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Gazette Notices. . "PUBLIC NOTIFICATION, i Crown Lands Office, f Auckland, 23rd January, 1891. Applications having been received for the Lands enumerated in the Schedule hereunder, beiiif Immigrant and Military Land Order Selections, which have by virtue of the non-compliance with the ) conditions of the Acts under which the selections were made, reverted to the Crown, it is hereby notifiei } that, after the expiration of 30 days from the date hereof, the said Lands will, in pursuance of a resolu tion of the Auckland Land hoard, be offered for sale by public auction at this office, on a date due notice , of which will be given by public notification. 6 THUS. HUMPHRIES, Corauissloner Crown Lands. SCHEDULE. _ ————————————r——*_—__ . _ : ' ' ' ——————————— Lot. Area. Parish. Name of Selector. Date of Selection. r _ \ Acres. — 100 Tauraroa Daniel Mc A lister May 12,1563 Portion i 40 Ararimu Henry Gason November 29, 1860 Portion S3 and 84 HO Tauraroa John Lappin February 23, IS6O 90 91 Mangatete Adam Wilson May 11, 1866 N. portion 63 60 Manga Charles Baker November 10, 1858 S. portion 64 60 Mangawai Charles Norman November 6, 1858 Mid portion 71 40 Komokoriki Anna M. Wrenmore Novemb r 1, 1809 Portion 53 81 Kourawhero John C. Atkinson Juno 3. 1861 Portion 52 59 Ahuroa John C. Atkinson August 2, 1861 Educational- Educational. DOMAIN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, |\/I"ISS BUCKLAND, Teacher of Violin, ' JJUL will Resume Duties on Monday, January 26 Lower SYMONDS-STREET. — rrrr - ''— r>T~ "1%/TRS. CLAYTON'S Boarding and Daj Under Nkw Management. i-T-i. School, St. George's Bay Road, Parnell.first term February 3. REDUCED TERMS. -— DARBYSHIRE> Certificated "fUr ISS DARBYSHIRE, Certificated Principal: -i-YJ- Teacher of the Pianoforte and Singing, MR. FREDERIC NEWCOMBE. Vacancies for Pupils. TermS moderate.Address, MR. FREDERIC JsEW COMBE. Uppe^-Grafton Road. A HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION AT LOW -\MIS3 T YE will resume her Classes for TERMS. XfJL Drawing and Painting on Thursday, Febrn ■ aiy sth, 1891, Liverpool-street, first house from To ensuro a thoiougb grounding for Juniors, the Karangahapo Road. course of instruction is based mainly on he Syllabus adopted in the Public Schools as far as the Fourth rwr tauxtio enTiPci? /t>.,.,,._i,.-\ Standard. In the higher Standards the Syllabus is Si 1 JOHN , <,OLLJi,G__. (1 "" ldkl) modified to include Bookkeeping, Shorthand, hj llerr L. Tlltsclika Will commence Classes for Mathematics, French, German, Ac, the main the Violin.—Apply to the Principal. object being to give a sound COMMERCIAL Train- _____ —. —. ing together with a good General KiuTA- m BALL'S Class for Painting, at Mr. •HON, and to enable pupils to pass the Civil service, J[ Leech's, will llo . open on Saturday, Jan. 24. Matriculation, and other Examinations when re- ' J, J ' buired. The school course includes Drawing, Class- fJIHE Schools of the Sisters of Mercy, singing, and Gymnastic Drill. A Ponsonby and Hobson-street, Auckland, will The First Quarter commences on TUESDAY, Re-open on Monday, 26th instant. February 3, IS9I. ~~ ~~ ~ ~ For prospectus appiy to Mr. NewCOMBk, Selwvn HPHE MISSES ROGERS' BOARDING Terrace, Parnell. JL and DAY SCHOOL, Manukau Roid, Par- ___ nelL—School will re-open on Tuesday, Februarys. PrwMonx.TJv no a mat ad cnxrr\r\r French Classe-, Tuesdays and Fridays, Open to ONbONBY GRAMMAR SCHOOL outside pupils. (Conducted in the Ponsonby Hall). _____ p„, WI p., . mi> t lURiv r.r itti A KT CLASSES.—Mrs. E. F. Izard, who , ( , iK K, TW AT TOW'ith -A- was awarded First-class Certificate and Assisted bj -J• W.ALM \)™\":*;>*\f™" s Medal at the Sydney and Melbourne Inhibitions, V,', if,' * m lie L B ?' T ■ Z,t T»m J.Mr fr llfls "*«-«*> >»«"• Classes for Drawing and Painting Auckland College an.l Uiatninai of Resident and • ~" <?%£« ~_ 1„„ ~., ~ ~ ,° .-, ~.., P .). 