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THE MAT AT JA. Port Chalmers, June 19.— Arrived at 2.30 p.m., s.s. Matatuu, Captain McDougal, 54 days from London. She brings 5000 tons of general cargo—'-'SOO for Duuedin, the rest for the North.

ARRIVAL OF THE R.M.S. TAINUI. Port Chalmers, June 28.—The R.M. s. Taiuui, from London, arrived at the Heads this morning, but was not berthed until 5.30 p.m. She is commanded by Captain Evans, and brings 67 passengers, '2600 tons cargo, 12 bags mails, and '20 boxes parcels post. The passage appears to have been a pleasant one. The dates are: —London, loth May; Teneriffe. 19th May ; Capetown, 4th June ; Hobart, 23rd June. The following are the passengers for Auckland :—Saloon : G. 13. Dickson. Second saloon : Mr. and Mrs. 11. Dawson, Misses Dawson (2). Steerage : Mr. and Mrs. W. Storey, Misses Storey (5), Master Storey, Messrs. Thorn, Galbraith, Roberts. THE RUAPEHU. Lyttelton, July 7- —Sailed: Ruapehu, s.s., for London, via Rio de Janeiro. Passengers From Auckland : Mrs. Symonds, Misses Blamles, Farnall, Symonds, Chapman, Coombes, Masters Symoniis, Samson, Mr Newton. From Wellington : Miss Woodman, Mrs. Brewer, Misses Montgomery, Johnston, Rich, Pascoe, Fostenson, Brewer, Hillstead, Walsh, Boyes, Balfour, Madoin. From Blenheim : Mr. and Mrs. Hydes, Mrs. Rhodes, From Napier : Messrs. Fulton, Neidhansea. Mrs. Fulton. From Christchurch : Misses McDonald, Hill, Pascoe (2), Mrs. Paseoe, Lieut. G. J. Guss, R.N.R., Misses Bland, Shields, Ready, Legston. From Gisborne : Mrs. Hayward. From Dunedin : Miss Cowan Mrs. Onyrell. From New Plymouth : Messrs Ban - and Wisbet.

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald Office. Thursday evening. TnE chief interest of the month has centred in the Treasurer's Financial Statement, which we publish in our other columns. It deals comprehensively with the varied results of the financial year, sketches the aims of the Government, and gives a fair presentment of the general condition of affairs. It will be seen that not only is there a substantial surplus, but there is ample evidence that the colony is rapidly on the high road to a state of prosperity, based on the safest grounds of material development of great natural resources. Referring here, however, more especially to the purely local trade for the past four weeks, the various sections are unanimous in describing this month as barren of noteworthy incident, but reporting general steadiness in demand, and a no inconsiderable activity in the execution of orders, with, however, practically a complete avoidance of speculative purchases, except, perhaps, in one or two lines of Southern produce. Building shows some recovery from a long period of extreme dullness, and the inquiry for material, especially in connection with the inland and coastal trade, is improving. There is also a. better tone in the mining division, and a stronger enquiry for goods to the goldfields. Export trade has somewhat suffered from the depth of the winter season, the inclemency of the weather, and the state of the country roads. Stocks are ample for all requirements. Values have remained steady, money is plentiful, and credit good. Competition is perhaps a shade keener, the ability to replace stocks quickly, now that steam cargo-boats are arriving so frequently, is leading to the greater adoption of the " nimble ninepence " system of business and the avoidance of risky trade. It would be impossible not to take a hopeful view of the early future with the many causes that are now operating favourably on both province and colony, after the sharp lessons of experience to check commercial and land gambling, from which we have so long been suffering a recovery. The market changes of the month have been so unimportant that we limit our reference to a few leading lines. Oat 3 continue to harden, and it is now understood that the large purchases in the South for London of prime samples have maae purchases difficult of best descriptions even at the recent advanced quotation as given in our price list. Ordinary feed sorts are obtainable at equal to Is llctef.o.b. Southern ports. In candles there has been a run on Price's Nationals; and first-hand stocks are now low, with quotations slightly advanced. The j local Candle Company have reduced their low-price grade a farthing per lb. London wax are scarce.

