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N.L.—No Liability.

* Office of Company in London only.

i Office in Colony and In London. J Ex DWidend.

During the past month our mining market has been dull, chiefly caused by the reported "slump" on the London market, owing to the " wan, and rumours of wars," of late. However, the latest news from Home is very encouraging, and no doubt the reflex will soon be apparent here. All interested in mining are convinced that with capital to work our mines energetically, a , Kood return will reward the investor?. We don't mean to fay that all our mines are El Dorados, but we do say that we have a good number that only require to be developed to pay steady dividends. The payment of the £1,000 deposit to the Directors of the Alburnia Gold Mining Company, on account of the purchase of that property, has given satisfaction, and may be accepted as •' evidence of the confidence of Home speculators in our mine*. Bank and Insurance shares have been rather easier this month, there being more sellers than buyers in the market.

i After leaving Tonga H.M.s, Penguin , which arrived at Wellington on the Bth of January from the South Sea Islands, , was _ engaged in taking soundings, and i obtained bottom at depths varying from , 5022 fathoms to 5155 fathoms. The latter sounding was obtained in latitude 30*27 south, longitude 17639 west. Red clay was brought at the greatest depths. It 1 took two and a-hnlf hours to obtain the j 5155 fathoms soundings, and three and a- , half hours to haul the wire on board again by hand. The Land and Survey Department is sending a first class collection of handsomely framed photographs of New Zealand scenery to the Australian Industrial Exhibition at Ballarat. ~ The rainfall for last month shows: Auck'land, 99 inches; Wellington, I*6l'; Chrißbchurch, 2*95; Dunedin, 4'40. The heaviest . records for the month werell'B4 inches J at Bfokitika, and 10*87 at) Ureyooutb,

At a meeting of the Dunedin Benevolent Trustee? a man, who had been an inmate lor thirty-five weeks, appeared and offerod M in payment of his keep during that period, . It appeared that he had become entitled to some money, and he desired to reimburse the cost ho had put the trustees to The money was accepted. Colonel Fox, as the first president) of the Wellington District Volunteer Rifle Association, has presented a silver salver to the Association, to be competed for annually by allcorps and companies, and to be held by the corps or company making the best figure of merit at volley and independent finng combined. The secretary of the West Coast Rifle Association has been, presented by Mr. G. Hutchison, M.H.R., with a beautiful silver curat jug, as a champion 'prize to be competed for at next meeting.; The trophy., ,» Pi exquisite workmanship. '

A tragic incidenb occurred during the voyage of the Union Company's steamer Kotomahana from Sydney to this port, John McLeod, one of the bedroom stewards, committing suicide by jumping overboard. McLeod was a single man, 25 years of age, and was a native of Glasgow. He had boon in the employ of the Union Company for about four yoars, and so far as is known had ho relatives in the colony. In Chambers at Wellington on Wednesday, January 15th, Mr. Justice Williams granted the request of the provisional directors of the Colonial Bank for authority to pay a first dividend of 10s per share. The immigration and emigration returns 1 for the laßt month show a not gain to the population of 1144 souls, arrivals numboring 2273 and departures 1129. The returns for the whole year show a net gain of 946, as compared with 2253 iu the previous year. ' •>

