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frr—T-i —=BBJ mm mini Houses Mid Land. gUFSiTyIILB fc $ ONS (Late Vails: k Douglas), ttOUSH, LAND, & ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS OP REAL ESTATE, I/AND AND HOUSE ABCTTONEER?. INVESTORS OF CAPITAL, MANAGEKS OF ESTATES, EITHER FOR EBSIDBNTS OR ABSENTEES, NEXT GENERAL POST OFFICE. AMD-STREET. XEUtPKOiSK NO. 184. Bankers : bank of NEW south wales. Lake house estate (Within one mile of the Town of Hamilton, * Waikato). We bare received instructions from the proprietor , to offer this Splendid Property for sale at a low Brie*. The Estate comprises TS9i aeres, of which 400 acres are in good gnus, and tha ro«t reclaim*) iwaiap. partly in grass, ami over tho whole of which she#p and rattle ciui travel. The whale is femced i« 12 subdivision!. Aronnti the dwelling there are extoneive plentraie grounds, comprint* cardan, orsha»d, tun nil lawn, Ac,, and tbioiu hout ttio Estate there are beautiful plantation* of forest awl shelter trees. Its pre* carrying capacity is from 1000 to 1600 [ho.p 'Ilia House ii b<viu«fufljr si tutted, commanding grand views of the Lake and surroattdiag country. It MuitAins 18 rooms, o*Soe«, and large cellar, slate roof. The dininsrtKmi is '38 by 14 feet, and the dniwingroom 23 by IS feet, with a conservatory Attached. The Mnhliu» and pHs»r outbuildings are complete in every raspeot, and the Buildings and Grounds are In perfect order. Price for t!»e whole, only £&250. Terms as agreed. Further particulars ana cards to view from SAMUEL VAUJi * SONS, l.and and Estate Agents, anu-streot. A GREAT BARGAIN. IStTRNSITK SHEEP AMD CATTLE STATION, comprising 21,000 aorwt, IS,OC<) aerwi of which are level or undulating;. There are 4000 acres of valuable bush, containing kauri, to torn, puriri, etc.; the balance is open country, mostly in grass, surface sown. The buildings consist of large two-storey House, Hi ell's hut*, etc. This valuable estate requires very little fencing, and is worked at a very aumll axp-nse, while its geographical position give* it peculiar facilities for tradrae direct with Australia or Europe. To offoct a speedy sale we are authorised to accept Hihe extremely low price of 10s per were. Terms, i rash, balance at 5 percent, for five years. Stock at valuation. SAMUEL VAILE A SONS, 1007 Land and Estate Agents, /TONES" TO LEND—Wo have the If I following sums of money awaiting investment at current rates ■ £1000, £460, £300, £200, £139, £150, £100, .£SO ; but we con arrange for loans' of any amount required.—Samuel V alio and Sons, Sbortland-street. UPERIOR COUNTRY RESIDENCE AND FARM, 1-4 ueilos from tonu by a good sroad, within 200 yards of post &nd telepkcno office, school and church, and close to e. beautiful SiUhly b««ich ; extwosive views of* tlw Hauraki Gulf, islands, etc The House eon tains ton lWTf# rooms, tvasfohouse with boiler, stablw, cowshed, etc., etc. All perfectly drained, Ihe Farm coo&Uts OX 40 acres of good laud, all in the highest state of cultiVatic*. one acre of orchard. Abundant supply of water from creek autl nell. Price reduced to £900 ; kino a, half ca«h balaneo at six per cent.—Samuel Vnil;, ajul So*is, Sliortiand-s4reot. 2400 SUBURBAN SEASIDE FARM comprniivc S8 acres vuix-feurttd, ami a.t>out five acres fenced off round house; same grass, res. ly ratclass house (new) of wjvuu large rouias, brick foundation, iron roof; three cisterns of water, se»v«ii foot verandah round three sities. Also three cottages with brick chimney fro rach. The land lies well 10 the sun, and fronts a navigable creek which affords cheap and easy imitation with Auckland, ts«.' plent* of fi*hia«(uet and lia«), boating, etc. Instance from iowu by good road, 14 miles, or by water eifiht milas; twe miles from railway station. Price (chMp, the house alone coat about £600), £7SO. r.asy terms if desired, or would sell bouse With five acius for £42b.