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The past month has beon a very quiet one as far as mining iB concerned, the Christmas and New Year holidays having occupied fully two weeks during the period between the past and present summaries. All the mines are, howover, once more in activo operation, and though the joy of entering upon a new year is generally tampered with a feeling of anxioty, ib can be safely said at the commencement of this new year we go forward with more hopefulness and certainty than has been the case for yoars past). This hopeful assurance is based upon the fact that the expenditure of so ranch capital in the systematic development of a number of properties in the Hauraki peninsula is now commencing bo tell its own talo, the beneficial results accruing therefrom being so tangible as not to leave any room for doubt, especially when ib is stated that in the Thames and up country districts alone, fully £220,000 worth of bullion was extracted by companies and private persons. It will therefore be seen that given moderately favourable conditions the mineral resources of our goldtields will prove equal to all demands, and theroin lies no inconsiderable element of assurance with regard to the future.

That our Home friends mean business with regard to tho effective development of the properties in which they are interested may bo accepted as proved from what has taken place in the past, while tho future is unquestionably going to bear a bigger record in this respect. Already extensive operations have boon entered upon in several cases, and other permanent works are bo be undertaken, the consequonce being that a considerable amount of labour is absorbed, Practical minors can now get employment without much trouble, and as already shown in the columns of the Herald the number of mon employed at the present is more than double that of last year. It must therefore be observed that the goldfields have emerged from tho depression of a year or two, the expectation being thus strengthened that the Hauraki district in general is now travelling on the road to success and prosperity.

One pleasing feature of the pasb month is the fact that an improvement has once more set in in the Home market. Intelligence has been receired, that the Albumin mine at the Thames has boon practically acquired by a Home company, the sura of £1000 having been paid on deposit. This information is indeed of a pleasing nature, mid should tend to intuso still groater vitality into mining at tho district in question. All details in connection with the disposal of the Alpha property ab Waitokauri to English capitalists have also been attended to, the documents, etc., having arrived in Auckland, whilst a cablegram has also been received to tho effect that the Victor- Waihou Company, whose property is situated at Karangahake, in the Ohinemuri district, had increased its capital to £170,000, and had taken up the Royal Mail, an adjoining piece of ground. The first section of the Waihou was sold some time ago, and tho Royal Mail was sold hut not floated. The shareholders of the Victor Company now got 160,000 fully paid up 10s shares in the Victor-Wnihou, and as there are 80,000 shares issued to the present Company, that means two shares for every one now held, The working capital of the VictorWaihou was £22.500. This has now been increased by 25,000 shares. The VictorWaihou Company have already begun to lee contracts for driving, so that before long this property should add its quota to the wealth of the district.

A cable message was received in Auckland recently announcing the registration, in London, of the Queen of Beauty Company, which has been formed to test the deep levels at the Thames. The announce men was received with general satisfaction, as it means that the syndicate now intend to place the company on the market, and proceed to the allotment of shares. This action is also an indication that the London market is improving, as the syndicate would scarcely issue the shares to the public if the severity of the "slump" had not passed away. We may expoct that work will now be vigorously prosecuted at the Thames, and that tho groat problem of gold at the low levels will in a short time be solved. About the result the best experts are very confident.

With regard to dividends, it was stated in our last summary, which gave a review of the year's operations, etc., that) the only dividends paid away during the year out of profits resulting from actual operations carried on in our mines were those distributed by the Waihi Gold Mining Company, the Waiotahi Gold Mining Company, and the Kapai-Vermonb Gold Mining Company, the total sum paid by those three companies being no less than £68,000, of which the first-mentioned company paid £64,000. However, from information subsequently received from Home wo find that the Hauraki Gold Mining Company, whose mino is situated at Coromandel, but whose head office is in London, had since the Ist of January, 1895, and up to the sth of October last, paid no less a sum than £48,000 in dividends to it? shareholders, and since that date, we understand a further Is dividend has been paid on the company's 250,000 shares, which will bring the total amount paid by the company up to £60,500. This sum, therefore, added to the total given last summary, makes a grand total of £128,509 paid in dividends oub of gold won from the mjnes of the Hauraki goldfields during the year 1895, which is an increase of £97,000 on the sum paid in dividends during the preceding year.

As already indicated, the actual work of January has only been that) carried out within the period of about two weeks, henco there are no gold returns. to hand for January month from the Thames or Ohinerauri districts; but ab Coromandel, the Hauraki Gold Mining Company's mino has made its first clean up for the new year, showing that during the period from December 14 lasb to Saturday, the 18th January, and excluding the period taken for holidays—27B tons of ore were treated in the Hauraki Gold Mining Company's mine for lGDlozs melted gold, which, calculated at the usual average of £3 per ounce, gives a value of £5082. The start is an excellent) one for the new year, the average being the high one of Goz ldwb and nearly 21grs.

