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IT tea Vtinot. ii * AnrAlnrjA—l-& ajo.", 5-J MjjsctaaS.lS a-iB-; 6-45 p.sL Sc?.—BS#ee, C.w i-is.: irffiS, ?-taii£;.=&s—St'*, Sti, I.W a-s-ARRIVALS. Clai-fiaaa, t-E-. . Fartjubar, irosQ _R— sell and the North. Psaseagea : Misad *2 children, Messrs. J. Consne, 1. M. Latj.., J. Nicholson, J- C. I>» v is. R. P. M""-i.ei.xie. Battle, Hoiratia. jxcLeod, T P»ae.-««on. iiiftck, McGregor, 17 wwlk-Norther* b-S. Co.. . loss. 13. Atoodeo, from Great Earner. —— Wr-'r-P'-r, 5 (jo.. SfcgeatA, q-„jV . 7&5. J. --itott, from Fiji Passeag«r r fttr. C. H. BcratrL—Union S.S. Co., Sfftnti. CLEARED OUTWARDS., Te An at:. .?-•«•- Iw2, J. Mcintosh, for Melb&crr'er via Smth. P««ngers .—For Gis- •'«»>«• Bratt"«v and Houlihaa, MesfirsH. ItefciaaTM. Bradley. For Napier : Messrs, c" if <»Tii * F. Cfcshii: and three chiidrea, CaxjArii, K.' A. ; i«ai, J. %V. Brown, Hardh:'' rL*ud : " : -V. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Daaiells . -icf chfTdl 'Wellington : Misses lMguui, Btijan, G. B. traiih, B.*oct. ' Bav'.er and v.if? George ana *fi.e, McVjCfd McLe*a. Per !.}tte.aa: Misses Carapbell, "hr&»-a, Mr. H. Scott. Los iSuawliiT- Mrs. H. Jackson and 5 children, Mr C I') For Mclbocrne: Messrs. Mason, Allom, Montgomery and •sriie. mc' 13 peerage. - Union a.i. Co., \'}a?isci*Ji. 5-?.., 336, F&TQC&ar, for Tan-rarra.—N«-rthera S.S. C-e.. agsnta. lona, f.s., Amodeo. for Mercury Kay. —Northern S.S. Co.. agents. . V»" eliiajf.or.. i-s.. 279. Stephenson, for na-j-*i —\crt"j*ra S-.S- Co., s.»ent.s. *Waive*-., schooner, 42, H. Paaiow, for jf*ap:er.—M. Nici-0,. agent. DEPART I' Te Anac, a.*,, for Sot-th. Clim'tiiiii, -.a., for lau^anji. loni, i.s., fir Mercury Bay. Wtiliigus. S.S., for nangaret. \V ai'vera, s-.ic-,£cr, for Nap:cr. EXPECTED AP.P.IVALS to.f : Piiio. ship, F&ii-jo May 24. __ S/tia-. silled Juae ."X fiao.g;tii:ei, ship, sailed •Jul/ {• A.i,. jd i-.d. ship, w aaiJ Jane -3. Lcrltae, barque, sailed July 10. «osv Tor... . Nettie, barque, sailed May '23. ( )5. n McLeod, r-ssque, to a*a June iSJ. EAK TZ&XCi&yj : , ~ Mariposa, R. M.s. S-, afcoat September la fCWSOX : Whampoa, s=-, saiied -Jniy '-•J. BTC.V2Y : Alaineda, R.M.S.S., on September a. PZft"CA.«X£ : . Silver Cload, brlranti&e, satita As^.^l2. VOOLLOSGOSG : Wild Wave, brig, sailed August 23. Java : Argus. s.s.. ear:". tAS-OTV-NGA : Daisy, schooner, to load, " PROJECTED DEPARTURES. tOSXXfS : Largo Bay, ship, to _ Lady Jocelya, ship, via South, early, yz'v tokz: ' , Alice, barque, w lead, SAV 2TIAJK: Aiiia«La, 8.M.5.5., Haul Sepfcesc-er 9. STD.TEr: . L r Marips&a, R..M.5.5., &lo« September 15. HiJStCI-A : saaojt *-*i» -Aiin: KiCrblli&li'i, i.5-, to-day. Fle-erring, a:-hooner, to sail tariy, SiL'iSi: UNION S.S. COPS MOVEiiBHK. Jo-djlt.—Unaa l-i?.rea tor " esrtpon. SrjrDiT.— Soat&ern Cross arrives iron. East Coast; Peagcia arrrv-ss at Oneattnga. TmEiDj.T.—Waibora arrives from South ; Pen-uin leaves at 2.3) a.m.: &oufi~sm Cross lea v« ior East Coast at 6 V» zz/S£iZ-Ji~£.—waic; leaves for Tonga sad SaJnsoa at 5 p.m.; "iTatiri arrrres frosa Wesxp^artIhcsshat.—W anaka arrives as : Wiihora leaves for Santa, at- no".n_ Fszix&r. —Wajaki leases Oaehunga a; NORTHERN_SJ*- COPS MOVKM2NTS. Tc-D*.