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A meeting of the Otamatea County Council was held on the l'ith May. Present: Messrs. Isbister (chairman), Ariell, Colbeck, Fitness, Smith, and Stewart. Resolved, " That the minutes of the last meeting be read and adopted."

Neglect of Payment. — The chairman stated that Mr. Dodd, the contractor for No. 1 on the Pahi-Maungaturoto Road, had not paid him the balance of inspection fees, as ordered by the Council. Resolved, " That he be requested to at once pay it over to the Council.

Mareretu Contracts.—The clerk reported that Mr. McCarroll had finished one of the contracts at Mareretu, and that he believed he did not intend carrying out the other, as the season was too far advanced for burning clay. Progress Report.—Mr. Fitness reported that the clearing of the deviation at Tokatokn had been completed, as also contract No. 4, and that the other works were nearly finished. The chairman reported that the contracts at Matakohe had been completed. Mr. Stewart reported that the contract for metalling at Mangawai was nearly finished. A letter was received from Mr. Sarah asking that the metal might be blinded, as it was very severe on the horses'feet. Resolved, "That Mr. Stewart be authorised to have it done, and also to have the road between Mr. Hannah's and the bridge rounded up." Mr. Ariell reported that the bridges at Paparoa had been repaired, and that the woodwork was all in good condition. He also reported that the shed erected on the wharf at Pahi had been inspected and passed. The clerk stated that the Northern River Steamship Company had paid their promised contribution towards the cost of the shed, but that the owners of the Osprey had not. He was instructed to make further application to the Messrs. Douglas for the amount. Maungaturoto Road. — The chairman read a report on tne result of his inspection of contract No. 2, Pahi-Maungaturoto Road. It stated that on examination he found the metal not to be of the depth required by the specifications. He had instructed the treasurer in paying Mr. Dodd to retain £5 until the matter was laid before the Council. There were two culverts which had not been properly placed, and lie had not yet heard from the contractor, that these deficiencies had been made good.

Mr. Hetheringtons Application.—Mr. Hetherington's application, deferred from the last meeting, was again considered. Mr. Fitness, in producing the specifications for the work, stated that Mr. Hetherington had received payment for the full amount of work done by him. Mr. V. Birt, who was present, also stilted that he had helped to measure the ground, and it did not exceed the fifteen chains for which Mr. Hetherington had been paid. Resolved, " That Mr. Hetherington's application be not granted, and that he receive a notice to pay his rates before being summoned."

Captain Clark's Case. —The clerk stated that Captain Clark had settled the case brought against him for recovery of rates. He had first paid part by post office order, and the balance by intimating by a telegram, to which the chairman's name was attached, that it was paid. Mr. Fitness stated that his brother had received l'Js 6d from Captain Clark, winch lie had received to hand over to the clerk. The chairman stated that neither Captain Clark nor any other person had any authority to append his name to any paper, and lie thought that in the present instance Captain Clark had committed an unlawful act by attaching his name to this telegram without his permission.

Deviation.—The clerk stated that the documents necessary for proclaiming the deviation of road at Matakohe had been received from the county solicitors, and were now ready for signature. It was resolved that Mrs. A. S. Boult's claim for compensation be paid for the above road going through the S.E. part of section 80, viz., '2 acres 1 rood 12 perches, for land required for road, and 10 acres 3 roods 22 perches severed from remainder of section, at l()s per acre, £6 18s 6d ; and that Mr, R. Middleton's claim for compensation be also paid for land taken for the same road going through sections 94 and 43, parish of Matakohe, 8 acres '2 roods 34 perches, at .£1 per acre, £8 18s 6d. Letters were received from the county solicitors explaining how the errors arose in connection with the documents for proclaiming the Matakohe Road, which had been. returned from Wellington, and .pointing out that as the regulations of the Survey Department were so little known, even to many of own otlicials, they had, through ignorance, not carried them out; and they even found that they were at variance with the Public Works Act. The Council considered the explanation entered into by Messrs. Jackson and Russell to be quite satisfactory. Resolved, " That the whole question of the agreement entered into by the Council with Mr. S. Burgess for payment of compensation for road being taken through his property at Tokatoka be submitted to the county solicitors for their opinion.

