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High Water at Auckland —10.5!. a.m.; 11.12 p.m. t) i( Miimikau—l.2s a.m.; 1.40 p.m. Sun—Rises, 7.0 a.111.; sets, 4.40 p.m. Moon—Last quarter, 20th, 9.34 p.m. ARRIVALS. Richmond, s.s., 7<W, R. G. (Hutton, from Tahiti and Rarotonga. Passengers: Messrs. W. 11. Do Leslie, A. B. Donald, C. A. Edenborough, A. G. S. Hawes, C. H. Smith, Wilson, ami one native.—Donald and Edenborough, agents. Australia, s.s., 450, John Gibb, from Wellington, Napier, and the Fast Coast. Passengers Mesdames McKay and Murray, Miss llartnedge, Messrs. T. Cooper, C. E. Stevenson, Is. Gamble, Franklin, E. Jones, W. Stewart, Sealey, McKay, McMurtrie, and seven in the steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agents. Clansman, s.s., .'i(X), W. Farquhar, from Tauranga. Passengers : —Mesdames Mansell and two children and Jenkins, Misses Louch, Ball, Bright, Futlull, Elliott, Messrs. Davis, Mynott, Powley, Lumlon, Meachani, ami seven in the steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Waiotahi, s.s., 275, W. F. Norbury, from Opotiki and Tauranga. Passengers: Miss Mauley, Captain Neill, Messrs. Powley, Meswell, King, Wilson, G.insou. —Northern S.S. Co., agents. At gyle, s.s., 1 'JO, F. Amodeo, from Tairua, Mercury Bay, and Kuaotunu. Passengers: Mrs. Sullen, Misses Goldsworthy, Kirk, Harper, Rayner, Messrs. Blackwood, Moses, Burton, and three in the steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Douglas, s.s., 52, Haultain, from Whaligarei.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Scotchman, s.s., 42, J. A. Bewicke, from Whangarei. — Master, agent. Annie Hill, schooner, 1-2, M. Hooper, from Lyttelton. —Master, agent. Zeno, brigantine, 390, T. A, Fry, from Newcastle.—M. Niceol, agent, CLEAR F.I) WARDS. Mamari, s.s., 3">N'i, J. Maxwell, for London via the South.■—Cruiekshank anil Co., agents. Poherua, s.s., 1175, Shepherd, for Westport. — Union S.S. Co.,agents. Southern Cross, mission vaeht, 290, James Bongard, for Noifolk Island. Passengers : — Mrs. Browning, Bishop Cecil Wilson, Revs, (i. Tarawai, If. Tugabau, A. G. Purciias, W. (.'aider, G. MacMuiray, Simi-ox, Messrs. W. 11. Mulling, S. Someriield, 3 Maoris, and 17 Melanesians.—T. C. Tilly, agent. DEPARTURES, ; Mamari, s.s.. tor Napier. I'oherua, s.s , for Westport. Southern Cross, mission yacht, for Norfolk Island. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. '.O.N DON: Star of Victoria, s.s., arrived at Sydney June JO. Duke of Sutherland, s.s., sailed. Doric, s.s., sailed June 1(5. Waimate, ship, sailed. ■SEW York : Sadie A. Thompson, barquentine, at Lyttelton. Mary llasbrouck, barque, sailed Mar. 19. M.intiie Swan, barquentine, sailed March ■J I. Clan M.'Leod, barque, sailed May 14. SAMOA : j L'polti, s.s., Wednesday. sl"i)N t:v : Tar.iwera, s.s., to-morrow. Star of Victoria, s s.. early. is'Kwrwru: : Antlwns, brigantine, early. tiOC II AM I'TON : Kenil worth, schooner, put into Brisbane in distress, May S. "BO IKCTED DEPARTURES. LO.M ■ : . f Victoria, s.s., via South, early. r/.i: : , e. ship, loading. SEW V.Uii. : Sadie A. Thompson, barquentine, to arrive. -)AN FHANCiSI'O : Alameda, R.M.s., July 14. UONuLI'EI" : A anieda, R.M.s., July 14. -YPN : Mararoa, s.s., to-morrow. Tasmania, s.s.. tomorrow. SAMoA : Taviuni, s.s., July 4. Alameda, R.M. s, July 14. TON 1 A : Taviuni, s.s., July 4. FIJI : Taviuni, s.s., July 4. KAK"T 'SUA : Riciiinonu, s.s., about June 5. VAiiiTi : Richmond, s.s., about June 25. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day. — Mararoa arrives from South: Moa arrives from East Coast and leaves •again ; Takaptu..i leaves Onehunga at 1 p.m. Ti'KSD\y.—Tarawera arrives from Sydney; Mararoa leaves for Sydney at 4 p.m.; Australia leaves for East Coast. Wednesday.—Upolo arrives from Tonga, »nd leaves for South ; Mahinapua arrives at Onehungc* at 11 a.m. Titl'iiSi.