Dried fruits continue dull, although at this season importers expect a good demand. Elemes are selling at a reduction. There is no standard quotation for currants, owing to the range of quality this season being unusually wide. Cartoon dates have been in good call. Jute goods are easier, the price of spot lots being affected by the lower cabled c.i.f. rates from Calcutta for August and September shipments. Chemicals are all extremely dull. Fish is unseasonable, and consequently sales are very small. Metal : Competition in freights is easing quotations in heayy lines. Country orders

have been good. The general condition of the trade is satisfactory, but is unaltered during the month. Kerosene : The market is again full. Sales can be only made in lines at about laid down cost. Castor has been scarce, but the market having; dropped in Calcutta, buyers are holding off unless for immediate necessities. Rice : The tendency is towards lower figures. Considerable business has however been done at our quotations. | Sago has been wanted, owing to quarantine delay in arrival of expected supplies. Sugars remain as last month. For dry grainy yellows, the demand is good, with supplies bare. Our quotations snow £1 per ton rise on these. In teas, the only activity has been in best Ceylons and Indians, up to 8d in bond. China teas are neglected. Tobacco: With a sufficiency of Dunlop's " Derby," the run has been all on this favourite brand. 14's to pound are scarce in all black flat work. The intercolonial market is bare of " Victory" rods, sevens. Salt : Stocks of fine are heavy, the curing season being now on, the demand for coarse is good. In the provision trade, there has been an important move in keg butter. The makers of prime are getting unexpectedly high prices. Taranaki has reaped a golden harvest. Southern hams are reported as generally held bycurers for a rise. The tone of the Qax market is exceedingly languid. An occasional opportunity for shipping to New York at concession rates enables some business to be put through, but the industry is suffering from poor results. Shipments of maize to Sydney have been resumed on a small scale ill spite of the heavy protective duty in New South Wales on cereals. The low price of this main product of our East Coast district is reducing business with this quarter. Some of the Auckland mercantile houses are starting branches at Taranaki, which is just now one of thts most progressive provinces in the colony. The dairy industry there is thriving apace, and more distribution of imports to tnis centre is likely to follow from the increased bidding for the Taranaki trade. KAURI GUM MARKET. Ordinary £47 Poor ordinary * £32 to £40 East Coast £7(i to £77 Supplies from mail to mail, 615 tons. Superior lots unpicked and extra cleaned are worth from £50 and upwards, according to quality and degree of cleaning. There has been a steady market the past month with fair demand. The exports for the month are Tons. Per Maori, for London ... ... 50 Per Ruapehu, for London I*2-5 Per Duke of Westminster, for London 20 Per Crescent, to sail two days hence, say 430 Total 625 The Johann Adolph is loading for New York, the Mary Hasbrouck is due to sail for same port early in August, and the Forfarshire for London.

AUCTION SAI.KS, Ac. June 28.

Messrs. S. Cochrane and Sons sold by auction to-day the following sections of land :— Allotment 17, ftonting Spring-street, Onehunga, containing one acre, price £28 ; allotment 3, one acre at Otaliuliu village, price 41; allotment 157, parish of Pakuranga, price £31; allotment 5, at Mangonui, 175 links by 300 links, price £1; and 100 acres at Okalni, price 5s per acre. July 15. Mr. Thornes, land agent, 81, Queen-street, reports the following sales during the month : Property in Shelly Beach Road, allotment 12. of section 4, Campbell's sub-division, with 66 feet frontage, and house of six rooms, for £430, on behalf of Alt' W. Caron ; a farm at Upper Waiwera, allotments 46 and 218, Waitaui parish, containing 150 acres, to Mr. Samuel Scruby for £30'), on behalf of Mr. John Arkle ; allotments 21 by 22 of section 23, city of Auckland, Nelson-street, together with two houses thereon erected, for the sum of £315, to Mr. Frank Harn.len. Messrs. Baker Brothers, auctioneers, 73, Queen-street, report the sale of Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, parish of Okahu, lvaipara, containing 315 acres, for lis per acre, the Rev. F.'l. Baker being the seller and Mr. D. C. Hanley the purchaser; also, a business site on the Ponsonby Road, lot 6, 38 by 148 feet, sold for Mr. Lush, Mr. R. Bailey being the purchaser; also, on behalf of Mrs. Blayden, of Melbourne, of a section of land at jNorthcote, 53 by '200 feet, with store and cottage thereon, for £210, Mrs. Arthur being the purchaser.

BATHS 01' EXCHANGE OX LONDON. BUYING. SELLING. Demand .. "i Demand .. J} % \ ■M (lays .. iz I Dis. 30 days ..J i ' v Pre-. GO days .. 4 f count CO days .. i ( miuni 90 days ..1 J 90 days ..4 }