Kauri Timber Company.—Several letters were received from the Kauri Timber Company relative to the Council meeting a deputation from the directors concerning the works required to be done on the tram road at Pukekaroro, and suggesting the 17th instant. Mr. Stewart stated that the company's manager at Pukekaroro had received a telegram to the effect' that the deputation could not attend on the date named, as the chairman of the local was in Australia. Resolved, " That the clerk arrange with the company a date for the meeting with the deputation ; and, when fixed, that a special meeting of the Council be summoned to meet at Pukekaroro, if so arranged."

Tokatoka Road.—The clerk stated that the duplicate plans required for proclaiming the road deviation at Tokatoka had been received from Mr. Hannah, but that the plans for closing the old road were not yet to hand. Mr. Walton's application for road at Tokatoka was again deferred.

Point Curtis Road.The clerk stated that the deed of conveyance of road to Point Curtis, to be signed by Mrs. Curtis, had been received from the county solicitors.

A Complaint.—A letter was received from Mr. McLeod. solicitor, Dargaville, on behalf of Mrs. Clark, complaining of the action of the public in forcing their way through section 2, Tokatoka, where no road existed, and offering to give the public a right-of-way provided the Council will guarantee an annual payment to her of £5. After some discussion, it was resolved, "That receipt of the letter be acknowledged." Pahi- Waiiuekie Road.—Several telegrams were received from the SolicitorGeneral stating that the grant of £240 for the Waikiekie Road was intended for expenditure between Pahi and Paparoa. Mr. Ariell stated that the tender of Mr. Dodd at £35 had been accepted for the formation of the new road leading from the township ; and, from a telegram received from Wellington, the remainder of the grant was still available. He made application, and was authorised to have specifications prepared and tenders called for, to be dealt with by himself and the chairman, for metalling the road on the flat leading to the Paparoa bridge, and also for forming the new road where Mr. New has fenced in the old road, the money to come out of the grant. The clerk was instructed to take steps to get the deviation of road from from Pahi township conveyed by Mr. Chadwick, and that the amount of compensation agreed upon— namely, £10— paid when the necessary transfer is signed. A letter was received from Mr. Chadwiek on the subject. Bridge.—Mr. W. H. Sykes, contractor for the erection of the bridge over the Manganui Creek at Mareretu, attended, and pointed out discrepancies in the specification. He suggetted that these be amended, and some alteration made, and which was favourably commented on. The chairman was authorised to make the proposed alterations in the specifications, and to arrange the matter with the contractor. Over Work.—On the question of the appointment of inspectors over works some discussion took place, and Mr. Birt was authorised to appoint a suitable person as inspector over the Manganui bridge contract, and notify to him the alterations which had been made in the specifications. Mr. P. Birt stated that Mr. Wilson was willing to inspect the work when done, provided some competent local person was appointed to see the piles driven. . Merging a Road District.— petition for merging the Mangawai Road District in the county having again been lodged with the necessary declaration attached, was considered. Mr. Bowniar appeared on behalf of the petitioners, and Mr. Bond against. After a thorough investigation, it was resolved, " That as the petition for merging is not in proper form, it be dismissed." Compensation.—A letter was received from Mb. Tibbets, asking £20 as compensation for land required for the deviation of the Pahi- Waikiekie Road. Mr. Tibbets being present, requested that certain alterations might be made on the line of road. Resolved," That Messrs. Ariell and Birt be requested to meet Mr. Tibbets on the ground, inspect the line of road with the proposed alteration, and report to the next meeting of the Council." Road Deviation.—Letters were received from Mr. C. Wilson, offering to sign the transfer of land required for the above deviation on payment of the first instalment of compensation, and a guarantee when the remainder would be paid. Also from Mr. Nield, asking for a sketch of the proposed deviation through his property. The clerk was instructed to have the necessary deeds prepared for Mr. Wilson's signature, and to pay the first instalment of compensation, £20, when completed. Tenders. chairman reported that the following tenders for the Government contracts on the Pahi-Waikiekie Road, Mare-

