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The spring show .of this society was held in the Public Hall, Onehunga, on Saturday, and the managing committee had made the best arrangements possible for the promotion of the success of the show. :Every officer and every member of tho committee rendered yeoman service. Out-door deco- i ration's were not ignored, for a fine line I of flags festooned the road to the opposite side of the street. The staging was effected ab an early hour, and the order wae very good indeed, consisting of central and side rows of tables with end and extra tables for special exhibits, etc. The large centre table was chiefly occupiedwith pot and greenhouse plants, to which Mr.' Stych and Mrs. Cbappell were the chief contributors. The vege-' tables were on the whole good, but we were rather disappointed at the quantity ehown, and the want of greater variety. Potatoes were good certainly, and cabbages for the season were very fair. There were also some fine samples of beans and rhubarb, but there were no onions. In fruic the chief features were some really fine exhibits of gooseberries. The lemons exhibited were of large size, but not ripe. A plate of fine well-grown red currants looked very tempting, and there was also a plate of cherries, which, although it is very early in the season for such fruit, were in i fairly - advanced stage. It was, how;ver, in flowers that the chief strength jf the show lay, and in all departments ihese were adequately represented, roses, jf course, being the main feature, and magnificent, indeed, were many of the blooms, rhegein of the show was Mr. Lippiatt's exhibition of cut flowers, constituting' a jhow in itself. The bouquets were ( also rery fino in quality, and made up With excellent taste. Wβ also noticed some'fine exhibits of home-made bread, scones, cake, jtc, and a well-mounted set of springcart larness exhibited by Mr. Strahan, saddler, veil-deserved the special award of merit iccorded to it. We also noticed some very ieat leatherwork frames and brackets, he work of Miss Tapp, Miss Coledge, and Miss Austin. There were \ large number of exhibits not for competition, and amongst those we loticed some splendid blooms of pelargoniums shown by Mr. S. E. Hughes, of ?onsouby. Mr. \\ r . Stevenson lent a good leal of assistance in decorating the walls >y exhibiting a number of enlarged photos. if local celebrities. The Committee of tlanagcment worked assiduously iu staging iverything iu readiness for the judges. Che judgres for pot plants aud flowers were Messrs. C. S. McDonald and C. T. Wren; or fruit and vegetables, Mr. Bullen, of )tahuhu, and Mr. Mclndoe, of Epsom, .nd for specialties, Mr. Hogg, of Newnarkefc, and Mr. Robinson, baker, Onemnga. There were in all 370 exhibits taged for competition, the number of .ctual competitors being 53. The judges having made their awards, he doors were thrown open, and a fairly rood number were present, when Sir G. M. VRorke, the member for tho.district, in a ieat and appropriate speech, in which he aade special reference to all the main eatures of the exhibition, declared the show pen and trusted there would be a large ttendance and that all who camo would njoy themselves. The following are the awards :—

