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IMEKCHAKTS, HEATHER, ROBERTON, & CO., CUSTOM STREET. I 1,,, — '■ ■■ HHJ 1 1 J STOCK LIST: ! „ . ~ « ... / D ... alm ,»j» t««. Mellln's I.actn Glycose Oil, Salad Rice . Satin Polish rpfctatttm ( Bloater Piste Cigarette* Fruits (Presetted) Jams Mellln's EmuUlou Oil, Castor RlceGlouild . Sand Soap SPECIALTIES, : Almonds Jinttei (in kegs) Clo»e« £>(!« , r , n ji.„ ilfiv r v ..l Marmalade Ointment, Holloway's Kaisins Klemes Soidlitz Porrdetß ijuimhT'a Onndi Apples (evaporated) Barley Canary Seed re Klndler. Je y, C. Foot Mustard Oil Alaska Balsin* Sultanas Laienby's Gootla i Acid Tart Brooms Carraway Seld« Flour Jelly Cone. Milk Raisins Muscatels at*™,. Acid Citric Broom handles Clothes Pegs Fruits (Crystallised) Mullet Peaches Ktaporated Raisins Valenclas Tapioca Monkey Starch Ammonia Brushwar# Carbonate Soda mtMnliA.n TfnltM Mace Pepper, Whole Rape Seed Tanks Pn,n»rami Tea I Arrowroot Bom Cbutney 0 njcr (Bleaohed) Knhej 9 Mamies!* Fluid Pepper, Ground Bennett Tin Tack# Pusparama Te* ! Anchovy malice Biscuits Confectionery Ginger (Unbleached) Knife Blade. Monarch of Pain Pickles Raspberry Syrup > Twine Anchovy Paste Coffee Go a »• TylT . n „. kerosene Meats Pills, Hollowa/a Tobaccos Electric Baking Pewdec Are Handles Candles Coffeo Extract Gelatine Tjozentes Kits Milk Food Pills, Beechara'a Sauces Tea» in packets ph . _.. _ . Alum , , — Cocoa Coffee Dandelion Grouts Patent Machine Oil Pills, Cockles' Starch Teas In bulk Pncenix Baking Powder Allen a'"l llanbury s Food Cornsackj Cod Fish nSnßvntn ft. 1 MacZni Patent Medicines Salt Teas!" lead RjW'.MmFiwwii Albany I 1 "0 1' Cayenne Clements Tonic Golden Syrup Lentils Met! Fruits Paper, Brown Sardines Tin Plates Bands Coffee Essence Apricots icMpnrateu) Cus'ant Powder Cocoanut Desiccated Ginger Ale Lobsters E Paper, White Salmon ... , „ , us Aunt Abbey's ils chocolate Chlorodyne iJIILu. NeavesFood Paper Bags Saltpetre „ . „ , Upton a Goods | , . Chocolate Creams Candied Peel Honey In tins J' H., Nuts Paper Parchment Semolina Vestas, B. and M. „ , Bakins Powder I;, wtrie Oornfl ur Hops bulk) Umejujce Nutmegs Peas. Split Sheep's Tongues Vestas, Vulpes VulpesVestaa i| „ » Currants Pates Hop-, (packet) _ _ lemonade NotePaner Painkiller Soda Crystals Vinegar, Case |j „ „ M«'c. - Carry Kxtract of Soap _ Herrings (all kinds) Lead Pencils Kails Pimento Sharps Vinegar, Bulk Klectric Vestas ! | Bacon Capiis Embrocation JilHraan a Romp seen, Lashing Nectarines (Evaporated) Prunes, Evaporated Spice Vermicelli , H Blacking Corks Essences (Flavouring) Hatchets for Gum Lard V Pineapples Senna Vegetables in tins Mellin 8 Food, etc. i Black Lead clothes Lines Eucalyptus llams Lung Balsam Oatmeal Pipes Sugars .. , , r I Blue , Cinnamon Salts . _ , Lemon Squash Ochre, Bed Pate de fois Gras Soaps Whiting olenites Lemonade it Brunswick Black Catsup Envelopes Insect Powder Lemon Syrup Olives Previsions Lazenby's Sago Washboards .. ~ , Bathbriiks Cream Tartar Kno's Fruit Salts Is nslMs t „ . Oats Paints Sulphur Wines and Spirits Mewie'e Ginger Ale §»l Bluestone Cigars Egg Powder Irish Moss Melon a Food IH Beans (Hario

