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Nkw Herald Office. Saturday eveuing.

Messrs. C. E. Paget and Co. , * Wkeklt KkPOKT.—A fdi ly busy week In all department*. Prwduee of all kinds hasiuorud off fieeiy, and in lereral Man* d*iu:<LUd «ii uusatUlied. Putatvuii are itill low in price, but Aide* mo improving. Onion* : Market quito bare and several large orders uafultilUil ou account ot scarcity. Pumpkins, cabbage*, carrots, aud othwr vegetubJe.t were in (mallei supi ply. and tale* resume*hat improved. Although i rather late, a fair quantity of toed potatoes huve bueu dupojed of. Grain : Oats meet with fa.ird»uiAud at Lite nitee. Wboat and uuviz* : Market quit* bare und de.uiaud uuiM tin tied at close. Ctieuu i All kind* are scarce, mid iiuytliiuu approaching Mr quality cau be readily t)ultt«d at good ratee. Hhiiis mid U*f*)B : Supply large, but rsJues and demand for erat-daea lou tut* uialuuuned Kr«»li butter : Good supply, tile* dull, and prices low. CoruttU bulter : (July really firat-claaie quality couiuiands attention. Hwney: Supply f«J short ot requirenieaw, and value* improved. Lemoni : Supply ixrt,; and damaud oulv moderate. Poultry : Supply couliuwd to a lew low of fowlnHiul duokii, uid these i*. Used top price*. The following prietii were *bt*in«d at Friday , ui»rkct «al« : - PottWea, prime table lote to AijliXjifr ton ; other lobs, tit to £'2 12» (id ; Uaiuaru »«cd vouitooe, picked, £i to £4 be; Beauty of Kent, picked, £i ie to£4 ; Peticb Kloasoin, picked, £3 lUm to Ci ; oiuook, poor »uniUi«, ijd to 'id ; pumpkins, a* M to <s S*i per ewe ; c^ulitlowers, -1 ill U> *-• ill per dozeu ;|t«*, Kid to *J id pur sack ; carrots, 7d to H<i perilozun buucbe* ; turnips, 0.1 to Vd : oatf, 2* 'id to 'U id per biixhel ; wheat, 2* Sd to Sβ Wd ; maize, S.i •id to Ss lud ; tluarp«, £4 per ton ; bran, £3 16u ; cli«t»e, »jd te td per ib ; frrsb butter, «Jd to (.-» ; corned, 'id to eju ; lard, Sid ; honey, »d to 4jd ; baius, pxiuie, "id to Md ; iiac«n, prime, to 7d ; ditto, Indifferent lou, -i\d to id; «gts, il) to 8d per dozen; new poUtoo.-,, Sbtpherd»' i* Od to on Cd per rack ; kidneys. Id to lid per Ib ; flour, £10 per ton ; ten, 13s Cd per box ; biscuits, 3d to 4idperlb. Poultry : Fowls, ordinary, Is id to Is 10d each ; ducks, Is lid to 'la 74 ENGLISH. London, September fl. WOOL.—The fourth series of eaten cotnuiouc* oa the liHu, aud nearly 170.U00 balw hare b<K<n received. The stock of raw material in second hand* is light, and the quantities available for the »erie» not excessive, so tbat the closing rates of last sales may be maintained. CORN.—The gathering iu of the harvest has been delayed by th* weather. The yield can only be rouguly estimated, but in not expected to exceed S,.uO,tHjO quarters. Au*traJ*UAn wh«et ha* been ia fair demand, especially white wheats, on which in advauce of quite 2s per quarter Uaa b«;n recoided. A conilderabk busiiiewt lihs been dou«» in corgooti on ci. term*, at full u> higher prices. For Australian ■■ off C(«l»t," Tuluee have ranged from *7s to USi per 4801b, and t« arrive, on pttMai;*, from SSs to S3* 4id per 4SOlb : while if verul sulee of New Zealand o'>ii«beriy) have bt<*n made at from Sii« 0d *o 37» Cd per 4?01b. There has been a f;iir inquiry for oats, iuid New Zealand description, have met with a fair sale at from 'M* to •>» per S»4U> tor «ood qua.litiea. A few small parcels of New Zeaiiind barley have chanted hand* at from S7s to 40s per 4431b for tine malting sort*. Good N'»iv Zealand beans are worth from So* 6d to Sis per W4lb. TalXOW.—Values have hardened, mutton advancing from Is to Is Cd per cwt, and beef U per cwt on the month. Good to fine qualities are quoted at 2tie »d to 271 per ewt. ' IlADBir SKINS —Fair to ordinary to good >ew Zealand ikius average Is 5d to Iβ Hid per lb. KAURI urn.— Pine pale, .-<elect«d, £0 to £15 per cwt; clean, hard, Rood to tine, HJb to £8. NEW Zkal-a.nd HEMP.— market for New Zenland is quiet, but valued have been well maintained. The stock in band on September 1 amounted to fiii tons. Prices : Fair to good Auckland, from £*J to £22 lit per ion ; good to fair medium Wellington, £19 10* to £20 16« per ton. Fuozu.s -Meats. — Values of froaen mutton nave receded id per Ib timing the month, and a similar fall has occurred in bwf. The approximate stock iu band auiouut* to i»J,0;O carcases of New Zealand mutton and lainli, and 7SOO carcases of Australian muttt.n. The cargoc* per Opa« A and lonic have not yet been tented on the market, (bough their condition is reported gdod. The quotiitiooi ruling in London are : Selected New Zealand mutton, ia 7d to a* yd per stone ; average New Zealand mutton, ■I* 0d to 2u 7d; inferior, It id to 2s ed ; primu Queen.iland Diiitton. 'in 6d to 2s 6d ; Sydney, 2>i 4d to 2s tid ; New Zβ-land lamb, 2* 8d to 'ia 4d ; New Zealand beef, hiudquaitere, 2a 2d to *d ; fores, 1* bd to Is lOd. CllEliiii.— Purcela of New Zealand in cood condition realised i'M to 4Ss por cwt, but the bulk of rocent arrivals bus reached bere more or le*s heated, and lus U'eu sold at from 28* u> 40.-> per cwt.

