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Houses and Land. r(HAB. WILIiIAMSOW, HOUSK. LAND, AND FINANCIAL ACrDWT, S3, QUKKN STREET (Opposite ForUUeetX IUMU'JIS: NATIONAL BjINU 01* N*W ZEALAND. MONEY lu»estad for OapHaKittn en flrat-clfisn •ecuxitiae, without Bank rate of Intern* allow «ul on depowiU until iuvvkt .MONKY" TO LUND in I <-..*« »' »uiall stuns. RIiNTS and INTKKBST CvtUcWd. KNTATK.S MAiNAUBI) (or iUwilw. HOUSES TO LRT and PROPERTIES FOR KALE placed on my Hate free of shariA. liUlJ.]>rae AI.LOTM KN I'M for Side at per foot: — fcUllwuod Mount Ro«kUl, Jleieeford-etreet, llowe-atreet, Shelly UiMCli Hut-ul, Lif»r Place, North Shore, lii-pl>uro-«tn»*», K»iin«tt-»kree», Conuutvit Pl%ce, Rau<lulph-iitre«t, Ruclaiualieii, Kybur pas*, Detuuuort, Nortkcot*. ou<ihum<ii. KAUMtt lor Sale at Henderson, Blrkenbead, Uobtjunville; Om«t Falls, IT aenee; Mftukn, Kβ acres; Hamilton, OS nerve ; K»t.ik«i»t, MO acres: Tβ K'fiiij, in acres ; Otefilin, 141 item ; AvondiUe, SUO *otss ■ Klhikihi. 100 *cre» : Alexandra, 60 acres ■ Koinokoriki, 01 acre* : T»k»pun», 160 acrri ; Wimreliiiu*, 100 »cr«*; Waikiekie, Hi acre*; Karloi, Fa; tUcuru, Maungatau,*'lie, Mongoiul, tdftOf&pst. UOUUKS TO LBT:~ Lake Takapuna, Furnished Honse and Furnished Apartments Vo let in this charming suburban district. Reuiiu-i-j, Professor Thomas' late Residences Portland Road, 7 room*, tennis ground, Richmond Koud, β-rnoiutxl Uuun, stable, shed, *?. —IO«. Wi'lleslf) , Siieu and Dwelling, I room, gas iiid wat«r, nUitting—7a Chi Angl<'si'»«tr«»t, • revuu, (u, city water —lOs Uertwford-itrte*, 4 rooms tuU tculUry— I'.- tt-ltroat, 4 rnouu and scullery, ♦* M Ueorge-etreet, 4 room*—to. Prince*-*treat, ShupaU'l Dwelling— Dovouport, SUop, large yard, uitlMable— I>evon-«tra«t 4 room, and .cu11.17 Sβ Kyber I'**.*, Uuu.:h«r'« Shop and DwellingOβ Mount Kd«u, l> rouuw, "i acr«w—A*> yeivrlj West-street, 4 r* nwand »cuU«njin Cd Kybei Pa»», Shop mid Uak.«»iy, »l*bloWβ lrejaud-ntreet, 6 room*—■u iM wmkly Arch-hill and liunjulaiul, 4 ru»iu»~li ed llowe-str«et, > riwuu —m w««kl> Mid Is <s<l M<JinuouUi-sU«<"l. * lIWUU — 'Jj. ».i wuukly S<>iith-stre»t, N»wton, » I'wotuoU Viotoria-«tre»t,Lar|« aiiwr* to Ui, 4 ttortai Farms to l.*'t iu various pirw ef thu province. Blacksmiths' Shop in Cu<t«»ui-»tr*#t—SOe. Offices to lot in Low«r tJiß'tfii-mrwet, freui fs. li-iouuiod Country Awarding Uun»i.-, M H MATAKANA—SO-acre Fare, wltk ail impreTeuieuU. A b*rg*iu KM at Tantn.iki for aala, very dieap, 4U acre*. lU>il ISA -C!wi«« Farm u( Liu acrwi O"lCMjiiu) and lU>i:iit*t».4d tor »dw. JilJ DIuVONPOUT—Lars* 1«-l»wui*4 Ileiuti f»r i»ale, with larg« AUotuiuiiU, uituate b«twe<*a rvvo Whirves. Price, HOW. AVON DALE— !>t "•■■«• Laud, feiuiiMl and uihVor CUltivatioU, wilb ll»iu»u.»uJ utablo, cownkuJ, mk! all n«c.