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New Zealand Herald Office, j Thursday evening. Tin? Customs duties to-day amounted to : £1917 9a 7d. The concentration of the month's business into the early part of it is a chief result of the new terms of the associated Chambers of Commerce. A certain briskness of distribution during the week has followed from this circumstance. It will probably die off as the month proceeds for there is no early pros- i pec t of substantial improvement. The conflict of capital and labour in Lon- | don presages important issues bearing on our imports and exports. How far the movement will affect prices is unknowable, but it is a factor in calculations. For the present, however, distributors sell low owing to full stocks and no free demand. Everything in the import market is practically in statu <pio. Sugars are quiet, but the market is firm. A strong body of capitalists arc forming a Sugar Company in Melbourne, to be called the Australasian Sugar Company, with a capital of £.'300,000. Teas : Little is doing in new season's, a general disinclination to operate being manifest. Other chief lines aro without call for comment. Under the heading of Mercantile Relations with New Zealand the Australasian Trade Review (Melbourne) remarks: —An important point is raised ov the increased duty on oats and barley, and that is the complete want of consideration shown to New Zealand in our tariff The neglect to studv our relations with New Zealand is felt by the mercantile world to be a grave mistake. New Zealand has entered into a now period oi prospority, which is evidenced by the fact that she is* now exporting far more per head of population _ than \ ictoria. During the past half-year, indeed, the absolute amount of her exports, irrespective of population, was largely in excess of ours, the figures comparing as follows : —New Zealand. £5,6'/2,'253; Melbourne (the export trade ot which forms nearly the whole of that of [ (Victoria). £4,429,1 $3. The recovery of New ! Zealand, by means of her enhanced produc--1 tiveness, from depression will greatly enlarge her import trade, and would possibly increase her connection with Victoria under favouring conditions. The exports from Melbourne to New Zealand have become so shrunken that no encouragement offers for shipping enterprise, and it results, therefore, that it costs more to send goods there than it does to bring them from the United Kingdom, which is a severe handicap for the Melbourne merchant. But if intercourse were fostered there would bo a larger trade between the two colonies, which would be further promoted bv a consequent reduction of freights. To the Victorian manufacturer New Zealand offers a market at present only second to that of New South Wales, and probably in the near future it will be a better one. Maize from wharf is worth 2s Sd. Local wheat is 3s 4d to 3d 5d ; Southern, 3s 9d to 4s. Local oats, 2b lOd ; Southern, Ss to 3s 3d. Fowl wheat. 3s 3d. Potatoes : Canterbury, £5 ss; Oamaru, £5 10s. " . In the local produce market prices remain unchanged. Dairy butter, first quality, Sd : second quality, 7d ; and third quality, 5d per lb wholesale. Eggs are 6d per dozen wholesale, and Sd per dozen retail. At Messrs. D. F. Evans and Co.'s mart today a cottage and allotment in Hill-street, Newmarket, was sold by auction for £100, Mr. Carter being the purchaser. KAURI GUM MARKETS. Buyers are disagreeably surprised at the very great increase in the August supplies, which is no less than 740 tons. Prices for ordinary are, however, unchanged since last week's report. Supplies for the four days of September are about 53 tons. We quote Poor ordinary (nominal), 35s ; fair ordinary, 313s ; best orditary, 37»; and East Coast, 445. LIVE STOCK & PRODUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. , Messrs. Hunter and Nolan's Weekly Report. —Grain, horse feed, seed.