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Tobacconists' Sundries, &c. •- rjIHE UNDERSIGNED BEG TO NOTIFY THE TRADE THAT THEY HAVE PURCHASED FROM MESSRS. W. McARTHUR & CO., THE WHOLE OF THE STOCK AND GOODWILL OF THEIR JjIOREIGN, JjIANCY, AND JJIOBACCO JgUMDRIISS JJEPARTMENTS, and have removed ALL the DUTY PAID PORTION TO OUR premises, WHERE WE INTEND HOLDING A CLEARING SALE COMMENCING ON THURSDAY EXT, 15th INSTANT. THE ABOVE IS WELL WORTHY THE ATTENTION OF FANCY GOODS DEALERS, STOREKEEPERS, tobacconists, AND OTHERS, AS THE STOCK WILL BE SOLD AT JOB PRICES, TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE GOODS NOW IN BOND AND TO ARRIVE. The following is a List of the Goods Purchased Air Guns, 3,45,15,13, 67 Colour Boxes • ... Ladles . . -' . HaW Hones. , v . Auto Banks, & : . . Chains . m , letter Books Klnfs Axe Handles • Clothes k. , ■ bacquared W»r« ■ Gwm v ' ' Album Easels Cigarette UoWei* '' Letter Cases ■ Round, ElastC Accordions . ; Cigar HoldeW,^, :r ■ Lanterns . "Spmih 7 Albums Cigarette Papers Lavender baits Scent Cases Auto Pencils •. Cigarette Mailers f : Jitter Racks Sn?lSh Auto Refills Cigar Cases . Letter File? Splash .aid Kettle Account Books Cigarette Cases r Looking Glasses Stoves iind Kettles Accord ionettcs Cigars and Cigarettes Machine Oil i^rewdiiveis Artolypel Coat Racks Mirrors, I'ancy Shovels Ambers and Ferrules Cloth Brush Sets Mirrors, V * -and H. Sponges, Ambers Cards, Wedding Mirrors, Pivot • Scissors Aprons, Masonic Crackers * Mirrors, HanTl and Fork* Bills, Japanese Croquet Sets Magnets . Sato, Iron Balls, Balloon Dentifrice Marbles . -shtrtSnltM Balls, Cricket Dog Collars Match Safes Shirt Suite Balances, Letter Dusters, Wool Marking Inks Sovereign Purses Bags Paper Dusters, Feather Microscopes Salad Sets Bread Platters Dolls , . fcta »•»{■"? Dishes 3 Baking ' SSSlte Books . Sealing Wax . B.M. Moulds r Danes, Rolled Tin-' Magic Lanterns Scholars Companions Brushes! Clothes Dishes Boiled lift . Mafonjc, Aprons . School Requisite, Brushes' Shoe Draft Boards Music Cases and Folios School Muonge Brushes,' Scrub Dominoes Instrum, fffi Albums Brushes, Plato Draftsmen . . • Musical Boxes Stamp Boxes Brushes, Nail Dice Masks Sachets Brushes. Shaving Dressing Cases • .Matchboxes Stamps Brushes, Crumb Dress s Napkin Rings Smelling Salt") Brushes. Tooth Egg Timers Note Books . Slates Brushes Oil Electro-plate Ware Nail Pullers f Sofa Springs Brushes, Stove Erasers Nail Trimmers Seeds „ Bnishes, Hand Exercise Books . Necklets stationery Boxes Brooms, Hair Envelopes Nail Drawers . - Shuttlecocks Brackets Egg Beaters Nickel Goods Sad Irons Basket ware Electric Toys Opera Glasses • ' Shell Ornaments Bone Spoons Easels Oclorators Smelling Salts Billiard Goods Fullers Earth Opal Banners Screws (pipe) Betting Books Feeding Bottle Brushes Oilers Squirts Birthday Books ' . Flasks Oil Sheets Teething Rings Boxing Gloves Fans Opals . Thermometers Backgammon Boards Fire Screens Perfumery Tea Trays Brunswick