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Furnishing. Medical. Urn t\ The Best Dressing » I j Sill! I ill c iII u liiuili ii kJ jfMk HAIR - FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. VIGOR l J. TONSON GARLICK ! (LATE oaklick and CKANWEIX), urUncci fc Has just opened up, ex Clan Ferguson, from New York, ' ~ l ;- " vancelt c = -•'*--•:—- : '—'''" : "" period <>£ I FIVE GASES PLATFORM ROCKERS Silillil£= I come rancid by exposure to the air. anil t .(VARIOUS STYLES). which is as [perfect a substitute for the oil supplied by nature, in youth and health, as ' modern chemistry can supply. 1 " Ayer's Hair Vigor i 27S Od prepared HY J V? yi i; s cvfl Dr J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. * fc-''" &siWs ** Mil ,-x /-v Oil KF" Beware of cheap imitations. c fflfii f-s? $5 W\% ( )fi E3rF° Beware of cheap imitations. c SBl B l) #> IH| Thonaiue-Ayer-is prominent on tbe t rl;v.^'^- ,r: "' : '^ ,J Pal t U»o bottom of eaeli of our bottles. \\ ' ;- ■ «' *:■•■ rfdgggffiffin Js S7s bcl wonderful medicine. ; S'ti UKKCIIAM'3 PIM.>! M AHo C\r\ Are universally admitted to he worth a GUINM , S A $53 DUS {JO. A BOX for Bilious and Nervousi Disorders such c SrX B--< v 3Mn*" 88 ,- f',s ;l .s wind ami pain in the stomach, sick headache »25 * -K*:-» mIM C-3 dddlnwa. fulness and swelling after meals,dizzmoss 4 3 Ml r7A 1 and drowsiness, cold chills, il.islii.ip. of heat, loss ] && KwMMSflSfflrVffl Hl| 7l»C: OH cf appetite, shortness scurvy, *&?» Itll jUJZ) UU am ,V,|„tcl.M on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful , ¥''»' 4 i V^^!.*t^ : -'-,''-;.'-.4 \i'i dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations fill 111 Ac. The will give relief in twenty minutes I Kil S<'.-L«. Kverv surterer is earnestly invited to try one. l.ox 1 m of !lu '" ~i" m ' l " ,e ' wi " " atk,,,,wu,,fKea lu l, ° * KS»43 . Ki WORTH A CITINKV A BOX. . j^v-yf^iM' - fct^«^V>M \m P iVTKfir^r- 3 For Females of all •'-'''" these Pills are invaluable, as W^^3^^^C l^^^4fr4fijk», tU fVI \T' '.'V:'l 'WM®/ a few doses of them carry nil all humours, r \*-' ." f V-?.-: AIA «S> ««-l l-rins about all that is tilled. No 1 ESS female sho.ild he without, then.. There is no , %-—1 : V4 V/-S \%rA, WSk medicine to he found equal to BKKCUAM'S PILLS , %' t- J? t -'v-W^^'fr!'';'. 1 ." - T ."-';:'.'; J . >SPV f£3 for any obsirtieti.ui or Irregularity of the , M teS®# J £'?* system. If taken according to the directions Riven ; ymvAJ^^^^fffcw^faubS - * fiSfrl TwtA. X*? with each box they will soon restore females of all 1 ! !i I^P S _«Ji : V >«i!4H aces to sound and robust health. This 1. is been >sv".A \ <•:-/ — r - s proved by thousands who bare tried them, and . &<:•.