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AUCKLAND. Messrs. A. Bcckland and Sons' Weekly Report.— At the Haymarket during the past week hay has ranged from 2s to 3s 3d ; oaten sheaves, 2s to 2s Od per cwt; chaff, £3 10s; carrots, 27s to 30s per ton ; maize, Is 8d to 2s ; oats, Is 10c! to 2s 3d ; rye grass, 4s 3d to 6s; coxfoot, 68 per bushel. Oil Friday horse stock yarded in full numbers were at late values; useful stock, medium strength, ranged from £8 to £17; spring carts, from £7 to £14 each. On Tuesday hides in usual supply sold freely; heavy ox brought from 4id to 4Zd; cow and light ox, ljd to BJd; calf skins, 4d to G.£d per lb; rough fat, ljd per lb; tallow, 18s Gu to 21s per cwt; bones, £4 18s per ton; lamb skins, Is 9d to Is 10d; pelts, 5d to Is 6d; sheep skins, Is 6d to 3s each; wool, Did to 6^d; locks and pieces, 2i'd to 5d per lb. At Pokeno on Monday there was but a small muster of cattle; dairy cows at their profit were required, and sold freely; store cattle at lower values. At Drury on Wednesday cattle were yarded in excess of usual markets ; grown steers were easier in price, young cattle kept late values, dairy cows near their profit advanced in value; prices ranged from £5 to £8 each. At Remuera, on Thursday, dairy cattle maintained their late advance. Grown store cattle were lower in price fully 10s each. Calves, short of requirement, sold at extreme values. Fat cattle, in less than usual number ; 208 yarded, were better worth Is the 1001b. Sheep advanced in price Is each. Dairy cows at their profit brought from £4 to £7 /3s ; forward in calf, from £3 15s to £5 10s; dry cows, 30s to 675; grown steers, £4 los ; three-year steers of good quality, £3; the young bulls, from 25s to £5 15a each; fat steers were from 183 to 21s; cows, 17s Gd the 1001b; merino ewes, from Cs to 6s; longwool led ewes, 88 6d to 1 Is 3d • wethers, 103 6a to 18s; mixed sexes, 12s 6a to 14s; shorn hoggets, 5s to 7s Gd— in their wool, 8s to 10s each. Pigs wore generally in good condition, and kept late values: Heavy pigs brought from £2 10s to £3 15s ; porkers, 193 to 35s ; coarse pigs, 6d to 16s 6d each. Messrs. HUNTER. AND Nolan's WEEKLY Report.—Horse-feed, grain, seeds, etc.: The supply has not been in excess of requirements and prices remained firm, and in some lines there was a decided advance, maize reaching 2s per bushel; oats, 2s to 2s 4d per bushel; bran, £4 per ton; chaff, £2 10s to £2 15s per ton. Horses : Quite an average number offered and there was a steady demand, and for those of a really good stamp it remained unsatisfied ratner more than the usual number were entered for sale at the Durham Yards on Friday; bidding was good throughout the sale, but no high-priced horses were submitted. We quote: Hacks, £4 10s to £9 15s; light-harness horses, £5 15s to £10 10s; medium draught, £6 10s to £14 10s; unbroken, 16 to £11; weeds, £1 4s to £2 10s. Wool, hides, skins, bones, tallow, eta. : Barely average quantities were submitted on iuesaay, ana sold at the previous week's

