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High VfArm at Auckland—B.M ».ni.: 9.11 p.w. ~ „ iSanukau— ll.27 a.m.; 11.45 p.m. '•iVS— Rise*. (3.14 a.m.; eats, 6.29 p.m. MOW— quarter, September 3, 0.12 a.n>.


Hawke's Bay, a.s., 4000, J. C. Felgate, from London, Melbourne, and Sydney.— Stone Brothers and Co., agents. Rotokino, s.s., 200/4, A. W. Cameron, R.N.R., from Oamaru. Passenger: Mr. Kidd.—Union S.S. Co., agents. Chelmsford, s.s., 70, C. Hopkins, from WhakaUne, Tauranga, and Whangamata. Passengers : Mrs. Hopkins and child, Messrs. Seabright (2) and Martin.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Arg'/le, s.s., 129, F. Amodeo, from the Great Barrier. Passengers : Messrs. Brown, Hood, Mucky.— S.S. Co., agents. ARE D OUT WARDS. Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner. 292, W. H. Heays, for Newcastle.— R. Blair, agent.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. lo.yoon : ,'■■;-- Indrarnavo, s.s., sailed July 28. Star England, s.s., sailed August 4, via Melbourne and Sydney. Waitangi, ship, loading. Liverpool : Turakina, ship, sailed. (BLASCOW: Margaret Galbraith, ship, sailed July 30. NEW VOKk : Mary Hasbrouck, barque, arrived at Lyttelton August 21. Essex, barque, sailed May 8. Kathleen Hilda, barque, sailed June 5. Elinor Vernon, banpieuliue,sailed June 3. Alice, barque, sailed July 7. Obed Baxter, barque, to load. Nora Wiggins, barque, loading. JAN FRANCISCO : Monowai, R.M.s., about September 8, HOSOLCLU:

Monowai, R.M.s., about September S. SAMOA : Monowai, R.M.s., about September S. Upolu, s.s., early, IOSOA :

Upolu, 5..'., early. Newcastle: Defiance, brigantine, sailed August 19. Clansman, schconer. sailed. SiD.NtV Waihora, s.s., Tuesday. Mariposa, R.M.s., September ADELAIDE : Vision, brig, sailed, August 17. Lady Mabel, brigantine, early. ROCKY island :

Gazelle, barque, early. LO>"G ISLAXD: Gleaner, brigantine, early.

PROJECTED DISPAKIUKK& Westland, ship, loading. NEW YORK :

Abie! Abbot, barquentine, loading. .Mary Hasbrcuck, barque, to arrive. CALCUTTA :

Maori, s.s., September. SAN FRANCISCO : Mariposa, K.M.3., September 9. HOXOIXLG :

Mariposa, R.M.s., September 9. SAMOA :

Mariposa, R.M.5., September 9. NEWCASTLE ; Rotokino, s.s., to-day. WeQoa*. barque, early. SVl>:.fcV :

Tarawera, s.s., September ">, FIJI :

Tavitmi, a.s., September 7.


To-day.—Manapouri leaves for South at Noon; Mahinapua leaves Onehunga, 1 p.m.; Rotokino leaves for Newcastle.

Friday.—Janet Nicoll arrives from Westport. SATCKD.vr.— Pukaki arrives from South; Janet Nicoll leaves for Wesport at noon.


To-day.—Gairloch leaves for New Plymouth at 1 p.m. ; Argyte for Kuaotumi, Tairoa, and Mercury Bay at 7 p.m.; Wellington arrives from Whangarei; Chelmsford leaves for VVhangamata and Whakatane at 5 p.m.; Kanieri arrives from Opuuake and \\ aiUra.

Friday.Clansman arrives from Russell early, and leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m.; Wellington leaves for Whaugarei, Morsden Point, Mangapai, and Parua Bay at 10.30 p.m.; Gk-uelg arrives from Raglan and Kawhaia ; Kanieri leaves for Waitara ami Opunake at 1 p.m. Saturday.—Gairloch arrives from New Plymouth; Argyle from Mercury Bay, KuaBtunu, and Taint a ; Waiotahi from Opotiki. Thames Skkvick.—Rotomahaua or Olutiemuri leave.i for Thames daily, and s.s. Raerou leaves for Paeroa twice weekly, IMPORTS. Per Hawke's Bay, from London : 100*3 tons pencral merchandise. Per Rotokino, from Oarnaru : 3344 sacks wheat, 1130.8acks bran, 1275 sacks oats, KM) sacks potatoes, 184 sacks pollard, 5 sacks oatmeal, 2.') sacks barley, 25 sucks malt, 594 «acks chaff, 102 sacks bones, 1625 sacks and 20C0 bags Hour, 2 bales woollens, 1 horse, 2 blocks stone. Per Rotokino', from South : 250 sacks Meek's flour, 200 sacks short feed oats, 100 sacks Danish oats, 100 sacks seed Tartar oats 120 sacks table potatoes, 100 sacks fowl wheat, 70 sacks bran, 25 sacks Cape barley. —W. J. Hurst and Co. «_ PORTS. Per Silver Cloud, for Newcastle : 070 sacks maize.

