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■ .'■':'■. : '- "'■''.':.'."■'. ' '■ t, Q'~ ■"■ ■ ■•■■ ■ - ■" " ' '■'■ ■' - : " ■•"■■■•■ -- : : *\ ~" ■ .-.''. ■ -J ■ ■ -'Dress and FasMon. ;->/'') * . , ' ' - • -'■ ."■ - ■'.■^ r: f:^.. -' • ''■"'- > - ; '- ../ ;" "' ' V;V"." ,'. , .'•■ —■ —— ■ ' ■■■ ". ■■■< JiIFW GOODS IN FVERY DEPARTMENT-Al VERY LOW RATES HEW GOODS\.:JH l EVERY; DEPARTMEHIAT VERY LOW' r ATes Mew UUUUO Iβ 'UCrfin t IFIL-IV f ft I rCnr LUVV nninO. ,•> .......... a . ~ . „,«„,, m ~ t MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING. Men's Lambswool, Merino *„, n. 'C° DRESSGOODS. '■.- Canra, Ooths, 7,ud the dozen ;-. IWH* Dan«»k. unbleached'2 ya rfs Is 4d and FJanneU; Germm for under weax. MV; ,;, tChHdren's: Hosiery, aJlsorte and prices, from Od to summer war, 8s Od, 10s 6d, 14s, to w, m |- ftl 17s . lldi 2lßf M \ 6d, M and^n^tverylo W^%& ll^ Fancy Sorata Cloths, lOid ... - . . • Btoakete, per pair, New Zealand, 24s Cd Canute TaMstrv Is 9d • • • ■ inffisM' --; Ribbons, Laces, Beaded Trimmings, and a ho»,, of Men 9 Tweed Trousers, lid. 7s Od, ,3 lid, B , and ytl ' *no, ;&!, 3s m and 4sim aftssssß»s^i?ss«.p W d«« m™.*™goods. m 0 JaTSsiigasafsa ~1. w^^'-^H^t^ Combination Snte,KlSa^MWM White Calicoes, neaty mate., 3 3d, KM, Si lid, 3iiUto, 1 Ud. 7. lid. IM,andlS.e<l - ijSj "StH °C.«JbCh3, OW, is '■ ■ " "' ?3l oh th/jremtoee. Hate and Bonnets made and V~;h< Tweed TrousersU>s,3d, and C. Sd Job ...Boys 'Felt Sailor Hate, i s w to , lineu and Cotton Galateas, 9d/6d. oid, 9d and 4s lid the dosen TickW 4d, ojd, and Is ••-.■'• ■; • isV,? , and i ' — • t *t>tw IiNnVROT OTHIXG ETC A SPLEN- trimmed to order . - Youths 'Mole Trousers, 5s 3d _ Men's Sock, 10d, is, fc 2d, and a■M i « M • Fedora Stripes, for White Calicoes, light makes, & lid, Ss Od, and 4s 6d (woren ™«nd). .Is 3d , . . ToweU Bath '° 3d iSd 2s Gd ' ' LADIES .UNDERCLOI HINDIS IU, a _ Men';, an.l Boys 'Moles, Wool ' ls M > ,n Merino Ol KsKst, , ssKna. 7 r M rs KM «.. ,^', sSutltr •»..-. unuoi. W^»"£J^">w*-j£.««s;'£ i «.-.«.-, 11 - Un.«« ■». «m-* ,M ' ■" M ' """ «»T« . a .«. *«. * ud. »»a ™*« BU* *..,,, sooyi, ... number,.. «» M £.b«t »«^^U-.*-.u W ; >"■*«■ <• >«, « H^?,Ss a "" MH » te ° '!?>•"«*"»»'»« D™»8,t,0,,.,M, F lil?Si^ U<, 'hH , I,S% r /. tto ««id e H, H^^W «« M, Sb !rte , K W . »d !s ua, «,.„ .«, ]Mu tW „ : Fancy Lustres, all shades, 7a 6d the dozen : theyanl ■' ■■. . '- • ■ Flannels, Shetland, hoavy.raakee, Is 4d : - Ladies , Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from (Jd to 2s 9d Ladies' Masher Jackets, all now shades, for required ■ . "■ • , ..-■-■•. . . ■ ■ •,■'-■ ■ . '■ .. ':.■.■■■ ; - ■■' '■■ : ':■■ "■ ■ ■'■ •' ' . ■..■■-;-..■ ••■■■.■.■.■..■..,■..:: ,:. -, ■■■.■■■:.:■■. ..:.:. •■■■ ■■ . - ■:.- .- .: ■..■■■ ■■ ■ ■..■.- ,- ■■ ' :.... , , '''' '' '' "' '" *"" ' ' ' - ' ''■: ' ' '' " ': ■ ';■' ' ' ' ■ "' ■ ■ ''■'■■' ' ' ■"'■ ; ■;■ '' ■ ' ' : '"' ; ■ -■■ ;, ' ' '■':'? :: * ' ■■-- ' ' : "l '■ " '■')'' ■' ■ ' ; ■' ' ■ ' ■■■■"'■■ I |(ilt| Country Parcels well packed aud delivered to boat or station free of charge on application. ; Country Customers please forward Postal Notes with orders to A. E. FENTUN. Draper ana a> ier, -.0- an ' ■__± ' »■ ~m nrr.,...,..,,,..

