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««** A ¥7" ■T'• Hl XTIS" FANCY EMPORIUM & CHILDREN'S PARADISE,} DA,BY fly-killer, s0 y.£ <* JCa- Jw% JOL 25Q, J JJ/-

Merchandise. GENERAL MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS. tonrfon Firm's Address-6. Hamsell street Established 3 S4O. O K S A h E ' iVa-v t'rv-i.iU. We are the New Zealand '.nVvfita'sivt*-* of til"*" makers, and take ij ; ;Uiiis for iiir<-ct shipments from London. ~..,,1 i.x -National >in-iiii.-., Isatter>ea Wax, l.on■S>i ~'„ \\Vn Knti.-h Wax. tiloho Was, Hel- .''!„> I'irirtiiif Klectric, MHillifiu >perm, ri'ii.'i'i. Northern l.isht ami Adamantines, Carriage and «!/ tittin,-. .... 'i. 1 ,..m,'- I'nioti oil Co.'s and fancy f1, ""':«..-.p>, also Hudi-on's ami lluusclndd Kx tract r-iH<-!V«. Currants. Kleiiitw, Valencia*. Sill■'•11- "Mii-iv.!<-!>, Moore's California; also, Table' and I'ie 'Vruil*. Thames l-eaciies .nitl Hums, Dried ami Hiced Apples , pi!--.- :uui I'rwene.l J'nio Apples. ~,,, ps-Si-ft-slicil, Jordan, Valencia, ami Bar ' ~,;.VuNi>ts. ~,k sVlm.ii and K.B. Uuliarl , also, Keiller's \i,'i Uaivuiiiiociiic's Marmalades and Jellies, I*".! .V'.i«dlie« --!•.:■ -yi:l'J* ASH TKKACLE—In tins of D ..\;.. ;..,;.-r-i ..mi Hl'ib i\i>k». r .,., 4 .,... •- . Hrnma« in Fennel, Kippered "jV .;,.■.. -'■ i H-r-iius ditto a in J* amines, M rwi' " ' !>"'.i KiUfes *r'iesii Hcrliajis, ; :.'.,r i vv-k.1., and Mullet, Sar-°->"X i'.'i'.iV. ■ ..: '..i:i"rter.s. P.OIB. >.«:»•«.- l "- i: •'■■"•■ a«««aU««e. viri"! i>-«'iii-»f A '■■■ ■• v ell's, ton's. Pink's, > : ,i'.firii<.', " Mai .-....- aide's, Stephens', and v i::!.e*s ami (.'••.'-. ~,,',. ; i> ».,u-ester, Yorkshire Rcli.-h, lA }{, .■;'«-. M,., i'hu.:.-. >. K..e{..e.i'» To- ,' "' '». '■/.. ■>'.-> i c"-. > Aim .• -. ami Tamarind Tl>!'..',K "■;• Koi-til ISiiineU's, milk and bottle, ..'.. i >l.i!Uir«'.> Colonial. ppi>l K* l' 1—".Milkmaid"'s. p. I - "\;|> Mi:.\Crosse A Black™ell's '" .-.:■:.- i:v!i,.c!, >'- Z. Flo«m .Meat Co.'s; >~.;...., >o'i|'». Cot'! i. !:_r'..mi lII' .towards, Gold Me .1 >.l. Excel- ">..'!■. "J.ioii, Anclioi, ami Crown; [' . '■ lis i I'.'i'.e-r .tint .Milk. rri't'l \SI> i HOI'OI.A IK—Epos' Hoinen, Van ;i ..,;;■:«'» M-.,.;<-... Fry'. Navy, ami d 0... . : . ;•■..;.. . ci.u.:ol.ile .i.e.-'. lE\>- A 'Hi. ..nice of ciceiiciil >alu« in China ;»i; :•' ;....: ii'i.vliCrs. See .>J»cciai Aiir«rUseiiii-iil. fuKAi '.'••- >i'ccial Advertisement. Agent ':•■: J .no ana i ■•iuLil.ia lira&Us. riu.o AM' i;:ti i:>. fu'Ni Ktl'li'M^HV—Keiller's, Murray's, and local ..-. .iiiiMctui'o. Uclatiile l.ozeil.ies anil Ju;:.t., iii.. i.ti|ii«H'ice. fAMdh.l' I'l-.Kl.—l.en.oii. Oiaiijte, and Citron. j;-.. h">—l'ri')»er. mixed or fAii.-y toons, Whole i -.-:•.. Mi:..):- :»mi tii.<mat l inuj.inoii. .Mace, .". .'.::. i..-. i ;.>><.>, and i-'tmeiilo. ]>>•■ Nt ;>-C. & 1- -Macky's, Bi.rnett's, and t.«ci:ce u: Lemon, in -Hi. iM.illos. .:.':. • .'