MEMBERS OF THE AUCKLAND SHAREBROKERS' ASSOCIATION. ftl „„ B. 0. Macky Pmt. B. Morris W. A, Ryan j. Friar Clarke q f Brimblecombe H. S. Ruddock j. T. Armitaqe R FluK !L..,n James Frater ' D. McLeod j W. A. Prime D. B. MCDONALD 0 A BUTTLE M T N BLUCK L a Lrvt AITREN CARRICK CHARLES ALEXANDER DUNCAN B. CLERK H. S. FENWICK Francis Hull jon« Mowbray N. J. Markiiam J. M. Lennox (Chairman). James Reid __ ___ _ - : " i ' iT. J jlnt't'at ***? vnmW Capital, Reserve Dividend Market i V H I rai(1 "P , on ffenfc „,"" Shares Fund and Paid or Companies. • 'price. L .. per Share. Invest- v ='' 1 " „.™ Issued. Total Subscribed Paid-up Undivided Payable in companies, pnce. , gl) _ res .i ment Shares. CapM CftpM Cap , tft j; Auckland. £ „ d. £ £ s- d. Cent. * £ £ £ £ BANKS- * ■' ios/- 5 5 0 200,000 100.000 900,000 900,000 900,000 50,972 Feb. ft Aug. New Zealand, old < - lfJ 0 ;, 50 000 ■• ," " eW '" 1 "8 0 150/- '2 10 0 8? 5 200,000 100000 1,900,000 900,000 250,000 19,106 July ft Jan. National. ■• • ••• ' ° X #} 40 0 0 3j>, 5 40,000 40000 1,600,000 1.600,000 1,600,000 809,986 Apr. ft Oct. Australasia ... - on i? n 20 20 0 0 0 9 150,000 62,500 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,683,500 1,181,342 Apr. ft Oct. New" South vtaics ■• - J l -' u >m 37 got) ... ... ' ... j''ou of Australia"?! 2710 0 75 25 "6 0 4. 5 eojOOO 60|000 WOOO 4,600,000 1,500,000 1,015,612 Jan. ft July INSURANCE- in . 10 200 7J 131 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 200,000 257,620 Jan.* July New Zealand... ... J " » ; „ , 0 0 g lfi 200,000 196,115 2,000.000 1,961,550 98,057 122,410 May ft Nov. National ... " «"»' 1 050 4 12. 100,000 00,000 100,000 20,000 5,000 15,994 Feb. ft Aug. N.Z. Accident ... « ' ; _ 0 0 6 15 ' 100000 M8ffl j goo.000 1.227,932 64,628 146,239 Apr. ft Oct. • South Uriuso „ [a C: 10 015 0 8 10 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 75,000 39,217 Mar. ft Sep. Standard " IU ■ FINANCIAL- ., | , 0 1 10 0 320,000 320,000 ... 3,000,000 N./5. Ln& Mercantile, ... ;no 0 200000 200000 » ..". V e i«npvl '" '10 200 "! ;:: 100,000 100 000 1,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 29,352 Feb. ft Aug. Nat. Mart. ft Agency ... 9 _ 0 0 15 5 200,000 200,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 200,000 34,407 Jan. ft June & iiivcr I laic ... w v GAS- 11 inn 12 10 0 5 50 0 6 15 50,000 15,500 250,000 146,215 111.857J 26,547 Feb. ft Aug. Auckland,old.. ... '- iw fi 2 1Q Q 1374 3 " e •/' 815 0 5 5 0 0 16,000 Christchurch ... {476 ... 2 10 0 16,000 ... - ... ••;.„„,.. ,,..„, 110 6 1 100 6} 10 15.000 12,000 15,000 12,000 10,424 153 Feb. ft Aug. melton '•" •'•'■ 5 ° 0 5 5 ° ° 2,000 Ljtteltou ... ••• _ „ 10 0 0 1500 v •, i 7 13 9 10 5 00 '.'.'. Z '.'.', 600 20,000 20,000 17,060 5,042 Jan. ft July Mpier 1 1 10 9 10 0 2,000 New Plymouth ... 53 6 5 8 17 6 2.000 ... nZT ." 186 50/- 118 -7 -5 10,000 m 25.000 241955 lSJgSS i'fa Mar. ft Sep. i,ia,ncs jr| If, 0 0 10 0 0 Wellington ... J 8 0 0 10 5 0 0 6* 10 ... 