|| MoneyIf 7ucklan7wortgaoe, loan PS -A .Nt> pj{ DISCOUNT c MV-ANV. H W Y N 1) 11 A M • S T It K B T (lhreedoo.»f.n^;» A ;7I lsn^ jofllrt ' ) I II SoNAl' FRRKnOLP, LRASKIIOLD, or an, 1 mst. 1 "u y Hinv, V MOSTIII.Y!or QUAfITKIILY instalI ADVAVCRS MADE 'ON' 'FURNITURE AND I I pi?o>fl^SoUY X nIIVks N I)?SCOUNT ED at Cur I "li'lmiewj ami communications will be helil I icily confidential. , , . I Office Hours : Fiom ten till five ocloci. I raiUE MEW ZEALAND LOAN AND jf 1 DISCOUNT BANK, I HIGH.STREET SI Tto doou from Offices formerly occupied by City | Council), LENDS ONE IN SUM'S OF | £5 to £1000, i | On Furniture without remo'a j I On Pianos without TeffiOMl I On Deposit of Deeds | On Freehold ; On Leasehold j On Legacies S On Personal Security On Mortgages On Promissory Notes •" On Life Policies, or othsr security. 1 Repayable Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly. I Bills Discounted Dally. II All Letters and Interviews ttrictlv Confidential. 1 vr ONEY TO LENT I Jl ON first-class MORTGAGE 1 SECURITY 1 AT LOWEST CURRENT BATES !| And in | SUMS TO SUIT BORROWERS I (SAMUEL VATLE AND SONS. i; land, Estate, and Financial Agents, 85, Queen || street. 1 If ONEY LENT ON PROMISSORY If iVI NOTES. HOUSES, FURNITURE Ac.' |! BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY I Mortgages nsgotlatoa || JOHN VY. HARDIE, ILAKD, COMMISSION, AND ESTATE AGENT, I niGH-STREET AUCKLAND 1 A AA TO £25.—Money to Len.) 8 -weJ'MHr on Freehold or other tamrihle h lenirity. Interest 5 per cent, or higher as is the a risk or smallness of sum advanced,—Peter S Solicitor, High-street. 1 JC? */V TO £5000 - Money to Lond, in a Sii)v sums as above a. "'.west current rate. 1 -Wm. S. Cochrane, Coclirane'i ."fart, 185, Queen 1 street I MONEY TO LEND 011 Alortj»»go of § i-vx Firit-cIMS Freehold Secur*iles. ! - . W, COLEMAN, Solicitor | National Insurance Buildings, Queen-street. 1 ONEY TO LEND on Firsb Mortgage I ill of Freehold ropsrty.—7. Thorn 81, | )ueen.street. 3 TI TONEY TO LEND on Mortgage, at 1 i? a. lowest current rates of interest.—M. 0 | McGreeor, Solicitor, Shonland-street, three doors | above Post Office. j Tl/fONEY TO LEND on Freehold \ lvJ. .Security. Several sums of trust money at | rurrent rates of Interest.—Apply to F. L. Prime I Estate Agent, 2fi, N.Z. Insurance Buildings. I MO to be Lent on interests under f[ 111 Wills, freehold or any other securities, in H turns to »uit borrowers.—Vaile Bros., Financial I Agents, Coombes* Arcade, Queen-street, Opposite I IVyndham.street. I ]V|" ONEY TO LEND at a moderate rate | lv Lof interest.—Apply Jackson and Russell, § Solicitor Shortlaiul-street iVfONEY TO LEND, on Freehold | IvX Security.-Apply to William Aitken, Land Ajent, Shnrtland-street. 1 i Toilet. I M°NEY TO LEND, on Freehol.l jJi SecuritT.—Apply to William Altken, Land Azent, Shortlaml-street. Toilet, | gDSON'S JJAIR J^ENEWBR ! RESTORES GREY OR FADED HAIR j) | TO NATURAL COLO OR. |j It cleanses the scalp, and prevents dandruff, i ft promotes growth, and • akes the hair soft, pliant, I ' and glossy. | IK Bottles at 3s fld. Posted, it Gd, to any part | of the colony. | .NATURAL COLOUR QUITE ItKSTORF.D. | POTORUA, February 2;lth, 189',;.—Dear Sir,-I I Hish to add my testimony to the virtue of your I Hair Rexewku. It is certainly true to its name. I Some four or fire years ago my hair commenced 1 turning grey and failing off, each combing reducing | the quantity led. I purposed trying una Of the j many Hair Renewers recommended, when fortunately I noticed your advertisement, sent for a bottle, and began usinit it at once with the most pleasing results. I had only used a little, when my • hair ceased falling, and the natural shade was quite restored, it also effectually removed all daudriff. A most cooling and refreshing sensatl n is experienced after each application. I have recommended its use to many of my friends.—Yours sincerely, Mr. Edson. Hf.COMME.NDED BY IIF.R MEDICAL ADVISER. Auckland, August H, 1895.