.man's and Ilueaiann's, in lib packets' a!, i 111. fane; hoses BRji-'MS null's an.l Horsey Hrooin Company SlAi'.'U-l'.!:i:in'» V.'liiie and IJlue, Gladstone, u;'.;.'. ,-iisu U'lli liraxiti> in fancy boxes. ill.!-Tine and Coarse, Table Sail in nottles .:--» ~,:-, 1 i.e's, also .'saitpetie. Qui K-!i.\ - iir-niai in .Slock or to airire by .... L.hi) s'.eaiiier irom braiicisco. Bb(.i'li>-.Me!iuie A J)ey's and KyctoU's Cabin PRyIHAK-Mich as Cheese, Butter, Bacon and .1.1:1*. Ac. ECP*—Xen and old season ; also in packets. li.L-.iini:i Die-»ed, ill ;>oli> ii;ij:=. Itanjjoon ditto. fiiINACHOL'S I'OOl) — Tapioca, Vermicelli, .-ciiioiina, Miircaioni, lii,.»n iV Poison's ami Bto'.vn's Cornflour, Oatmeal, .N'e-ivu's Food, Ainv.v 1'00.'., Allen A Itanlmiy's .Male 1' .1, spoilt iiicl Dry liiceu I'ea.s. CIL-K'.iiuseiie (low and high test), llaw and Boiled i iiseed, Castor. El.Mil.liS—.Men's and Boys' Axe, Pick and Sledge li.'Uble-heailo'l Pick Axes. PiPLK-firocera' Paper and Paper Bags. ilr'.f Canary, lUpe ami ileniii. ti'idlNiiS—Coin .Sacks, Wool Kales and Flour lu.-, i)relUi;s. CUKHA'ii; — and Mauillit Lines. ECGAits — Colonial Company's (various stanCird.-.;, Fiji, White, ami Vellow Counters and trrsuils, Glucoao, China Crystals. With 1 G?h?r*l Assortment, of and outnide lass, replenished continually i»y fresh arrivals. Tirii, a.'fonls a fair ..inline of our GttOCliKY ROCK, hut i; would be impossible to enumerate n~::2 the limits of an ur.lin.iiy advertisement the tir.oas lines in General Merchandise usually iiTiii-vd, indudinj; Wines, Spirits, Beers, Ginger ifc, Ac. L 1). NATHAN L CO. T> ACK E T rp EA S. Is more extensively enterinj; into the preparation f-K7ni-.1l Teas titan hitherto, we do not wean to K-:a ■-. lot uf money on fanciful advertising t"i'.:.rr preferring >> supply better value in the t".i<;- itself. The pr.iclic.ti good sense of consumers f- it t!:e be*t advertising medium, and we content te>«lv>s with this simple intimation that we are *>* prepared v, supply to trade buyers PACK IST *tA>, in lbs an halves, blended to suit all t> :tutt:r;Qients of the trade, and priced to the ' c ciriucnce comparison with any other blended J*sa \-* Zetland for value. fe 1 '.-aad i, the STANDARD, with Nos. 1, 2, 3, *" *a: various prices. The best quality is the •'■'■ <■ Jh': Brand is registered under the Trade K - : £= Act. L. 1). NATHAN k CO. J 0 B A COO - miks this business a specialty, and keep a .- all qualities and shapes in Black Klatwork, , Tyfe ' Eoa!s . Xailrod, and Aromatic*, with low sniuble for Island or Native trade. ' fc!io>>ill are dues at present in stock :— JL'N'U. all shapes OVKU J UK IVATEB, all shapes L.MQUK, llat sevens, and rods sevens OVEH TbC WATKR, nailrod BUCK SWAN TWIST, 22* a and 4's J OSKPIJi.s K BRIGHT, 18 to the pound JOSEHUI.NB DARK, H'a and 6'a COLUMBIA, short sixes DERBY, hhort sixes and fourteens T - C. WILLIAMS' Ruby Twist and Victory rods M AIL (cut and OLD JUDGE (cut), in ■** packets ktm WlU| "'ASSOHTMKNTOF HAVANA MANILLA AND GERMAN CIOABS. Also, ta CIGARETTES, tiikg Brands, i n 8 s and 16' a, 10's and 20' a. L - D. NATHAN & CO. TSL HI ? TI L L E S" COMPANY v ) lev ? 