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, MedicaL PUBLIC NOTICE. The Public are respectfully requested to read the following testimony to the wonderful healing properties of " RONGOA." The case of Mrs. Hamon has been so long and widely known as to be almost historical, and has been looked upon as a test case. Considering the age and full habit of the patient, the length of time she had been suffering, and the deep-seated nature of the complaint, Mrs. Hanion's case appeared quite hopeless. Nevertheless, what all other remedies failed to do "RONGOA" has successfully accomplished. This Is only one of many severe cases in which "RONGOA" has brought sunshine again into the lives of sufferers; and tha Proprietors claim that it is, of its class, the Most Powerful Curative Agent) yet brought under public notice. Jones-street, South Dunedin, " loth February, 18f& " To the JRongoa Manufacturing Company, Dunedin. "In 18511 met with a buggy accident, by which my right ankle was severely injured. Twenty years ago the leg broke out in _ painful, discharging sores, it became much swollen and discoloured, and the' foot was really useless. I suffered agonies with every change of weather, and dreaded the approach of each winter. I tried every expedient, but without avail, and was even ADVISED TO HAVE MY LEG AMPUTATED. "In December, 1891, AFTER TWENTY YEARS OF ACUTE SUFFERING, I was advised to try 'RONGOA.' The leg had then three sores above the ankleone on each side, four inches long by three inches wide, and about three-quarters of an inch deep. The third and most paimul sore, how ever, was immediately over the shin bone. "On the first day on which ' Rongoa' was applied about HALF A PINT OF MATTER OOZED OUT. The sores were daily syringed with equal proportions of 'Rongoa' lotion and warm water; lint soaked with lotion was then applied and covered with oiled silk, and the leg bandaged. "AT THE END OF A WEEK the sore presentef' a healthier appearance, and the inflammation was much reduced. At the end of three weeks he offensive discharge had ceased, and healthy new flesh began to form. In the beginning of February THE CURE WAS COMPLETE, the leg had recovered its natural shape and elasticity, the wounds were filled with new flesh, and a firm skin had formed. "The cure was effected without causing me any pain whatever, and WITHOUT INJURY TO MY GENERAL HEALTH. I can now bend the foot and walk with ease. "it have given these details in the hope that the? may prove the means of leading other sufferers who may regard their cases as hopeless to try the 'Rongoa.' I am deeply grateful to the Rongoa Company for my truly marvellous cure, and I consider they have conferred an inestimable boon on the public by the introduction of their valuable remedies. _ „ •' Kate Hamon." " I certify that Mrs. Hamon signed this paper in my presence, and declared the contents of satce to be true.— Gourley, J.P." "RONGOA" CURES WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS, ERYSIPELAS, PILES, ECZEMA, And ALL SKIN DISEASES. i —' "RONGOA" forms Healthy New Flesh, and does not close a wound or sore until it has removed all impurities. Prepared only by the RONGOA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, D NED I N. SHARLAND & CO. (LIMITED), AGENTS, i Auckland and Wellington. jiIMiMCTIM 1 Hygienic, Infallible, and § S3S | Preservative. Cures promptly, without B Ks I additional means, all recent or chronic dis- {§ Hal X charges or the urinary organs. § BBS | Sold in Paris hv J. Ferre & Co. (successors p jf toßKOii), Pharmacists, 102, Rue Richelieu, taskS3 and in New Zealand by every Chemist JJOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Impurity of the Blood.—Unless the blood be kept in a pure state the constitution must be weakened and disease supervene. These wonderful Pills possess the power of removing or neutralizing all contaminations of the blood and system generally. They quietly, but certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to produce ill health, and institute regular action to organs that are faulty from irritation or debility. The dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may rely on these Pills as their best friend and comforter, as they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature grave Complaints of Women and Children.—The very mild and painless action of these invaluable Pills recommends them to every household as a remedy for the first departure from health. Any mother, nurse, or young person guided by the directions which accompany each box of Holloway's Pills has at once available means of checking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's tried friend. Disorders of the Liver with Flatulency and Indigestion.—Loss of appetite and flatulency are usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power on all affections of the liver, and all irregularities of the stomach and bowels; they restore a healthy function to every internal organ, overcome ail obstructions, and cast out all impurities. Weak stomachs Impaired Digestion.— wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion, all of which may be readily dispelled by these admirable Pills, as they rouse the stomach, liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables them to convert all food aud drink to the nourishment of the body— these Pills are the purest strengthened, and the safest restorative in nervousness, wasting, and chronic debility. Coughs, Colds, Influenza, and sore Throats. — For curing diseases of the throat, chest, and lungs, these Pills have established for themselves a Ere-eminently world-wide fame, as they purify the lood and regulate its circulation. Coughs, common colds, influenza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs, and even consumption in its early stages, are successfully treated with this medicine, particularly if Holloway's Ointment be well rubbed upon the chest and back night and morning. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases— Ague Gout jStone and Grave Asthma Headache Secondary Symp Bilious Com* Indigestion ! toms plaints Liver complaints Tic-Dolourous Blotches on the Lumbago Ulcers Skin Piles Venereal Affee Boplaints Rheumatism tions Debility Retention of Worms of aIJ Dropsy Urine kinds Female Irregu- ScrofulaorKing's Weakness, from larities Evil whatever cans* Feversof all kinds Sore Throats <Sc., &e. The Pills and Ointment aTe sold at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 73, New Oxford-street, London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the civilised -world, in Boxes and Pots Is l£d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis, 225, and 33s each. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bearf the British Government Stamp, with the words, " Hotioway's Pills and Ointment. London," engraved thereon. On the label Is the address, 78, New Oxford* street London, where alone they are manufactured. K£T Beware of all compounds styled Hollo way's Pills and Ointment with a "New York" label. MAXWELL'S AUSTRALASIAN SYRUP L" the most popular as well as the MOST PLEASANT AND EFFECTIVE COUG~ MEDICINE EVER INTRODUCED. The fact of the sale of the above preparation duiftr* the past winter having exceeded by several gross that of any former yea* sufficiently demonstrates its popular character. AUSTRALASIAN SYRUP, , FOR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA ANT DIFFICULT BREATHING STANDS UNRIVALLED. . To be had from A. A. MAXWELL, " i v Newmarket; - Or -through the Wholesale Agents, SHABUX9 <&€«;> w 6 Wellington. \

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9023, 31 October 1892, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9023, 31 October 1892, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9023, 31 October 1892, Page 2