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New Zealand Herald Office. Saturday afternoon. The only broad commercial tact of the month is the negative one that business generally has not been unsatisfactory. Quietness has been more apparent than real. In consumptive goods there has been less doing, owing to the usual rebound from a state of considerable activity in the previous month, but a steady, and in many respects good trade has been done in most other lines. The wool sales have passed oil' languidly. The harvest is now proceeding in full swing, and while the area is much reduced, the yield is fair, and the quality of the wheat good. Southern latest accounts report that the gloomy anticipations of the harvest yields, through insufficient rainfall, have given way to a more hopeful belief, several days downpour, although late, not being too late to do an immensity of good, particularly with all late sowings. Settlement continues to rapidly extend, and the export trade keeps up satisfactorily. In other respects there has been nothing of an exceptional nature to warrant comment, except the fire on board and consequent scuttling of the Leading Wind, particulars of which appears in our other columns, I'he serious loss incurred will be added to by the injury, perhaps, inflicted upon the flax shipping trade of the colony, as it is beginning to be recognised that it is attendant with more risks than have been calculated against, for although it is impossible to assign any particular cause for the disaster, the fact remains that several instances of fired flax have previously occurred, and heavy insurance losses have been made. In Russia the Government have lately put the trade in hemp under severe official examination, and issue certificates that certain brands and numbers of bales are up to certain defined standards of quality. The compulsory examination would reveal all instances, if any, of millers packing other than perfectly dry fibre, and it is felt that all those interested in the maintenance of what is a most valuable trade, giving employment to a large quantity of labour, should endeavour to fix on some system that would give greater confidence to handlers here and in foreign markets. The Leading Wind shipment completes some large American contracts, and it would be difficult if not absolutely impossible to replace during this season the from 600 to 700 tons_ of good quality flax that has been industriously collected. Considerable interest is being felt in regard to a report that Americans are heavily shipping refined sugar to these markets. It is understood that a shipment is on board the Mariposa, due here next week, but beyond this nothing is known to justify reference to any American intentions about competition with the New Zealand sugar industries, although it would seem that if the United States taxpayers like to give a heavy bounty, so that New Zealand consumers shall have cheap refined sugar, we have all the best of it.

In another column will be found a statement by the late Treasurer of the last nine months' finance of the colony, by which it is expected that at the end of the financial year, the Treasury will have a very substantial surplus. In the import market stocks are generally ample, except in some favourite tobaccos, and a few other lines. Prices have been fairly well maintained during the month, except in coarse salt, castor oil, kerosene, cornsacks, woolpacks, and sugar, all of which are easier, the latter by 10s per ton. Fish is slightly more active. The Lent season next month will give further activity. Dried fruits have been dull, but increased sales is reported in canned Californian. The local fruit crop appears hardly as abundant as in previous years. Jams are at about 3d per dozen advance. Pickles and vinegar are in good request. Hotel liquids have had an average demand, the run being more upon beers, clarets, Australian wines, etc., with less call for spirits. Whiskies have, as usual, had the best enquiry in the latter, Robertson, The Gaelic, Usher's and distillers' brands receiving good attention. Heidsick champagne has had excellent enquiry. It is noticeable how the household and trade demand for locally and Southern brewed ale bottled here is increasing. So far the best brands of imported nave not felt the competition in a reduction of business, but it has checked increased trade.

