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Gazette Notices. - ■ 1 ' 11 ■ 1 " 1 " i # -. UNDER SECTION 38 OF THE RATING ACT, 1882. AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL. Whereas under the Provisions of The Rating Act, 1882, judgments were given upon Ihe Ist day of December, 1887, at the Resident Magistrate's Court, witting at Auckland, against the persons whose j names appear in the Schedule hereunder written, for the sums sot opposite the name of each respectively, being arrears of Hates due by them as owners of the Lots which are particularly referred to in the Schedule hereunder. Amount of Name of Judgment Description of Property. Judgments Debtor. 1 and Costs. Scott, Thomas _ „ tots 21, 24, 25, and 32, of a subdivision of part of Allotment £a. d. 22, of Section 8, .Suburbs of Auckland .. .. .. 211 7J Malouoy, Patrick Donlan Allotment 09 of subdivision of Allotments 42, of Section 8, Suburbs of Auckland, Parish of Waiteniata, and County of Eden .. .. * 119 4J Porter, TKmias _ _ Lot No. 14 of the subdivision of Allotments 15, 10, 17, of Section 39, of the City of Auckland £ 11 7J Stark, Henry Powning.. AH that subdivisionai Lot of Land in the City of Auckland, known as City Section 37, Allotment 3a 1, being Lot No. 1 of the subdivision of Allotment 3 of Section 37, City of Auckland .. .. . •• ■ • 313 Mook John M. — » Lot No. 91, of the subdivision of Allotment No. 6of Section No. 7 of the Suburbs of Auckland, and Parish of Waitemata, and County of Eden .. 1 17 4 Bendfeldt, Peter.. .. All those two pieces or parcels of Land, situate in the City of Auckland, Parish of Waiteniata, and County of Eden, part of Allotment number 25 of Section No. 54, hereinafter particularly described, that is to say—all that piece or parcel of land bounded on the north by Beresford-street 25 feet, on the east by other part of said Allotment No. 25 by the line running parallel with the outside boundary of said Allotment with Allotment No. 20 129 feet, oil the southwest by parts of Lots Nos. 22 and 23 41 feet 0 inches, and on the west by the land conveyed to Thomas Brown llannaford 100 feet; ami also all that other piece or parcel of land bounded on the north by Beresford-street 25 feet, on the east by the land conveyed to the said Thomas Brown llannaford as aforesaid 33 feet, on tho southwest by part of Lot number 24 41 feet 0 inches 2 15 This is to give notice that the above-mentioned Properties will bo sold or leased by public auction, under the' Provisions of the said Act, after six months from the date of this notice, unless the amount of the s lid iudgmont together with interest thereon, at the rate of ten pounds per centum per annum, from the date of the saul judgment to the date of payment, and all oosts and expenses incurred m recovering the same and all other rates due, up to the date of judgment, are paid prior to such sale. HENRY C. BREWER. Registrar Supreme Court, Auckland. Dated at the Supreme Court, Auckland, tliia 28tli day of April, 1800. Life Assurance. Sporting. JSLvCT "N By Special A^ >• the Governor <£&&&&%& fiisExceUenJy "f <l New Zea /GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. TIT IT TT A Z A R D, CHIEF ADVANTAGES. T T • -IX# JOL Dow premiums and large bonuses. Funds kept in New Zealand. ... • GUNMAItER, Claims paid immediately aftor proof ol u6MB. Most liberal conditions. IMPORTER OF ARMS, AMMUNITION, Low Now Zealand mortality Economical mau^, t curity< SPORTING REQUISITES, TOTAL SUM ASSURED (including OPTICAL GOODS, & FIREWORKS. Bonus Additions)... ... ••• *7»11>5,943 TOTAL. FUNDS (the whole invested 11(? OUEENSTREET in New Zealand) £1,338,195 J- A", S5 In addition to the above funds, the ; office has an ANNUAL INCOME of £mm BREECH-LOADING AND MUZZLE-LOADING *»—< —*— GUNS by Scott, Greener, Webley, Bland, Mollis, The Surplus Cash ProflUin 1885 were *24WM snider. I *'si,,gle'anipDouble'' \VinOPENING OF TONTINE SAVINGS FUND SECTION. llMes!Revivers ill great variety, including Tontine Savings Fund System 1 oliciea are (jolt's, Tranter's, and Webley's, Pistols and Swords, now being issued. t>~h.