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Houses ar.rt Land. FREEHOLD "5" AMI AND HBTATK AGENCY, CORNER QUEKN-STBKKT A VULCAN LANK. Under the management, of .. W. G. F mmw IVK UNDKRTAKK TIIR HAM'. (111 PHIICIIASK OFPROPBRTIKS,INVK.STME.\'TOIf MONEY ON FREEHOLD SECURITY, MANAfIEM ENTOF ESTATES FOETKUSTERS, ABSENTEES, A OTIIBIIS. COLLECTION til'' INTEREST KBN'IVi, Ac, Ac. TO SHEEP FARMERS, CATTLE STATION OWNERS, AMI (iTIII'It INVESTORS. KOK AU.IOI.HTB MAI.K—A tm«t mitsnlßpetil block of about W.nsi acres »( splmidld, rich, dry sheep Krav.iii|! country, Lakes jfrnss readily mi the surfare, bavins ft i-illes frontage I" » most beautiful liver, and situated In » very central position, linvltip I«ii l<-nili-i» iii'in riuiti mads running through ili- properly. Tln-rn is an abundance (if Mi-ellt'vi much feed on lliu land, and nbuiit NHll) Arris "', giving line shelter iiml a pirliiirwii'H «pjinir.,iir« In the estate. Tills is u fine nppi'Ninilly for n griillniiulil of capital In .•! A limpid I sheep sL'lMnll Mill A splendid estate at. Hie innepliuiiilly low price of Ins per line; terms In soil purchasers will In, given. 'I his ii'itainty is one ill I lie very cheapest propertics in Die nail! mill ii great bargain FOR LEASE. AT MOUNT SMART-A fW-clsss urban propoity cniiisting of ~\ acres of rich voli-amc land, 'i acres in lemon anil orange groves, gaiden, orchard ami plantation, remainder hi grass. Vi'at-r hid on t<i house anil every part of {■anion. Bight-roamed House, in Orst-claS-i •inlet', ami every convenience; nun's mow, buggy-house,, cowshed, ami cellnape, Beantifnl vim-, of iter and surrounding districts, lor lease (in three or four us, fiom end of January. Ken:, CM pit num. Cards, to view, from W. U. Phdlipsmt. :i!!elil. Vulcan Lane. HUN'ILY 'lt)tt , ,N:;|lir '.ippinile Church)-Large Allotment with froniHgi. inOieat South Itoadiuul Wail: tin Hirer: :-rnoinnl limine anil Shop, registoi grilles, range, ilinsni'r, etc. All in first-class order. Trice, £260; terms, COM cash, balance at 6 per cent. KPSOM-KOR I.KASK OR RALE-PAH ROADIi aires of lercl volcanic soil, D acres iii grass and 1 aire crop; 4-riimned House, Rent, £10 pur Annum. Price, &l»i. AIM BOSK KllAll—Allotment,ashy II?, .and srcomed House ; water Inlil-on, en■ .1 range, hay window, doiililu chimney, nmhouse, well drained, side eitttatice. Pike, £275. Lot to good tenant, 8s per week. AIM KAl'ltl Itl.oCK-K'OIiHAI.R-SCSnacraioflAnd, with (esiiinatfl II from 1.'./f.IyXX) to -ai.liCii.flfKl f«et sinhl nmriiFtiililH kauri; also, large quantity of fine luliira and olier timleis. Siream through centre of Mock, with a"oii water power; also, easy grade In deep water, where timber can he loaded for market Price, only Jiscd per acre. This Is a good investment for a limber merchant, or for a speculator. I'AP.IA IMY. WIIANOaRKI-PorSalc-A Farm «l 'JTJ mres of realty goml Land; holds grass well; I"' acres in [rood gnss, remainder bush, puiirl, etc, 1. acres lenily to Irani, fine stream runs through lb" rant •■■ of I lie land, partly fenced. pix-rooineil House in fitl.—--• onler, wiila v«mnilah round line., sides, li.iiiy, cowshed, etc, 2 acres in orchard ami garden. uinfcl!/ pwti'll trees in full lieaiinu; quarter mile tram Wlianaarel River, anil half mile from iMrua Ifciy on main mad; about til head cattle, horses, poultry! farm implements, sailing boat, tislnnc nets, etc., etc., fiiven in. Price forth* "hole, only j6SW\ This is a die properly, and well worth inspection. A 452 t-Ilt KCIISTItKIVI', I'tINSdNBV.