«v. —Tarawera leaves tor South at noon; Mahinapua leaves Oneinuiga at I p.m. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day.—Gairloeh leaves for New Ply; mouth at 1 p.m.: Douglas for Wliangarei town wharf at 5 p.m.; Clansman for Russell, Whangaroa, and Mangonui at 7 p.m.; Ohiuelnuri arrives from Whakataue, and leaves for Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay at 7 p.m.; Wellington arrives trom Whangarei; Glenelg leaves tor Raglan at 1 p.m. Tuesday.— Wellington leaves for Wliangarei, Mar.sden Point, Parua Bay, and Mangapai at 10..50; Ohinemuri arrives from Kuaotunu and. Mercury Bay, and leaves tor .Barrier at midnight : Argyle leaves tor Tauranga and Opotiki at 7 p.m. Wednesday. —Gail loch arrives from New Plymouth; Ohinemuri from the Great Barriei ; Douglas from Wliangarei; Glenelg • rrives trom Raglan early, ami leaves for angaiiui at 1 p.m. Thursday.—Gairloeh leaves for New Plymouth at I p.m.; Wellington arrives from \\ hangarei; Uhinemut i leaves for Kuaotunu, Mercury Bay, and Tairua at 7 p.m.; Douglas for Whangaiei town wharf at 5 p.m. Friday.—Clansman at rives from Russell at (i a.m., and leaves for Tauranga at 7 111. [carrying cargo for Wiiakatane) ; Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Mai.sden Point, Mangapai, and Parua Bay at S p.m. Saturday.—Ohinemuri arrives from Tairua, Mercury Bay, and Kuaotunu ; Gairloeh from New Plymouth ; Douglas from Whangttreia Thames Service.—Rotomahana or Ohinemuri leaves tor Thames daily, and, Paeroa leaves lor Paeroa twice weekly. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. This list does nut include roasters. Richmond, s.s., at Railway Wharf. Arawata, s.s., 111 stream. Euterpe, ship, at Quay-street Jetty. Antai barque, at Queen-street Wharf. Stanley, brigantine, 111 dock. Zeno, brigantine, in stream. ■ :i.iri-tine, schooner, in stream. I e Upokoenua, schooner, at Quayst. Jetty, ••arah Pile, schooner, at Breastwork. Annie Hill, schooner, at Quay-street Jetty. IMPORTS. Per Richmond, from Tahiti and Rarotonga: 2600 cases oranges, 700 bunches bananas, 15 casks limejuice, 252 sacks copra, 'i:'. sacks coffee, 10 tins desiccated cocoaiiuts, and a quantity of sundries. Per Southern Cross, from Wellington, Napier, and the East Coast : 350 cases kerosene, 102 sacks barley, 217 shafts, 12 sacks potatoes, 23 sacks oats, 40 boxes soap, 2 horses, 1 buggy, 9 cases meats, and 111 :»a.ckagf!S sundries. Per Zeno, from Newcastle : 500 tons coal. EXPORTS. Per Mamari, for London : 600 cases kauri gum, 140 casks tallow, 7 tons bark, and sundries. Per Southern Cross, for Norfolk Island : 41 bags rice, 2 cases tea, 3 cases kerosene, 10 cases meats, 'JO hags flour, 10 sacks biscuits, .5 boxes candles, 1:50 pieces timber, 27 bags sugir, 1 box anil 1 package tobacco, 3 cases, 1 bale, and (1 packages drapery, etc., and a quantity of sundries. 1 er Poherua, tor Westport: 070 bags sugar, cases seed, 10 bags sago, 9 cases syrup, "20 dries 3 huttles quicksilver, and tsuuYesterday afternoon the Union S.S. Co.'s !!;'"■ "'Y f Aust vv K ,V- C;l i ,tai » John Gibb, m I i.ed fiom Wellington. Napier, and the 1 | p passengers and general »i ' ,1 V '1 rfw 'V he I ,UISLr . reports that the stetiner left Wellington on the PJtli instant, .Nupier af 5 p.m on the 21st mid Gisborne at 9 a.m. on the 22nd. Called at 'i'okomaru, and anchored for the night at Waipiro, leaving againat 8 a.lll. 011 the 23rd ami arrived at Auckland at 1 p.m. on the U4tli. _ From Wellington to the East Cape experienced variable winds and heavy easterly swell; thence across the Bay of Plenty and to arrival strong head winds. The Australia leaves for the same ports again to morrow evening. The Northern S.S. Company's steamer Waiotahi arrived from Opotiki ami Tauranga oil Saturday morning with a cargo of maize, etc. This morning she will go into the Auckland Graving Dock for cleaning and painting, and will lay up tor a week to,:' general overhaul, the Argyie taking up her trip to and Opotiki, leaving at 7 p.m. tomorrow. i