From the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company's circular of September C we extract:—

SHEEP SKINS.—At the auctions, the offering of 2100 bale* Australasian mot a good Inquiry, anil the bulk found buyers under the hammer. Merino descriptions marked an advanec of from }d to id per Ib, while crossbred* ruled from M to Jd per li> dearer as compared with the preceding sales. A» the result of an improved American demand for pelte, khort-woolled ukms generally realised relatively full rated. Lkathkk.— Two public Bales have taken place since the date of our lost circular ; the totn.l quantity catalogued aggregating 14.065 eideK, of which 10,1)64 side* were diitposed of. Considerable improvement him been manifested In the demand for all description*, aud values now mark an advance of from id U> id per lb on late rate*. Basils.—Of*l.l42 .ides submitted to the hammer durtutf the vast four weeks 37,0m5 «ide« were disposed of. Good competition was manifested for All de*eiiption«, md f«r the portions Bold full to «ulvauced rates w«ru secured. Haltku HiutM.—A kooU demand prevailed at the MtluH aud of 11,147 hide* brought forward 0552 were sold. Value* for heavy wx marked an advance of from i<l to id per lb, while light averages ruled $<\ per lb higher. Cow has remained without material change as compared with our laj>t report. Copka.—OwW to tbe small available supplies only a limited bu»ine»s has been passing during the past month, but fresh arrivals have met a strong market ana values mark a further advance of from Yoi to 208 a ton.