Telegraphic Transfers to London.— per per cent., plus cable chillies. Deposits.—Rates of interest 011 money deposited in the colony : Fixed deposit: a months, 3 per cent. ! pur ; annum ; 0 months, 4 psr cunt, per annum; 12 months, :> per cent. pur annum. Alios and PORTER.—AIe ill bulk: Nona now imported to warrant maiket quotations. Ale (in bond); Bass's Dogshead brand (Read's bottling) : pints, (is Oil; quarts, Ss ()d (ill bond); Foster's Bugle ale, quarts 8s 9d, pints Os ad; Foster's Bugle stout, quarts, 8s Oil, pints (is 3d ; Bulldog (It. Porter and Co.'s bottling), (is and 8s ; Allsopp's. quarts, ale and stout, 8s tid ; pints, ale and stout, lis 3d ; W. Youuger's, 5s and 7s 3d ; Ash by's, Gs 3d to £js 'Jd ; Bass's (Blood bottlers), pints, Is quarts Us (id. AngloBavarian : pints r>s (Jd and Ss; Boar's Head Stout: quarts, 8s '.hi; pints, Cs (id. Guiuncss's Harp brand by Foster: pints, (is; quarts, Bs. Foster's Bugle .stout: quarts, 9s ; pints, (is 3d. Blood's: pints, us; quarts, 7s. Hogshead Guinuess's (Head's bottling): pints, ossd ; quarts, Ss Od. K. Porter and Co.'s bottling : pints, Cs ; quarts, Ss ; Burke's : (Is, and Us. Other brands : as and 7s Oil. Duty : pints, Is Gil: quarts, 3s per dozen. Building Materials.—Cement. K.B. and White's worth 12s. Slates: English Countesses are worth £11 to £12; American, unsaleable. Piaster ol Paris, 18s to 21s according to the size of the cask. All these ((notations nominal. Breadstufrs and Grain. — Best roller flour, in sacks, £11; household, £1010s; stone flour, lUs per ton less ; 100's and Mi's in proportion to extra bagging. Wheat, milling, 3s "Jd for new, provincial ; fowl wheat, 3s. Bran, £4 ss. Sharps. £4 Gs. Maize, 2s. Oatmeal, £11 10s per 2UOOIb. Barley (for malting), 3s ; feed, 2s Gd to 2s Oil. Oats, 2s 3d (bags given in) ; f.0.b., Southern ports, 2s (bags included). Pearl barley, £10. Cabin bread

£10 10s per ton. Bags and Bagging.—Calcutta full weight woolpacks, lOiJin., 2s Id, d.p.; cornsacks, 44in. by 2tijin., (is; 4tin., Gs 9d. To arrive parcels are quoted lower. Coal.—Newcastle, ship's side, 22s Od; delivered, £110s; Bay of Islands, 15s at the mines, and 27s Od to 30s at yard, is quoted; Whaugarei coal, lis at mine ; ditto, Waikato, steam, 10s ; household, 20s. Cordage, d.i\ (Subject to trade discounts).— hemp rope, all sizes, Sydney, i.b. £00, d.p. £70; Auckland-made, £04 to £00; whale and lance lines, £S0 ; New Zealand flax rope, all sizes, £37 to £39; Auckland-made, £37 ; wool lashings, £33 ; clothes lines, sil per lb, subject to trade discount; Manila clothes line, 8d ; oakum, free, ditto, £40; point spun yarn, £03 ; twine, shop, d.p., per lb, yd to Is 2d ; sewing twine, Is Id per lb ; local-make, is to Is 3d

COITKE and SPICK (in bond), per Ceylon, coffee plantation, No. 1, Is 3d; ditto, Island, none; chicory, colonial, 38s per cwt. in tins ; cocoa, d.p., Taylor's, Is 3d ; Fry's, Is 3d; Van Houteu's, 3s 9d ; lipps's, Is 2d; Maravilla, Is Od; chocolate, Taylor's, is Cd ; Fry's, Is od. Spices, d.p.:

