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[by telegraph.—, CORRESPONDENT.] Thames, Tuesday. Sharemarkbt.— 'sales 3s, sellers 3s 4d; Midas, sales Is 4d; Moanataiari, buyers 5s 9d; Crown, buyers 27s 6d; Puru Consolidated, buyers Bd, sellers Is 2d; Cardigan, buyers Is 4d; Cambria, sellers Is 3d; May Queen, sellers 8s 9d; Albumin, sellers, ss; Kuranui, sellers 3s 3d ; Sheridan, sellers Is Id; Puriri, sellers, 9d.

Kuranci.—-Anticipations were nob borne out with reference to the breaking down of tho stripped portion of Hunt's reef, as no gold was seen. At the time of my visit during last week there was every indication showing in the reef for gold, and the country was all that one could wish. Mr. Hansen is still pushing this level forward, and the country being penetrated is much tho same. In conjunction with this work a crosscub has been connected with the object of intersecting the hangingwall reef in the same channel of country. This should bo to band in about 20 feet) of driving.

DELAYS IN THE SURVEY OFFICE. IPaeroa, Tuesday. During the proceedings at the Warden's Court to-day, Mr. O'Meagher, solicitor, drew attention to the delays occasioned in tho return of plans from the survey office. He thought that representations should be made to the Minister to incroaso the staff in the Survey Office, and thus facilitate the transaction of business. A largo number of plans were being forwarded to the Survey Office from time to time, and yet on each Courb day only a small percentage was found to be returned. The Warden said that he fully realised that delays did oocur in the direction indicated by Mr, O'Meagher, but he was powerless to acbin the mattor. The Survey Doparttnenb ho was quito certain did its utmost to deal with the plans,passed through the office, every effort being made to return the plans as quickly as possible. However, if it was thought that the staff was insufficient, a remonstrance should be addressed either to the chief surveyor or the Minister, and perhaps the difficulty would be remedied. He could nob, however, do anything in tho matter. BULLION SHIPMENT. Tho Bank ot New Zealand shipped by the Manapouri for Sydney yesterday six boxes of bullion, containing 48760z. THE QUEEN OF BEAUTY. THE COMPANY REGISTERED. A cable message was received in Auckland yesterday announcing the registration in London of the above company, which has been formed to test the deep levels at the Thames. The announcement will be received with general satisfaction, as it means that the syndicate now intend to place the company on the market, and proceed to the allotment of shares. This action is also an indication that tho London market is improving, as the syndicate would scarcely issue the shares to the public if the severity of the "slump" had not passed away. We may expect that work will now bo vigorously prosecuted at the Thames, and that the great problem of gold at the low levels will in a short time be solved. About the result the best experts are very confident.

PRIDE OP TOKATEA. The following telegram was received yesterday: -" Got 181b specimens ; 1011b now in hand."

CARDIGAN G.M. CO. The statutory meeting of shareholders of the Cardigan Gold Mining Company was held yesterday at the company's office (Mr. R. McDonald Scott). Mr. J. J. Dixon presided. On the motion of Mr. R. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. E. \V. Hancock, the retiring directors, Messrs. J. J. Dixon, H. Thompson, J. Rusself, T. J. Steele, »V, Caron, and C. McLean were re-elected. Above being all the ness, a vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings.

COOLGARDIE SYNDICATE. A meeting of the Coolgardie syndicate of Auckland investors in the Western Australian gold mines was to have been held yesterday afternoon at the Imperial Hotel, to receive the report of the committee appointed to confer with Messrs, Goodall and Firth, the company's representatives, who have returned to Auckland. It was found necessary to defer the meeting until Thursday, as Mr. Greenwood had to proceed to the Uppor Thames to attend the Warden's Court. \ The committee appointed at the meeting heir} last week met on Monday, Mr. H. N. Abbott presiding, and there were present : Messrs. Greeuway, Howard, Greenwood, Goodall, and Firth. After a good deal of discussion and explanation, Mr. Greenwood moved that a company be formed in 75,000 shares of 2s each, 50,000 shares to be allotted to the present shareholders in fully paid up shares, the balance of 25,000 shares to be offered to the present shareholders pro rata, 3d per share to be paid on application, 3d on allotment, the balance to be paid, if required, in calls not to exceed 3d per month per share. Mr. Howard seconded the motion, and it was agreed to. \


