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Hioh Watib at Aaekl«m}~ii.l7 *.ra.; p.m. „•• _ .. Mamikiu-151 vin. ; 110 p.m. hl'N—Sim, 7.0 viu.; mm. 4 14 p.iu. Mooa—First quarter, today, 4.43 p.m.

WEATHER FORECAST. Ctptdn Edwin wired at 1.32 p.m. ye«t«nUyIfiUlcation* to frost tonight, and .'or low tide*.


Arsry»e, s.a., 1-J9, F. Amodco, from the Great. Barrier. Passengers, Mr. Palmer and one in the steerage. — Northern S.S. Co., Hcentt. . Kenilworth, schooner, 113, Nilason, from Wellington.—A. Gibb, *«ent.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. Chelmsford, «.»., 71), C. Hopkins, for Tairua, Whanjtamata, and \"> i.akataue.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. Wenona, barque, oil, 0. Thow, for Newcastle.— Niccol, agent. Waiapu, uchooncr, til, John Nicholas*, for Tairua, the East Coast, and Gisborne. —L. D. Nathan and Co., agents. DEPARTLRES. Chelmsford, s.s., for TaL-ua, Whangamata, a;. . Wiiakatane. Waiapu, schooner, for Tairua, the East ,'oaat, and Gisborue. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. U).M'o.v : le Ko», 5.«., due July 'i't. Kuahiue, s.s., due August 9. Matatua, s.s., sailed June 24. SKW V. UK : W. B. Flint, arrived at Port Chalmers June 2H Abie! Abrx>t, barquentine, arrived at Wellington July 10. Mary ilasiuouck, barque, sailed April 11. Essex, barque, sailed May S. Kathleen lliida, barque, sailed June 5. Elinor Vernon,sailed -June 3. Alice, barque, loading. O'.ed Baxter, barque, to load. SAS f Cisco : Ma:iposa, P..M.5., August 10. HOXOU'Li- : Mariposa, R.M.s., August 10. SAMOA : Marip.36a, R.M.s., August 10. JNEVrc.\*Tl£. : Lilian IK-uan, brij intitie, sailed July 12. Natal yueen,, sailed July I>, JVtNKY: M T.iri. s.s., i i.«. - lay > «. i.t. Austrian warship, early. Excelsior, ': a: ;.:e. sai.eJ July IS. Sarah I'i.e, sailed July IS. •row.vsvi, LJ. : Eclipse, brigantiae, early. W£ILJ.VOTo.\ : __ juh.ii, Spanish warship, early. PROJECTED DEI'ARTUKK>. wOM>o>" : Celtic Kin;, ?.;., vii the South, Saturday. !»!» vokk. . 1. hiaites, barque. loading. I .«n Fe:c isi n, : a:q ;e, : a !in? A- ;ei Ah; ct, Parquentine, to ar.ive. LAN r:-.*>c:>C ■ : Alameda, i. M.S., August 12. HO'oHtr : Alameda, R.M.s., August 12. SAMOA : Alameda, M.«., August 12. ST D>*..i" : Waihora, s.s., July "I>. rui: Orlando, H.M.s., about 2lth icst. I .vie, s.s., early. B-\R'.'T'"'No.v : Richmond, s.s., to-day, T.VHiri: Richmond, 5.3., to-day. SAPJKK: Waiwera, schooner, early. UNION S.S. CO.S MOVEMENTS. T'i day.—Tarawera leaves for South, noon ; I llanmapua leaves 1 p.m ; Oaau ' •arrives at Onehumja from Oieyrnouth. Ekjimy.—Rosamond arrives from Westport. SATrRDAV.—Oiia u leaves Onehunsa for Wesiport; Rosamond leaves fur Grey mouth. NORTHERN S.S. CO. MOVEMENTS. 'ltt-DAV.—Gairloch leaves for New Ply- . mouth at 1 p.m.; At gyle for Kuaotuuu, i ! Tail an i Merc ;ry Bay at 7 p.m.; Welling- j ' ton rives from Wti iu_"arei. : Fkiijav. — Clausiuau arrives from Russell ] early, ami leaves for i'auianga at 7 p.m.: ' ' Wellington ieives for Wliaugarei, Marsden 1 Point, Mangqai, and Parua Bj>, at ll'.'.PJ p.m. Saturday. —(iairloch arrives from New Plymouth ; Arityle trom Mercury Bay, Ivuaotunu, and l'airua; Waiotahi, Horn Opoiiki ; UleaeU from Opunake and W.uiiranui. Tha.MKS SKKViCt.— Hotomauana or Online- ; man leaves tor Thames daily, and s.s. i'aeroa ( 'eaves tor I'aeroa twice weekly, :

