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Shipping. hmrm jy ORTHER * STEAM p^Sy^ % SHIP CO. (LIMITED). — •5/ Time Tahi.k—SEPTEMBER. i [-I Weather and other Circumstance •'• Permitting, FROM QUEU'N-KTRKET WHARF. Stciituor. Date of Sailing. FOR RUSSELL, WIIANGAROA, AND MANUONUI. CLANSMAN Monday, 2nd, 7 p m. FOR TAX" HA Ml A. lON A Monday, 2nd, f. p.m. CLANSMAN .... Friday, tJth, 7 p.m. FOR GREAT BARKIISU, TRVPIIKNA, POM lIT7.KOY. AND IJL1N1) HAY. lONA F.vpiy Thursday, at 8 a.m. roil MICRCUHY HAY. lONA ICvory Monday, 6 p.m., ami every Friday, V p.m. FOR MANGA PA I. WELLINGTON Kvery Tuesday and Friday. FOR PAUL'A BAY ami iVIIANUARKI IIKADS. WKLUNt;TON Kvery Tuesday and Friday. FOR WIf.VKATANK. lONA .Monday, -ind. .'. in. Irnujishippins into fkotiglai at Tauranga). FORWHANUAUKI IIKAD.S, MARSDKN POINT AND VVUANUAHKI carrying; Carjjo and r.i.s.sonv;i.r.< for >Vafpu (a Coach moots ibo SleauiiV on arrival to ionvoj. j>.isKoiii!cr3 to VV.vijm). WKLLINIiTON....Tuesday, "rd. 10.30 p. ill \V KLLINtiTON .... Friday, Oth, i> p.m. FROM WHANtIATIKI. WELLINGTON .....Monday, -2nd : train, 11.25 a.m. WF.LLINUTON .. ..Thursday, s: lγ, train,-1.40 p.m. FROM MAN IK A I". FOR nOKIANti.V OLKNELO. .Monday, Sept. 2nd, 1 p.m. Train, noon FOR RACLAN AND KAWHIA. ROW EN A. . Moiulay, !st>:>:. •_', 1 p.m. Train, noon FOR OPIN AND WANCJANUI. 'iLENKLti. ...Friday, Sfpi.iiili, 1 p.m. Train, nooii FOIJ WAITARV. OAIRI.Orn.. Moil., Sept -iid, 1 p.m. Train noon N.B.—On and after Dcit-ml er I, no rnrgo will li» receitoii at Queen-street Wharf after four μ-iu. "Tv JL 171 ° R Nv AITA li A. -*- The «.». C-AIRLOCII will V-H-Y'-. v I ' -I '- v * i ' , WU:irf (nt-attier Ji&ik&iMMSZ and otlin- ciicu-u.-Uiiicrs permit- , iu ; } TODAY cMvuday), Sept. 2ud, a* o!i\* p.iu. Lulertt ir;iin, l'uooa.- Northern Siwa'jujtii',l Co!n;>aii\ <.I-iriiit-t*«l 1, Auckland ; it, A, txirn.*, Oneliun^a. TV ± T"\IKKI.T HTF.A.M COM•fJ>Li^Nv a y m UMi , vTi (i N iMi "Y* v ■^.•^>. ~.-\ 'ru.i.N->Hi: , i'i\c; ui: cam,. Vt-. , : Vi ,; rV V INO AT i.IfUIAJM'uWM r>VI-:»iN Al CUI.AND AND PAKP.OA, Ci\J.l.lN<i AT KUIT. ll'lll A. HIKI VM\, AND OiilKU PLACKS «'N TIIK Til AM jU\ lilt. S. S. H U n V. Frit Pii-;n«u . I-'icov l'U;li'l". • Moi<-!3\, '.':..1. 1; ncidnifrht We l:iu»l iy, -t! , !. '.la ill. "Friday, >'-\'.\. oH.ui. S.-. - :r.!i\, Tl.'i, VI Uuo:i 'Cir-u foi J'.iern;; n:i Tlmisd.iy. W«i!li»r mid uthur i\u\ir..>;.ui. Os pi:::iitiinc. N.l'. In rtiu.fT'ijUoii.i- ..( liiu i;io;il txt-ut of country through which freight has to lie ci'l'.pctod, Frei,:lit nj::->t bo I'iiKPdi; iuAucklan 1. «,,„..,. (S. H. IM-RXIN.iIIAM. Auckland. Agenw lK |, w]N i;d\Ya!M».-, I'.uTi-a. -, i QTI'.AM TO WAI^OA J^V> : .l% h3 r-OUTH, \:.d TUIJANC. \ a£3£=fcSsOT TIM!-: T.VI3LM. S. R. YV AIT OA. For; W.vlt'.i'A Fuom W.Mno.i: Tut-mlay, .ird. 7 a.m. Too: I iy, Hrd, 1 i>.in. IVcdnejduy, «h, 10 a.m. Thursday, ;.t.j. - p.m. I'ciH Tuiiamja Cki:ek : From Tika.n<;a Ckckk : Frida.}, lit I], l p.m. 1 ri lay. tJth, 1 p.m. Weather .md other cxniiin-'-UKos permitting. S. H. IiURNINUHAM. ~i- k CJTKAMTO M ATA KAN A "Wk AN i> WADIi. tSMMM&Z? S. S. M A ORI. For MiTiUasa : Fitiisi Matakana : ll'ind.iy, -iaJ. 4 p.m. Tui'*Liy, :inl, I , ; no..m I'oa \V.i.;)K. l-"uoil W»>t Wiuluiasdny, IVh, 10 a.m. Tb;:ni i.i>, itli, 1 p.m. Fridiy, (K.U, I', mum S.iiurdsvy, 7th, -LSDa.m. N.U--C*M-:t Cargo on Wedneiday.s oM.v, weathei norm! t tins; ALL CARGO MUSTEK PIIKPAID, and alongsifle at leß~it tjalf-an-h<>ur before advertwe»l time, i>r it will not be received. Weather and other clrciuuxlaneeM permitting. S. 11. RUIININOIIAM, Agent. 