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I STOCK LIST: Bloater Pasta Clgarettea Fruits (Presetted) Tumi Meflin's Emulaloi| CO " ' Oil! Castor RlceGiound Satin Soap SPECIALTIES, Bloater Pasta Cigarettes Fruits (Presemd) .Taroi Mellin's Emulsion Oil, Castor lticeGioiind Sand Soap SPECIALTIES, Almond! , K (l " kegs) Clares gUindleu , • J ue ' Foot Marmalade Ointment, Holloway's Raisins Kleraes . (Seidlltz Powder, Layby's Good, Apples (eiiporatdil) jiarley Canary Seed Mw Ktaata J 1 i! tfVnJ Mustard' Oil Flasks Raisin, Sultanas • tazenby's Goods Acid Tart Broom* „ Carraway Seeds Flour ... .. Jelly Cone. MI Ik Raisins Muscatels . ' oJ Acid Citric Jirooin handles Clothes Pees > fruits (Crystallise Tfmfo p n ii,h Mullet Peaches, ICtaporatcd Raisins Valencias Tapioca Monkey Starch Ammonia Jirusliware Carbonate Soda X. Mace Pepper. Whole • Jlape Seed Tanks Arrow Not Jtovril Chutney nn« Kachedl ' Kidfe Blade. Magnesia Fluid Pepper, Ground Bennett • Tin Tacks Pusparama Tea Anchovy sauce Biscuits Confectionery Ginger (Unbleached) Kerosene " Moharch of Pain Pickles Raspberry Syrup Twine ' . At,i vy 1'.140 Col 8" _ ( • n.iivtllio ,„ nm ' Kerosene Meats Pills, Holloway's Tobaccos Electric Baking Powder Axe Handles Candles Coffee Extract n™KPnt«nt Milk Food Pills, Beecbam'g Sauces Teas in packet? • „ , Alum , pood Cocoa Coftee Dandelion Oeradna linseed Machine Oil Pills, Cockles' ' starch Teas in bulk Phcemx Baking Powder A Urn an l ' Manbtiry Food cornsacks tod Fish rjni.inn Svmn linUl. Maccaruni Patent Medicines . Salt Teas in lead Ailunv .. Cayenne Clements T° n c GinrarA?# Liters Mete Fruits Paper, Brown ' - Sardines Tin Plates B&ird's Coffee Essence Aprii"'i'M ,M 'F"" ,ed ) Custard Powder Cocowit Desiccated Ginßer Ale In ters Paper, White Salmon Aunt Abbey's 0«ls chocolato Chiorodyiie _ nnnovtn linn }™l . NeayesFood Paper Bafts' Saltpetre Upton's Goods . . . Chocolate Creams Candied Peel Honey in tins !S[ilm Nuts Paper Parchment Semolina , Vestas, B. and M. kjD . Powder km <" ™ Cornflour J|°P- Kit) Tpmnnada Nutmegs Peas. Split ' Sheep's Tongues Veitus, Vulpes Vulpes Vestas " !i n'l r J currants Dates P'lPJ™' iS?h°ss&Ml» ' Note Paper Painkiller Soda Crystals Vinegar, Case " Mllle Curry Extract of Soap Herrings (a I kinds) Lead Pencils Nails ' Pimento Sharps Vinegar, Bulk Klectrio Vestas Bacon Caputs Embrocation Ellimanit Hemp seen i-ashiing. Nectarines (Evaporated) Prunes, Evaporated Spice . Vermicelli Blacking Corks Esienceji(fcl»iourlng) Hatchets for Gun Lard „ . J'lnoapplos Banna Vegetables in tins Mellin'a Food, etc. Black Lead Clothes Lines Eucalyptus Hams Lung Balsam Oatmeal Pipes /Sugars &*>■* sar fcSjS* ■ " a-?— S" pass* » sssu- • . 82? 85®"" £'£"« SB« ' . Meliln's Food «* ' w " a ■ ' •*" **>*** I **»<**» BeauslUarlc ' ' " •

Money- ! Moneymoney TO lend i.V.L n> TO I THREE-FIFTHS OF value ON* FIRST-CLASS FREEHOLD SECURITY At the following EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RATES OF INTEREST g n d e r £1000, Five and a-Half per Cent, £1000 up to £3000. Five and a Quarter per Cent£3ooo up to £10,000, Five per Cent. For APPLICATION' FORMS, apply 1, to th (idVKRNMBNT INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Wellington, or to tiny of the Branch Offices or I FIRST-CLASS FREEHOLD SECURITY At the following EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RATES OF INTEREST tJnder £1000, Five and a-Half per Cent, £1000 up to £3000, Five and a Quarter per Cent. £3000 up to £10,000, Five per Cent. for APPLICATION FORMS, apply'to th (iOVKRNMENT INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Wellington, or to any of the Branch Ofllcei or Postal Agencies of the Government Insurance Department THROUGHOUT THE COLONY. J. 11. RICHARDSON, Government Insurance Commissioner. Wellington, June 20,1^. 