•'.—G fr&cs zJZizj-t. ; Gitaelg arrivsa froa; Og'Unake aaji TVajsgaii&sL'iT.—Giiri&sa saves for New Pittaottn aad Wsisara p.m.; Gleneig ksavea for C'punahe and Wangaani at 1 p. an : Lona leaves for Mercury Bay srsd Tirana^ cs 5 p.m.; Clikizsman leaves for Raoseli, Wr-arrgajoa, £i«d M.iiro-uai as 7 in.; tlarrives from. WhauzareL TtisijaT.— WfelliDfioa lear« for. Wb*r th Mars-den "fotat, and Parua Bay at 10-Zft p.m. W£i>si2Di.y.— arrivea from W&i-I'IiCSeDAT.—G-airloch leaves for New Plymeat a issd at tiara at 1 p.m.: eliinztoa arrives from Whangarei; lona arrives from Taaraaza early and"leaves for Great Barrier stSan. fv-T7,. vClasasaan arrives from Russell at S a.m., and leaves for Taaranga at 7 p.m. ; lona arrives irrm Great Barrier early, ana leavea for Merc-vrry Bay at 7 p.m.; \S elliagtoa Issira for Whan jar ei, Marsden Point, and parua Bay at an VESSELS IN HARBOUR. 11'ti.- d>t. r?r. inris"J« r^stjiters.; Cskfc&n'oazhire, ship, in stream. Lvly -Jooeiyn, tulp, at Qaeeri-street Wharf. Largo Bay, barque, at Wharf. Alice, barque, in stream. _ Cabarieiiih, barque, at liobsoa-street Wharf. Sharpshooter, barqae, in atreaaa Spientid, barque, at Railway Wharf. Peerless, bri?antine, at No. *2 Jetty. _ Clansman, at Railway Wharf. 3>arcy Pratt, brigaatine, at Railway Wharf. Gisborae, aehooner, at No. 2 Jetty. Jessie NiccoL schooner, at No. 2 jetty. IMPORTS. Per Aorangi, from London: 50 boxes Flower and Co.'s tin plates.John Reid and Co. Per B.S. Ohau, from Fiji : 825 tons raw EUffiC. Per Blair Druiamond, from London : 7 cases oil, 12 casks paints. Per Wairarapa, from Sydney : S cases Montz metal, 1_ case pare copper. Per Alice, from New York : 11, pack oars, 10 cases copper paints, 4 cases varnish, 1 ball cotton twines. 1 case woodware. Per Aorangi, from London : 103 pe-ckagea sundries. Per Te Anau, from Sydney : 54 coils rope.—Ross and Hotne, Skip Chandlers, Amenta Austa-alian Rope Works. EXPORTS. Per s.s. Te Anau : 325 cases salmon, 9-5 cases fruit, 25 cases hives, 88 sacks nuts. 578 eases oranges, 4 cases meats, 2 cases honey, 33 bales wool, 2 cases wax, 5o; sacks maize, 51 sacks oysters, 31S bags sugar, 103 cases syrup, 504 cases gum, 13 baits cottons, 39 casks whisky, 100 ca.-<es whisky, 14 bales paper, 37 coils rope, 4 halt-chests tea, 139 cases pearl shell, '2 eases bananas, 14 cases smoked fish, 5 qr.-casks spirits, 45 bundles ■wire, 43 sacks sulphur, 10 cases Germina, 28 eases cornflour, 3 bales brooms, 12 cases jams, 2 casks limejuice, 9 cases cheese, 209 pieces timber, 3 cases plants, and sundries. Per schooner Waiwera : 70 tons drain tiles, and a quantity of explosives. At the Railway Wharf yesterday the s.s. Richmond was loading up with general cargo for her Island ports at Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti and RaroU>nsa, and took in a considerable quantity oi freight. She is expected to complete he: loading and to clear this afterneon, and sail at a bile hour. The barque Sharpshooter having completed the discharge of her raw sugar at Chelsea, is now lying in the stream off the Queenstreet Wharf. Though now several days overdue from 