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—: —■ ... ,:; 0 lancy woods. ; ' - &0P ] A IS" T A ¥07* FANCY-EMPORIUM & CHILDREN'S PARADISE,} DAISY fly-killer.

Merchandise. GENERAL MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS. London Firm's Address-0, Harasell street Established IS4O. A N g A L ■• Pell * Cl, ' 250 '« and Plaids, R. B. A 1 t iVs No. * Penny Springs, 11. B. A Co's Vuu-v Crvst.ils. We .ire the New Zealand ~r ei c , it.i'tiTej of these makers, and take indent* tor direct shipments from London. vl ii National Sperms, Battersea Wax, LonCA iiii Wax. British Was, Globe Wax, Belmont Paraffin*, Electric, Southern Sperm, Vni»i'. Northern Light ami Adamantines, Carriage and Self-fitting. „,p»_\V '.i nock's, Union Oil Co.'s and Fancy " J;, A ns, also Hudson's ami Household Extract of Soap. roriT*— Fis». Currants, Elemes. Valencias, Sultana*. Muscatels, Moore's California; also, Table and Pie Fruits, Thames Preserved I'eaohes and Plums, Dried and Sliced Apples ; Bate* and preserved Pino Apples. .•mON'D*— Jordan, Valencia, and Bar AL " «loua Nuts. ,t\i<— Nelson and K.B. Hobart; also,' KeillerV ' jmll Maeconnochie'a Marmalades and Jellies, JoluiV Jellies DEN SYRUP AND TREACLE—In tins of W various >i«s and 1401b casks. i An.hories, Herrings in Fennel, Kippered f Derrmf*. Bed Uer-ines. ditto ala Sardines, »nd Bruce's Fresh Herrings. «.ain"on Lobster*, Oysters and Mullet, Sartiines. babes and quarters. FLOI'K. Sharp*. Bran, Oat*, and Maize. ' rK] ES-Crosse A Blackwell's, Morton's, Pink'.', Ki'wani.-', Maeeonnochie's, Stephens', and Matthews and Co.'s. s»r"Vs— l- P- Worcester, Yorkshire Relish, Reading, Mango, Chutney, Koefoed's Tonu'to, Mtfllor's Pews', Arnold's, and Tamarind Zest.' riNF.GAR-Sir Rolwrt Burnett's, bulk and bottle, and Matthew's ColoniaL PBESEK V t'B MILK—" Milkmaid" brand, Nestle'*. dbVsERVKB MEATS—Crosse A Blackvell's lJei.ij-5 Extract, >*. Z. Frozen Meat Co.'s; »I*un> Soups. fOFFI'E-From Ul> upwards, Gold Medal, Excel-. Mor, Standard, Lion, Anchor, and down; pure also Coffee and Milk. rfICOX AND CHOCOLATE— Epps' nomeo. Van i:.->.s:»n. Fry's liomeo. Fry's Navy, and Cocoa in Milk": Chocolate ditto. rP ,i._ \ •••;''; r.\n*e of excellent value in China and Isiliin a'talilies. See Special Advertisement, rOBACCtX-See Special Advertisement. Agent 'for Juno and Columbia brands. -IGAR* AND CIGARETTES. •YlN'KECTlONEUY— Keiller's, Murray's, and local " " ir.anui'.ctures. Cielatiue Lozenge and Ju;nbt», also Liquorice. CO'DIEP PEEL— Orange, and Citron. SPICES—» mixed or fancy cartoons, Whole Cassia, whole and Giouud Cinnamon, Mace, Nuiuiegs, Cloves, and Pimento. -JSENCES-C. A E Macky's, Burnett's, and Essence of LemOn, in "21b. bottles. Colman'- and Huemann's, in 4lb packets Mid lib :ancy boxes BSOOMS-llarl.utt's and Horsey Broom Company sIABCII-Colinan's White and Blue, Gladstone, ditto, alio both brands in fancy boxes. =ALT-Fine and Coarse, Table Salt in { bottles ' and jars, V he's, also Saltpetre. QUICKSILVER— in Stock or to arrive by monthly steamer irom San Francisco. BISCUITS-Menuie & Dey's aid Bycroft's Cabin Bread. PBODUCE— as Cheese, Butter, Bacon *»ud ilitns, Ac gyPS_>'ew and old season ; also in packets. JICE-Japan Dressed, in 661b bags. Rangoon ditto. IiEINACEOUS FOOD — Tapioca, Vermicelli, tcinolina, Maccaroni, Brown & Poisons ami Brown's Cornflour, Oatmeal, N'eave's .rood, Albany Food, Allen A Hanbury's Malt I Food, Split and Dry Ureen Peas. ai-Kerosene 0° and high test), Haw and Boiled Linseed, Castor. HANDLES— and Boys' Axe, Pick and Sledge Double-headed Pick Axes. PAPER— Grocers' Paper and Paper Bags. •EEDS—Canary, Rape and Hemp. BAGGINGS-Corn Sacks, Wool Bales and Flour j Bags, Ore Bags. CORDAGE—FIax and Manilla Lines. SUGARS — Colonial Company's (various standards), Fiji, White, and Yellow Counters and j Crystals, Glucose, China Crystals. With & General Assortment of every-day and outside lines, replenished continually by fresh arrivals. The above affords a fair outline of our GROCERY STOCK, but it would lie impossible to enumerate within the limits of an ordinary advertisement the »irious lines in General Merchandise usually taadhd, including Wines, Spirits, Beers, Ginger Ale, dc. L. D. NATHAN & CO. PACKET mEAS. . I In more extensively entering into the preparation ! sf blended Teas than hitherto, we do not mean to spend a lot of money on fanciful advertising rather preferring to supply better value in the Wide itself. The practical good sens« of consumers will be the best advertising medium, and we content I'-irstlres with this simple intimation that we are now prepared to supply to trade buyers PACKET TEAS, in lbs and halves, blended to suit all ie requirements of the trade, aud priced to the amsaiuer ; i We challenge comparison with any other blended Teas in New Zealand for value. Our Brand is the STANDARD, with Nos. 1, 2, 3, tad 4 at various prices. The best quality is the So- 4. The Brand is registered under the Trade Marks Act. L. D. NATHAN & CO. "D "DELL & {~io. 'S TV/TATCHES. The attention cf the trade is requested to the 'nperior make of these Goods. They are rapidly boHm:iHE the favourite Wax Vestas in New Zealand Md 'he Australian Colonies. Having perfected *-"ryis;einents for a continuous supply, we are preyed to sell at low rates the various lines, consisting oi— 260 s Gold and Crystal Spring Penny Springs Plaids L. D. NATHAN & CO., VOBA C C O "e wake this business a specialty, and keep a 'tock.of all qualities and shapes in Black Flatwork, *fct«, Rods, Xailrod, and Aromatics, with low descriptions suitable for Island or Native trade. The following are linos at present in stock :— JUNO, all shapes OVER THE WATER, all shapes UNIQUE, fiat sevens, and rods sevens OVER THE WATER, nailrod M.ACK SWAN TWIST, 22's and i'n JOSEPHINE BRIGHT, 10 to ttie pound JOSEPHINE DARK, li'a and o's COLUMBIA, short sixes DERBY, short sixes and fourteena T. C. WILLIAMS' Ruby Twist and Victory rods MAIL (cut and OLD JUDGE (cut), in -oz packets With Fui 'I-ASSORTMENT OF HAVANA MANILLA AND GERMAN CIGARS. Also. CIGARETTES, lea <ling Brands, in 8 a and 16's, 10's and 20's. L IX NATHAN & CO. 0 ° R N' S A C K fa . * p4iti ( m, ct,rom Calcutta, and are always in <««. Mau requirements at lowest current & CO. It °C K s ALT. fe'* this regularly, and are now "apply requirements in large or small lots. '& D NATHAN & CO., j