4 UCKLAKD MORTGAGE, LOAN i\L DISCOUNT C MP ANY, W Y N 1) II A M • S TH K E T (Three doors from flss Company's Office,) AUCKLAND. MONKY advanced from £5 and upwards to an« §8 HM'«unt r required to suit the bor«>wer, upon m PKRSONAI., FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, or any ffl TANGIBLE ECU KIT reparable in any somaBfl in.iv be Amused, either WEEKLY FORTg§ MiillTLY, MONTHLY, or QUARTERLY festalmeiits at lowest current rates. fill ADVANCES MADE ON FURNITURE AND m PIANOS WITHOUT REMOVAL, also on LIFE HI POLICIES, and on all kinds of MERCHANDISE im-ludine BOND WARRANTS, Ac. PROMISSORY NOTES DISCOUNTED at Cur rent Rakes. Interviews and communications will oe Held strictly confidential. S Office Hours : From ten till Ave o'clock. B rTIUE HEW ZEALAND LOAN ANI) H I DISCOUNT BANK, B HI OH •ST REK T ® lire doon from Offices lormerly occupied by City Hp Council), ll LENDS MONEY IN SUMS OF Ps to £1000, ® On Furniture without remo« On Pianos witlioutremo7»l On Peposlt of ."iJOeds On Freehold ||el On L«a!iehold On Legacies I Office Hours : From ten till Bve o'clock. rriHE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND 1 DISCOUNT BANK, HIGH•S T R E K T Ino doon from Offices formerly occupied by City Council), LENDS MONEY IN SUMS OF £5 TO £10G0, On Furniture without remova On Pianos without retnovjl On Deposit of .lioeds On FreeboM On Leanefaold On Legacies On Personal Security M On Mortgages ® On Promissory Notes On Lite Policies, or other security, pi Repayable Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly, Bills Discounted Daily. jp All Letters and Interviews strictly Confidential. II Vf 0 N ft Y TO LEND m Ji- ON first-class MORTGAGE H SECURITY ffl AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES ii And In || BI'MS TO SUIT BORROWERSAMU F.I. VAILE AND SONS. ||| Ijind, Estate, and Financial Ausuts, 85, Qii?«n ® . strset. • M I\IONEY LENT ON PROMISSORY M il l NOTES. HOUSES, FURNITURE Ac. H BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY P Mortnaces negotiated i JOHN W. HARDIE, |l LAUD. AND ESTATE AGENT, B AUCKLAND M £OOOW Freehold or other tanelble ||g Freehold or other tanelble m security. Interest 5 per cent, ot Qisrher as is the Em risk or smallness of sum advanced.—Peter Oliphant, || Solicitor, High-street. [fe TO £5000—Money to Lend, in [M " sums as aboT« at lowest current rate. IH -Wm. S. Cochrane, Cochrane'* Mart, 185, Queen iifjiS ltrset. m AIONEY TO LEND on Mortgage of i-T-t. First-class Freehold Securities, ; , W, COLEMAN, Solicitor National Insurance Buildings, Queen-street. M "Ji/F ONEY TO LEND on First Morfcgftf;d iVL ot Freehold roperty.—J. Tbornes, 81, WM Vneen-itreel. B MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage, at MB -L* 1 lowest current rates of interest.— M. 0 Kg? Mcflrecor, Solicitor, Shortland-street, three doors 'hove Post Office. 