We append our correspondent's reports, in which full information will be found respecting the past month's work :—

OHINEMURI. Paeroa, Thursday. Mining operations in the Ohinemuri district during the past month have nob been of an extended naturo, the holidays having disorganised matters considerably, and as a resulb not mure than .a fortnight's practical work has been done on the whole of the field since work was resumed. However, the mines are once moro in active operation, and it is confidently expected that the coming year will see even greater changes for the better than those which took place during 1895. The new companies are gradually sotting men to work, and no doubt the whole of the goldfield will roccivo a. thorough prospecting this year, and as a result developments of an interesting nature must, inevitably accrue. , t . Daring the past two weeks eight special claims have been applied for, comprising altogether 800 acres; the 1 respective properties being situated as follows : Marototo, 4 ; Owharoa, 1 ;' Uotokohu, 1; Mangakiro, 1; Waihi, 1. With regard to new, proper-

ties recently applied for, quite a large number came before tlio attention of Mr. H. Eyre Kenny, Warden, at the Court on Tuesday last, and ns most of the n'ppliba-' tionß—the plans of which were submitted and approved— were granted, steps will shortly be taken to develop the different properties concerned, so that the number of mines in existence should before long be considerably augmented, When the lust Summary was published a review of the year was given, but, owing to the absence of several returns the complete yield for the year could nob be given. Sinco then the returns have been made known, the Waihi Gold Mining Company's yield being especially good, as during the five weeks ending December 21, 3840 tons of ore wore crushed and treated for a yield of 10 813oz bullion, valued at £14,310 3s Gd ; and in addition 15990z bullion, valued at £2058 17a 2d, was got from 1675 tons of tailings, the total value for the period named being £16,307 0s 81 This Is the record crushing, and that nob only for value but average, the yield working oub at a little over £3 14s Gd per ton. During the year 33,670 tons of ore have been treated for a return of £119,046 0* 3d, as compared with £82,820 from 24,864 tons last year. The present magnificent return brings the grand total obtained from this splendid property to £353.517.

The Waitekauri and New Zealand Crown Mines Company's returns have also come to hand, and are of a payable nature, so that taking just tho principal mines of Ohinemuri, the yield for the year was as follows :—

Name. Tonnage Value, Waihi 33,670 £119,1140 0 0 New Zealand Crown.. .. 6,037 33,520 4 8 Woodstock " 2,424 ' 8,447 12 3 Waitekauri (from June) .. 2,4 M 0,903 n 0 Owlmwi - 207 14 8 KomaU , 220 258 0 0 Wolrongomai .. .. — 05010 7 Total* 43,819 £169,134 11 8 These returns speak volumes for the bullion productiveness of the Ohinemuri district, and when the present crushing power is supplemented by an additional 190 head, which it has been already decided to erect by different companies, the return for 1896 should be considerably larger than the year just closed.

KARANGAHAKG. At the time of writing a considerable amount of work is being proceeded with, not only underground, bub on the surface, and there is an increase in tho number of labourers employed. This is the result principally of the additions to tho Crown Gold Mining Company's reduction works, and tho erection of the new 40-head stamper battery for tho Woodstock Gold Mining Company, the initial work connected with which is now woll under way. Of course, as already stated, the work done in the mine during the interval since Inst summary is limited. The main works of the districb, however, are being conducted by tho Crown and Woodstock companies, both of which are recipients of bullion returns from their mines every month. In connection with the Crown mines, the yield for the December period was not available when the review of the yoar was given, but since then the return has been publicly recorded, and shows that during tho three weeks ending December 21, 337 tons of ore were treated for a yield of bullion valued at £1980, or an averago of over £5 17s 6d per ton. In the mine itself, matters are pro coodiug much about the aumo as usual. Tho extension of the No. 6 level is being prosecuted vigorously, over 1300 feet having now been opened up in this portion of the mine. Some distanco back from the face, however, a break came in, and heaved tho roof from its course. This is no new feature in the Crown reof, as faults have from time to time como in and heaved tho lode some distance, bub tho attempts to recover the ore body havo never yet proved futile, as it has invariably been picked up again and found to bo just as rich in bullion-producing qualities. With the object of recovering tho lode, therefore, the level is being continued in a southeasterly direction. Below the No. 6 level operations are at a standstill, Mr. Daw having decided to suspend work here in consequence of the difficulties, etc., experienced in hauling the stuff by hand labour. In order to remedy this, however, and allow explorations downward to bo continued a small pneumatic hauling engine has been ordered. This it is expected will arrive by the end of the current month, so that it should not bo long before the works below No. 6 level are resumed at a comparatively less cost. The continuation of the No. 4 level and scoping overhead are being kopt steadily in hand, and are producing a good supply of payable crushing dirt. With regard to the future, Mr. Daw, who has now a firm grasp of the mino and its situations, lias drawn up a scheme for the development of the property, and at all events for the ensuing year the principal works in view will be the extension of the No. 4 and 6 levels southward, and sinking bolow tho No. C level, where levols will be put out at a point about ton fathoms apart north and south of the winze, and as it has already been proved that the greater depth achieved reveals an improvement in the ore body both in size and quality, the Crown Company can reasonably look forward to a season of prosperity. Reference was made in a previous issue to the fact that the wages system had been abolished and tho contract system had been inaugurated. This now departure is apparently working smoothly and well, the men being satisfied with tho now conditions, while the mine is being worked more economically. Unquestionably this happy state of affair* is due to tho thorough understanding of matters by the men prior to entoring upon the contracts, as they are made conversant with the conditions before accepting any obligation. At tho battery everything is working smoothly and well, whilst the erection of the additional 20 head of stampers is being proceeded with as quickly as possible. In connection with the Woodstock Gold Mining Company's works it has been determined that in future operations will be carried on by contract, and with this object in view tendersare now invited for the driving of fire different levels. These include the extension of the Nos. 2 and 3 levels southward on the Maria reof, tho former being already carried along 350 feet, and the latter about 550 feet. In both of these workings the lode has provod itself to be mosb consistent both as regards size and quality, inasmuch as that for the lengths opened up, from four to six feet of ore was produced, the value of whioh would averago a little over £5 per ton. The driving of the No. 4 level is also being pushed ahead expeditiously, the point where operations were commenced being 86 feeb bolow the No. 3 level. Already a distanco of about 20 feet has been driven, and another 40 feet should soo the lode to hand. The No. 4 level is also to be extended under the contract system, and so also is the No. 5 level, preliminaries connected with which being already under way. The No. 5 level is 110 feet below tho No. 4 level, and it is oxpected that when the face is advanced 130 feet the desired body of ore will bo to hand. Then again the continuation of the No. 2 level crosscut in the direction of the No. 1 or main lode is to be undertaken. This crosscut is now in a distance of 300 foot, and it is anticipated that when another 300 feet havo been driven, several gold-bearing lodes which hare been unearthed at the surface will be passed through. At the intermediate level operations upon Shepherd's lode are being attended with success, the ore coming to hand being worth from £15 to £20 per ton as per assay value. There will be some good blocks to develop on this lode so that if the reef maintains its high grade character of ore the company should be well remunerated for undertaking this work. During the month instructions were received from Home to proceed with the erection of the new 30-head stamper battery, the excavations for which are all bub completed. The dismantling of the present plant will shortly be commenced to give place to larger and more efficient reduction works.