•:.. W ; - r < i -,• vW '" , " I ' l the benetlts Whil • ,, are ensured by their use. ' „&"„ .'- ! >1 ' V -,- fr -.:>- '.'.•• . 0 1.:*." ; -.;>■» \rf'S/ Tor a weak stomach, imp iire.l dilution, and all i r , *iC'-*"-- ' -'-.'l'.'-'* i -\ o" J **\ disorders of the liver, they act like " MAlilC." and a - «'v ' .vis- ■»■■■"..' ' V.^r'-;. ■•--*■• '■■■>""• "V. ( ;v T\ few doses will be found to work wonders on the ( V;S >'\i. ;" -- : '•'•*• ---%' : ; f %>VA most important the human they >S) V-'X lv>, '.-°" "•■->■ ,«-,-">.• strengthen the whole muscular system; the ' \-%\ \>^'"fr&XLsrf'" '< m ' long.b.steomplexiou, bring back the keen edge o i &' -*4 W-V-S .'■' ..:'.'v. J .-:,'',. ; r and arouse int.. act ion, with the IIUSKIIUI) , V • i ''l^f :^: ii'' ,; 'A"'i : ' : ' ■''•w u^'\±i &' ; '-'*fi&l*'iM "' health, the whole physical energy of the human , r K' ■' A V ■ ??..; -■/ " " - -,• frame. These are "PACTS" testilled continually by ' \£>;;\ \X'''. .!.'- ''- : * ■: '•' V> members ufall classes of society; and one of tlie best ' 6 "-*. >•' ' ' ." i-uaranlees to ihe nervous and debilitated is, V' f r iM /^%i-" r -S'-. v .v;-v-i"?vV: V:"t'K('IIAM'S PUIS have the largest sale of any , »rr--i ' .'>:':.-..".• s,"-l ; i> ; *iV» , \ ; v ', . : i N iC«^',•:'.'-'-, ',' : '.'l- : .>'. .'i-AijijSl patent nil dicine m the s l ;s , d ,, w,,oiesa,. a,,,, . r- ,iav.., .V :,-.•> „ . ;.; ■;..<:/ ''V the Proprietor, Thomas St. Helens, , i". m \-V-'J- ■■■>*;-• •" '" i: Lancashire, Kn-lan.l. in Boxes Is lid (containing , " C-: VV-- - .-*^«t^«S l, W4 W pills), and at'is '.)d (treble iiuantity). . , , S£jSQ& --^.^vfsfV;r-' \ .--^<^"iv.vVi^-. :J,A: '-' A -sold by all l)'a:e..t Medicine Dealers ' t - m%isL everywhere. ..... s?=.* ■»■? -. ♦■^^f^ 5 * : •■'-■'. " ; ; . : ? '•:-- y&dk N 8.-l'ull directions are given with each box "6^ ■-■ ;>. \i- : B7IOR ('out; lis. HOLDS, ItUON*- *»■ ■■=.■: ■ * T - -'■ MP " (Hills, ASTHMA, IM'I.UKN/.A, CON '""-" - M/-<- i r'-v!m%g&* iV ?- ", ■ . scmpiion, ac, ac. "•tj-'U*-; . '**'s<»iil. '-. ' ; " " - ■*^ s<a ««!W , Tv r AYS CO.MIOUND KSSKVCB OK I.INSEKI), -^^^JiMll.-"■■ Vi - ___ 1V Aniseed, Senega, Squill, Tola, Ac. |*!fv^ r ' * * " I'AY'S COMl'tll'M), a demulcent, expectorant, ■QrX3 IV for Coughs, Colds, and Chest Complaints. '*"■* AY'S COMPOUND for Coughs and Colds, is TMM iTiTVr* IV eliu;v serviceable for Horses and Cattle. BE I ' -I . ..!'■> ItiliUUliSKX fW'STHJ P11.1.5, a sue, ill. -in Neuralgia, FacellMliynrS CHAIRS 1V •"■ ,l ". Ac ., contain O.iinine. Iron, Ac. J ''" WU - UU ' r ,„„ TmTTn _ I INCM CATIIAUTICI-.M 1T1.1.5, digestive, corOAK PETS BEDROOM FURNITURE rective.and agreeably aperient. -, „..