., After Eire Years in India .60 right, L., Handbook to the Microscope ..26 Add 2d to the Is on price of book for Postage. 50, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. AND LYELL, ■ New Zealand Diaries for IBstj Letts and Collin-' Diaries for 1896. Account Books of every description. Independent and swan Fountain Pens. Business Envelopes from 3s per 1000. Inks—All the best manufactures. Mining Transfer Forms, Share Registers, Share Receipt Books, Call Books, Transfer Books, and all Stationery used by Sharebrokers, Mining Agents, etc. KKPT IN STOCK. francy Calendars for 1895 in great variety. B''ied Stationery in various shapes and tints. Books of New Zealand Ferns, handsomely bound i\l2n and £( 3s. lies and Foy Bros.' Photos of the Natives of New Zealand. A splendid assortment of Photo, of New Zeaiaad Scenery. Photos of New Zealand Bird, and the Union Company s Steamers. Brett's Hot Lakes Wonderland. Willis', Bret t's,and Murray's Guides to Now Zealand Arcade Album of 23 views of Auckland, is ed Splendid Photo, of Auckland, in Opal and Medallion 3 sizes; price, Is 6d, 2s ed, a d 6s. ' Handsomely-bound Albums for mountine New Zealand Ferns, Photos, etc. All the latest Magazines and Newspapers Kept in Stock. NEW BOOKS BY EVERY MAIL. - Victoria ARCADE, shortland street. Machinery. !p 0 R SALE: - Portable Engines, 10 anil 16horsepower 1 Sin. Cylinder Coal Whip, for working two baskets l Double Cylinder Steam Winch 1 Hydraulic Woo! or Flax Press, 6ftlliftt t with pumps, to drive by hand or power. I Donkey Steam Pump, for boiler feeding; etc. We have also, almoit completed: 1 Compound Surface-condensing Marine Engine, 30 horse power 1 ton. Vertical Engine, with link motion, etc. 1 Horizontal Engine, 18 horse power, suitable for use . a pumping engine. WINDING ENGINES, PUMPS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, A STAMPING MACHINERY Made to Order, at our Works. ' 3. McCOSKRIE & SON, CHAPKI STREET IRONWORKS, ' I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10037, 25 January 1896, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10037, 25 January 1896, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10037, 25 January 1896, Page 7