VESSKI.N IN HAUIJUUK This 11-t duos not include i u*.sler».J Orlando, H.M.g., in .stream. Celtic King, m.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Richmond, H. 3., at Railway Whart. Arawata, s 3., in die nil. Southern Cross, Mission yacht, in stream. Wetiona, barque, in stream. Ephialtea, barque, at tJ.u*y-«treet Jetty. Clan Ferguson, barque, (it Queen st. '*\ f.arf. lJevonj.ort, barque, at Breastwork. Urasmeie. barque, at Hob.-on-street V\ harf. Northern L'hi.-f, barque, at Hobaou-st. Wharf. Killaruey, barque, in stream. Waitemata, barfjuentiue, at Railway Wharf. Victory, bngantiue, at Railway Wharf. Stanley, brig.intine, in stream. Anthons, bruancine, at Queen-street Wharf. Christine, schooner, in stream. Welcome, schooner, in stream. Jessie Niciol, schooner, in stream. Kenuwatii, schooner, in stream. IMPORTS. Per Tarawera, from South : .71 tacki ■*<"] Tuscan wheat. ;">i sacks seed bar.ey, ■>> sacks feed barley, I'JJ sacks table ijO'.at'>':i. —W. J. Hurst a.uU Co.

Tlie Northern S.S. Corr.pany'o steamer Arjfvie arrived from the <ireat harrier ia>t evening. She leaves for Kuaotuuu an'J Mercury Ray this evening.

Yesterday morning the nchooner K'.r.ilworth arrived from af'eraj/ana«e of seven days. She in anchored in the stream.

The Northern S.S. Company's steamer Chelmsford left lor Tairaa, V> and WhakaUne last evening.

V'<--v-rday mornint; the acriooner Waiapu bailt-d for tne Kjsi I.oa/-,*. an'J Oisborn'* wit/, the lollowiriii .;<i;'o • W4~J) feet timber,.'W ton* and 111 aieko coal, 'JU ba|<M boneriour, .'» b*/s lice, 14 casks, 10 packages tasiies and doors, JMJ holes soap, J'J sacks oatsand bran, 1 dray, and a ijua/itity of sundries. Hii<: culis in at laiiua to sinp a quantity of timber.

The barque We:,orja cleared at the Customs yt»terd iy lor Newcastle in ballast. .-she will sail to-day.

At noon to day the L'iiion S.S. Company's Steamer 'iarawera vvili leave for Southern ports. Jiiere is 1.0 steamer for Melbourne this week.

The schooner Waiw-ra will berth at the wharf to-day, and sUit loadin/ tnnlv:r and general carxo for Napier, lor whicii port she will nail direct.

To 'Jay the barque Vivid will leave Helens ville for Aratanu to load timber for Mel bourne.

The brijjantin»* Anthons is discharging her cars" from .-v.di '-y at the (jueen-street Wharf, and on completion loads timber for bydnpy. Yesterday the schooners Aiatajin from this port, and Annie Hill from Lvttehon, arrived at Kaipaia to load limber for l.yttelton.