—Mr Edson. Dear Sir,—l cannot refrain from letting you know how much improved my hair is since I started using your famous Hair Restorer. I say mo famovn, because It had to have i's beginning, which no doubt was small, but is now so univerally patronised »nd well known. I may mention it was my medical adviser who first recommended it to me, and lie is one who Is greatly opposed to all patent medicines, lotions, etc. But, having witnessed Its good effect as a cleanser to the scalp, a strengthening tonic to the weakly falling hair, and a ronewerto its natural youthful colour, recommended it. — Yours, very I gratefully, M.L. g HATE TO THANK TOUR RKNEWER, B Auckland, January 20, 1695. Mr. John Kdson. B Heir Sir,-1 have just been looking over a few of S 'he testimonials from some of your grateful lady I friends, and hare much pleasure in adding mine to I -tie list, .Soma years ago my li»ir was getting very ! K'ty, and I induced to try several popnlal Hair f ftesUrcrs, but all with injurious effects, till I f Procured a bottle of your excellent Hair HeI M-K'KR, and have been using It for about ten ywt6. All my friends wonder how it is my hair , 3 retained its colour and quantity so splendidly. J tell them I have to thank your 11ENEWER alone lor it< preservation. Besides removing dandruff, and keeping the bead clean and cool, another very {"gietabie feature Is its inexpensiveness. I never lose an opportunity of recommending It to all and sundry.— am, yours very sincerely, U.J.I). Prepared by J. 15 I) S0 N. CHEMIST AM) PHARMACIST, Medical Hall, QUEEN-STRHIST, AUCKLAND. (Established 1850). *-■ I DOG REGISTRATION BOOKS, ruled } X/ and printed, with extracts from the Dog j Registration Acts, 1880,1882, and 1830 Books of I Uecolpts containing 100 and 260 Forms each; also I Forms for Registration fit Reduced Fees for Cattle i ind Sheep J)ogj, in Boots of 100 Forms each, may I co obtained at the AucKl.A(iD\VEEliiiY NEWS IMb'«' HihingOfficejQueen-streitl, Auckland. I i , -

Dress and Fashion. ! SMITH &; CATT&HEY, I JS £0 THE WATER SPRAY 3 3 ft BRAND OF go 1 a > ' J Received the ONLY GRAND PRIZE £ Received the ONLY GRAND PRIZE n : S « i 2 AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION, M ' fa W s BEATING ALL OTHER MAKES! » a r* j s 2 ffi 12 0 0 t3 »T>HEY are made, from STAPLE COTTON, GUARANTEED O) n ABSOLUTELY PURE, THOROUGHLY SHRUNK, and » P RELIABLE IN WEAR. Can be had in Fine, Medium, or P* ' Heavy Makes. 1^ 15 § , H z H Jb t Q § ® ® OBTAINABLE 9 3 C 1 n « QUEEN STREET. « a X CO hi r • i _____ | ■ WHOLESALE AND FAMILY DRAPERS. ' Furnishing. , Coal, Firewood, etc. THE PEOPLE'S fIT ; FURNISHING * WAREHOUSE. Wy ' THE BEST PLACE TO FURNISH FROM. jfT} BRICKS. " ■"'■ 11 "■ 1 1 ' 1 '' ' ' Also, v #■»"• A a MMI A M «<fi 4F% § • A LARGE SELECTION OF J. TONSON GARLICK, Proprietor, chimneypots, a — r— TAR, SAND, AND SHELLS, CARPED? BEDROOM CARPETS, HEARTH FOR GARDEN WALKS, SQUARES FURNITURE, BORDERS TO RUGS, W. & G. WINSTONE. In Great Variety. Cheap and Good. MATCH. DOOR MATS. CUSTOM-STREET. . JIT m carpenter, • JUL* IVL \j ' , COAL MERCHANT, , Small Widths, BOOM DBAPEEY. Beady auoklandandOTSwmarket. ito 4yds. Wide. FUBNITUEE, Direct Importer. For Delivery. hobart town rails & PALINGS, 1 ; I■l 1 1 1 ——— — TI-TREE RAILS, BEDSTEADS, BATTAN STAIB OEEXCB ' TAR AND TARRING SAND, Iron and Brass, EDBNITUBE, CABEETS, FUBNITUBB . /sen, Nawnflttkit To Suit all Classes. Large Variety. BRASS RODS. In Stock. rELKpHONEs 1 867, Auckland Office, Queen-st,, To