T SOUTHERN GROSS. A meeting of representatives of the Hauraki Extended, Zealaudia, and Southern Cross Gold Mining Companies was held at the office of Mr. D. C. MaeDonnell, for the purpose of considering a basis of terms for amalgamation of the companies named. Mr. A. Kidd was voted to the chair. After considerable discussion terms wereagreedon,subject to confirmation by shareholders, and a rosolution was passed authorising the directors of the Hauraki Extended and the Southern Cross to call meetings for the purpose of winding up their companies; and authorising also the calling of a meeting of the Zealandia shareholders for the purpose of considering an increase of capital, for the purpose of absorbing the other two companies.

QUEEN OF WAIHI. A cablegram has been received from Mr. Melville by the Board of Directors of the Queen of Waihi Gold Mining Company, stating that enquiries have been made in Great Britain for the property, and asking that all necessary plans, documents, powers of attorney, etc., be sent Homo by the outgoing 'Frisco mail. AUCKLAND SHAREMARKET. There were buyers in 24 different kinds of stocks, on the Auckland Exchange, yesterday. There were demands for River Plates at 5s 6d, and of Auckland Gas (new) at £6 3s, while Thames Gas were done at 28s. Northern Steamships were sought after at 53 9d. Mining stocks were not strong. There were sales of Victorias at 2s lid and 3s Id, with further buyers at 3s. Cardigans changed hands at Is sd, with buyers at Is 4d. There were sales in Byron Bays at Is, and still a demand at lid. Queen of Waihis were called tor at 2s 6d, and Waihi Consols at Is. Woodstocks were in demand as 245, Grace Darlings at Is 2d, and Talismans at 8s 3d. Coromandel stocks were easier, the only business transacted being in Welcome Finds and Bunker's Hills.

FREE STOCK EXCHANGE. Business was not heavy yesterday at the Free Exchange buyers and sellers having as yet hardly got to sufficiently close quarters. There were sales of Cardigans at Is sd, of Grace Darlings at Is 7d, of Byron Bays at'ls, of Prido of Tokateas Is, and Is Id, and of Welcome Finds at 3s Id and 3s Ud. There wore buyers of the following stocks toria, 2s 9d; Cardigan, Is 4d ; Grace Darling, Is 3d: New Zealander, Is; Waihi Consols, lid; Young New Zealand, Is; Byron Bay, lid; Maoriiand, 8d ; Aurora, 3Jd ; Bunker's Hi 11,53; Hauraki No. 2, Is; New Tokatea, Is 8d; Pride of Tokatea, Is Id; Welcome Find, 2s lid.

MINE MANAGERS' REPORTS. Golden Opportunity (Thames, January 18).Have boon continuing the drive on No. I reef to connect witli the winze. We have driven a further distinct of 30 feet, flare got. about 15 tons broken from the reef and paddocked. Going through a very good class of country for gold. PURIRI (Thames, January 18).—Have extended the drive on main reef a further distance of four feet, this making the total distance driven on line of reef 101 feet. The lode in present face of drive will average about eight inches in thickness. In pounding up some of the quartz colours of gold can lie seen in the dish. The country which accompanies the lode is of« favourable description of sandstone for gold in this locality. Low level crosscut: This drive has been advanced a further distance of four feet, making the total distance driven 128 feet, and about two feet back from present face of drive a leader about five inches in thickness was intersected, running N.N.E, by S.S.W., which had an underlie of about one foot in two feot. The country through which wo are dri<ing is still of a hard nature of country rock. YOUNG) New Zealand (Waitekaisri, January 17). -25 feet further has been driven, The country Eenetrated is all that could be desired fur gold; ut, so far, nothing of importance lias been met with. Welcome Section : There is every prospect of a good Work of ground being opened up here, as very good dish prospects can be obtained from this reef on the surface. Freedom (Thames, January 20).-Driving and sloping has been continued through the past week. The quartz coming to handi looks very well, gold being seen freely through the quartzateach breaking down. At the intermedite level, some of the best indications for gold are seen, the quartz being heavily charged with ruby' silver stiataroati, and bright steely mineral. A few good, j,ttpng colours of gold were also seen bore,

