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NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Tim annual meeting of the shareholders of the Northern Steamship Co. took place oil May 0, at the offices, Palmerston Buildings, Mr. I). B. Cruickshank, chairman of directors, presiding. The following is the eleventh annual report. : — The directors have much satisfaction in meeting the shareholders with a favourable report, as exhibited in the following statement of the result 01 the past year's operations : — The not profit working account for the £ S. it. £, s. d. ending .March 31st, after making provision for insurance, depreciation, and boiler account is .. 3,003 19 2 Transfer fees .. .. 2 17 I! 3,000 10 S I! il nice brought forward, Apiil, 1, IS'.U .. .. 097 17 0 Less honorarium voted by the shareholders, Mav S, ]s;)i .. 400 0 0 297 17 0 £3,304 13 $ The following appropriation of this amount is now recommended : — payment of 1 dividend at the rate of l» per cent 2,733 12 0 Leaving a balance to be carried to the credit of profit and loss account .. £571 1 S The directors respe. fully recommend that for past year a sum 'd 300 bo voted to them oy the shareholders as honorarium for their services. The directors retiring by rotation are .Mr. Thes. .Melville and Captain 11. I '. Anderson, who are eligible and otter themselves for election. Mr. Chas. A. Jones, auditor, retires, and is eligible for 10el< ciion. The dividend will be payable at the company's otlice, l'aluterston liuildiius,, Auckland, on and alter Monday, the !>ih of .May.— l or the Hoard of diiectors, I). U. CIU'ICKSIIAN'K, chairman. The statement of accounts is as follows :— BALAM-K-sueet i'or Tin: YK.UI K.MH.NU .MARCH 31, 10112. LIAIIIt.ITIKS. £ S, d. Capital, i!loS,7j(i, in IfiO.OOO shares of l is Od each Colonial shares, lot,2S:>, 7s paid up .. 30,501 3 0 liritish shares, 12,100, fully paid .. o,u.">S 17 0 £4;>,s<iO 0 0 Insurance account.. .. ~ .. I;'>,7.M) 15 «> . oiler an pairs account .. .. 3,03115 1 Hills payable . 13 10 0 Accounts owing by company .. .. 12,144 1 S Balance ct protit and loss account .. 3,304 13 $ £70,0-4 10 s ASSETS. X. S. d. Company's vessels, gear, etc., less amount at credit of depreciation account .. .. .. .. .. 75,363 15 5 shares held in trust by company .. 215 5 11 Coals, stores, etc ,in stock .. .. SUti 1 S Accounts owing to company, including agents'balances .. .. .. 3,539 13 S £79,9.4 10 S ritol lT AM) LOSS ACCOUNT. IS!/-. £. s d. March 31.—T0 balance „ „ .. 3,304 13 8 £3,301 13 S 1501. £ s. d. April 1. —Balance brought forward .. 2,975 17 0 l.ess dividend 5 per cent, declared stli May, Is9l, and directors' honorarium voted silt May .. .. 2,078 0 0 £207 17 0 1592. a s. d. March 31.— profit for twelve months, after providing for insurance, depreciation, and boiler accounts 3,003 19 2 Transfer fees ~ .. ~ .. 1 17 0 £3,301 13 S 1892. £ s. d. April I.—By available balance brought down .. .. .. .. .. £3,304 13 S I have examined the above balance-sheet and profit an l loss acc •unt, together with the books ami voncheis, and heiebv certify tire they are correct, and exhibit a full and true siatement of the company's affairs as required by the Articles of Associati ii.

CIIAKI.ES A. .lonas, Auditor. Auckland, April _ti, Is:).'. The report and balance-sheet were adopted unanimously. Mr. T. Melville and Captain H. F. Anderson were re-elected directors. Mr. C. A. Jonas was re-elected auditor for the ensuing year.

The annual meeting of the subscribers for the New Zealand Jubilee Institute for the Blind, was held on the 28th April at Mr. F. A. White's offices, Government Insurance Buildings. Mr. J. 11. Upton presided, and there were also present Messrs. John Abbott,."-). Vickers, James Dilworth, Rev. J. Bates, E. Withy, J. Reid, Bishop and Mrs. Cowie, Dr. Purchas, James Lyell, J. W. Tighe(residcnt principal), and Thornes (hon. see.) The income and expenditure account for the year ending March 31, 1892, showed income £1018 18s Id, and the expenditure left a balance of income over expenditure of £460 2s Od. The report of the Principal (Mr. Tighe) on the home teaching department, and the report of the Rev. ,J. Bates find Mr. W. J. Hill to the Committee of Management were read. Mr. John Reid was elected a member of the Executive Committee in place of Pastor Birch. The retiring members of the General Council were re elected, and on the motion of Mr. Abbott, the Rev. Dr. Kidd was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Newman. Messrs. R. Cameron and J. Barber were appointed auditors. Mr. J. 11. Upton was ie-elected chairman of the Executive Committee.

