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FORMATION OF AN AUCKLAND BRANCH,. ' A public meeting convened in response to a circular recoived from England to promote a Navy League in New Zealand, was held in the Harbour Board offices on January 20. The meeting was called by tho Chairman of tho Harbour Board (Mr. M. Niccol), and there was a large representative attendance. Amongst) those present) were Messrs. C. Docro, J. li. Harrison, Green, Bell, D. Gouk, J. M. McLachlan, W. J. Napier, R. S. Briggs, H. Parker, Caleb Wood, W. Jennings, M.L.C., Dr. Walker, J. F. Clarke, G. S. Budge, J. M. Shera, D. B. McDonald, R. Farrell, W. Crowther, M.H.R., R. Younghusband, LieutouantColonel Dowell, Major Banks, Captain Herrold, Messrs. G. Aickin, Bull, and others.

The Chairman explained the object) of the meeting, and the basis of the League which it was proposed to form. After a reference to the position of the British nation and its adequacy to compete with a combination of the other navies, he said he did not think tho British navy was what it should bo. Efforts, however, had been made to improve the condition of the navy, and that was the main object of the present League. Tho Chairman then explained the mode of procodure. Eight or more could sign a requisition asking to be formed into a branch, and that would entitle them when accopted to all the pamphlets, etc. Ho stated that Mr. J. M. Brigham had volunteered to > take- the office of boo.-sec temporarily, and in explanation of tho contributing scale, he said that 25 per cent, was sent to tho pareub society in England, and 75 per oent. was reserved for their own requirements. The Chairman then read an apology from His Worship the Mayor of Auckland, who was unavoidably detainod at another meeting. Mr. Farrell moved, "That they form branch of tho Navy League in Auckland." Such an organisation must result in good, as being the means of cementing tho unity of tho nation. With regard to foreigners, while he was willing to accept them as citizens or colonists, ho would nob like to accept them as rulors, and ib was in such movements as these which had recently occurred that creeds were dropped and patriotism was maintained. He spoke strongly on the principle of self-reliance, and regretted that tho Premier of New Zealand had nob sent Home from New Zealand those sentiments which had been expressed by tho Australian colonies. Mr. W. J. Napier seconded tho motion. Ho read a reprint from a Johannesburg paper, showing tho position of affairs in the Transvaal, and said that one of the results of the raovomenb now proposed would bo bo direct tho minds of the young to the importance of politics. Ho referred to the position of the Calliope Dock, without machinery or appliances, bub said that if this league was formed they would be ablo to bring pressure to boar, and have the dock equipped so as to meeb the requirements of the station.

The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Daroaville commented on the fact thab New Zealand had nob had the opportunity of joining with the Australian colonies in commending the Premier of England for his action iu regard to the disputes in Venezuela and Transvaal. Ib appeared to him thab tho expression of opinion from tho north bo the south of Now Zealand was in favour of the action taken by Lord Salisbury, and unless the chairman moved him oub qf order, he would move the following resolution, "Thab in the opinion of this public meeting of New Zealand colonists, the recent statesmanlike and patriotic action of Lord Salisbury in regard to Venezuela, and also in the Transvaal, has beon such as to intensify*' our feolings of loyalty to the Throne, and to make us feel proud of being subjects of the great British Empire." Mr. Bell, in seconding the motion, said that he was nob aotuatod by or encouraging any spirit of jingoism, bub he wanted the Imperial connection maintained. Tho motion was put and carried unanimously. On the motion of Mr. Farrell, Mr. J. M. Brigham was appointed secretary pro tern, to take tho names of those willing to join tho League. On the motion of Mr. Daroaville, ibwas agreed thab the Premier be asked to transmit the resolution to the Premier of England.