Cloves, 9<l; bleached ginger, la; nutmegs, 3s -til; black pepper, whole, m bond, Od ; white ditto, 3d. Confectionery.— manufacturers are producing good articles, and consumption is chiefly in their goods. Wa tern's colonial boiled, 4|d x , dry, 7}d; jujubes, Is Id ; Mennitj and Dey's boiled, 4Jd ; ! Keillor's assorted confections, Djd; Gray's, 9£d, less trade discount; candied lemon peel, d.p. (duty, f'd per lb), Is ; orange, Is ; citron, la 3d ; Keiller's jujubes, Is 4d ; Gray's jujubes, Is Id to Is 3d ; Compazine Frangais' gums, lid. Qua, Flax, Ac.—We quote: Gum: Ordinary. £47; Poor ordinary, £32 to £40; East Coast, £70 to £77. Flax : Best clean Auckland, £18 to £18 10s, fair average quality £15 IDs to £10; poorer descriptions, not obtainable; tow, nominal, £1 10s to £2 per ton. Cocoanut ttbre, £15 to £17 ; cocoanut oil (tine white), per ton, £24. Copra, per ton, £0 to £12. Fungus, 2Jd. Iko.nmongeuy, &c.—Galvanised corrugated iron, oto 3 feet, £1910s ; 9 feet, £2010s ;10 feet, £21 Is ; English bar iron, ton,£lo ; Onehunga(New Zealand) iron, £9 (uoiuiual); English pig iron, £410s; plate iron, £10 10s; fencing wire, assorted sizes, £11 cs. Barbed wire, £21. .Sheet lead, £20 ; pig lead, £15; zinc, £21; I.C. coke tin plates, 17s ; charcoal ditto, 20* ; powder, Curtis, Harvey, and Hall's, Od. Muntz metal, 7d. Quicksilver, 2s sd. Jams, Dried Fruits, etc.—Duty, 2d per lb. Keiller's marmalade, lib., d.p., 8s ; Gray's, 7s; Moir's, 7s; Peacock's jam, 5«; Murray's, Dunedin, 4s 0d to 4s 9d; jars, tUd to 7Jd; Nelson (New Zealand), ss; Smyrna sultanas, 7d (d.p.); Malaga muscatels, Is 6d; Californian, lod ; new elemes, 5Jd ; currants, 4jd ; tigs, 7d ; Californian prunes, 7d ; dried apples (duty, 2d per lb) ordinary, in kegs and cases, o£d ; evaporated, 9Jd ; dates, (id. Leather and Hides.—Sole leather, 8d to Is 3d per lb; kips, Is 2d to Is Od ; runners, Is Od to Is 8d ; calf, colonial, 2s t)d to 3s 0d ; basils, 8s to 18s per dozen ; closed uppers, is Od to as 0d per pair ; hides, Id to 4d; calf skins, 3d to 4Jd per lb ; sheepskins, Od to lis. Manures.Australian bonedust, £0 10s to £3; Auckland, £8 10; superphosphate of lime, £0 to £3106 ; bonetlour, £3 ; Peruvian guano, £14 to £17 per ton ; animal manure, none ; cocoanut oil cake, none; Unseed cake, £12 ; Maiden Island guano, £3; liuon Island guano, £5 to £0; New Zealand Drug Co.'s manures ' Superphosphate, B lli per cent. S.P.L., 2 tons, £4 2s Od ; 5 tons, £1. Superphosphate,' C 25 per cent. fi.P.L., 2 toils, £5 7s Od ; 5 tons, £5 ss. Superphosphate A 32 per cent. S.P.L., i tons, £7 5s ; 5 tons, £7 Bonedust, pure, 2 tons, £7 10s; 5 tons, £7 ts ; Bonedust and blood, 2 tons, £0 10s; a tons, £6 7s tid. Hoot manure, 2 tons, £7 10s; 5 tons, £7 Os. Corn manure, 2 tons, £7 ss; 5 tons. £7. Grass manure, 2 tons, £0 15s; 5 tons, £0 10s. Potato manure, 2 tons, £7 10s; 5 tons, £7 os. Maize manure, 2 tons, £7 ss; 5 tons, £7. Orchard and tobacco manure, 2 tons, £8 15s ; 5 tons, £3 10s. Malt and Hoi's.—English malt, no inquiry is experienced ; Colonial, ss. Hops: Nelson, old season, none, new season, Is to Is Id for small and brewing, grocers, lid.'s stores, Ac.