1 "jITONEY TO LEND on FroehoH ® I'i- Security. Several sums of trust money at W&* "Irrent rates if interest.—Apply to F. 1,. Prime IPI Relate Agent, 25, N.Z. Insurance Buildings. HI cn ' l on '"terests under -Lt a Wills, freehold or any other securities, in &sjs sums to rait borrower?.—Vrviln Bros., Financial |H Agents, Cooinhes' Arcade, Queen-stieet, Opposite Wyndham-atreet. I"l\/T ONEV TO LEND at interests under i.T I Wills, freehold or any other securities, in SUWM to f.ult borrowers.—Valli) Bros., Financial Agents, Coomhes' Arcade, Queen-street, Opnosito Wyndham-street. ,V|ONEY TO LEND at a moderate rate %% xv.L of interest.-Apply Jackion and Russell, jsgs Soiicitors i Shortland-street IS "jITONEY 10 LEND, on Freehold HI ii Security-Apply to William Aitken, Land f&f- Shnrtland-street. m Dental, [I W.H/H.C. W WUHT J SURGEON DENTISTS, !J (Successors to A. L Wright) H Telephone 657. I LI. ¥. W ,NOSOIt I SURGEON DENTIST ;; (By Kiam.), || /UOKTLAND-STRBBT (Opposite General Post Office). 1 IItLEPHONE 377, I D. K B "p T ' i m. SURGEON DENTIST 111 HAS REMOVED TO QUEEN-STREET, till INext Bank of New Zealand ||g P.O. Eor, 317. Telephone, 404. IE. C ox & oN > V ICo^ c r - DS 'l DENTISTS. {»• °Kfe.s: DS II t, A.M.I', Buildings, 143, Queen-street. J! 1 'lepbone 674. ' " " " J aT T,: a M i t x P OLD-ESTABLISHED DENTIST, ft] Corner of Hobson and Wellesley Streets. 1 W. I. L EAlHii '' B SURGEON DENTIST D. (For two years with the late Mr. W. 11. Skoet) B May be consulted at' his Rooms, adjoining Messrs Rg Champtalaup and Cooper, |> QUEEN-STREET ra 'Opprtiifl Wjrndham-street).

Fancy Goods. FANCY PILLOW CASES FANCY NIGHTDRESS BAGS FANCY TOILET SETS FANCY BRUSH BAGS FANCY TABLE CLOTHS I FANCY SIDEBOARD CLOTHS I FANCY TRAY CLOTHS FANCY LINEN D'OYLEYS FANCY CARRIAGE RUGS JUST OPENED, DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER. 15 ' II Jpw yEAR OARDS!! ) NEW YEAR CARD PACKETS!!! The yearly Increasing demand for Packets of Curds has led C. W. Goodson this season to import y more largely than hitherto. The reputation of the london Arcade packets demand a greater provision being made each year. The value of cards in each packet Is marvellous, certainly surpassing any previous year. GOODSON'S Matchless Packet, containing six Choice Cards, (Id ; post free, fijd. GOODSON'S Matchless Packet, containing 12 Choice Cards, la ; post free, Is ljd. GOODSON'S Matchless Packet, containing 21 Clinic# Cards, Is 9d; post freo, Is IOJd GOODSON'S Matchlass packet, containing 30 Choice Cards, 2s 6d ; post free, 2s 7d, GOODSOX'S Quantity Packet, containiUß 20 Protty Cards, fid; post free, 7d. GOODSON'S Quantity Packet, containing 40 Pretty Cards, Is; post free, Is lid, 4 A very useful packet of assorted Envelopes for • cards of all sizes. Price, fid the packet, containing ; 30 envelopes; post free, 7Jd. '• NEW YEAR'S CARDS ALONE IS PACKETS ARE OBTAINBLE IF DESIRED. Note the address— OODSON'S JONDON j^RCADES, QUEE N-STREET & KARANGAUAPE ROAD, AUCKLAND. JAPANESE QOODS, JUST OPENED, . FIRST SHIPMENT OF THIS SEASON'S GOODS 1 AT J GOODSON'S JAPANESE BAZAAR, 500 Teakettles, Terra-cotta, with Bamboo Handles : handsomely gilt, fid each ' 1 160 doz. Bamboo Kasels, from 2d each t New Shapes in Lanterns, from 3d each • Dozens upon dozens of Fire Screens, from 6d each Soiled Ijnen Baskets, 3 sizes, very cheap . Large Picnic Baskets at all prices , Wast# Paper Baskets, from is