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I Gazette Notices. If 1I 1% W&M @F F^ 3 I"" R" HOBBS, does not wish the public to be under any wrong W •11 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION JT'tli ESEa«i» H >il IsMak Isai li *§e£r 83 impression as to the Cheapest House to buy Blankets, Flannels, and W fw XL. OF A TRADE MARK. am :^BS^ gsssS xsßSEXttaa!BaasasssasaßßmatßMaa Rugs in, as he intends to " make the pace very -warm " this Season. He jaMr B lNa7l ° ,] WrttoSSS&rch, 1893. has hased for Cash during the Summer a splendid lot of Blankets and Flannels, and ho intends o Sell them, so that all || HI Notice is hereby given that RICHARD hobbs, of queen-street, L , „. . lm _ -ni nTlq Flannels and Bugs, please call and inspect ours, and toen iudc for yourselves where you (iff Iff Auckland, New Zealand. Wholesale and Retail Draper and Clothier, persons who Want to buy WanHOtS, lUanneiß, unu *& , ~-..,, . , -r. , ,™ „■ . -~., Ml Ml has applied to reenter, under K Patent*, Designs, and Trade-marks can get the best value. New Zealand Flannels from the Kaiapoi, Mosgiel, Eoslyn, and Wellington Mills. $!,;'$ VJ) Act, Ife9,"the Trade-mark of which the following is a representation:- can get the best value. mCW .ie««.nnui no. i D & mm I uVX ki 1 ™~™*~ E HRFQQ FARRIHQ II 1 t m\ll/y I WOOL rnDrilUO M \ W^'Vi^ \H n, For Autumn and Winter comprise the mostexquisite colours and mixtures in light Bj-ilk S * h O'W^TC^*B^wSi EHM l<(P*' ; \^^^^^k^^^^^ '% and.heavy yarns of every variety of fashionable tints, and new patterns in New WM | ''^i^^^S*^^L^^^^[^im^^^^^^^^^^^^^Wijf^^^<^^ '- ¥ Zealand Tweeds, from different Mills, at first-hand prices and clear of Middle- yk.S / , •, man's i-rof":tr, ; also very clioici.- assortment of new "DIAGONAL" and Fancy i : "?i I s^^^^st^^i K^WV«^^^^^^^' V - VT • J -I Wot>l Sw"Ees, including: Waterproof Serges in Navy Blues, Black, and Colours, ||j| - '•■ specially dyed to stand all sorts of exposure, which for elegance of texture and W'fl I : . .'*,"• - •''; U' *>' ' \ beauty of design are unsurpassed. All orders executed the same day as received. ¥M '■" '&% ■'P' I "'^'- ' '"' '" ' I Any article-not approved cxchanßed or money refunded. All Parcels carriage K? II -^^^^^^^^^^^^ \IM / ' t ~~~^- T " "' ,JZ~r ~Z7- •- 1 wanting on our partto keep up our reputation. fef 1 ■^ r:^..~==; | :i iiiii*iiMii!ii,i|iiiiiiii;iiiiitHi i!t:iiim«;riir.m i« |ii ! ; ' " '^^iUy v -— "— \ =_]vIUI illUulilll Illy la vU capes. "; | H H S \ \'C== =_.. I =lj We guarantee Stitched throughout, and of the best ■ z A —CflißliE wlillM i«£r a i' • =f The essential particulars of this Trade-mark are a of .__— —— . —— -—-----~^-=2Zr~~"ZIL._-.' ' ""~~ "TIIIZZZTZZL— == I~LiJ =g AI acabbaßotree and the words "Cabhage Tree," and the applicant (lis- —■ - - Btei claims any risht to the exclusive use of the wonts, "Waihou uivur, <f**\ UR STOCK is ail new and very complete, and marked at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PERCENTAGE OF Iff I Auckland,n.z." | profit. This policy of selling everything at a SMALL PROFIT with PRICE as the leading feature, t§| nd remark combJned w|±h ft GOQD QUAL|TY of GoodS} wi „ make our Warehouse more than ever before the || COTrON PIECE GOODS AS COTTOX Most Profitable Place to BUY DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. r|| Class of Goo*, in tHe Applicant deMres *. W cIM , No 21 . rr««fc.tmir* Mhr «■;■'"«-'. Pfl'W^^. f A^ F ».