Merchandise. Q-REEN'S CANTERBURY HAMS AND BACON. CONTINUOUS VEEKLY SHIPMENTS or HAMS AND BACON RECEIVED BY T. H. Hall & co., WHOLESALE AGENTS. TRON /CURVED tor "T^ERANDAHS (ANY PATTERN) SHORTEST NOTICE. GEORGE M C CAUL, MANUFACTURING PLUMBER AND * IMPORTER OF ALT. TRADE REQUISITE WKLLESLEY.STREET EAST (Opposite New Library), AWARDED Thrke FIRST Prizes FOR auove Lines at Auckland Agricultural Snow. Latest and best selection of Gas Glebes In Auckland. As MR. McCAULIs a direct Importer for cash, lie is in a position to supply tlw trade at the lowest remunerative prices Liberal discounts to the trade. Country orders punctually attended to "MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES." Clean your house betimes, and do it with SAPOLIO. If yon would nee Sapollo ovcry week in the year the dirt in a house would be kept down and when house-cleaning time came it would bo a pleasant taßkinsteadofthedreadfnltlmeltusuallyis. N034. . ■ ' ' **"*" Photography. ESTABLISHED 1882 (TELEPHONE 890 DETECTIVE CAMERAS, -plate, four double slides, with finder complete, £3 3a. CHEMICALS, VARNISHES, SENSITIZED PAPERS, and Every Requisite at A. B. BROOMHALL & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC WAREHOUSE, SHORTLAND.STBF.ET, AUCKLAND. A Dark Room for use of Tourists Free of Charge. THIRST- CLASS .— PHOTOGRAPHY W AT MILLION PRICES ! VwlffiS. SMALL C.D.V.'S, 5s per dozen. CABINETS, 16s per dozen. ipS^^^Z^ Inspection Invited at ARNOLD'S (Formerly Redpern's), 270, QUEEN-STREET (Opposite the Firebell).

5 ii «■ ;. Tailors. yeni i yiDi : yici i FEBRUARY, 1890. SHIPMENTS OF NEW GOODS STILL COMING TO HAND IN PREPARATION FORTnE JUBILEE TIDE OF PROSPERITY, WHICH IS NOW SETTING IN. G. M° B k i D E, MERCHANT TAILOR, MANUFACTURER, IMPORTER, NAVAL & MILITARY CONTRACTOR, I CUSTOM -STREET EAST, I 1 AUCKLAND ; ALBERT-STREET, THAMES. THE LARGEST TAILORING CONCERN IN NEW ZEALAND. SPRING AND QjUMMER ri OODS ! EX ARAWA. TT X T>OSSENISKIE Has much pleasure in announcing the arrival of his final shipment of Spring and Summer Goods, including: WEST OF ENGLAND TWEEDS in the Latest Designs and Colourings SUMMER TEXTURES IN VICUNA SERGES WORSTED COATINGS, HOMESPUNS LATEST NOVELTIES IN SUMMER VESTING S COVERT COATINGS, TENNIS SERGES &0., &0., &c. The above lines are in superior qualities only, and are now open for inspection' H. L. POSSENISKJE, MERCHANT TAILOR, VICTORIA ARCADE, SHORTLANDSTREET. Timber. KAURI! K AURI! TIMBER ! THE T7-AURI miMBER /COMPANY (LIMITED). Subscribed Capital _ - - £1,200,000 Paid-up -...--- £750,000. Head Office: 17, Market Buildings, Little Flin-dors-street, Melbourne. ( 7, Barrister's Court, Elizabeth-street, BRANCHES:{ Sydney. \ Custom-street West, Auckland. Agencies : Christchurch and Duuedin. The Company has at its Mills, Custom-streot, Auckland, large stocks of Well-seasoned Timber of all lengths and sizes, Doors, Sashes, Mantelpieces, and Joinery of every description, which are now offered at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and on special terms for cash. . Also, Gum Boxes, Fruit Cases, &c, ready for immediate delivery. Cargoes of Baulk, Flitches, Sawn and Dressed Timber can also be supplied from the Company's various Country Mills on East or West Coasts at WHOLESALE PRICES. The spocial attention of CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS is invited to the unrivalled facilities possessed by the Company for the execution of all orders entrusted to it, and it 4s the desire of the Company to give entire satisfaction to all Customers by prompt attention to the same. : REVISED PRICE LISTS can be had on application, and all orders and communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Kauri Timber Com* any (Limited), Auckland.