The schooner Annie Hill arrived from Lyttelton on Saturday niplit with a cargo of grain, on discharge of which she proceeds to the Thames to load timber for Lyttelton. Yesterday morning the Northern S.S. Company's steamer Clansman arrived from Tauranga. She leaves for Russell, Whangaroa, and Mangonui this evening. The Northern S.S. Company's steamer Argyle arrived from Tairua, Mercury Buy, and Kuaotunu with kauri gum and sundries, on Saturday. She leaves for Taurauga and Opotiki to morrow evening. On Saturday the Northern S.S. Company's steamer Douglas arrived from Whangarei with a cargo of coal. She leaves for the town wharf, Wliangarei, this evening. The brigantine Zeno arrived from Newcastle on Saturday night with a cargo of coal for the Union S.S. Company. She sailed from Newcastle on the 16th iust. Owing to the strong westerly breeze, the brigautiue anchored down the harbour, but will come up this morning, and on discharge proceeds to the Kaipara to load timber for Sydney. On Saturday night the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Mamari left tor Napier to load frozen meat for London, proceeding thence to Wellington. The Union S.S. Company's steamer Poherua left for Westport on Saturday afternoon with a quantity of general cargo. On Saturday afternoon the Melaiiesiiui Mission yacht Southern Cross sailed for Norfolk Island with Bishop Wilson. The yacht is expected back in about a fortnight, and will remain for sometime in port before proceeding 011 her second cruise to the islands. ... The brigantine Stanley was taken into the Auckland Graving Dock on Saturday for cleaning and painting. She will come out to-day, and i 3 to sail for the Kaipara to load timber for Melbourne in a few days. The barque Antares completed the discharge of her consignment of salt for this port 011 Saturday afternoon, the shipment being landed in excellent order. She will haul out into the stream this morning, and will probably sail for Wellington during the day. , I'll is morning the Northern S.S. Company s steamer Ohinemuri is expected to arrive from Whangiimata and Wliakatane, and leaves for Kuaotunu and Mercuiy Hay in the evening, I returning to-morrow night, and leaving for the Great Barrier at midnight, in place of (he s.s. Argyle, the latter steamer proceeding to Tauranga this week. The s.s. Scotchman arrived from Whangareion Saturday with a cargo of coal, hides, etc. She leaves for the same place again tomorrow. The steamer Tasmania left Napier for this port at eight o'clock on Saturday night, and may be expected to arrive about daylight this morning. She berths at the Railway Wharf, and leaves for Sydney to-morrow at 4 p. m At noon yesterday the Union S.S. Com- j pany's steamer Mararoa left Gisborne for this port, ami should arrive about eight o'clock this morning. She leaves for Sydney at -1 p.m. to morrow. The Union S.S. Company's steamer Moa is due from Napier, Gisborne, and the East Coast to-day, and leaves again for the same ports in the evening. On Saturday, the brigantine Waitemata arrived at the Kaipara from this port, after a smart run round. She loads timber for Sydney. " The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruahine, trom this port, arrived at Wellington yesterday. On Saturday, the barque Ganymede arrived at the Bluff from Rocky Island, with a cargo of guano. 1 lie Union S.S. Company's steamer Taupo, from this port, arrived at Greymouth on Saturday last. The lnigaiitine Linda Weber and the schooner Waiwera were in Rarotonga on June loth when the Richmond left there. Both intended leaving for Auckland in a tew days.