At 6 o'clock yesterday morning the Union S.y. Company's steamer Rotokino, Captain A. \V. Cameron, R.N.P.., arrived from Oamaru with a cargo of produce, after a very rapid passage of '4 days 7 hours. Mr. P. Fenwiek, the purser, reports that the steamer left Oamaru at 11 p.m. on the 26th inst., and was abeam of Akarou. Light at 10,15 a.m. on the 27th; passed Portland Island at 9.50 p.m. ou the 28th, and rounded the East Cape at 8 a.m. on the 29th, making fast to Auckland Wharf as above. Experienced line weather throughout with light to moderate variable winds. The Rotokino leaves for Newcastle this afternoon.

The. Northern S.S. Co.'s steamer Chelmsford arrived from Whakatane, Tauranga, and Whaiigamala yesterday morning, -with a cargo of 200 sacks maize, and a quantity of sundries. She leaves lor Whangamata and Wakataue this afternoon.

Last evening the Northern S.S. Co.'s steamer Argyle, arrived from the Great Barrier. She leaves tor Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay this evening.

At noon to-day the Union S.S. Co. steamer Manapouri leaves for Southern ports. The barque Wenona has been fixed to load coal at Newcastle for this port, to the order of Mr. M. Niccol. She sails hence in a few days in ballast.

To-morrow the schooner Welcome sails for the Kaipara.

H.M. s. Tauranga went into the Calliope Dock yesterday morning for cleaning, painting, etc.

On Tuesday morning the barque Natal Queen, bound from the Thames to .Melbourne, ■was (lighted off the North Cape by the Tyser Company's steamer Mawkc's Bay.

The schooner Gleaner, Captain John Curran, sailed from Noumea on August 13th for Surprise and Long Islands, to load guano for this port.

On the 10th instant the barquentine Frank Guy, Captain H. McQuarrie, sailed from Noumea for Long Island, to load guano for a New Zealand port.

Captain C. Spinlcs, of the steamer Taieri, is to assume command of the Rotokino shortly.

Several changes have taken place in the Northern S.S. Company Captain West has left for Taurauga to assume charge of the s.s. Katikati, relieving Captain i'aulkner : Mr. Smith takes Mr. West's place as chief officer of the Argyle ; Mr. T. Taylor taking Mr. Smith's place as second.

Yesterday the three-masted schooner Silver Cloud was cleared at tho_ Customs for Newcastle with a cargo of maize. She loads coal at Newcastle for Unehunga.

The Union S.S. Company's steamer Rotorua underwent an extensive overhaul during her stay in Port Chalmers. One feature is an enlargement of the saloon to provide more seating and berthing accommodation. All the cabins have been re-painted and decorated, and the starboard decking has been renewed. The vessel has been renovated from stem to stern, and has quite a smart appearance.

The Margaret Galbraith, 841 tons, left London on the sth .July for Glasgow, which port she sailed from oil the 30th of the same month, making Auckland her first port, and should arrive here about the first week in November. The principal part of her cargo is 900 tons water pipes. She is consigned to Messrs. 1. and S. Morrin and Co., limited. The Now Zealand Shipping Company's barque Waimea, which had to put into Rio de Janeiro while on the voyage from Wellington to Boston with a cargo of flax, owing to au explosion havintr taken place on'board" has arrived at Boston. '

The briganlrine Authons has arrived at Sydney from the Thames and Tairua with a cargo of timber, and on discharge loads general cargo back to this port.