15,000 0 1 2 10 0 10 0 m Si Timber paid up 0 7 0 2 2 0 0 150,000 150.000 1,200,000 200,000 750,000 ... October j , „ contrib'g 0 3 0 2 12 6 450,000 450,000 SH VhinSrtS Ferry... 150 1 100 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 ... June NZ Shipping ... 400 8 800 8} 4 100000 59,680 800,000 477.572 430,607 33,326 Feb. 4 Aug. Northern Steam, old 14/6 0 14 0 ... 12,495 108,000 84,668 45,560 697 May , „ new... 0 5 9 14/6 0 7 0 71 6 ... 104,289 ... May ! Union Steam 510 0 10 10 0 0 11 6 50,000 59,692 400,000 500,000 400,000 202,000 Mar. 4 Sep. r A Hikuran"i ... 0 6 3 10/- 0 7 6 30,000 30,000 15,000 15,000 9,750 ... Taupiri Extended ... 0 19 6 1 0 16 0 10 12} 24 000 24,000 24,000 24,000 18000 1,622 Feb. ft Aug. Taupiri Reserve, old ... 10/- 0 10 0 25,000 3,000 12,500 9,195 4,5/8 ... February „ new ... 10/- 0 4 0 15,390 Westport 2 13 90/- 3 0 0 69,306 MISCELLANEOUS- M „„„ , on< _ Auckland Fibre ... 110 0 25.000 18,945 25.000 18,945 18,945 ... Colonial Sugar, old ... 24 15 0 20 -20 0 0 8} 10 82,500 79,373 1,650,000 1,650,000 1,612,360 373,021 Apr. ft Oct. N.Z."Drug,old " CW ;.'. 10 9 1 £2 ft £1 "jj, '74 100,000 70l994 200i(X)0 133,748 8b\674 12,323 Mar. ft Sep. Northern BoT '"' '.'.! 1 016 0 '." '.'.'. 15,000 12"622 15.000 KUIEB 9"896 1*331 September Sfaarland ft Co. '" ... 1 012 0 ... 8 50.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 31,250 1,709 January Union Oil ... Z. 016 9 1 014 0 7} 9 50,000 36,850 50,000 36,850 25,795 1,217 1 Apr. ft Pot. GOLDFIELDS- l'°* L Managers or Secretaries. Thames. __ _„,.,, Albumin East 0 0 6 3/- 50.000 50,000 H. Gilhllan, jun. broken Hill 0 010 3/- 0 0 2 55,000 55,000 ... ... R. MoD. Scott Cambria . 1110 9 44,700 60,000 44,700 44,700 R. McD. Scott ■ Cardigan- ... Ltd. 0 1 5 3/- ■•• R- Mel). Scott City of Dunedin ... 0 1 3 10/- 0 6 0* 50,000 50.000 25,000 17,900 A. White Excelsior ... N.L. 0 03 3/- ... " 60,000 60,000 D. 0. MacDonnell Golden Point ... N.L. 0 10 1 10 0 100,000 100,000 ... ... 8. H. Matthews Hazelbank 0 210 5/- 0 2 9 42,000 42,000 10,500 10,500 F. A. White } Knranui ... Ltd. 0 211 5/- 60,000 60,000 W. Clarke , Lone Hand ... Ltd. ... 10/- 0 10 50,000 50,000 R. McD. Scott May Queen 0 8 6 10/- 0 111 79,000 79,000 39,500 39.500 R. McD. Scott 1 AJonowai ... . 0 4 0 5/- 0 10 60,000 60,000 15,000 15,000 W. Clarke MoanataiatiN. ... 0 0 9 3/- 0 19 50,000 60,000 W.H.Churton NewWhau ...N.L 0 0 8 3/- 00 2 50,000 50,000 7,500 7,500 H.Gilfillanjiiu. New Albumin... ... 0 5 3 10/- 0 2 0 60,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 D. G. MaoDonnell North Star ... 1/5 0 17 45,000 JdWj New Moanataiari ... 0 6 0 10/- 0 5 0 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 F. A. White Norfolk 0 3 0 10/- 0 7 3 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 D. G. MacDonnell Orlando .. .., 0 0 7 5/- 0 2 1 40,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 D. G. MacDounell Occidental ... N.L. 0 0 7 1/6 0 0 2 53,700 ?;, C ; T Mky Puriri N.L. 0 10 2/- 0 0 1 ... 