'The Richmond met the Auckland schooner Torea cruising in the Cook's Group when passing through there on June 14. Amoust tlie arrivals at Newcastle recently was the ship Helensburgh, a vessel of 1099 tons, which has come all the way from Leitli, in Scotland, in ballast trim, to load coal for San Francisco. The captain states that the vessel was compelled to take the voyage to Newcastle in light trim owing to the want of profitable employment at home. This is another instance of the wretched state of the home freight market. Captain G. P. Wood has arrived in Sydney after taking to Newcastle -on - Tyne the Sydney ship Riversdale. During the voyage the Riversdale was struck by a squall that nearly capsized her. Had she not been a vessel of exceptional strength, and all her upper works in grand order, it is probable that she would have foundered. She lay on her beam-ends, lee rail buried in the sea for 84 hours, the cargo of shale having shifted. Captain Wood gives a vivid account of his experience, as well as that of the loyal crew, who worked day and night below under extraordinary difficulties and at the risk of their lives to trim the vessel. Eventually the ship was navigated in safety to her destination. THE RICHMOND. Early this morning the Island steamer Richmond, Captain R. G. Hutton, arrived from Tahiti and Rarotonga with a cargo of fruit, copra, etc. The steamer left Auckland for Rarotonga and Tahiti at 10.130 p.m. 011 Monday, May 28, with strong S. W. winds, which gradually hauled to the eastward with fine weather. Anchored off Rarotonga at 9 30 a.m. on the sth uisr., and left the same day at 5.50 p.m. for Tahiti, where she arrived at 5 p.m. 011 Friday, the Bth. Having discharged cariro and loaded a part cargo of oranges, she left again for Rarotonga at 2.30 p.m. on Monday, the lltli, arriving at Rarotonga at 11 a.m. on the 14th, where she completed her loading, and left on her return trip to Auckland at 1.30 pm. on Friday, the 15th. Light variable winds and fine weather prevailed until Tuesday last, when in about latitude 2(5"30 S. she encountered a strong westerly gale, with high sea, which lasted until Saturday the 23rd, about latitude 35 degrees S. : thence until her arrival at the Barrier at 7 p.m. on Sunday heavy S. W. to S. winds, and head sea. 'The Richmond will commence discharging this morning at the Railway Wharf.