—Price's Belmont Candles, duty, 2d, 7Jd, d.p., per lb; McLeod's Dunedin of various brands, 0d to 7d, less trade discount; Orient Candies, 7Jd (Dunedin make); Atlas Paraffins, S.Jd ; Price's National, B<i; Price's Belmont, 3d; Young's British Wax, 7jd; Price's London Wax, 8d; D. K. Jenar's, 7}d ; Price's self-fitting, Bjd ; local blue mottled soap, £21 per ton; carbolic, £30; best yellow, £20; No. 1 household, £15;. Ist Crown, £20; double Crown, £ls; soft soap, in tins, 4Jil per lb ; toilet, 9d to lOd per lb—all subject, to trade discount. Salt, 10s per ton dutv: Coarse, W. A W., £4 ex store, d.p.; ex ship, 5s per ton lower; tine Black Horse, £4 10s, ex store, d.p. ; rock silt. £3 10s lugged, or £3 locMe ; Jordan almond*, 2s Od ; Blacking paste, Day and Martin's, 4s Od ; Colman's starch. No. 1 (duty, 2d per lb) : white, 435; blue, 48s; Orlando Jones' starch, 455; Heumann'ri, 445. Mustard, d.p. : Champion's genuine 1-lb book-shaped tins, 19s to lys Oil; 4-1!) tins, i)s 3d to lis Od; Colman's 1-lb tins (red), lis Od ; half ditto, 9s ; 7-lb tins (red to green), 7kltols; 1-lb tins (green), 13s; dittos, 7s Od ; DSF J-lb tins, Os, lib, 19s. Blue: JLockitt's Paris, in circle, new make, 7d ; Matches: Vestas, d.p., Bryant and May's 250, per gross, 18s Oil ; ditto, plaid, 4s Od ; ditto, fancy oval, 24s Od ; Pace and Co.'s, 17s ; plaids, 4s 4cl equal to 3s in bond ; It. Bell and Co. 250's, 17s '.Ml or lis Oil in bond ; plaids, 4s 5(1. All match quotations regulated by quantity of parcel. Oil : Castor, in pints, 8s 9tl ; half-pints, is ; quarter-pints, 3s Od. Salad : C. and 15., pints, 13s to 14s ; half-ditto, 0s ; Morton's pints, lis Od ; half • pints, 5s tid. I'ickles: Stephens' pints, 7s 9d; Crosse and lilac well's, pints, 13s ; Morton's, 10s ; McConnoehie's, Suffolk, 8s Od. Rice (ground), in tins, 4}d. Sauces : Lea and Perrin's, halfpints, 13s 0d ; C. and 8., half-pints, 9s Od; Jlellor's, 7s 9u, pints 15s od, ; Stephens', Cs Od ; Goodall's Yorkshire Relish, 7s; Vinegar, d.p.: Champion's, per gallon, 2s 2d; Holdbrook's, Is lOd ; Evans', 2s 2d ; Burnett's, Is lOd ; Potts', Is lOd ; local, Is 3d. Vinegar, case : Champion's, 8s fld ; Burnett's, 7s Od; Morton's, 7s 3d. Treacle, 2d ; Golden Syrup, bulk, 2Jd. American honey, 21b-tins, 12s od., d.p. Sago, 2d ; tapioca, 2d. Cornflour: Brown's, 3{d, d.p. : Blown and Poison's, o|d ; Johnston's, tJjd ; Preserved milk : Nestles, 7s to 7s Cd, according to parcel; Milkmaid, 7s to 7s Od. Tartaric acid, in jars. Is lid ; cream of tartar, in jars, is 3d, in bulk. Is 3d ; bicarb, soda, £11; English soda crystals, £8 duty £2 ; local, £7 10s ; Whiting, £4 10s. Oils and Paints.—Duty, 0d a gallon. Colza, in drums, 4s ; bull;, 3s 9d ; linseed, boiled drums. Us Id ; bulk, 2s lod ; raw, drums, 3s ; bulk, 2s lOd; castor, in drums, .'is 3d; half-cases, 3s ; kerosene, d.p., 130 test, Is 3d ; kerosene, in bond, 130 test, 3d; White Hose. 150 test, Bjd; other high test brands f.oni 7jd. White lead, ground, per cwt, 50s and 112s genuine, 30s; No. 1 white lead, 27s in 50's, smaller packages more, according to size; red lead, dry, 21s. Zinc white, £2 per ton more. Oil colours, assorted, £1 10s to £1 18s per cwt. Turps, duty paid : American, 3s 4d; resin, £7 10s to £3. Varnish, oak, 9s Od to 12s 0.1: copal, 12s Od to 10s. Quotations regulated by qualities.