11AKKis, and an efficient staff of Resident and ~^; lt v ,/','' \°" V ]iU tlculil,s at Mr - w U(C Visiting Masters. man s, Victoria Arcade. MR. T. HARLE GILES, Principal of the EDU- "W" FORBES FORBES, CATION A L CHAMBER- BUSINESS AND IT I TEACHER OF MUSIC TRAINING COLLEGE, Queen-street, begs to ~, .. (Piano, Singing, Ac), announce that, owing to the success which has Address : Macclesfield Villa, Karangahape Road, attended his efforts in his Queen-street COLLEU li, "ear Tabernacle. and also to the fact that lie has a Staff of SFF- Terms on application. CIALLY-TRAINED T EACH ERS available, he has —— decided to extend the Held of his operations, and mHE CHURCH OF ENGLAND has, therefore, taken the above HALL.for a term, __ GRAMMAR SCHOOI which he will fit ~,» with all the No essary Api.H- THE AUTUMN TERM will begin on MONDAY, alios for the successful carrying on of f.DUCA- 16th February. The PRINCIPAL will he at home TIoNAL WORK. , ' 1 . 1 . 10 , School will be Opened oil a -ton Lodge, Ayr-street, Parnell, on Wednesdays MONDAY. 2nd of Kbruary. Ihe work of the and Fridays,"from three to five p.m. School will he carried on in lwo Divisions—a . ___! ; _* JI'NIOR SCHOOL and a SENIOR SCHOOL. „ nriln , ~7 T, , .-,,,_, „ „,,, ~-, , T>r . _„ Boys will be admitted from the age of seven years. lUIE WILLOWS, YAKD-bT., The School Hours will be—Morning, half-past nine -L BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. till twelve; Afternoon, two till ball-past three. Principal Mas. Williams. The Instruction imparted will lie based upon MODERN LINKS, and Boys will be fitted for l-irst Term will common, on WEDNESDAY, whatever career in life their Parents or Guardians February 4, 1891. Boarders receive every aire and may desire. Tho School will be conducted under attention. Prospectuses on Application. tile direct control of the Principal, who will Attend not less than Three Afternoons per week, and -to «- t> m rr vy V R T_ V supervise the work of each Class in the Junior VI °" mniiaarnZ't r ..... M,.-r, />i ' School, and also Hie Commercial Side of the Senior -&-*- J uob EbblON *4 J 1 EACH ER OF School. MUSIC, MR. GILES in supplying what be earnestly be- Will Resume Lessons on MONDAY, February 2. iinves to be a "long-felt want," confidently antici- Previous Pupils intending to continue and those pates the support of the inhabitants of the district wlsbJng to commence Lemons will please call at in his efforts to establish a birst-class School in ~ '~. , , ~ ~ T , , „ , their midst -" r " eb ' )e 3 Residence, Karangahape Road, on Prospectuses (with full particulars of the objects TUESDAY Evening, January 27, at half-past seven and aims of the School) will be posted EARLY o'clock. NKX' WEEK to the Householders in the Pon- ——— _ : sonby District, and Mr. GILE-« will attend at the ■ 0 W E R GLENSIDE School to interview parents of intending pupils on 1 1 ~„„..„ e>i<i>wr ' WEDNESDAY (.January 28), FRIDAY (January -"- 1 Ul t t_R SYMOND..-SIREEr. 30), from till live p.m. ; 011 SATURDAY BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR (January 31), from ten till twelve ; and on MONDAY nipt S (February 2), at nine a.m., to enrol and classify „ . . . x a ~ v Pupils. Mr. GILKS may be seen between the Principal .. ,•• . .. •• •• Mrs >ouno hours of half-past, nine and half-past twelve daily. Assisted by an efficient Staff. at his EDUCATIONAL CHAMBERS AND El Si- Airs. Burcher is forming a Class for China Painting NESS COLLEGE, Queen-street and Durham street Pupils' work tired free of chaige. East. Every comfort and convenience provided for rest". ' dent pupils. EDUCATIONAL /CHAMBERS. First term begins on Monday, 9th February, \j f Half term on Tuesday, 31st Mar, h. and -' ! Until term .begin- Mrs. Young will lie at home on i Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 till 6 p.m. BUSINESS COLLEGE FOR YOUTHS. Prospectuses on application. Principal ... mTt. H ARLE GILES. PR<>JE »SO. R PAN NELL Assisted by REV. J. W. ALLOWAY, 8.A., of St. £", .„ .„„„„„„ 1": ".„ ' , „. . John's College, Cambridge, and an efficient ~ t o. i ' hat h « J** °S? ned v. Classes for staff of Resident and Visiting Masters. " V " ,t °" ,«>' L ' ull(w and <"<>"• Daughters at the ° Albert-street liiihs. . .