__ , . TornxTTCTTTVC. /^OAOCI.INK—Cement for Broken Articles. Sold DRAW L;'>U ROOM SUITES GENERAL FURNISHING L .v.i l,Stockport, England. _ CiOCKIE'S TILLS, ~,,_. \/ PItKIC ritO.M MKHCUHV Best Value anti iveiiauio I urniture at "Till PEOPLE'S" FHRMSMJe WAREHOUSE ggg-j^g - STBEET, PILLS, J. TONSOM GARLICK (Late Garfick & Cranwellj V/ FOIt . —- /COCKLE'S TILLS, ~ :== — " „., — ' \) KOlt HKAKTHtJUN. Tailors. jt — — , — ■ ' /COCKLE'S TJLLS, X%s S /COCKLE'S TILLS, j JfflJ £gk 1 \j KOlt ACIDITY l&%> ** -fwtuxa TILLS, 1 I \j IN I'SK RVBRYU'IIKUK. 3 UEMO"VALj VV i IN i^ .,.,. yY[^us 1 In Boxes at Is. lid. lis 'J.I, Is 0.1, lis, and lit, J HO USE-WARMING. AT nm,a ,KVKj.». ! ™~ it ""- I , J SGARA HAV/LEY. Tasteless Laxative. J In thankin, the Public of Aucklan-l for past favours ,o liberally SAVAR'S CUBERS CIGARETTES. Asthma. J ar.rord.-Vl to u.-, be- ... ttotifyilmt.' have ItEMOVKIJ to SAVAR'S COCA WINE. Restorative. J 11,.h0 Central nri'l Commotiious l*rcmi--.j-*, ;{'J and-LJ, V'UJTOIiIA- — I fc-TUEET (uno floor above the Union Batik of Australia). 9$ HI DCQOC'Q *' UH di sections. j Durinc the first month we shall. «iyc a MONSTBR " HOUSE- OHVftIILOULU ...... n, 1 ." 1113 S ' I 1 )n-iii" tlio first innnth wo shall "ivc a MONSTLK JfOU^h- | WARMIXC," to which all are invitcl ; and to inaugurate our CASynAS WMII fill I § ononis wo will, < lurinfj the month of July, supply SUITS AT VtfUbO UIL | THICKS IHTHKKTO UNHEARD OF IX AUCKLAND. We i-:fiwi.»H from the p , iri , v „ f n . nOMI TO 1 specially invite tho-e gentlemen who ato dissati-lied with their I 0,.-ud and t1..-superi..riiyof the JJAj yULfco I ilrL-scia'TatlortOKiveusatriiil. f *"> iv »»«..i.n.»..- v.-r ~ l-diue. UTiS UULLU 1 Savaresse's Pure Copaiba Capsules. | WE OPEN TO-PAY (SATURDAY), July Ist, with an S . — | ENTIRELY NEW STOCK, which we are prepared to sacrifice st-r y i; It 0 S, .1 1 Ma mounter udv«rtUcmonD for ONE MONTH, and for CAtiU 3 j ONLY. A Ui;MI!)V l ' ,)R Pl'-VKIUSH AND I '' * p.. - 1 NIXIULfiIO AFFECTIONS. 1 *?«*. St M /S t! > f?™K B P O3 " I After live years' experience, it is offered to the I fA fin C R RiOt: 8 I I GV S Bmff ii u B K***' E ran j a SAFE AND CANDID KEMKDY. | Merchant Tailor, f )i( «" f ™™ (;KnT ' Merchant Tailor, I "os-t fail to caa- n. 9 It A lES IT I S FOR Y0 U. I 30 41 & 43, VICTORIA-STREET I °''> ll ' tV ' I SL'IIPASSIXfI AM. OTHER POWDKIW FOR l (ONE DOOR FROM QUEEN-STREET). I children teething. -i . «2T IT HAS NO EQUAL. "?M> I VENT. VIDL VIC I. Two Shilwsos pi-it Box op 12 Powders. j | JjJ-EUROS jynUG QOMI'ANY; {%& : Hal I J ' M - JEFFERSON, Chemist, i£y ~, ..mi,..-.,!.