*, &c. : The supply has been ample, ami the demand fairly good for best sort.' ; hut faulty grain and hay, lacking sweetnews, bare been comparatively neglected. There remain an nnsati«fied demand for good clover hay and prime oaten chaff. We quote : Oats, from 2s 8d to 3s 3d per bushel ; maize, 2s lid ; bran, £5 to £5 lOi per ton. Horses have been brought forward in increased numbers, and there has been a steady demand. If young and of good stamp they found r»-ady purchaser! at improved value. An average number was submitted by auction at the Darhaiu Yards on Friday. Competition was steady throughout the sale, and nearly all bfTered changed hands. We quote : Hacks, from £•* 10s to £15 10a; light harness horses, from £5 to £13 5s ; medium draught, £G 12s 6d to £16s. Wools, hides, skins, Ac. : Rather more hide* and skins than usual were pitched, and a small quantity of wool. Bidding was brisk throughout the sale. We quote : Heavy ox hides, from 3d to 4|d per lb median), 2}d to 3jd ; cow, 2d to 2}d : calfskins, 3d to 4jd per lb ; sheepskins, from 3s Id to 8s 4d each ; washed wool, in bags, &}d per lb; greasy, tyd to 7{d per lb; bones, £4 13s per ton; tallow 12* to ids 6d per cwt. Cattle ; The supply of store and fat have not been sufficient for the demand. Dairy cattle although brought forward in limited numbers were not wanted, and sold at low values. There wan but a limited muster at Newmarket on Tuesday, but there was a good one at Papakura on Wednesday, aJthough the wet weather kept back several lots. The demand noticed lost week for fat and store stock has continued, prices for first-class having an upward tendency, while for average it was firm. The demand for dairy cows was slack { and prices ruled in favour of the purchaser. \i\ e quote — Calves, 12s to 17s each ; yearling steers, l«s to 25s ; heifers, 20s ; eighteen inouth old steers, £1 7s to £1 13s each ; grown steers, £2 Is to £4 each ; dry cows, £1 to £2; dairy cows, from £2 10s to £4 17s 0d ; fat beasts, ox ranged from 14s to 17b fid per 1001 ; cows, 12s 6d to 16*; some averaged 17s ; fat steers were £7 12s Cd, £7 2s 6d, £0 13s Cd, £6 13s, £6 6s, £0, £5 12s, £5 10s ; cows, £4 15s, £4 10s, £3 17s 6d, .and £3 2s Od. Sheep : An increased number were yarded on Tnesday at Newmarket. Competition was good throughout, at from Is 8d to 2s 2d per bib ; wethers, from 14s 3d to 10s Cd each ; ewes, lis 3d to 14s 6<l ; mixed, lis to 15s fld each ; spring lambs, lis 6<l to 14s SKI each. Pigs : Very few yarded, value unaltered. Messrs. A. Buck land and Sons' Weekly Re*. port.—At the Haymarket during the past week fodder has brought from 2s 9d to 4s the cwt; chart, £215 ato£4 ; bor.edust, £0 10s to £7 the ton ; oats, 3s ; maize, 2s &d to 3s the bushel. On Friday horse stock were in demand at an advance over late values, prices for heavy draught ranging from £18 to £23 ; medium draught, £5 fcs to £10 10s ; and riding horses up to £15 each. On Tuesday both hides and skins were in large quantity, and fully kept late values. Ox h'des brought from ?}d to 4jd; cow hides, 2Jd to 2}d ; calfskins, 3d to 4}d the lb; bones, 4s 6d: tallow, 16s Od and 17s the cwt ; butchers' sheep skins, 3s lOd to Gs 2d each. At Remucra, on Thursday, dairy cows near profit wore numerous ; prices ranged from £2 to £5 each. Store cattle in good enquiry. Three-year steers, in fresh condition, £3 10s. Two-year-olds, £212 m ; dry cows, from 25s to 45s ; yearling heifers, 12* each. Fat calves plentiful at late values. Fat cattle short of requirements, «old irregularly, but on trio whole were better worth. Prices ranged from lCs tolas the lOOlbs. Sheep also short of usual numbers, were firm at lost week's values, and a few early lambs brought from 12s to 14s each. Pies were in moderate numbers and of good quality, and they sold satisfactorily. Messrs. G. W. and Sons Rkport.--On Tuesday we cleared a very large catalogue of hides, sheepskins, etc. Market proved firm, and 1 sales brisk. We quote : Picked ox, 4d to 4id ; cow, 2id ; heavy ox, 3Jd to 3Jd ; medium, 3d; steer hides, 2}d to 2sd ; average lines of cow, 2Jd to 2Jrl; medium ox, 17s 6(1 to 20s each. Sheepskins: Prices strongly in favour of vendors, buyers competing with spirit throughout. Local green, average 5a 4d ; 1 country picked, 5s 0d to 6s each ; average lots, 3s Oil i to <is 6(1 each ; wool in bags, 6<l to 7jd per lb. [ lion as : Market firm at 4s 6d per cwt, with upward tendency ; shanks, 5s per cwt. Tallow : Best up to 18s; medium, J2s to l&s ; inferior, 9a to 10s per cwt. Potatoes :In good demand. Local, £4 10s ; Southern, £5 to £5 10* per ton. Flour : Market tlrmer, with upward tendency. At the sale in the estate of A. Laybourn, held on Monday last, there was a good attendance of buyers ; bidding brisk throughout, and prices very satisfactory. THE AUCKLAND MARKETS.