Tho Earl of Glasgow management is advancing the two adits, and on the VictorWuibou property a contract has been let for driving a crosscut in tho Waihou section for tho purpose of intersecting somo weltknown gold-producing lodes, including the Dubbo reef. A largo number of other properties are also being developed. OVVHAROA. There is nothing frosh to report from the Owharoa district, but as several new mines have commenced operations tho result from the capital expended in this locality should be oho introduction of several gold producers. That the Owharoa lodes .. are auriferous has already been proved, and as there are special facilities for economic working, tho..district) should, with the

number qf mines now in existence, make a big advance during the coining year. The Owharoa 'Company-are the biggest employers of labour at the present time, and the driving of the crosscuts' in Elliott's and the Nub sections are kept steadily going.

WAIHI. Operations in this district are once more in" full swing, bub the only new development of any moment that has taken place since the resumption 'of work after the holidays is the intersection of what appears to be a new | lode in the WaihiSilvorton Gold Mining Company's property. This, it, may be mentioned, was met with in the southern drive on the main Silvorton lode, and a portion possesses well defined walls running about due north. Whether it is a' distinct body, or a continuation of the 110. 3 lode, which was intersected in the Crosscut at a distance of about seven feet past the Silverton lode, remains to bo seen, bub the opinion of those who have seen the stranger favours the idea that the company has been rewarded with another golden lode, which at present shows a width of ' aboub 0 feet). That ib carries the precious metal is beyond doubt, as colours of gold are discernible in the stone, which is of a highly oxidised nature. Further explorations will be continued, and no doubt as the result of driving upon its course the relation, if any, ib bears to the other two reefs will be ascertained. The western drivo on tho Silverton lode has now been carried along for fully 124 feeb, and for the whole of this distance the ore won has boon of a payable nature. Tho eastern drive has boon at a standstill lately, the men having been removed to the workings on tho new, or No. 3 lode, which has now been opened up for a distance of 160 feet. The lode carries a good percentage of the precious metal, the assay value taking the average, being aboub £6 per ton. while another pleasing feature is that tho quartz is easily broken, and consequently minimises considerably the cost of working. In a previous issue of the Heraldreference was made by your special reporter to the fact that this new or No. 3 reef would unmistakeably junction with the Silverton lode on the eastern end, though thoy becamo entirely distinct in their westerly courses, the divergence boing so considerable as to leave little reason to believo that they will ever converge towards each other in that direction. This prediction has already been proved to be correot, as after the drive on the Silverton lode had been extended 100 feet east of tho main crosscut, and tho drive on the new lodo 115 feet, a junction of the two bodies took place, making a width of fully 30 feet of crushing dirt, assays from which leave no doubt as to the payable character of the ore. The possibilities of such a large body of oro are immense, and with the quantity in sight, the Silverton Company can commenco their battery, and look forward to a good many years' constant run without interruption. The No. 2 shaft being sunk in the northwest portion of tho special claim is passing through a splendid channel of country, vein? of quartz boing met with, which give promise that another lode will shortly be to hand. Altogether, the outlook for the future is indeed encouraging, and the Waihi-Silverton mine should, when the new 40-head stamper battery is completed, make a substantial increase in the output of bullion in tho Ohinemuri district. During the five weeks ending December 21, 3840 tons of ore were crushed and treated by the Waihi Gold Mining Company for a yield of 10,8130z bullion, valued at £14 310 3s 61 ; and in addition 15990z bullion, valued at £2056 17s 2d, was got from 1675 tons of tailings, the total value for the period named being £16,367 0s Bd. This is the record crushing, and that not only for value but average, the yield working out ab a little over £3 14s fid por ton. During the year 33,670 tens of oro have been treated for a return of £119,046 0* Bd, as compared with £82,820 from 24,864 tons last year. This 119,046, however, it should bo stated is tho estimated value in Auckland. The bullion got in 1895 has realised over that estimate, and the value in London of the year's yield will be about £120,300. The present magnificent return brings the grand total obtained from this splendid property to £353,517. The following shows the returns from the mine since 1890 :—