A meeting of the policyholders of the Australian Mutual Provident Society, at Dunedin on Tuesday night, the 26th of April, was attended by about 60 persons. Resolutions were passed—(l) in favour of confining the operations of tho Society to Australia and New Zealand, but with a London agent for receiving premiums ; (2) in favour of elected instead of nominated local Boards, to be chosen only by policyholders in each colony ; (3) loans on policy being granted, and lowest rates of interest accepted, by the Society.

The annual meeting of the Onehunga Land, Building, and Investment Society was held in the office, Queen-street, on Saturday, April 30, when there was a fair number of shareholders present. Mr. C. V. Hill, vice-president, occupied the chair. The report and balance-sheet showed the re ceipts to bo £8601. A dividend of 0 per cent, was declared. Messrs. D. Hills, D. Adams, and James Robb were re-elected directors, while Air. J. G. Hutchison, the retiring secretary, who resigned the directorship on his appointment as secretary, was again elected. It was resolved that Messrs. C. A. Jones and P. Clark bo reappointed auditors. The Acclimatisation Societies of the Colony are preparing a pamphlet for distribution at the Chicago Exposition, giving full particulars of tho piscatorial attractions of New Zealand.

Tho 29th annual meeting of the Onehunga Benevolent Society took place in the stone schoolroom on the 22nd April, when there was a fair attendance. In the absence of His Worship the Mayor (Dr. Erson), the Rev. W. E. Mulgan occupied the chair. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year-.—Mrs. Parnall, president; Airs. Hutchison, secretary and treasurer; committee, Alesdames Fleming, Alulgan, Bull, Miller, Ferguson, Why to, Bassett, Dunwoodie, Hardie, .and Miss Ball.

At a meeting of women, held at Dunedin on April 28, a resolution was carried to establish a Women's Franchise League to obtain Parliamentary enfranchisement of women in New Zealand, with its headquarters in Dunedin, and power to be taken to open branches in all centres of population, the council to consist of women of 18 years and upwards. The subscription was fixed at £1. Men may be honorary members on payment of 10s per annum. The league having been formed, Lady Stout was appointed president, and a number of vicepresidents and a committee of 12 were appointed. At a special meeting at Dunedin of the Pharmacy Board of New Zealand the following results were declared:—Passed in all sub jects : William Salek, J. F. Parkinson, W. A. Cook, H. T. Bonnington, Christchurch ; J. T. D. Jeffrey, Roxburg ; T. M.Carroll, If. L. Sprosen, W. Mclnnes, Dunedin. Passed in pharmacy, botany, and chemistry : E. H. Jecks, Christchurch ; Frank Ilenshaw, Auckland ; J. R. Wood, Napier. Passed in chemistry: F. S. Murray. Passed in pharmacy : J. R. Hooper. Passed in botany : C". F. E. Tennant, Auckland. Professor Black drew special attention to the chemistry paper of E. If. Jecks, awarding him the full percentage of marks and granting a pass with credit.