CTAlexander, S. Vickors, J. K. Clarke, ft. Prater, .1. M. Lennox, I). B. McDonald, D. O. MaoDonnclt, Altken Carrick, R. Spratt, Francis Hull, James Bold, JR. G. Wacky, Samuel Turtle, T. A. Menzles. Joseph Newman, Chairman. CAM. AND DIVIDEND LIST. CALLS. , £ H. (1. NewMoanatoiariG.M.Co. .. 0 0 C — Sept. 9 DIVIDKNDS. Thames Gas Co. ■"--.. .. 0 1 2 — Sept. 6 Standard ..Fire and Marine Insurance Co. .. .. 1i %.— Now.

[Corrected to noon of Thursday.] FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. WllOUMAI.K. Rktail. s. d, s. d. s. d. .1. d Butter, fresh, dairy, lb 0 8-0 (I - 0 10 — 0 0 Do., second quality 07—00 0-09 Do., third quality ..05 — 00 00—07 Do , Waikato " Anchor' brand .. ..10-00 00-00 Prime salt .. ..06-06 00-00 Do., inferior salt ..03 — 0 4 04 — 00 Milt, quart .. .. .. ■■"• , 0 3J- 0 * Cheese, local, lb .. 0 4 - 0 5} 05-07 Do., beat factory ..05 — 00 ' .. Ecru, dozen .. ..06 — 00 08—00 Lard, bladder, lb ..0 5-06 06-09 llama and Bacon, Pro. 0 fij— 0 6£ Cant. Bacon, new .. 0 7]— 0 0 .. llama .. .. .. 0 oj- 0 0 .. Jams, case Cdois ..23 0 -26 3 Fowls, each .. ..06 — 10 14 — 20 Ducks, do. ,. ... .. 10 18 Geese, do... .. . 2 6-30 Turkeys, do .. 0 — 80 Feathers, lb .. ..16 — 19 .. GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCE Apples, Hobart none 0 0 — 0 0 Do., lb, local .. .. 0 8J— 0 4J 0 4 — 06 Lemons, doz .. .. 6 10 — 10 10 — 13 Oranges .. .. 0 10j— 9 0 10 — 16 Bananas, lb.. . . 0 1 — 0 21 03 — 04 Oocoanuts, each .. .. 0 2 — 0 4 Do., sack .. .. 10 0 - 00 Onion*, cwt .. .. 32 6 — 0 0 0 4J— 0 0 Garlic, lb .. ..06 — 00 08-00 HAY ANDICORN. Per cwt. Hay, ton .. ..30 — 40 50 — 60 Lucerne, do .. ..6 0 — 6 10 76 — 80 Oaten, do. .. .. 50 — 30 40 — 60 Chaff, threshed .. 10 — i 10 6 0 — 0 0 Oaten Chaff .. ..35 — 3 10 .. .Straw, load .. .. 0 18 — 1 10 Clover, ton .. ..6 0 — 60 .. Potatoes, local .. 4 10 - 0 0 .. Potatoes, Southern.. 6 10 — 5 ( «. Potatoes, kidney, seed 6 0 — 610 '■ ." ■:■■■"'- ». d s. d Maize, bushel.. .. 28 — 00 3.0 — 06 Barley, feed .... 30 —38 33 — 36 Do., malting .. .. 3 9 — 3 10 Oats, feod .. .. 2 10-33 36 — 38 Oats, seed .. ..3 6 — 39 00 — 00 Gate, milling .. ..31—00 00 — 00 Wheat, local milling 34 — 36 00 — 00 Wheat, Southern 39 — 40 00 — 00 Wheat, seed .. ..5 0 — 56 00 — 00 Do,, fowl .. ..3 3—00 S 8 — 0 0

PRESERVED AND PRIED FRUITS. Dried Prunes, lb ..0 CJ— 0 7 6 8-0 18 Preserved Ginger ..07 — 00 .. Shelled Nuts .. „ 0 9-010 19 — 16 Barcelona do. .. », 0 0 — 0 0 Brazil do. «. .. 06 — 09,00 — 10 , Peanncs .- ... 03 — 0 24 00 — 00 j FLOUR, - 1 £ 8. £ s. v . ) Flour, Anc.k. roller, ton 12 0 — 00 _ Do., household .. 11 0 — 0 0 „ ] Do., Southern, roller It 0 — 0 ... i Do., Southern, stone, 10 d — 0 0 — Bran .. .. ..50 — 00 „ Sharps .. „ ..50 — 00 Cabin Bread .. .. 