«»*ary outbuilding, tor Mia, at Ml**. TO I.KA.SK far tarm »( year»-->«0-acra Fanu en Waiteuiata (rouUn*. withiu Ira uilim #f Auoklaud. l'*ui!.jrunil« liuiu«nit«p.»4 and all c<«i«ii ences. i'uivliaiim; cl*ujm» can Wβ givau. MOUNT fclDklN—Nyw Jiruouiu4 Ueum» tor mile, with a *<-re* I jiuJ, all cI«M.i«»J, ckuic«»t »U«, large cattle run adjouui, city waUr. Price, JtbOO. TUAKAI'— Valuable liuprovad li'aitu of iv/..cre» fix Kilt.-, vary L-Ut-mi. liounu vi 4 ivouui. DEVONPOKT— Villa litssid«Qoe of 7 rooms fur «ala ; vinary, orchard. *c. 6llk:U,Y UKACU KOAD-Uiuht-rooUied Houee, with large Allotment, far kale, at vary low rak»; grand view of harbour. MOUNT KUtN - aix-rouineJ Uou»«, wanh-hoiuiu, wuua and coal-hou»a, at tbu lww price of JfliU. UKIII'KUA — New hi*-rooined Uou.e lor »ala, wiUi Allotment «ii by l-iu, ti.iLia view, at tha low price of Jtjda. luuy term*. UlßlvKMlLAD.—tf aortw (or sal*, feutitxi and In uraas; trwsli «awr cruet Ob«a;>. iA>ri'AU For Sale ill City aud BulmrU upoy payment uf Mi dapuslC; balauua by weekly pay. iiir'iiu. AUo, AllotmenU oti xauie twrmii. LAKIi TAIiAPUNA— Tail acre* lor nale, In «nu or more lot*, in tUla ckarwiug district, butich anil road £roiiuij;c, vvcureiy leilcoil. VILLA KKSIDICNCU fur kale near Upper (Jtujenbtreet; gas aud water; i ange. £'255. NEX'f-OF-KIN, Ilimt*-AT.LAW, MISSING KKLATIVIiri, AND OTUUIUi.—C. li. Willi&BWiia, Agent, b.'i, yiißou-alreaL, Uan pltuuiura iu informing all iiiterestud thai lie bay new e«uUlishe«l nu AKolicy 111 liUiidoH f»r a«arcbiii£ wilU wf perswiui «fCu have left Miilley or li«uit«i t« Kelatira* in the Colonies, or to iuve*tl|;aUi title* u> imcliumed money iu iutvstate coialu*. k'on far kearcU of register, in (id. W. S. OOCHRAKE. [JAS. DAOBU. OAMUBL /COCHRANE & Q<ON, GENERAL AUCTIONBKBS, APPRAISERS, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENTS, QUEEN-STREET (Nbxi Usion Basis), EsTABI.IfcHMU 1859. VALUATIONS MADE OF LAJND. BTJILDINGS» HOC.SEHOLD FUttMTUJiB, &C SALES AND PURCHASES OF ALL KINDS. EFt'JkCTKD AND JfUUOTIATBU OONSIONMENTS OP ill. KINDS PROMPTLY ckposkd or. MONEY TO LKJ.D OK 1-UlilillOLD SiBOCBITy AT OUIIKKNT HATIW. resiuenx;h, atokdalb. TOR SALE - i «mr>)rt*Ua lUiidcnce, 6 rooms, every coiiTenltnoe, .tabit: Mid other outbuildings with 4 acrue liuid well Idua it and plAnt«d ; jv*»J orchard. COTTAGE, WAKMION STREET. FOE SALE—Cottage with 1 idl»tia»nt». AVON D ALB. FOR RALE—AllotLLant comer George-street, coiv taiuiii£ 1 oert- iuid 'IV purchu*. VILLAGE OF MATAKANA. FOE HALii— Lol 11/7, containing abouJ 3 acres. OKA lIU. FOR SALR— Lot* &4 and bi, containing 143 acres, partly kauri timber. Pi ice, 5s acra. LAKE TAKAF'UXA. VQTI BALK—.SaTural Beautiful Tilla Sites, fftdng the sea and the main road. NEWTON ROAD. FOR SALE— Comfortable lloiue »f 7 rooms. Bawjr tens I. COTTAGES, NEWTON. FOR