-l'urSalPA Hi*roon:ed Ilmisc in rirst-clnss order, hath, rantfl, gas ami water laid on ; well drained; allotment <o by li<l feet; vorksbop 'id by IS, with brick chimney. Price, iloi'fl; lentis, half cash and balance at (i per cent. A^tf PAPAKI'II*, Hrnokby-117 acres of good allnrial land, all fenced and subdivided with lire hedges; 12 acres in crops, and remainder in Am**, Sir. roomed house, nearly new, and outbuildings of every ilpsrripiitm. Well watered anil sheltered. Price, only £".'si. This farm is all in first-class order and well worth inspection, being only 1! miles from Auckland, by good road AitS PAN Ml"III".-A aires of volcanic land, all fenced ami in crass; 4-rfloined house and scullery, dairy tint cowshed, garden, all in good order, opposite (bo Tannery, in Otnlmbu Road. Price, £4:0. • The owner, Mrs. Ilawlinson, will show the property to intending purchasers, A 442 OTAHHItU-!Vi Acres of rich volcanic land, all thoroughly fenced, and in good grass; good orchard and garden ; large brick House, in firstclass order, and all necessary outbuildings; fioutage loTnmaki River, and close to main mad, healthy situation, and com! view of surrounding country. Price leasoliAble. A 421 OI'UATIA, HAtiI.AN COUNTY-SMI Acres of Kami, with river frontage; 'illl acres level; fiO acres in grass and crop; new seven-roomed house, iron roof, and double chimney; outbuildings. ,J'rice. £3 10s per acre. ' A 447 3|iKAI'l'NA-l] Acres of Land, situated near the pumping station; line view of the Lake, and stirronndmi! district. Price, filfiu. Al4O LUCAS (.'RKKK—4O ncres fenced with wire fence; 15 acres mixed bush; fiacres cleared, stumped, and ploughed. House. Is by 11 flood stream ; planted with-belter trees. Price, £140. A 440 I'.AN(iIUIRI-2:UI acres id rich alluvial soil; close to townships and station : and all fenced, and portion in grass; large quantity of rough feed, Price, £411, and easy terms if desired. Mill SALK-13 Acres of vulcanic Land, 12-rnoined Mouse, with stale roof, mid in snlendid order; vinery and nil nectssary outbuilding*; grounds 1 ii.lout iii tennis lawn, shrubbery, ami gardens, Irst-class orchard of lemons ami other fiuit trees; ,nur paddocks: Man's Cottage, Flue view of itaiiukau harbour. Piice very reasonable, as iwner is desirous of selling; Or would let to a rail-fill tenant. Mill HAI.K-Twii /lllritmrnN nn rireat South Road of one acre each. Price, £75 each. UIIUIICII.KTRKCT, I)RYONI'OUT-AllnlmeiitS7 by 114 fee!; 0-ronmed House in fair order. Price, filNi, or ofTer. ST. AfHYN-STRKKT-Allotment 40 by 103 feet. Price, £70. a 130 NOltTilcOTK II I'.LI.YEIt'S CIIKKK-faacres nf Land, fi-ns tneil llnase, stable and cowshed, wellgrown orchard of 11l Oil treas; nboilt half lush. Price (exlreirelv cheap), only £300, 1-405 l)OI'(ll.Ar<.STltKI'.T-t;-riiomed House and bathroom, register grates, wrniigbt-irnn stove (with copper boiler); drained and city water; Allotment 40 by l"ii fret. Price, £225. A-SO? PAPATOITOI-Mtacres of gnml level Land, Willi laree S-rontned llousoaml eiftensive outbuildinga, 0 acres young grass, remainder crop; never-fail-liigslreatn of water; about " acres orchard and shrubbery Price, >:::o per acre. New fij hors power Engine and Chatlcutter go with the property. " A-S9O LITTLE OMAHA-470 acres of good Land, with saltwater frontage. There is a large quantity of valuable puriri, kauri, and limber growing on this property that would more than pay the purchase money, and the land would make a tine sheep or cattle farm. Price, 37s M per acre A-DO7 DRUMMER UOAD-Kiir Sale-Corner Lot. 40 by 9(1 feet, with H-womed House and scullery; gas and water laid on ; concrete washhrtiiss, with copper and water laid on. Price, only £375, and easy terms. A-402 MOUNT AI.HERT-4} acres of volcanic Land, with fine site for a bouse; fenced and in grass. Price, £000 A-403 STUART STREET, MOUNT Allotment M) bv 100, level and free from stone, fenced, Price, £65. A-394 acres of Land, all fenced and in grass, all level; 4-roomed House, cowshed and stable; close