15 0 — 0 0 .. Oatmeal 26a .. .. 18 10 — 00 Oatmeal 7s .. .. 18 10 — 0 0 .* Pearl Barley ..520 0—21 0 . - Pa*«nt Porridge Meal 0 0 —17 0 ...:... KAURI GUM AND FLAX. Supplies for the four days of September 58 tons. £ s. d. £ s. d. Poor Ordinary, ton nominal .. 36 0 0 — 0 0 0 East Coast, .... .. « 0 0 - 0 0 0 Fair Ordinary .. .. .. 36 0 0-0 0 0 Best Ordinary range gum . . S7 0 0 — 0 0 0 Flax . .7 .. .. 24 00-000 Tow . ...... .. 2 10 0 — 3 0 0 Fungus, lb .. .. .. 0 0 3-000 Cocoanut Fibre, cut, cwt .. 0 15 0-0 17 0 Betsinx, lb .. .. .. 0 0 0 — 0 00 N.Z. FLAX ROPE. " " Prices subject to trad« terms. Rope in all sizes, ton .. .. 30 0 0 —40 0 0 Tarred Yarn, do... .. .. 36 0 0 —40 0 0 Wool Tailincs. do .. .. 35 0 0 —S3 0 0 BUILDING MATERIALS. Boards and Scantling, 100ft .. 0 13 0-0 13 0 Do., best dressed.. .- .. OH 6-015 0 Do., second-class.. .. .. 0 S 0 — Oil 0 Rustic weatherboards, best ■.. Oil 0 — 0 15 0 Mills, cargo, best .. .. 0 11 0 — 0 10 0 Flitches .. .. .. . 011 0-0 0 o Balk.. .. •• - .. 0 0 0-0 SO Bricks, Whau .. .. .. 1 10 0 - 2 0 0 Do., town vards, 1000 .. .. 115 — 200 Do.! delivered 2 0 0-250 Lime bushel .. .. .. 010 — 016 Drain Pipes, Bin bores, 1000 ,. 15 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., .- .. ... 6 10 0- 0 0 0 Do. 3ln .. .. - - 4 10 0-0 0 0 Do., 2An .. .... .. 3 0 0-000 Do 2in .. .. •■ .. 210 - 0 0 0 English Slates, 1000 .. .. 10 10 0 - 0 0 0 Socket Glazed Pipe.-", foot : 24 inches 0 7 0-000 21 inches .. .* 0 6 0-000 15 inches 0 3 0-000 15 inches .- - ..026-000 12 inches „ .. .. 02 °-°"" 0 inches „ „ ~ 016 -°°° Cinches « -. - 006 -°° 0 1 4 Inches .... .- 0 0 4-000 8inches .. .. .. 0 0 — 00 MANURES. Bonedust, Svdney, ton .. 7 0 0- 7 10 0 Do., inferior 6 0 0 - 0 10 o Boneflour .. .. .. •• 7 0 0 - 8 0 0 Do., Auckland .. .. .. 6 10 0-1 0 Pom Guano .. .. .. 14 0 0—17 0 o Coral Queen do .. .. .. 5 0 0-0 0 0 Long Island do., bags included 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 Superphosphate of Lime, 26 to - "/percent. .. .. .. 0 0 0-01 0 Do., 36 to S3 percent... .. S 0 0—810 0 Potato Fertiliser Film's .. 11 0 0 — 0 0 0 Wheat „ „ .. 10 10 - 0 00 Grass , „ •• 10 10 0-000 Superphosphate „ .. 7 10 0 — 00 0 Freezing Company'sSuperphosphate, 32 per cent .. .. 3 0 0-000 Do., 23 per cent .. .. ..000-000 Corn Manure .. .. .. S 0 0 — 0 0 0 Root Manure .. .. .. 8 10 0 - 0 0 0 Potato Manure .. -„■... 8 10. 0 — 0 0 0 Bone Manure .. .> .. S 0 - 0 0 0 Grass Manure .. .. .. 7 10 0-000 Lime Manure. Craig's .. .. 1 10 0—115 0 N.Z.F. Co.'s quotations are subject to liberal discount. BUTCHERS' MEAT. Per pound. Roasting Beef, lb .. .. 0 2 — 05 Boiling do. .... - 0 I}- 3* Mutton, hindquarter .. 