Suit all Classes. Large Variety. BRASS RODS. In Stock. telephones ' ' .... Breakwater Road. FENDERS, JAPANESE BAMBOO "OSAKA" yj jj ]MV a« d s FIRE IKONS, MATTINGS AND FURNITURE, HAND-MADE (LATE J. WARDS) COAL MERCHANT, SHIP AGENT. i CHEAP. MATS. Various. CARPETS. — 1 . BAY OF ISLANDS, NEWOASTLE, AND TAD- - —— | 1 1 '* " ' ' PIIII COAL IN ANY QUANTITY. ARTISTIC CURTAINS, ART TOILET — FLOOR NEWEST , . DRAPE WARE, IDELIT Y_£UARA NTEE _ THE NEW ZKAIiAND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY . COVERINGS. MAKES. MATERIALS. CHOICE. GUARANTEES •- _ THE FIDELITY OF PERSONS IN POSITIONS Furnish your House from J. TONSON GARLICK'S, of trust. MANUFACTURER & IMPORTER, Queen and Lome Streets, AUCKLAND, 109, Victoria Arcade. t General Manager, | i ■ n •. ' -r'-v". v '• / • • '• • H-

Local Industries. & C ALEY > SADDLERS, AND HARNESS MAKERS, Victoria-street EAST, Auckland (Opposite A.M.P. Buildings), PORTMANTEAUX at all prices. TENNIS 11 ACQUETS Repaired and Resting. Country Visitors will do well to Inspect our large assortment of RIDING SADDLES, Harness, etc. Ladies and Gent's Waist Belts and Hotly Bells, Telephone 600 Mt>erambulators Jr -FAMOUS for Durability, Style, and Low Price. Second to none in New Zealand.—Sold by CHARLKB SMITH, the Practice. Maker.-Please Note NEW ADDKESS, 279, QUEEN. STREET (nearly opposite -PERAMBULATORS, M rubber Tyres, etallic Bodies, ?ersidle Hoods, PLGNPID HcLEOD BROS. PER QUEEN-ST. ' —— • T°" KAPAI 11 linn Hi mm, AUCKLAND, N /,. XROS. .1. lIARWJTT. Managing Director. £jARRIAGBS, WE DESIGN, BUILD, AND REPAIR VEHICLES OF EVERY KIND, AT THE LOWEST PRICE HIGH-GRADE WORK CAN BE DONE FOR. GEE & POTTER, Coachbcilders RUTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. TP K A 0 0 0 K, » OPTICIAN, Ac,, SHORTLAND-STRKKT. •Nautical and Surveyors' Instruments in stock and repaired. The Sight tested by moat Improved methods, and SPECTACLES accurately fitted. AS A N P 0 R D, • FISH AND OYSTER MERCHANT, COLONIAL FISH MARKET, Opposite Custom House, and at Rakino Island, Auckland, N.Z. Registered /» <jj Mailt. Families, Shipping, and Hotels supplied with Fresh and Smoked Fish every morning. If you are not well supplied ring up 653, and we will try to give satisfaction. Cycling. JJ Dll BE R DEPOT. SOLE AGENT FOB GENUINE HUMBERS ENFIELDS, AND AKABANAS. SPECIAL PREMIEIMiEUOAL ROADSTERS, From £19. Stanley's Wood Rims from £21, ZIMMERMANN, THE) WHEEL KINO, : In bis first race in Australia, was boaten by G. PARSONS. Why? Because Parsons rode a HUMBER. Sole Agents: W. M. SERVICE, 237, Queen-street, Auckland. CASH OR TERMS; small deposit, immediate I delivery; balance by small monthly instalments. ' ' REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. Send for Catalogues. W. M. SERVICE, HUMBER DEPOT, 237, Qdeen-bt. (Opposite Savings Bank), | AUCKLAND. JNSPEOTION INVITED REYNOLDS' 'CYCLES ROTH WELL 'CYCLES BUDGE WHITWORTH 'CYCLES ' More shipments to arrive shortly. REYNOLDS & CO., Victoria street East. CIOR A FIRST-CLASS 'CYCLE None can beat the "0 M 0 D E." ' Various kinds of this celebrated Machine can now be purchased at T. PEACOCK'S, SHORTLAND-STBEET. (Opposite Post-office). INSPECTION INVITED. , Photography. THREE POSITIONS TAKEN V*. OF EVERY SITTER, Sifi ' /## A PERMANENT V * ENLARGEMENT GIVES X AWAY WITH EACH DOZEN / . CABINETS. QEORGE Q.REOORY, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPER, 15, Corner OF Q-jeen and Wellesley-sireets, g ENAMELLED CABINETS gS IVORYTYPES, 3 FOR 68. One 6 by 12 Opal Enlargement arid One Dozen Cabinets enamelled or mat) for 16), PROMPT DELIVERY,