to creamery Price, £300. Crop at valuation. a-403 SMALL COUNTRY STORE, with Gum Trade-40 acres of land; n-rnoiitcd Cottage. Price, only £141). This is a chance for a man of small capital. A-412 VYHANGAREI 87} acres of good Land, half bush, half open, ? sides fenced. Price, £2 per acre. VOR KALIS-MANURKWA-188 seres of good Land, all fenced with sheep-proof fences, and all laid flown in good grass. Seven-roomed housestable, and outbuildings. Price my cheapOnly HI miles from Auckland. A.'iflfi MOUNT EDEN ROAD-Five-rootned House mid large allotment, 60 by 260 feet. Price, £350. A34T POLLEN-STREET, SURREY HILLS - ftevonroomed House, In llrst-class order; gas and water laid on, gas stove and register grates, stable, buggy-house, and fowl-house; good drainage; ' allotment 3.S} by lir.J feet. Price, £400 and easy terms can be arranged A 227 SUBBKY-BTRKRT, SURREY lIILLS-For (ale, a good six-roomed house, newly painted and in good order; large allotment, 48 feet by 132 feet Price, only £310 ; terms, £00 cash, balance at (i per cent A3fl:! BAST TAMAKI.-For iiniiiedUte Sale, choice Sutmrlmii Faun of 100 neves, all Well fenced, and subdivided into 10 paddocks, 1 acre orchard and garden: house and all necessary outbuildings; situated at Pakuranga, only 10 miles from Audi, land. Price very cheap, and 111 favour of the pur. chaser. Well wnloinil bv a fine stream, A3BB POKENO.-Flne little farm nt 61 acres, splendid volcanic soil, all largely improved anil cultivated; 2 good orchards ; also o-niomed house and outbuildings. Price, only £510; this is very cheap , for Bitch fliio land. A?l4 CHEAP FARM FOR SALE, about 300 acres, situated in good position, being only rive miles from the railway station, by a good road ; well suited for sheet), being fine dry loam; about 30 acres of puriri ami mixed hush. Ptlw Very cheap, only £200. Terms, £100.nub, balance for five years at 6 per cent, A3IS SPLENDID SUM.UNA RP.CTION-Of 15 acres with beautiful sea frontage, having views of the Qaurakl (Jul; and nil the Auckland district; k acres of full bearing orchard, all tile-drained, good well of water with force-pump; remainder laud in good truss. Price and terms easy. It HWITU-Mi acres of fine Volcanic Land with pnrhi bush. Price only £100. aii rUAKAU.-Chnice Little Farm of 134 acres, with good House and outhiillillngs; soil is excellent volcanic, well fenced and subdivided,and is in fine grass; this is a grand little farm, situated in the pleasant district (if Tonkin; near school, stores, Ac, ottered at the low price of £7 per acre. A 337 WAIKATO-.Forsale-A llrst-class Sarin, containingj.'d acres; nil improved aiul in good grass; nice new House and outbuildings, orchard, and garden -.Liliialed in one of l lie best districts south of Auckland; laud of splendid quality, and offered at the low price of .CO ][)■> pur acre. Terms easy. A3II AVONDAI.K- Excellent Six-loomed Residence, with 24 acres of rich grass. Price very low nnd on easy terms. jjjja /OR SALE AT ONCK-A. Hno Section of 021 acres all well teniced ami in good position to • railway station, bung only one mile distant; I lie „ land in nearly nil ploiifflmblo, nml tlio soil a flue dry loam, easily worked. Ottered at (.tie low .. price of £750. '1 his is * good bargain and would . make a lino sheep farm. u ga Also several other Farms in he I'.ucklaml, Puke. ttohe, and Maungatawliiri Dislricts, which are offered, lit most reasonable prices with easy terms •■ t suit purchasers. : Ca.ll at the above Freehold I.auil Agencv *<• ' «<" i 'fe3p»rlicti!ar«! •.. ,-i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10034, 22 January 1896, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10034, 22 January 1896, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10034, 22 January 1896, Page 2