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Furnishing. GENUINE SALE !! ! GENUINE SALE ! ! ! I PREVIOUS TO STOCK-TAKING, OFFER TEN PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH ON ALL SALES DURING THE MONTH. TO GET RID OF SURPLUS STOCK, AND TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SHIPMENTS TO ARRIVE, VV. & H. HAVE DETERMINED TO ALLOW TEN PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL CASH SALES. PARTIES REQUIRING FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, & c - . Would do well to examine our Stock, WHICH IS THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED IN AUCKLAND. TEN PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY CABINETS, TABLES, AND BOXES, MADE FROM THE CHOICEST WOODS OF NEW ZEALAND, , SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. .- , WINKS & HALL, CABINETMAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS, SHORTLAND-STREET, AUCKLAND. , • Railways. "VT E W ZEALAND AIL AYS TIME table-On and aitkr march ii, isso AUCKLAND AN D ONEHUNOA LINE. Akd TO O.nkiu'noa. Week Days Sat'days Sundays. '_ _ ONLY. I . A M , A M I A M I Ail! NOON, V M i P~M i l> M|PM i P M [ P M I* AI | l"si lAM ! P M Auckland, dep 715 .. 8 <o! 10 45' 12 o 210' 4 15; 5 20- 0 20- : .. 10 0! 1 10; 11 401 9 0:2 30 Newmarket June .. 725 ... Sou; 10 55' 1210 231 -I 25 ! 5 30j 030 1 ..10 10 l ao 1 1150 910 210 Uenmera i 7 30 .. 8 6-1 10 59 : 12 ir. ! 2 2lK";;<13U! 5850 35 ::.. ) ' 25 t 0152 40 Oreen Lane .. ..I M.. I I 'I MM I ! M i\ .. t M t tit Ellerslie V US! .. 08 11 9.12 26 2 35! -I 40 '146 C 45] .." t 130 t 9222 52 Penrose .Junction .. 7 <I.V 83D 9 to' 11 15 12 30 'J -to' "I 46 §6 50!"G 52 : 7 30,10 14112100 20 257 'i'el'apapa .. .. ! t I t ! t 1 ! i t I t i t I t t I M t t t ft Onehunga, arr. _. . _ ..: 7 55; 3 4S! 9201125 12 401 2 50i_ 4 56! LO]J 0 7 * 01 9- *° 1 COj ia_2oj 9 35' 3 7 OM:HUNr}A TO AKD. IA M I A~J|7T.M|"am"i "p'M IPMIPMIPM| i' MIPM j> m" P M AM |V II OnohungA, dep .. .. 7 f>; 3 itJ 95011 5 1 1210 110 3.10, 520 0 40, 715,10 50 230 10 05 SO Tcl'apapa .. .. I I 1; 1 I Li t t t i t I t I t I 1 1 t t I'onruse Junction .. 715 '.8 30:! 10 II 11 la! 12 30i 125 M 0 55 30:§<062|(7 .Will 0 210 1010 .140 lillersUfl 720 8."MO !i! U2O 12 r .i .1 291 ■! &535 6 9«5| 7 35j t > 245 10.15 045 Green Lane .. .. t t j M M * i i t I t I 1 i t 1 t i Rwuuura I7SO 8 4111015 11 30 12 35 133 415 545 7 5; 745 ( 255 10 21 553 NewiUArtet .Tune. ..I 7 36 ! S 49!a020! 11 »6j 12 -10 1 45! M 25 5 50: 711 7 5011 20 3 0 10 28 558 -Auckland, aiT. .. ..j 74& S r,;:iu :•»! ji 45 ! 2 _s°_! 55. i "51 (i 0 7 20! 8011 80 310 10 85 6 1 " Chance for Oneluinga. : Change for SVaikato Stations. I Cliangc for Auckland .and Internicaiat« Stations. " Change for Mercer and Intermediate Stations, 5 Change for Otahuhu. I Change for Kaipara Branch Stations. MAIN LlNE.Auckland— Mbhcek— Awamutc—Te Kditi. South.—Week Days. North.—Week Days. *■ iß] " ; ," i i in, ' _ ~"~ - T~ , 1 1 j AJI A M A M AM!AM■I"MIr Jl 'I M: , VMI P M |A M AM AHI I A M PJI P M PMAuck.,il. 6U. 5 Vj, 0357 15 9 36-3 50, : 416 4 s.vr> 20 t>'_\) ! Kuiti, dpi .. .