„ Cartridge Re-cappers, Turnovers, Shot and Powder New Assurers and existing Assuranoe Policy • Measures Cartridge Extractors, Breech and Barrel holders will be allowed to join this section. Cleaners, ' Cartridge Belts and Bags, Game Bags All profit* accruing .entering the section ami Covers, Bullet Moulds, yad are set apart to bo divided among the policy- u lllir i 1( ,„ ltc holders remaining in the section at the end • > •• of 1900, when liberal returns in cash are anti- SPOUTING CARTRIDGES tilled on the pre- ' ciliated. mixes with the ideates care and precision, and warThe principles of toe Tontine and mode of ranted perfectly reliable. keeping accounts are not kept * torot ' "In GUNS Ma( , to Order, and ah kinds of Repairs ;«.se of other loutints advertised. to firearms executed promptly and thoroughly. *»• Information can be obtained at the Head Office and all Branches and Agendas, and also FIREWORKS, from James Pain and Sons, Lonfrom the Travelling Agents of the Departmect, don, in assorted boxes, at vis Od, 4s, 7s (id, 16s, Sua F. W. FRANKLAND, and upwards. Actuary «cd Principal Officer. "{3i» SHOOTINB GALLERY AND XT R TII E ASSURANCE BOWLING SALOON 1> COMPANY. ON TJIK p ttEMISKSt CAPITAL.... £3,000,000. OPEN DAILY. —— Shooting 2d per shot, Bowling Od per game, day m STAT KM SHF-WINO THK PROGRESS OK Till night. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COM J ANY, ==== ~ ~ "" Since its establishment in 1830, to the present time Tile Stud. (issr>). — . Net Fire Net Life R *™"" B * toted* # \ear. Revenue. R e » e nue. lllU)rest lnc^ u mop 700 1,200 38 200 MB 2 him i am 2:200 fi»>i mo STAND THE SEASON AT 1842 3/200 la.illH) 2,800 7&.800 X WATERVIEW, A VON DALE, 1815 S'SiiO Jm'rlli! n'u!!o !9'f,'.!!!! The TllonouailUßED House, 1848 e,W*» 20,600 0,900 151, WW ' 1851 8,700 29,000 6,800 172,50 I EKOS 1854 80,000 20,700 7,900 231,600 Antkro* dun Naiad} 1857 78 000 69,100 16,600 380,000 (0} ANTMIOS, INAIAD), 1860 12L400 60,800 21,400 585,200 Bred by the New Zealand' Stud Co., 1833. 1863 148.000 77,800 29,300 010,400* . Chestnut Horse, over 15 hands. IB<ifl 100,100 97,300 3b,000 £??•?!!!! Terms: £1 5s cash. Paddocks 2s 6d per week. 1809 197,700 119,100 46.200 1,031,800 Every cure taken, but no responsibility. 1872 270,400 125,200 01,600 For further particulars apply to 1875 351,200 111.300 00.900 1.9H.600 '"■ 1878 405,61 Ml 157,800 107,200 2,301,100 R. P. KINLOCII, 1881 451,400 181,300 120,500 2,708,100 Veterinary burgeon, Avondale. 1886 677,300 191,500 132,000 3,134,300 1,1 IMC DEPARTMENT. S'.IM It is worse than useless to possess a Life Policy iff unless there is the certainty that the sum assured Vtflßiii67? Mrul will tie paid at death. A man may for years trust to it an the support fot his family, and ultimately J \ V J tfn Hud that it is of no value. The sums assured by the "N()ftTHlSltN"are guaranteed by the Shareholders capital of Three Millions Sterling, and by its **riTT STAND AT THT. STARI.F.S Accumulated Funds, all safely invested, amounting \'V I-U-; rr if AW i.-uyTP.M 10n 4 E»1 rt JSJ^US in December, 1885, to more limn Thiikk ,7, * c m TRAVLL Millions ONK. lIUNDIIKII and TIIIUTY-l'OUlt lHh iSURUOuNDING DlsrillCra, Thousand Founds, and continually increasing. The Fashionably-bred hotting Stai.lion, In the Participation Branch, the whole of the BKN BOLT, asckiitai nki> SURI'I.US at each valuation belongs to th(j Tlloron?h d Horse Akeake dam Perkins' the assured. n,„ , n1 .,,„ v Bay J udv (Cham Trotter of Australia and 1 he undersigned, Agent for the above Company, * - v v uw '/o'lbindl i» prepared to accept Risks against Fire on Building." ' and Contents in the City and Province of Auckland, Tonus: Single Mare, £3; two or more Mares, at the LOWEST CURUJCNT It AT ICS. £2 His each. THOMAS MACICY. Apply to O. C. McGEK, September 15,1890. Otahuhu. Australian MUTUAL PROVI- — i\. DENT SOCIETY. xSSfr [Established 1849] THE OLDEST MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE IN AUSTRALASIA. I Head QUAY. rriHß IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED WELLINGTON. STAI.LION, Local Board of Directors— LEOLINUS, Hon. Morgan S. Grace, M.D., M.L.C., C.M.O. (Chairman). W ■'Li Stand this Season at his Owner's Estate Charles J. Johnston, Hsq. (Deputy Chairman). Wiiitford Park, Turanga Creek. Alfred de Bathe Brandon, hs<|. The Hon. Edward Richardson, C.M.G. and M.H.U. LEOLINUS is a dark chestnut, horse, and was got MEDICAL Officer l,y Caterer (son of Stockwell), nut of Tasmania, by n , w a if.,,.,, M c s Fni?laiid Melbourne out of a maro by Picaroon out of Bonny Dr. W. G. Kemp, ALU. C.S., England. Bonnet, by Muley Moloch. During the time LI'iOI.INITS was racing 111 ICngANNUAI, INCOME land, he won over £5000 in .stakes over all kinds of Ti-XPFims i-l ..... 