„ .„„-..,«,,«„ Tuition daily from 9.30 a.m. to 11.80 a.m. SUBJECTS OF INSTRLCTION : Appointments can be made either with the CareEnglish, Writing, Book-keeping. taker at the Baths, or with Mrs. Panned, SymondsCommercial and Mental Arithmetic. street (opposite City Road) . . • A ... I erms for the Season: £1 Is (in advance). Composition, Correspondence. . ' Spelling, Shorthand, and 1%/TEMORY, SHORTHAND, &0. Commercial Routine generally JLvJL French, and Mathematics, if desired). Pupils prepared for Junior and Senior Civil Ser- A first-class Shorthand Writer (30 years a certifivice, .Matriculation, Barristers' and Solicitors' oated teacher) desires an engagement as visiting or and other Examinations. family tutQr> town Q _ coutU _ y pupUg iustructed fa NEW PUPILS ENROLLED ON AND AFTER the art of ' Menlor >'. Shorthand, Composition, PuncJAVUARY 19t'ii. l ' J tuation, Ac, privately, in class, or through the References permitted to Rankers, Clergymen, post.—" Tutor," 42, Shortbmd-street, Auckland. 'bants, and others whose sons are or lmvo en —r________T__ _ .- students in Mr. Giles's Business College. __ ~ Testimonials may be seen on application. .Meetings. As the number of pupils is limited, individual in- ■ —————^—__ struction is given, and steady progress ensured. The Principal, Mr. T. lIARI.E GILES, Is pre- » m j _S»_ %. _* pared to admit a limited number of Pnnils from a \Q/ __KbAo« distance into private residence, where all tho com- jfcj&z «________■ V^ forts of a home ate assured. _r For terms and prospectuses, apply personally or j by letter to Mr. GILES, at his Business College, corner of Queen and Durham-street East, Auckland. TT7T| REE MASONS' HALL. THE DOBSON SCHOOL OF ART, 310, 811, 312, VICTORIA ARCADE. A Meeting of the Committee of Management will ~„,„„,„„ mtcu nri««nv I>e held in the Lower Hall on THURSDAY, the 29th > RINCIPAL : Mlbb DOBbON, January, at eight o'clock p.m., for the purpose of Of Royal Academy, London. submitting the Annual Report and Balance-sheet. All Master Masons and efficient Members of NOTICE TO STUDENTS. Lodges and Chapters which have subscribed not less (a) Students are requested to reassemble on than £50 to the Building Fund of the above Hall January 2ii, in order that work in progre.-s for are hereby invited to attend. coming Exhibition may bo finished. F. W. E. DAWSON, (b) The Life Cla>s will reopen on Jan. 19th, at 7 Chairman of Committee, o'clock p.m (head model). January 22, IS9I. Miss Dobsoit receives applications, and is at home ■ —— to ~-ive all info .nation to inquirers on the first and AUC KL AND GAS COMPANY second I' riday 111 each month. l\ _rTMiTrrn. The course of instruction in;l..des Painting in Oils -*-■*- i__wi-__), and Watercolour, Animal Life, Figures, Flowers, and _■„►:„_, 1. v._.._i... „-.. .. .i, .ha , r - . Landscape. Studying from Antique Pastel Painting, No me is hereby given that the Annual Genera and Modelling in Clay and Wax. Special Class for \ l *&£ H "fn'ffi tr w .1 h ' S i C ?" l Sam fint.innr «tn f be held in the Office, 20, yndliam-street, on MONuutuoor hKeU.hin_. DAy (he 2nd day of Fol , | .„ ary> at two 0 - c i ock plu _ , •I'itt.t/ u to receive ' 10 Annual Report and Statement of „, , _. ~ SIUDIOS. Accounts, to declare a Dividend, and to elect two Separate Studios for Ladies and Gentlemen, fitted Directors and two Auditors in the place of those with all the accessories of Art, on the Model of tho who retire at such meeting. Royal Academy. The Transfer Books will be closed from Saturday, 24th January, to the 2nd February, the latter date MISS DOBSON has studied under Messrs. Frith, included. R.A.; Seymour Lucas, R.A. ; Moriss, It. A.; Sant By order of the Board of Directors. R.A. ; Story, It. A. ; Chalderon, R.A. ; Thomycroft, E. B. PARSONS, R.A. ; Gilbert, K.A.; Armstead, R.A. ; Birch, R.A.; Secretary. Boock, R.A.; Jullian, Fletiry, Waul, Hetricks, Hare, Auckland, 24th January, 1801. in Paris, Rome, and London. TRY FLUKE GOLD MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). JU> BOYS. c~ , A „v, _.._, , r'_... , _. ~.