Black Fisk Hooks v . Printing Presses , Twine, Seaming Button Hooks Fish Lines Padlocks Twine, Shop Bellows and Brush Files Plush Goods Trowels and Forks Bronco Jugs Form Books Potato Mashers Tin Openers Bitter Tubes . Footballs Photo Screens Tennis Poles Banjoes Feather Dusters packet Compasses Toyß t BirdCages Flower Pot Covers Purses 'lea Pots, Britannia meHa&une&t'js Feeders >->. . Price Tickets tal and tin Brooms, Hearth Fish Carvers • Penholders . Bicvdes Figures Pocket Inks _ Tea Strainer# Brthday Books Feriules . Pocket Account Books Tea Pot Stands Bruih Backs . Fire Brasses ... , V Pens Tablo Mats Baby's Delights Furniture . . . . Paper Fasteners rape Measures Bouquet Papers .. Flags Pencils, Lead Tubing Bagatelle Boards Giant Cement, ... • Pencils, S'mte Teats Bath Mats Gridirons Paper, Note Blotting Cap Tags Bedsteads Gold Paint Sheet m " Iwine Botes B. G. Boards Glue Paper, Foolscap, Tea, Tis- Texts Baiomoters Gum sue, B.W. Transfers Boxes, Cigar and Cigar- Glass, Inks Playing Cards Tennis Racquets ette Cum Tickets Photo Frames Tambourines Cumpbor Ice G. and H. Boxes . Pocket Lamps Toy Books Cruet Bottles Glass Puff Boxes , Tinware Crumb Tray and Glove Stretchers Pictures longs Brushes Cruet Bottlua Placquea 'type ' Corkscrews Games, Compo Pencil Seta Tricycles Cash-boxes Games, Race Pencil Cases (Wood) Tobacco Cutters Call Bells Hair Oil Patty Pans Tool Chests Cricketing Goods Housemaids Gloves Pokerettes Traveller s Companion Cruets Hat Backs Pencil Sharpeners Toys Concertinas Hair Pencils Pistols Tablos . Colanders Hair Clippers Pearl Necklets Violet Powders Candlesticks Hammocks Pen Racks Violin Goods Clocks Hoops Pipes, Meerschaum . Victorias Clock .Stands Iropcrvine Pices, S.M. Vaseline Card Baskets Japanese Goods Pipes, I.owa Velocipedes | Chamois Leathers 1.1 l Bands Pipes, G.B.D. Christmas C indies Companions Ink Vials Pipes, Briar Work sioxes Combs Indices Pipes, Cherry Work Baskets Coaguline Ink Pipes, Clay Writing Cases and Cue Cement Inkstands " Pouches Desks Crawshaws Insets Pipe Cases Watch Keys Card Cases Ink Bottles Pipe Mounts Watch Chains Compasses Jew's Harps Pipe Plugs Wallets Check Pencils Ink Leads Pipe Racks Where is its Cravoas Iron Ornaments Perambulators Wnterwells Copying Presses Knife Cieaners Paper Knives Christmas Cards Cigar Stands Knives, Sheath, Pocket Picture Suspenders Whist Markers Coinpo Games Knives, Table, Broad, Pincushions . Wedding Cards Crib Boxes Carvers Pedastolcs Watches Chess Knives, Steels, Paper, Plate Basket* Watch Material Card Counters Foot Rot . li lucent Walking Sticks Crib Pegs Kits Itazors Wood Scoops Camp Stools Key Rings '• Razor Strops Whistles (metal) Candle Shades K. F. and S. Rules Wick Chair Seats Limes and Glycerin# Reading Glasses Whistles (tin) Calculators Lemon Squeezers =- Rulers Waiters Carpet Beaters Lanterns Reward Books Xylonite Goods Comb Boxes Lampshades Race Games Waste Books H. E. partridge & (<OM A TOBACCO AND GENERAL MERCHANTS, . > AUCKLAND.