'Hongkong, there i* no sign of the C.S.N. Co.'x H. 9. Whanipoa. The local agent, Mr. H. B. Morton, yesterday received a cable from the head ofiice inquiring if she had ra»de the port. A wire was yesterday received bv Messrs. C. K. James and Co. informing them that tho Auckland brigantiuo Sarah Pile has beon fix to load produce at Duncdin lor Towns--vil le. The American barque Alice which has Ixi'iiui lying in the stream for the past week awaiting supplies of gum far her outward cargo for Nsw York, will haul alongside the wharf and begin to load on Monday. The Union S.S. Co. Wp.inui was undergoing a thorough cleaninj and re-painting in the Ano k land dock yesterday. She will probably be floated out this afternoon. Yesterday the crew of the ship Carnarvonpjn'i'c, whicn pnfc into the port for provisions from Rowland's Island, were unbending Eail?, etc. It' is probable that the vessel will be partially unloaded here and docked for a general overhaul. . Early yesterday morning the Union S.S. Co.'s steamer Oban, Captain Stotfc, arrived from Fiji with a frill freight of raw sugar, oud proceeded to the Sugar Works at- Chelsea," where she is to discharge. She left 1' iji at 1 o.m, ,on the 17th instant, and experienced light variable weather lot two days.

Tb-c a strong If.E. gale ssJ. in. aocxKEjaJiiee j t/T beaTT seas, which prevailed till her »m- ; t&1 sa above. . ! Daring resterdiy the £-S- Te Atuoi took in •; & large Cirro of mii'-a freight for Southern j ports add Melbotir&e, iaclcaing considerable ihips>eats of gum aa<i maize, asd fciso _«• qzadtj of lilted frtriw. Shfc^ sailed sbortlr s-ter 5 1>-—., "wiiJi a g-v>:i nsm&er of pa=S£iig«rs. V tS'tCTtia.T evenii>£ tliC wei.-£rK>"A"T3 KOOJBST Wii-srera took her fleparttire for Napier, -wixh aiotii 70 toss of drain tilej, etc., and a oaistitv of explosives- > The Northern S.S. Co. 's ClajastnAii arrive.; s at sjj e*riv haar yeaterday • morning from I Kcs&ell a.C'l lire Kcrth. Tsrit & good nmal-er | of besides a. rre.if ;:t of 340 &s,cks i p3m asd 10 sacsj ®yet»srs. See took in & i raized cargo for Taaricj®, arid left for that j port during the ertnvng. I* Last ereaitig the S-S. Weilirgtoa and lons ; left for their regular trip* to Wh*c.»arei And j Mercury Bay respectively, each betr.g fairlj j pitrcciiisd ■tt'ita peisitngers. POET OF okeku^ga. DEPARTURES. Waah. h.6., ile&di, for the : Mr. and Mrs. Martin and two children, Mr. &iid Mrs. P-ayiey, Mr. and Mrs. AT.en, Mi?«i Allen. Shxrlaad, Messrs. Btowti. F. Best, Trent. H&'raes, G. B. C>stway, and 4 steerage.—Union i-S- Co., argents. EXPORTS. Per B.S. W&rsaka. : Sfi cases oranges, 5 cases CELrrasLs. '2 cases stationery. 6c<s packages pottery, 10 bscs heaiadte,"2hfads crockery. ITS bifs «nd SOlmadies iron, ? cases boots, 15 caies ana 14 trunks at'i'o, 3 cas-cs nsn. ani 51 p«acka.jes. The Union Co. "a s-s. Waaaka, Captain J. Mta-ii. for the .Socth, with carpo and passenger!, sailed it 4 o'clock yesterday.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9452, 24 August 1889, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9452, 24 August 1889, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9452, 24 August 1889, Page 4