Building materials are in littles inquiry. Large business has been done in fencing wire, and the prospective demand is very good. Steady trade has been maintained in paints and oils, with, however, no change in prices. The shortage in Indian teas reported last month has been relieved by the arrival of the Taieri, from Calcutta, with enough to keep the market going for a time. Fair to good liquoring sorts command full prices. The business in China teas is restricted. Flout* is 10s per ton easier than last month's quotations. At the request of our Honolulu readers we quote kidney potatoes at £ per ton, and Silverskin onions at £12 per ton. The sea-' son for shipments from this port is now about commencing, our price list at foot gives all other information of interestKauri Gum Market: la the face of the arrival of our poorer summer gum, buyers last week combined to lower prices for ordinary gum, and with the object of discouraging the picking of rescraping gum out of ordinary, they also agreed to lower the price for rescraped gum. This arrangement was to take effect horn the23rd instant, and.sufficient time lias not yet elapsed to establish prices for these two grades. East. Coast is steady at 55 The Mary S. Ames sailed for New York on 21st instant with 559 tons gum. The Leading Wind, with flax and 70 tons gum for New York, has been scuttled in harbour to extinguish a fire discovered on board. The Prospect is loading with flax for New York, and will also take a little gum. The Machrihanish for London, with about .'5Ol tons gum, is ready for sea. Supplies from mail to mail are about 625 tons. Owing to expected change in prices, we can only quote rates which have been paid for ordinary since last mail, as follows :— Poor ordinary, 38s to 40s; fair ordinary, 41s to 42s ; best ordinary, -His to 44s ; East Coast, steady, 555. AUCTION SALES, &c. January 14. Messrs. Samuel Cochrane and Son sold this day at their rooms, Queen-street, allotment in Nelson-street, with an old house thereon, for £176. January 21. The sale of Dargaville township allotments was held to-day by Messrs. Digby Tonks and Co.. at the Brunswick Mart. '1 lie attendance was large, consisting mainly of residents and settlers in and about Dargaville, and it was apparent that several present held commissions to purchase several of the sections. Some 3-1 lots . were disposed of at prices varying from £28 to £B*2 per acre, and subsequent to the sale several lots were selected and purchased at prices slightly in advance of auction values. Much confidence is expressed in the ultimate future of this township, surrounded, as it is, by a prosperous and thriving district. The bankrupt stocks in the houses of business of Messrs. Garrett Brothers, situated at Queen street, Ivarangahape Road, and Gisborne, were sold by Mr. Gabriel Lewis to-day. These stocks were valued respectively at £1710 Is, £753 8s lid, and £426 10s 2d, the valuation being based on the retail sale price. The Queen-street stock was bought by Mr. Davis at lis Gd in the £ ; the Karangahape Road stock, by Mr. Leys, at 12s 3d ; and the Gisborne stock, also by .Mr. Leys, at lis in the £. The prices are considered by the Official Assignee to be eminently satisfactory, and arc an indication that better times are coming, if not already upon us. Janurry 23. Mr. Thornes, Land Agent, 81, Queenstreet, reports the sale of the following properties during the week through his agency Shop and cottage in Victoriastreet, with '24 feet frontage, for £350 cash, on behalf of Mr. Philips; fruit farm at Henderson, Oil behalf of Mr. Bullock, for £400; a fruit farm at Lucas' Creek, leased at £52 per annum, with purchasing clause of £1050; the goodwill of a village homestead section for .OH); and several leases of city and suburban pioperties. *