11111 a really good quality h> Ze»i^, n,IM 1 ,n Wh "y will be appreciated in fet liistiii anil 1, * iB convinced that, as the J :t * r po i. i„ '* '" t,,e w " r they are in a much r a » 1,1 ° s,, Pl>ly properly matured whisky I? > «Stl.«,» r e xi!,t 'ns Inn, have pleasure in -k ? to th • " tlon of all connoisseurs of Scotch prison with P ro,ct s- Tiie Company invito liS^hasLi. in , ! n llw '"arket, and are conft li: « KoTri *i d: ; been J ,roveil by their obtain- ■?! - a " d ''ichest award at the S? tre °f the s;„.!! > ', t '"" 1 lie! in Kdinburfih, (the m° Ul!, .' whisk y lrade ) 5 » 1W». *»' tt for the iii« f ,d! Ullty tue y eaJiuot be surpassed. Merchants „« er:> Co ' s brand . to he had from nts Hn<l orlncipal hotels. 1. D. NATHAN & CO., A G EXTS W" l R E A I L fa. fitl l J- !? eril>S aShim ent of 200 Kegs, Diamond 90 -assorted *u es . ; L - D. NATHAN & CO.

Merchandise. rri E A S Our Stock is large and well assorted, comprising Finest Pekoe tipped Panyongs Choice even-leaved l'ekoe. Souchong Fine well-flavoured Congous of various quali ties Medium to Low Congous, with a full range 0 prices adapted to requirements of buyers Above China Teas obtainable in half-chests and boxes. Indian Teas, combining- strength and flavour, admirably suited for mixing Orange Pekoes Scented Caper Young Hyson Gunpowder and other choice V "vvouring Tea: Also, Family Caddies, each Sib, in packages of fou: each. L. D. NATHAN & CO. " NO WORDS ran equal personal observation. " Have you never seen a house thoroughly cleaned with SAPOLIO? Then try It and make homo bright. Clcauliueds and neatness about a houso ore necossarj - to iasuru comfort. Man likes comfort, nnd if he can't Had it at home, ho will seek elsewhero for it 000.l hotisovrives kuow that Sarono makes a houso cJcau and keepa it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable homo. Do you want clesulinoss. coiuiort and happiness? Try : Sarox.lo and you will be suprieed at your success. Xo. 35. I'KON /CURVED you \7"ERANI)AHS (ANY PATTKRN) SHORTEST NOTICE. GEORGE M C CAEL, MANUFACTURING PLUMBER AND tMPOKTKS Of AM. TKADK UIiQUtSITKS WKI.LIWLKY-STHKKT BAST (Oppoaile New Übvary), p j AWARDED Three First Piuzks roii above Bucks at Auckland Agricultukai. Show. Latest and best selection of Gas 'Glebes in Auckland. As MR. McCAUI. is a direct importer for cash, he is in a position to supply the trade at the lowest remunerative prices Liberal discounts to the trade. Country orders punctually attended to Photography. ESTABLISHED 1882 [TELKI'UONB 390 o \n " H <1 mam w DETECTIVK CAMERAS, J-plate, four double slides, with Under