' Magazine (Thames, January 20).-The drive has ' been extended a further distance of 12 feet, and is now in a total distance of 96 feet through a splendid-looking sandstone for gold. It is a nice white sandstone with mineral reins running through it. Golden Spur (Waitekauri, January 18).-Pro-specting operations hare not resulted in any new developments, but appearances are sufficiently encouraging to justify the supposition that in one part a reef h near at hand. CLUNES (Thames, January 20).~The low level has been driven a further distance of 12 feet. The ground in the face is greatly interlaced with veins of quartz. Albuknia East (Thames, January SO).—Have extended the drive on the Welcome lode 10 feet, making a total distance of 28 feet since commencing. The reef in the facets very much split up at present. New reef: We have opened up this reef on (he surface for a length of 40 feet. It still maintains size about three feet, and carries a little gold all through. Wealth of Nations (Karangahake, January 18). —Have extended the drive eight feet. The country still continues to be very tight though ota better class of sandstone than since we started. Imperial (Karangahake, January 18).—Have extended the drive a further distance of five feet. New Wiiau (Thames, January 13).-The crosscut is still being extended without any change as yet in the class of rock, it being still in the tiara bar. The low level: Driving at this level is still continued, and there is an improvement in the appearance of this reef, but it is rather split up at the present. Adelaide (Thames, January 20).—Have,aunk the main shaft a further depth of 10 feet'; total depth, 153 feet. The country still continues good for sinking. Have extended the rise a further distance of 11 feet; total distance, 02 feet. Mariner (Karangahake, January 18).-Work In the liileen section of the mine has for the past week consisted in driving on the main reef in the No. l level-the reef here is six feet wide-also in trenching and opening out on the lode 300 feet further south on the course of the reef. Mariner section: Trenching and prospecting for a large body of stone that evidently exists in this vicinity has been carried on.

All Nations (Te Aroha, January 18).— extended the low level a further distance of 11 feet this week, nuking a total of 110 feet; we had a change of country on Tuesday. It is a good class of country if it lasts. Kuranui (Thames, January 18).-No. 1 level on footwall portion of Hunt's reel has been extended 18 feet, and reef broken down up to the face, but no gold has been seen. For the last eight feet the lead has been very small, only two inches thick, and in the face it is going altogether, a small clay head cutting it off. I think it will make attain in the hangingwall, Back where the gold was seen the lead was nine inches thick. I have started a crosscut) in the hamdngwall 12 feet back from the face, to intersect the hangingwall portion of Hunt's reef, as it was th* main bodv of stone, 18 inches thick at the junction, 45 feet back. Monowai. (Walomo, January 18).— men have been wording at the north and south ends of the quarries. I have had two men working in the No. 2 Monowai, and they have extended this drive eight feet. I brought down a sample of stone to Mr. French today from this drive. New Zealander (Waitekauri, January 18).-No. 8 reef: This has been broken into 11 feet and no wall has been met with yet. The quartz looks well. No gold has been seen in the stone. No. 2 level: This has been extended 9 feet. The country is everything that could be desired, and the reef looks well. On trying dish prospects on each of these reefs a little fine gold was seen. No. 1 level: Little work was done here this week. On prospectinif the southern portion of the mine for the cap of some of the reefs that run in this direction, a body of quartz was picked up. On trying some of the casing a few colours of gold were seen in the dish.