STOVK AND OKKKNHCHJSK PLANTS IN POTS. Class 1, Allcomers.—Best collection of potplants: J. R. Stycli, Ist prize. Best collection, tour varieties, not less than two in bloom : J. R, Stych, Ist prire. One single specimen in bloom: 4. Ji. Stycli, Ist prize. Six ferns :J. R. Stych, Ist prize. One specimen fern ; J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Six Une foliage begouiaa : J. It, Stych, Ist prize. Best hanging bstskot or pot-plant: J. it. Stycli, Ist prize. Class 2, Amatedrs.— Three variotiw, not less than one in bloom : J. R. Stych, Ist prize. One single specimen : J. It. Stych, 2nd prize. Three tine foliage planus : J. U. Stych, Ist prize. One specimen foliage plant: J. R. Stych, Ist prize; C. C. Fleming, 2nd. Three ferns or lyeopods: J. It. Stych, Ist fmze ; Miss A. Russell, 2nd. One specimen fern or ycopod : J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Two fine foliage begonias: J. R. Stych, 2nd prize. Two floworing begonias, one entry : No award. Two show pelargoniums : L. C. Martin, 2nd prize. One zoualo pelargonium, one entry: Disqualified. One ivy. leaved pelargonium : L. C. Martin, Ist prize. Two cacti, in bloom : L. O. Martin, 2nd prize. Hanging basket, Mrs. Jeffs, Ist prize. Class 3, Cottagkk-s.—One plant in flower: Mrs. Sanderson, Ist prize; L. C. Martin, 2nd. One foliage plant': Mrs. Sanderson, Ist prize. One pot of Mrs. K. Jeffrey, Ist prize; A. Hiitchinson, 2nd. Jlest collection of pot plants: Mrs. Ghappell, Ist and special prizes. Ond feni: Stych Bros., Ist prize; Mrs. Chappell, 2nd. Twocoleus: Mrs. Cliappell, Ist prize. Collection of native (New Zealand plants) grown in pots (special prize, 10s), presented by Mr. D. Sutherland): Mrs. C. K. Jeffs, Ist prize. ' CUT FLOWKRS. Class ], Ali-COMKRS.—Thirty-six roses, distinct varieties: \V. lAppixlt, Ist prize. Twenty-four roses, distinct varieties : W. Lippiatfc, Ist prize. Twelve roses, distinct varieties: W. Lippiatt, Ist prize; Miss C. Speight, 2nd. Six light and six dark roses, distinct varieties: W. Lippiatt, Ist prize ; Miss Speight, 2nd. Three roses, dark, distinct: \VY hippiatt, Ist prize; Miss Speight, 2nd. Three light roses, distinct: W. Lippiatt, Ist prize; Miss Speight, 2nd. One light rose: W. Lippiatt, Ist prize; Miss Speight, 2nd. One dark rose: Miss Speight, Ist prize; W. Lippiatt, 2nd. Champion in show, judged from all the stands : W. Lippiatt, Ist prize. Six beet tea roses:. W. Lippiatt, Ist prize. Twelve carnations: S. R. Stych, Twelve pansies : D. and .T. Brown, Ist prize ; Mi>«s Speight, 2nd. Six pansies: D. and J. Brown, Ist prize; iMiss Speight, 2nd. Twelve gladioli: J. It. Stych, Ist prize. Twelve bulbous or tuberous distinct varieties: J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Six bulbous or tuberous, distinct varieties, J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Twelve verbenas, distinct varieties, three trusses each: J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Six verbenas, distinct varieties: Miss Speight, Ist prize; J. R. Stych, 2ml. Best collection cut flowers, twenty-four varieties, grown in the open air: J. It Stych, Ist prize. Hand bouquet • A. S. Robinson, Ist prize ; C- Speight, 2nd. iiridal bouquet: A. S. Robinson, Ist prize; C. Speight, 2nd. One buttonhole bouquet: C. Speight Ist prize; C. Bniforri, 2nd. One lady's spray: C. Speight, Ist prize. Twelve pelargoniums: J. R. Stycli, Ist prize. Six petunias, double, J. It. Stych, Ist prize. Twelve aquilegias, varieties: C. A. JJruford, Ist prize. Twelve.sweet Williams, varieties: 1). and J. Brown, Ist prize; W. Jeffrey, 2nd. Twelve dianthus : C. J. Sanderson, Ist prize. Four delphniums : J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Class 2, Amatkuus. — Twelve roses, distinct varieties : J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Six roses distinct varieties : C. C. Fleming, Ist prize; J. It Stycli, 2nd. Six carnations: Mrs. Cliappell, 2nd prize. Six pansies : D. ami .T. Brown, Ist prize • C A. Bruford, 2nd. Six gladioli: J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Six verbenas, distinct varieties, three trusses each: J. R. Stych, Ist prize. Six antirrhinums, tall, distinct varieties, single spike • J R. Stych, Ist prize;. C. A. Bruford, 2nd. Six pelargoniums, distinct varieties, single or double • 0. C. Fleming, Ist prize. One hand bouquetMiss Fleming. Ist prize. One bridal bouquet • J. Brown, Ist prize. Twelve varieties annuals: C J. Sanderson, Lit prize. Collection of cut Howers twelve distinct varieties : D. and J. Brown Ist prize; C. J. Sanderson, 2nd; Mrs. Chappelj' 3rd Six dianthus, 0. J. Sanderson, Ist prize: J It' Stycb, 2nd. Six .sweet Williams, varieties: B and J. Brown, Ist prize; C. J. Sanderson, 2nd." Six petunias, single: ]). and J. Brown, Ist prize j C J Sanderson, 2nd. Six petunias, double: J R* Stych, Ist prize. Six aquilegias, varieties, C. A.' Bruford, Ist prize. Six fuschias, D. and J. Brown Ist prize; C. C. Fleming, 2nd. ' Class 3, Cottagkrs.—Four roses, distinct varieties : G. Alderton, Ist prize ; Mrs. Chapuell 2nd One rose, dark: G. Alderton, Ist prize. Four carnations and picotees, distinct varieties • G Aiderton Ist Six pansies, distinct varieties: G. Alderton, Ist prize. Four gladioli: G. Alderton Ist prize. Four verbenas, three trusses each • Mrs Chappell, Ist prize ; J. G. Hutchison, 2nd.- Three antirrhinums, single spike : G. Alderton, Ist prize •« J. G. Hutchison, 2nd. Six pelargoniums, single or double distinct VHiieties: G. Alderton, Ist prize • Mm. Sanderson, 2nd. Hand boutiuet: U. AJdertou' Ist prize; Mrs. Jeffrey, 2nd; Mr*. Jeffs, 3rd! Table bouquet: Mrs. K. Jeffs, Ist prize. Bridal bouquet: G. Alderton, Ist prize. Best collection cut flowers, 12 varieties : Mrs. Chappell, Ist vtWoG. Alderton, 2nd. Bast collection cut Howers sb! varieties : G. Alderton, Ist prize. Best collection of annuals six varieties: Mrs. Chappoll, Ist prize Three fuschias, distinct varieties : Ttfrs Chauoell Ist prize. Floral table decorr.tion (special prize of sspresented by Mr. G. Hyatt): Miss Symniids, Ist prize; Miss Fleming, 2m1.; C. A. Bruford, highly commended; and Mrs. Jeffrey, commended/ Bridal bouquet (special prize, goods value 5s presented, by Mr. T Smith): ML*. A. ' Jeffs Ist prize; Miss A. Austin, 2nd; Miss J. Kleming, highly commended. Collection of annuals cut blooms (special prize' 5a presented bv Mr. T. 11. GilWn): J. A. stych, Ist prize? C ?/ Sanderson, 2nd. Collection of trweet willkms" cut blooms locally grown (special prize, a box of tea value 10s Od presented by the Civil Service 'Supply Association): J. W. Joffrey, isfc prize. ou Pl»y FIIUITS. Class l, Allcomkks. — Twelve oranges foliage attached : W. Kemp, Ist prize. Twelve lemons foliage attached : W. Kemp, Ist prize; J. It Stych' 2nd. Twenty-five cherries: W. Stevenson, Ist prize' Forty-eight gooseberries, four varieties — twelve each: C. B. Houlton, Ist prize; W. Stevenson 2nd Local dried fruit: Mrs. Stevenson, Ist prize ' Class 2, Amatbuks.— Six lemons: J. M. Barr lstprize; C. C. Fleming, 2nd. Thirty gooseberries • J. Denize, Ist prize. ' Class 3, Cottagkus. — Three lemons, foliaee attaclied : J. M. Barr, Ist prize; Stych Brothers 2nd. Twenty gooseberries: 0. Alderton, Ist prize '• A..Hutchinson, 2nd. Any other fruit, one dLsh • A. Uutchinson, Ist prize and special mention Col" lection of dessert gooseberries (special prize 10s presented by Mr. J. Glanfleld): D. Mclndoe' Ist prize. . . VEOETABLES. Class 1, Allcomers.—Six stalks rhubarb- W Stevenson, Ist prize. Three cabbages: R. Terneliau, Ist prize. Fifty pods broad beans: D. Mclndoe Ist prize; J. Denize, 2nd. Fifty pods French beans'E. B. Houltou, Ist prize. Twelve potatoes, round : J. Denize, Ist prize. Twelve potatoes, kidney • J* Denize, Ist prize. Best collection of potatoes'six iistinct varieties, twelve each: E. B. Houltou Ist irize; . T . Denize, 2nd. Best collection of potatoes ;hree varieties, twelve each: E. B. Houlton Ist )rize. : ■ Class2, Amateurs.—Six turnips: J. Denize, Ist >rize. Thirty pods peas, one variety: A. Lay bourn 8t prize; C. J. Sanderson, 2nd. Best collection of leas, four varieties, thirty pods each : C. J. Sanderoji, Ist Drize. Beat collection of potatoes, six of