complete, £3 Bs. CHEMICALS, " VAttNIUHKM, SKNSITI/.ED PAPERS, and Every Requisite at A. B. BROOM HALL & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC WAREHOUSE, SHORTLAND-STRKET, AUCKLAND. A Dark Room for use of Tourists Free of Charge. ARTIST 11 PHOTOGRAPHER, 270, QUESN-STKEET, AUCKLAND (Opposite the Firebell) FIRST-CLASS WORK MILLION PRICES TiEEDS, NOT WORDS. BROWN, BARRETT & CO. Having floated our Packet Teas successfully, we intendfor a time to spend the profit made by that Branch with our supporters—casting bread upon the waters and looking for our harvest when business in Now Zealaud improves. For this purpose we will give away, during December and January next, about 9,600 Prizes to the Purcliasers of Our Famous Packet Teas. So as to distribute these Suitable Presents liberally, we intend placing ; Fifteen Prizes in Each Case of Tea. BROWN, BARRETT k CO., TEA, COFFEE, AND SPICE MERCHANTS, ' AUCKLAND.

Tea and Coffee Merchants. if §uv 'greets avc ccUbvaUb on account of - §uv Apices anb "geppev arc quaranfceo || I TO/J? [ G lbmM i %ms*w!k m . ml I >r ffl QJo I'fvcu btinfv I'fic 6cot of? ? * *M catt vuvbrV cowfibe>i\cc> 11m goffco iiv %ot-h atti> H Direct Importers of Coffees B cowinevib our,, faxcitoiov M O Uv ifioac- WM » » Teas || §k vi& S P . C \"v £'K ' \ K " " General Groceries H $*** a,™ pzapavzo m M® ptcv ~.>ij ', Vf . ' s4 ; . c*. m from the producing Countries. m <xnb cm. the- ipziw- m *"" •>' ' ' ctmctx? %x>it§ ibe pvofiis* of f£e trW y out (iy pcwoi'ia* obctualiou, H man, ma6Ces us fo give ffte Benefit to our ■ of «mv goffeco " fl • @itv ©offocas are roasteb a«6 grounb 6aiC«? on approved pxxncrptesi.

Ironmongery, Hardware, ac. v . (LIMITED), ' •VvT-HTOIjSS-A.LE] A.2sTID RETAIL : HARDWARE MERCHANTS AND SHIPCHANDLERS. %>AftVESTIfIG SEASON REAPERS AND BINDERS, MOWERS AND REAPERS, MOWERS, HAY-LOADERS, HAY RAKES, FORKS, AND EVERY REQUISITE FOR THE HARVEST FIELD, JUST RECEIVED FROM THE BEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS. NOW ON VIEW IN THE LARGE AGRICULTURAL SHOW ROOM, WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, HIGH-STREET. CRICKETING MATERIALS. A large stock of Bats and other Cricketing Goods by best makers just landed. »3S ran* :kf x ass an x% "W xisx tp ses sss, Comprising— RACKETS by HAWCRIDGE, viz., The Wonder, Morton, Scarboro', Lady's Avenue, Waverley, Avenue, Olympia, &c. BACKETS by AY RES, viz., Handicap, Central Strung, and Cedar, in various numbers, for Juveniles and Adult", RACKETS by SLAZENGKR, a Large Assortment in various qualities. BALLS in STOCK Cyprus, Handicap, Association, Regulation, Avenue, Hawcridge, &c, &c. TENNIS POLES, TENNIS NETS, TENNIS MARKERS. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND BEST VALUE IN AUCKLAND. LATEST NOVELTIES CONTINUALLY COMING TO HAND. T. & S. MORRIN & CO., LIMITED, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, N.Z.

