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' V ;.'■".,'-'..■• .* ; ■„- "' ■■■■.«. mr... ■ ;'/■• tfioii Water at Auckland—MS *.m.: M p.m. „ „ . MAiiukau- ».n %.m. ; 9,48jp,M, Rises. 7.6 a.m.; sets, 4 41 p.m. ' Woom— Full, to-morrow, c 1 a at. , WKATSIBR gORROAaX. o«ptaln Kdwin wired at 11..1 a.m. yesterday I— North to east and south-east gale with heavy rain after 13 hours from sow. tiiasa fall, and very good tides, . ARRIVALS . Ar«y!e, s.s,, 128, F. Amodeo, fr*m Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu. Passengers > Mwses) Payne . Davis, Messrs. Hat tan. Wilhie, Blab, and two in the steerage. •-N«rsh«ra S.B. Co., agents, „ , . , Chelmsford, s.e., 76, C. JgfPkiM, from Whakatane, Taumiga, ens' Wh»Ji£Ar»at»,— Nor therm S.S. Co.. agents. OUTWARDS. Walrarapa, s.s., 1767, John Mcintosh for Sydney. Passengetst d *me" Jenkins, Wood and infant, Grifflths. Eve, Mairrot ami family, Hammasd, Payne. Harris, King and child, MoKean, Moore. Jones, Misses Wybar, Last, Payne, Chiloott, P. and G. BagaeSmith, Underwood, McNeil, Newman, Stephaui and companion. Rev. R. G. Newcombe, Prefeasor J. B. Hall, Messrs. La Cascade and valet, Maigrot, Wybar, Mc Curdie, H. Qottlstene, Whituker, GriN fiths Collie, K. An«e>sou, H. R. Bloomfleld, ,T. A. O. Eve, Hammond, T. Jenkins, Payne, Pa Silva, B. J. Mead, Steele, Harris, \V. LeQttesne, Jexie King, A. Morrisou, L Smith, D. H. Cobb*. McKeae, A. W. Milton, Morrow, the Fit!is Circus Company (40), 67 ia the steerage, and origiual from Southern ports.—Union S.S. Co., agents. Wellington, s.s.. 279, E. Stephenson, for Whanptrei.—-Northern M.S. O . agents. Wuiotahi, s.s., 278, Nerbury, lor Tauranga and Opotiki.-Northern S.S. Co., agents. Southern Cross, s.s., 263, J. S. Adams, for the East Coast, Napier, and Wellington. Passengers : Mr. Wright, and 9 in the steorajie. — Union S.S. Co., agents. Argyll, 5.9., 129, F. Amedee, for the Great Baitiet.— Northern S.S. Ce., agents. DEPARTURES. Ringdove, H.M.s., for a cruise, Wairarapa, s.s., fer Sydney. Wellington, s.s., for WaaufareL Waiotahi, s.s., tor Tauranga and Opotiki. Sonthern Cross, s.s., for the East Coast, Napier, and Wellington. Argyle, s.s., for the Great Barrier. Ocean Ranger, barqueatiae, for Newcastle. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. lON i>on : To Koa, 1.8., sailed. Coptic, 8.5., sailed May 20. Celtic King, S.S., sailed May 17. SfgW THlia : W. B. Flint, sailed March 19. Ahiol Abbot, batquentina,sailed Mar. 19. Mary Hasbro'ick. barutt'!, sailed April 11. Eiwex, barquo. Bailed May 8. Katbleeu Hilda, barque, loading. Elinor Veruon, baaiueatine, to load, *AN SRANOISCI-: Alameda, R.M.S, about July 13. U(iM> : Alameda, R. M.s., about July 13. SAMOA : Upolu, s.a., early. Alameda, R.M.s., about July 13. rut: Tavicai, s.s., to-day. HWCASTfJI : Northern Chief, barque, early. Grastnere, barque, early. HVMtUIN : Laira, barque, loading. PROJKCIIfiI) DEPAIVI'URKS, LONDON: Coptic, s.s., about July 3, NEW YOHK: John McDennott, brigantiae, loading. Epbialtes, barque, leading. Clin Ferguson, barque, to load. SAN FRANCISCX) : Monowai, R.M.s., July 15. BOSOLULU : Mouowai, R.M.s., July 15. SAMOA : Monowai, R M.S., July 15. Bri>NKY : A< imeda, R.M.S., about July 13. ROC M HA : G.euuer, brigantine, Saturday. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. This Day — Taviuni arrives from Fiji and leaves for Wellington; Grafton arrives at Ouehun^a. . . Thursday.— Rotr-mahana leaves for the South at noon; Grafton leaves Onehunga at 1 p.tu. . NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. This Dat. — Argyle arrives from the Great Barrier; Gairloch arm from Waitaru ; Glenelg arrives frem Ujuuake aid Waoganni. Thursday. — Gairloch leaves for New Plymouth and Waitara at 1 p.m.: Argyle leaves for Kuaotunu, Tairua. and Mercury Bay at 7 p.m ; Glenelg leaves for Raglan and Kawhia at 1 p.m.; Wellington arrives irom Wltitngarei. Friday.