9 QTONE T>ROTFIEP.S, ship unoKKiw, j pp|:|lsi| tMPOaTKRS, AND SHIPPING, J j*&yS*4ssi| GRAIN, AND PRODUCE I I MKRCUANTS, l!f QCEEN-STUEET, AI'fKUXD Have always on s:Ue at very lowest r;U»s, viz. : — Oats, Chad", IJrau, Potatotja (Oatnaru and Cantor I'ury), Oatnjexl (various uiakern), Maize, Flour. and dliarji-; (Auckland anil South«ni), Fowl and -Miiliuu >\ heats, 1'..u1<.-y, (tv,, <Xc. llams j>d liACi.'N (CautfrJiury;. V!M-;uxil(Puri> Milt;, in ca.sks (dee) of SO gallons, ■V. U id (Black llmxe brand). Bo.NKUViTr, Auetlnud (guaixnttjeil). Southern and Syihiv;. , Ooui jW t.» £7 lcs. N.l'. —Wo are prepared to fjnol* (Llirouyh our AgentH) for lines of Hiy»v<!, f.0.1>. at Lyttelton, Tiiij-iru. Onuiani, Duii'.'diii, lilnll, ;ind Syilney. Hoii.\nr H.\ii> AM) I'ali.Mi'.s, in luhi to suit Iniyers, at lowest .ales. f;lu«; Uuin Dray :uni CartShalU, Hul'sand Fulioes. Oils, J'ait.fH, Hope, Cauvas, &<■■, Cbtuvp, to cleav i-l.ick-*. 'I'c-'i-, in boxes and lialf rheyt.s ■ real K"<>d value. ■•]>.: \g , . , nts for Rtiueoni Horn. , iuit. -> «v. KETCHES Lizctte, F,l«ie, and Yiolel, twice a week for Thames, weather and other circumstaneef £&£±l££p&' penui:tiii>;. err*2£AiZZ&3& ACiKNTS for Colonial Union Co.'m [.me of Din-tt Stwuuors from London. Neu-caa'-L' Colliery Co.'s Ci'-.ils. Ijreyniiiuth-Krunuer Co.'s Coalrf. Weekly Quotations, see HKRM.D every Mond-i) ."■'or:iir:«. CaIIs"VTEW MO AN AT ATARI GOLD JJH MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). A ''a!! (the sth) of Sixpenci , per Shire has this day been made by the Dinvlor-s of file a!>ovc (,'nm. paiiy, payable to the undornif;ued, at the Ofiice of the (.onip'iuy, &■', Que»n-stroet, Auckland, on MONDAV, Otli .Scjit<?ir.ber, lfSl). F. A. WHITE, Manager. AucldiuiJ, August 16, 1859. Wow Zealand and Foreign Travel, mil OS. /IOOK and LJON, TOURIST & r-EKERALTASSENGER AOENTS, OHI'ICAI, Tourist AOKN'rS TO THE Nkw ZEALAND Exhibition at Dr.NF.iu.N. Mam. ('ontkaci'oks to tub Koyitun GovurnMK.NT lull TIIK CONVKVaNCEOK MaII-S lil-.TWIIHN Ul'I'KH AM) I.OWKK EOVIT, ISSUE COUPONS AT SPECIAL REDUCED FARIAS TO FOREIGN KIWI'S OVER TIIK NKW ZF.ALANI) RAILWAYS. Agents for nil the Principal Linen of Steamers ajid Railway.-, throughout the World, Having OHiee* and Agencies throiighont New Zealand, can now book tr\vi:l:.f,rs to ANY part OF the COLONY, on. TO ANY PART OF THIS WORLD. Special Rat-cH for Families and Parties. Special Arrangements Made with Hotels. Special F»ciiiti»-s for Local Trips. AiTungeiueuta for Families going to Port Witikato or Liike Hotol, Ta-kapuna. For all particulars, apply to tho Agents, Wellingtion, Chriiitrhurrii, Dunodin, luvercargfll ; or to "THO3. COOK & SON, i, VICTORIA ABC AD (Opposite Town Clock), AUCKLAND. AUCKLAND TALLOW & MANURE -"- MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Messrs. STONE IiKOS., No. 22, boing Sole Agents for Sale of our Pure 3 -edaai, we only gumantoo what is obtained through them. G. lIULME, Director F. ,T. FAERELL, Director. J. G. '-~ r ".'\ Secretary.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 5459, 2 September 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 5459, 2 September 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 5459, 2 September 1889, Page 1