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A meeting of the Otamatea County Council was held on the 21st August. There were present: Messrs. Isbister (chairman), Ariell, Birt, Bond, Bowman, Colbeck, Fitness, and Jackman. The minutes of the la r meeting were adojited. The chairman ex allied that the meeting was delayed in the expectation of the Audit Inspector turning up. He had not as yet audited the books, but a telegram was received that morning stating that he was about leaving Auckland for that purpose. • Works Passed.—Mr. Ariell stated that all the works in Paparoa had been completed and passed_ except the planking of Slater's Bridge, which had been temporarily repaired. Mr. Birt stilted that the works in Mareretu had been completed and passed. Mr. Bowmar stated that the works on the Great North Road had been completed and passed. Tenders.—The clerk reported that in accordance with instructions issued at the last meeting, Mr. Jackman and he had opened tenders for contracts No. 5 and 7 on the Great North Road. The only tender received for No. 5 was from Messrs. Bowmar and Thornton for £78 17s 6d, but as the Council had previously declined a tender of a less amount for the same work, they did not feel justified in accepting it, consequently the work remains undone. Only one tender for contract No. 7 was received ; and that from Messrs. Bowmar and Thornton for £20, and as the amount was considered reasonable, it was .accepted. The work had been completed and paid for. No tender had been received for the repairs to the road at the English Church, Maungaturoto. Landslips.—The clerk also reported that numbers of heavy slips had now and again taken place on the Great North Road, and in accordance with instructions issued, he had got them removed at as cheap a rate as possible, and the road kept open for traffic ; also, a number of water channels had been cleaned out, the inlets and outlets of culverts cleared, and several dangerous places repaired. The chairman stated that the contracts let in Matakolie had fbeen completed and passed, but that several remained unlet. Mr. Bond stated that temporary works had been executed on the road leading to Mangawai wharf, levelling and filling in where the gumstore stood, and making drains, etc., which had cost £G. Mr. Bowmar stated that the clearing of the road-line past Mr. .Judd's, in Kaiwaka, had been completed and passed. Effect of the Rain. — Mr. Jackman stated that owing to the rains setting in so early ho had recommended Mr. W. E. Flower, who was the successful tenderer for contract for metalling on the Great North Road, to postpone the work until the spring, and that he had acted on his recommendation.

Road Deviation.—No information having been received from Mr. Balderstone concerning the deviation of the road through Mr. Hastie's, Mr. Bowmar stated that Mr. Haatie declined to allow of it being taken through his land.

Damaged Road.—Several letters were received from Messrs. R. Sterling and G. Smith concerning re-fund of cost of repairing road in Matakohe damaged by them in hauling timber. Resolved, " That Mr. Harvey be written to for balance of amount, and that Mr. Smith be informed that if the amount is not at once paid legal proceedings will be instituted ap inst him ; also that ill'. Sterling be inform .1 that when he pays his share the repairs to the road he asks for will be taken into consideration. The Clerk stated that Mr. Kirk had paid, and Messrs. Coates and Kendall were prepared to pay damages for hauling timber in terms of agreement.

The Foreshore.—Mr. Chad wick personally applied to be allowed to use the foreshore at his sawmid at Palii, he at the same time offering to give and keep in order a road at the back of the mill for the use of the public. Mr. Colbeck stated that Mr. Chadwick had erected a substantial bridge over the creek at the mill for the use of the public. Resolved, " That Mr. Chadwick be granted the use of the foreshore at a shilling a year rent, and that during the time he uses it, he provides and keeps in order a road at the back of the mill for the use of the public."

Deputations.—Mr. Rowsell appeared as a deputation 011 his own behalf to request the Council to grant him relief by deviating a road line through his land. He was informed that as he did not make it to appear that he was receiving auy damage by the road being where it was his application could not be entertained. Mr. Young, of Kaiwaka, attended in support of a letter written by him making application for a road to give him access to the main road. After considerable discussion it was resolved, "That Mr. Hannah, so soon as the winter is over, be instructed to lay oft and prepare specifications for work to open up the road from the main road to Mr. Young's property." Mr. John Smith attended in support of a petition signed by a number of ratepayers praying that a road be onened up from the boundary of the parish of Wairau to join the PaparoaWaikiekie Road, in Mareretu. Resolved, That the petition _be forwarded to the Surveyor-General, with a recommendation that it be granted. •