« For period of over five wseks. In his monthly report, Mr. Thos. Gilmore, the mine manager, states that work was suspended on the evening of tho 21st Donomber for the holidays, and was resumed on the morning of the 6th January. At No. 2 level the drive On the Welcome lodo has reached 158J feob west of the crosscut. The lode is eight feet wide, and composed of somewhat coarse ore. The oastern drive has reached a length of 87 feet, and the .lodo,. which is two feet wide, assays over 13d wt to tho ton. In the same level", a contract has been let to drive west on tho Martha lode 200 feet, and tho face is now in 113 feet from tho crosscut. In No. 1 levol the rise near tho western end on the Martha lode has connected with tho adit level, and tondors have been called for the extension of the lovel 200 feet. Stoping is going on as usual, and tho ore coming to hand is of good quality. Tho drive on tho Welcome lode has been extended 107 feet west of the crosscut to No. 2 shaft, and the lode is eight feet wide and of medium quality. Tendersare called for the extension of the drive at this end another 200 feet. The winze to the west of the junction has been sunk a depth of 25 feet through ore .of good quality, and the ore coming to hand from the stoposis also good. On the right hand branch the first and second stope's have been carried homo to the junction with the Martha reef, and tho third, which is up 23 feet from the level, has boon extended 70 feet westward from the starting point. None of these stopos come eastward nearer than 50 feet from the junction with the left hand branch, as the lode was pinched in hard country, and at this paint was only about twelve inches thick, but westward it opened oub to 18 feet, and carries along to the junction with the Martha, a distance of 120 feet, a strong body of first-class ore. On the adit levol, the rise on tho Welcome lode at the western end.has been holed through to the shaft, and connected with tho surface a height of 163 foot. All the ore passed through has been of good quality, and at the point where shaft and winze mot, the lode is five foot wido. Very littlo work has been done on the right-hand branch at this level for some woeks. No. 2 shaft has boon sunk by tho contractor 13J feot, making the total dopth under -Mo. 1' level 82| feet. There was no change in the class of conntry or the inflow of wator. .. The contractor has sot the poppab-lega in position. Tho tonnage of ore forwarded to the kilns is as follow Adit, 84 tons ; No. 1 level, 1360 tons ; and No, 2 level, 142 tons ; total) 1589 tons. v ,

• " ■' * WAITER AURI. The work in this district is gradually increasing, and although mutters are now vory active, there is not the slightest doubt that the next fow months will see even a multiplication of the works - now in hand. The VVaitekauri Gold Mining Company will unquestionably be responsible for a good portion of the labour employed, as contracts are being continually let for fresh sections of water-races, tramways, excavations, etc., the manager, Mr. Purchas, being anxious to make hay while the sun shines, for indeed if good strides were not made with the new work during the summer, ib would be difficult to make anything like progress in the winter. A commencement has now been made with the erection of tho new plant, a good number of pieces of the new battery having arrived on the ground, while the pumping machinery is also being conveyed as quickly as possible to the site at the mine. All tho surfioe works are therefore well in hand, and are being advanced as expeditiously as possible. At the mine there is no change sinco last report, with the exception that at Corbett'a level a commencement has' been made to drive a crosscut in, a north-westerly direction for the purpose of exploring tho country in that portion of the mine, the new work being started about 200 feet back from the face. 'A good class of ore is, being won from the stopes over the level, and during the period from November 10 to Dacerabor 14, 198 tons of ore were treated with the small 10 stamp battery only, for a yiold of £798 worth of bullion, the average value being a slight fraction over £4 0* 7.4/1 per ton. In the face of the level itself there is no improvement in. the lode to rocord. At the battery lovol the large reef has now been penetrated for its full width, and found to be 60 feet wide. The quality of tho ore, however, is very poor. The Realm section of the mine is now to be explored, tenders, for driving being' invited, so that with the extension of tho kiln and low levels, the sinking of bho shafb and all the works connected with the erection of the new plant, construction of water-raoes, tramways, oto., ib will be seon tho VVaitekauri Company are sparing no expense in order to have their fine property systematically developed. In the Alpha mine the drive which was put in for the purpose of intersecting the western reef, has been successful in its objects, tho lode having just been mot with and proved to be a fine body of payable ore over four feet wide. This will be encouraging news for the shareholders at Home, for the intersection of this now lode, in right about the cenbro of the mine, eßpocially as it is gold-bearing, and enhances the value of the company's property considerably. The Jubilee Gold Mining Company's mine is being' vigorously oponed up under the efficient management of Mr. Raithby. The low level is kept steadily advancing, and is now in a distance of about 530 feet, the country being a little more favourable for driving. The Sawpit reef, which was intersected in Gill's drive at the closo of tho old year, is now being driven upon, and has been proved to be a solid body of quartz three feet wide, tho assay value of which is not yet known. The drive on Christie's reef has been carried in a distance of about 70 feet, and in the face is a splendid body of ore about five feet wide, the ore being of a payable class; the assay value of which is about £10 per ton, A start has now boon made to sink a winze on this reef about 20 feet back from the face, and should the prospects warrant it steps will be taken to prove the lodes at a lower level. This winze is now down a depth of about five feet, and as soon as it has been sunk a sufficient distance, work will resumed in the face of tho drive, which has been suspended in the meantime. Vigorous prospecting operations aro also being carried on in the Jubilee Extended ground with a view to pioking up and looating the gold-bearing lodes which traverse this portion of the property.