A ROUGH VOYAGE. Shortly after nine o'clock yesterday morning the" Tyscr Company s fine "steamer Hawke's Bay, Captain J. C. Felgate, arrived in harbour from London, Melbourne, and Sydney with about 1000 tons of general merchandise for this port and consignments for the South. As will be seen by the following report, the steamer has experienced a continuance of rough weather botii between London and Melbourne and .Sydney and this port, notwithstanding which the steamer comes into port in excellent order. The steamer left London on June 23, and anchored below Gravesend, j where a quantity of explosives were shipped, j and the voyape resumed the same day, Dover being sighted at 10.30 p.m. Strong head winds and rain were experienced down the English Channel. The N.E. trades were taken in 29 N., and continued to the fourth parallel. TtmcrifFe was signalled on the 30th June. Six days later the equator was crossed. Thence to the parallel of 29" S., strong S.E. trades were met with. The Cape of Good Hope was rounded in 40" S., and the easting run down between the parallels of 43" and 44' S. Subsequently a succession of heavy W. and S.W. gales with high running seas were encountered until reaching the meridian 101" E. Thence to the Australian coast, the passage was characterised by light to moderate N.W. and S.W. winds. A small iceberg was sighted, about a mile distant, on the 25th July, in lat. 43125 S., and long. 48 - 30 E. She left Melbourne on August 17. and arrived at Sydney on the 20th. After landing consignments at that port, the voyage was resumed on the 24th, at 3.23 p.m., the Heads being cleared an hour later. For the first three days fair weather pre- ; vailed, but as the New Zealand coast was approached the wind increased in force, until it was blowing a strong gale _ with mountainous seas. On Sunday morning a fresh head wind with rain and * S.W. swell prevailed, and towards evening; this freshened into a heavy gale with high seas, in which the steamer pitched and strained to an unpleasant degree. On Monday this weather continued, only blowing with greater force if anything, and so powerful were the elements that the steamer, driven at ordinary speed, could only make a little over twe knots an hour. The Three Kings were sighted at 4.35 a.m. on Tuesday, ami were passed a few hours later, the gale still continuing with the s.wie force. After rounding the North Cape heavier seas were encountered, the steamer plunging and labouring heavily. Down the coast finer weather prevailed, though there was a heavy swell. The steamer rounded the North Head at half-past eight o'clock yesterday morning, and berthed at the Queen-street wharf as above. Shortly after berthing the work of discharging cargo was proceeded with, and continued throughout the day. It is expected that the steamer will leave tor Wellington on Saturday next, and on discharge of cargo for that port proceeds to Napier, where some 50,000 carcases of frozen mutton will be taken on hoard from Messrs, Nelson Bros.' Works, afterwards proceeding to Lyttelton to complete her loading for London. The following is a list of the officers of the steamer :— Chief, Mr. J.Tulon : second, Mr. A. J.Emslie; third, Mr. F. C. Lidstone: chief engineer, Mr. Dobbie; >econd, Mr. Gimlets ; third. Mr. J. Hawden ; fourth, Mr. Taylor; chief refrigerating engineer. Mr. R. Muir:: second, Mr. J. Pithie ; chief steward. Mr. 11. Lurch. Messrs, Stone Bros, are the local agents for the steamer. THE WARSHIPS. H.M.s. Kingarooma arrived at the outeranchorage, Adelaide, from Fremantie, Western Australia, on the -Oth inst., and was to remain there until the'2-jth, when she would proceed to Melbourne, While on the West Australian co*Jst very stormy weather was experienced. She left Fremantleou the loth inst., during her stay there having been anchored at what is known as the Owen Anchorage, which nearly two miles out from Fretnantle.

H.M.s. Boomerang was expected to arrive at Noumea on the ISth inst. to take the place of the Tauranga. H.M.s. Curacoa left Townsville on the 23rd inst. for the Solomon Islands. NEW CALEDONIA SHIPPING. Arrivals. 31 : .S.s. Fiado, from Newcastle, with coal. August G : S.s. Southern Cross, G. M. Tucker, barque, from Newcastle. August 8: S.s. Birksgate, from Sydney. August fl: Lady St. Aiibyn, labour vessel, from Islands. August 11: S.s. Australian, packet boat. August 14: French man-of-war Scorif, from New Hebrides; schooner Wrestler, from Newcastle. Dkpaktokks.—August 10: S.s. Birksgate, for Fiji : Frank Guy, for Long Island. August 13 : Gleaner, for .Surprise and Long Islands. August 11: S.s. Fiado, for Mewcastle; s.s. Australien, for Sydney. H.M.S. Boomerang is expected to-day to replace the Tanranga on this station. The Auckland schooner Gleaner left here on Sunday morning at 9.30 for Surprise Island with a splendid south-east wiud, and should make a smart passage. Another old Aucklander left here on the 10th (Captain MeQuarrie) in charge of the schooner Frank Guy. his destination being Long Island, to load for a New Zealand port. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVAL. Mahinapua. s.s., W. J. Newtou, from Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth. Passengers : Mesdameo Sutherland and child, Wakefield aud six children. Misses Fockes, Buddie, Thwaites, Cuthbertson, Gibbs, Muir, Campbell, Hendson, Messrs. W. Heather, A. Heather, Somerville, McLean, Hosie, Porter, Merrick, Wheelan, Darling, Watson, Grigg, Watson, Thomas, Airey, Allen, Stevenson, Smith, Ramsay, Barclay, Howard, Fowley (2), Caverhill, Wakefield, Beetharn, Dalton, Fitzsimmons, and 19 in the steerage.— Union S.S. Co., agents. Gairloch.s.s., A. McArthur, from Waitara. Passengers : Messrs. Hoskiu, Wright, Hart, and seven in the steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents.