- a ■ijniJ-MJIIIDHII ■ WW— ■ ■■!■■ ■! ineasy digestion. Wire Hope — ~ ~~ CRAWFORD'S thos. & william smith's OH&MOMILE, RHUBARB, anil STE E L WI K E .11 OPE S . DAKDELIOB PILLS, "■" THE BEST IN m WORM. „ rr ,-, rT , I)ntrnv tkai.i: maisk. A SAFE AND RELIABLE REMEDY _ FOR INDIGESTION. ,lr FOR />\rkL ifijr\ AS SUPPLIED TO Indigestion, Heartburn, .sensation of fullness /*\.V* *.^ J< 5*VSw after meals, bitter tasts in the mouth, with futreil />»%» • I^< - % J>\ .ipinni'iATl tcinsise, ami unpleasant breath, irregular cravius lor xittcjw WOKK MELBOLRNLI (,„.!, a ' ml an "all „„„«•• fp(> iin« in the stomach; BUSH WUiX-xv, /<f^.-^''^PfSrTv* i .<tf<»*\ „,„„„„„„, l-latlileiiee, Nervousness, tie id a. ho. Oi.ldiness, „„„„.„ / .TRAMWAYS Drowsiness .limn? the (lay, but, especially -ifter SHIPPING, / ykrrA\ l£**\ dinner; want of energy, accompanied" by extreme /SO wfeivC ir*«n\ SYDNEY TRAMWAYS, Repression of spirits. . MINES /'- PHI nUft Anyone or more of these .symptoms may indicate ' FS —CHICAGO TRAMWAYS, J^rjßilt^WiS HOISTS, Ug HL-P 2g/ BROKEN HILL MINES, R-e more speedy and cerUUn_reli,f than CRANES, fe rrift £CJ7 MOUNT MORGANMINES, CRAWFORD'S \U? Mamr ***/ M(n:Ni - MUK ■ CHAMOMILE, RHUBARB, AND ELEVATORS, Vp|J g«fc S%£J-/ BRITISH ADMIRALTY, [DANDELION PILLS. ETC., Etc., Ere. vlSBr k/ EtC '' ETC '' ETC ' These Tills have now a large sale ,n New Zealand, >o » and many testimonials have heen received by the **^~__—**" proprietor from persons who have ohtahietl henelit " ,! w P 1,0111 the Largest Stock in the Colony of the above high-class Rope, in from their use. We hold th- Larg ,. inch t 3 inche3< Soldlnlmxe, Is, IsCd, ft G „ atu. sscach. ,j, au l "^ a " T I'ost free to any part of the colony. • ! ' ALBERT LAY STEEL EOPBS-now in stock and to arrive-in lengths up to iim7»f) IfoOIJ feet This Ilofio Is used for Tramways, Aerial Trams, Collieries, etc., Oil AW) 111), l " The Melbourne Tram.. Id ulf 1 Steel Wire Rope, totalling HiamiaCGUtiCal CllGlllist, ld llloil ° a length of 901 miles. MEDICAL HALL, NEWTON, ,„d ndenta for STEEL WIRE, for any niirriosu. executed with promptitude by cable." three - poNSQNEY> ml n-lents for STEEL WIRE, tor an> l^_P ; Jj - ' THREE LAMPS. PONSONBY. 50,,,, for lUa-trated Circular, Test, T, 1....0„i:,1, etc., to 11.0 Agents, o, ROSS & ANSENNE, Slripchaudlers, to., » H "^;^roS^,St; iw QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND ( Railway Static:;). 1 »««• oa ukused

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9257, 20 July 1893, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9257, 20 July 1893, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9257, 20 July 1893, Page 3