„ .. <?0 45 - Nin'k'ti ,1 - •■! •• j ..(..! ..:..! ■•!■••• I•• TeKnuii ..I t , M. ..0 C, fi" 25; 943 4 0-4 25:5 05 30 C3O Ilangatiki .. „ _ t .. ... Hvunmnit ..ittlli t7 30 t 4 5 4 30*5 1415 35 035 Otorohanga .. .. «. 730 .. .. ... GreenLaue) [tj I i tI.. ' H titl I I ■ Kiokio ~ t .. ... .. Bllcriiliut ...'(3 19 t 73S t'4ls : 4 40'5 24'5 i f> 645 1 K.iwa „ .. t .. ~ Ton Jii. 6 4&I0 27 7 'Jo §T. r ;."> 10 0120 .'4 4'j' 660 "&53 TePulii .. .. _ ... t ... .. Westtleldf i M t i t J ..!.... t t Aw'in'tu/" •• - »-M«2O .. ... ... UUliut. U]) f _ ( _ 4se __ _ Nguroto .. .. „ .. t Papatoetoet .. t .. t .. t .. .. Lake Road .. ... ... 1 Manure ..I ..!► t .. i j . ... Ohaupo ■ „ ~ 9 5.. Papaknrat .... t .. t ..5 37 ... .. Ritkutiia .... .. .. t .... .- Uunua .... t .. t! .. 1 .. .. L'/Franktouar .. „ „ /\I4O .. - Drury 725 .. 8451.. 10 t.-O, ..558 .. .. June, dp .. ... .. 955 .. - \. Uuncimant .... fI . .... 1 Te llapa .. .. „ .. t ..... PaeraUt .... t| .. .... 1 .. .. Pukcte , _ t ... „ Pukekobet ~ .. 9 20) .. 1116 ~ 028 .. ~ Ny'ruVhia .... .. 10 25 ... „ .. BucklajuU .. .. tj .. t .. 1 .. .. Taupin t „ „ A^ Tuakauf .... t .. t .. 04S ". ~ Huntly .. .. „ «. 10 55 „ „ 215 WljiingaraUit .. I t '.. .. O'newai ~ 1 ~. „ f Pokpnot ....+.. t .. 7 0 .. .. Il:uigirii-i ...,.„ .. \ „ I M,-r,..>.- arO2s! .. (10 15 .. 1155 .. 710 „' ~ Wairajiui .. .. I „ ... t • iertCJ dpi)4o ...1035 .. I*ls .. .... .. W'hiuiganm. .. _ .. t „ .. t Wli'ng'iurinol .. ) .. \ .. .. „ ,' ~ far .. m ■• 3150 -• _ 430 WuirangH ..[ .. t .. t .. .. „ „ Mercer \dp „ _ 6 1210 „ _ 450 Rangiririt ..i .. t .. ♦ .. „' „ .. Pokeno .... „ 058 ( ... ... t (Jliiiujwaif .... iJ .. t .. „ " ).] Wliiuigar'ta „ ~ \j .. _ „ t Hllntlv arll4fi .. 12 0.. 110 .. „ ** ~ Tuakau .. .. _ 718 t .- _ t """•dp ..1.. „ .. 115:.. ~ " Buck-land.. „ " <j 1 - -■' t Taupiri .. ..■:«..« t I .... ~ " Pnkekohe.. ... „ 740 15C „ „. C 35 KgiU'uawahin .. „ „ 140 .. .. " ~ I'aorata .. ■ ... _ 1i •• ..... 1 t'ukete ..«...,, t .. J. *" " Runcunan ' .. tI .. -. i Te Itapa .... „- -~ I; .. .. ~ " Orury .... „ 820 120 .. „ t Krank- /ar „ „ ~ 2 10; ~ „ it liunua .. .. _ tit _ 1 * tou J. \dp .. _ „c 225 .. .1 ~ " Papakura .. ~ 832 t .... t Uukuhia .. .. „ .. tj .. .. „ .'. ilaiiurewa .. .. tit .... t Ohanpo .. .. „ ..3 0' .... ~ " Papatoitoi .. !. ft.. .. t Lnkelload .... „ .. H ..... " ' Otahiihii ..I e r.O 8 15 19 12 \ 6407 ID t Ngaroto .. .. „ .. t'■ .. „ " 'J Westtield ..- t tI.. 1.. t t t Awani'tu iar > c 3 ' i 0 ' - ■• Pcnroso Jn.|||7 15 ||530;"C27'2 6'o 52 "730 "0 20 I,CU u , p i .. „ „ d335| '! .. _ .. KUersliß ..,7 20 8 35' 932 t 0 667 86 t TePuhi .. .. ;.. .. <I .. .. _ ~ Green l,ano ( til.- \\ \ 1 Kawa .. .. .... 1;.. 1.. „_ , Itciuiiera, .. 730 Hit, 348: f 7 5J7 45 t Kiokio .. .. _ .. ti .. ).. .. I Newmarket 7358 49 9 5',; 2'22 7 lir7 50J1010 Otorolianga .. .. 435 .. \ " Auckland, a' 715 8 r*'io 5 : 230 7 20;S 010 20 Haneatikf ..I f I ■■■*•,,•• 1 1 Tβ huiul .., .. I ! I TeJCuiU, _ar.l .. .. __.. !d5 la ...I '.'.'.'