PAEROA WARDEN'S COURT. [BY .TELEGRAPH—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Paeroa, Tuesday. The ordinary sitting of the Warden's Court took place took to-day, when applications were dealt with as follows by Mr. H. Eyre Kenny, Warden:—

APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSED HOLDINGS. Robert C. Greenwood, Ophir, Owharoa, adjourned to 4th prox.; Edward Ryan, Rotokolm and Botekohu Extended, Karangahake, adjourned to 4th prox.; William Home, North Waitekauri, Wait*, kauri, granted; James W. Shaw, Wellington licensed holding, Owliaroa, objectod to by Alfred Rhodes, adjourned to 4tb prox., leave being given to Edward Bain to file an objection; Harry John Marshall, Beehive, Waitekauri, granted, su'iject to the amendment of plan excluding Grafton No. 3 overlap; Michael O'Connor, Golden Crown, Karangahake, adjourned to 4th prox.; William V. Ralph, New Waitekauri licensed holding, Waitekauri, adjourned to 18th proximo: John Phillips, iunior, Sir Walter Scott licensed holding, Karang.ihake. granted, also 14 days' protection; John Phillips, Chester, Karangahake, granted in name the Montrose licensed holding, also 14 days' protection ; Henry J. Marshall, Kathleen, Waitekauri, granted, subject to deduction of Grafton No. 3 overlap, also 14 days' protection ; RobertCompton Spoer, Salem, Waittikauri, adjourned to 4th proximo; Charles S. Farmer, General, Owliaroa, granted ; John Carter. Fontenoy, Walhl, adjourned to 4th proximo; Robert Clements, Little Lizzie, Karangahake, adjourned to 4th proximo; William Home, Waitekauri West Cross Kxlended, Upper Waitekauri, objected to by Wsjtekauri Gold Mining Company, adjourned to the 4th proximo ; John Morrissey, Martha West licensed holding Walhi, adjourned to 18th proximo; John Phillips, junior, New Caledonian, Owharoa, adjourned to 18th proximo ; John Murray, the Kdna licenesed holding, Waitekauri. struch out; James Barrett, Multuiu in Parvo, Owliaroa, granted; B. M. Corbttt, New Salisbury, Wailii, withdrawn ; Charles McLean. llobin Hood, Waihi, granted; Robert Clements, Unexpected, Owharoa, objected to by Klijah Brokenshlre, adjourned to 18th proximo; John Phillips, Junior, Empress, Owharoa, adjourned to 18th proximo; Joseph Keane, Parikarahi Extended, Hikutaia, granted; Edwin Edwards, Right Bower, Waitekauri, adjourned to 4th proximo.

special CLAIMS. A large number of applications for special claim's were dealt with, those recommended being as follows : -James Thorpe Inglis, Waihi Golden Pinnacle special claim, Waihi; David Sampson, Waihl Golden Pinnacle Extended special claim, Wailii; William John Harrow, Waitekauri Monarch, Waitekauri; T. McDonough, Emu special claim, Waihi; John Howler, Maritana special claim, Owharoa, recommended in the name of Maritana Gold Mining Company; 0. W. Nicholls, Anglian special claim, at Waitekauri ; Richard Henry Joli, Waihi New Find, Waihi; Wm, 1). Mclean, Waiteto special claim, Waihi -. Robert Kelly, Aladdin's Lamp, Waihi; David Snograss, Nevada, Owharoa; D. Collin*, Alfred Extended, Waitekauri ; Alexander Brown, Grafton No. 2, Waitekauri; Frederick Brookneld, Grafton No. 3, Waitekauri; Imperial Gold Mining Company, Imperial, Karangahake: Clement A. Cornes, Waitekauri King. Waitekauri, recommended in the'name of the Waitekauri King Gold Mining Company: C. A. Comes, Junior E.M.C. special claim, Waitekauri; Waihi Gold Mining Company, Britannia, Martha, Ophir. ami Golden Run special claims. Mr. Miller, who appeared for the applicant in each case, stated that the ground applied for was already held by the Waihi Gold Mining Company, but as a portion of the company's property had been acquired by the Union Wailii Company, the present applications are made with the object of re-adjusting tho boundaries. The applications were recommended.