values. Stout ox, 3Jd to 4?d per lb ; steer and cow, ljd to BJd per lb; calfskins, 3?: d to 5d per lb; sheepskins, Is lid to 2s lOd each ; lambskins, Is 2d to 2s each ; pelts, 6d to Is Id each ; wool fleece, ftkl to GJd per lb. Bones. £4 to £5 per ton. lallow, 16s to 10s 3d per cwt. Cattle: The market has been quiet, and scarcely tho usual numbers were brought forward. The Newmarket pens were not nearly filled on Tuesday. Competition was slow for butchers' stock, unless in prime condition ; for all other stock bidding was brisk. We quote: Calves, 15s to £1 ; yearlings, £1 to £1 12s 6d; teen-months-old steers, £2 to £2 79 6d ; grown steers, £3 10s to £4 12s 6d ; dry cows, ill 15s to £2 fig. Some averages of fat steers were : £8, £7 12s 6d, £6 17s (3d, £6 f>s 6d, £6 3s 2d : cows, £5, £4 17s 6d, £4 17s, £4 12s G*l, £4 7s 6d. Sheep were penned in increased numbers at Newmarket on Tuesday, and were steadily competed for. Wethers, at from lis to 16s 9d each; ewes, 10s 3d to 15s; mixed sexes, Id's to 13s 9d ; lambs, Os Cd to lis. Pigs : Only small ones were yarded, and sold at from 6s (kl to 18s 6d each. Messrs. G. W. Binnky and Son's' Report. —On Tuesday wo cleared an extra large catalogue of hides, skins, tallow, etc. Competition was verv brisk, and late values fully maintained throughout. Hides, extra stout ox, sold from 5d to 5Jd ; heavy stout, 4d to 4id ; heavy, 3id to 3jd ; light, 24d to 3d. Cow : Dry salted, 2£<l to lid : wet, 2d to 2Jd ; slightly damaged, lAd to ljd ; kip, 2d to 2Jd : calf, to 5Jd ; stags', Id to 2d per lb. Sheepskins : Local green, 3s 3d to 3s 7d for large skins, medium 2s to 2s lid, small 2s to 2s 3d, country lots from Is 9d to 3s each. Wool: Lambs, 6sd per lb. Tallow : From l()s tor inferior to 19s per cwt for good quality. Bones : £4 15s to £5 per ton.

LONDON. Press Association.—Electric Telegraph.—Copyright. London, May 18. The total quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 2,832,000 quarters, and for the continent 1,472,000 quarters. J Union Mortgage and Agency Co.'s per I cent, debentures are ouoted at 108, tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.'s I 4 per cent, at 93, the Now Zealand Trust and Loan Co.'s 5 per cent., cum div., £25 10s. Silver has advanced to 3s &d. The American visible supply of wheat is estimated at 49,000.000 bushels. A cargo of wheat by the ship Europa, from Geelong, sold at 37s 10.^d. Per Sew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. London, May 17. Wheat Market.—Foreign arrivals are heavy. The market has been higher since last telegram, but has declined, and Is now depressed. New Zealand, f.a.q., is worth, c.i.f. to arrive, 35s fid per 4801b ; average and lonxberried aro worth 36s to 138s per 49Glb respectively. Rabbitskins. — market is irregular. Best descriptions have advanced Id per lb, and inferior have declined Id per lb since last report.

l»i,'Yi-'.ns—Bank of Now Zealand, old, £4 IDs; C lonial Jiank. 40s; New Zealand Insurance, (i.>s Gil; National Insurance, 15s Oil; South British Insurance, '2"sUd ; Auckland lias, £10 7s tkl; Northern Boot, 4s (id ; New Albumin, (id ; Cambria, 9d ; New Moauataiarl, 3h ; Sylvia, Is 9d ; Victoria, 4d ; Silverton, 2s Sd ; Owera.'ls llkl. HKiXniiS—Bank of New Zealand, old, £.; Colonial, -lis; Now Zealand Accident, 7s 9d; Now Zealand l.oan and Mercantile Agency, 60s; Union Oil, 14s ltd ; New Albtirnia, Od ; Cambria, Is Id ; Hazclbank, Is Od ; May Queen. 2s ; New Moanataiari, '.U 2d ; Saxon, 9d; Victoria, Cd; Silverton, •2m 11>i ; Wiiilil, 20s ; Woodstock, Is 9d ; Owera, 2s ; Try Fluke, Us. ,1. Friar Clarke R. O. Mack? It. Fiater T. A. Menzies J. M. Lennox O. F. lirimblecombe P. B. McDonald .lames Frater Aititen C'arrick A. IJrodle R. Spratt K. Tliorne George Francis Hull G. A. Buttle James Held SAMUFii- VicKEits, Chairman, 4 p.m., Thursday, May 19,1892. MESSRS. VIOICERB AND HULL S WEEKLY STOCK AND SIIAIJE LIST AND INVESTORS' GUIDE.

THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. I Corrected to noon of Thursday.) FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Wnoi.r-SAi.R. Retail. s. ii. s. <1. * li. s. (I Butter, fresh, dairy, lb l it — o o 1 3—0 0 Do., second quality i) !) — 0 0 o 11 — 0 0 Do., third quality ..0 7 — 0 0 09—00 Do., New Zealand Dairy Association .. 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 Prime salt .. .. U 7J—0 8* I) 0 — 0 (I Do., inferior salt .. 03 — 04 04 — 00 Milk, quart .. .. .. 0 3$ — 0 0, local, lb .. 0 4 — 0 ft 0 6 — Of: Do., best factory „ 0 ft — 0 II Eggs, dozen .. ..10—00 19 — 0 (1 Lard, bladder, lb .. 0 ft — 0 (i 0 6 — 0 0 Hauls ami Bacon, Pro. 0 I) - U C} 0 0 — 00 Cant. Bacon, new (111 cloth) .. „ 0 7}— 0 A «. (Jams (In cloth) .. 0 0 — u 10$ _ Jams, case 5doa .. 23 9—20 3 Fowls, each .. ..06 — 10 14 — 2 C Ducts, do. „ .. .. 1 0 — 1 0 Geese, do. .. .. ... 26 — 38 Turkeys, do .. 6 0 — 8 C Feathers, lb.. .IB — 19 «. FLOCK. £ 8. Auckland Roller Flour, sacks per ton .. .. 11 10 .. Household do. do. do. .. 11 0 Holler Flour, Southern do. .. 11 10 Stone Make do. do. do. .. in 11 .. Wheatuieal 11 ID Bran 4 0 „ Sharp* 4 ft Cabin Bread .. .. lfi 11 — 0 0 Oatmeal, 26'« .. .. il 0 — 0 0 ... Oatmeal, 's .. .. 13 0 — 0 o _ Pearl Barley .. ..19 0 —'JO 0 • SEEDS. Clover, white-*. .. o o — 0 0 00 — 1 l Do., red.. „ .. 00 — 00 0 71— 0 9 Cowgrass .. ..0 0 — 0 0 0 9 — oiu Alyske 0 0 — 0 0 10 — 11 Timothy .. ..0 5 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 Trefoil 0 5 - 0 »i 0 0 — 00 Rape 0 3.J— 0 5 0 0 — 0 (> Ryegrass, Poverty Bay o u — 0 o 7 0 — 70 Do., Southern.. .. 0 0 — 0 0 4 0 — f> 0 Do., Italian .. .. o 0 — 0 0 ft 0 — ft I) Cocksfoot .. ..0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 70 HAY AND CORN. Pet cm. Hay, ton .. .. 3 0 — 40 50 — 00 Lucerne, do. .. .. 6 0 — 0 10 7 0 — 8 0 Oaten, do. .. .. 20 — 30 4 0 — 60 Chaff, threshed .. - 0 — 'J 10 0 0 — 0 o Oaten Chaff .. ..3ft — 3 10 _ Straw, load .. .. o IS — 1 10 ... Clover, ton .. .. ft o — o n Potatoes, local .. 10 o —00 0 .. Do., Canterbury .. 45 0 —.Ml 0 .. Do., Blenheim .. 42 0 —45 0 ... Do., Oamaru .. _ 0 0 — 0 0 .. S. (1 s. It. Maize, bushel.. .. 1 '•> — 0 I) 0 0— ti 0 Barley, feed .. ..20 — 3 0 0 0 — 09 Do., malting .. .. 3 0 — 3 10 Oats, feed .. ..0 0-20 00 — oo Oats, seed .. .. "4 — 'J 0 00 — 00 Oats, milling .. .. 2 2 — 2 4 0 0 — 0 0 Oats, local .. .. 