each ' Bamboo Stools, from 2s each Handsome Flower Stands, 4s Cd each . Bamboo Music Hacks ' • '■ ErarMs, from fid each, Bamboo and Lacquer . Cane Wall Pockets, from ;«1, and Splash Mats 350 Handsome Lacquered Trays (Tea), from 6d each ) Serviette Rings, Is Oil the half-dozen " , Sugars and Creams, from fid each Censers, Pails, Vases, innumerable, very cheap 600 Teapots, from Cd each l Biicuit Jars, from Is I 100 doz. Basins, all sizes and patterns, very useful anil cheap Dozens of dozens of Plates of all sizes Perfume Jars (a wonderfully cheap line), from Cd each 1 Water Jugs, some choice goods ; JO dozen of Cans and Saucers (Egg Shell China), i from 3.-1 the half dozen' Afternoon Tea Sets, complete for six persons, from 103 , Desks, Work Boxes, Cabinet'!, Glove and Dat I BoxeS, Tables, Stools, and an I IMMENSE VARIETY FAR TOO NUMEROUS i TO MENTION. INSPECTION INCITED, i , Gunsmiths. D. E V I T T, GUNiJAKER, AND I PORTER OE) JFIREARMS, AMMUNITION, FIREWORKS, FISHING TACKLE AND SPORTING REQUISITES OF EYERY DESCRIPTION. S.B. and D.B. Breech-loading and Muzzle-load lug Shot Guns,' at 1 prices 'to suit ill pur chasers • . - . . • . : Eley Bros.' Cartridges U.M.C. •' NKW CLUB"Cattridges Colonial Ammunition Company's Cartridges Chicago Air Rifles, 0s each " Saloon Rifles and Ammunition FISHING TACKLE Just to hand a Shipment of Messrs. Allcock & Co.' SEA 'AND'UIVKR FISHING TACKLE, !' li.emp, Cotton, and Tanned Fishing I/ilios''» Limerick and Kirby Bent l'isll-hooks - Gravitation Hooks Plaited '['rout Lines (Silk and Flax) Trout Flies and Minnows in great variety Hooks to Gut, Trout Hods ° '' - Fishing Rods Repaired * REPAIRS. GUNWORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JH'FICIENTI.Y & PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT MODERATE PRICES, * ■" S3 Nothing but the best work being turned out £-■ .1 iGunstocks altered in bend to suit any customers. J). EVITT, GUN MAKER AND IMPORTER, '166 J, Queen-street, ' Auckland, ' . ' ' "■ Established 1850. " ' ?3L Price Lists Post Free on applcation. . $

Coal, firewood, etc. ff™! npipi/Q sr I DnlunO. Also, A LARGE SELECTION OF CHIMNEY POTS, TAR, SAND, AND SHELLS, FOR GARDEN WALKS. W. & G. WINSTONE. CUSTOM-STREET. J. H. M. C ARPENTER ' COAL MERCHANT, AUCKLAND and NEWMARKET. HOBART TOWN RAILS & PALINGS, TI-TREE RAILS, POSTS, TAR AND TARRING SAND, SHELLS, 386, Newnmrkeli fELEPUONES • 5306, * la Office, Quean-st., 367, Auckland Office, Queen-st,, Coiner Vulcan lane .353 Auckland Sited, Breakwater Road. W TJ i)wa ED s (LATE J. EDWARDS) COAL MERCHANT, SHIP AGENT. BAT OK ISLANDS, NEWCASTLE, AND TAUPIKI COAL IN ANY QUANTITY. Local Industries, WALLIB & C ALEY , SADDLERS, AND HARNESS MAKERS, VICTORIA-STREET EIST, AUCKLAND/ (Opposite A.M.I 1 , Buildings). PORTMANTEAUX stall prices. TENNIS RACQUETS Repaired and Restrnng. Country Visitors will do well to inspect our large assortment of HIDING SADDLES, Harness, etc, Ladies and Gent's Waist Belts and Hody Belts, Telephone 090 M "PERAMBULATORS JT -FAMOUS for Durability. Style, and Low Price. Second to none in New Zea-land-Sold by CHARLES SMITH, the Practical Maker.