Provisions.—Cheese: provincial, 4d to 4jd. Salt butter, prime Jd, -second quality about Id. Rice, i.b., Jitpa 11 dressed, £13 10s; No. 1, £13. Canterbury bacon and hains (in cloth), sides only, Ojd; ejual numbers hams and bacon, GJd ; " hams only, Sd. Fish : Ling, f.Jd; boneless cod, (jjd ; preserved red herrings, in tins, 3Us per dozen (2-lb tins); white, 33s per barrel; Marshall's white, 3s per tin; Brute's frenh herrings, tis; Findon haddocks, 8s; lobsters, American libs, 13s; 21bs, ISs; salmon, lib cocktail, d.p., Us Od; other brands, Gs 9d to 7s 3d, d.p. ; salt salmon, sJil ; sardines, quarters, 3s Od to 4s lid; halves, Gs tid to 7s Od ; oysters, 7s; mullet (Kaipnra), as (id.

sjiro.nis.—Mauritius brewers' crystals, £32 duty paid (duly Ad per lb); Colonial Sugar Company's Auckland refinery, d.p., No. 1, £25 Ills ; No. 2, £24 Ills ; No. 3, £21 ; Queensland whites, £22 Ills to £24 nominal; English crushed loaf, 3id, d.p. ; French cube, 4Jd ; Queensland yellows, i.b., £14 to £15 (veiy scare •) ; American yellows, £19, d.p.; Fiji browns, scarce, £14 t* £15, in bond, nominal. Spirits.—Duty, 15s per gallon of proof spirits in bulk, los per gallon in case. Brandy: Houyor, Gouillet anil Co., 25s and Ss; Marcellain's, case, 22s Oil, i.b. ; flask, 28s Od ; half-ilask, 35s 6d; quarter-flask, 53s Gd, and in bulk, 7s 'Jd; lleiinessy's bulk, not in the market ; case, 37s Gil ; Bisquit, Dubouche, and Co.'s pale, in lihds. and qr.-casks, 7a; Dennis Mouilie 345; Courvoisier's, case, 345; Otard's, case, 29s (nominal); Bisquit, Dubouche and Co.'s, 25s ; Mullet* Frere's, 20s; Cavalier Frere's, 18s (id. Whisky, bulk: Walker's WW, Ills; Distillers old, ss; very old, 7s; VOS, 8s ; case, Old Scotch, los ; very old, IDs ; VOs, 225; Gaelic, Old Smuggler, 21s; Buchanan's House of Commons, 21s; case, Teacher's, 10s; villi's bulk, 6s Od; Vint's case, 20s Oil; Dunville's, 5s Od; case, 18s; Speyside, 21s; Royal Blend, 245; Teacher's old, 20s; Encore, 19s; Walker's WW, 22s ; LL, 22s Od to 23s ; all in bond. Geneva, proof, 3 gallons, JDKZ, 15 bottles, 14s (id ; 20 bottles, 17s Gd ; key, Geneva, proof, 10s ; Schnapps, Wolfe's, 21s Od. Gin, Booth's, 10s; Burnett's Old Tom, 13s. Lowndes' rum, 30 0.p., 4s 9d; in lihds., 5s 3d per octavo ; Red Heart, case, 25s Gd. Key, 225.

Timber.—Quotations are as follows :—Kauri board and scantling cargoes, 100 feet, at mill, f.0.b., East Coast, 10s Oil to lis first-class ; 7s 6d second-class ; at yards, Auckland, 14s Otl to 15s first-class; 7s Cd to 10s second-class. Flooring, 13s 0d to 10s first-class; 9s Od second-class, rusticated, 16s 0d to 17s. West Coast, sawn kauri, 10s; square baulk, 5s to 0s; flitches, 9s Oil; white pine (kaliikatea), 5s Cd; T. and G., 12s, f.o.b. at mills; at yard, firstclass, 13s; second-class, 8s ; llobart palings, 5 feet, 13s 6d : 6 feet, 16s ; Hobart rails, £3 15s. Tobacco.— Duty, 3s Oil. Ruby Aromatic, 2s 4d; Victory, Is lid; Juno, black, all shapes, Is 3d to Is 4Jd; Unique, Is 4d; low, 10's, lOd; Cameron's Fancy Aromatic, Is Sd ; Derby, case, Is 9d; boxes, Is lOd; Nailrod, Is Id; Josephine, lOd; Columbia, Is Sd; Watson and McGill's twist, 20's, Is Id ; 14's, Is Id. Teas.—Prices range as follows (in bond). — Congous, common, Sjdto7d ; middling to flue kinds, 9d to lOd; Saryunes and Panyongs, Is to Is 3d; Souchongs and Kaisows, Is to la 2d;

Orange Pekoes, Is to Is 2d, no enquiry. Darjeelings, Is 4d. Good broken, Is Id; semibroken and fine Souchong kinds. Is 3d to Is lOd, duty paid. Ceylon teas from Is Id to is Od, d.p., duty, Od per lb. Winks.—Champagne, duty paid : Pomniery, quarts 12os, pints 125s ; Monteoello, quarts, 90s ; Moet, quarts, 90s ; pints, 90s ; Roeilerer, quarts 115s ; pints, 120s; Heiddick, quarts 1255, pints 130s. Smith's Yaluuiba Australian wine, 27s to 32s per doz. ; Penfold's Adelaide, 32s to 34s per doz.


The stock and sharemarket has been fairly active since our last report, and investment stocks are claiming more attention, though no decrease in the rate of fixed deposits has taken place, and there now seems no immediate chance of a reduction in the rates in Australia. Money is plentiful, and first-class mortgages are wanted. Business is sound and increasing. The outlook altogether is more cheerful than has been the case for months past. Banks.New Zealands are a shade weaker, but not much business has been done in them, and the stock is by no means plentiful in the market. Colonials remain the same, a food many parcels changing hands. Nationals : A better market has been experienced for these shares; the earnings of the Bank as cabled from London, are most satisfactory to the shareholders. A dividend of 5 per cent, is announced. Insurance —All stocks of this nature are firm. New Zealands have paid the usual dividends of 12£ per cent., and remain firm in the market, and the same firm tone is observable in Nationals and Standards.

Miscellaneous. —Auckland gas have been very firm, sales as high as £10 16s 6d, but have receded a little this week, sellers asking £10 15s, cum dividend, which will shortly be announced. Loan and Mercantile are not firm in the market, and are altogether too low for a ten per cent, stock. Land Mortgage : No business i. being reported in this Company's stock, although the reports from London are ot a more cheerful nature. National Mortgage are wanted. New Zealand Drugs are firm and wanted in the market.