Fancy Goods. Dress and Fashion. Building Material, Fuel, &c. sMim & DAILr E x —• TT • , • PER DEFIANCE. Have pleasure in intimating that the alterations in connection with the enlargement) of their premises are now almo3t completed, and invito inspection of the . ________ h ft l# MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY a cargo of house and smithy DIRECT IMPORTERS OF PAM GOODS, NEW SUM jj B]R GOODS «.»,«. n... OPPOSITE THE TOWN CLOCK. T0 BE SEEN IN EVERY department. -« SEE KELSEYS SHILLING WINDOW! MANTLES, MILLINERY, AND LADIES' *™, ox LE: UNDERCLOTHING. SEE KELSEV'S SIXPENNY WINDOW ! Special attention is directed to the display of Novelties in the Showroom for TAUPIRI AND OTHER LOCAL COALS. Mantles, Millinery, and Ladies' Underclothing. IN THE This room has been enlarged to nearly double its former size, and refitted through- ■■ out with every modern improvement for the convenience and comfort of customers, ARCADE including a commodious Waiting Room. For size, light, and appointments generally T TT Ci R A I G, S& C. venture to assert that this Showroom is now unsurpassed by any in the colony. tr 9 If • \J (OPPOSITE THE TOWN CLOCK). P ft M M TT R P V stRPPT GENTS' MERCERY AND CLOTHING. oommbrob-strbet. This department is now carried on in the new shop adjoining, which, at considerable ■ —— , ■ ■ - ■■ < ■« — slJ&fr&fßjft*. cost, has been renovated and refitted from top to bottom. Gentlemen will find this S&3+ ' r ' U' department replete with all the requirements for a first-class trade, comprising Shirts, dflfifs&fiES6Bßsßl!s&?fth Bttii■.if Collars, Ties, Scarves, Braces, Hosiery, Hats, &c., Ac, and Ready-made Clothing of Parents and Guardians will please note that a separate department has now been hrau made for Boys' and Youths' Clothing, which in future will be a specialty. 'sr^2tsS/wrisi J 7 1 7? , /V ANTi Officii P'/'IVAIiV Smith & Cauohky beg to direct attention to this branch of their business. The services of a first-class butter lm"'ng been secured (who will cut and (it on the premises), AT REDUCED PRICES. together with a competent staff of Tailors and Tailoressos, Gentlemen requiring Clothing made to measure may rely on S. Si C. turning out at short notice garments that will combine the merits of excellence and cheapness, and in every respect give satisfaction. VANS AND EVERY FANCY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. T . ~ . n vpnra -m,. '„ ■ . ■ Q .„,„,. ~. OTHER KIND OF CARRIERS' PLANT In less than ten years trom a small beginning aSinith and Caughey have built np- jtor HIRE ON SHORTEST business that ranks second to none in the colony doing a retail trade. This result has „„_..„ TxrTPTO , been attained by supplying A GOOD ARTiCLE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE «<mu-. HARLES ITELSEY & /10., PRICE FOR CASH ONLY. On these lines they are determined still to conduct their business, and by so doing hope to retain the confidence of the public and merit continued OPPOSITE THE TOWN CLOCK, support. NOW DISCHARGING, bMil & CAUGrrI-kiY, 4-28 TONS BEST HOUSEHOLD WHOLESALE AND FAMILY DRAPERS, and smithy Newcastle ._•______-•---_-_--«-»--_-___. QUEEN-STRKET. COALS. Branch: Newton. & c *. p *. n DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY WOOL" C '' a:C • , &0 ' JL/ UNDERWEAR, for Men and --■ 1 111 ——« SILK AND WOOL HENRIETTA.' _p< REAT CLEARANCE SALE. X, XT OWDE N, W # & (J, VEINSTONE, WHAT IS IT? \~JT _—— ".