' WATER RICES, MACHINE SITES, ETC. Tho following applications for water races, midline, and special sites, were granted: -Ivanhoe Gold Mining Company, «ater race, two miles on the Ohineumri Kiver, Karangahake; ditto, machine site, s acres, Karangahake; Charles Collins, construction of dam at Waltekauri; H. P. Barry, special site, & acres, Waihi; Woodstock Gold Mining Company, tunnel 250 feet at Karangahake; ditto, two special sites for hoppers, and also one aerial tramway, Karangahake. PLAINTS FOR SURPLUS. A Urge number of plaints for surplus around were dealt with, judgment being given in favour of complainants as follow :-T. Corbott, surplus of the Great Extended special claim, Waitekanri; J. \V. Shaw, surplus 'if tho J. 0. Ward, Owiiare*; W. Hoilii, iH'i-'jC. A. Coi-nes, sii-pl-.11 y. llaililln'Lamp, W*mi: J. W. Walker, W.;it«te, Waihi; W. it, llobimum, su'pl'ji of ilie Kmsi .fecial claim, Waihi; I). Kennedy, surplus of tin Miritana; T. I). O'Toole. surplus of the General: P Cogan, Waihi Golden Pinnacle Extended; \V. Sampson, Waihi Golden Pinnaclo; J. J. Odium, surplus of Waitekauri Monarch; W. McUormick, surplus on the eastern side of the Monarch; J. E. Bank*, surplus of Komata Proprietary; J.G. Wilson, Waihi Guidon Pinnacle Extended; Alox. Robinson, Caledonian.

In the case of J. G. Ralph v. H. and C. Jones for the forfeiture of the Three Sisters claim, Waitekauri, the mine was forfeited, with costs £2155. [MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS. William McConachie, jun., residence site. Owba-' roa, granted, subject to the reserve of a chain on the river bank ; Jane McConachie, ditto, Owharoa, granted as above; William McConachie, granted as above; Albert Charles Elanlen, residence site, Karanuahakv, granted; John Thomas Baker, resilience site, Karangahako, granted; Kate Paul, business site section 30, at Waihi, granted; Charles E. Ward, business site No. 39, at waihi, granted. APPLICATIONS FOR PROTECTION.

Applications (or protection wore granted as follows .'-William Elliott, permission to work Crescent special claim with four men instead of 31 for four months; Henry Lomas Smith, protection for ivUer race No. 8240, at Owharoa for six months William Brierley, protection for the Grafton licensed holding for six months; William John Comes, protection for Success special claim for six months; John Hague Smith, protection for Tenilba special'claim, at Karangahake, for six months; John Schischka, protection for Retreat special claim for six months; Waihi Kxtendel Gold Mining Company, permission to work Waihi Extended special claim with six men, instead of 33, for four months; J. E. Banks, protection for the Paiafcirahi special claim, at Marototo, for six months; mariner Gold Mining Company, protection for the Mariner licensed holding for six months; Mariner Gold Mining Company, protection for the Iflleen licensed holding for six months; Amanda Worth, protection for the Keystone licensed holding for four months; E. K, Cooper, protection for the Pearl Kxtended for fdur months; H. P. Barry, permission to work Fern Spur special claim, Owharoa, with six men instead of 33 for four months; Edward McDonnell, protection for the Martha, Wnibi-Sllverton United Gold Mining Company, for six months; New Zealand Crown Mines Company, protection for the Abbey licensed holding for six months; Charles McLean, protection for Waihi North special claim for six months; Joseuh Nutsey, protection for the Waihi South licensed holding at Waihi for four months.

APPLICATION FOR TIMBER LICENSE..-'; The adjourned application of the Woodstock Gold Mining Company for permission to nut timber on the Waverley Gold Mining Company's licensed holding at Karangahake, came on for hearing to. day. It will be remembered that last Court day the Warden gave his decision upon the legal aspect of the question, when be decided in favour of the Woodstock Company. The case was, however, adjoum-d until to-day, in order to allow the Waverley Company an opportunity of producing evidence as to how much timber was required by them, Mr. Clendon, who appeared for the Waverley Company, stated that since last Courtday he had ascertained that there were 40 acres within tho four corners of the pegs, but he would ask that the Woodstock Company be restricted to Ave acres, i lis Warden said that the applicants were limited to five acres, and be would grant the application provided that a plan was filed and approved of by the Court. £113s costs were allowed the applicants. s

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10034, 22 January 1896, Page 6

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10034, 22 January 1896, Page 6

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10034, 22 January 1896, Page 6