retu, had been accepted, viz. :Contract No. 10 : Flower & Cc., £23. No. 11: Flower and Co., £31. No. 12 : Keay &Mackav, £24. No. 13 : Flower &Co., £25. No. 14 : Flower and Co., £24. Manganui bridge contract: W. H. Sykes, £72 12s 6d, and earthworks, Is 3d per yard. Mr. Ariell reported that the tender of James Simpson, at £90, had been accepted for the contract on the Paparoa-Matakolie Road. The chairman was appointed inspector over this contract. The clerk reported that no tenders having been received for the works on the Great North Road, he had called for fresh ones, to be lodged on the 16th instant. Mr. Stewart stated that he and Mr. Linnell had not inspected the road supposed to be on Mr. Jackson's property at Mangawai, as he had heard that the survey was disputed. The clerk was instructed to write to the Chief Surveyor for information t>n the subject. Closing Roads. —With regard to the roads at Whakapirau, held under agreements, Mr. Colbeck stated that he desired to have the old ones closed at once, and was prepared to sign a transfer of the new ones when that was done. The clerk was directed to take the necessary steps to have it done. County Council Conference. — The Chairman gave a short report on the result of the Conference of County Councils, and stated that a printed report of the proceedings would be forwarded from Auckland. Me. Hardie's Compensation.—-The chairman reported that lie and Mr. Fitness had interviewed Mr. Hardie relative to the balance of compensation due to him last January, and that he had agreed, though reluctantly, to accept interest on the amount until the matter was completed ; at the same time, if it was not pushed forward, he threatened to take steps to have the new road stopped. The clerk was instructed to ask Mr. Hannah, by wire, whether or not he can come at once to make the survey, and if lie cannot come, to engage another surveyor to come and do the work. The chairman was authorised to employ labour when necessary to keep the water off the road through Mr. Hardie's. Mr. Smith stated that the new road through Mr. Worthiugton's property, at Mareretu, was not cleared. No reply had been receceived from Mr. Bredin concerning road through his property. The Clerk's Salary.—ln accordance with notice given at the last meeting, Mr. Smith moved, "That the clerk's salary be increased by £20 per annum." After considerable discussion, Mr. Smith, rather than lose his motion, was induced to add the words, "To commence at the next annual meeting." This was seconded by Mr. Ariell. Mr. Fitness moved an amendment to the effect, " That the question of an increase be deferred till the next annual meeting," which was seconded by Mr. Stewart. There voted for the amendment, Messrs. Fitness, Stewart, and Colbeck ; and for the motion, Messrs. Smith, Ariell, and Isbister. As there was an equality of votes, the chairman gave his casting vote in favour of the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried. A letter was received from Mr. Birt, who was unavoidably absent through illness, warmly supporting an increase to the clerk's salary. Gates on a Road. — A letter was received from Mr. H. C. Nutsford requesting permission to retain gates on road to Mareretu, and also suggesting that the road-line between Jackson's and the Waikiekie Road, now burned off, should be sown with grass seed. Mr. Ariell stated that he believed Mr. Jackson was prepared to sow the road-line with grass seed. Floating Timber.—A letter was received from Mr. Mould requesting to be permitted to remove the centre piles from the bridge over the Kikowhiti Creek at Mareretu, as he purposed floating timber. Resolved, " That Mr. D. C. Wilson be requested to prepare specifications for the alteration to the bridge, and superintend the work, Mr. Mould to become responsible for all expenses, to give security to the amount of £'80, and to see that the traffic is not interfered with."

Point Curtis Wharf Dues.— letter was received from the manager of the Northern River Steamship Company asking to have the wharfage dues on the Point Curtis Wharf remitted, as the steamers did nor. now use it. Resolved, "That he be informed that the application caunot be granted, as the dues levied on the steamer using the other wharves are extremely light." Application for Payment.—An application was received from Mr. 0. C. Flames for remuneration for cleaning 32 chains of road at Paparoa, half a chain wide, which was refused.

Tokatoka Re-Survey.—A petition signed by a number of settlers at Tokatoka was received asking the Council to _ co-operate with them in endeavouring to induce the Government to re-survey and cut up for settlement lots 4, 5, and (J, Block XI. Resolved, " That the Surveyor-General be written to, and requested to have the land in question cut up into 200-acre lots, and thrown open for settlement; also, to have one of the lots vested in the Council as a quarry reserve," Dangerous Crossing.—A letter was received from Mr. Adams drawing the attention of the Council to the dangerous state of the crossing over the Rocky Creek at Matakohe, and asking to have it made safe ; also, to have a small bridge erected further on the road. The matter was left in the hands of the chairman, who was authorised to have the necessary work done. Remission of Rates.—A letter was received from Mrs. Downie, Pahi, making application to have her rates remitted. Resolved, " That her request be granted for the current year." A Gate on Road.—Mr. Morrison made application to be allowed to retain a gate which he had erected on a road-line at Kaiwaka, and it was granted on the usual conditions.

