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Is connection with the recent earthquake i at Florence, it is interesting to read the ; curious particulars given by a well-known j correspondent of \he Corriere di Napoli of j the superstitions rf the people of Southern Europe with regard no earthquakes. Three years ago a reaper of Boccadifalco related that while reaping corn he felt the earth tremble, and a woman dressed in black approached him, telling him that she was the Virgin Mary, and that he should go to the town and tell the priests of all the churches to preach repentance to the people. At another time a similar apparition was seen at Monreale by a woman in a garden, who began to scold the figure for walking on the flower beds. "Think not of earth," exclaimed the figure ; " think of thy soul, for in three days thou will die. Go and warn thy companions that God is angry, and that when he shall have punished the. people of Baida and Boccadifalco He will turn His wrath against Monreale." In other parts of Sicily the people believe that a man in a red mantle will appear before an earthquake. In the church of San Nicola, at Palermo, small biscuits which have been blessed, are distributed to the devotees, which, when buried in a pot of geraniums, mint, carnations, or other flowers kept on balconies by the women, will preserve the house from being destroyed during an earthquake.

The restriction of the activity and influence of the Jews in Russia has entered a fresh phase. The Company of the Central Trading Bazaar at Moscow has obtained the Imperial permission, through the Committee of Ministers, to alter the officiallyconfirmed statutes of its foundation by the insertion of a clause absolutely forbidding the transfer of its shares to any Russian subjects who are not of the Christian faith by birth, so that those who have hitherto avoided most of their disabilities by joining the Christian Church will not be able to avoid this one. This action will probably become a precedent for imitation by other companies. The Novoe Vremya, in commenting upon this measure as one that will effectually prevent share companies in Russia from slipping into the hands of foreign and heterodox elements, takes care to point out that it is specially directed against the Jews.

The April number of Blackwood opens with an able article on "China's Extremity," written by a correspondent at Tientsin. The writer gravely doubts whether China's present tribulation will result in radical reforms. He compares the corrupt and impotent state of the country to an infection of the blood and tissues—no family taint which might be got rid of by judicious selection, but a disease which is innate in and common to the race. Reform requires something sound to work upon, some whole cloth in the garment that is to be repaired ; bub that is just the condition which the correspondent thinks is lacking in China. He admits, however, thab the present Manchu dynasty is the besb that has ever swayed the sceptre. The Manchu rule, he says, is far from being perfect, but if ib were nob for the dead-weight of Chinese corruption, there is no reason to suppose it would nob be perfecbable.

Pope Leo has of late kept himself very prominently before the world, his most recenb utterance of importance being his call to the Italian faithful to bring pressure upon the Italian Government to extend the liberties of the Papacy. Thepresentoccupant of St. Peter's Chair has managed to increase the prestige of the Church so much that even thab mosb sturdy of Italian freethinkers, Premier Crispi, has thoughb it prudent to make his peace with the Church. A writer in the Revue Illustrde, Paris, discusses the personality of Leo XIII. as follows :■—;" A sovereign who has no police to compel obedience from his subjects, nor an array which would enable him to give additional force to hie opinion by the irresistible argument of bayonets, such a sovereign is placed in a very unfavourable position when he

Wishes so negotiate. The Holy Father, Aevertbeless, is the only diplomat of out times who did not allow himself to be deceived by Bismarck. Energetic, supple, and tenacious; he gave the German Chancellor as good as he got. Leo XIII. may %» considered a model tactician, who [linanaged to restore to Papacy that influ■nee which ib partly lost through th« *jefarious politics of Cardinal Antonelli. The Pope's education, bin iFamily conneclion, his former life, everything bended to prepare him for the glorious part he was A play. His body seems to serve no other [Jurpose but to bold hie indomitable sonl frEt earth. Frail as it is, it has deceived •pore than one ambitious cardinal, who Iks been surprised by death while hoping To become a candidate for the Papal Jhair. This frail body envelops a soul of °?teel of the Quest temper." 4 I "§ The efforts of the American Government "to restrict the tide of immigration which P: "ias so long flowed cowards their shores are beginning to bear fruit.'" The number of I (*teamers carrying passengers from Europe e|o New York in 1894 was 879, making 96 i4eBS than in the year before. The diminution of passengers is remarkable, especially of steerage passengers, amone whom 1893 and 1884 there was a drop of «48 per cent. The saloon passengers had idiminishad 24 per cent., and that was J temporary, for the numbers in 1892 and L \MS93 were much greater than in 1891. On %\\e other hand, there has been a progressiva v» 1 *crease in steerage passengers since that isu Hr. The number in 1893 was 384,700. i a 1 14894 it lad fallen to 188,164.

\ 'he Supeme Court of the United States budecidet that ibis illegal to impose an ijame tar in America. Admiral Mead, o&he United States navy, who was foolish enegh t« publicly declare that he regretted beW cofuelled to remain inactive against th*riti|l during the fticaraguan dispute, has M breed to send in his resignation. If su\*» eoitfuct were permitted there would bearittdotili friendly relations between differdt natins. The Belgian Catholic? have d>pealed o the Vatican to condemn tin Cbritian Socia'ets, whose propaganda they say is Ikely to edanger the State. The trial of Taylcr, one * the accused in what i* fcnown as the Lotion scandal, is proceeding. The charge agai«t Oscar Wilde will be heard after Taylor case has been disposed of. Japan has be* asked to state what additional indemny she will require for giving up the Liatung Peninsula. The earthquake shock, which did so much damage in Florencejvaa also experienced, although with les\ serious effects, at Bologna and Pisa. . wealthy lady belonging to Bolton has b<meathed £32,000 each bo the British and breign Bible Society, the Church Missionary Society, and the Church Pastoral Aid Society.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9826, 22 May 1895, Page 4

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NOTES AND COMMENTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9826, 22 May 1895, Page 4

NOTES AND COMMENTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9826, 22 May 1895, Page 4