• ,■ ■ A Superuno' Black Material for y£ ANYONE cutting out this COUPON, O \ V ATPHMAKPH AKH IRWWT T T?w CUSTOM-STREET. summer wear,44 inches wide. 63 lid ! 7-K and taking it to T. E. CARTER, 63, WAIOHMAK.EK AND JE WALLER, - per yard. j Victoria-street, Auckland will, bo Riven Q nnirn-v «rrRWH"r ~~ ' TMPERIAL Waterproof Cashmere, 5 feet ,0 for One ShUllnp %g K h WONDBE __ „ QUBEN-SIREKT. XTOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOJL .wide; a new; lovely' «! map aAv fr " ir< " uflULtt r~\ Has now convenience lor the making and repairing JL CIATION shades for Ladies' and Men's Sum. Ph OF THE AGE I U_, , , s , V. mer Coats; flu lid per yard. Post free for Is 3d—Worth Ss. of Jewellery and for the repairs of every description NEW PREMISES: INDIA Gauze Flannel, silk and wool ; the £) KS WORTH OF PICTURES FOR *V watches, Chronometers, Ac, Ac, aud to further in Corner op Albert and Wellesley Streets only suitable summer underwear: v ONE fcilii-iiiNb. ' ' ~,•,.„ „ as lid per yard. ,-v T „ „ O ncrease his repairing and manufacturing depart i A o .° m c ° I Mf ° r ft b, y f «™ ,3b ? d :. Al, *Jl e ' IZOH'S •« Arhvsbvoue" "Arposv" and ° The NEW Zealand Herald says:- h s a !»»« leading papers on the tables: Subscription, 2s 6il W ° ..f.^,,ii\. i«i>» rorH«ts 1%. iirt "They certainly are wonderful value, r> menb be is disposing of the remainder of big per quarter. The Library contains upwards of 2800 J?TiS.*l P CorHßts - 188 lld ' O and very beautiful." The Auckland DT . Wrto . ,V, . vols, in the various departments of liferatupe; SubIRTCWTJAxrnvTptvM Th«n«™P« m Evening Star says: "It is a novelty, and PIANOS at and under cost criptiou, 2s ed per quarter. TeaandCokkek , RISH HAND-bEWN.—I he Deny Com- a decidod barcafn." Provided. Employment and Boaudinghouse pany*B Underclothing, in seta or ■ • Persona having old gold Jewellery can have it Registers. ' t separate garments, for trousseaux, ~ ~~ maAe, un Into n«wnr..w««hliinfihl« ortl<-l«« tn «»j«« MEETING FOR VOONO Mkn on TUESDAYS, at 7.30 { trimmed with real lace. Ac. T\nft i?wns'PßVrin>n?nnifQ „.,\*A made up into new and fashionable articles to order, Evangelistic Services, Thursdays, at 7.30: Bible LANCASTER, Linoleums and Oilcloth, I | UU , u^. }* l Ztu «vhl •BOOKb, ruled and the better *«"» of Watches and Chro- Reading and Prayer, Saturdays, at 7.30. Bible Oand 12 feet wide-2s square yard. ' $& -meters receive his personal super.i.o,.. WnS^,,,(especially YOUNG Men) J. M. MCI.ACHLAN at the Auckland Weekly News Publishing Office EothernttUl , B _.„._. , 6TM3m __„__.' ) cordially inviSd to visit th^ ( Ro P info/ ' ] 222, Queen-atreet. Queen-street, Auckland. ' ttotherham s English Levers in stock. ' mat i o n may be obtained Open r£)n9 10 p.m i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8162, 25 January 1890, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8162, 25 January 1890, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8162, 25 January 1890, Page 7