Dangerous Crossings and Surs.—As a dangerous crossing place existed over the Kikowhiti Creek, in Mareretu, Mr. Birt was authorised to get it made passable. Mr. Bowmar stated that he had got all the slips removed on the Great North Road, from Taylor's contract to t'_-e Topuri Bridge, except a very large one in Ross' bush: also, that the small works at Hakaru would be done when the weather improved. A letter was received from Messrs. Gaynor and Sand rs regretting that, owing to the excessive wet, they could not complete their contract in Tokatoka, and asking that it be allowed to remain over until the spring. Resolved, " That the work be allowed to stand over until the fine weather, and that Mr. Fitness be authorised to engage Mr. Hosking, if terms can be agreed upon, to inspect the work." '

Wharfage.Mr. Fitness brought under the notice of the Council that the captains of some small vessels refused to pay wharfage dues at Tokatoka, as the were not collected at some of the other wharves. The clerk was instructed to write to Captain Adams demanding that the dues owing by him be paid. Mr. Chadwiek, wharfinger at Pahi, sent in a return <f the dues collected, as also a cheque for the unount, and reported that Mr. Smith, of Matakohe, had refused to pay the dues for his steamer taking coal from a vessel lying alongside the wharf. Resolved, "That Mr. Smith be written to for the amount, and if he refuses to pay, that legal proceedings be instituted against him." Re solved, " That Mr. Fiedler be again offeredthe appointment of wharfinger at Matakohe.'

Ballast. —A letter was received from the Secretary to the Harbour Board, Auckland, conveying the information asked for by the Council. Mr. Ariell stated that 011 making enquiries, he found that the ballast landed at l'ani could not be used in making the road to the Hall, as the recent survey had placed the hotel peg at the edge of the water, consequently the road line would be 011 the mud flat, and would he covered with water when the tide was in. Resolved, " That the ballast be used in building up the sea face of the reserve and in making a path round the beach by the post-office."

Compensation Declined. —A letter was received from Mr. Smith, Matakohe, declining the Council's offer of compensation to allow a road to bo taken through his property. Mr. Fitness was deputed to see Mr. Smith, and try and arrange terms for the road to be taken.

Pai'Aroa-Waikiekie Road.— letter was received from the Surveyor-General concerning the expenditure of grant 011 the Paparoa\Vaikiekie Road.

Matakohe Wharf Reserve.—A letter was received from the General Crown Lands Office, concerning the reserve at Matakohe Wharf. Mr. Aricll stated that being recently in Auckland he had interviewed the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands on the subject of the reserve, who explained why it was made an Education Reserve, and that an entry would be made that it should not be let without the Council being informed of it. The clerk was directed to write to the Chief Commissioner and ask if the original object of the reserve was legally changed, and if not, if ho would make it revert to a landing reserve.

Non-Payment of Rates.—Several letters were received from Mr. George, solicitor, asking for information concerning the first judgments obtained by the Council for nonpayment of rates, as the Registrar was about to advertise the sale of the land._ The. clerk stated that Mr. George was being supplied with all information obtainable. The clerk also stated that in every case where summonses had recently been issued against owners of property for non-payment of rates, judgment had been obtained, except in those cases settled out of Court.

Tokatoka Land. — The Clerk was instructed to write to the agent of John Bishop and ask at what price he would sell the land he holds in Tokatoka ; and also to Messrs. Fclton and Lowen. of Matiißohc, to have the gorse growing on the road adjoining the property occupied by them cut down and burned, and to have a culvert cleared which has been choked by gorse previously cut and washed into it.

Api'UGation for Costs. — Consideration of Mr. Rowsell's application to have costs incurred in summoning dog-tax defaulters, and which he was adjudged to pay, remitted, was taken up, and after some discussion it was resolved, "That the amount, £3 2s, be remitted."

The Maungaturoto-Mareretu Road.Mr. Birt stated that Mr. Worthington was not chopping the bush alongside the Maunga-turoto-Marerotu road this year, so that the road lino would not be cleared.