Ratks of Exchange on London.—Buying : 90 days, lj pur cent, discount; (JO days, g per condiscount; 30 days, 3 per cent. Demand, i cent-. Selling: 90 days, J per cent, premium; 00 days, g per cent, premium; 30 days, 1' percent. Demand, 1J percent, premium. Fixed deposit: 3 months, ii percent. ; 0 months, 3J per cent.; 12 months, 4 4 pelcent Ales and Pouter. —Ale ill bulk: None now imported to warrant lnaiket quotations. Ale (in bond)Tennent's, quarts, 4s toys; Bass's Dogshead brand (Read's bottling): pints, 0s 9d ; quarts, Ss9d (in bond); Foster Bugle ale, quarts 8s yd, pints Us 3d; Foster's Bugle stout, quarts, 8s 9d, pints Us 3d ; Bulldog (It. Porter and Co.'s bottling), lis and 8s ; W. Youiiger's, 5s and 7s 3d ; Ashby's, (is 3d to 8s 9d ; Bass's (Blood bottlers), pints, Is; quarts Us (3d. Anglo-Bavarian : flint as (id and 8s ; Boar's Head Stout: quarts, 8s 9d; pints, Cs lid. Guinness's Harp brand by Foster: pints, Us; quarts, Bs. Norway ales: pints, 0s lit; quarts, Bs. Foster's Bugle stout: quarts, 9s; pints, Us 3d. Blood's: pints, ss; quarts, 7s. Dogshead Guinuess's (Read's bottling): pints, Us 5d ; quarts, 8s Oil. R. Porter and Co.'s bottling: pints, 0s ; quarts, 8s ; Spark's Mobile bottling : (is, and 9s 3d ; Burke's : os, and 9s. Other brands : os and 7s Od. Duty : pints, Is Cd : quarts, 3s per dozen. Building Materials.—Cement. K.B. and White's, worth 15s. Slates : English Countesses are worth £11 to CI 2 ; American, unsaleable. Plaster ol Paris, 18s to 2ls according to the size of the cask. All these quotations nominal Breadstuffs and rain. —Local best roller Hour, in sacks, £10 10s; household, £10; stone Hour, 10s per ton less ; Southern brands, £10 in sacks ; 100's and hO's in proportion to extra Lagging. Wheat, milling, 3s Od to 3s yd; fowl wheat, 3s Od. Bran. £3. Sharps, £3. Maize, 3s Id. Oatmeal, £10 10s per 200011). Barley (for malting), .'is. Oats, 2s to 2s 2d (bagsgiven in). Pearl barley, £17. Cabin bread £10 per ton. Bags and Bagging.—Calcutta full weight woolpacks, 2s 3d, d.p. ; cornsaeks, 4iin. by 2iijin., (is; 48in., 7s 3d. Coal.—Newcastle, 30s ; Bay of Islands, 18s at the mines, and 27s 6d to 30s at yard, is quoted; Whangarei coal, 10s at mine; ditto, Waikato, steam, 10s ; household, 20s. Cordage, d.p. (Subject to trade discounts). —Manila hemp rope, all sizes, Sydney, £10 to £53 ; Aucklandmade, £04 to £00 ; whale and lance lines, £80 ; New Zealand flax rope, all sizes, £37 to £39; Auck-land-made, £37; wool lashings, £38; clothes lines, 5d peril), subject to trade discount; Manila clothes line, 8(1; oakum, free, ditto, £40; spun yarn two-yarn ditto, £4S to £55 ; twine, shop, <1.p., per lb, 9(1 to Is 2d ; .sc.wing twine, Is id per lb; local-make, Is to Is 3d. Coffee and Si-ices (in bond), per lb.—Ceylon, coffee plantation, No. 1, Is 2Jd; ditto, Island, 9d ; chicory, colonial, 40s per cwt. in tins ; cocoa, d.p., Taylor's, Is 3d; Fry Is 3d; Van Houten's, S3 ud ; Epps's, Is 7d; Maravilla, Is Cd; chocolate, Taylor's, Is sd; Fry's, Is sd. Spices, d.p. : Cloves, Is Gd ; bleached ginger, lid ; nutmegs, 3s 3d ; black pepper, whole, 111 bond, B.'d ; white ditto, Is lid. Confectioner v.— manufacturers are producing good articles, and consumption is chiefly in their goods. Waters's colonial boiled, 4|Jd ; dry, 7Ad; jujubes, Is Id : Mennie and Dey's boiied, 4}d ; Keillor's assorted confections, 9J(l; Gray's,, less trade discount; candied lemon peel,' dip! (duty, fid per lb), Is ; orange, Is ; citron, Is 8d ; Keillor's jujubes, Is 4d ; Gray's jujubes, Is Id to is 3d; Compagnie Frangais' gums, Is. Gum, Flax, &c.—Wo quote: Gum : Poor ordinary £38 to £40; fair ordinary, £41 to £42 ; best ordinary, £43 to £44 ; Fast Coast, £55. Flax : Best clean Auckland, £16 to £17 ; special brands, £18 ; good, £15; ordinary, £12; tow, £2 10s per ton.' Cocoanut fibre, £15 to £17 ; cocoanut oil (tine white), per ton, £24. Copra, per ton, £9 to £12. Fungus, 3d. Ironmongery, Ac.—Galvanised corrugated iron sto 8 feet, £22; 9 feet, £23; 10 feet, £24; English bar iron, per ton, £10 ; Onehunga (New Zealand) iron, £10 10s; English pig iron, £4 153;