— Samuel Yiiile and Sons, Short land-street. £749 GOOD DAIRY FARM of 202 acres, all fenced. 1»2 acros crass; »k<Jl orchard, 50 acres bush ; all level and ondulatinj, volcanic soil, well w*ter«Hl by creaks aad springs; new aad wellliuiK House of four rooms, cowshed [15 baits), etc., 28 miles from town »Jid five miles from railwaystation. Pri-e &i per acre, easy terms, stock and Impleraents at a vaJuxtion if dtaired. —Samuel Va;le and Sons, ShorUaad-stpeet. "765 Grafton road house, of seven rooms, pas and waver laid on ; tine allotlaont, having -0 feet frontage bv aio av«j»ga depth of 136 fuel. Price £«a> ; terms £26tl cash, UiUnca at fj per cent.-Samuel Valle and Sons, ShortkndBtreet. 2714 H' ANDY LITTLE FARM of 72 acres, all fe-ie«i in eight »übiiivi*iOß3; all in cultivation except two acres of Utish ; soil part alluvial, pare l«uo. House of sevon rooms, with iron roof'; large bans, cownhod, etc. ; half mile Irwin school and chsrch ; SO mile* from Auckland. Price, Samuel Vaila and Sons, Shorttindstreot. IS53_ P AKURii.NGA.—CHEAP SUBURBAN FARM m i- a«res of good land, all fenced and In ; KMLMirkabiy claar it wweds ; all ploughable ; wail watered by pr«Bai«a spriaji*; house of four room-, w#il-flnitehoa ; only a (|UAri#r of a milo from Post CXfflce, »ofcux>l, *J»d church ; fourteen miles from town by first-4»laju road. Price, £650,—Samuel Vaile ukl Shj'sjs, S hartfeua+i 277-4 CjPLEKDIi) ESTATE, comprieing ovar io 300 aoras of uiagoifleeat Xalnd, all in the highest state of cultivatiea. The whole is substantially fenced, in 20 subdivisions; 200 acres are in grass, una 70 in crop «r lying fallow. There is a small orchard of h*lf-an-acre and the roiaaind*** is btu>h. There is a good House of 0 rooms, aad a very complete set of outbuildings. Ev r.-tciag is in the beet possible and condition, and to anyone waatiutf a really first-class Farm where all the hard work has been don*', this offers a rare opportunity. The property la within ca.-y distance of Auckland by rail, and is situated a mile and a half from the Station. Price, £12 per acre ; half ca.ih ; l>a!ance at 5 per cent. — Samuel Vaile and Sons, Land and Estate Agents, fibortland-street. iO'Si Highly improved farm of 96 aeros, all fenced in S subdivisions, 75 acre* grass, 20 acres crop, small orchar l in full bearing, enough bush for shell- r, all l»vol land, good deep Boil, weii watered. House of 4 rooms, stable, large cow»ked, <ix., Ac. Quarter - mile from railway station, and Si miles freui Auckland. Price, £1 per acre.—Samuel Vaile and Sous, Shortland street. 2C94 COMFORTABLE SUBURBAN HOME. j House of nine rooms, bathroom, and offices ; verandah and balcony; gas and water laid on ; small conservatory; svable, cuacliliouse, washbouse, shod*, otc. About two acres t>i laud tastefully laid out in garden, orchard, and meadow; lecnifi lawn. P>ic», £000. Kasy terms can bo armaiced if desirod.—Samuel Vail© and Sons, Btiortbnd-street. 2769 C "Capital little suburban J FARM of 154 acres, all fenced aud in cultivation. Two acres of orchard in full bearing. Kj?ler«diii alluvial soil. Houao of live ro-jas in good order. Seven miles from town, and one mile from railway station Postal delivery on the property. Price (cheap), £450. Terms can be arranged — Samuel Vaile and Souls, Simrtlaod-streot. 