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Houses and Land. JJIREEHOLD J^ AND AND "g STATE AGENCY, CORNER QUEEN-STREET i VULCAN LANE Under the management of 'J, C. ANDERSON & W. G. PHILLIPSON. WE UNDERTAKE THE SALE OR PURCHASE OK properties, investment OF MONEY ON FREEHOLD SECURITY, MANAGEMENT OF foTATES FOR I RISTLF-s, AKSE?''TEES, A OTHER.- 1 , COLLECTION OF INTEREST, RENTS, Ac., dc. FARMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. SPECIAL NOTICE. This Acency has for «ale sever il excellent arvl cotj:[».tci iriUe Faring, from Mto U»J a.n- . • la«> to &*> iU-rei, h.i»il« ;tll LJ<" ruu*» ' awl m a forward »UU of cult;, aw. a O .I IUI in tirst-cLu-s posit toil to i"'" rm<t» *• I ~h. Un theses little t f,t an,l Oiitl-tuMiHiJJ. i he ;'V nt lv l, >T al4« hfiiw, an.l are ..tTerci v ex. 10 price*. frwlj Az-ncy «ou.-l es.j-« .Vi» t/. . tion of iat«n<linz purchasefs w ' '^'. h '.. '' w an todependentheme it a icr> tU«ap rate. TO ALL-TS, MILL-OWNER--;. AND TIMBER DL e iTri of 3^-5 cheap bW « £'r Sre."thiV Jan exceUect iaTsst'Xia:, ha«RS an irsseru'e i jture T\lue. _ - ORAKEI ROAD. REMUERA—S «re« « choice I-ind, »pi«rnJi«l_ 'ilia site. ,\.«l m -— p.nation, with tue w»««. »he harboar. rr-r .- Uaceti W onl'• iaO. Terms can U v..'en. a--. CHEAP FARM—W acres, all well fenced re* Hoa*». soil re-j ?oM, hall bu-h h.\lf lo Acre* in zraj.-. in -he » ,v.r«n.i > .ul. .•, well wvte.ed. Price, a bargain, iIAJ*). *-■ - TO LET— acres of Sret-cLasa Orazisc Ltal in "wo paddocks, situated in cloy to Aackian J, and adjoining the i-psotu Rent, only ITs ed r-er acre. >• WAll'lPl—Excellent. Finn of ? _ 't acres. lar?e!r impro'e.l and cult;* in i*>l &%**• ntc« Hotim? o: 3 ro-onis, -J Acres T.x.*iab*e pcn*i Price, £JOO- „ A -' 3 CHURCH-STREET, PONSONPA -A Rar»:n : Go«>i 6-roomed House, la ir>:-cusa order, i**o» xnec: 40 by ICC, sLAi.I« aa-J c.u:h-.-ases, iUi my and doQDle entrusc* gates. Price, only £175, and on tsi?/ temu- _ JiGAEOTO —30 szrts, corner lot. Pr.ce, only --'3 per icre. _ . TAUPIRI-1l«5 acre*, teiaz Lo;« <••'?• 410, 4, .",* r 42, to -se streak. w:-c^ letel Und Price, only t.43. 1 - • v CHEAP FARM FOR SALE-:*? acrw■ T^** frotsuus® :o a ri*er, JO acre« w ireared for £liA). Price, otuj -J ~ A*- . barriia. . FOR SALE A Eosi beautifil E>ta:e. *iih cbira ia4 Residence and extendi* gwA** K- J * - J*v. B«irlT all inprc'ted acd caitisate-a *_ 1 fallv laid out la fields, Lvrj- orva>..-'.-. r. Ie -a- 'isa. acd"pleasure «rcaads "isich - •'"'i ot • ami h-jces:«w ; a pretty natural t"-i_ •—a «h—r plan led . reds adorn the - a stream Sows ihrourh the «cun : Hvo.v» 1roosi-*, with *<rao-lal3 from w^.cseen eitfcEsi'e aa . p;ctar«r»iae *.«** o *.. * r* cf>qp frum 3) to 40 niiies ; suu-i.c. sa e<x<d po>>iii«a to r-xuts ar.d stAtiva, e ; isy ia».\nv« fv ran from AackL\al. TUs -pUndiU pr. p-r;y i« well adapted for a hc«=e. aa 1 at the san-.e tL.itr a £>»i . "-.rotuv^ orchard*. <tc. 1-e ?r.ic for this e-sti.e is only £2SW. CHEAP FARM—ISI2 acres ceTcelk-n: Land, with :r.T.Vx,:e to the Taic-a aai J a.ue from the *3. Ut*rta 4->« in l .V«> acres Ir'el \ v **\ lan.], .' edaiiider UMe land.l.i.'J acres coaered with fern and rvastt :r-.- ; «n-«J with sexd feactaz timfc-er ; tt:e u - * T -^- atlk :o the iaad. Pk« only ~I per acrs. -* -- J FUK IMMEDIATE .SALE —A a:.e IsttU Farm cf Oi iCTferf of nch Lin i. '-■> .vr-j in busa, 40 :ic:rs (ten land, about j mile from i.-* Ho«. Price iery, cniy tiJJ. a-.'j POP. POSITIVE SALE—A most cr-Kpac: Jittte ram of 1:0 acres, ti slcw in .-rv*s, talaace aae Sax US.I. - acres orcLud; -r.».