plate iron, .fill; fencing wire, assorted sizes, £13. Barbed wire, £22 10s. Sheet lead, £22; pig lead, £10; zinc, £32; powder, Curtis, Harvey, and Hall's, (id; sporting (in canister), 2s to 3s 9d; Muutsi metal, 7}d. Quicksilver, 3s 7«l. Jams, Dried Fruits, Duty, 2d per lb. Koiller's marmalade, lib., d.p., 7s 3d ; Ciray's, 7s ; Moir's, 7s ; Peacock's jam, lis; Murray's, Dunedin, 4s Gd to 4s fid; jars, Gjd to 7M ; Nelson (New Zealand), 5s to 5s 3d; Mill tanas, 10Jd (d.p.); Malaga muscatels. Is 6d; Californian, lud ; new denies, 7Jd ; \'al»icias, 7Jit ; now currants, r>Jd; figs, 7cl ; Californian prunes, 3d; dried apples (duty, 2d per lb), ordinary, in kegs and casus, 7d ; evaporated, lOd ; dates, sjd. LEATHER ami HIDES.— leather, Sd to is 3d per lb; kips, Is 2d to Is Gd; runners, Is lid to Is ; calf, colonial, 2s Gd to 3s Od ; basils, &s to 18s per dozen ; closed uppers, 4s Gd to 8s Gd per pair ; hides, Id to 4d; calf skins, ,3d to 4id per lb ; sheepskins, Od to (Is. Manures.—Australian bonedust, £6 10s to £8; Auckland, £t> 10 ; superphosphate of lime, £0 to £S10s; bonetlour, £8 ; Peruvian guano, £14 to ,£l7 per ton ; animal manure, none ; cocoanut oil cake, none ; linseed cake, £12 ; Maiden Island guano, £8; 11uon Island guano, £5 to £0 ; New Zealand Drug Co.'s manures : Superphosphate, B 111 per cent. 5.P.1,., 2 tons, £4 2s Gd ; 5 tons, £4. Superphosphate, C 25 per cent. 5.P.J.., 2 tons, £5 7s Gd ; 5 tons, £5 ss. Superphosphate A 32 per cent. S.P.L., 2 tons, £7 5s ; 5 tons, £7 Bonedust, pure, 2 tons, £7 10s; 5 tons, £7 fcs ; Bonedust and blood, 2 tons, £0 10s; 5 tons, £0 7s (id. Root manure, 2 tons, £7 10s; 5 tons, £7 Gs. Corn

manure, 2 tons, £7 ss; 5 tons, £7. Grass manure, 2 tons, £0 15s ; 5 tons, £(> 10s. Potato manure, 2 tons, £7 10s; 5 tons, £7 Gs. Maize manure, 2 toils £7 ss; 5 tons, £7. Orchard and tobacco manure, 2 tons, £S 15s ; 5 tons, £8 10s. Malt and Hops.—English malt, no inquiry is experienced; Colonial, tis. Hops: Nelson, new season, Is 4(1; old, lOd to lid; glucose, £23, d.p., delivered to brewery. Oilmen's Stores.—Price's Belmont Candles, duty, 2d, none, d.p., per lb ; McLeod's Dunedin of various brands, Old to 7d, less trade discount; Orient Candles, 7Jd (Dunedin make); Atlas Paralhns, S.Jd ; Price's National, SAd; Price's Battersea, none; Young's British Wax, 7jd; Price's London Wax, 7Jd; D. It. Jenar's, Sd ; Price's self-fitting, Sid; local blue mottled soap, £26 per ton; carbolic, £27; best yellow, £20; No. 1 household, £15; Ist Crown, £20; 2nd Crown, £17; soft soap, in tins, 4id per 11); toilet, 9d to lOd per —all subject to trade discount. Salt, 10s per ton duty: Coarse, W. & W., £4 10s, ex store, d.p.; ex ship, 5s per ton lower; tine Black Horse, £5 5s ex store, d.p. ; Jordan almonds, 2s 3d; Valencias, Is; Blacking paste, Day and Martin's, 4s Oil; Colman's starch, No. 1 (duty, 2d per lb): white, 495; blue, 50s; Orlando Jones' starch. 