SALE—Two Ottagi;* (nearly now), litnate ra Xt<iailolpti-Htruet. Price, only £115. LAND, HELLYER'S CREEK. FOR SALK—44 acre* geod i-itid, with large w;v*ec frontage ; clo.te to district wharf; wuru aapcftl; Buitabfcf for fruit farm. LAND AT COROMANDEL. FOR SALE— S7 acroe, uearlv all water frontage, kituatt) at entrance of Corocindwl Uaaboiw ; would make a Hrst-clasJ fishing station. HOUSES, PONSONBY. FOR SALE— Twe Well-built lieutee, nearly new, ■ix rooms each, tv«ry conveniynce, flue now of harbour. Price very low. HOUSE, HAYDN-STREET. FOII HALIi:-Comfortable l{teldeuc«, eiu'lit Rooiibi well tinialjtd throughout; batb, washhou*e, copper, etc. ; Large allotment, woli drained, patbji concreted. Very cheap. RESIDENCE, PICTON STREET. FOR SALK—Comfortable Family Resilience, built of concrete, 14 rooms, tiuo view of harbour ; «hwe to tram. RESIDENCES, MORNINGSIDE. FOR "SALE —At Mountain View Kvtate, Murningtide—A wL'll-liiiinlißil and comfortable Residence of 6 lofty room*, 4 bath-raom, cupboards, and ail convenience*, V'auotian ullndu throughout, S ruratidahii. There in ilLm largo stable, buggy bovu«. The grounds consist of i largu Allotuii'iitu, ill a capital position, dene to tuiuu road. A Wo, COMFORTABLK KESIDhNCJI of 4 room* (jid'ola. iugUie abore), UHtbrooin, waller/, pantrie», ika ; weJi-flniihud throughout; has 4 large AllotiunnUs, with Urge ruad frontage. Price ittj low for eitiiur property. RESIDENCE, WOOD-STREET, PONSONBY. FOR Comfortable 'i'wo-storled Renldence, C rouuto, kitchen, baUi-roein. I flr*plao*«, we*hlioune and copper ; Allotuieat, 2$ feet by 130 f«o» ; good orchard ajid gardes. . RKBIDKNCK, PARK ROAD. FOB SAJil£—Cowfortftblu Residence of 3 stories, 10 roouin bath-room and Soulier/. Price Tery low. ALLOTMENT, WELLINGTONSTREET. FOR SALE—Allotment, corner of Wellington and Hepbura-«tr«ete, 41 feet frontajje. Price, 4190. OFFICES. TO LEX Suite •! Office* In best part of queen street. PROPERTIES FOR SALE ON SPECIAL TERMS. £10 DaroeiT, Balahoh by WxesbT Paymhnts. (MABENCK-STRHIIT-CetUice ef I rooms, neatly new, 40 feet frenlu*. Price, 4*l*. SUhSEX-BTRKBT-rbree ll«une«, 4 and 6 reome, W feet frontage. Price, JUHO. CHUROH-STRKBT—Two fleuuwi, 4 *hW 6 rooms, one nearly new. Price fer Hie lot, AMU. CAMBRIDGE-STREKT — Cottage of i room*. newly built, S3 feet frontage. rice, ***>. SAMUEL COCHRANE A SON, Auctioneer f>OUNDKEEPEKS' BOOKS (under the X new Art), M and 60 pagee, with the Schedule of Fines fer Treepaw and Liubobb<Hiii; F*m inierted liid-mmeiioamant, en B<Ue ftk MM Hjmlai.h ukfliWiw Offioe, 4i*eee-e*icrA.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8385, 13 October 1890, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8385, 13 October 1890, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8385, 13 October 1890, Page 2