^y A^^^B g| Any person may, within two months of the date of this Gazette, rjive h||l &Sf t SSf * ' m ill'ill i'j -a mi notice, in duplicate, at this office, of opposition to tho registration of this BH||B W? IM ' __ H lill W/A W Trade-mark. A fe. of«to jith | || |M | - -„ «, m | WK «*, A iH || I Registrar of Patents, De 9 ign 3 , and Trade-marks. | M W M ? lUM\ | UO m Ul IU II St If I if— ■" Bill ■ " 1 W£ liti ia a • bib «L H m h m m SfiHl Miii lev II terms: i i\ivii„ |! mw> —; —: r~^—^ — 11 " ready AUCKLAND, N.Z, 'i: ' » ffl I"' 1 he essential particulars of this Trade-mark are a representation of L—, . -■-— _~ZZZZIZZr~r~~~""TiriZI _ ' '~ ' " " ~ " ' " ; -~— jt'% baßetree and the words " Cabbage Tree," and the applicant (lis- j ft'-i m any risht to the exclusive use of the words, "Waihou River, I UR STOCK ts a!l new and very complete, and marked at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PERCENTAGE OF »I iand,N.z." II PROFIT. This policy of selling everything at a SMALL PROFIT with PRICE as the leading feature, W neA Traa,mark combi „ C d with a GOOD QUALITY of Goods, will make our Warehouse more than ever before the W ITON PIECE AS COTTON Most p rofi -t able place to BUY DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. W las. of Goods in Me AvpUeant cle.Hres tke [^^gMßggg^g^gS|«Mißi^^iP^li^^^^^^^^g|, || 88 No 24 Trade-mark to be registered, jfj^—^ i(i# W "nvVraon may, within two months of tho date of this Gazette, Rive BE!!''{9 MBSB BBSJ t-i Mil V//;), 1 ? 3 , in duplirate, at this office, of opposition to tho registration of this 11 | W W % ■ ||! i| T« ;-mark. A fee of fills payable with snch notice W- t WS* K-'ri vSISfeK » /338»< 11 Q 'Plk m M /J»Sk isßSv Wtl'-'!l Hi C. J. A. HASBLDICN. gilil | M& MM i E % W ll II BT% \\ % Ol If W Beglstrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks. |||'| W Ins>} ? 1-s? Hi 1 ipl »J |«S I 1 111 Wl W . 7 T~Z. — M$ "READY MONEY : ■ llj llf II #** ■ ■-■*««•**• _. Ml — ~_ ; WHOLESALE & RETAIL IN f I ■R. HOBBS i ||i wo ABATEMENT." ; nDAD r:D AMR Ol ATM! PR SI fit Hi Begs to inform the public that he is Importing £j |1;;| _- _ - COUNTRY ORDERS ' it/A 1 lL» fil AINU V/ L. vJ liS§L- I 1 j S| ( « B Direct from the Manufacturers = || j\f P throughout the colony, • ' - ||| M § SPECIAL MAKES " "| 1 1 101 gg[ ■ Cash Buyor and Direct .mportcr. o PP .t the TOW M hall Site. |i ■ Iff Of Sheetings, Calicoes, and other Cotton Goods, suitable for = »|j.J Speciality. .-£1 to £IQ, and up- • PlS ._ Tram Fares from AA A A. Af fl If I 111 'if fif Family Household purposes, and to prevent any spurious = H|||.|| wards , without naming: any particular i Railway Station paid ■11/ II iff AAH XIVIAAt Affo \l I 0 Mpi! IwO ifl stations he has determined to register a design, which is not = ||;!ij articles, so that customers can order ? Both Ways. /A A Lllllilll! 111 111 111 Mll I 114 1(lI 11 J ill MA M only artistic and taken from nature, but cannot be adopted = »|| what they thin k proper, and if not up * AVVI XfUUViJI VVll A&UVlk\lUll\ll||| HO II by any other person. = 1 1 ; ,| to expectation , can be returned. , PATTERNS BY POST. ' lUfi II 'MI 111 1! 111 1 11 111 MM lEEIII Ml 11 111 i 1 m 1111 1 iII I 111 imi 111 r <-, | M wK M £3l BfEKS d@s®k - - -.- s . .s iwa H H«5 i®k I™ Sfc < t0 arrive by the « Rotoraahana/ from Melbourne), of "WET WOVE" and "POWER LOOM " WHITE CALICOES and GREY CALICOES, M |J tjjjf and GREY TWILLED SHEETINGS, 54, 72, and 80 inch, Bought a "JOB," and will all be Sold at "Job" Prices. SPLENDID VALUE. H IHHMIIIfHITIfIHI 111 IMlJßlliaißiii'ii«itiiiliitgMia«MiMg*>7ira jIW ItKiVr) CA.K.THFtJX.IjY vY >TI? PLEASE KHJTCI> FOU FTJTUBB RKFBBKNUK, ________ _ —11 mmmmmmmmmt


Timber. THE Kauri Timber Company (LIMITED), CUSTOM STREET WEST, AUCKLAND, KEEP IN STOCK 3,000,000 FEETOF SEASONED TIMBER. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS desirous to maintain a reputation for good work should specify j TIMBKIt, FLOORING, LINING, MOULDING, I DOORS, and SASUKS must ho supplied from the j KAURI TIMBER COMPANY (LIMITED). II 0 V i: OWNR It S AN I) INTENDING j BUILDERS should also see that their best interests j are served by insisting upon getting all their j Timber from the KAURI TIMBER COMPANY LIMITED), who have sit all times large stocks of I TIfOUOU(;iII.Y-SEASOXEI> TIMBER. i Dental. i M R - A. ■A. W mm ! DENTAL SURGEON, I 100, QUBKN-STBKKT, AUCKLAND Next Mr. Edson's Cherniat). I H. ¥. W lN,,son ' SURGEON DENTIST (By Exam.), j I.ATIC KKMI'T AND WIKDSOB, ! SHORTLANDSTREET,: (Opposite General Post Ollice). j TKI.EPUONE 377