455; Gill and Tucker's starch, 14s; lleumann's, 455. Mustard, d.p. : Champion'< genuine l ib book-shaped tins, 19s to 19s (3d; 4-11) tins, 9s 3d to f)s Gd; Colman's 1 -lb tins (red), lis Gd ; half ditto, 9s; 7-lb tins (red to green), 7Jd to Is ; 1-11) tins (green), 13s ; J -11» dittos, 7s lid ; DSF j-lb tins, 9s, 111), 19s; Keen's, 9s. Blue: Reckitt's Paris, in circle, new make, 7d ; Keen's, BJd. Matches: Vestas, d.p., Bryant and May's 260, per gross, 18s Gd ; ditto, plaid, 4s Od ; ditto, fancy oval, 24s Gd ; Bell and Black's, 17s ; plaids, 4s 4il ; R. Bell and Co. 2SO's, 17s 9d ; plaids, 4s ail. All match quotations regulated by quantity of parcel. Oil : Castor, ill pints, Ss 9d ; half-pints, 5s ; quarter-pints, 3s lid. Salad : C. and 8., pints, 13s to 14s ; half-ditto, 0s ; Morton's pints, lis Gd ; half - pints, 5s Od. Pickles: Stephens' pints, 7s 9d; Crosse and Black well's, pints, 13s ; Morton's, 10s ; McConnochie's, 7s 9d. Rice (ground), in tins, 4,1 d. Sauces : Lea and Perrin's, halfpints, 13s Gd; C. and 8., half-pints, 9s Gd; Mellor's, Ss. pints 15s Gd, ; Stephens', Gs 6d ; Goodall's Yorkshire Relish, 7s; Vinegar, d.p.: Champion's, per gallon, 2s 2d ; Pew's, Is 9.1; Hold brook's, Is lOd ; Evans', 2s 2d ; Burnett's, 2s; Potts', Is lid; local, Is 5(1. Vinegar, case : Champion's, 8s Gd ; Burnett's, 7s Gd; Morton's, 7s 3d. Treacle, 2d ; Golden Syrup, bulk, 24d. American honey, 21b-tins, 12s Gil., d.p. Sago, 2Jil ; tapioca, 2jd. Cornflour : Brown 3Jd, d.p. : Brown and Poison's, GJd : Johnston's, GJd ; Preserved milk : Nestle s, 7s to 7s Gd, according to parcel; Milkmaid, 7s 3d to 7s Gd. Tartaric acid, in jars, 2s ; cream of tartar, Is 8d ; bicarb, soda, £12 10s ; English soda crystals, £8, d.p. (duty, £2 per ton). \\ biting, £5. Oils and Paints.—Duty, Gd a gallon. Colza, in drums, 4s 3d; bulk, 4s ; linseed, boiled drums, 3s Gd; bulk, 3s 4d ; raw, drums, 3s 4d ; bulk, 3s2d ; castor, in drums, 3s 7d ; half-cases, 3s (3d ; kerosene, d.p., 130 test. Is (id ; kerosene, in bond, 130 test, lid ; White Kose, 150 test. Is 4d i.b. ; other high test brands from Is Id. White lead, ground, per cwt, 56s and 112s; genuine, 30s; No. 1 white lead, 23s in 50's, smaller packages more, according to size ; red lead, dry, 245. Oil colours, assorted, £1 10s to £1 ISs per cwt. Turps, duty paid : American, 3s lOd ; 1C tinplates, 20s ; rosin, £7 10s to £8. Varnish, 7s Gd to lis per gallon. Quotations regulated by qualities. Provisions.—Cheese : provincial, 4d to sd. Salt butter, market glutted, 4d to Gd. • Rice, i.b., finest Japan dressed, £17 ; No. 1, £10 10s. Canterbury bacon and hams (in cloth), sides only, 7d; equal numbers hams and bacon, 7£il ; hams only, SJd. Fish : Ling, (id ; boneless cod, o}d ; preserved red herrings, in tins, 3l>s per dozen (2-lb tins); white, 33s per barrel; Marshall's white, 3s per tin ; Findon haddocks, 8s; lobsters, American libs, 13s; 211)s, ISs ; salmon, 111) cocktail, d.p., 9sOd ; other brands, 7s 9d to Bs, d.p. ; salt salmon, Gd ; sardines, quarters, 5s to 5s 3d ; halves, 7s 9d to 8s ; oysters, 7s ; mullet (Kaipara), 5s 9d. Sugaus.—Mauritius brewers' crystals, £33 duty paid (duty Jd per lb); Colonial Sugar Company's Auckland refinery, d.p., No. 1, £20 ; No. 2, £25 ; No. 3, £22; Queensland whites, £22 10s to £24 ; Fiji, crystal, none ; China, crystal, £24 ; English crushed loaf, 3id, d.p. ; French cube, 4id; Queensland yellows, i.b., £15 15s; China yellows, none ; browns, £15. Spirits.—Duty, 15s per gallon of proof spirits in bulk, lGs per gallon in case. Brandy: Rouyer, Gouillet and Co., 25s and Ss; Marcellain's, case, 22s 0(1, i.b. ; flask, 2Ss Gd ; half-flask, 35s 0(1; quarter-flask, 53s Od, and in bulk, 7s 9d ; Ilennessy's bulk, not in the market ; case, 37s 0d; Bisquit, Dubouche, and Co.'s pale, in lihds. and qr.-casks, 7s ; Beehive, bulk, Ss; Courvoisier's, case, 345; Otarcl's, case, 29s (nominal); bulk. 10s 0d; Beehive, case, 245; Bisquit, Dubouche and Co.'s, 255; nine's, 28s; bulk, Ss ; Gautier's, 32s and 10s Od ; Burgaud's, 7s 3d to 7s 9d; Muller Frore's, 20s ; Cavalier Frere's, 245; J. B. Rene's, case, 225; Senimaud, ss. Whisky, bulk : Walker's WW, 10s ; Distillers' old, ss; very old, 7s; VOS, 8s; case, Old Scotch, 15s ; very old, 19s ; VOs, 22s ; Greenless and Colville's, 5s to 5s Oil, and Greenless and Colvilie's VO, 8s 0d; case, Rob Roy, 18s case, Teacher's, 10s; Vint's bulk, 0s 6d; Vint's case, 20s Gd; Dunville's, 5s Gd; case, 18s; Lome Highland, 21s; Speyside, 21s; Royal Blend, 245; Teacher's old, 20s; Encore, 19s; Walker's WW, 22s ; LL, 22s Od to 23s ; all in bond. Geneva, proof, 3 gallons, JDKZ, 15 bottles, 14s Od ; 20 bottles, 18s; key, Genova, proof, 13s; Schnapps, Wolfe's, 21s Gd. Gin, Booth's, 10s; Burnett's Old Tom, 13s. Lowndes' rum, 30 0.p., 4s6dto4s9d; Red Heart, case, 25s Gd; Burnett's case, 225. Key, 225. Timber.