KOMATA. The Komata Reefs G.M. Co.'s mine is boing assiduously worked with encouraging prospects, and there is not the slightest doubt that with the number of licensed holdings in the Waitekauri and Komata districts, which are now being prospected, some important developments should accrue, and tho whole of this locality should boar a prominent place in the list of successful fields of Hauraki, WAIORONGOMAL In tho Waiorongoraai districb the prospects mot with by the English syndicate are of a moat encouraging nature, the development of tho Premier lode in the Colonist section being productive of good results. This syndicate has already expended a considerable sum in opening up their mine, and it is hoped that tho lode will continuo to yield golden stone. There is nothing fresh to report from the district in general, with the exception that Mr. Nowsham, a woll known prospector who has beon working upon a small claim of three men's ground situated between the Loyalty and Sceptre claim, crushed three tons of ore at the battery for the payable return of 260z0f gold, being equal to Sfcozs por ton,

THAMES. Thursday. Operations in the different mines have been resumed after the holidays with increased activity, this happy state of affairs being in « large measure due to the introduction of English capital for the development of the Moanataiari and Norfolk companies' properties. Both of these mines are now in full operation, and tho results Attending them, it is anticipated, will be highly satisfactory to all concerned. In connection with the former company's works, the manager. Mr. G. S. Clark, has submitted to the directors a splendid scheme for tho effocttvo and systematic devolopmont of the Moanataiari property, and this suggestion, it is pleasing to notice, reeoived the approbation and support of those in authority, as instructions have been received to proceed with the works recommended. That the carrying out of the scheme will prove profitable is considered certain, as tho work to be undertaken cannot result otherwise than in tho thorough testing of the numerous lodes at a greater depth than has yet been accomplished. With regard to these new works, which have already been commonoed, it is tho intention of the company to strip and enlarge the old Jusb-in-Timo shaft, which is situated in a most desirable posit and then continue sinking down until tho back Of the main fault is reached, whence operations can be conducted in any direction desired, and at a depth of 200 feet below any previous workings. The main object is to intersect by crosscuts the Caledonian Nos. 1 and 2 reefs, the Cambria main reef and other important lodes ; also to intersect the main fault, and explore entirely new country, one of the chief objocts being the discovory of tho Caledonian reefs eastward of the slide. If the explorations met with success tho backs that) will bo available to tho highest point of Messenger's hill will be fully 900 feet, so that tho company will have an extensive block here to work out. The undertaking is a most important one inasmuch as that ib will probably prove whether the section of country on the hangihgwall, or eastern side of the slide, is a down throw or an upheaval. Mr. Clark is inclined to think it is tho latter, and if it proves to be so, then there will be every reason for supposing that tho corresponding portions of the reefs worked so successfully on the western side of the slide will be met with on tho eastern tide. In connection with the development of the above-mentioned works, and in order to carry these out in a thorough and systematic manner, a crosscut has already been commenced at the main tunnel adit level, with the view of connecting tho samo with the shaft, so that there will be direcb communication with the company's battery. These are the most important works in hand, though, of course, there are numerous other prospecting works underway which it is hopod will load to highly important results. Tho development of the Nos. 2 and 4 reefs at the 150 feat level, which has been in progress for some time past, is still being, carried out, and it will be from these two bodies that tho main supply of crushing dirt will be obtainod until now developments ensue; but the sloping works that were in progress upon the Golden Age footwall leaders and Dawn of Hope reef in the upper part of the mine have been abandoned for the present. As yet crushing operations have not been commenced, but the battery is being thoroughly over. hauled and an assaying room and furnace is being added to it, a\ ib is, intended to in future ascertain the assay value, of all ores before treating the same, • ■'* ,'V•'.. •>;.{;,

The May Queen is Again in full swing, the drives along the course lof the No. 4 reef, east and westward of the main crosscut continuing to open up a further stretch on the lode. Stoping upon this body to the north-west is proceeding as usual and the ore won from here is quite consistent, both as regards quantity and quality. The other sections of cbe mine under operation on the Trenton and Saxon lode system are without change, though they continue to contribute their quota of crushing material. In connection with the Queen of Beauty property the work of excavating a site for the new machinery is still proceeding, but it is hoped that the subsequent works will shortly be undertaken. The Hon; A. J. Cadman, Minister of Mines, ' and Mr. H. A. Gordon, inspecting engineer of the Mines: Department, will, during their present visit to the district, mako a personal inspection of the property, and decide as to the size of the «hatt and other works connected with this important undertaking. It is thereforo only reasonable to assume that contracts for the proposed works will speedily be let, the expenditure of Government uionoy necessitating the work being conducted under the contract regime, for the monetary aid to be derived from Government will come in the shape of a subsidy upon the value of the work done. However, capital and judicious expenditure is required to reopen this raiiio, and though the supply of payable ore is supposed to be pretty well exhausted in the upper levels, it is the opinion of those in authority that gold deposits .till remain in large quantities in the lower levels, and that this will be extracted when deep mining is carried on. Another mino which is attracting a good deal of attention just now is the Victoria, the work of developing the new reef in the Imperial (section of the company's property being attended with encouraging prospects. The lode has been intersected at the No. 1 level, and, pleasing to record, it showed a little gold at tho first breaking down. This is highly importaut, inasmuch as this reef is quito intact in this portion of the mine, and as this section of country bears a splendid reputation as to its productive qualities, further developments aro eagerly looked forward to.