—Please Not* NEW ADDRESS, 279, QUEEN. STREET (nearly opposite pERAMBULATORS, Reversible Hoods, ' SI'LENDII) PINISU, Mil' Mli:II TYRES, fEitsißLE Hoods, i'LENPID PINISII, JcLEOD BROS. u- XJPTSLfC, PER QUEEN-ST. T 8 " KAPAI M ill! CO., MUTED, AUCKLAND, N Z. I'HOS. J. HARBUTT, Managing Director. (QARRIAGES, WE DESIGN, BUILD, AND REPAIR VEHICLES OF EVERY KIND, AT THE LOWEST PRICE HIGH-GRADE WORK CAN BE DONE FOR. GEE & POTTER, Coachboilders RUTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. ®£j. F. COOPER, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER ' SADDLERY and HARNESS, SADDLERS' IRONMONGERY, English and Foreign LEATHERS, Etc. 291, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND (Nearly opposite R. Hobbs', Draper.) Telephone No. 739. T PEAO 00 K, « - OPTICIAN, AG, ' SHORTLAND-STREET. • ' Nautical and Surveyors' Instruments ill stock Mil repaired. The Sight tested by most Improred methods, and SPECTACLES accurately fitted. " AS A N P 0 R D, • FISH AND OYSTER MERCHANT, COLONIAL FISH MARKET, Opposite Custom House, and M Raklno Island, Auckland, N.Z, Registered Matk. Families, Shipping, and Hotels supplied with Fresh aud Smoked Fish every morning. If you are not' well supplied ring up 658, and we ill try to give satisfaction.. mo SETTLERS, STOREKEEPERS ' FARMERS,' AND OTHERS. IRELAND "BROTHERS, TANNERS LEATHER MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLERS, SADDLERS, IRONMONGERS, AND GRINDERY li IMPORTERS. CASH BUYERS OF HIDES, WOOL, SHEEP SKINS, TALLOW, BEESWAX <SC. AT CURRENT RATES. WAREHOUSE—VuIcan Lane and BIGU-STRMT . 1'..", WORKS— AUCKLAND, N. %

Dress and Fashion!' " smith: &c oatjghey, ' I THE WAT US PRAY g , PJ BRAND OF g, 0 P H H J Received the ONLY GRAND PRIZE n 0 S- — H 2 AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION, W IH U CD a BEATING ALL OTHER MAKES! 5 *'' ' g w a ffi 2 CD • Q CD 'J'HEY are made from STAPLE COTTON, GUARANTEED W n ABSOLUTELY PURE, THOROUGHLY SHRUNK, and » y ■■■■■•• . s RELIABLE IN WEAR. Can be had in Fine, Medium, or P* Heavy Makes. P a 8 y~p M JL JL Q § i ® OBTAINABLE ® ® O tg «PEN STREET, « a '' "" S r I Cfl a a WHOLESALE AND FAMILY DRAPERS.


Tailors and Clothiers. _ : FIRST GLASS TAILORING. SUITS TO MEASURE, 45/SUITS TO MEASURE, 50/SUITS TO MEASURE, 03/SUITS TO MEASURE, 70/SUITS TO MEASURE, 80/- . SUITS TO MEASURE, 90/PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. J, DAY® * oss - ' TAILORS,TAILORS, NEXT TO MII.NE & CHOYCE-S, B WEUESIiEV-STPEPT EAST. I 1 j iob—— —a— iwawßißMßaawgßmwft j g r XTOVXG MEN'S CHRISTIAN A3SO- '• JL CIATION. boRNEH or Albert and \velleslkt Strews. ] Reading-room comfortably furnishid. All thi ' leading l'apers, Reriews, Magazlnoir, etc., on tha T tallies; subscription, 2sßupor quitter. The Library iontaiiiß upwards of 3001) roll, in the various i]e partinenU of literature; mbscriptiou, 2d fid per S quarter. Tea and Coffee Pliq video in Social 1(001)1. EMPLOYMENT AND I)OAKI>INGIIOUSK IIEIiISrEBS. "• " ' „ Meetino for Young Men on Mondays, 8 p.m. C F.Tangeliitlc' Services, Thursdays, at 7.30. Bible reading and l'rayor, Saturdays, at 7.21*. Bible Class, Sunday, at 3 p.m. Sunday Evening Her vice In City HAti. at 8 p.m. " ' " l: STRANGERS'arid'- others (especially Younq \ Men) cordially inrited to visit the Rooms, whore full Information may be obtained. 1 Open from fra.m I 10.80 p,m A

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10033, 21 January 1896, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10033, 21 January 1896, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10033, 21 January 1896, Page 7