— arrives from Russell early, and leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m; Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Marsdeu Point, Mangapai, and Parua Bay at 10.30 p.m. Saturday.—Gairloch arrives from Waitara ; Arnyle from Mercury Bay, Kuaotunu, and Taitua; Waiotahi, from Opotlki Glenelg arrives from Raglan and Kawhia. Thames Skrviob.— Rotomahana or Ohinemuri leaves for Thames daily, and s.s. Paeroa leaves for Paeroa twice weekly, VKSSKIA IN HARBOUR. Tlii- Hat ilow not Include roa.lers.l Orlando. H. M.s., in stream. Katoomba, H.M.s., in stream. Arawata, s s., in stream. -j, Southern Cross, Mission yacht, in stream. Wenona, barque, in stream. Ephialtes, barque, at Quay street Jetty. Clan r/Wgu»on, barque, at Queenat. Whtif. Devonport, barque, at Railway Wharf. Handa Ide, barquentine, in stream. Yolande.barquentine, at Hobson-st. Wharf. Victory, brigantine, in stream. Stanley, brigautine, in stream. t John McDennott, brigantine, at Quay-street Wharf. < "?aner, brigantine, at Queen-street Wharf., schooner, in stream. Welcome, schooner, in stream. Aratapn, schooner, at Kauri Timber Co, Clansman, schooner, in stream. Jessie Nlccol, schooner, in stream, ' EXPORTS. Per Wairarapa. for Sydney:—4o4 cases kauri gum, 32 bales flax, 49 cases fish, 148 sacks maize, 3 bales hay, 144 sacks oysters, 55 sacks sand, 50 bandies empty sacks, 75 empty kegs, 10 crates boxes, 67 coils rope, ana a quantity of sundries. The Northern S.S. Company's steamer Chelmsford arrived from Whakatane, Tauranga, and Whangamata yesterday afternoon with a number of sheep and a quantity of kauri gum and sundries. She leaves for Whangamata and Whakatane tomorrow evening. .... Yesterday H.Mj. Ringdove left the harbour for a short cruise outside. On Monday next the warship will leave fer Rarotonga and Pem-hyn. At the latter place the question regarding the detention of the schooner Nerval by the natives will be inquired into. . _ , The Union S.S. Company's steamer Wairarapa lei: for Sydney last evening. Lust night the Northern S.S. Con pany's steamer Wellington lei for Whangarei. The Uniou S.S. Company's steamer Southern Cross left for the East Coast, Napier, and Wellington. '■_,■_ The Northern S.S. Company's steamer Waiotahi left for Tauranga and Opotiki last night, Yesterday morning the barquentine Ocean Ranger sailed for Newcastle. The barque Clan Ferguson berthed at the Queen street Wharf yesterday, and will com mence barging her cargo from New York this morning To-day the Union S.S. Company steamer Taviuni is to arrive from Levuka and Suva, and on discharge of cargo leaves for Wellington. At noon tomorrow the Union Company's steamer Rotomahana leaves for Southern potts and Melbourne. The schooner Waiwera arrived at Napier from Whangarei ou Saturday last after a passage of three days. She will probably load back to thin pur!. On the 21»t instant the schooner Sarah pile arrived at Syduey from Townsville with a cargo of tallow, hides, and iron. The passage occupied 36 days, very boisterous weather having prevailed during the whole time. The Union S.S. Company's steamer Ovalau left Sydney for Fiji on the 21st inst. On the 2lst instant the brigantine Anthons entered outwards at the Customhouse, Sydney, for this port, and the barqentine Adelaide for the Thames via Newcastle. The Northern S.S. Company's steamer Argyle arrived from Mercury Bay and Kuaotiiuu last evening, and left tor the Great , Barrier at midnight. She returns this even* Inc. ■ \; • H.M.s. Orlando is expected to leave Suva en Wednesday m-X» ~ ; T!>ecutter Betsy is being used for re-erect-in-; the harbour beacons at Onehunga. Tito new scow Wbangaroa, recently built by Messrs. Lane and. Brawn, of Whangaroa, has beet* chartered for a term to ton betwees Hokitiki and Ly ttelton.