Tree on Road-line.An application was made by Mr. George Cliff for permission to purchase a small kauri tree for fencing purposes, which was standing on a road-line at l'aparoa. Resolved, " That his application be not granted." Erecting Gates.—Mr. M. Stewart made application to be allowed to erect gates on road-line intersecting sections 69 and 70, Kaiwaka. Resolved, "That the matter be deferred till the next meeting, and that in the meantime notices be posted notifying the application." Closing a Road.—An application was received from Mr. Angus Stewart requesting to have the road closed intersecting sections 78 and 87, Ivaiwaka, and it was decided to defer it. A letter was received from Messrs. Coates and Kendall asking to have the various unused roads closed intersecting their property at Pukekaroro. It was decided to defer this application also. No Funds.—A letter was received from Mr. Paige asking to have the road to his property, in the parish of Whakapirau, opened up. The clerk was instructed to inform him that no funds were at present available.

Dreadon's Road. —Mr. Fitness stated that the Survey Department had taken no action towards having the road from Mr. Dreadon's property at Tokatoka continued to the main road, and the clerk was instructed to again write.

Bridge Washed Away. — Mr. Fitness stated that the bridge over the Okahu Creek had been washed away, and as it was on the boundary of theOtamatea and Hobson Counties, it was resolved, " That the Hobson County be asked to pay one-third of the cost of erecting a new bridge, and that this county pay one-third, the contractors using the bridge agreeing to pay the remaining third of the cost." Poisoned Wheat.—Mr. Smith spoke upon the advisability of the Council obtaining a quantity of poisoned wheat, with a view to lessening the evils of the small birds nuisance. After some discussion, the matter was deferred.

Road Improvement. — Mr. Ariell was authorised to have ridges on road at Paparoa levelled, and Mr. Stewart was authorised to have the water channels cleaned out on the metalled portion of road at Kaiwaka through Mr. Clayton's. Mr. Smith was authorised to get the finger-post painted at the corner, Maungaturoto. Ratks.—On the motion of Mr. Ariell it was resolved, "That the following rates be levied on the various districts in the county for the year ending the 31st March, 1893, viz. : — Kaiwaka Riding, a general rate of Jd in the pound and a separate rate of id 011 the outlying portion ; Wainui Riding, a general rate of $d and a separate rate of M; Paparoa Riding, a general rate of Jjd and a separate rate of fd ; Mareretu Riding, a general rate of 2d and a separate rate ot 2d; YVhakapirau Riding, a general rate of fd ; Matakohe Riding, a general rate of |d ; and Tokatoka Riding, a general rate of rfd and a separate rate of Ad in the pound, That the said rates be payable at the county office in one sum, within fifteen days from the date of the rate notice, and that a special meeting of the Council be held to confirm this resolution, so soon as the rate book is made up." Accounts. —The treasurer reported having paid since the last meeting accounts for authorised works amounting to £'370 lis 2d. Resolved, " That the treasurer's cash statement as examined be adopted." Accounts amounting to £192 lis 4d were passed, and ordered to paid. The clerk was instructed to call the next general meeting of the Council when deemed necessary. Statement of Ridings' Balances on the 12th May, 1872. —Kaiwaka : General account (Or.), £184 3s6£d ; separate account (Cr.), £95 lis 7d. Wairau : General account (Dr.), £14 17s Old ; separate account (Dr.), £1018s Paparoa : General account (Cr.), £101 14s 8d ; separate account (Cr.), £98 19s 4d ; Mareretu : General account (Cr.), £5 14s 3M ; separate account (Dr.), £1 0s 6d. Yvhakapirau: General account (Dr.), £70 7s od. Matakohe : General account (Cr.), £37 16s 10|d; separate account (Cr.), £10 16s3d. Tokatoka : General account (Cr.), £35 12s 6d; separate account (Cr.) f £13 lis 9id. Great North Road : General account (Dr.), £45 17a Id.— [Own Correspondent].

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8889, 27 May 1892, Page 3

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OTAMATEA COUNTY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8889, 27 May 1892, Page 3

OTAMATEA COUNTY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8889, 27 May 1892, Page 3