1 9 — 0 0 00 — 00 Wheat, local .. ..40 — 43 0 0 - 0 0 (Sacks extra.) Wheat, .Southern, old 40 — 4 C 00 — 0 0 (Sacks extra.) Do., do., new ., 36 — 40 00 — 00 (Sacks extra ) Do., do., seed ..00 — 00 00 — 0 0 (Sacks included,) Do., do., local .. 30 — 39 00 — 00 (Sacks extra.) Do., local, seed ..00 — 00 00 — 0 0 Do., fowl .. ..3 0 — 0 0 — 0 0 (S*cks included GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCE. Apples, lb, local ..0 1 — 0 lij 0 0 — o 0 Lemons, doz .. .. 10 — 00 10 — 0 i' Oranges, doz .. ... 0 7 — 0 0 1 0 — 0 o Bananas, lb .. ..0-2 — 0 3 0 0 - 0 0 Cocoanuts, each .. .. 0 2 — 00 Do., sack .. ..80 — 00 Onions, lb .. .. 0 1 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 t' Garlic, lb .. .. 0 0 — 0 0 0 4-00 PRESERVED AND DRIKI) FRUITS. Dried Prunes, lb .. 0 (ii— 0 7 US — 0 1" Preserved Ginger .. 0 7 — 0 0 ■Shelled Nuts .. .. 0 9 — 0 10 1 0 — 1 (. Barcelona do .. 07 — 00 Brazil do 00 — 09 00 — 1 0 Peanuts .. ..03 — 0 3 00 — 00 BUTCHERS' M AT. Pec pound. Roasting Beef, lb — .. 0 ft — 0 0} Boiling do. .. .. _ 0 a — 0 4.J Mutton, hindquartor ». 0 4 - 0 4} ,, legs .... ... 0 4 J — 0 ft Do., fofequarter .. .. 0 3J— 0 4 J Pork .. 0 5 - o (1 Veal .. 0 4—00 Mutton Tallow, cwt... 26 — 0 0 — Beef and Mixed do. 250 — 00 Steaks ., .. .. .. 00 — 08 Mutton Chops.. .. .. 0 5 — 0 7' Sausages .. .. ... 0 5 — OS KAURI GUM, FLAX. Erf: Supplies for eighteen days of May, 370 tons. £ s. d. £ ». li. Poor Ordinary, ton nominal .. 32 o 0—40 o ii Fast Coast 77 0 0 —73 C 0 Ordinary range gum .. .. 48 O 0 — 0 0 0 Flax, best clean Auckland .. 18 0 O —18 l 1 0 Good medium 15 1!) 0 —10 0 o Poor, ordinary (none offering) 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 Tow 1 10 0 — 2 0 o Fungus, lb.. 0 0 2|— 0 0 0 Cocoanut Fibre, cut, cwo .. 0 16 0 — 0 17 0 Beeswax, lb 009 — 009 N.Z. FLAX ROPE. Prices subject to trade term* (lope in all sizes, ton „ .. 30 0 0 —40 0 0 Tarred Yarn, do... .. .. 30 0 0 40 0 0 Wool Tailings, do 35 0 0 —38 0 0 MANURES Bonediist, Sydney, ton .. .. 0 5 0-7 0 0 Do., inferior 500 — COO Honeflour 80 0 - 8 10 0 Do., Auckland 7 10 0 — 8 10 0 Peruvian Guano ., .. .. 14 0 0 —17 0 0 Coral Queen do 500 — 00 0 Long I nland do., bags included 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 .Superphosphate of Llmo, 20 to 28 per cent 000 — 0 10 0 Do., 30 to 38 per cent 8 0 0 — 810 0 Potato Fertiliser Flson's .. 11 0 0 — 0 o 0 Wheat „ ., .. 10 10 0 — 0 0 0 Grass „ „ .. 10 10 0 - 0 0 0 Turnip Fertilisers .. .. 8 10 0 — 000 Sulphate of Ammonia .. .. 15 0 0 —10 0 o Superphosphate ,, .. 