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" He dreamed, and behold a Ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven."—Gen. xxviii. 12.

The voice which cannot err denounces, "Be sure your sin will find you out." Thus, by eternal law, misery stalks in transgression's rear. Out of the Gospel path our feet are in furrows sown in woe. Godliness is a quiet haven. Departure from it is a sea of trouble.

This truth is darkly written on many a sigh and many a tear. The case of Jacob painfully attests it. Behold him, a downcast and a lonely wanderer. He treads a cheerless, solitary way. A journey is before him—long and perilous. He tenderly sorrows for delights behind him. He tremblingly forebodes the evil of to-morrow. But his keenest anguish is an upbraiding conscience. He leaves his home because he first left his God. Perhaps the declining sun never withdrew its light from one more deep in gloom than Jacob when lie paused at Luz. The canopy of heaven was his only roofthe bare earth his couchthe rugged stone his pillow. Instead of a tender mother's tender care, he had hardness in its hardest form.

But Jacob was an heir, from everlasting ages, of an everlasting portion, which is never lost. Hence an unchanging friend grieved in his every grief, and marked with sympathy his every step. The Lord, whose love is wisdom,"and whose wisdom is love, leads His children into depths for their good, but leaves them not in depths to their hurt._ It was so with Jacob. It will be so while saints on earth need to be brought low, that they may more securely rise. Sleep closes his eyes. But in the nightwatches marvellous teachings gladden the unclosed eye of faith. "Behold a Ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven." Here was no obscure sign of Him who comforts most by revelations of Himself. The Seed of the Woman, the Blessing of the Earth, the Covenant of His people is unfolded in clearer emblem. The Redeemer is displayed wondrous in His person, His work, His grace. Thus the patriarch found, as many find, that the absence of man is the nearness of God, and that the dark pages of trial are inscribed with new lessons of love. He arises, and exclaims, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.'

Reader, this image, so radiant in Gospel truth, vanished not when morning came. It has a power to teach in every age, and to make each lonely spot a Bethel ./O the pilgrim's heart. Ponder well this Ladder. The like to it earth never saw. Mark its extent. It unites the worlds of "Deity and man. It connects our sin-vile hovels with the abode of the Eternal. Resting on the ground which our feet defile, it rises and stretches upward, and pierces the skies, and mounts to the very throne of God. Reader, these are blessed tidings. Hold them fast, as the anchor of all hope—hold them up, as the beacon of all salvation—hold them forth, as realities of grandest moment. Our Jesus is the mighty God. All that there is in the Godhead of power, and might, and wisdom, and love, and dominion, has been His, and must be His for ever. Eternity is His birthplace. Heaven is His home. His strength is Omnipotence. His arm is Infinity. His eve is All-seeing. His ear is All-hearing. His mind is Omniscience. He wills, and it is done. He puts on glory for a crown, and the brightness of that diadem is the redemption of souls. Think for ever, and you reach not the threshhold of His vastness. Adore for ever, and you touch not the skirts of His praises. The summit of this Ladder is Jesus reigning, the ever-living God. Oh ! who can tell the boundlessness of its dread results. It scales the heavens, and awakens wrath. It goes down to hell, and kindles unextinguishable flames. It rolls on, a ceaseless tide, throughout eternity. A moment did it. But no ages can undo. Who, then, can bear it away? The touch of man makes it more sinful. Angels' efforts are a straw before a rock. But Jesus comes. His blood is sprinkled, and it vanishes. He hurls it from Him, and it is no more found. Why? Because Jesus is God. If the height of heaven were the pulpit ; if the pealing thunder were the voice ; if the universe were the audience, no more worthy utterance could sound than that the blood of Jesus blots out sin, because the blood of Jesus is the blood of God.

Hence the delights which Jesus gives to the awakened heart. It is conscious of iniquities towering to the skies. But in the merits of a Saviour-God a grave is found to bury all. Heuce, too, we learn why many think so little of this great salvation, and are content with a mock shelter of their own construction. They are dead as to what sin is. But when the Spirit once strikes the conscience with its sin-discovering rod, there can be no peace but in a divine refuge; no rest, but under infinite cover. Christ, and Christ only, is such refuge and such covert. I fear that to many this is a hidden truth. If once men saw it they might dare to sport with the lightning, or to wrestle with the whirlwind; but they would not dare to trample on a Saviour-God. I This image proclaims Jffeus as invested also with our nature. The Ladder set up on the earth is Jesus very man, as truly as He is very God. Yes, our Creator is our brother, that He may redeem us. Man must die. Jesus hangs on the cross—man, that He may represent—God, that He may suffice. His Deity enables. His manhood qualifies. The one is all-sufficiency. The other is allfitness. Thus He cancels every debt, and makes all payment, and endures all punishment, and. exhausts the whole curse, and works a glorious righteousness, and rescues all His sheep from the jaws of hell, and exalts His spouse in spotless lustre to the throne of His glory. Next, the common uses of the ladder instruct much in the divine art of using Jesus for hourly help. By the ladder we leave the lower ground. By it we rise to things which are above. Just so by Jesus there is open passage for our souls and services from our lowest estate to Zion's goodly heights. Sin not only left us prostrate, with no means to soar, but it fixed an intervening gulf, which unaided man could never pass. But Jesus interposes, and distance disappears. Believer, your heart's desire is that your prayers and praises may speak to God. Place them on Jesus, and they fly aloft. Is one can check their ascending speed. They are breathed below, and instantly resound on high. You long that your tears of penitence! and sighs of shame may be heeded where mercy reigns. There is no hindrance. Mourn with godly sorrow, clinging unto Jesus, and you melt a heavenly Father's heart. You strive in word and work to glorify His name. Labour with every effort intermixed with Jesus, and nothing can be done in vain. How sweet is ib to the,

