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Houses and Land. gAMUEL "^T AILE & OXS (T.4TE Vatt.p. & Douglas), HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENTS, SHORXLAND-STREET (Next door to the Gs:ceral Post OfSoeX HOUSE AND AUCTIONEERS, SWORN VALUATORS •OF REAL ESTATE, lovest'ireoi" captwa i* tl» THtrchase ofj-vory description of Freehold a)id leasehold*. lev esters of Capital <o Mortgage of Freehold Properties. Manages of Estates, fitter large or small, fo* ■RwideaM asad Jliweniees. _ Enr-v branch ch' hnsEsjas ci'muected with the &d- - EsasAs«::x'Ct of Real Estate ~* juiaiej to with lite roost ctmnte care and exact prompfitcAs. I sa>s?tMWS No. ISA BANKERS : BANK OF XKW SOUTH "WALES. "g~SIRNH E-\D.—Choice Site of 6 acres; 4 cf ?rass. 1 sera of sirawberrifs. House t<Z rooms. Price, £100. Terns easy.—itoiuej Vaiie and Sons, Land aa4 Estate Agents, Sm»s'Landjareci- _ : 255,3 "Tt rOUXT —Valuable Property; j\\ House « $ rooms with Corner Allotment, hiriiit . froota,™ of sHrt to one street, also fronttVo S'r stress with a though depth of c— is vrv Wiiable site «or a large pr.tate school. Yrkt. Vaile *nd **% Lu «A od Eetare Agestv _________ C< UPEEIOR FAMILY "RESIDENCE. — i O Bca*e of 9 rouisvs a»i oSSces, stable, coach-:..w2shbco-e. fc., and 2 ai.of choice land li'd ont as orchard, garden, tenths lawn. Ac. Pnce, VaU# .--rid Sobs Land and Kst;«e A-'tnts. Short .-tree*. _ ____ EROHE. —Handy Little Farm ci I" seres, all in grass or cultivation ; good ItiwsM' House, soiewiid Land. Price. £3 0 ttocltdteg i.. Su>ck and KarafcureV—Samuel Vaile and ><mjs, Lu«i and Estate A;reus ShortJaadstTeec. rT"\ITIIiANGL —Ear in of '275 acres, 40 * acres grass, ">i acres orchard, remainder V,-i-h * n* l : Ijou-r of t' rX'ES. with Ontbui.ditig? . £eej> 'water fwntage. thrice, &2 lis per acre. Terms eai.j.—Sataaei Vii!e *r.d Sons, laud and Ls*a.e Agents, Saof :-<and-sweet. OTAHUHL". — Six-roomed House and "about it acres land for £240. — Samael Vaiie aad 5-oas, Land sad Estate Agents, Shortiandstreet. ~ 4 OTA.HUHC. —Shop and Dwelling House witbniidings Sjii allotment 109 feet by ma {*+-.' I v* Samuel Vaile and Sons, Lsti 1 and Kove_Ag?gts_gtonUcd-«re<t» . Ci H I'.I.OXT- F. hT. Eden Terrace. / "Lore Shop and DweUinshosw, and a second IJwtahK'honse With allotreer.: (* icet by 100 feet for the Jot £I*s, sublet to a grouna rent o -6 r-rr a'snart 'or the nest 43 ycara-tarnuel Vaile and Sons, Land and Estate Agents, Shorthvndgreet. _ _ Z^L C" HE \P FARM.—S73 acres ; 150 acres of 8 / «_is« 1 a.— orchard. SOO acres bash, re»Sr.d«' teicw. sera Ac., - miles of leneins comSeted ; S»» acres « this farm is volcanic, ta# re SiaiE-ier kwa on cfcvy ; large ma adjoining. Light roomed House in go-xi order with cntbtaiusfs. i "rice. orJf CI wr acre.— Samuel Vai,» & Land and fiiiee" Agents, Shortiaad-street. - 2350 ~WTAII'KU WEST.—Close to the tovrnyi ship, acres cf umnrrroved land. Price, Vaile j Sc-cs, L«azi<i Agents. 13UEEKOEE. FORTY ACRE FARM.— £ _»ij {.need in 5 paddocks, nle-dntme-i and and ail '" cr„-«. o-nare, dairy, cowshe-i. 'sjjv,'. workshor. Ac. Pric. £19 p<r acre.—Samuel VaUs'ftDH Soas, Lwd sad Estate Agent?, Short-aad-srreet. TjlOR ? >.E (Cheap)' 33 acres, with 9Si '' '{<-£.