Tea and Coffee Merchants. ASK mm GROCER-FOR'. .. * / K\ Tf * Acrs BfH\ M i&k %N.Z. INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE AAiW ' § M S Ms\ w" The blending is entirely attenBSL H Bd.S Mr % ded to *y Mr. Nelson himself, ▼VV jj WW »■ WTJiiSsK- «k wll ° is a Taster of great oxperiW #TS?fd??T%k «i ence, and has had * special ... -purr i& wk training in the art." IN It-It. ffl /nMCT\ % TIMABTJ HERALD. uJS _ Mf * " This firm deserves the suplfjJXi*% « \1 ,» M J3yWrtS4«iA ' \ « portofall purchasers of Tea " \.J n\—V' Mr 0 A wk as the article they ofler is i I «** ffl Sq vJteCJ^^^^l *Sj» TOl superior to anything we *■>. IB Ma? «a have seen in this Colony." , \ M f£ fWfmWr m PBESS%vi M /£ IsßKfsiL'' *t\ %" Mr - Nelson is a ro? JSf ff& Tt£HSSSTk Vf\ Taster and , though M . • V_J%, PRICES: copied"" 2/- 2/4 BY ALL # 3/PORE BLENDED TEAS, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, CHRISTCHURCH, DUNEDIN. AGENTS EVERYWHERE, Sewing Machines. THE BEALE PATENT HIGH-ARM SEWING MACHINES fL~ z CHARGE > ARE THE LATEST, BEST, AND MOST DURABLE. BEALE KNIFE CLEANERS CASH OR TIME PAYMENTS. INSPECTION INVITED. W. J. BEALE, 170, Qokkn-stkeet, Auckland, and: at Napier and Wanoanui. S3" N.B. —Needles and Parts for every description of Sewing Machines kept in stock. Saddlery. WISEMAN'S PATENT "ACME" SADDLES ' f^\ (Seat and Skirts blocked out of Solid Heavy Leather). ><&. a # LARGE ASSORTMENT OF P* ffi LADIES & GENTS' J> V\^ r SADDLES *T HAND BAGS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION K{ \is3fK. __ .-,„_„„„ .„„ GLADSTONE BAGS, Dust Aprons. *A\ V*" PORTMANTEAUX. a J? TENNIS * RACKETS At} RESTRUNO AND REPAIRED. &> v 0 Special Value in all kinds op * SADDLERY & HARNESS . ' " ■'■■— i ; ' ' sea Medical. ~" A.SIS: FOB And 600 that each Jar bears Baron Liebig's Signature m^^^M^^^^^M PZ/l FINEST AMD CHEAPEST a meat-flavouring ** ff*&r &1 STOCK FOR SOUPS, f) MADE DISHES - D SAUGEB, g I invaluable as an Efficient i /JT Tonic in all cases of Weakness. ' J /k Keeps good in all Climates #| and for any length, of 1/ TobehaaofaUStorekeeporsandDealors. time. fl LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT Co., Limited, Fenchurch Avenue, London, England. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, ma i e s, and the SickHeadache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, neS s.of Pregnancy. Bilious Affeotions. — ammrnam ■ :N ,B. ASK FOR DINNEF6RP'S b MAGNESIA. • XEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO., Auckland and Dunedio j ' . A^irin d SHi ( RLANr) & CO., Auckland. .... ]