-2i-ni H^-«e. ate«i s-*>uth of A-.tlxn '. in i - ■ d a_-:r.. -- 341 TINK FARM SECTION— >-•-* _acres t *-r;- ?Kd w-^. 3 "r*m side cf the II Xti*cr, in - - 1 Pirjh- Weild sail fir a »Lsep :*m. AvjT TOR IMMEDIATE SALE—A Sa« Estate, cnt.aia- » 73-5 a.i-« of csceiie.-: !ar.J. 'cry U-uely je-prvse-d i&l ; h.ta r.=w Kc-;r.rixe 1; r r i- " »11 well i ; .t'.. pj=aTbe Viatel* adorr.e's l-y'clurap-i •>; native ba-h ia-1 pUntatiocs cf chr.te trees, 1.-.ere is a cr,< ciei: stream fiowias tarvarh centre laa.l, aiao "iter po»er an.; pl-nLy u : -as ; J.-r.Q the "...ere i:e »,e"-s c-f lb--karromdu,2 osatry. Ibis val!i\->.e pr;'-x*-t? U »itaate<t ».utb of Ancklaa<L and w.taia Is'slilea tiT railway station. U2=red at the *ery redaceu p."c«oi Ija f.*er acre. Inis i.s agi>-l .-f-. itf a i>e.antiial and desira«iie toUu'whKi: tow ne'er before teen in the market, Swt'to ilea;tt* o' capital would be an excelJen: bar; FOR ABSOLUTE -ALE—A E«t excellent Sheep and Cattle Farre. a boat '-■*>' acres: ail snbsuxituijy r'et-cd and =tiWiude>l into con*ejtien; paddocks ; : x«i hou-»e, and all c»cc«sary t*r.\ ».m.. utiei'ttd aa at>j.-'lu".c hargalD. Price, c-rdj Va per acre. For' IMPERATIVE SALE— acres of cocl Liad, all tell fenced and in crst-cla.«s_ p<nit:.»D, bong only about one mile froai the railway station, aid *tr/ cheap, Prica for the lot, only iUaX;. CHEAP FARM for Sale at once; a no-,! cone', nient Faim, acres, situated in tiie Itrtiiaa district, and within hai:-a-u.:le of the railway station; nice 'new house and outbuiidiu^-i; offered at £- lis wl per acre. A rate chance lor an iada.itriou.l taan to secure a very cheap farm, the land fating largely improted and cultivated. CHEAP FARM .-r.'-Tl<jN, is> aTes, with frontage to the Waiiato River and pood ro.ul to Auckland ; fine ciuicps of Purin and other valuable Native bash. Fr.ce, a great bargain, only £J*J<j. Terms &is 7. To' .-HELP FARMERS, CATTLE STATION OWNERS, AND OTHER INVESTOR*. — For i:/30iute sale, 1 , 1 acres of splendid, rich dry, «heep /razing country, takes gran readily on the surface, and toning over i iniles frontage to a most Leauti.'al river—situated in a very centr.J jKx-ition, having two leading main coach road* running through the block. 'lh«re are about 5t«X) acres of native bush, giving fine shelter and a charming appearance to the district. 'I his is a rare opportunity for a gentlemen of capital to jwj< a magniheent estate at the exception illy low price of 1-1 Cd per acre , terms to suit pur chasers. I'OR POSITIVE SALE—Nice Cottage of 5 rooms, with 1') a/rres of t;ood land : all in -_;r i.-s, and subdivided into 2 paddocks; situated in a most convenient position, t«ing only 5 minutes' walk from the township and railway station. Price, only JtiVJ. " to-'i FOR ABSOLUTE SALE—Good Farm of "A ) acre-;, mostly rich alluvial Land, Xt; acres drained svramj»; jKjwn in grass, and over lojacres level richalluvud flat mostly in grass. This property is offered a bargain. Price, only i.l per acre, and terms easy. A i l CHOICE Little Dairy Farm of ISO acres, situated in first-class position; pretty well-furnished ilouse of 0 rooms ; garden an l orchard ; land mos'ly laid down in go./d gra-..-.; all fenced and subdivided into convenient paddocks. Offered at a reasonable rate, and well worthy toe attention of buyers, a CHEAP LAND—"S4 acres of Land, a bo'it 15 miles from Auckland, for the low price of £-"<OO. li-i FOR ABSOLUTE SALE—First-class Little farm of 111 acres at Pokeno Hill, nearly all choice volcanic soil; land larzely improved; all fenced and in grass; with excellent home of 6 rooms, Terandah all round ; Main South Road frontage ; near school-honse and church. Pries reduced to JUS 10s t>er acre. b-i'l POLLEN-STREET—Fine Jarce Allotment, Sis feet ti inches by 132 feet, with well-built seven-roomed House, stable, fowlhoui#, coalshed, buggyliou-e, liayloft, Ac., Ac. Price only £47,'. a j-7 CHEAP FARM For Sale.