Tokatoka Roads.—Mr. Fitness stated that Mr. Hosking was preparing the plans of the road in Tokatoka, which was to be taken under the Public Works Act. Kauri Trees.ln accordance with notice given at the last meeting, Mr. Ariell moved, and it was resolved, "That the resolution adopted at a meeting of the Council, held on the 10th day of October, 1888, fixing that the kauri trees standing on road lines in Pukekaroro, adjoining Messrs. Coates and Rendall's property, be sold to them at so much per hundred feet, be rescinded." Resolved, "That Messrs. Coates and Kendall's offer of £35 for the trees standing on road lines in Pukekaroro, and adjoining their property, be accepted. Batlky Wharf.— notification was received from the Marine Department to the effect that Messrs. Masefield Bros, were licensed to erect a wharf at Batley. Pahi Hall.— application to have the rates remitted on the Public Hall at Pahi, deferred from the last meeting, was considered, and it was resolved, "That the applicant be informed that the Council has no power to remit the rates, and that in future the rates be also collected an the Public Kail at Matakohe." Temporary Auction License. — Two letters were received from the Collector of Customs, Auckland, concerning a temporary license to sell by auction granted to Mr. Mander, Port Albert. Mr. Jackman stated the circumstances connected with the case, and paid over the 10s, which the Clerk was instructed to forward to the Collector of Customs. Repairs to Road.—Letters were received from Messrs. R. Smith and C. .Ball asking to have the road repaired leading towards Pararau, in Matakohe. Resolved, "That the chairman be authorised to call for tenders for repairing a portion of the road." An application was received from Mr. Balderstone to have a culvert on the road between Messrs. Hastie's and Dowson's properties in Kaiwaka repaired. Mr. Bowmar was requested to inspect it, and report at the next meeting. The clerk was instructed to write to Messrs. G. Cliff and A. Meyer, of Paparoa, and request them to remove the posts, rails, etc., off the road between Meyer and eld's properties. Compensation.—A letter was received from Mr. H. C. Hill, Papa r oa homestead, asking to be compensated for a road being taken over his cleared land. Resolved, " That Mr. Hill be directed to apply to the Government, as the Council had not ordered the survey of the road." Reduction of Valuation.—A letter was received from Mr. Joseph Isbister asking to have the valuation of his property in Matakolie reduced from £455 to £80, as the timber had been removed. Resolved, " That as the Property Tax Commissioner had allowed the reduction, a like reduction be made in the rate-book." Similar applications were received from Messrs. Birt and Hewlett, of Mareretu, and they were advised to submit the matter to the Property Tax Commismissioner. An application was made by Mi*. Tibbetts, of Paparoa. to have his valuation reduced by £25, owing to removal of a building off his property. Resolved, " That he be allowed the reduction, and as the building has been placed on Mr. E. Wright's property that his valuation be correspondingly increased." A letter was received from the county solicitors, Messrs. Jackson and Russell, informing the Council that Mr. Chadwick's lease for the buildings situated at the reserve at Pahi was being prepared. Leasing of Reserves.—Mr. Ariell gave notice that at the next meeting he would move, "That the resolution relating A o the leasing of reserves, adopted at the meetings of the Council held on the 2nd of August and 27th of November, 1889, be rescinded."

A Bad Culvert.— letter was received from Mr. Jackson, Mangawai, drawing tha attention of the Council to the state of a culvert on the road adjoining his property, and Mr. Bond was requested to inspect it and report at the next meeting.

Surveying Land.—The clerk was instructed to write to the Surveyor-General, and urged that the Crown land adjoining the Hukatere block in Matakohe be at once surveyed.

Church of England Property.—A letcer was received from the Church of England Trust Board in Auckland, complaining of damage being done to their property in Paparoa through the road being lowered. Resolved, " That the Board be informed that the damage will be repaired as soon as the state of the road will permit."

Great North Road. — The chairman stated that a copy of a petition to the Government praying for a substantial grant to grade and metal the Great North Road had been received from the Rodney County Council, with a request that as many signatures of ratepayers as could begot would be attached. He had forwarded it to the clerk, with instructions to engage someone to go round and obtain signatures, aud he believed about a hundred names were obtained in Kaiwaka, Maungatauroto, and Paparoa, at a cost of £3 10s. It was resolved, " That the chairman's action be endorsed, and that the £3 10s be paid." Owing to information received through Mr. Curtis, it; was found that a portion of the Great North Road through Mr. Taine's property had not been gazetted when the Government carried out the works on it. Letters were received from the Chief Surveyor and Mr. Fail-burn on the subject. Resolved, "That the Surveyor-General be written to, and urged to have the oversight rectified as soon as possible."