In the Fame and Fortune mino work was resumod after the holidays, the different levels receiving attention being the Australasian. Golden Age, and New Fearnought. In Che Australasian level a new reel about 18 inches in thickness has been met with, but although tho quartz is heavily mineralised no gold has yet been seen. In the other levels thero is no chango to report. Altogether the prospects of the Thames proper at present are indeed bright, and there is a raoro hopeful feeling all over the district, especially as there is every likelihood of more mines, which are under offer to. English capitalists, being successfully disposed of, Indeed, just lately information came to hand that the New Alburnia has passed into tho hands of wealthy capitalists, in fact a cash deposit of £1009 has already been paid, so time it will be seen business is meant by our home friends.

PURU DISTRICT. The most important mine under operation in this part of the field is a 400 acre block, which is being doveloped under the auspices of the Puru Consolidated Gold Mining Company. A valuable lode, three feet in thickness, is now being opened up, so far with successful results, strong gold, being well distributed throughout the full width of the lode. WAIOMO. At Waiomn the treatment of 100 tons of ore from the Monowai mine by Mr. French has not yet been completed. TAPU DISTRICT. The Tapu district is again assuming activity. The Golden Point, Sheridan, and Royal Gold Mining Company's properties are all being vigorously doveloped, and it is thought that as the opening-up works proceed, the results will be gratifying to all concerned. GOLD RETURNS. As this is the opening month of the year, there will be no gold returns until after the 31st instant, bub at the commencement of the year, tho manager of the Wniotahai Gold Mining Company banked 151oz 18dwb of gold, as a result of the treatment of 140 tons of quartz, the value boing £421 10* 6d. During the December period, 32930z lOlwt of gold were purchased by the local banks, tho amount disposed of from each district being as follows :— or.. Thames bounty 1.839 10 12 Th imes Borough 1,409 3 12 Coruinandel County 44 10 0 Total 3,293 10 0 CO ROMAN DEL.

Thursday. The new year has commenced in this district under very favourable circumstances. There has only been about a fortnight's work done yet, and already we hear of several importanb developments, several new mines having struck rich stone. Some of them are likely to have a very important influence in the future. Perhaps the most important just now is the find in the Hauraki North. There they have cut tho old Golconda reef at a depth of 100 feet, and have obtained some splendid stone. The reef is about three feet thick, of fine yellowish-brown qnurtz, and no doubt will crush well. The gold is found in streaks and dabs through the stone. They have a considerable quantity now oti hand, and the face looks first-rate. Preparations are boiug made for machinery, and as soon as it is erected they will sink again for another level. This reef turned out remarkably rich in the old days, and there appears no reason why it should not again do so in the future; at any rate, ib looks well for them now.

Another very important find is the reef in the Four-in-Hund claim, VVaikoroiniko, and although the loader is comparatively small, being from three to four inches thick it is very rich, and the manager has already got a large amount of picked stone and specimens. The leader still looks well, and some of the stone taken out is worth at least 207, of gold per lb, The maitager has also a largo reel in hand from which good prospects can be got, and when this is further workod upon it may lead to very important results. A third mine which has come well to the front is the old Pride of Tokatea. The manager of this mine has lately been taking out very rich stone. Tho leader is rather small, but a characteristic of this mine ib is nearly always best where it pinches. The shares in this mine aro largely hold in England, so they are starting the new year well.

The fourth important development, and one which may be very far reaching in its results is the Fortunn mine at Waikanae, Port Charles. There is a fine reef cut, which shows gold very freely. The gold is coarse and of good quality, and the country is excellent. The reef from which the best gold is got is nob very large, but is very good. There is another very large ono from which they gob good prospects, and when it is worked I have no doubt it will turn out well. This is an entirely new district and bids fair to bo a very important one as already there are several claims which are said to be on gold. The facilities for landing machinery are vory good and the county council aro making an excellent road from Cabbage Bay. 1 think there is very little doubt thoro will be great deal of work in this district during the year. Ab any rate those mines just spoken of are a very good start for tho New Year and it goes far to show that the Peninsula only requires 1 prospecting and systematic work to develop its riches. The older mines are also looking well and will give a good account of themselves. Tho Hauraki is still yiolding large quantities of the precious metal, and the manager is now engaged sinking the shaft deeper for another level. Tho extraordinary richness of this mine may be gathered from the fact that on a recent visit of the Governor Lord Glasgow, Captain Hodge gave him the result of the past year's work which amounted to tho largo sum of over £101,000. This has never been beaten in tho time excopt by the Caledonian. Stone of extraordinary richness was shown the party and when the new level is opened wo may look for oven better results. Bunker's Hill: Tho arrangements for winding water, are well under way, and in a vory short time this mine will bo in full swing again, and if the now year fulfils the promise of the old the shareholders will have no need to regret their investment. s ■■ : Welcome Find The manager is steadily opening up the mine, bub I am sorry to say so far without success; however, he is getting splendid country, and may Btrike gold, ab any time. . ■• , -. ; - ■ ■■''■•. ■.>^;'v, -;. J" ,; } .,,;.,Mf fitii