HoTises and Land. ■DAMUEL & <^ONS (Latb • Vailk & Douglas), "rr . HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE 'i AGENTS, SHORTLAND-STREKT (Next door to the General Post Office), HOUSE AND LAND ATJCTIOXKKRS :. SWORN VALUATORS OF REAL ESTATE. ' Investors of capital in the purchase of every descrip ; . ;■ tioa of Freehold and Leasehold Properties. Investors of Capital on Mortgage of Freehold Properties. Managers of Estates, either large; or small, for - - Residents and Absentees. '-.", Kiery branoh of business connected witli the admistnvtion and m&iiaceioent of Real Estate , attended to with the most minute cam and exact promptitude. Tklxpbonb No. IS4. a BANKERS: BANK OF yEWSOUTn,WALKS. ifTIHARMING WATERSIDE ESTATE \j FOR SALE. , ' "SUNNYBANK." This delightful property, tdtaated on the banks of tho Tamaki River, comprises 122J acres of tlie most prodnctiTe land in the province; substantially fenced in 9 subdivisions, S7 acres in rich pasture, 23 acres in < crop, seven acres OF ORCHARD; containing over ,' .12000 choice troee. .C 2 . r !'■ ■■' The Buildings comprise a HANDSOME -AND 'SUBSTANTIAL CONCRETE DWELLINGHOUSE of 9 rooms, bathroom, scullery, pantry, ■wash-house, and dairy. , The Outbuildings are of the most complete and substantial description, ■ i and -. include— and • Implement ■ shed, workshop, •?■ stables, ;, cow-elwd, • calves-shed, fowl-house, ■ large loft, piggeries, ; etc. All the buiidinpa are roofed with iron. THIS GRAND PROPERTY is admirably adapted - for a Gentleman's Residence, while at the same •lime it •will give a splendid return as a Farm. ; * - It commands extensive views of surpassing beauty, - ami is -within easy driving distance of Auckland. - * There is also good fishing and ample accommo- * dation for keeping a yacht. A3 the owner of this valuable property contem- '■- ■ plates visiting Europe, the whole Estate is offered ■ lor the low price of £3250, with the crops taken at a >■ valuation. Half the purchase price can remain on mortgage if desired. , „ ~ , For further particulars apply to Samuel A aile and 3©ns, Land and Estate Agents, Shortlandstreet, Auckland. '.': - - -.■--' 2400 ViHEAP FARM of 232 acres; 100 acres \j fenced, 40 acres crops, 20 Kr4-s, 1 mile of river frontage. House of S rooms, stable, cowshed, &c, <£o As the tfwner ie leaving Auckland this farm is offered at the low price of £1 12s 0d per acre.—Samuel Vaile it Sons, Land and Estate '. Agents, Shortland-street, Auckland. * 2512 | '* - '&*¥ A ACRE FARM; all fenced, in S I X? 4 Vr visions, nearly all rich Volcanic land, 360 acres grass, 2 acres of good orchard, . $ acre belnir ownres and lemons, 200 acres bush well watered with creeks and springs. House 9 " rooms, stables, man's house, buggy, cart, and shear- , . Ing sheds, Ac. The improved Oand will carry ♦) s jhoep to the acre. Price, £2500.—Samuel Vaile and | . Sons, Land Agents, Shortland-street, Auckland. HOWICK.— 40-acre Farm, all in grass B~t and crops, fenced in 9 divisions. .;•■ House of 10 rooms, with numerous outbuildings.—Samuel 7aile and Sons, , Land Agents, Shortland-etreet, Auckland. ,: --/-..K -^...■ ' ::. - '■'■ ; " 2400 : PARNELL.— Corner : Allotment* 60 by 120 feet, with 5 roomed House. Price, £530. —Samuel Vaile and Sons, Land Agents, Sbortland'Auckland. %*& OOMSONBY ROAD!— Business " • JL Premises, corner site, 1 shop, with 7 dwelling rooms, and 1 shop with 5 dwelling rooms, also, ■ numerous outbuildings. Price, £1200. — Samuel Vaile and Sons, Land and Estate Agents, Snort-land-street, Auckland. , ' ' v 2497 - /COUNTRY STORE and Dwelling of 3 ?• \j rooms, stable, cartshed, "*<:., &c, with 1 a--re of eariien and orchard. Price, £190.—Samuel V aile uid Sons, Land and Estate Agents, Shortlandrtreet. Auckland. 348S •'■. : :- "OARNELL!—HOUSE lof 8 rooms and IL scullery, stabling, &c; very large Allotment Price, Samuel Vaile and Sons, Land and _ Estate Agents, Shortland-street, Auckland. 