Medical. MSiiw#J«S» > ' ' Physician's Cuve ! m i U |_ 1 §V | Wffl iIW KVfJ J «*<><* and most contle O"37Cf ''' ' f '**"'"' " •'"' ' 'iT.n>(hru!o for Infants, children Delicate Fe' The Universal Remedy lor Acidity of the Stomach, m& i ea a ' nd _ e SickHeadache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, neS B of Pregnancy. Bilious Affections. * fefgj fluid IMMr A l in? K* $ Sf/^1 >«gfeKiufeH^taa B fiK w _-«w So , d Throughout the World. N-8.--ASK FOR DIN FIORD'S MAGNESIA. ___ Agents • KEMPTHORNB, PROSSER, & CO., Auckland and Duncdin ; And SHARLAND & CO., Auckland. mIIELONI)ONDER R Y P II A R M A C Y. T M. ECCLES, DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST, KARANOAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON, NEXT MACPHERSON AND CO;.'S. . ECCLES* EXPECTORANT -Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness-. Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, and all Disorders of the Chest, anil Lung-. Sold in bottles, Is Oil ami lis Oil each. ECCLES" VEG ETA 151.10 WORM SYRUP-A Certain Remedy for all kinds of Worms. In bottles, Is Gd Oil. EUCALYPTUS-For Coughs, Colds, and other Throat and Chest Affections Used externally for Sprains, Cuts, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia. In bottles, s and Is 6(1. * KCCLKS' EYE LOTION-An Effectual Cure for .Sore Eyes. Bright, and Inflamed Eyelids, etc. In i IXCLES-'oiflNiNE AND I HON TON I C-This contains Qvdnine arid Iron in a high state of purity, j and is tlie'most agreeable, theiiing, and ollldont aif-nt yel. •_n a C Nervot I ness Nervousness Debility, Low Spirit.-.. Neuralgia, Loss of Appetite, Poorness ol moon, nervous ' Exhaustion, Sleeplessness, etc. In bottles. -2s (id and 4s (Id ' ECCLES' GLYCERINE OF IN-For Sore Nipples In bottles, lit KCCLKS' mm AX OK GLYCERINE -For Thrush, Sore Lips, etc. In bottles Is. -..,.„ „ ! ,v. l«'s- ~, H\ CURi;—Guaranteed to remove Hard and Soft Corns in a few days In bottles. Is. ! ECCLES' TOOTHACHE SPECIFIC -Generally give., speedy and active relief by first application. In ; ECCLES* VEGETABLE HAIR WASH-Guaranteed to produce a tine Head of Hair and prevent its filliii" ofT Also for removing scurf and dandruff. In bottles, Is Oil. I ECCLEV INDIGESTION TONIC-Cures Indigestion, Bilious, Liver, and all Stomach Complaints. In ECCLES* PINK CARMINATIVE MIXTURE— For Disorders incident to Infants, as Convulsions, Urines Flatulency. Tooth Fever, etc. In bottles, Is Oil ECCLES" PURE VASELINE-An invaluable remedy for Softening the Skin and Healing Chapped Hand-! Also for Burns, Wounds, and Sunburns. In bottles, Od each. ..,,,, .. Prescriptions accurately dispensed with pure drugs. Country Orders, with postal notes, promptly attended to Teeth carefully extracted. The above household remedies guaranteed to be made from ti CHEMIST, KARANOAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON. Next Macpberson and Co.'B. _— '\7"OUN(; MEN who are in search of M_ _IMUm Ia L. HEALTH should read my in search of A T R I M U J\ 1 A U. HEALTH should iead my ADVENTURES _L.vJL explaining the remarkable manner in which I iitct mmrTunun in ,-bom namnldet form FOUND it. It may concern them. Forewarned is v m,«nm i v'r •M l ßlTri'™ h forearmed. Sent FREE by post, Send a self-ad-NATUUE'S inDDhN^ TttM.SU «**. bya French , , envelope for reply—Address A MINER, Doctor—a safe and sure guide to tiealtii ana liappi- ~,,,, Sv ~..,.: ncss To married persons and those about to marry ■"■■ gj'•" ..i; , .., ~ ~..,■■._..,■■,... ■ it is worth its weight in diamonds. .T.rnanriatimmwunna cot- „ . , . . ~,_, „„„!„„., ~ o,i « y IT ADIES' VISITING CARDS.—SO Super - Price by post, in secure envelope, Is .d N./.. flne Ifor , (.__,_, lncllldlllß Wlgrav ,„ g CO J., M Bla,n >'*- plate, for 7» Od ; Gentlemen's Card* 7a. By calling Address - Parisian Agency Co,, P.O. Box 700, at H_iuu> Works, Wyiidham atreat. the above may Sydney. be obtained within two hour* if nacoMarr.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9185, 27 April 1893, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9185, 27 April 1893, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9185, 27 April 1893, Page 3