AMERICAN. New Yokk, September 18, 1800. Moeere. R. W. Forbes aud Son report :— Kerosene.— The basis remained the same until the 12th iiiiitant, when au advance of IU-100 occurred. The quantities by vessel* now loading art approximately :—Per Napier, fur Adelaide, 16,000 cases; Ksses, for Dunediu, 4»Ju ; Esaex, for Aucklaud, 4000 ; Valparaiso, for Wellington, 4000 ; Valparaiso, fur Auck laud, 1050. In sugar an advance in price will be noted. The market uhowe a temporary decline in most grades; figure* are, how. ever, very hijjh in comparison with tin .i- ruling lant year. In dried apple* there in now no supply in thin city or any immediate- prospect of any, and dealer* anticipate high price*. Seeds have an upward tendency, aud ulnyke and white clover have advanced.

The new Tariff Bill passed the National Senate on the lot instant and uow gott* back to Urn Lower House for concurrence iu amendment*. It seems uiobabletuat before October lmt it will reach the I're.ident for hi* appiovul, of which no doubt* ara entertained. T>>« Bill is generally regarded as uujiut a* well as unwise, and while iu plumage in a temporary triumph of extreme Protection we believe the ultimate ruvult will bo a reaction in favour of lower duties aud fairer trade. The large manufacturing States, whom Ludut>tri«s are specially favoured by certain proyieiona, will übdoubtedly approve its panaage, but siguy of discontent are perceptible in the West and rjouili as well an in man/ Ea«Urn sections heretofore itrongly Kepublican. While the verdict of the last National election wjia ill favour of moderate protection a Bill of this nature must be considered an a fostering of special in. teresU to tin extent which, iu many lines, borders closely on commercial prohibition.

San Fiuncisco, September 20. Wheat.— 1, 1 dollar 324 cent* to 1 dollar 33} cents. Flour.—Family extra*, 4 dollire to cents to 4 dollar* 60 cant*; bakers' extras, 4 dollars 16 cent* to 4 dollars 25 cenU. Baulky.- 1 dollar W cent* for Standard Choralier ; and 1 dollar 30 cente to 1 dollar 35 cents for lower grades. Hops.—Unsettled at 36 cente per lb. Fig Iron.— cente to '23 cent* per lb. Freights.— charters are nominal at 42s od.

NKW ZKALAND HEMP. Mr. C. Spurting report* at London, on September «ili, 1890 :—My report wan of Sth ult., since which, notwiUlstauilinf th* he**/ supplies" of New Zeula.nct brought to auction oil lilkb and uutli August. our market list* »how» a, hardening tendency, and prices of medium, fair, mil good qualities havu gradually and steadily advanced 30e to BQs per ton over the ruts* obtain*l last niontb. Having regard to the dull and depressed state of our market for niaaila—tlie price* of which are fully 'Si* lower than lut month—the improvement in New Zealand and Mauritius hemp (both used iu>>ra or Imtu ax «üb«titutcs for luanila) may be eousideied KatUfactory. Th« total «uv)ili«» of New Zealand at auction sine* Ith ult. have bean vary large, comprising in all 7100 bale* tump, and M bales low. Of the former at and xince the auctions fully three-fourths haa ehangtd bands at thtt advance already npoken of. It is gratifying-to notice an imuroraiufut in the cUaninr and preparation of many parcel* rvctiilly receivtn, and in the ultimate interest of shippers of New Zealand hemp, it is to be hoped that it may continue. Although not what could be * Uhud, it >« eatinfactory to see an improvement in the duliveries of this month, W56 tons, agaiwt 904 tom it August. The arrivals since the Bth ult. have b««a vyry small, comprising only 3*4 balea hemp, and Hi balos tow, whilst the landings, nitotlv at the previous mouth'* arrivals, -at* very heavy. Toppete, or hackled hemp, have bean in better request, and as these come to b« better known, there Is little doubt that they will bo more largely utted than heretofore; a few sale* of good and flut have been made at £16 10n to £17 per ton, Oar nsirkot ciotson imj Ira. Low Mil interior