2478 : I7IOR IMPERATIVE SALE, a going 1} concern—The GLADSTONE HALL, NORTH- ■'." DOTE, with all furniture and Accessories complete. The main hall measures 60 x:3O feet; the supper room 40 xl 5 feet. There is also at the rear of the * above an iron-roofed Stable and a two-roomed Cot- •' tage* ; used for cookine, etc. 6j acres of Land, all - -fenced and in cultivation; the whole, forming a • charming,recreation ground surrounding the build- - - ■"- Ines. Tne price is-made low to effect an immediate sale—£7so for the whole, or with 2* acres only, £600. " rarms can be arranged if desired.—Samuel \aUe tad Sons, Land and Estate Agents, Shortland- ■ rtreet ■ '■ >■ ■■■ ■ 2433-2435 "'.-. TL>ARE CHANCES * FOR WORKING ■h , *' JA/ •. • ■ ; ' ; ' ' MKN.. ■ 7 miles from the city by a. good road-2 acres ' planted with strawberries; Cott.ige of 2 roome, ami large stable. £80 for the lot. .. _ , 2044 ■ 1- ' 40 acres of very fair land at Dairy Flat 10ai per , ■ :. acre. ' : ' ■■■■■ '- " ■■ '■; ;■ : ;■ ' ■ 1870 Samuel Vaile and Sons; Land aud Estate Agents, Shortland-street. v JL -— A VONDALE — 9 acres, well-fenced, i\_ garden, orchard, and-meadowtwell-nnished Houm of 6 rooms; -wash-house and bathroom, stable, • - coach-house, and cowshed, with loft overall. Price £700 Terms easy.—Samuel Vane and bons, lAnu - and Estate Agents, Shortland-street. ' ' i/Ih!W V ROAD, -■ MOUNT v EDEN— "V . House of 8 rooms, gas laid on, Iflrfte conerete " tank, stable, coach-house; : Allotment 5S x 165 feet. "Price £375; easy terms can be arranged.— Vaile and Sons, Land Agents. ' &ii MOUNT EDEN — Cheap Property— House of 7 rooms, with Allotment 50 by 198 ' ' feet commanding position. To be sold for the low price of £400.-SanVuel V«ile and Sons. Land and ■ [ HetaXo Agents, Shortland-atreet. liSi; HP ° V'-- L E T * - KYBER PASS—The handsome Family Residence " •ofR. W. Moody, Esq., 13 superior rooms, with ' offices and outbuildings, large garden. . _ Kl' STEPHEN'S AVENUE -Superior Family " Residence, with 3? acres of ground tastefully laid ; . . out, 3-etalled stable and coach-house. Rent, £100 ' essioXß.Y— House, 15 rooms, balcony, verandah; ■\ li acres of, garden! plenty of fruit £2 10s per " HBMUERA— of 7 rooms, bath-room, _ and ' - storeroom, stable, and all necessary outbuildings. -■To be let for two years at 30s a week. #_ . _, ; ORAKEI ROAD, REMUERA— Furnished House ' of 10 rooms, bathroom, storeroom, scullery, etc.; ; ■ over three acres of garden, splendid view. Rent, only £75 per annum. ■ ■ Z Gentleman's Residence of 9 rooms and ■ '•- offices;? stable and:buggy-house, cowshed, Ac. ; 8 acres of ground, nicoly laid ouc .; Rent low to a *' ' * * y OOci fcUlJSkfit" ,; ' " ■''-"''■" ~ ■■'■■'' '■■■' ■■..'(■■■■■■ ■■■ - . . • ONEHUNGA--Conv"enienfc Residence of 9 rooms, with U acres garden and paddock, stable, cow- ' ■-"') ,- shed, and bathing-house. Rent. ,20s a week, or . ■ .■ "OTAHUHU—House"of 'll lafge rooms, good well tanks; wash-hpuse, ; buggy-house; 5 acres of " , garden, orchard. &c. Rent, per annum: - ■ DEVONPORT Cheltenham ; Beach — Furnished i House of 7 rooms;" 50s per week.. !■.:-■■• LOWER ALBRRT-STREBT-Buildings known an ' : - ■ Gordon Dining Rooms; to be lee cheap. ' VICTORIA-STiiEET-2 splendid 3-storey; Brick ■ " eSS*- Stock and Fitting! Stock and Fittings ", . ' coSd be bought at a low figure. Shop doing a miitoble for contractor. r . PAIINELL-llonae, 7 rooms, ft, I'.orTJln'nv ROAD, PARNELL—House of 8 : cartshed and stable; Allot- " ' Rent, only 12s per week. m ; > BRWHTON I ROAD, PARNELL-House of 4 • NEWTON ROAD'-Keat Cottage 0f,4 rooms, city ;:^^NTSlE^House,erooin,6saweek> v 5 rooms, 2s 6d per MOITNT EDEN EOAD-Furn!shed Apartments, 0 "••* rooms, including kitchen; gas and water, range, ■ ;-■•.; washh \ conservatory and good garden; 158 ' • . " ROAD—House of 8 rooms, gas and ■>' ■ SateT; wash house with copper boiler; if* 6dper HADDOCK-STREET (off Mount Eden Road)- ' ■ ot-6^ooms, : good aUotinent.. newly painted and. ' ■ SbSb^e«n3.nd4acr £ of land, nicely ' to Victoria Wharfs-Neat . "horned House, gaa laid on, large gardens; loot, 8s a weefc-