7 10 0 — 0 o 0 I.awes' Superp'phate, 30/3 per ct. 7 5 0 — 7 10 0 Do., do. 2(1/8 per ct. 0 5 0 — 0 10 0 Do., Dissolved Bone Compound 7 6 0 — 7 10 0 Anglo Co.'s Superphosphate .. 7 0 0 — 7 ft 0 Potash Manure for Root Crops 7 ft 0 — 7 10 0 Potash do. for Grass and Grain 7 0 0 — 7 5 0 Nitrate of Soda 15 0 0 —10 0 0 Thomas' Phosphate, 40 per ct. 5 lo 0 — o 0 0 Kainit, Standard brand.. .. 4 10 0 — 5 '41. 0 Indian Bone Meal .. ..7 0 0 — 8 0 0 NEW ZEALAND DRUG CO.'S MANURES. 1 Ton. ft Tons. Superphosphate, 25 „ ft 17 0 — ft 14 0 Do. A3 a „ 7 6 0 — 7 0 0 Bonedust, pure 7 10 0 — 7 5 0 Do. and Blood .. .. ..0 15 0 — 0 10 0 Animal Manure 5 2 0 —500 Root Manure .. .. .. 7 10 0 — 7 6 0 Corn Manure 7 6 0 — 7 5 0 Grass Manure 6 15 0 — 0 0 0 Potato Manure 7 10 O — 7 10 0 Maize Manure 750 — 750 Turnip Manure 7 10 0 — 790 Orchard and Tobacco Manure 8 15 0 — 8 5 c Coral Queen Guaho, fiOJ .. COO — 5 10 C Sulphate of Ammonia •.. .. 17 o 0 — 017 0 Terms 2} per cent, discount for cash within one month. BUILDING MATERIALS Boards and Scantling, undressed, Hrst class,100ft ,. 0 13 6 — 0 0 0 Do., do., medium * .. 0 10 0 —000 Do., do., second-class .. .. 076 — 000 Flooring boards, P.T.G., firstclass 0 15 6 — 0 0 0 Do., do., medium .. .. 0 12 0 — 0 0 0 Do., do., second-class .. .. 0 9 6 — 000 Rustic weatherboards, best .. 0 9 0 — 0 15 6 Mills, cargo, beat „ „ 0 11 0 — 0 10 0 Flitches „ „ „ „ Oil C - 0 0 I) 1

I Balk ' .. - 000 — 080 Bricks, Whatf .. .. » 1 10 0 — 209 Do., town yards, 1000 .. .. 2 0 0 — 9 6 0 Do., delivered .» .. <> 2 10 0 — 0 0 0 Hydraulic Lime, bushel .. 0 i 6 — 0 0 0 Sliell Lime 016 — 020 Craig's 8 ton a do., .. .. 0 10 — 000 English Slates, 1000 .. .. 1C 10 0 — 0 0 0 Drain Pipes, Oin bores, 1000 ... 1ft 0 0- 0 0 0 Do., 4iti „ 0 10 0 — 0 0 0 Do., Sin ... .. - . 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 DO., 2}tl„ .. - . 3 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do.. 2ln - 2 10 0 — 0 0 0 Socket Glazed Pipe*, foot: 54 inches .. .. — 076 — 000 21 Inches .. ... ... -060 — 000 18 inches _ .. — 0 a 0 — 0 0 0 IB inches M - .. 020-000 12 inches _ .. .. 020 — 000 9 inches - .. .. 016 000 G incite* .. .. — 006 — 4 Indies .. .. .. 0 0 4 — 0 0 0 5 inches . 004 000 COAL AND FIREWOOD. Coal, Newcastle, allip'a Hide, cargo, ton »« it >. 120 — 000 Do., delivered 1 10 0 — 115 0 Do., yard 100 — 000 Greymouth yard 1 15 0 — 000 Do., Ray of Islands, yard .. 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., delivered .. _ .. 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., mine .. .. ... - 000 — 000 Do., ship's side .. .. ». 