—Quotations are as follows :—Kauri boards and scantling cargoes, 100 feet, at mill, f.0.b., East Coast, 10s 0(1 to lis first-class; 7s Od second-class ; at yards, Auckland, 14s Gd to 15s first-class; 7s Od to 10s second-class. Flooring, 13s (id to 16s tirst-class ;* 0s (id second-class, rusticated, 10s Od to 17s. West Coast, sawn kauri, 10s; square baulk, 5s to Gs ; Hitches, 9s Gd; white pine (kahikatea), 5s (id ; T. and G., 12s, f.o.b. at mills; at yard, firstclass, 13s ; second-class, 8s ; 110 hart palings, 5 feet, 13s Gd ; 6 feet, 15s; llobart rails, £3 15s. TOBACCO. —Duty, 3s Oil. Venus, 14s ; three-quarter boxes, Is; Venus, Navy flat work, Is; doublethick ditto, Is; Ruby Aromatic, 2s 4d; Victory, Is lid; Juno, black, all shapes, Is 3(1 to is 4Jd; Unique, Is 3d; low, 10's, lid; Cameron's Fancy Aromatic, Is 8fl; Derby, case, Is GJd ; boxes, Is 7J(1; Nailrod, Is 2d other liailrod, from Is Id to Is 2Jd ; Signet, Is ; Gem of the Sea, Is 2d; Josephine, Is; Columbia, Is 3d; Watson and McGill's twist, 20's, Is 2d ; 14's, Is Id. TEAS.— range as follows (in bond). — Congous, common, 7d to 8d ; middling to fine kinds, Oil to lOd; Saryunes and Panyongs, Is to Is 3d; Souchongs and Kaisows, Is to Is 2d; Orange Pekoes, Is to Is 2d, no enquiry. Indian teas are now largely wanted for blending and are scarce. Darjeelings, Is 7(1. Good broken, Is 2d; semi-broken and fine Souchong kinds, Is 4d to Is lid, duty paid. Ceylon teas in considerable favour; from Is lOd to 2s 3d, (1.p., is tho range. Champagne, duty paid: Perier Jouet and Co., first quality, quarts, 105s; pints, 110s; halfpints, 120s ; second quality, quarts, 85s ; pints, 90s. Montebello, quarts, 84s ; Moet, quarts, 90s ; pints, 90s; Roedeier, quarts, 110s; pints, 115 a ;

Heidsick, same ; Pol. Roger and Co., 100s and 105s ; St. Hubert's Australian wine, 22s per doz.; Pfold't, 32s per endoz. AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHARE LIST. The strikes are over, and business has resumed its normal condition. The market is brisk, especially in mining. Money is cheap, and landed property is steadily improving in value. Investment stocks are well held, and buyers are more plentiful than sellers. The market is more buoyant than it has been for some time, and at the close is linn. BANKS.—New Zealand* have slightly improved, Nationals and Colonials are steady. There are buyers of Unions. Insurance. of this stock has risen, and the market closed with an upward tendency. Co ai. —Business is •lull in tlie-e stocks. Miscellaneous. —Loan and Mercantile are firm. Land Mortgage a little weaker, on account of the revolution in the Argentine. Other stocks are Mining.—This industry is increasing steadily, and MINING. —This industry is incre«osmg steadily, and (lie output of gold is better than usual. The Waihi district is proving itself a rich gold-bearing country under the new process for treating the ore. The Thames and Coromanilel fields are doing well, some of the mines are being floated in Australia. The following list shows the rise and fall of the market in the different stocks : — Bank of N- Zealand : Business done, £5, £4 19s (old), 70s (new); sellors, £5 2s Gd (old). National Hank : Buyers, 3Ss cum. Colonial Bank : Business done : 42s Gd, 42s 9d, 44s ; Sellers, 435. New Zealand Insurance: Business done 72s Gd, /3s (id, 71s ; buyers, 70s. South British Insurance : Business done, 25s Gd ; buyers, 25s ; sellers, 20s. National Insurance : Business done, 10s Sd, 16s 9d ; buyers, 10s Gd. Standard Insurance : Buyers, 13s Gd. Union Insurance : Business done, 2Gs 3d. New Zealand Accident Insurance : Business done, 7s 9d : sellers, Ss. Auckland Gas : Sellers, £5 Pis Cd. Thames Gas : Business done, 31s Gd ; buyers, 31s. Kauri Timber : ."sellers, 10s. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency: Business done, 595, 60s, 59s Gd, 595; buyers, 535; sellers, 60s. Bay of Islands Coal: Buyers, 13s. Taupiri Extended Coal : Sellers, 21s Gd. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle: Sellers, lis. Northern Boot: Sellers, 7s (id. May Queen : Business done, 3s 4d, 3s 7d, 4s, 4s 9il, 4s lod, 5s ; sellers. ss. Monnataiari: Business done, 12s, 13s 2d, 12s, lis Gd, 10s 3d, 12s Gd, 13s 9d, lls 3d, 13s 3d, 12s 9d ; buyers, 12s 9(1 ; sellers, 13s. S:ixon : Business done, Is 2d ; sellers, 3s lOd. Alburnia: Sellers, 3s Od. Magnolia : Sellers, 4s. Trenton: Business done, 4s, 4s 9(1, 4s 6(1, 4s 3d, 4s, .'is 'id, 3s 2*l ; buyers, 3s ; sellers, 3s lid. Cambria: Business done, 3s, 2s lOd, 3s, 3s 3d; buyers, 3s 3d ; sellers, 3s Gd. Norfolk : Business done. Is Til, Is Sd; buyers, Is 7d; sellers, Is Bd. Freedom : Business done, 7d ; sellers, 6d. Orlando : Business done. Is 2d, Is 3d ; sellers, Is 2d. Victoria: Business done,ls 3d, Is Sd, Is Od, Is lOd, Is Sd ; buyers, is Gd ; sellers, Is Sd. Ilazelbank : Business done, Is lOd ; sellers, Is lOd. Waihi: Business done, 14s, 15s ; buyers, 14s ; sellers, 10s. Junction : Business done, 9d, 7<l, 9d, lid, lOd, 9d ; buyers, '.)d ; sellers, lid. Royal Oak : Sellers, 2s Od. Si;"erton: Business done, Is 7d ; buyers, Is 7d° Alfred : Business done, 9d, lOd ; sellers, lOd. Mountain Flower : Business done, sd, 4d ; buyers, 3d. Adeline : Buyers, 4d ; sellers, (id. Flying Cloud": Business done, Gd ; sellers, sd. Try like : Business done, 3s, 2s 9d, 3s Gd, os, 5s Gd,. 5s sd, Gs 1.1, Gs 3d ; buyers, 5s Gd ; sellers, 0s 4d. Red Mercury : Business done, 2s 3d, 2s 5d ; sellers, 2s 6d. Carbine : Business done, Is 9d, Is lOd ; buyers, 2s. John Bull: Business done, Sd, 4d ; buyers, 4d; sellers, (id. Bonanza : Buyers, Is. Waitaia : Buyers, Is Id. Kapai : Business done, 9d, lid, lOd ; buyers, 9d ; sellers, 10(1. Kuaotunu : Business done, lOd, lid ; buyers, 9d; sellers, Is. Mariposa : Buyers, 3d. Saunders a Co., & Stock and Sharebroliers. Auckland, January 24, 1891.

Kurnber <3iih t> m Amount Paid-up Tv * , . a f , Latest Iiiterest Financial Companies. 2T 2= oS. sis asa Sis 7£ l a? jg* A -££- ~*£*« Banks— * ~£ £ £ £ £ s. d. £ £ s. (1. £ s - d. New Zealand „ .. 200,000 150,000 1,27!,000 000,000 900,000 80,973 105/.150/105/150/ 100/. 133/ Sep .30 Mru'ch 31 National .. .. 200,000 ! 100,000 1,000,000 900,000 250,000 11, <90 91 10 2 10 0 5 Jon 6 7 3 Feb "9 Auirust 31 Colonial 400,000 j 200,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 400,000 53,863 5200 7 -20 1 el). -J, August 31 'New'Zealand .. .. 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 200,000 10 2 0 0 15 3 12 0 8 7 9 May 3 |> Nov. 30 National 200,000 ! 106,115 2,000,0m 1,061,150 08,057 1«S,8i4 10 0 10 0 10 0 16 0 hept 30 Marc 1 31 South British .. .. 100,000 ! 64,628 1,900,000 1,227,932 64.6-8 19 1 i- 0 ti 1 '' J] 8 0 8 Tunc 30 Dec 3i Standard 100,000 1 100,000 1,000,000 1,000, h'w ™ ® J] .J} 1 ii 0 7 13 10 Mav3l'Nov30 Union 100,000 100,000 2,000,000 2,000.000 100,000 7 7>'3-2 "? J ? 5 10 , nan 7 15 0 Slflwll' Accident 100,000 I 20,000 100,000 20,000 5,000 9,-08 1 0 5 0 12$ 0 8 0 December 31 N.Z. Loan & Mercantile ISO,000 100,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 863,685 25 2 10 0 10 0,0 6 9 10 5 31 National Mt'ge&Ajr'ncy 100,000 ' 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 -1,507 10 1 0 0 0 0 10 6 June ,A Dec. 31 Lanil Mortgage Plate 200,000 200,000 * 2,000,000 2,000,000 200,000 20,644 10 1 0 0 0 0 13 0 9 0 0 October 31 Land Mortgage .. 