I Houses and Land. I ROSBBANK. AVONDALK—WeU-built House of 6 rooms, wash-house, stable, coach-house, cowshevi, 9 acres of garden, orchard, and meadow. The low rent of l£s a week will be taken as the owner must come nearer to town. LAKKTAKAPUNA—To Let for sumnier monthsNeat 6-rooined Houee, completely furnlshnd throughout; wash-house, with copper; 20 acres of L"vns7fenced and In clover; splendid beach for bathinj. Rent, only 20s per we«k. WATWKRA—To Let, at this favourite summer resort. Cottage of 4 rooms, with one acre of jrarden. horse'and cow can be grased on adjoining txvldock, 5e per week. . MORSINOSIDK—Fenced Paddock, Is per week. ONKHTJNGA—Good Grating Paddock, £S per Others in all parts of city and suburbs. FARMS. AVONDALE-26 acres good Land, half ploughed, partly fenced; rent only £10 10s por annum. TAMAHKRK, WAIKATO-1000 acres good graßing Land; small bush, good orchard, 3JO acres rough grass; first-class Houso of S rooms, stable, and all outbuildings, to, be leased at a low rent to a reliable tenant. WAIMATK, BAY OF ISLANDS—Iβ acres, all • fenced, splendid orchard, good House of 11 rooms, lieing very c«ntralry-situated this would make a llrct-claes accoramodaUon house. nOKIANOA—6S acre*, with good site for store, to be let for 7 or more years at 6he reduced wntal of £25 per annum. Within 7 miles of the dty—lsJ acres of good Land, all in a high state of cuHiration, with good House <rf 6 rooms; rent, £45 per "annum. ; SAMUEL VAILE k SONS (Late Vailk <fe Dououts). W. S. OOCHB.ANB.] [JAS. DAOIIB. qAMUEL /COCHRANE & QON, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, ■ APPRAISERS, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENTS, QUEEN-STREET (Next Union Bakk), Established 1859. VALUATIONS MADE OF LAND, BUILDINGS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac SALES AND PURCHASES OF ALL KINDS EFFECTED AND NEGOTIATED I CONSIGNMENTS OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ■ DISPOSED OF. MONEY TO LEND ON FREEHOLD SECURITY AT CURRENT RATES. RESIDENCE, GREY-STREET. FOR SALE—Comfortable Residence in best part of Grey-street, 6 large roouis and every convenience I Allotment 30 feet frontage by 130 feet. Price, only £430. COUNTRY LANDS FOR SALE. ORUAWHARO, fronting Te Pane River-CBl acres good Land, part bush. 7s an acre. 095 AWHITU—2IB acres, partly improved, easily access- ; • ible. 03 an acre. CSS OMARU—Lot 124, 118 acres fronts Omara River. 8s an acre. . 082 PUKEKOHE—A capital piece of Land, 10 acres, all fenced and cultirated, close to township. £18 ah acre. 633 SMALL FARM, AVONDALE. 4} acres first-rate Land, all fenced and cultivated, (part of Aicken's subdivision), good well. Price, i>l2o. Easy terms. 084 ; SMALL. FARM, BIRKENHEAD. SEVERAL Desirable Farms, containing about 10 acres each, situate on main ;road. Capital aspect for fruit growing. Price from £10 an acre. Terms ' very easy. 05$ i CITY PROPERTIES. HAYDN-STRICKT— Dwelling-house of 5 rooms, Allotment C6ft frontage, large shed and stable. £260. < 260 UNION-STREET—Cottage of 5 rooms; Allotment 42ft frontage by 219 feet deep. £260 1 UNTON-STBEET—Dwelling-house, 0 rooms ■ and Outbuildings, Allotment 42ft frontage by 243 ft ueep. £350. 2:« PONSONIIY ROAD (close to Three Laiups>—Four ' Good Shops, situate on grand business corner; a capital investment, bringing in a handsome return on price wanted. £28 . PROPERTIES FOR SALE ON SPECIAL [ TERMS. £10 Deposit, Balance by Weekly Paymknts. ■ CLARENCE-STREKT— Cottage of 6 rooms, nearly ' new, 40 feet frontage. Price, £200. SUsSEX-STKEKT— Three Houses, 4 and 5 rooms, 1 99 feet frontage. Price, £400. . CUORCH-STItEET—Two Houses, 4 and 6 rooms, one nearly new. Price for the lot, £'zBO. ' ■ CAMBRIDGE - STREET — Cottage of 5 rooms, J newly built, 38 feet frontage. Pnce, £200. ' CoOK-STRBET —Cottage of 5 rooms, 28 feet frontt age. Price, £200. SEASIDE RESIDENCE and GROUNDS. s FOR SALE—Beautiful Sea-side Residence and 6 [ acres Land, situate at Poneonby; a very lovely position; will be very valuable in the near future. I SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers. ' W. * J. FBATBBi HOUSE AND LAND AGENTS, ' I 97, QUBRN.STREET ' '-'."