Charitable Aid.—A copy of the rules under which charitable aid is to be dispensed, was received from the North Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, and as they were not considered to be reasonable, the chairman was requested to write to the Board with a view to their being amended. The chairman reported that a man of the name of Haslip had left his wife and four children destitute in Matakohe, and urged thatcharitable aid may be allowed them. A description, etc., of the man, who was believed to be somewhere in the Bay of Islands district, had been forwarded to the Hospital aud Charitable Aid Board, so that the police might be notified to be on the look-out for him. The proper form of application having been filled up, it was resolved, " That for the present they be allowed necessaries to the value of 12s per week." The Chairman also applied for charitable aid on behalf of Thomas Fish, of Matakohe, who was unable to work owing to illness, and had no one to assist him but a Maori wife. Resolved, "Thathe be allowed necessaries to the extent of 6s aweek, and that the doctor be requested to visit him." Mr. Fitness reported that a case existed in Tokatoka which called for charitable aid. He was requested to get the usual form of application tilled up, which would be forwarded to the Board with a statement of the case. An account was received from Mr. Birch, of Mangawai, for boarding a man of the name of Preece during an illness, also several letters from Mr. Sturcli on the subject. As the Council knew nothing of the case, the papers were ordered to be forwarded to the Hospital and Charitable Aid Joard.

Works on Great JSortu Road.— Chairman stated that a number of letters had been written to the different Government Departments, its also to Messrs. Moat and Thompson, M.H.R.'s, urging the great necessity of money being granted to the Great North Road to enable the Council to keep it open for traffic ; the different replies thereto were read. Mr. Fitness reported a culvert on the road at Rekia to be dangerous, and the chairman was authorised to have it repaired. A culvert at Barton's Hill having broken through, and a plank on the bridge near Mr. Burnside's being broken, the clerk was instructed to get them repaired.

Misckllaxkous.—Mr. Ariell applied for authority for the clerk to sell a few kauri trees standing on the road line at the Maunguturoto boundary. Mr. Ariell stated that Mr. Cliff is making a road in Paparoa for getting out timber, and as it will be a much better grade than the existing one, he offers to exchange it for the old road. Resolved, "That the treasurer's balance-sheet as examined be adopted." Sundry accounts, amounting to £109 2s 4d were passed and ordered to be paid, also levy the made by the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board amounting to £103 13s 6d. Resolved, "That this Council protest against the increase of the rate levied by the North Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. Mr. Ariell gave notice that at a special meeting of the Council to be held on the 2nd October, he would move that the following general and separate rates for the year ending the 31st March, 1891, be levied on all rateable property within the County, and that the said rates are to be paid in one sum, and to become due on the 16th October, 1890, viz., Raiwaka Riding a general rate of three farthings, and also a separate rate of two farthings in the pound on the outlying portion of the district. Paparoa riding, a general rate of three farthings, and a separate rate of three farthings ; Mareretu riding, a general rate of three farthings, and a separate rate of two farthings ; Wairau riding, a general rate of three farthings; Whakapirau riding, a general rate of three farthings ; Matakohe riding, a general rate of three farthings; and Tokatoka riding, a general rate of three farthings in the pound. RIDING ACCOUNTS. Statement of riding accounts on the 21st August, 1890 rcirfi,,., General Acct. Separate Acct. Riding. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. ~ . , £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d, Kaiwaka .. _ 91 481-67 0 9 Wairau .. 108 6 31 _ _ _ Paparoa .. 44 16 n _ _ 5 A ,,, Mareretu .. 113 o| — —si}? Wakapirau.. _ lis 4 « 1 « Matakohe .. _ 149 16 3 —1016 3 lokatoka .. — 74 „ 11S 10 3 Great N.ltoad _ 99 12 6 — ~ t HX j Hating of the Council was fixed August 20.*] october -[°wn Correspondent,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8354, 6 September 1890, Page 6

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OTAMATEA COUNTY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8354, 6 September 1890, Page 6

OTAMATEA COUNTY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8354, 6 September 1890, Page 6