—• - ———*- I Tha KwnwtssM Mejritisne Jourual of the. 19th April contaiua the foUwtag notice r— "Pr >f««a©r N«nUo»kiold MA wired to Mr. • Andrew Aacsuard. *» Tromao, to send to StoektK'lm twoakippora having*good keowledgtt of U» «*ilin* in Hie Karen See. la eoaao«uenjce thereof the altippen B. radarsen end T- N. Isaksee hvn been »«• leoted and sent to Stockholm." Thia seems to indioeta that the f&moua northern discoverer is rmHlitatiog some new exploring voyage. Four llrktil ahipe have> ej»rwd from San Francisco on a race round Cape Horn to England, thay ere the Bowdon, Pinmore, i Lord, Tecnpienvtre, and Lochea All are bound for Cork woept tit* Lord Templemom which Roen to Liverpwl. The captain of each ship put np2soJole.. and the winner will take 75<.V1015., while the second slap will save stake money. All the ships are loaded with grain, and got under w.ty ut alio same time. It is notorious that over-production in the shipbuilding world is to a large extont responsible far the heavy i eductions in shipowners' profits in recent years. The fin urea rslating to the tonnage now under construction hold out tome hope of improvement m the future. The vessels at present building in the United Kingdom aggregate 621,000 tone against 843.000 tons at the corresponding period last year, and 1,264,000 tons in 1882. Though theee statistics may not oarry comfort to the shareholdf-rs of companies engaged in ehipbuildiojr opt ati«M, they will be appreciate*! by investors whose money is locked up in non-productive shipping. The Lonls of the Admiralty have written to the Victorian Government, through His Excellency the Governor, a letter in reply to complaint* made iw to the infrequeucy of the visits of the veissels of the auxiliary squadron to Melbourne and also to Adelaide. The letter states that between the JJ2nd September, 1891. and the 'isth October. 1892, the vessels spent 163 days in Victorian waters, which was equal to one ship for nearly five months. It is pointed out that as only four out of the nine ships comprising the squadron are in commission, it is impossible to keep a vessel at each one of the capitals of the Australian colonies. The Lords «f the Admiralty do not hold out auy hope that it would be practicable to increase the number of visits of the vessels, bet they have asked Rear-Admiral BowdenSmith, who is in charge of the Australian station, to give consideration to the matter. REMARKABLE STEAMING. A speed of 400 knots in "24 hours is of itself remarkable, but the performance of the Cunarder Campania leaves that speed quite astern. The ship was sighted offßrowht.vl on Friday, l'2th May, at 7 a.m., from Now York, having made the passage in 5 days 15 hours. At 8.30 a.m. she was sighted 16 mil*.* west of the Faatnet, steaming rapidly for Queenstown. She arrived off Qtecnstown at 9.30 a.m. Her time from New York was 6 days 17 hours 27 minutes, the fastest passage on record. The following is an abstract of tl« log of the Gamp vnia :-flUi May, 29 knots ; 7th May. 481 knots; Bth Mav. 490 knots: 9th \lmv 471 knots; 10th May, knots jll May. 49 5 s acta ; uid 12th May, 444 knots ; the total disi nee being 2928 knots. On 6th May. at fi 25 p.m., when 109 miles east ci Sandy Hook ..gut. the Campania passed the American steamer Paris, bound cast. The Campania has. th- afore, broken the eastern record by several ii >urs, her actual passage from Sandy Hook to I) Hint's R>Mik being 5 days 17 hours 27 minutus. The best previous passage made to the eastward was by the City of New York in August last yar, when she ran a total d's ticicfc of !i>!4 'milea iu 5 days 19 hours 57 minutes, eu wh c.h occasion, being on the northerly track, she ran 114 miles less than the Campania. The next best passage was that of the Teuton'" in October. 1891. in 5 days 21 hours 3-niuu*-* over a disbauce of 2790 miles. This is the '■• »> time that American pa*asnge/;a leaving N« a York on a Saturday have bjeu lauded iu Liverpool on * Friday.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9238, 28 June 1893, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9238, 28 June 1893, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9238, 28 June 1893, Page 4