—73o ;.cres of excellent land, all well fenced and subdivide.!. sit'iated in first-clas..s position to Railway Station arid .M tin South Koad. There is a pretty, «tl]-b:ii.'t i: -u-e of 0 rooms, with verandah all round. Emd I tr.o.iy improved and in grass. This is one of the cheapeat farms in the market. Price, only £-'! per acre. Soil is a tine dry rich loam, suited for either sheep or cattle. l'.s.w. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. —Country Hotel, doina a good business. An excellent opportunity to ,-ecure a paving trifle. COMPACT LITTLE FARM.— ?*1 acre" ; fenced and sub divided, house and outbuildings, orchard. Fine frontage to the Wiiikato River. It has main road frontage, arid is near the station. Price, £.'i7s. JtJ FOR IMMEDIATE SALE—A very choice section of rich suburban Land, 15 acres, in splendid position, all fenced and in fine grass ; offered at the very reduced price of only LIU*), Terms to suit purchasers. M POKENO—For sale, at orjce, compact little Finn of •21 acres, all first-class land ; all cultiv tied, fenced and subdivided; fine well-grown orchards, and gardeus ; new House and Outbuildings , situated in excellent position on the main South Road Lowest price, £350. A bargain. ajU CHOICK SECTION of most valuable Land, lOC acres partly fenced, and in grass, situated at Avon ! tie north, near New Lynn Station. This section, from its choice position, must become very valuable and at the very cheap price it is offered au early application will be necessary to .Secure the above, at the Freehold I/md Agency, Corner of and Vulcan Lane. a I'j • FOR POSITIVK SALE—If,} acres of rich, productive suburban Land, well-suited for a market garden Price, only a*jo. Mi MALNOATAWUIRI VALLEY—For sale, a firstclass Farm, containing llTo acres, mostly rich alluvial land, largely improved, and laid down in good gra<« and crop*, well watered and sheltered, a large part fenced arid subdivided, good house and outbuildings. This excellent grazing farm is offered at the very low price of £3 per acre ; terms to suit the purchaser. Uli FOR SALE—A very desirable and convenient Farm of 75 Acres, all subdivided, and near!/ all laid down in tine grass ; comfortable house of five rooms, all wsll finished, with verandah on thre» sides; situated only one mile fro the railway station, and has .1 charming arid extensive view ol the surrounding district. Price only £550. «.% FOR IMMEDIATE SAI.E-A line Farm 01 u. acres ; nueit conveniently situated, and having an excellent Cottage of five rooms with verandah land all securely fenced ; partly laid down ii grass arid partly under the plough. The Land hafrontage to the Groat South Koail, and near th. Railway Station. Fine healthy situation, arm moat pleasant prospect. Offered exceptional!) cheap, only CK 10s. per acre. i Also several other Farms ill the Euckland, Puke fcohe, and Maungatawhir: Districts, which ar, offered at most reasonable prices, with easy term, to suit purchasers. Call at the above Freehold Land Agency ana gei till particulars.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8305, 11 July 1890, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8305, 11 July 1890, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8305, 11 July 1890, Page 2