Meetings. £<HAMBER OF COMMERCE. MEETING OF MERCHANTS AND OTHERS INTERESTED IN THE GUM TRADE. A Meeting of the above will he held in the Large Room, Harbo-'r Board, on WEDNESDAY, 14th instant, at half-past two p.m. A full meeting is earnestly requested, A. PORTER, Convener. Auckland, March 5,1894. A MEETING of the Auckland Women's Political League will be held in Y.M.C.A. Booms, Tuesday, 13th, 8 p.m. Hotels. HOTEL, OTAHUHU. JOHN HAND PROPRIETOR. (Late Ponsenby Club.} Visitors will find the STAR most compact, comfortable, and convenient. The scenery is the most picturesque within miles of Auckland. ; 'LIQUORS AND WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY. Civility, attention, and a first-class Table. Cuisine under approved management. I LIAR D SI One of Alcock'a best Tables la a comfortablyfitted roem, with a marker. ' STABLING A specialty. Six Loese Boxes and Accommodation for a dozen homes. Every attention paid to the requirements of visitors and callers. Watson and Murray's Prize Ales on draught. CRITERION JJOTEL, . J ' NAPIER. Having acquired the Lease of . the above Wellknown and First-class Hotel, I am now prepared to receive Tourist-, Visitors to Napier, Commercial Men, and Families. Visitors and the public can rely that the old-established • reputation of this House will be fully maintained, and excolled if possible. "" ' V!' , , The House has been thoroughly overhauled and re-furnished where necessary. Private Suites of Apartments can be engaged by wire, which will be promptly attended to. The Commercial Room contains the latest and best of the English, Australian, and New Zealand periodicals awl newspapers. First-cliss Sample Rooms.' The Criterion is the stopping and starting place of the Taupo Coaches, and is the recognised Cook's Tourist Agency House. M. R Y A N, PROPRIETOR. Grocers. Ask OUR GROCER JjL v.- FOR : . • .... / • LANKA RAJA ' V«... (CEYLON RO Y AL) The New Brand of CEYLON TEA, Guaranteed .< Unadulterated, Pure, and Excellent. Imported direct by 'X.THOM (late Tea Planter in Ceylon). ' Under the Patronage of the Ceylon Tea Planters' Association. 2s, 2s 3d, 2s 3d, and 2s 8d per lb. SARSFIKLD-STREET -WEST, PONSONBY. COUNTRY SETTLERS Will foe pleased to know that the old and well-known firm of EARLE and MONTGOMERY Is now represented by WILLIAM EARLE, Karangahape Road, and that cash with order will ensure from him groceries of the best quality at very low prices. - Teas, Broken Assam, Is 4d per lb. Teas, Indianiand China, Best Blend, Is lOd per lb. Sugar, No. 2,12s per 581b. Sugar, No. 1,12s 6d per 561b. Flour, Meek's Best, 8s 9d per 1001b. Flour, Meek's Best, 17» per 2COlb sack. Oatmeal, Best Brand, 3s per 251b. Candles', sJ<l per lb. Currants,' new, 4s 6d per 121b. Kerosene, White Rose, Best, 10s fid per case. Soap, Good Household, 6s per box. r FOR CASH ONLY. ' Full printed price list, post free. WILLIAM EARLE, Grocer. i . Karangahape Road. The correct thing at last TOBACCO just received FIRST PRIZE in Virginia, as the BEST DARK TOBACCO Of the World, HEATHS& Agent. \