Wynyardton: The manager is matin good progress with the work in this mi ? but is a good deal troubled with water J the shareholders at no distant) date" »"n hare to face the necessity for purriDi The mine is in a first-class position ll' no doubt, will be heard of by and by 8 ' ' Blagrove's: Good work is being done i this mine, and it is getting steadily w 15 up, and a, reef may bo struck at any tin,!! Kapanga: Good progress is boing J* in' deepening the shaft.. The count' through which they are sinking » ei .7 lent.. . The manager also intends, at early date, to pub a small engine on the nu Coromandel shaft, and work the norths end of the reef from' it. A little gold '!! coming from the old workings, ' ! Tokatea: This mine is being vigorous! worked; The main crosscut is being p U!n 1 well a-head, and in a very short time trill be through the hill. They are also sinking the winze in tho bottom level, from which very rich ore has been taken. '

Triumph: The manager has started number of men in several places, and i n tends to vigorously prospect the ground So far he has met with very encouraging results, and is very sanguine of success" New Tokatea : Thoro is very considerable improvement in the low level. The country has changed in the face, aud the reef no* shows blotches of gold in the stone. There is an improvement also in the stopes, fairly good stone coining to hand. Harbour Viow: This mine also shows signs of improvement. The manager has got connection with the various levels and leaders, and is now in a position to open up the most likely spots. Royal Oak : The work of opening up the mino is being prosecuted with great vigour. There is a large staff of men employed and extensive arrangements for futurj operations are being made. Kathleen: This mine is situated in a valley, and is right in tho strike of the Kapanga and Scotty's reefs; it is also only a very short distance from the famous Hanraki claim, and from its position and the nature of tho country, I look upon this mine as the mine of the future. A contract) has just been leb to sink the shaft 159 feet, and in the meantime the necessary pumping and winding machinery will be erected. Preece's Point: This also is a valuable property, and very extensive operations are in progress. . A shaft is now being sunk and preparations made for the erection of largo machinery, which is now under way. TIKI. There is very considerable activity in the Tiki. Perhaps the most vigorously pushed mine is tho "Alert," situate up the Pukewhau Creek, They have a uplondid reef in hand, from which good prospects can be washed. They intend to open up this and other reefs, and as soon as the mine will warrant will ereeb machinery. The Puke, whau (claim is also being vigorously worked. They have a fine reef in hand from which they have got good picked stone ab intervals for over 100 feot. I u n . derstand they intend taking out a lame parcel for treatment to test tho value of the reef as they have over 160 feet of backs, and many hundred feet on tho reel to sbopo out. The manager is verv sanguine of the result. Several other mine'; are doing pood work, viz., the Eureka, Native Chief, etc,, Progress Castle rock, The manager is taking out a trial crushing from Vizard's famous reef, and it will bj sent to Thames and no doubt will shape well. The reef is large and well miners. Used.

KUAOTUNU. This district is gradually forging ahead, and on the whole ia in a very healthy state. The Kapai- Vermont still holds its own as the best gold producer of this district. They are still driving 'ahead in the south end. This is now in many hundred feet, and has carried gold all the way, and although not rich it is payable and the reef is largo. They are also gaining backs in this direction ; I should Hay tho face must be nearly 300 feet from the surface. The crushing plant works well, and the outpul from the mine is entirely controlled by capacity of the reduction appliances. The new low level (joint) is now well in over 300 feet, about half way. Tbey are in splendid country, and are making rapid progress. The Try Fluke keeps on the even tenor of its way, and is well able to keep up the usual returns of the precious metal. At tho same time the manager is gr« !ually opening up the lower sections of tliu mine, viz., the old Red Mercury, .Mariposa, etc., and in a few months the low (Joint) lovel will be in which will give them a good grip of the reef, but no doubt as soon as the business is settled with England a main low level will be carried in from the lowest point available, which will give them enormous backs, and test the deep ground at the same time.

Greab Mercury : lam glad to find things aro looking up in this mine. The return of gold for the December month was better than for a lone: time past, and there is no reason why it should nob continue. Waitaia: Thin mine is now very prominently before the public, having been just floated on the English market. It stands in an excellent position, has two or three fine reefs striking right through it, which, by the way, is a large area, some 85 acres, I think. It ie in a splendid position for low levels for many hundred feet can be got before it is necessary to sink. They have a capital site on the claim for machinery and above all they hare a really rich reef which has been driven upon for a very long distance and which will be ready to stope out at any time. Indeed, a rise is now being put up to open up the block. Maori Dream: This is another mine lately floated on the English market. It abuts upon the sea, and has splendid facilities for driving lovels, They have a splendid littli bay where, I understand, they intend to erect a battery, and what is of far more importance, they have a very large reel from which they can obtain good prospects, Thero is a piece' of land adjoining which ought to be amalgamated with it. It u called the Maori Land, and has several valuable reefa striking through it, and if these two were joined it would make one of the finest properties in Kuaotunu. The Midas, Great United, Goldon Anchor, and several others are also looking well and rapidly forging their way to the front.

THE MONTH'S GOLD RETURNS. The following returns of gold, the results of crushings, have been received since the publication of last summary, four weeks ago. In the more important cases the returns belonged to last year, including, of course, the Waihi and Waitekauri, both of whiuh more than meb the expectations entertained regarding them. As there are very few returns for January from any of the mines, is is nob possible to make even an approximate comparison, for thero is only a single return from the Lowor Thames district.