Glenels, s.h,, Austen, from Wanganui. Passengers: Miss Jackson, Mr. Hogg, and one in the steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents.

DEPARTURES. Glenelg, s.s., Austen, for Raglan and Kawhiu.—-Northern S.S. Co., agents.

The Union S.S. Co.'s steamer Mahinapua, Captain W. J. Newton, arrived from Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth yesterday morning. Mr. J. A. Kodson, the purser, reports that the steamer left Wellington at 8 35 p.m. on the 27th instant, and arrived at Nelson at B..'iU a.m. on the '28th; left Again the same day at 7.10 p.m. for Taranaki, arriving there at 9.30 a.m. on the 29th ; left again at 10.210 in. for the Alanukau, crossed ttie Bar at 10.15 a.m., and reached the wharf at 11.30 a.m. yesterday. Experienced light variable winds with smooth sea throughout. . The Northern S.S. Co.'a steamer Gairloch arrived from Waitara at 11.4!) a.m. yesterday. She left Waitara at 10.15 p.m. on Wednesday, and had light north-east winds and smooth sea during the trip. Her cargo consisted of 50 head of cattle, 5 pigs, and 5 tons sundries.

Early yesterday morning the _ Northern S.S. Co.'s steamer Gleneig arrived from Wanganui, and left in the afternoon for Raglan and Kawhia.



August 30.—Sailed : Grecian Bend, barquentine, for Sydney.


August 30.—Arrived : Leo, cutter, Scotchman, auxiliary ketch, from Auckland ; Tcrarawa, ketch, from the Thames. Sailed: Christina, schooner, Agnes Martin, ketch, Spitfire, cutter, Janet, cutter, for Auckland ; Elsie, ketch, for the Thames; Four Sisters, cutter, for Mahurangi. WHANG ARE I. August 30.—Arrived : Wellington, s.s,, Douglas, s.s., from Auckland.

TAURANGA. August 30.Arrived: Australia, s.s., Waiotahi, s.s., from Auckland.


August 30.—Arrived : Flora, s.s., Hauroto, s.s., from the south; Rotorua, y.s., from Nelson; Hinentoa, Government s.s., from Westport. Sailed : Wainui, s.s., for Nelson ; Hauroto, s.s., for Sydney; Rotorua, s.s., for Nelson; Pukaki, s.s., for Auckland; Southern Cross, S.s., for Auckland, via the East Coast; Takapuna, s.s., for Lyttelton. PORT CHALMERS.

August 30.Arrived : Talune, s.s , from the North. Sailed: Tarawera, s.s., for Sydney via East Coast ports and Auckland. Passengers:—Misses Cooke, Hutchison, Langdon, Wiseman, Mesdames Chilton, Cargill and infant, Erskine, Crofts and infant, Richmond, Messrs. Scott, McLaren, Cooke, Herd, Hazlett, Erskiue, Greig, Park, and 11 in the steerage. SYDNEY. August3o.—Arrived : Anthons.brigantine, from Tairua. NEWCASTLE. AugustoO.—Arrived: Aloestis,barque, from Lyttelton. Sailed: Weatliersfield, barque, for Wellington. BOSTON. • August 29.Arrived : VVaimea, barque, from Wellington, via Rio de Janeiro.

In this semi-tropical climate one of the greatest dangers to be guarded against is constipation. Electric Blood Renewer is the best antidote to take on account of its beneficial effect upon the whole system. This is a New Remedy and sufferers should refuse all others. Obtainable from all dealers in proprietory medicines, 3s 6d,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9293, 31 August 1893, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9293, 31 August 1893, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9293, 31 August 1893, Page 4