Aquatics, Thames regatta, TO BE HELD AT XJRAHAMSTOWN ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17 (ST. PATRICK'S DAY), All Sailing Races under Auckland Regatta Regulation;!. Rowing Races to be Rowed under the New Zealand Rowing Association Rules. Judge of Rowing Races: Captain Farquhar. Judge of Sailing Races: Mr. 0. Humphreys. OFFICERS Patron : James McGowan, Esq. ; President, His Worship the Mayor (Mr. T. Radford); VicePresidents : Captains Farquhar, McLeod, and Bettis, Dr.. Payne, Messrs. R. Menzies, E. McDonnell, H. R. La wry, and O. Humphreys; Starter, Mr. It. C. Schotield; Referee. Mr. W. Burton; .Stewards : Messrs. J. Hawke-i, H. Simmonds, J. Loughlin, and F. Dobbs; Ilandicappers : Messrs. J. McDonald, C. Robinson, and R. Stewart. PROGRAMME: 1. OPEN SAILING BOATS, not exceeding 20 feet overall. LocaL To start at 11 o'clock. Ist < prize. £3, and Cruet presented by Messrs. J. and J. Rickey. 2. HALF-DECK BOATS, other than Fishing Boats, not exceeding 20. feet. To start at' 11.30 o'clock. Ist prize, £3, and Accordion presented by Hoffmann and Sons. 3. 2nd CLASS FISHING BOATS , To start at 12 o'clock. Ist prize, £5, and Silver Card Tray presented by P. Hayman and Co. . 4. IST CLASS KISHING BOATS. To start at 12.30 o'clock. Ist prize, £7 10s, and Cup presented by T. and S. Morrin and Co. 5. SAILING VESSELS, • etween 15 and 25 tons. All-c >mers. To start at 1 o'clock. Ist prize, £10, and Cap presented by E, Porter and Co. 0. AMATEUR .WHALEBOAT , RACE. Local. For crews of lOst 101b and under. To start at 2 o'clock. Ist prize, £6. 7. LADIES' WHALKBOAT RACE, local. To start at 2.30 o'clock. Trophies valued at £7 8. PAI It OARE 1 >, to be rowed on gunwale. LocaL To start at 3 o'clock. Ist prize, £3. 9. SENIOR WHALEBOA'S. All-comers. To start at 3.30 o'clock. Prize, £10. 10. FISHERMEN'S PUNTS, one 7ft scull. To start at 1 o'clock. Prize, £110s. COURSES TO BE AS FOLLOW: Nos. 1, 2, 3,4, 5: From east side of flagship, round second black buoy from mouth Thames River, thence to Fairway buoy round boat off Tararu, finishing east side of Flagship; 1, 2, 3, once round; i and 5, twice round. Nos. 6 And 8: Start about 100 yards north of Flagship, passing on east side of Flagship, round flag poles off Shortland Creek, and back to east side of Flagship; once round. No. 7 : Start about 100 yards north of Flagship, passing east side of Flagship, round flap poles off Karaka Creek, and back to east side of Flagship; once round. • No. 9 : Start from boat moored off Tararu, passing east side of Flagship, round flag poles off Shortlana Creek and back to east side of Flagship; once round.. . • Fishermen's Punt: Course to be decided on Flagship. In every event Three starters or no race-..' If Five starters 2nd Prize, and if Eight Starters 3rd Prize. Prizes will be paid pro rata, and . the Committee reserve the right to add to or take from the above events. '■ ' The decision of the Committee in all cases to be final. - . s > . Kntries for Pulling Races up to nine p.m. on TUESDAY, 13th March, and for Sailing Races nine, p.m. on THURSDAY, 16th, at the Royal Hotel. E. BUTT. , Secretary, Public Companies. IDE LIT GUARANTEE. THE NEW ZEALAND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COJIPANT GUARANTEES THE FIDELITY OF PERSONS IN POSITIONS OF TRUST. .v- ; Office " P. A. EDMISTON, 109, Victoria Arcade. General Manager. Live stock general insur. ANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Local Director .. .. Thomas MORRIN, Esq. E. D. Halstead .. Veterinary Surgeon. Homes and Cattle insured against death by disease and accident; also against foaling, calving, castration, and transit risk (sea arid land). * * . . DIGBY TONKS & CO., > Auckland Agents. The correct thing at last TOBAOCQ is made from the finest Virginia Leaf. There is no other Tobacco ' like ii.—AiUCATJBER. Agent.' ;■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9455, 10 March 1894, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9455, 10 March 1894, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9455, 10 March 1894, Page 8