Fancy GoodsFANCY PILLOW CASES FANCY NIGHTDRESS BAGS FANCY TOILET SETS FANCY BRUSH BAGS FANCY TABLE CLOTHS FANCY SIDEBOARD CLOTHS FANCY TRAY CLOTHS FANCY LINEN D'OYLEYS FANCY CARRIAGE RUGS JUST OPENED, DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER. yEAR OARDSI! NEW YEAR CARD PACKETS! I! The yearly increasing demand for Packets of Cards has led C. W. Ooodson this season to import more largely than hitherto. The reputation of the London Arcade packets demand a greater provision being made each year. The value of cards in each packet is marvellous, certainly surpassing any previous year. GOODSON'S Matchless Packet, containing sis Choice Cards, 6d; post free, fljd. GOODSON'S Matchless Packet, containing 12 Choice Cards, Is; post free. Is lid. GOODSON'S Matchless Packet, containing 21 Choice Cards, Is Oil; post free, Is Iftjd. GOODSON'S Matchless Packet, containing 30 Choice Cards, 2s fid ; post free, 2s 7}d, GOODSON'S Quantity Packet, containing 20 Pretty Cards, fid; po-t free, 7d. GOODSON'S Quantity Packet, containing 40 Pretty Cards, Is; post free, Is l}d. A very useful packet of assorted Envelopes for cards of all sizes. Price, 6d the packet, containing 36 envelopes; post free, 7Jd. SEW YEAR'S CARDS ALONE IN PACKETS ARE OBTAINBLE IF DESIRED. Note the address— QOODSOJTS JONDON QUEEN-STREET & KARANGAHAPE ROAD, AUCKLAND. JJEW JAPANESE QOODS. JUST OPENED, FIRST SHIPMENT OF THIS SEASON'S GOODS AT GOODSON'S -JAPANESE BAZAAR, 600 Teakettles, Terra-cotta, with Bamboo Handles handsomely gilt, 6d each 160 doz. Bamboo Kasels, from 2d each New Shapes In Lanterns, from 3d each Dozens upon dozens of Fire Screens, from 6d each Soiled Linen Baskets, 3 Mies, very cheap Large Picnic Baskets at all prices Waste Paper Baskets, from Is each Bamboo Stools, from 2s each Handsome Flower Stands, 4s 6d each Bamboo Music Racks Brackets, from id each, Bamboo and Lacquer Cane Wall Pockets, from "d, and Splash Mats 350 Handsome Lacquered Trays (Tea), from fid each Serviette Rings, Is fld the half-dozen Sugars and Creams, from fid each Censers, Palls, Vases, Innumerable, very cheap Goo Teapots, from Od each Bincuit Jars, from Is 100 doz. Basins, all sizes and patterns, very useful and cheap Dozens of dozens of Plates of all sizes Perfumo Jars wonderfully cheap line), from Gd each Water Jugs, some choice goods to dozen of Cups and Saucers (Egg Shell China), from 3 the lialf dozen Afternoon Tea Sets, complete for slit persons, from 10s .... Desks, Work Boxes, Cabinets, (Hove and Hat Boxes, Tables, Stools, and ail IMMENSE VARIKTV FAR TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. INSPECTION INVITED. Machinery. Jjl 0 R SALE: 2 Portable Engines, 10 and 10 horse power 18in. Cylinder Coal Whip, for working two baskets 1 Double Cylinder Steam Winch 1 Hydraulic Wool or Flax Presn, 61k lift, with pumps, to drive by hand or power. 1 Donkey Steam Pump, for boiler feeding, etc. We have also, almokt completed; 1 Compound Surface-condensing Marine Engine, 30 horse power 1 Oln, Vertical Engine, with link motion, etc. 1 Horizontal Engine, 18 horse power, suitable for use as a pumping engine. WINDING ENGINES, PUMPS OF ALL DE« SCBIPHONS, A STAMPING MACHINERY Made to Order, at our Works. S. MoCOBKRIE & SON, CHAPEL STREET IRONWORKS, Dress and Fashion, The production of the WORLD'S LEADING LOOMS, Charming Effects and Blendings. The unanimous verdict:— EXQUISITE! EXOELLENTI AND INEXPENSIVE! Patterns on Application. j

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 7