Building Material, &c. trails: TjIXPEOTED, PER DEFIANCE. I A CARGO OF HOUSE AND SMITHY TW-EWCASTLE /^OAL. Also, on Sale a TAUPIRI AND OTHER LOCAL COALS. J. J. C R A ' °- COMMERCE. STREET. fjIURNITURE VANS AND EVERY J- OTHER KIND OF CARRIERS' PLANT a FOR HIRE ON SHORTEST NOTICE. NOW DISCHARGING, Ex DAVENrORT : J tf>o TONS BEST HOUSEHOLD '""AND SMITHY NEWCASTLE COALS. &a, &0., &0. W. & G. 'W INSTONE ' CUSTOM-STREET. I" JQBBIIG ORE J a IN B I oh I I «? BRICK g | I g PLASTERING 5 1 ftH SLATING g I >;% DRAINING „£ 1 fe» CONCRETE ft 3 I 2'A Ac., Ac, o > B So 2a; | g . Attended to >vith PROMPTNESS, • O B M ami done in BEST STYLE by g g I I GEORGE RHODES | I I BUILDER; S BS tar YARD—FRONTING DOCK. § — „_ , ! »— ~— i ; ' ■ ' f——«■ Gunsmiths. r><UNS. ri UNS. uns. D. E V I T T, GUNMAKER, AND MPORTER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, AND. SHOOTING APPLIANCES, BY THE BEST MAKERS, AND AT LOW PRICES. CARTRIDGES. AH Cartridges for Fowling-pieces aro carefully loaded on the premises, aud guaranteed best material. FISHING TACKLE, FISHING TACKLE PISHING TACKLE. PAIN'S FIREWORKS. ALWAYS IN STOCK, A GREAT VARIETY OF FIREWORKS Imported by tho advertiser direct from J. Pain, tho col-; bra Pyrotechnist, And Soiling at English Prices. REPAIRS. Guns Re-stocked, Barrels Browned, and every other kind of Repair done to Firearms. Guaranteed equal to the best English Work. PRICES REASONABLE. BREECH-LOADERS AND MUZZLE-LOADERS CHOKEBORED. D. EVITT, GUNMAKER AND IMPORTER, IUO4 QUKKN-S'i'ltKKT, AUCKLAND, OPPOSITK AKTIIUK AND HUDDLE'S AUCTION MART. Established 1859.] [Price Lists free on application' By Special Ap- i* *» fit- 10 Governor pointtnent to of New ea " W. H. HAZARDGUNMAKER, IMPORTER OF ARMS, AMMUNITION, SPORTING REQUISITES, OPTICAL GOODS, & FIREWORKS. 116, QUEEN- STREET BREECH-LOADING AND MUZZLE-LOADING GUNS by Scott, Greener, Webley, Bland, Hollia, and other well-known Makers. Martini-Henry, Snider, Single and Doublo Express Rifles, Winchester Repeating Rifles, Rook and Rabbit aud Saloon Rifles, Revolvers in (treat variety, including Colt's, Tranter's, and Webley's, Pistols and Swords. Cartridge Re-cappers, Turnovers, Shot and Powder Measures, Cartridge Extractors, Breech aud Barrel Cleaners, Cartridge Belts and Bags, Game Ba?s, Gun Cases anil Covers, Bullet Moulds, Wad Punches, ifcc, &c. SPORTING CARTRIDGES rilled on the.premises with the greatest care and precision, and warranted perfectly reliable. GUNS Made to Order, and all kinds of Repairs to Firearms executed promptly and thoroughly. FIREWORKS, from James Pain and Sons, London, in assorted boxes, at 2s 6d, Is, 7s Od, 15s, 30s, and upwards. SHOOTING GALLERY AND BOWLING SALOON ON THE PREMISES, - - OPEN DAILY. Shooting 2d per shot, Bowling 6d per game, day or night. •

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8178, 13 February 1890, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8178, 13 February 1890, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8178, 13 February 1890, Page 7