Ab a meeting of tho committee of the Invercargill Fire Insurance Leaguo on Jan. 22, the chairman, Mr. J. Kingsland, stated thab 1000 copies of the League's proposals had been circulated in Australasia. From 30 to 40 replies had been recoived from public bodies all favourable to tho scheme. Applications from Canada for copies of the document had been complied with. In view of the Conference of delegates a deputation that day had waited on the Colonial Troasurer, who had stated thab bheGovernmentproposals on the subject would not be made public till laid before Parliament, so that the Conference would nob have an opportuniby to consider the Bill. Mr. Jno. Kingsland was appointed tho Leaguo's delegate to the Wellington meeting. i The annual meeting of the Auckland Trades and Labour Council was held in the | Foresters' Hall on Saturday, January 11, previous to the regular business being entered upon. Mr. J. Fawcua was elected president, Mr. W. C. Fraser vice-president, t Mr. T. Tudehope was re-elected seoretary ' (being his fourth term in thab capacity),. Mr. W. Johnston was elected treasurer. The president was re-elected to represent this Council on thoTechnicalCollogeCouncil. The following resolution was unanimously passed " Thab this Council fully recognises the many important services rendered in the interests of the workers of New Zealand by the Hon. W. P. JReeves : while Minister of Labour,; therefore desires to place on record their appreciation of his

while on the one hand the Council regrets his loss as Labour Minister, on the other congratulates him on his promotion to the chair of Agent-General." The annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of New -Zealand was held in the Protestant _ Hall, Newton, on January 10. The election of officers resulted as follows :-R.W.G.M., Brother Rev. A. Peters (re-elected); D.G.M., Brother Stewart (re-elected); Grand Secretary, Brother James Murphy ; Grand Treasurer, Brother Charles Joynt; Foreman of Com. mittee, Brother Carnahan ; Chaplain, Bro* ther Rev. Jos. Blight ; Committee, Brothers Sherson, S. Harper, Luke Wilson T. Campbell, E. Murphy, J. Johnston, Thos. Boyd; Tylers, Brothers C. Johnstone and Wm. Kother; Trustees, the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, and the Grand Secretary ; Auditors, Brothers Wm, Sherson and J. Robertson. *

The annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Lodge, Scotch Constitution, was held on Wednesday, January 8, in Lodge Ponsonby, the Hon. W. McCullough presiding. The attendance was large. Tho annual election and installation of officers was part of the business before the Lodge. Brothor Gerhard Mueller was installed substitute Provincial Grand Master, Brothor J. W. Rees Provincial Grand Master of the Irish Constitution, and Brother William Anderson Deputy Provincial Grand Master, being tho presenting officers. Brother Profossov Black, of the Dunedin University, was among the visitors. The following is the list of officers .—Brother Wm. Anderson, D.P.G. Master; Brother G. Mueller, S.P.G. Master; Brothor William Malcolm, P.G. Secretary ; Brother T. McWhirter, P.G. Treasurer; Brother J. W. Wade, P.G.S. Warden ; Brother J. M. Bennett, Assistant) P.G.S. Warden ; Brother A. G. Baddiley, P.G.J. Warden; Brother R.H.Niccois,Aßsißtant P.G.J. W.; Brother R.Parrell, P.G.S. Deacon; Brother A. Peebles, Assistant P.G.S.D.; Brother W. Carew, P.G.J. Deacon; Brother J. Rogers, Assistant P.G.J.D. ; Brother A. Kohn, P.G. Jeweller; Brother Harrison, P.G. Architect ; Brothor Erskine, Assistant P.G.J.; Brother W. Pricker, P.G. Bible Bearer; Brother Parr, P.G. Director of Ceremonies ; Brother George Heenan, Assistant P.G.D. of C. ; Brother Johnston, P.G.S. Bearer; Brother W, Handley, Assistant P.G.S.B. ; Brother A. H. Pbilpott, P.G. Director of Music; Brother Fansliam, P.G. Marshal; Brother Cook, Assistant P.G. Marshal; Brother Bundle, P.G. Tyler; Brother Tonge, P.G. Tyler ; ProvincialG. Stewards, Brothers KronfelcMPresident), J. M.Shera (Vice), Griffiths, Norton, Rugg, Villars, and Linsbury.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 1 (Supplement)

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NAVY-LEAGUE. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 1 (Supplement)

NAVY-LEAGUE. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10036, 24 January 1896, Page 1 (Supplement)