'J he new scow Whangaroa is announced to Hail for Lyttclton about Saturday next. Measts. Vines, Citing, and J'eiston are the agents for the vessel. The Tyser Company's steamer Celtic Kim; is landing her London carzo in line condition at the Queen street Wharf. From this port the steamer will take a number of cases of kauri gum for London. She is expected to sail on Saturday evening next for Napier, proceeding thence to Wellington and VVanganui to load frozen meat. The JJluli will be the final port of departure. 'Jim evening the steamer Richmond leave* for Tahiti and Rarotonga. A brigantine bound South passed Russell on Tuesday afternoon, and will probably be the Kclipe from 'J'ovvnsville to this port. The barque Kxcelsior and schooner Sarah Tile, both win, neueral cargo, .sailed from Sydney for this port yesterday. Yesterday the Covernmenl steamer Hineinoa left Whangaiei for Ngunguru. She may be expected to arrive at this port to-day. J he barque Natal Queen sailed horn NewCastle for this port yesterday. The steamer Wanimoo arrived at Vancouver from Sydney, Brisbane, ami Honolulu on the Bth instant, alter a quick passa"e of 18 days from Brisbane, the steamer averaging 15 knots the whole way. " * The ship Bravo, which sailed from Kaipara on March 27, with a cargo of timber shipped by the Kauri Timber Company, has arrived at Glasgow, after a passage of ll'j days. The American barque N. B. Morris has arrived at New York from this port, after a passage ot 10U days. Yesterday the Kauri Timber Company's schooner Marmlon arrived at Wellington from Tairua, with a cargo of timber. The Union S.S. Company's steamer Poherua left Wellington last eveuiug, to loud produce lor Sydney.

According to a cable received by the Marine Underwriters' Association of Victori.!, dated Loudon, July 10, the ship Thomas Stephens. 1469 tens, of London, which l?ft .Melbourne on May 8. for the United Kingdom, has put into Valparaiso to repair damages receired in a severe s(s.le. T.'.e stea:n lifeboat Duke of Northumberland has recently been creating considerable interest a: Liverpool. She has been placet! at the New I'.'ighton station, after having alreadv proved her stood qualities at Harwich and at Holyhead. The boat is ,Toft. loiu' by J4't."i:i.. and has capacity for about -i ' people, including nine of a crew. She will travel at

between S and 9 knots an hour, and on o tons of coal can •_'© at full speed for .'JO hours. Steam can lie cot up in 15 minutes. The method of propulsion is very curious. There are no p&ddlii or screws, the propelling power connistim; of jets of water forced through tubes at the sides of the vessel, extending aft and forward, by a powerful centrifugal pump developing some 17') h.p. Those who have been associate! with the little craft in heavy weather declare that sh.' behaves splendidly, and is practically uncap3izable. Tne Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Coptic arrived at Napier from Picton yesterday morning, to take in a quantity of frozen meat tor London. She proceeds thence to Lyttelton, to complete her loading.