■ ''-*■'■ '■ ■''■-"'■'.''■ -""'*" ''*'('■■'• ' ' •■-■"■■' ■ ■ FOR SALE. ■■,-•■■■-. ST. STEPHEN'S ROAD—Beiutiful Houses of ' from 7 to 9 rooms, and large Allotments cheap. [ CUSTOM-STIIKKT WEST—Allotment, 75 feet frontage by a depth of 68 feet. A bargain. ' 1 CRKVKiiAND ROAD—Two nuarly new 9-roomed Housea, every convenience. Price. £750 and 4BAO. 1 (JO-ACRE FARM, close to Kumeu Station, greater portion in gram, all fenced; House and outbuild- : fniji*— £300. This ia a bargain. , HIKUTAIA, Upper Thames—Between 300 and 400 '< acres of rich swamp and alluvial Land, all laid ' down in English grasses, subdlrided and fencod 1 into convenient farms of from 30 to 100 acres each. To be sold reasonable. '• .-•■ ■ ■ ■ \ NIXON-STRKKT, Great North Road—Good 7roomed House, cheap . . PATUMAHOE, Pukekohe—One of the best Farms > in this well-knonn district, 150 acres, all in graas, new House and outbuildings. . PUKERIMU— Grand Farm of over 200 acres cheap. 1 FRANKLIN. ROAD—Several Good Hounw in this . line open street for sale cheap and on easy terms. ' POKENO-Two good. Farms of 150 and 350 acres. * To be sold a bargain. THAMES VALLKY (6i miles from' ShortlahuV- ' 2400-Rcre Farm, Kieator portion well drained rich swamp, with all necessary Buildings, i ' ■ PARNKlilr—To intending residents in thin suburb • we cau aupply all claeseu of Homes, either to pur- ' chase or rent. \ r VINCENT.STRBBT-I.argo Allotment and Cottage. Price, £450 ■ FARMS in the Waikato Pukekohe, Pokeno, Bombay. Wliangarei, and all parte of the Provincial • I District. Particulars an application , TO LET TWO FURNISH BD HOUSES of 6, 8, and 9 rooms; t rent, 40n and 60s per week.; ■ : ST. STEPHEN'S ItOAD-7-roomed House, £45 per • ; ''year..' . : -. •.' ■ ••■•■ , ■ • ST. STEPHEN'S RO House, £52 per . year. -.-*:■ ... •■)-- ■■■.:>.-■.. .'■ ,;.;-■-• > LARG v, ALLOTMENT, Custom-stree* West; low I. - rental for a term of years. ■■■ • ,'■■•■ - ■YORK-STIIEET—B-roomed House, 20s. - 5 BRIDU K W ATER RO AD—B-roomed House, stable, i coach-house, with 11 acre Land, 205.. , FARNHAM-STRKET—4-roomed Cottage, 7s. . > M ANUKAO ROAD—Two Shops, with 4 rooms; 10s .; eAcli; . •' • -■-■'•>'■:•», -...-;.. •. • •..-.y:,~.,-: ,■ , I GREY-STRBET-Shqp, 16s. ' BRADFORD-STREET—B-roomed House, 16s. ST.■ STEPHEN'S ROAD—B-roomed House. Rent, I v.£5C per year :. , . ■ MOUNT ; EDEN—7-roomed House and 20' acres i Laud in grass. . .' ■; . • ; MOUNT EDEN-HJ-roomed House and 80 acres Landingrasß.

: ;; ::;: , .■'.■■, : ' : -,-\ ■■'"■-■; ; ".-.", : ;.- ":—-■;■■> \:-:- ■■'-■. ." Ironmongery, Hardware, &c." -, ->".- ; ~;..-...■_.. ,\ '~,-■'■ ■■-, .'■... (LIMITED), ;■■■'■-■■'■■..,.■., ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL T. & S. MORBIN & CO. (LIMITED) HAVE NOW IN STOCK AND LANDING, LARGE SHIPMENTS OF GENERAL HARDWARE, ETO., ETC. FURNISHING IRONMONGERY T. ■& S. MORRIN & CO., LIMITED, Call attention to their very large and varied stock of NOW ON SHOW AT THEIR QUEEN-STREET PREMISES, . ; ■* Comprising— BACKETS by HAWCRIDGE, viz., The Wonder, Horton, Scarboro , , Lady's Avenue, Waverley, Avenue, Olympic he. BACKETS by AYRES viz., Handicap, Central Strung, and Cedar, in various numbers, for Juveniles and Adults. RACKETS by SLAZENGER, a Large Assortment in various qualities. • •BALLS in STOCK—Cyprus, Handicap, Association, Regulation, Avenue, Hawcridge, &c, &c. TENNIS POLES, TENNIS NETS, TENNIS MARKERS. * ; THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AM) BEST', VALUE IN AUCKLAND ! LATEST NOVELTIES CONTINUALLY COMING TO HAND: T. & S. MORRIN & CO. (LIMITED), QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, NJZ.