2417 SPLEN DID INVESTMENT—97 ' acres of good level volcanic Land, situated within three (3) wiles of the General Post Office. House of V rooms, dairy, cowshed, etc. Price, ouly # £4000, and terms can be arranged.—Samuel Vaile and Soils, Shortland-street. 2831 SUBURBAN SEASIDE RESIDENCE. - Hoiwe of seven looms, Waidihouse, Workshop, Cowshed, et'. Five acres ofga-den, orchard, and' meadow; splendid water supply; long sea frontage ; situated within three tnliea of the General Post Office Price, £1300. _! erms, i.AM cash, balance at 0 per cent.—Samuel Vaile and, Sons, Short-and-strtwt, Auckland. ■ 2435 TO YACHTSMEN AND OTHERS.— .small Island off Waiheke, koo<;I shelter ; also Inland of about 100 acres, off C'oroinandel, some bush, frcsti water springs.—Samuel V;i,Ue and Sons, bhortland-street. 2679 A KE~TAKAPUNA. -Beautiful Build ing Sites, fronting »pkmdid sheltered sandy beach; lovely views; some fine pohutukawas; plenty of springs. The allotments vary in size from 4 acres to 10 acres, and in price from j'.l2per acre to ECO per acre. Exewptlonally easy terms.— Vaile and Sons, Shortland-street. 2753 C~~ OUNTRY~ RESIDENCJET— Well-fin" J i-jhed hciow of seven good rooms, with back and front verandah, every convenient; Washouso (with clipper), feur stalled Stable, Fruit Store (with evaporators), Cowshed, etc., etc ; SB antes of good land, all fenced ; 28 acres gra>w and 4, acres of fir.itcbtss orchard, about nine years old. Splendid supply of waier. Th 8 property cost £1600, but we are authorised to take JiiOv. Tunas, half cash, balance at 0 per cent.—Samuel Va,ile and Sous, Shortland Auckland. £747 CHEAP SUBURBAN RESIDEN'CE. — Hones of eight good Rooms, Stable, Coachh»u«e, Cowshed, etc. ; 2} Aor cm of Land ; only tea minutes' walk from nwxioai, to which there are seventeen trains a day eaeti way. Price, £000. Terns ; One-third cash; balance at six per cwit. — Samuel Vaile and Sou-i, Shortland-street, Auckland 2617 PLE DI D"CITY"F REEHOLD.-C^ trail? uitoaW, is Beaoli Road, city ; frontage, 95 feet; depth C'.ve. -t*). 188 iewt. There are at psesont three Cottages and two She<Js open the land, bat it would make a splendid site for a warehouse or factory. 'ibis offers a rare opportunity to anyone wanting »uih a property, as these freeholds on the fiat are getting very scarce. Price, £30 per foot. Terms : One-third ckah ; balance at six per cent.— Samuel Vaile and Sons, Shortland-street, Auckland. 2742 Building sites at kemuera.— I 1 18 Acres, fronting the Renuer-i Road, and commanding lovely view ; to he sold in lots to &uit purchasers. Price low. Tenuis easy. Samuel Vaile and Sons, Shortland-street, Auckland. 2*550 HEAP" ROPE RT of" four Rooms and Scnllery; Freehold Allotment,l6o by 132 feet; two minutes' walk from twin. Price, £200.- Samuel Vaile and Sons, Shortland-street, Auckland. 2700 FINE SHKEP farm , comprising 1234 J acres, all fenced in 11 subdivWions, 500 acnes grass, 20" acres crop, 34 acres orchard, small bash balance swamp partly draluwh Superior House of 1 rooms, granary, eow-»h*rt, stable, implement shed, etc. Price, £3 10s per acre. Terms, half eas&, balance at 6 per Samuel Vaile and Sons, Short! aad-street. 2702 THE above are only specimens of a very large n amber of. similar Properties which wo have for sale. These requiring Properties ef any desaiptiom whatever are .invited to call at our Office* next the General Pert Office, Shoriis.ndptreet, and enquire. Catalogues on application.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8404, 4 November 1890, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8404, 4 November 1890, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8404, 4 November 1890, Page 2