0 i — 0 0 Do., forequarter .. .. 0 0 — 00 Pork .. .. .. .. 0.4-0 5 Veal .. .. .. .. 0 3 *-0 6 Steaks .. .. 0 4-0 0 Mutton Chops.. .. .. 0 3 — 00 Sausages .. ... .. 0 3 — 0 4 Mutton Tallow, ewt.:. 20 0 —24 0 — Beef and Mixed do. IS 0 -21 0 COAL AND F1UEWOOD. Coal. Newcastle, ship's side, cargo, ton .. .. •• 110 0 — 000 Do., delivered .... .. 1 15 0 - 0 0 0 Do., yard 1 12 0 - 0 0 0 Do., Bar of Islands, yard .. 1 7 0 — 1 10 0 Do., delivered .. .. .. 1 10 0-000 Do., mine .. .. v. - 0 13 0-0 0 0 Do., ship's side .. .. -- 15 0-000 Miranda, mine 0 8 0-000 Do., household .. .. .. 0 12 0-0 0 0 Do., in Auckland.. .. ... 10 0-120 Koto, loading ground, ton ... 0 12 0 — 0 0 0 Tanpiri, mine, steam .. ..0 8 0 — 0 12 0 Do., yard, steam .. .. .. 0 17 6 — 0 0 0 Bo., household .. .. .. 14 0-150 Whansraroi, mine .. .. 0 9 6 — 000 Do , vnrd, steam .. .. ..0 17 0 — 0 0 0 Do., household .. .. 120—130 Firewood, uncut, wharf, cargo, ton 080 — 08:0 Do., delivered 0 10 fi - 0 12 0 Do., cut .. .. .. .. 0 14 0 - 0 15 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Kerosene, 130" test, duty paid 0 18 — 000 Do., 150-test .. .... 01 11 -0 0 Fencing wire, No. 6, ton .. "1 " No. 7 .. .. J-ll 10 0 -12 0 No. S .. ..) Barb Fencing Wire .. .. 21 0 0—25 0 0 Lime, .-lacked, bushel .. .. 010-000 Quick lime, in stone .. .. 0 10-000 New Zealand dings, 5ft .. 0 7 C - 0.10 0 Teat IUils, 100 - .. 2 10 0 — 3 111 0 Pnriri Posts .. .. „ 500 - 600 Shingles. 1000 .. .. .. 0 12 0-013 0 Hobart Palings, oft .. .. 0 17 0—1 0 0 Do., .. .. .. .. 0 IS 0-11 0 HobartRuls .. .. 4 0 — 4 10,0 MESSRS. VICKKRS A.VD HULL'S WEEKLY STOCK AND SHAKE LIST AND INVESTOR'S «PIDK.

lift ' Cm , up. paid jlnr'st d. d. £ £ ; 7 0 56,386 7 of 7 54,410 New 15 N.Z. Agency ° 0 0 J 8i 0 1,000 7} 7 10 1,000,000 0 4,393 1,000,000 ; 0 10 17 & lias 9 12 1 ; .... 0100 13 1000 8,250 TaupiriCoal 0 - 0 1,000,000 Shipping 0 0 0 0 0 Mortgago 7 7 10} 10 & 20/ Kauri 1,200,000 j

Auckland, September i, 1859. STOCK AND MINING ASSOCIATION. Auckland, September 5, 1839. Company. Business. Closing Pricos, Banks— "' ~~~ ~ Mayors. SellorF. New Zealand .. — — 7 14 0 Colonial .. .. — 2*0 — Insurance : ■ New Zealand .. - S 7 C 3 10 0 South British' .. — — 1 17 0 Miscellaneous: N.Z.I..& Mercantile — — 3 11 0 Kauri Timber .. 11/0 — ' — Mining : Cambria .... 2/4 0 2 0 0 2 4 Saxon .. .. 7/0 0 7 0 0 8 0 Caledonian .. — —02.6 Trenton .. .. . — —038 New Moanataiari 3/3 — ■ 0 3 3 Uoyal Oak.. .. — 0 19 0 2 1 May Queen .. — 0 13 — Lono Hand .. 7/0 — —

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9463, 6 September 1889, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9463, 6 September 1889, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9463, 6 September 1889, Page 4