55,000 ... ... W. H. Churton Royal 0 14 5/- 0 0 0} 50,000 50,000 12,500 12,500 W.Clarke Sheridan .. N.L. 0 10 3/- 0 10 50,000 50,000 7,500 7,500 D. G. MacDonnell Tapn Fluke 0 0 9 2/ 45,000 45,000 W.H.Churton Victoria ... N.L. 0 3 1 5/- 0 2 4 120.000 120,000 30,000 30,000 J. J. Macky Waiotahi 18 0 3/- 210 0 6,000 6,000 18,000 18,000 F. A. White Alp'hT. am "'N.L. • 0 5 9 3/- 00 1 60,000 50,000 7,500 5,250 H. Gilfillan, Jan. British Empire N.L. 005 3/- 60,000 60,000 H. Gilfillan, jun. Byron Bay ... N.L. 0 10 j 5/- 70,000 70,000 C. Grosvenor Chelt ... N.L. 0 0 4 2/6 55,000 55,000 B. J. White 'Crown 18 0 1 10 0 100,000 80,000 100,000 80,000 Home Office Comstock .'.".' .." 0 0 613/- 0 0 2 60,000 60.000 9,000 '9,000 R. McD. Scott Day Dawn ... N.L. .00414/ 60,000 WH. Cooper Golden Fleece 0 0 6 1 3/- 70,000 ... ... W. Clarke Grace Darling 0 14 13/- 059 ... ' ... 60,000 60,000 30,000 30,000 D. G. MacDonnell Hit or Miss ...N.L. ... ! 5/- 60,000 .) H. Harrison . Huanui N.L. 0 14 3/- 60,000 50,000 ... ... E. J. White Imperial . NL 0 13 12/- 002 55.000 55,000 5,500 5,000 H. Gilhllan, jun. lvanhoe N L 0 0 6 2/- 0 0,1 55,000 55,000 5,500 5,000 H. Gilfillan, jun. Karaiigahake ... N.L. 0 0 8 4/- ..' 70,000 70,000 £•$!$• • Mariner 0 0 6 3/- 70,000 60,000 ... ... H. Gilhllan, jun. New Zealander .'.'. 0 0 6 3/- 76,000 W.Clarke NilDesperandum 2/- 80,000 J. Harrison Oceania . N.L. 0 1 2 2/6 80,000 60,000 ... ... E.J. White Owharoa 0 3 9 ! 10/- 75,000 75.000 37.500 25,000 S. H. Matthowe . Portsea ' 0 0 9 j 10/- 0 0 2 50,000 50,000 12,500 - 11,250 D. G. MacDonnell Queen of Waihi N.L. 02 7 ••• I). O. MacDonnell .South British... N.L. 006 i 4/- 023 70,000 65,000 W, / , Cll J!;« „ Stanley . N.L. 0 0 4! 2/ 60,000 60,000 ... ... D. G. MacDonnell Sterling ... N.L. 0 0 3 2/- ' 60,000 ... ... Cook ft Gray Talisman 0 8 3 5/ 100,000 80,000 25,000 13,750 D. G. MacDonnell Talisman Extended... Oil 3/- 150,000 150,000 22,500 ... R. McD. Scott Teutonic ... N.L. 007 3/- 85,000 85,000 W 'H a e . •Victor NL 0-2 9 2/- 0 0 2 150,000 150,000 15,000 8,000 H. Gilhllan, jun. ■Waihi Consols ' N.L. 0 12 2/- 10 0 175,000 ... H. Gilfillan, jun. Waitekauri No: 2 ..! 0 0 7 3/- I 85.000 80,000 Wjl ?!,' ke r , „ WaitekauriNo.4N.L. 0 2 0 4/- 0 0 1 60,000 60,000 12,000 800 D. G. MacDonnell Waitekauri South ... 0 0 7 4/- ! 70,000 55,000 ... ... W.Clarke „ Waihi-Silverton ... 2 18 6 3 110 0 60,000 60.000 60,000 60.000 D. G. MaoDonnell tWaini 7 0 0 30/- I 1 0 0 160,000 160,000 16,000 160,000 R. Rose Waihi Extended ... 0 0 6 10 10 60,000 60,000 D. G. MacDonnell Waihi South ... Ltd. 0 10 3/- I 0 1 0 150,000 120,000 D. G. MaoDonnell Woodstock North ... 0 0 4 2/- ! 0 0 2 50,000 • ... ... .I.Barber tWoodstock 15 0 1 j 0 5 0 55,000 55.000 27,500 27.000 D. G. MacDonnell tWaitekauri 4 5 0 1 ' 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 R.Rose Wealth Nations N.L 00 8 4/- I 70,000 70.000 14,000 12,000 H. Gilflllan, jun. Waverley N.L. 0 0 9 2/- 0 0 2 65,000 65,000 6,500 6,000 D. G. MaoDonnell YoungN.ZealandN.L. 0 10 3/- 75,000 75,000 E.White Kuaotumi. „ „„ Aorere . .. N.L. 0 12 2/- 60,000 60,000 ... ... J. H. Harrison Aurora 0 0 4 II- 60,000 60.000 ... ... Wm. R. Waters Invicta - . . ... N.L. 0' 0 9 2/- 75,000 75,000 7,500 750 J. H. Harrison lnvictaNorth 003 2/- 65,000 65,000 ... ... J.H.Harrison Golden Anchor ... 