b*Jf-e\r*-#*d, JtU *• 41* Its; eotumon, £11 10*; middling »o fair, 410 *• £S*i ; good lair, £*) On to £80 l&s ; good, All to £19 ; flue, Wl lUu to <«. TU* landing, 4eßterie«, aud mock* of New Zealand, Manila, SUal, and MmuiUiui lieuips, for month ending tlit August, law, are v— Ijuiil.hL Delivered. Stocks. Xβw Zealand .. I,T*» .. «»>Uim „ 1,77(1 tone Manila ... - TOT „..«>•„_ 1,201 „ KUal .. „ ITU „ 1 » „ - IX „ Mauritius „ lii ,_ , 68 „ .. l,e\» » AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE, AUCJiUVH, OCTODIUI 10. IS9O.

Joseph Newman, S. Vldcere, 3. F. Cl&rke, R. Frater, J. M. Lennox, D. B. McDonald, I). O. MacDonuell, Atlken Curricle, R. Bpratt, Francis Hull, Jaun-Jt Keid, K. G. M*cky, T. A. JJeuziM. C. Au-.XiNJJEa, C2udi-uuuk CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. CALLS. « «. li. Consols G.M.Oa «. „ 0 0 2 _ Oct. 13 Haeelbftnk O.M.Ccx . „ 0 0 S M Oct. 90 Biicce«»O.M.Co. ~ ..001.. Oct. 90 Puhipuhi Prospector* , CO. ~010 .. Oct. 20 Hand O.M.Ce. .. „ 0 0 6 .. Oct. -a Secret O M. C0... ~ -001., Oct. 26 Archhill Brick and TUe Co. .. • 1 0 .. Not. 7 Rtd Mercury G.M.Ce... .«•«»„ N0t.20 DITISIIMU, Try Fluke.. „ - _ 0 t « . Oct. IS

Oompsuiy. Jiiuia««. .Cttoateg Prices. ___ B»jr*r«. g»Uens Banks : * ■ * * » d. New Zealand, old.. — 4 0 • * 6 0 iMSUkANCR: Z«*l*nd . — — I • 0 Brikieb „ ** 110NAtiOlMkl ... — CUD - Unioe .... — 1 I • — MlSCKLLAHBOCSl Kauri Timber .. —> 6 10 6 0 18 0 N./., A R. P. I Ami M. — 111 UtU I N./..L. & MmtmuUI* — — i 11 I Union UU ... — 9 1» C — Mining : Try I' luke -. _•>,"/! 0 e » —■ Boiiauak «■ *. — 0 l -i —. ouuuft «. «. — U i a — MaxipoM „ • — — 0 1 4 Waitida ... — — 0 1 8 Kapai .... — — « 1 § ]jidjr C&rrluftaa .. — —Oil SUiiley .. — —000 Owcru — », — — 0 I 0 Kuiiiuunu . .. — — U 1 C i\Uyyu«in,. .. 9/0,7/ 0 « » » 7 < Is'ewMean*tai»il.. •/», 7/ 0 7 0 0 7 6 Saxon .. •/ — • i <t New Albumin .. H9,il I ( II U 0 Lone Hand.. „ 4/8 0 4 > — DivoH .. «. . — • 1 I — Cambria M „ — 0«kee« Norfolk • ... — V '2 g 0 a 4 OrUuUe « «• — — — DlllUldltt mm „ — — 0 1 6 Victoria (T.) „ — 014010 Prince Imperial .. — U S 0 — Manukau .. .. — 0 0 9 — FeArnuuglit „ — ' — » 8 I Blanche _ „ — —0*4 Little .Nell „ m — — 0 * 8 Golden Apt* . — — « l 0 Hazed Bank „ Sf 8 t Q 0 a S Oriental .... — — 0 0 10 Mountain Flower.. — — « 0 4 Prosperity -. „ —• •- 0 0 0 Leopold - _ — — 0 0 < Adeliu* ... — — 0 0 6 Flying Olond «. — — 0 0 8

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8385, 13 October 1890, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8385, 13 October 1890, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8385, 13 October 1890, Page 4