HAURAKI G.M. CO. GOOD START FOR THE YEAR. AVERAGE GOZ IDWT 21GR PER TON. During the period from the H' of December M last ;to f Saturday M the 18th January and excluding th« period ''--taken':, for holidays —278 tons °J ore were , treated ■in , the Hauraki Gold Mining, Company's mine for 1694 ounces melted gold, which' calculated at the uso» average of; £3 per ounce 'gives a'value « £5082. >'The'start is an excellent one for -the new yew, the averago being the high one« Gozldwt and nearly 2lgra. <■-•»■. ,

Bullion won— Tons £ £ In 1890 20.330 In ISM 23,934 ending Jan. 10, ISM.. "99 1,711. „ „ Feb. 13, 180.'.. 1,073 1,992 „ M*rcll 12,1391 1.221 2.591) „ April 9,1802.. 1,291 2,810 „ „ May7, 1892 . 1.380 4,115 „ „ ,111118-1,1892.. 1,045 4,9:15 „ „ July 2,1892.. 1,555 4,312 „ „ July 3 . 1S0J.. 1,482 3,0112 „ Auk. 27, 1892 1,577 4,30! „ 21, 1392 1,489 8,822 „ „ Oct. 22, 1892.. 1,401 3,224 „ „ NOV. 19,1892.. 1,0 '7 3,249 „ Dec. 31,1392.. 1,771 3.7U3 41,883 18,236 „ Ken. 11, 1891.. 2,013 4,899 „ „ March II, 189.1 1,46(1 4,169 „ April 8,18!):).. 1,110 4,284 • ., „ 0,1893.. 1,070 4,997 „ „ Jim* 3, ISM.. 1,545 5,887 „ „ Jlllyl, 1893 .. 1.0D5 0,007 „ „ July 29, 189$.. 1,021 5,445 „ „ Auk. 20,1391.. ),5H! 5,078 „ „ Sent. 23 1893 1,005 4,823 „ Oct. 21. 1893.. 1,609 4,706 „ „ NOT. 18, 1893.. 1,023 6,493 „ Dec. 21, 1393.. 1,029 6,708 61,895 19,805 „ „ Feb. 10,1891.. 2.279 0,588 „ „ March 10,1814 1,818 4,751 „ „ April 7,1891., 1,737 5,052 May 5, 1804 .. 1,03 4,495 „ „ Jllll«2. 1894.. 2.030 0,203 „ „ June .10, 1891 2,10.) 6,180 Inly 23,1894.. 2,107 0,503 ,, „ Aug. 2.i, 1394 2,070 0,100 „ „ Sep. 22,1891., 2.C70 7,713 „ Oct. 20,1834.. 2,100 7,794 „ Nor. 17,1894.. 2,130 8,803 „ Dec. 1884.. 2.790 12,433' " " 82,320 21,801 Period from .Inn. 2,1895, to Fob. 9,1805 3,000 11,487' Period ending March 9,1393 2,130 7,070 • „ „ April 6,1895.. 2,130 7,341 „ May 4,1895 .. 2,190 7,623 „ June 1,1895.. 2,620 7,963 ' „ June29,1895.. 2,950 9,162 " „ July 27,1895.. 2,910 9,581 „ Aug. 24,1895.. 2,700 9,519 „ Sep. 21,1895,. 3,000 l'",733 „ Oct. 19,1895 . 8,181) 11,395 " „ Not. 10,1805 (including £99 (nni tailm ) .. •• •• •'• 8,000 10,119 Period ending Dec. 21,1895 (Including £2050 17s 2d from tailing.)) .. .. 3,840 10,307" 119,046 33,070 £353,517

UPPER THAMES. Bullion. Value, ozs. dnts. £ p. d, Wailii G.M. Co., 3340 Jl?? .-••.. •• •• 10 ' 81S ° •• 14,310 3 « Walhi. tailings. 1075 o' 0 .»•• „V. '• 1 ' 6 " 0 - 2- 05617 2 Crown Mines G.M. Co., ur'Sfc 1 " i'««- „■• 1 ' 200 ° •• W50 ° ° W.iitekauri G.M. Co., 198 tons S96 0 .. 793 0 0 Total .. „ M.5US 0 19,148 0 i LOWER THAMES. Bullion. Value, ozs. (lwt«, £ i. d. Waiotahi G.M. Co., 140 ton* 151 18 .. 421 10 i ' WAIOKONGOMAI. . . Bullion. Value. „ . , , ' ozs. dwts. £ s. d. Jiewshara's claim, 3 tons at u .. 81 3 J COROMANDltt. Bullion. Value. tr ■ ._,«.. ° 23 - dirts. £ s. d. Haurakl G.M. Co., 278 .tons 1,694 0 __ 5,082 0 I Kapanga G.M. Co., 100 tons 124 o ., 372 0 0 Total 2,018 0 "MM 0 0 KUAOTONU. Bullion. Value, , „, ozs. dwts. £ f- "• Irene 10 tons .. .. 2010 .. 58 » ° Grand total », 1*724 8 25,161 10 8 December return ., 8,05916 '.'. 19,262 10 0 Increase .. .. 7,754 jo it 5,593 9 '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)

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OUR GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)

OUR GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)