The half-yearly meeting of the Auckland Caledonian Society took placo on the sth May, at tho Foresters' Hall, Newton, the President, Mr. John Robertson, in the chair. The report of the committee stated that the society was flourishing, for the number of members and visitors had increased, while the funds were in a good condition. Mr. R. T. Michaels was elected vicepresident, and Mr. James Robertson secretary. The following committee was appointed :—Messrs. Eraser, Ness, Barber, •Stewart, and Pennalligan. A large and representative meeting of tho residents of Devonport was held on May 10 to consider tho question of forming a musical society. After considerable discussion, upon the motion of Mr. J. O'Meagher, seconded by Mr. J. F. Logan, it was carried unanimously that a musical society bo formed. The following gentlemen were elected the Managing Committee :—Messrs. W. Philcox, J. F. Logan, C. \V. Cave, H. Broughvon, and J. O'Meagher, with Messrs. 10. 11. Qucroe and U. M. Reid as lion, treasurer and secretary respectively. A gathering took place on the 6th May at the Chambers of the Liberal Association, High-street, to bid farewell and present some addresses to Mr. A. Withy (son of Mr. E. Withy, ex-M.ILR. for Newton), who left for England on Tuesday, the 10th May, in order to enter into the journalistic profession. Mr. Beehan (President of the Liberal Association) presided. Addresses were read and presented to Mr. Withy from the Auckland Liberal Associalion, the Anti-Poverty Society, and the Knights of Labour, couched in terms of the highest respect and esteem for Mr. Withy, wishing every prosperity and happiness, and expressing their belief that in the mother country ho would be found tho able exponent, and advocate of the principles of those respective organisations. Mr. Withy replied in appropriate terms. A meeting, for the purpose of establishing a branch of tho National Association of New Zealand, was held in tho Onehunga Public Hall on May 4, when there was a fair attendance The general secretary of the Association, Mr. J. Hastie, was present, and explained fully the objects and prin ciples of the organisation, when, after discussion, it was resolved " That this meeting form itself into a branch of tho National Association of New Zealand, and agree to the authorised platform rules and decisions." The election of oliicers was then proceeded with, as follows :—President, Mr. J. 1). Jackson ; vice-president, Mr. W. Dunwoodie ; treasurer, Mr. C. C. Fleming secretary, Mr. J. Shaldriek. On Thursday, May 12, aft an extraordinary meeting of the shareholders of the Trenton Cold Minintr Company, tho proposed amalgamation with the May Queen Cold Mining Company was agreed to, and a resolution passed authorising the winding up of the Trenton Company. The annual meeting of the shareholders in the Red Mercury Coldmining Company was held on April -X in the ollice of the secretary, Mr. 11. Uiltill-.i, jun., Mr. 11. Kees George, tho cl* •-irman of directors, presided. The annual report of the directors and the mine manager's report were read. The balance-sheet stated that the revenue amounted to £49t»U, and there was a cash balance of Jl'.j.'},"). Mr. If. Rees George and Dr. Walker were re-elected to the directorate. Mr. W. 11. Churton was reappointed auditor. At a meeting of Operative Shoemakers held on April 'J'2 in Wesley Hall, it was resolved to resuscitate the Auckland Operative Bootmakers' Union on a local basis. Mr. C. Johnson presided. There were about 100 present. The following oliicers were elected for the ensuing year : — President, Mr. H. Dymock; vice-presi-dent, Mr. C. Johnson ; secretary, Mr. W. L. Harding; treasurer, Mr. McKimmie ; and a committee of twelve.

A large and representative meeting was held in the Social Hall of tho V. M.C.A. on Monday, May 16. It was convened for the purpose of meeting Miss H. R. Morrison, of Dunedin, secretary to the Tailoresses' Federation Council. Miss Morrison gave an able and exhaustive history of the cause which led to the formation of the Dunedin Union. The meeting listened to Miss Morrison with deep attention throughout, and at the conclusion of her address she was warmly thanked and heartily applauded. A number of tiie ladies present asked questions of Miss Morrison, and received satisfactory replies. At the meeting of the Union in the evening, the following ladies and gentlemen were elected honorary members of the Union :—Mrs. Dr. Knight, Mesdames Schnaekenberg, Rattray, Guy, Christian, Kerr, Caradus, Saunders, Sir George Grey, Dr. l'urchas, Rev. J. Berry, Rev. Mr. Guy, and Mr. Thco. Cooper.

The half-yearly meeting of the Kauri Timber Company (Limited) was held at the Olderfleet. Collins-street, Melbourne, on Friday, April 21), when there were present the directors and about 50 shareholders. Mr. Robert Harper, ALL. A., occupied the chair, and in his opening speech stilted that the directors had been carrying out the policy indicated at a previous meeting. Expenses had been cut down, and the output of timber reduced, so as to realise accumulated stocks. A vote of confidence anil thanks was accorded the directors.