' •' " "'"'"'■ ■ •■••■•'-"• - ' : ■ - ■■ ■ ■ ' "'■■■'" ■■ • ■ • Watches, Jewellery,' &c. r " • ; BUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES. ' BUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES. ' The purchase and possession of a Good Watch means money saved and disappointment! : -■-■■ : - -:'-.'■ : .- : -'.- avoided. ;: ''-Vf';■>. "'' : ' )'■ ■''.■: .-'i'';'.■,■.,' ■ A GOOD WATCH ENSURES PLEASURE ! And FOBMB a Good Investment, but a bad one always leads to worry, loss of time, anc ) ~ ■■;> r ; ;-. ... :■'.■■' : ;' : .-;-.- '/ : '"■.■'■''•" money. . ;■■;.. -../.' : , , ' / ' ' STEWART DAWSON" & <JO.,'S : WOHLD-FAMKI) ENGLISH LiilllS j; Enjoy the confidence of the world. Their superiority and value over all others, and their popularity in every clime, is the best proof of their excellence and i TIME-KJ'.KPING QUALITIK3. * SPEND YOUR MONEY WISELY, And secure the best value by purchasing from the Manufacturer?. ■ ;-. ■ 1 STEWAET MWSON & CO.'S I ENGLISH LEVER ARE MANUFACTUItED BY THEMSELVES, ARE IMPORTED BY THEMSELVES, , . ARE SOLD BY THEMSELVES. }, V . j REMEMBER— ARE NO MIDDLEMEN IN S.D. & CO.'S SYSTEM ! • ■ AND NO RETAIL PRO KITS I ' .... S.D. & CO/S SYSTEM MAKES THE WATCH. ' S.D. & CO/S 'SYSTEM IMPORTS THE WATCH. ': S.D. & CO/S SYSTKM SELLS THE WATCH. ■ ; S.D. & CO.'S SYSTEM GUARANTEES THK WATCH. • - S.D. & CO.'S SYSTKM GOES DIRECT TO THE USER. . : ' P.D. & CO.'S SYSTEM SECURES YOU SATISFACTION. " '■■■■" S.D. & CO.'S SYSTEM SAVES . YOU RETAIL PRO KITS. . ' S.D. & CO.'S SYSTEM GIVES A WEEK'S TRIAL. S.D. & CO/S SYSTEM APPEALS To SENSE. 5 S.D. & CO.'S SYSTEM LEADS THE VAN OF PROGRESS, WHILE COMPETITIO:* i ; . • : ; LAGS BEHIND. • ■ ■ ■. ■■-;■, ... €O,OOO—TESTIMONIALS 50,000 .: . - ,■,':'. ■ ■■.;••■ *'.' From wearers in all parts in praise 04 ;'; STEWAUT ■•• DAWSON & CO.'S ' LIVERPOOL ENGLISH LEVERS. i»Q—S.D. &■ CO.'S 'CRYSTAL , FRONT ENGLISH LEVER, much recommended for Colonial use *i>;;■:.-,:-■ Lasts a lifetime. . Highest quality. Well worth £6. • OO 1 AS-S.D & CO.'S; GRAND LIVERPOOL ENGLISH HUNTING LEVER; every known im .bo ay ; provemeiit. Gold balance. ,: Defies all competition. Cheap at .€0 6s. Beware'o '■--:; ..r ; - :^t ';' lmitatioiia. ?*■"■": •;' :r-'- .i'-;us •..:..■■■.■-■:.■ -■.-.'. ,-,- .;.■:■:..-..'. ■•■-..■ '"a. -..:,■■■■:.., :\, j>4. -I AS—S.D. & CO.'S SUPERB ENGLISH HUNTING LEVERS. Three pairs extra jewels, ant ' *"' A V real Chronometer Jlalanco. Perfection. Cheap at £7. OX 1 AS-S.D. & CO.'S MAGNIFICENT KItYLESS HUNTING LEVERS. Highest quality. Air X>O XV damp, and tlust tißht. Worth Bs. ' i PK -I AS—S.D. &.CO.'S ; THRKEQUARTKR-PLATE ENGLISH HUNTING LEVERS. Tin f XV .-.;.:-._ Model Watch. Extraordinary Value.--- ■ * :- tffi -l AS— & CO.'S GRAND THRKEQUARTER-PLATE CENTRE-SECONDS CHRONO t AOIU GRAPH.LEVERS. Thousands in wear. Without equal. Cheap at £10. i -PI ft lO. 8 "- 8 -- CO.'S ENGLISH DOUBLE MINUTE AND SECONDS INDEPENDENI I *1U 1U CHRONOGRAPH LEVEH. All English. The best Sporting Watch in tho World • ■'.