Mining. — This industry is steadily recovering, and the improvement mentioned in our last is maintained. Several mines give promise of repaying the constancy of the shareholders by dividends, notably the Hazel bank and Moanataiari. The great bullion producer of the Upper Thames, the Waihi, continues to turn out large quantities of payable quartz, which should ere long reward the shareholders. The prospects of the mines are considerably brighter than they have been for months. The following table shows the fluctuations for the month and present rates of stocks : —

SHARE INVESTORS' GUIDE.—JULY 14, 1892. ' Number ghare3 Total Sab- paid-up and A ™°^ nt Pa "j np Dividend M^ fc I # ereat Half-yS^o^Yoar Companies. s jl, SK Capital scnbed CapitaE »a; ,d «&• g* aLS. <*»<*«*■ "Ss* Closes. New Zealand .. ..200,000 160,000 1,275,000 «&" 600,000 38,272 K'ffl \ "fit 135 ' 1 " J iSft.'Kh" ss 1 :: :: :: 88S>«S 383 JSS S» SSS'TI'SS ? .» .. .. 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 200,000 201,520 10 2 0 0 12* 3 9 0 7 4 11 3^^rch31 National 200,000 190,115 2,000,000 1,901,150 98,057 118,630 10 0 10 0 10 0 9 0 e 17 11 August 31, Feb. 28 South British .. .. 100,000 04,628 1,900,000 1,227,932 64,628 78,17o 19 10 0 10 1 June 30, Dec. 31 Standard 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 7.,000 32,210 10 0 15 0 7* 07 « / 0 0 December 31 Accident 100,000 20,000 100,000 20,000 5,000 19,071 1 0 5 U 144 Loan— .. _ o<,o aor ,09 aon or 9 In n 10 2 7 0 10 12 9 December 31 N.Z. Loan & Mercantile 180,000 160,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 863, 68j 338, 25 - 10 0 ™ 0 7 0 16 13 4 June 30, Dec. 31 National Mt'ged; Ag'ncy 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 27,100 10 1 0 0 o N Land Mortgage ' .. 200,000 200,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 200,000 26,667 10 1 0 0 - .. - October 31 G Auckland 50,000 29,243 250,000 146,215 l".85Ji 21,402 & 100/&50/ 15 215/& 107/0 7 0 0 June 30, 31 Thames 10,000 9,930 25,000 24,955 18,965 1,30, 2J 1 18 0 6J I/O » «.j June 30 De 31 Gisborne 15,000 11,000 16,000 11,000 11,000 .. 1 1 0 0 'J Tl Kauri Timber .. .. 600,000 600,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 - 16,786 2 40/& 22/ 3 <fc 10* .. .. August 81 Shipping— cnaom 171 rot in 10 0 0 « 8 0 0 7, 0 0 Jan. 31, July 31 Union . .. ... 100,000 59,620 1,000,000 696,200 596,200 171,887 10 10 0 0 6 3 0 0 12 0 0 June 30, Dec. 31 New Zealand .. .. 100,000 59,689 800,000 477,512 369,49o I' 1 *' ° ? n 0 » 1 in 0 fi 13 4 December 31 Devonport Steam Ferry 10 000 10 000 10 000 10,000 10,000 2,009 1 1 0 0 10 1 10 0 6 13 4 yecemoerdi Northern Steam I! 4 500 3,037 4 500 3,037 3,027 *"571 14/0 14/6& 7/ 6 0 13 0 10 8 0 March 31 Northern Steam .. isolooo 1161784 108J50 84,668 45,560 571 14/6 14/0 &,/ 0 0 4 0 10 10 0 Marcn 31 Islands .. .. «:«» 3.001 4,000 MM *.«■> %«» J oi<jo "'« h ' r »' hi I 9 no JSJSSSlS Miranda :: :: 30,000 19,007 30,000 19,007 Sf, - 5 ? Taupiri Reserve.. .. 25,000 19,215 25,000 19,225 13,539} .. .. •»/« 13, MC wZ'e A { Ua,ul Drug ..100,000 70,994 200,000 141.808 87,604 11,993 2 I0/&20/ 7J 0 19 0 7 18 0 Jan 31 July 3 l Auckland Fibre .. .. 25,000 18,945 2<000 18,945 18,945 .. X »lfl. 0 " 060 " October 31 Northern Boot and Shoe 15,000 12.622 15,000 12,622 8,520 1,468 1 0 13 6 .'A, 0 6 B in 7 - 7 September"^ Union Oil, SoapA Candle 150,000 30,850 sojooo 30,850 25,70;) 940 1 0 14 0 10} 0 14 6 10 7 7 ftcptemoer -J Mining (Gold & Silver)— n n , . - New Moanataiarf .. 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 .. .. t « ' ' , 9 « n „ Waiotahi 6,000 6,000 18 000 18.000 .. •• 8 2 10 0 Apl.13,2/6 0 lo 0 Cambria 44,708 44,700 44,700 44,700 .. .. 1 0 5 » .. » 1 10 Crown .. .= .. 65,000 65,000 05,000 0 5000 •• •• 1 . 0 17 0 " 0 10 0 silverton 50,000 5C,000 25,000 25,000 .. .. fnin " nio Alburnia 50,000 1 50,001) 25,000 25,000 .. .. ? „ » n " ntn Saxon 60,000 ! 50,000 25,000 25,000 .. .. i 0 3 0 OlO .. ... Royal Oak .. .. 18,000 8,455 34,500 ■ ■ „ •• " •; inn " n is n Wailli 150,000 150,000 150, 150,000 .. .. 1 1 0 0 0 18 0 Lone Hand .. .. 30,000 ; 30,000 15,000 l-V™ .. •• J " ,, " n '9 « May Queen .. .. 50,000 ; 50.000 25,000 25,00) ■■ •• 1 0 0 8 n«- 22 6d 0 3 0 Try Fluke 60,000 S 50,000 12,500 12,500 .. .. 1 0 « «DeC.22.6d 0 3 0 Norfolk 50,00) j 50,000 25,000 25,000 .. .. } n n « " Otama 40,000 j 33,600 20,000 1U.& 00 •• •• ! n n « " " ' Orlando 40,000 40,000 10,000 1|>?00 .. •• X o 1 u " 0 1 fi lied Mercury .. .. 30,000 I 30,000 7.500 '. ; '°0 • •• •• ! n 1 i " 0 0 fl Victoria .. .. .. 120!000 i 120,000 30,000 30,000 •• " i 0 1 4 " 0 0 0 l'uhipuhi Prospectors .. 63,360 | 53,360 26,680 20.0&0 .. .. a " " " n b n Sylvia 100,000 .. 100, •• •• •• X 0 4 0 " 0 2 6 Woodstock United .. 55,000 55,000 27,500 2i,o00 •• •• 1 o * a " n s n Owera 50,000 50,000 12,500 12/00 .. .. i 0 4 9 ( 0 3 0 .. N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland, and Albert-street, Thames. 'Guaranteed on 68,205 shares. Fhater Bros., Sharobrokers.