each : A- Laybourn, Ist prixe ; J. Denize, 2nd. Nine potatoes, round : J. Denize, Ist prize; C. C. Fleming. 2nd. Nine potatoes, kidney: J. Denue, Ist prize. Twenty-four radishes, twelve long, twelT* turnips: Stych Bros., Ist prize. Class 3, Cottagers. - Twenty-five pods broad beans : G. Alderton, Ist prize. Two cabbages : A. Hutchinson, Ist prize. Six carrots : «. Alderton, Ist prize; A. Hutchinson, 2nd. Six turnips :' Styct Bros, Ist prfee. Twenty-fl»e pods peas one variety A. Hutchinson, Ist prize; Koy Sanderson, 2nd. Best collection of peas, three varieties, twenty-im of each: Boy Sanderson,. Ist prize. Four stalks rhubarb V-'Ji. Hutchinson, Ist prize; K. Sanderson, 2ud; Two, lettuce, cos or cabbage : A. Hutchinson, Ist prize. Six potatoes, round ; C. K. JelFa, Ist prize ;G. Alderton, 2nd. Six potatoes, kidney: G, Alderton, Ist prize ; J,. C. Martin, 2nd. v Special Prizes.—Twelve round potatoes thii season'B growth (prize, a 3lb cake, presented bj Messrs. W. and M. Kelsall): VV. Stevenson, Ist prize. Twelve kidney potatoes (prize, a 31b cake, presented by Messrs. Kelsall): J. Denize. Ist prize, Collection of peoa, twenty pods of each varietj (prize, Boeton's Dictionary of Gardoahijt, presented by Mr. G. J. Jackson): C. J. Sanderson, Ist prize. . INDUSTRIES AND HOUSKKKBIMNG. Beat oat cake (prize,. ss, presented by Mr. C. C. Fleming): Miss A. Stevenson, Ist prize; Mrs. G. Brown, 2nd. Carrot pudding (prize, 6s, presented by Mr. C. Brnford): K. P. Watts Ist .prize. Best fruit. cake (open to girls urnlei Iβ; prizo, ss, presented by Mr. C. A. Bru ford): Lillie Stevenson, Ist prize. Twelve scones (prize,-ss, presented by Mr. James Eobb>: Mrs. J. M. Barr, Ist prize ; Mrs. K. T. Watte, 2nd; Miss A. Fleming, highly commended. There were seven exhibits in this class. Bottled fruit (prize, 6s, pro sen ted by Mrs. Stych) : Mrs. J. M. Barr, Ist prize. Dried fruit (prize, 6s; presented by Mis. Stych): Mrs. Stevenson, Ist prize. Home-made broad, 21b loai (prize, 601b bag of flour, presented by Mr. J. W. Whyte): Mrs. Stevenson, Ist prize ; Mrs. Anderson, 2nd. Jams : Mrs. Stovenson, Ist prize. Jellies: Mrs. Stevenson, Ist prize. Set of Onehunga-made harness (prize, IDs, presented by Mr. John Denize) : G. Strahan, Ist prize. The show was largely attended, especially in the evening, when a promenade concert M'as held, in which the following ladies and gentlemen took part:—Misses Harding (2), Mrs. Mulkere, Miss King, Mrs. Brown, Miss Neilson, and Mrs. Lyell, and Messrs. Robertson, Haliday, Smith and Martin. The show, which was one of which tho promoters had good reason to be proud, was brought to a close at 10 o'clock. . . ••■;

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9531, 25 November 1889, Page 6

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ONEHUNGA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SPRING SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9531, 25 November 1889, Page 6

ONEHUNGA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SPRING SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9531, 25 November 1889, Page 6