The annual meeting of the Auckland branch of the New Zealand Public Service Association was held in the Mutual Life Association buildings, Queen-street, on April i2. Mr. 11. W. Bishop, Resident Magistrate, presided. The report presented stated that from the commencement of the Association in August, 18!K), the movement had been enthusiastically supported, and (hiring the period ended the 31st December, 1891, there were enrolled 166 members, representing every department of the Service. The subscription amounted to £53 lis, being about one-sixth of the total sum (£.336 5s sd) received by the general secretary of the Association. The expenditure during the period mentioned amounted to £11 13s sd, leaving a margin of £41 17s (id. The poll taken tor the election of the local committee resulted as follows Messrs. John Christie, P. A. Duncan, U. l<\ Edgar, E, R Foster, R. A. Hould, D. McKellar, (J. S. Reston. Air. W. Sibbald was appointed to represent the Branch on tho Council at Wellington. There was a fair attendance at the annual meeting of the Auckland Chess Club, in Robson's Rooms, on April 28—Mr. llosking, president, in the chair. No written report had been prepared, but the chairman made a verbal statement, embracing a review of the proceedings during the past year. The chief event, of course, was the New Zealand Congress held under the auspices of the club during the Christmas holidays. This was the first occasion on which a meeting of the kind had 'aken place in Auckland, and there was reason for congratulation on its success. A handicap tourney had been held, and the first prize, a handsome black marble clock, was won by Mr. W. W. Bruce. The second prize was secured by Air. Tylden. The election of officers for the ensuing term resulted : —President, Mr. Josvitt; secretary, Air. Ashton ; committee, Capt. llerrold, Messrs. Cozens, Gorrie, llosking, Young, Tamniadge, Hetnus, Marks, Bruce. Mr. llosking was presented with a handsomely-framed photographic group of the players who took part in the recent congress, as a recognition of his valuable services during that trying period. The recipient returned thanks in appropriate terms. The annual meeting of the Ponsonby Chess Club took place at the Ponsonby Hall on Monday, the 25th of April. Dr. Beale occupied the chair. The report submitted by the secretary, Air. Fairs, showed that the club was in a healthy financial condition. The following officers were elected for the current year: —President, Dr. Beale; vicepresidents, Messrs. Rees and Keals; secretary, Air. Fairs; committee, Messrs. Grierson, Connolly, Dutton, and Ogle. The first meeting of the session of the Auckland Union Parliament was held in the lecture hall of the Young Men's Christian Association on the Kith May, when there was a large attendance of the public. On the platform were Sir G. M. O'Rorke, Professor Pond, Messrs. J. M. Shera, M.H.R., F. Lawry, M.H.R., and P. A. Philips, town clerk. The personnel of the Ministry was as follows :—Mr. L. St. J. Kekwick, M.P., Premier and Colonial Secretary; Mr. C. J. Parr, M.P., Attorney-General and Minister for Education; Mr. A. W. Kitson, M.P., Treasurer; Mr. M. G. McGregor, M.P., Native Minister and Minister of Justice and Defence ; Mr. D. W. Jack, M.P., Minister of Lands; Mr. A. Rosser, M P., Minister of Public Works and Mines. On the motion of the Hon. the Premier, Mr. St. J. Kekwick, Mr. C. E. Button was elected Speaker of the House. " His Excellency the Governor," Sir G. M. O'Rorke, who, on coming forward was received with applause, then read the Speech from the Throne which gave an outline of the policy proposed by the Government. The speakers all congratulated the Union on the success . of its opening session.

The twelfth annual meeting of the Auckland Band of Hope Union was held on the 13tli May, in the Alexandra-street Church schoolroom, the President (Mr. D. Goldie) occupying the chair, and about thirty ladies and gentlemen being present. Proceedings were opened by a social meeting, at which tea and its usual concomitants were liberally dispensed, greatly enjoyed, and afterwards the business of the evening was proceeded with. The Secretary (Mr. W. J. Macdermott) read the annual report, which stated at the outset that although the Union had no particularly new feature to present, yet they were able to say that all past successes had been equalled, and in most case excelled, while the foundation had been laid for still greater progress. Last year there had been 38 societies atliliated, and this year there were 41, with the prospect of two others being annexed. Last year the total _ membership had been for this year it had not been computed, but would be inserted in the official report when all the returns are complete. The Treasurer (Mr. G. Plummet') read the balance-sheet, which showed, as stated in the report, a credit balance of over £30. Tho following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, Mr. D. Goldie; vice presidents, Sir William Fox and Mr. C. J. Hill; treasurer, Mr. G. Plummet-; auditors, Messrs. J. M. French, H. Field, and R. J. Enti ican ; visitors, Messrs. E. C. Carr, J. K. Gilmour, 1). Goldie, W. Morgan, and G. Knight; collector, Mr. E. Morgan; secretary, Mr. W.J. Macdermott.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8883, 20 May 1892, Page 1 (Supplement)

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MEETINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8883, 20 May 1892, Page 1 (Supplement)

MEETINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8883, 20 May 1892, Page 1 (Supplement)