Company. effected. Buyers. Sellers. banks. £ s. d. £ s. d. New Zealand, old 1/15/ .. 4 16 6 ,, „ new .. .. 6 15 0 National .. .. 31/ 1 10 9 Colonial .. .. 40/6 2 0 0 2 0 6 INSURANCE. ! New Zealand .. 1 71/cum, 68/Cox .. 69/6 ex National .. .. .. 0 16 0; South British ..I .. 18 6 19 3 Standard.. ..I .. 0 15 9 Accident .. ..! _ .. 0 7 9 MISCELLANEOUS. I N.Z.L. and M. .. 48/6 cum 46/6 ex National Mortg'ce' .. .. 0 8 0 Auckland as, old' 10/15/, 10/16/6 10 12 610 17 0 Thames as ..] 26/6 .. 17 6 Gisborne Gas .. .. 110 Coromandel fite'ni .. .. 0 14 0 Northern Steam .. .. 0 4 6 N.Z. Drug .. 19/3 0 18 9 .. Union Oil.. .. .. .. 0 14 6 MINING. Alburnia .. .. 1/ to 1/11 0 1 10 0 2 0 Cambria .. .. 1/1 to 2/ 0 1 9 0 2 0 Hazel bank, 2/ pd. 2/6 to 3/ 0 2 6 0 2 9 Magnolia.. .. /6 to/1,/7./8 0 0 6 0 0 9 May Queen .. 2/4 to 2/8 0 2 5 0 2 6 Moanataiari .. 4/3,4/6 0 4 0 0 4 6 Saxon .. .. P to /II 0 0 10 0 1 0 Sylvia .. .. .. .. 0 2 9 Victoria .. .. li, la, 16 0 0 5 0 0 7 Silverton .. .. 3/3 0 3 0 0 3 6 Waihi .. '.. 0 17 0 0 18 6 Woodstock .. 2/7, 2/6 .. 0 2 3 Mariposa .. .. /4, /6, /6 0 0 4 Owera .. . • 3/6 to 2/10 0 2 9 0 3 0 Red Mercury .. 1/4 0 1 3 0 1 6 Try Fluke.. .. 3/ 0 2 1 0 3 3 Saunders and Co., Stock and Share Brokers. Auckland, July 14, 1892.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8931, 15 July 1892, Page 12 (Supplement)

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BY TELEGRAPH. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8931, 15 July 1892, Page 12 (Supplement)

BY TELEGRAPH. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8931, 15 July 1892, Page 12 (Supplement)