eye of faith to, see its every crv ,„ji and deed thus carried buoyant to A" - opß- - God! Soon you must dieL Be £° U " Commit your departing spirit to the ca 80, Jesus, and, released from its case of? of it will mount with eagle wii) R3 ; «s'? not until the portals of eternal aJ Ul ' passed. " • aa y We But the ladder also affords means , f , scent. We need supplies from »L' ,fr Through what channel* cm they fe Jesus alone presents an oneri „ „ me " Through Him the Spirit is outSed T light which dispels our darkness allV - of saving love, strength to begin and i** cute the heavenward race, the joys »?,' - make this wilderness to blossom i« !? n rose, all wing their downward flight bv <$? connecting line. The believer stands «S this ladder, and voices run along it P0 ? assuring him that' his iniquities are', cloned, his person accented, his soul sav By this path the promises came down his willing hand, and answers tell him l. his prayers are heard. By this way J"?, tenng angels haste to encamp around »!j " to beat back the host of unseen foes' n my soul, can you enough bless Jesus, wh thus unites a blessed people with a blessing

Reader this subject is personal and nneii cal 1 ell me, then, have you found, do yon duly prize, do you daily use these heaven, wrought steps? Ihe solemn purport of th solemn question is this: Have you faith grasped Jesus? Are you by faith cleaving unto Him? Faith is the eye which sees th ladder the hand which touches it*X strength which holds it, the feet ffi mount it. Has the Holy Spirit opened to you this figure, which was new life *° Jacob? There is a ready test. Is the word beneath your tread .' Do you trample on it. love, fashions, maxims, principles? Feetvt on a ladder no more rest on earth - . Tk?">» «"£ her test Is yours an ascend, ing life? On the ladder there is upward movement, So the believer rises, sten bv step, from grace to grace. As th'er» »»r progress while one foot cleaves to the dust so there is no growth in grace while lingering affections adhere to mire. We must be whollv Christ's or none of His. '

Again, are your days all effort? There : a no mounting without toil. Saints strain every nerve, They run an unwearied race They wrestle in prayer. Their praises are as the ceaseless rapture of angelic chords Their zeal flows as the ocean's tide. Thev rest not digging in the mine of Truth anil scattering abroad the riches which they Thus they take heaven by holy violence' • Reader, if you are some lazy loiterer soma dreaming slumberer, I tremble for you Christ worked on earth. Christ works above' As is the Head, so are the members. As is the Lord, so are the servants. Take heed, too, of false ladders. Satan has forged many. Their form is specious Their height seems heaven high. But the' summit points hellward. The steps are rottenness, and soon they break. Salvation's Ladder is only one—Christ Jesus. Believer, you profess to be on this Ladder. Hold fast. Watch and pray. Some, who seemed to climb well, have foully fallen The most perilous slip is from the highest J round. Perhaps you are conscious that your foot has slipped. If so, arise* and adore God that you live. Arise and pray for grace, that you may re-ascend. Unbeliever, you know nothing of this approach to God. You are afar off now. How will you bear to be far off for ever? Hear then; and may the Spirit bless the concluding word ! There is a Ladder from every sin and every sorrow upon earth. But there is no ladder of escape from hell's wages, and from hell's pains. There are no stairs by which the rich man may soar to Abraham's bosom. There is no uplet by which Judas can leave " his own place."

LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. Many years ago— fact, in the first years of my ministry— man did the meanest thing to me that I had ever suffered up to that date. I did feel unkindly towards him, and I determined that the next time I saw him I would tell him what I thought of him. Then, on considering the matter, I felt that that was not the Christ-like way to do. Jesus said, "Love your enemies." I did not love him at all. He was a miserable, mean man; nobody liked him ; I don't believe his own wife liked him ; yet Jesus said, "Lore him," How was I to love such a man? I kaelt down and prayed that Jesus would help me to love him. Then the thought came to me that Jesus loved him and died for.him. and 1 wanted to love him for Jesus' sake. I could love plenty of other people; I was witling to love him, if Jesus would only put the Hove for him in my heart; and He did. Then and there on my knees I promised God that in future I would love everyone—maD, woman, or child, no matter what they said or did to me; that I would treat them kindly as a friend and a Christian, no matter how they treated me. You don't know how that helped me. From that time to this have I tri«4 to carry out that promise by the grace of God,—« Rev. E. D. Mallory.

WHO HAS THE HEART HAS ALL.' Who has the heart has all! Lord, take my heart! It is the little wheel that turns my ship. There lay Thine hand, and Thou hast every part— The foot, the head, the ear, the eye, the lip. Who has the heart has all! Lord, fix Thy throne Within this central province, and there reign.. No other monarch would I wish to own : O'er all my country Thy great right maintain. ho lias the heart has all! for what we lore We seek and do and long for night and day. Love is the motive power that can .so move The life within that none its force can stay. Who has the heart has all! He has the will; Kor from the heart the messages are thrilled That prompt the mind : mind doth the heart fulfil: And the whole being owns what Will has willed. Who has the heart has all ! The miser's heart Is held by love of gold, and the whole ship Is headed to the gold coast: like a dart Speeds to its goal, the man but lives to grip. Who has the heart has all! The maid who wins Uer lover's heart has thought, and skill, ami purse ; Yea, his whole self: he ends where he begins In her he takes for better and for worse. Who has the heart has all! Lord, lake my heart I Keep it, restrain it, woo it, urge it on: So shall my will, my love, responsive start To Thee alone, who hast its centre won. W. LCFF.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9752, 23 February 1895, Page 4 (Supplement)

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SUNDAY READING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9752, 23 February 1895, Page 4 (Supplement)

SUNDAY READING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9752, 23 February 1895, Page 4 (Supplement)