200,000 200,000 % 2,000,000 2,000,000 200,000 20,644 io 1 0 0 6 0 13 0 October 31 Auckland 50,000 20,243 250,000 146,215 111,857} 16,135 5 lOO/.tSO/ 17 217/0& 110/ 8 0 0 June 80, Dec. SI Thames 10,000 9,980 25,000 24,955 18,905 1,40.) 2J l is 0 6J i i- ° 8 0 0 Tune 30 Dec 31 Gisborno 15,000 11,000 lslooo 11,000 11,000 .. 1 10 0 8 1 00 ouu June JO, Dec. ol Kauri Timber .. .. 600,000 600,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 750,000 16,780 2 40/ & 20/ 3 & 101 0 8 0 25 0 0 August 31 *" Union 0 50,000 40,000 500,000 400,000 400,000 138,972 10 10 0 0 8 12 5 0 C 13 * •Jan. 31, J' 1^ 31 New Zealand .. .. 100,000 59,680 800,000 477,512 369,495 .. 8 <> 0 0 6 frn 680 ni'n' Devon port Steam Ferry 10,(XX) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 250 I 10 0 8 1 5 0 0 » u December 31 Coromandel Steam .. 4,500 3,037 4,500 3,037 3,027 .. 1 J 0 0 10 0 13 0 4 5 0 March 31 Northern Steam .. 150,OIK) 116,784 108,750 84,668 45,560 465 14/6 14/6 & 7/ 2$ 0 * 3 * March 31 11aV of Islands .. .. 4,000 3,000 000 3,000 3,000 .. 1 J 0 0 .. 0 17 0 in a" fl June 30, Dec. 31 Taupiri 21,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 15,600 3,915 1 0 13 0 11} 1 1 0 10 8 0 June ..0, Dec. J1 Miranda 30,000 19,007 30 000 19,007 19,067 .. 1 1 , 0 0 .. .. •• Januaiy Jl Taupiri Re-servo.. .. 25,000 19,215 25,000 19,225 13,539} .. .. 20/& 13/ „ MlSCELiaNEOUS— • „ T 01 T ! 01 New Zealand Drug .. 100,000 67,874 200 000 135,748 87,414 15,853 2 40/ & 20/ „ 10 0 .. .Tan. 31, July 31 Auckland Fibre .. .. 25,000 18,945 25,000 18,945 18,945 .. 1 100 .. .. .. April 30 Northern Hoot and Shoe 15,000 12,622 15 000 12,622 8,520 900 1 0 13 6 .. 0 S 0 .. October 31 T. and S. Morrill .. 30,000 30,000 150*000 150,000 150,000 .. 5 5 0 0 .. .. .. September 30 Tramway 25,000 85,138 125,000 85,138 85,138 .. 1 1 0 0 .. .. • • nionOil, Soap&Candle 150,000 36,850 50 000 36,850 25,795 738 1 0 14 0 8 0 11 0 10 3 0 September -9 Mining (Gold & Silver)— New Moanataiari .. 50,000 50,000 25 000 25,000 12,500 .. J 0 5 0 ... 0 13 0 Caledonian .. .. 24,000 24,000 6'000 ' 6,000 2,400 .. J 0 2 0 .. 0 1 9 Waiotahi 6,(X)ll 0,000 lgjooo 18,000 15,000 .. 3 2 10 0 .. 0 12 0 Prince Imperial.. .. 18,(XX) 18,(XXI 18,000 18,000 2,250 .. 1 0 2 0 .. 0 1 0 Cambria 44,700; 44,700 44 700 44,700 12,851 .. 1 059 .. 033 Crown 65,000 ; 65,000 ,000 65,000 .. .. 1 •• .. 050 Silvorton 24,(XK) i 24,000 12,000 12,000 .. .. i ■■ ■■ 019 Alhnrnia 20,000 I 20,000 10,000 10,000 1,250 .. I 0 13 .. 0 4 0 •• " Saxon 60,000 50,(XX) 25,000 25,000 4,783 .. } .. A pi 21, Cd 0 3 3 Trenton 30,000 30,000 18,(XX) 18,000 7,200 .. J 0 4 0 .. 0 30 Royal Oak .. .. 18,000 \ 8,455 34,500 .. •• •• •• , -• , •• 0 2 0 Marototo 100,(XX) ! 100,000 100,000 100,000 82,500 .. 1 13/&20/ .. .. Waihi 100, 100,000 100, 100,000 100,000 .. 1 100 .. 0 17 6 1/one Hand .. .. 30,000 30,000 15,000 1 5,000 .. .. i •• .. 0 3 (j May Queen .. .. 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 2,OSS .. * 0 0 10 .. 0 5 0 Try Fluke 50,000 50,(XX) 12,500 12,500 1,250 .. i 0 0 0 Sept 5, Is 0 6 3 Norfolk 50,000 50,(XX) 25,000 25,000 .. .. i .. .. 018 Otama 40,000 33,600 20,000 16,800 .. .. 4 •• .. 0 10 Orlando 40,000 40,0(X) 10,000 10,000 .. .. i .. .. 0 10 Dives 30,000 30,(XX) (5,000 6,000 .. .. .. •• .. 0 10 lied Mercury .. .. 30,000 j 30,000 7,500 7,500 .. .. } 0 13 .. 0 26 Victoria 100,000 I 100,000 25,000 25,000 .. .. i .. .. 0 17 I'uhipulii Prospectors .. 58,360 j 43,755 2(3,680 21,877 10,752 .. 4 4/&5/ „ 0 3 0

N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland, and Albert-street, Thames. *01cl issue. fGuaranteed on 08,265 shares. Fkater Buos., Sharebrokers.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8473, 26 January 1891, Page 12

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8473, 26 January 1891, Page 12

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8473, 26 January 1891, Page 12