„..„-t The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in ST. JOHN ft COLLEGE, TAMAKI. the above Company will be held at the Company's VISITOR : The Bight Rev. the Bishop of Auckland. Offic , No. 75, Queen-street, Auckland, on I RID >V, Principal: Rev. P. S. Smalllleld. . January 30,1891, at noon. Assisted by .Mr. Gtaliain Bruce, B. A., with Honours, H. GILFILLAN, Jun., London ; lately First Assistant Master, and Acting Secretary. Principal at the College, Wellington, Shropshire. • Auckland, January 22, 1891. Music Master : II it Tutschka. ■ — ——— . DKILL Masikii : Professor Carrollo. ,___,_ __._ -_--.__«,_ „ Daily Instruction will be given in Holy Scripture. TLBILEE GOLD MINING COMPANY Boys will be prepared for the Civil Service, V (LIMITED). Matriculation, and other Examinations. The Autumn Term will begin on Monday, Febru- The First Ordinary General Meeting of the above "Prospectuses may be had on application to the rt W%»l_^^ffi I iiucipai. January, 1891, at eleven o'clock a.m. PORTLAND ROAD (REMUERA) * COCHRANB Secretary BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Auckland, Jannary 19, 1891. FOR YOUNG LADIES. ■ — t>_. „„._./ „ _ ACCIDENTAL GOLD MINING COMPRINCIPAL: Mrs. Law. \J pan y (limit Assisted by an Efficient Staff. Resident Governess : Miss Oerkens (for five years' The First Ordinary General Meeting of the above Assistant Mistress at Girls' High School, Napier). Company will bo held, at the Company's Office 119 Mrs. Burcher's Class for China Painting meets on 2H^vdffiV n FMDAY ' *>**">««* at Wednesdays a COCHRANE MACKY, - School re-opens on Tuesday, 10th Anck i and| January 21, 1891 *™ et^ P° N S FONSONBY road. L LEG E ' rpAUPIKI EXTENDED COAL MINING PRINCIPAL—MISS LILIAN BDGBH. M.A. J- C VIPANY (LIMITED). The next Term will begin on TU ESDAY, Februaiy 10, 1891. ' N ft _, t r t? New Pupils are requested to attend on MONDAY' *' February 9, between 9.30 a.m. and 12. — Mrs. Burcher is forming ■< Class in China Painting. Tne Half-yearly General Meeting of Shareholders Miss Kdger is prepared to receive Candidates for °_, fcnis Company will be held at the Company's Matriculation, Civil Service, anil other examina- Offices, Fort-street, Auckland, on FRIDAY, the tions, either in class or privately. 30th January, 1891, at half-past two p.m. Prospectuses. Ac, on application. BUSINESS' ftgtjftAg home °" Mo " Jay AfternooM - To r a i ;iecflSire ePO ' rfc a ' Ul ******** 7 T~ " FRANZ SCHKRFF, '■■ u S I C. •■.,,-• Secretary. Auckland, January 19, 1891. MISS BURNS, Teacher of Pianoforte or Har- I — ■■ 1 _■ monium. Singing Lessons given, either in the Old I t _~' „„,„ Notation or in the Tonic Sol-fa. Terms on applica /GENTLEMEN'S SHIRTS.—Jusb relio»-, ,_. . . . . „, , „ VT ceived "The Levee," extra wide fronts. Address: First house below Wesloyan Church single stud, for evening wear; also a large variety Otahuhii. of White, French Print, and Regattas, which we References permitted to Messrs. J. Fairburn, Ota are offering cheap to clear.—W. H. Fenton and Co huhu; J L. Wilson, HERALD Office, Auckland Hatters and Mercers, 78, Queen-street opposite McAlpiue, Mangere ; and S. Tanfleld, Queen-street Herald Office. ' vr Auckland. ■ — . , ~ —— '' /GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR—We "OERR LOUIS TUTSCHKA, Professor Ix have just opened, ex Coptic a Splendid XX .of Music. Singing, Piano, Violin, etc. Full i Assortment, in India Gauze, Natural Wool arid prospectus at Messrs. Wildma.i and Lyell and Summer Merino, suitable for the coinin" season — Messrs. A. Eady & Co., or at private residence, w - II - Benton and <Co., Hatters and Mercers 78 Minerva House, Hobson-street. Queen-street, opposite Herald Office. "' '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8472, 24 January 1891, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8472, 24 January 1891, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8472, 24 January 1891, Page 8