000 STERLING courses, lie was a rare stayer, very fast, and a EXCEF.DS £1,G.j,000 SILRLING. great weight carrier, and these sterling qualities ho iNVifftTPii FITVDS his transmitted to his progeny. IN VLSI ED I'UNDS Since he has been at the stud LINUS has -PQ 000 000 proved himself a most noteworthy winner-producing ' ' - parent, amongst his gets being Leopold, Leonora, » Leorina, Leos, Tigredia, British Lion, Clogs, Puck, REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ASSURE Radames, Miss Alice, Dolosa, and 'l'res Sec. WITH THIS SOCIETY. ' FEE—Thoroughbreds, : Single, £10; two or inure It is tho only Colonial Life Office giving Annual mares according to agreement. Half-breds : Single, Bonuses, reducing the net cost of Assurance to the £•' ; two or more according to agreement. lowest uossible limit. All fees to be paid by the Ist of January, 1890. It is the oldest, largest, wealthiest, and most Further particulars may be obtained on applicaprosperous Mutual Life Office in the Southern tion to DIBIII E Hemisphere. „ „ , ' whit ford' Park Its Bonuses are larger than those of any other , wh»W Sa Creek Life Office of similar age in any part of the world. Wbitford, luianj,a CrteK. Tho Society has distributed amongst its members —— —— upwards of £4,050,000 ill Cash Bonuses, representing Reversionary Bonuses exceeding £8,000,000 sterling. After making unusual ample reserves, the Cash „ Surplus for division for the year 1889 was £426,494— ml; V*\jf Or a larger amount of profit than lias ever been lealised BLMFpf or divided in one year by any other Ollico of the if J Jffl The' Society issued 11,004 New Policies during the year 1889, assuring £3,679,459, with New Premiums amounting to £13.,411 m 0 STAND THIS SEASON AT THE HIE SOCIEI Y OFFERS ■ HARP OF ERIN, UNDOUBTED SbCUIU jj RALIT y j The Thoroughbred Stallion, Its investments in New Zealand securities are BRIGADIER, £1,273,514, and all the surplus Branch accumula- „ Mi „ ket (imp.). DAM PUNGAWEREWERE, BY tions are invested in the colony, thus making it Golden Grape, dam Atlanta. A 3 THOROUGHLY COLONIAL INSTITUTION. BRIGADIER abm'aili brown horse, He''was Be careful that you select this Society, and do points, standing about 10 hands - inches. ™ ™ not bo misled by the similarity of name of some of bred by Mr. T. Morrin of Auckland, lie is seven the younger Australian offices. only started on two occasions, ' EDWARD W. LOWE, namely. Mares' Produce Stakes, in which he beat Resident Secretary. Howitzer, Ricochet, Taniora, Lady Norah and C. W. lIEMERY, others, In the f lying Stakes he. beat Mitrailleuse Agency Clerk Auckland District Office. a ud four others (he ran the }in tm. 175.). —i ■» terms.-Thoroughbred mares, £7; half-bred ' marcs £4. 'two or more mares per agreement. Publications. Groom's fee, 'Is. to be paid on the first service. All .— —— — fees to be paid before January Ist, 1891. NOTICE Paddocks 2a 6d per week. Every aire taken, but " YOUNG, AND SO FAIR V (| °ijRIGADI mi Will travel as follows--Mondays, JL A New Novel. By the Author of rhose p nmmirfi Howick, ICast Tamaki. and Rogers' Farm, Irish Eyes, "The Cost of Her I<ancy, &c., is com- PaDato i to j Monday nights ; Tuesdays, Mangere ; Fmencedm PART TTriT? Wednesdays, West Tamaki; Saturdays, Avondaie; AMILY HERALD rARI DDK remainder of week at the Harp of Erin. JP AUGUST, which contains also the con- or further particulars apply to the groom in tinuation of rlmrce or PROVED UNWORTHY, C R ' „ R- THORPE, By the Author of " In a Grass Country," Ac. Harp of Erin, lillerslie. Also complete Stories, Essays, Answers to Cor- . respondents, Cookery, Miscellanea, Enigmas, Cha- ——————— ~ racles, Riddles, &c. * __ rri if A 1? A TT (1 FT. FAMILY HERALD PART for August. „ rTI HU KUU un ' The Australasian says: _ M n BRED STALLION "This favourite domestic magazine retains all wirif FOR SALE. its old interest and variety." vJ Mr? FAMILY HERALDmay be had in Half- LIONEL yearly Volumes and in Monthly Parts of all _ _ _. r ,„„ c p„ Rm KIIK i Colonial Booksellers and Newsagents; or the (By LEOLINUS-PktrOLEUSE). Monthly Part direct from W. Stevens, 421, Strand, Apply to London, England, for 14s per annum, post free. r R. & R. DUDER, London: W. Stevens, 421, Strand; and at all Newsvendors. r \ itevonporfc, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8374, 30 September 1890, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8374, 30 September 1890, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8374, 30 September 1890, Page 8