-.: ■."■;■■■■ '■'"' Matchless value. - ■ ■ -;- .- • - .■ --•■■...."■.■. : .-.■.....',■, -..- -.- r I"! »7S fiD-S.l). & CO/S STERLING SILVER DEFIANCE WATCHES, the best Lowpricec • ■■" &A .;. I ■,■-■" Watch eyermade. Hunters ditto,' £115s (Ladies'and Gents'). ; , j STEWART DAWSON & CO. also invite special attention to their SPLENDID STOCK 01 1 LADIES' and GENTS" ENGLISH GOLD LEVERS, in every variety, at prices unapproachable • S.B. <fc CO.'S LADIES' ENGLISH GOLD LEVERS, £8 10*. *■ \ S.D. A CO.'S LADIES'HUNTING GOLD LEVERS, £11 10e. , S.D. & CO.'S LADIES' KEYLESS GOLD LEVEIIS, £14 103. * S.D. & CO.'B LADIES" GOLD WATCH (KEYLESS), £7 10s. S.D. <fc CO.'S GENTS' ENOLTSH GOLD LEVKRS, £12 10s. » ■ S.D. & CO.'S GENTS' ENGLISH GOLD HUNTING LEVERS, £15 108. . . . S.D. A CO.'S GKNTS' GOLD KEYLESS HUNTING, £18 10s. S.D. & CO.'S GENTS' HALF CHRONOMKTERS, £25 I ; S.D. & CO.'S GENTS' ENGLISH DOUBLE GOLD CHRONOGRAPHS, £27 103 and £30. S.D. & CO. Ruarantee a saving of 25 per cent, to every buyer of each Gold Watch they sell. V !" JEWELLERY, JEWELLERY, JEWELLERY, 1 "_■■•-■ ■ IN ALL THE NEWEST ELEGANT IXSNDON DESIGNS. : , Imported direct hy S.D. & CO. h. Now consignments by every steamer. » The largest variety in Ne« Zealand. Every article of guaranteed quality, and at about half the usual colonial prices. GENTS'MASSIVE GOLD ALBERTS, from 70s to 170s. ~ , • . GOLD SEALS ANl> LOCKETS, from 15s 0d fco £10. . .. LADIES'.ELEGANT GOLD ALBERTS, from 00s to 130s. LADIES' NEW VICTORIA PATTERNS, from <5h to 90s. 1 LADIES' GOLD BANGLES, New Dosijms, from 8a 0d to 30s. LADIES'GOLD BRACKLKTS, Vory Handsome, from 36s to 1708. GOLD SBTS BROOCH AND EARRINGS, from Ms to 90s. • ' GOLD BROOCHES, Exquisite Designs, New, 88 <Jd to 80s. . , . GOLD EARRINGS, ditto, ditto, 4e Bd to 100s. LADIES'GKM AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS, 17a 0d to £10. ' . WEDDING AND KKKPER RINGS, 15m to £2 10s. ' GENTS'GOLD DOUBLE LINKS AND STUDS, <fcc., 17e 6d to 809. r LADIES' SILVER BROOCHES AND EARRINGS, in Sets, 4s6d to' 10s6d ■ ' LADIES'SILVER BROOCHES, New Designs, 2s 8d to 8s ed. . r SILVER BANGLI« AND BRACELETS, 3god to 21s. , ELEGANT SILVER ALBERTS, 7s.Cdfc»l7sed. ' { GENTS' SILVER- ALBERTO, all English Hall Marked. The Largest Stock-in Australasia, including muny registored designs, all at 40 per cent, under usual prices—loe 6d 11s 6d 18s 6d, 16* M, to 255; ' ■'■'■'■■.< ■, ■ " ' ' • IXKJKETS. SEALS, &«.; splendid assortment, 2s to 10e Ctl. : ' ■ ";■■ STERLING SILVER MATCH BOXES, 8s 6d to 40s. 5 '/-:'.-■■:■ Visitors as well as residents in Auckland will do well to call and inspect oar Maeriflcent Stork ; Illustrated Pamphlet of Watches and Jewellery sent post frea for 3d Btanips* **" """"' ■ Watches delivered free in any part of the Colony for Is 3d extra. ■ •*■•'■••' "j- '• All orders and correspondence please address to - * / . ;. STEWART ~.;I)AWSON ■& . . CO., ' 94, ''QUJBBN-STJHBET. AUCKLAND.