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 Miranda, mine 0 9 0 — 0 0 0 Do., household 0 12 0 — 000 Do., in Auckland .. .. 0 10 0 — 0 0 0 Kamo, loading ground, ton .. C 11 0 — 0 0 0 Taupiri, mine, steam .. .. 0 10 0 — 0 0 0 Do., yard, steam .. M .. CIS 0-0 0 n Do., household .. — *. 110 — 0 0 0 Do., do., delivered .. 150 — 170 Firewood, uncut *Uarf, cargo, toft 080-000 Do., delivered 0 12 — 0 18 n Do., cut .. .. .. - 0 14 0 — 0 10 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Kerosene, 130' tost, duty paid (114 — 000 Do., 150' t«st 015 — 017 Castor Oil, in drums, per gal... 0 3 4 — 030 Fencing wire. No. «, ton .. I „ No. 7 .. ..>13 0 0 —14 0 0 „ „ No. 8 .. ..J Barb Fencing Wire .. ... 23 u 0 -24 0 0 Pi» Wire (close barb) .. .. 24 0 0 —25 0 0 Galvanised Iron, 5 to SfC .. 22 0 0 -23 0 0 l,ime, slacked, bushel .. >. 010 — 000 Quick lime, in stone .. .. 0 16 — 0 0 0 New Zealand Palings, Eft .. 0 7 6 — 0 10 0 Teatrse Rails, 100 „ .. 2 10 0-3 10 0 Puriri Posts .. .. 600 — 600 Shingles, 1000 .. „ 0 12 0 — 0 13 0 iiobart Palings, M* .. ... 0 17 0-1 0 0 Do., Oft .. 0 13 0-1 1 0 (lobarsHails _ „ 110 0-0 I) 0, AUCKLAND STOCK AND MINING [ ASSOCIATION. I | No. of ; xi Paid r not n Company. Shares; « upper (ji,.,, Date. |lMuaillja_ Mb are. 8flJes ' I Banks— £ & s. d. £ 8. d. N.Z., Old ..'fOO.OOO 51 C 6 0 4 17 0 Apl. 27 „ ne\* .. 60,000 75 7 10 0 0 10 0 Mar.23 National .. 100,000 7$ 2 10 0 — — Colonial .. 200,000 5 2 0 0 2 0 0 May & Insurance— New Zealand 100,000 10 2 0 0 3 4 O'May 0 National ..200,000 10 0 10 0 0 15 10,Feb. 13 South British 04,628 19 1 0 0 1 7 6 May 12 Standard .. 100, 10 0 15 0 0 14 0|Dec. 2 Union.. ..100,000 20 1 0 0 1 7 9 Apl. 22 N.Z. Accident 20,000 1 0 5 0 0 7 S May 11 Loan— N.Z. L. &M. .. 100,000 2.1 2 9 0 2 9 0 May 12 at'n 1 M. & A. 100,000 10 1 0 0 0 10 II Dec. 22 N.Z. «fc It.P. .. '200,000 10 ! 0 0 0 3 0,Mar. 1 Gas— Auckland, old 15,.'Of) 5 5 0 0 10 10 0 May 10 ,, new .. 13,713 5 2 10 (> ft 5 0 May 17 Thames .. 10,000 2j 1 13 0 1 8 0 Apt 20 GlSborlie .. 11,000 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Dec. 2 TIMBER— Kauri Timber 1 .*>0,000 2 2 0 0 — — „ new ( 400,000 2 j 12 0 — — Shipping— Union M.S. .. 40,000 10 10 0 0 — — N.Z. Shipping 00,089 8 C 0 0 3 10 0 Dec. 2 DevonportS. F. 10,000 1 1 0 0 1 10 0 Dec. 2 Coromandel .S. 3,0:57 ill (J O 0 14 0 Dec. :s Northern M.S. 12,40014/0 0 14 0 0 4 OfDec. a „ new 104,289 14/0 0 7 0 — — Coal— 1 Bay of Islands 3 000 1 1 0 0 — — Taupiri .. 