0 16 3/- 60,000 60,000 ... ... J. H. Harrison Jupiter 0 5 0 5/- 40,000 40,000 ... ... H. Gilflllan, jun. Kapai-Vermont N.L. 0 9 0 5/- 100,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 D. G. MacDonnell Kiiaotunu ... N.L. 0 19 2/- 60,000 60,000 ... ... J. Young Maori Dream 0 17 3/- I 60,000 60,000 E.J.White Maoriland ...N.L. 0 0 10 3/- I 80,000 80,000 ... ... Cook ft Gray Midas N.L. 0 1113/- 70,000 70,000 D. G. MacDonnoll Otama ! . : . | 10/- : 0 0 3 40,000 40,000 ... ... D. G. MacDonnell Phcenix N.L. 0 0 6 .V- 60,000 60,000 ... ... J. J. Macky Try Fluke ./. '053 ff, '006 50,000 65.000 12,500 12,500 H. Gilfillan, jun. Waitaia ... ... 0 .3 7 8- 0 0 5i 60,000 60,000 W. H. Churton Coromandd. Big Ben N.L. 00 3 5/- ' 60,000 W.Clarke Britannia ... 0 0 9 2/- 80,000 ... ... J. H. Harrison Bunker's Hill .. Ltd. 1 0 5 9 ! 5/- 0 2 3 60,000 60,000 60,000 15,000 J. H. Harrison , Conquering Hero N.L. 0 0 9 2/- 80,000 80,000 ... ... W.Gray ' Golden Hill Ex., N.L. 0 0 3 3/- 100,000 ... ... J.H.Harrison Golden Hill ... N.L.I 0 0 7 3/- 0 0 8 50,000 50,000 7,500 7,500 D. G MacDonnell Golden Lead ... N.L.i 0 0 9 2/- 70,000 70,000 ... ... 1). G. MaoDonnell Great Kapanga ... 0 0 4 •• ■•• E.J.White Harbour View N.L. 0 0 7 2/- 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 .T.H.Harrison ♦Hauraki Special ' 2/6 i 320.000 ... ... Home Office HaurakiNo.2 N.L. 0 11 3/- 100,000' 100,000 15,700 12,000 H. Gilfillan, jun. Hauraki North ... 0 2 0 1 100,000 100,000 ... ... D. G. MacDonnell Hauraki South N.L. 0 0 9 4/- 60,000 ... ... W.Clarke Hauraki Ext'd N.L 0 0 4 2/- 70,000! 70,000 7,000 7,000 D. G. MacDonnell . NcwGolconda N.L. 0 1 3 2/- 75,000 1). G. MacDonnell NewTokatea... N.L. 0 19 2/- 80,000 80,000 J.H.Harrison Pride of Tokatea ... 0 10 1/6 80,000 80,000 W. 8. Hampson .North 2/- 80.000 ... ... J.H.Harrison Pukewhau 0 0 6 2/- 60,000 60,000 ... ... J. H. Harrison Progress Castle Rock 0 0 7 - .- W. Clarke Southern Cross N.L. 0 0 8 2/- 0 0 9 60,000 1 60,000 6,000 600 .7. H. Harrison Welcome Find Ltd. 0 3 0 5/- 0 10 70,000 70,000 ... 17.500 H. Gilfillan, jun. Zealandia ... N.L. 00 7 2/- 70,000 70,000 7,000 7,000 D. G. MacDonuell ■Debentures. Buyers. Sellers. Debentures. Buyers. Sellers. City of Auckland 5% 108 ... New Zealand Government 4J% Devonport Waterworks 5J% 1074 ... Parnell Borough 6% 107J

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 3 (Supplement)

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AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHARE BROKERS' REPORT.-Thursday, Jan. 23, 1896. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 3 (Supplement)

AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHARE BROKERS' REPORT.-Thursday, Jan. 23, 1896. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 3 (Supplement)