The Sydney-own* 1 ;! schooner Samoa wa driven ashore on lie 6th instant at K.iola. o the south coast, and is reported a totn wreck. The crow landed in safety, Th Samoa was built at Stockholm as far bad as lviti, and at one time was owned by th German firm of (ai>ddei'roy and Co. .She 'ii good work in the island trade, and years ait went to Sydney ;<• be overhauled and re 3 paired. Subsequently she was purchaset there, and lias proved a useful vessel in th ' coastal timber trade. She was a prettily modelled craft. and could sail well. Stroll.*!} built, c pper fastened ri.'h: through, she wa: an exp-mive ship when she left the stock '27 years ago. At the time she drove ashon ' in the late easterly weather she was art!; loaded with timber ! r Sydney. >o tar acan be learnt, there is 110 insurance on th Samoa. Chi the 10th instant the schooner Postboi arrived in Port Jackson short of provisions l lie Postboy lei; lhinedin for Adelaide a.s fai back a' June S. On the second day out sh». fell in with a south-west sale, which c.m tinned for ten day*, and eva-hm all v attaint*, tee force of ~ hurricane. i > i in* all t!ii~ time the vessel made tremendous leeway, and was driven round the North ape of New Zei land. She I' st several sails, besides having the bulwark* and stanchions stove in for ward, and a!! moveables on de.'k washed o>erboard. including the water casks The winds which prevailed after the weather moderated, prevented a course l>ein_* shaped tor Adelai ie, and the provisions hiving ahno«t run it. Captain who is in command, i\.ui-d to put in to Sydney, to replenish tn- stores, 1 lie land was tirst sishted a* Seal Ro.ks on the Sth instant. CIS BORN"I-: ARBOUR. The Collector of Cusp. .»« at tins port has received the followin..* telt-cram fto:n the Marine D-jjirtment at Wellington : —" Tne harbourmaster at i iisovrr.e reports that the re i buoy on the mi idle bank has been washed •ashore, and will be replace by a red cast as s > >:i a.3 j„e weather moderates. It will pr - bably be a in mill before the red 1> i' v will be replaced in its position, Plea-- warn masters of vessels.—l.}:wis H. B. Wilson." PRESENT COST OF SHIPBUILDING. „ Shipping values touched " bottom" in England last mmth. w:i-:n a Tyne.»:de ! builder ac:epted *..*> 1 :ts til per ton ft a | + •».' ton st«am?r. This is '.edev- Ito be the I 1:-a est p.-ico on r»cord. <• ■■■ i eargoste im-r< j ate buii iins on the norm -east oust at £3 j los to ,'J'j p.-! ton about half the c.-st of only I three or four years a_-•. Secotid-han i ! tonnage is fc.ju.tuy cheap, working out to | about i'J lbs to £;> a ton. Several C". li. Nts of comparatively recent build have changed j hands at Very tempting !:.-ure«. Of the«e ! n. iV he mentioned as c in p i it t.;e j lii.r..*arv ie, in iron ste uner. bib it in I VV of about ain tons c trrvinc capacity, *vnich " ,-• j been « od to trie N'»t;;i;'nb:i-in Steam Shipj pin.* Company for ill'l,the Ur • .kt;e. 1. a i ship of a!-.. lat th- sa:ne f iz-, tor I £10.'.U>: an the Fuif»rd. a steamer of J4 »> | tons. with trip.- eti.'ioes. v.-hi nh i, .s ehan.'- i [ h*nds for £!o.\i>i. .A: i new vessel< built at present ri.-s. with *.i the rr. 'd-m improvements, must prove a investment wr.*-n values ri«e \« tr.-.y vri.l i:> v:,-n .1;: PORT or ON'ZUNGA. ( \iAjiir»%.' tf. 7. '* . .''. i- . »VdV/:r. «*'•"» I 1"-.* H ' : +"7~ A' k ~'.'l ... . .V ;. ii - v ' At r.a!t■ pi.'jt 11 0 y«-ite,".tiy r.. r'o .. pua. Captair. J. N«. wton, » t • V. . . ;:./** r. N- - ...-.a J'.'*-. y/'p.voe \u!. ! •Mr G .1 ii :*■ /u, :*.«• parser, rep-.rt* trie 1 »:•..! ir.-.t.. i •• : •ed a: '»■. - .*. « a *..*.•; JT'.r. L- :~ for ■.1 a*. p.m. th- -,aj. a-rivar,.' at Ji.loa m. j on tr.e 1":: i> ;'. i .*••.*. »<i for t .'<i .ve: •a : A*. 10 '/}) p m t.-.e ->.r . »>•. C' /'a- 1 ' toe oar j at I'i'.fJ a.m. y»-itc:'i*y. a.', ! i t:.e j whir: as -aoov-.-. i.x,.' .-ier.'.e i fre-a i*\ our- j able win Is, *1:1 '-mo *.n * . 1, ~ :.f/a»-a ,at. j 'I hi Nortf,". r a > - (. /mpa;,-, ( -tea:u'.r j Gti'tl'.o.'j arnv-'i fr'.-'ii New P-' •»*. »> ocGclc >•»•»:»'.;»>• mo; alter a tine- t pa*-a/-r

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9257, 20 July 1893, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9257, 20 July 1893, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9257, 20 July 1893, Page 4