.';] ! I i * Chaiije for OnoJiunea] ii Chango for Auckland and Intaruiediate Stations. S Change ftTrTftahiihu. A— I hiwd Mu tiooAi 'I'raiiw, but will convoy pavuengers if required. Kuns on Tne»daye and Saturdays only—'Hue m a (Joijdt Train, but will convey pasrengers if required, c Hun* on Mondays, Tuesday*, Wcu!need&7>!, t'ridnys, and Saturdays only. " d ituns on Mondays only. e Ilniw on Tuesdays only. / KuiU'OM Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdnys, Thursdays, and Hntimlays only. <j Krankton Junction for Cambridjtu, Tc Aroha, and Itofonia Lines." II P;is<eM«ers for (Jt.iluihn by this train change at Penrose Junction. CAMBRIDGE, TE AROHA. AND ROTORUA LINKS. Sooth.—Week Days. j North.—Week Pays A M - - ~ ■ AM Aticliland, dep. .. .. .. _.. .. 935 | Liclifield, dep .. ... „ .. - o0 0 I , h j IPutaruru Junction .. „ ... .. „ Frankton Junction, dep. .. „. „ ~1 225 I fTanniangi .. ... Hamilton U'e.-t .. .. „ „ i"35 ! Oxford.. .. „ „ „ (i 45 (Hamilton Kswt .. .! I .. K)koroiro .. ... -.. Htuakura Junction, arr .... .. ..245 . IMangawliara.. .. .. CAMllßlOfili BlMN'Cll. I KMataiiiivtii .. .. 720 (Tluakura Junction, dun, .. ... «2 55 11,,. ,i "° a " ■•■ - tiMongaonui .. .... - " , :l)V. alt . 0 " _. .. ri'tuiuUiera .. ... " " | tKiwitahi .. .. [Kencourt " J !! \\ '.'. ] •'''■"rmsvine, arr. ~ ___._._ ■■ ■. ■■!«3 "0 Ulautapu .. .. ... .. " !] '. ; Tk AnoiiA Branch. " Canilnidge, arr. .. .. .. ." a" id ! TcAioba, dep. .. 67 40 "Ruakiira Junction,'di"> . '. ' TCS~ ''■ !}X a i hou ■• - - ■ •» • IKnreka . ,„ aitoa ... ... tMotmnaaho .. *! "' '.','.'. j tTaMiao liana .. .. ... '.'. ... .. MorrirwviU»>, arr. .. . j *" 3*35 i t*lurra.y's_ .. —Tk'auoiia JJRAK-cuT '" V '"' i J- ,i "-. i !! e ' nrr ' -•: •-■—•- •-- _^_'J^Jl9 Morrijißvlllc, dep „ a 3 45 1 Morrinsville, dop a 40 I.Murray's .. ....... "' " tMoluinaoho .. .. I'l'alnao liana .. 1! .. " '. MJ'-uroka .. .. .. .. .. tWaitoa.. .... .. ~ " " i Junction, arr__.. ._. __„ 918 jW'aillOU .. .. .. ~ !! \\ _, I Camb[udor Branch. ~ |. ' Te Arolia, .. .. .. .. .. a 435 ! Cambridge, dop .. .. i>S2O. .. MorrinHville, d'jp. .". .'. .'." .". iiir4s~i]' 1!1,,t, ' l P ,1 •■ •• - •• •• •• •• HCiwitahi .. .. " .. ijl'encourfc .. .. ... (Walton .. .. .. .. .. " ; . jJJCVunahore .. .. „ .. IWabaroa .. .. " jf.Monjjaonui .. .... Mataiuata .. ... .. ... .. ..I 5" 0 ! UmU-ura.Junction, ."IT , .. .. ■_• _-Ll_-j_ t.M;i!igu\vh:ira.. .. .. .. .. ~| .. itßuakura Junction, dep. .. .. .. II 6 920 tOkoroiro .. ... „ .. .. ij Hamilton K:\sfc j .. Oxford.. .. ... ..? .. „ .. 550 . Hamilton West; .. .. .. ..| 920 35 ITanmangi .. .. .. .. ~. .. .. j I'Vankton Junction, nrr .. .. ..|6925j_9 40 tPutaniru Junction .. .. .... .. .. "1 Auckland, arr. .. .. . .". 230 Llcl)field, arr. .. .. .. .. 60 40 l_ a Runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only, b ijiuis on Mondays; Wednesdays, and Fridays only. The others nisi daily. KAII*A RA BRA —A j.a d—Hkndbkson—ksvillk. Auckland to ITixbnsvim.e.— Days. a 1 TfKi.KKsvti.i.ii to Auckland.—Week Days, a A 31 I A M ! P M I , M- ! . ~" ,AM I A Mll' M TIT Auckland, dep. .. .. 55 110 55 j4 35 216 j Hclensville, dep. .... (i 20 11 55 i 0 Ncwma ricet Junction ..7 7 111 12 14 4!) 