i ' ' ' ' ' ' "■' " ' i " —_ " : r Tea and Coffee Merchant-" \ ] ■-.;. • : . ■■• ' ".: .V i :"■. , ■. . ■ .■■■ ■■ " .".- . ; . .'■• ■. ■■■ ■ ; ■■■■-■ ■ ■ : : ,-, ■ . . ■■:: (;.' ' ■'■~■ MATCHLESS FINEST FLAVOKY LIQUOR . .■.-:. tar BLENDED SPECIALLY FOR NEW ZEALAND. TSt CONNOISSEURS AND THE TRADE PRONOUNCE ■" IT PERFECTION. Strawberry Gardens- ■' ■"'' ' ■■ • STRAWBERRY GARDENS. WILLOW GEOYE STBAWBERBT GARDENS. • ; NEXT THE UPPER WHAEF, DEVONPORT. ;. : Jl'lMli OF Till SEASON THIS AFTERNOON. .- \ STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM. • MARK PARRISH, in returning thanks to his supporters for-past favours, begs to inform them find the public generally that ho has great pleasure in announcing that these wellknown and popular Strawberry and Tea Garden* are now open. Mark Parrish being one of the largest o. strawberry grower* in tho colony, will alwavs have a large and fresh .supply on hand, and can guarantee patrons the ripest, the largest, and most delicious fruit in the market. • ; ' (1- :-■"'■'.''■■'■'.-\'-- .'■■'■ ]' ■~,-'.'.; . ;■"■/.■...-■- —■■.'.v .. - •'.' ■"'■■ ■' -'--' '. : ■-. ■■■.:' : .' ' '■'.".' , :/ '- %j. ,v , -.:. FRESH CREAM TWICE DAILY. d ' • 'TEA, COFFEE, AND OTHER RBFKKSIIMKNTS ALWAYS ON HAND. ■ ■ - ■; tST Three Hundred Visitors can be seated at the tables at one time. te ' ;_ ' . ' STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM. I WILLOW GEOYJS GARDENS, DEVONPORT. it ■'■■'■■ jchool Treats and Picnic Parties provided for by special arrangement. Family Orders, Dinner Parties, and for Jam promptly attended to. '''"' M. PARRISH, Proprietor. "~~ Ironmongery. New Zealand and Foreign Travel. ■i • WINGATE, BURNS, AND CO., /NOOK AND nor ,;■ W IRONMONGKKS, 1 111 U&. 4 IUUIS. AJ\ IJUH, ■ Have now landing from the barque Nettie, from -*-• ■ * h*j New York :-6 cases Carriiu;e Bolts, 3 bundles Coach | TOURIST & GENERAL PASSENGER ; Poles, 1 case Disston's Llchtning Crosscut Saw«, 10 AGENTS, dozen Disston'a Hand Saws assorted, i Mitre Boxes, 6 dozen Spofford and Ball's Braces, 1 case Saw bete, q,i CAL tourist Agents to thk New Zealand i * i case Kim Kuob-liOcks, 1 ewe Lemon bqueezers, 2 ~„...., exhibition at Du.nkdin. > coses Hollow Augers, 2 cases Mrs. Potts (smoothing „ _ -, ••■ ~ -;v Trnna^'caso Door Knockerd, 2 cases Ames'ShovelM, Mail Co.vniACrJoits to the ■ Egyptian Govehn ' iiAaiem. Fork Handles, 80 dozen Spade Handles, iO ment for the Conveyance of Uku& Between • dosenllamraer Handles, 273 coils Barb Wire, 16 cases | ' Uppish and Lower Kgypt, " ■Sharps' Axes, 2 cases Broad Axes. 1 case Carriage I ... - ; • — , ;■: Door Handles, 16 dozen Oxbows, 1 case ijarriage ' ISSUE COUPONS AT SPECIAL itKDUCEI) ■ JTABIB. TO FOUKIGN TOURISTS OVKU ! }" K Putnam Horse-naiU, ,28 ca«eß Axe Handles, THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. 1» Hides Morocco Leather, 00 pairs Elliptic Springs. ~• — "*\ 00 pairs Concord Side Spriugs, 10 cases Lard Oil, 6, Agents for all the Principal Lines of Steamers atnt cases Wringers, 6 cases Patent Garden Hose, 3500 r Hallways throughout the World, Hickory J Spokee, 600 Savern Spokes, sets| Elm HaTil , K offices and Agencies throughout New : ! Hubs, 150 seta Carnage Rmie, Bug^y,J3^v 3 * Zealand, can now , j dozeTcaS'e'polea. 2 Mowers,' 2 BOOK TRAVELLERS TO ANY>ART OP Till! | i doren Doorbells, lease Bull' Kings, 1 case Gate ;, ■ , COLONY, ,i $ Latches, 1 case -Wire Rat Traps, 6 cases Lathing ' ; 0K 1X) . - • Hatehew'3 cases ShingUng Hatched lease Claw ' . '' » ''■ Hatchets! 4 cases Carriage Hardware, 12 dozen ANY PART OK-THB WORLD. • I>oTer -Egg-beaters, 1 caao Hay Knives, 2 r do/.3ii Special Rates for Families and Parties. -i Peters' Buggy Dashes, 370 cases White Rose Kero- , Special Arrangements Made with Hotels. Bone 30- bundles Wood Waehboards, 100 boxes Special Facilities for Local Trips. -. , : " * I Clothes Pegu, 30 , Nut Axles, 7j; packages Seed ; .Arrangements for Families going to 'Pott Waik&to 1 Drills : leases Hay Rakes,-4-ca-ies Tacks, lease ; 0 -LakoHotel,'Takapuna. v • — i ; 1 •-'iioke!iha»as* f 2 Greenriver "Tire : Shrinkors, ■ lease For all particulars, apply to the Agents, Welling-' V-vtchee, 2 casei« Plows, 67? cases,-Fruit Jaw, 3 cases tion Chri.-,tchurcli, Duneclin, Inyercargill/ or to finloni'ScaleeMl crates Cburns, 13 cases Wasbita . i I and Pond'Stones.7cwt. Sand Stones, lcaso , , , . * .! ; 1 Pi? Ringers, 6 cases Hay Forks, 1 case Leather s - , THOS. COOK '& SON, . . ': ' ; Belting, 21 dozen Jeuning's Bite, 20 , dozen Pi jut ,<( viCTORIAARCADE (Opposite Town Clock);'tJcSdih October, 1889. . ' ' . ■ AUCKLAND. . • j

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9531, 25 November 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9531, 25 November 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9531, 25 November 1889, Page 2