LAUNCH AT ARATAPU. There was <juite a number of people aliont Aiatupu on Wednesday, audit was evident that something out of the ordinary was 011 the tapis. The centre of attraction was Mr. James Barbour's shipbuilding yard, which for some months back has employed from ten to twenty men, and it was to see the launch of the new schooner built for Messrs. K. Mitchelson and .Brothers that the people were making for. The steamer brought several persona down from Dargaville, bur. they were too late to see the vessel slide into the water, which she did very successfully. Miss Clara Mitchelson, of Dargaville, christened the vessel, and in doing so said : "I now christen this ship, already launched, The Huia. The name is that of an extinct bird, and as now given to a new vessel it connects the distant past with the present. .So we hope this ship fti her trips over the sea will bring together distant friends. The Huia." At the last words she broke a bottle of champagne on the starboard bow in orthodox fashion. Mr. Barbour is well known as the builder of such fine crafts as the Torea, Aratapu, Sybil, Annie Wilson, and others, and in the Huia he lias turned out a craft which will do him honour wherever she goes. She is the largest and most handsome vessel ever built by him, and though being built of immense strengh, she has been constructed from a very pretty model, and is a beautiful, smart-looking craft as she sits in the water. Her dimensions are :—Length of keel, 107 feet; beam, '25 feet '2 inches ; depth of hold, 11 feet - inches; registered measurement, 20.") tons ; timber carrying capacity about 200,000 feet super. Her frame, including stem, stern post, rudder stock, knees, bits, catheads, rails, windlass, and tunnels consist entirely of puriri of the very best quality, and althogetlier the frame is equal, if not superior, to any vet put into a vessel. Her planking is all heart of kauri, and the whole of the timber used, including spars, was cut in the bush by Mr. Barbour himself at the very best season. The keel, 107 feet, is all in one piece; also the keelson, 102 feet. The to]) planks are 76 feet in length, 19 by 4i; and the bilge pieces, 74 feet by 10 by .'{J. The covering boards on each side are iii one piece. The vessel is to be rigged as a topsail schooner, and will probably lie engaged in running between Kaipara and the South.—! Aratapu Correspondent.] POUT OF ONEHUNOA. ARRIVALS. Takapuna, p.r., .TohnGrant, from the South and New Plymouth. Passengers : Alesdamea Warren and family, Chul>l>iti. Frinscy. Mc(Juiness, Misses Powell, and Davis, Messrs. Thomson, Creeth, Jackson, lorns, Warren, Burton, Hall, Kae, Nathan, Frinsey, Chubbin, and fifteen in the steerage. — Union S.S. Co., agents. Gait-loch, 5.«., McArthur, from New Plymouth. Passengers : Mesdames Gray and live children, Jeffrey. Jirookfield, Misses Cr:uit('J), Cohen, .Toll, Messrs. Nolan, Espie, "i-idinhs, Glenn, Gray, Monie, and 16 in the Steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Ul'in.-!-, c.s., Austen, from Wanganui.— ISorthen, .S., Co., agents. Kaiueri, s s., Johnston, from Waitara and Upunake. Northern S.S. Co., agents. . . dkvarturks. . . Kanieri, s.s., Johnston, for Waitara and Opunakc. Northern B.S. Co., agents. On Saturday night the Union S.S. Com-! panys steamer lakapuna, Captain John!

i Grant, arrived from the South and New Plymouth. Mr. George Crawley, the purser, reports that the steamer left Lyttelton at midnight on the 21st instant, and arrived at Wellington at 3 p.m. 011 the 22nd. Left again the same day at 6 p.m., arriving at Taranaki at 9 a.m. on the 23rd. Left 'l'aranaki at noon the same day, crossed the Manukau Bar at 9.30 p.m., and arrived at Onehunga wharf at 11 p.m. Fine weather was experienced throughout the trip. The Northern Company's steamer Gairloch left New Plymouth at 10.30 p.m. on Friday, crossed the Manukau liar at 10.45 a.m., and arrived 12.25 p.m. 011 Saturday. She brought a general cargo and a number of passengers. The s.s. Glenelg arrived from Wauganui early on Saturday morning. . The s.n. Kanieri arrived from Y\ aitara on Saturday, and left again in the afternoon for Opunakeand Waitara. KAIPARA SHIPPING. Our Northern Wairoa correspondent writes on Friday lust: —There is a quantity of shippin" now in our river, of which Messrs. Mitchelson, Brothers, at the Kaipara mill, have the lion's share. The Defiance is discharging cargo there, and the Cuthona ana Maud Graham arejust loaded. This mill is kept going night and day, and will continue to run so, bar accident, till the new mill, the foundations for which are now being put in. is completed. The schooner Lily is now loading there. The barque Vivid, Captain McKenzie, is completing her loading at le Kopuru, having taken in a portion of her cargo at Arataim. The Silver Cloud, barquentitie, is loading at latarariki. Lhe barque Stavanger has arrived from Capetown, and starts loading for the home market at Aratapu.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9546, 25 June 1894, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9546, 25 June 1894, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9546, 25 June 1894, Page 4