225 tllelensville South Mount Eden .. .. 714 1121 j 4 fie 232 tOuirangi .. .[ .'. '" .'. .'. ';'. tKing:<Und .. .. i .. .. jll'aoroa .. .. ! " ". jMoriiinjr.iide.; .. '.. .. jlWoodliill .... [Mount Albert .. .. ■• tllewiti Avondaie .. .. ..7 33 11.41 516 { tWaiuuuilrii... ." .'. .. V. '.'. '.'. (NewLynn .. .. .. j. .. •• | Kumcu .. .. ..7 15 110 i s!i tWaikumiti .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 0 jtTanpaki Ilendoraoa 3312 15 547 .. tWaitakcrei .. .! .'. '.. '.'. \\ '.'. (.Swatifion .. „ .. ... .. .. .. tSwan.son .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ jWaitakorei .. .. ~ .. .. „;■■-._ Ifeudereon ...... 8 1 2 8 644 iTaupaki .. .. .. .. fWaJkoiniti .... 44a Kumeu .. _ ..8 45 110 033 .. Now Lynn .. „ .... .. • t-Waimatiku .. ..... .. .. .. _ .. Avoudale .. . .8 28 241 Gil '} jßewitl .. .. t.Moiint Albert .. tWoodhill .. « .... „ -. •' iMorningaide . „ tPaeroa .-....*. _ - - (Kingsland I. fOUirangi .. .. .. " „ -. „ - Mount Men .. ..8 49 3 4 332 613 fjUelenaville South , .. .. Newinarkot Junction ..0 1 317 044 521 ilelcnsvillo, arr .. ..9 40 210 730 .. Auckland, a.rr. .. .. 910 325 053 530 A. linns on Sundays only, « A dagger (t) opposite a station denotes that trains dc not stop unless required to pick up or set down }KV.ssou(;era. Notice should lxs given to tho guard at the previous stopping station by any passengers dcairina to alijht oX Htatioim opposite which a dagger is placed. KAUKAPAKAPA LlNK.—Hclensville (don.). 5-25 a.m., 7.40 p.m. Kaukapakapa (arr.), 5.40 a.m., 8 p.m. Kaukapakapa (dep.), 5.43 a.m., 8.10. p.m. HelensYille (an , .), C.5 a.m., 8.30 p.m. stopping at Pukauui when required to pick up or set down passengers. These Trains run on Tuondays, l<Yiaays, and Saturdays only. WAIKATO TRAIN SERVICE. TRAINS FROM AUCKLAND FOlt— ToAwaumtii _ „ Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Friday.'), and Saturdays tit 0.35 a.m. ■ . KuiU .. _ ... .Mondays at 9.35 a.m. Hamilton Weed; „ .. Daily at, 935 a.m. Caiiibrld»o .. .. „ Tuesdays Thursdays, and Saturdays at 0.3& a.m. Morriosviile .. .. Daily at 935 a.m. Te Aroba .. .. „ Tuesdays, Thursdays, r.ud Saturdays at 9.35 a.ra Oxford and I.fctrfieM .. Moudays, Wednesdays, and 'Fridays at 9.35 a.m. TRAINS FOE AUCKLAND FROM— LicliCeld .. .. .. Tuesdays, Tbursdaya, and Saturdays at 0 a.m. ■ Oxford .. _ _ Tuesdays, Tbnrsdays, and Safcardayt* at C.4.5 a.m. Tβ Aroba .. .. ... Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7.40 a.m. JMorrinsvllle .. .. Daily at 8.40 a.m. . Cambridge Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridaya at 8.20 a.m. Hamilton West .. .. Daily at, 9.35 .vin. Te ICuiti .. .. .. Tuesdays at 0.45 To Awamutu .. .. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8,36 a.m. All Time Tsiblos issued prior to this date are now carreollct , March 11,1889. BY OKDEB

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 5459, 2 September 1889, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 5459, 2 September 1889, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 5459, 2 September 1889, Page 7