24,000 l I 0 10 0 0 17 0 Dec. 3 Taupiri Res'rve 3,000 Aj 0 10 0 — — „ new 10,215 J 0 3 0 — Westport Coal OH 23 4J 3 0 0 — — MlSOKI.l.ANT.TS N.Z. Drug: .. 07,874 2 40/-i«20/• 0 19 C Apl. 22 Auckl'iid Fibre IS,04.". 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 Dec. 2 Northern Boot 12,022 1 0 13 0 0 0 0 Mar. 16 Union Oil .. 30,800 1 0 14 (» 0 10 3 Mar.22 GOI.DFIEI.DS— Thames. New Albumin I 00,000 J 0 1 9 0 0 8 May 19 Caledonian ..' 50,000 jl 0 3 91 0 1 8 Aug. 20 Calliope .. 50,000 Ji 0 0 210 0 4 Jan. 19 Cambria .. 44,700 1|0 5 9 0 1 Oi.May 10 Consols .. 50,000 } ! 0 1 2) 0 0 C Mflr. 9 Dives .. , 40,700' 4/' i 0 1 0 0 0 10'Oct. 20 linzelbank .. 42,000! J 0 2 0 0 1 0,Mny 19 .one Hand ..| 80,000! Ji 0 1 0 0 1 2 Dec. 9 .Magnolia .. 00,000] Jj 0 2 11 — | — New Manukau 30,000: 1 i 0 1 0: 0 0 9 Nov.27 May Queen ..' 50,000! 1 0 0 8 0 1 SjMay 17 N.Moanataiari 50,000 J O 6 0 0 3 4 May 11 Norfolk .. 00,000 21 0 0 0 0 1 .1 Dec. 22 Occidental . .1100,000 1 — _ — Orlando ..j 40,000 } 0 0 0 — — Pride Karaka 50,0001 1 : 0 2 0i 0 0 9 Feb. 15 Saxon .. 50,000; j! 0 2 10 0 1 0 Apl. 22 Sylvia .. 100,000 l'l 0 10 GO 7 C Oct.- 2 Trenton .. 30,000! Jj n c n 0 0 0 May 16 Victoria ..120,000; 1 0 1 5 0 0 5 May 19 Waiotalil .. 0,000 3 2 10 0 — — Cpptr Thames. I I ('town .. (15,000! 1 0 13 0 0 3 0 Sept 11 Silverton .. | 40,000' > 0 0 « 0 2 Hjftlay 19 Waihi, old .. 100,000 1 10 0 10 OlMay 14 ,, new .. 41,000' — 0 15 0, — | - Woodstock .. 55,001) Aj 0 4 0,0 1 8,May 19 I'ttlii/mhi. i | I l'rosp'torsXo.l £3,SCO } 0 C 10 0 1 3 Feb. 17 Kwiutunu, | I Carbine .. 00,400! * 0 0 3; — — (ireat Mercurv! 00,000 C,'- 0 3 O, — - Kuaotunu .. ! 50,000. i 0 0 3 0 O C Dec. 2 Mariposa ..I SO.OCoj ■) 0 0 0 0 0 o.Dec 10 Otama .. 40,000 i 0 0 3 — I — Oh era .. 00,000, .V 0 4 0 0 1 9 May 13 lied Mercury..! 311,000 i; 0 2 0 0 1 4 i Feb. 10 Try Fluke .. 00,000, J! 0 0 0 0 2; April 7 Coroiiiaiulel. I|| I I Royal Oak .. 9,OOlV 10 13; — J — I I 1 i I

! Cm up. j jinv'st. jsj j ! £ £ 7 ft 900,000 5J .J 5 New 7 1,900,1100 Bank 200 6} ! N.Z. 0 5*| 0 12£ [New 0 0 | i National 0 1,000 el 7? Insurance 15 0 100,000! N.Z. 5 12J ' 7 (Auckland 18 8 16,031 24,000 j Shipping New pi 7 1,277 14 697 „ 0 & 7 20/ & 1,200,000 £ 14 I 733 I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8883, 20 May 1892, Page 4

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LIVE STOCK & PRODUCE MARKETS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8883, 20 May 1892, Page 4

LIVE STOCK & PRODUCE MARKETS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 8883, 20 May 1892, Page 4