-■? and ctabciWiaas. sStcated within "i m k-; x" the vfeneral Pest t»fice. Price fcr the £?. Terras (if retired) very easy. ?;f.' \ aile ana j-tvnj-, 7."Mid -■ a F.*s. . >*■£ A|t&»>.s. 25?4 B" IB KEN HEAD. —Six acre?, ail fenced : 0 1 acre strawberries. 4 acres grass ; of 5 room®- £"r.*nd vie«?-—Samne! VaSe and Sons, land and Estate Ageg'.s. Shcr; band-street. 23i<3 I">EMI'ERA. — Dwelling-house of 10 \> rwms, stable, ceicbh-f-'e. Ac-, aad 4 acres af land laid ocs as orchard. and meadow, COtxl vie' 9'". Prr:'e. iIXO. —\?4it3"<2lCl % atie and Sc-nj. iaad ami Estate Agents. Shgr%-iaad-ftree<.. IZiA X>ONSONBY. — E*weUingboti?e of 9 ; rooms, tiathropns anc scralery, with S»* acres of iaiii. ir.c a.«d a-half sere* orchard; -i-aaisder meadow, tennis, lawn and tardea. price, iiv'o. Terms: £r» cash, bvlanca can remain. —marcel Vaile and Sens, Land Agents Short l&nd-= tree". s - JJ. ED]:N.-Cheap property, well IV 3 b'dHt oi 6 nx>nif- %rA c?Sce> ; corner IS* by 200 fret- Fn:r. Ttnr» —■SiLi.t2't2'e.i Tsiiie ?vC«I IjLiici an-2 c.* Agents. ~~*sZ-o 7 fOUNTRi HOTEL.—Lease ior sale, 71 to rr-.n ; hc.-'rl 15r>ci33 la ail. including bilhardrv'Otn etc. ; -oc-i buiinests Price for £ -^3cvw-i Vade and Land and Estate A;ent«. Sboittlac-a-street. 2353 BY.—Brick Ho'ase of 6 room.?. X with ABrtJßcat 14 by 100 feet. Price. £560, Tunes easy. Samuel > a lie and Sou", Land Agents. Sherd aad- ■•f-rees. ~T-3£ PA ELL.—Cfwsap Property—House oi __ 3 rooms, stable, w<rJ?i«x-e, etc.. wits cornet aik-aseat, 130 by 130 fret.—Apply to Samuel Vail< zziit Sons, Sn&\ .js®ti-»>arce!. • — • T ARE. NORTE SHORE.— ProJL2 pertv, VI- acres, fenced and snbdjvtdid tVet-i-Voilt 'Hottse of 10 rooms and oSc«s; wash cotisi, steblc, coach-hoase. et-c. To be sold for th< Jow price of £750.—SRnnwl '* aile aed Sons, Latit Agents. Sborf-iaca street. DEN TEIiI'.ACE. —Doable Shop witl 5 dwelling-rooms ; sls-'i n<>cse of 5 rooms, sa£ water, etc.. workshop»and other otnbaildings. lb whole to »e soid for £+60. Fj.s? terras if required Samael Va&s aad sons, Land Agents, Short-land -X^l^ EARN LL- —eat Cottage of 4 room. and scnilerv, vr.h coal a=d firewood shed aru allotment, 47 by 100 feet, laid out a.? garden, w-..] fruit trees all in goo.l order. Pries, £ Satmi€ TaH" and Sera, Land Areata, ,>hcTtlaiKi-^tre<srt. 2525. P- APATOITOI. —Farm of 176 acres, a! fenced in, 6 snbiivisions, 1« acres grass Frontage to a tidal creek. All easily-worked land House? of 6 roonr-, with outb'uM'ns?. Price, £10 1C X*r acre.—Sanrcel stile and Sons, Land Agent" ShortlAna-street. 3*55 "i\ ,fONEY TO LEND—Several Sums c l\' S frrm £200 to £1«30, at from ?to 8 per cent.Sama«l Yaite and Sons, Land Agents, sfce., Shor land-street. mA UR A A —Capital Farm of 70 S Acres; 500 acres fenced in 12 paddocks ; mile navigable river frontage ; sandy loam on cla subsoil; "well watered throughout-; house of rooms, sheds, <fcc.; 5d hea/1 ot cattte, 7 horses,: pigs; imptementa and tools, cart, waggon, Ac Ac. Price for the whole, £2 10s per acre. Tern easy.—Samuel Vaile and Sons, Land Agents, Shor land-street. % XAUN"GATUROTO. —250 - acre Farm IV § 137 acres fenced, 100 acres grass, remaindi bush ; good stream of water. House of six room almost hew ; cowshe-i, 40 by 12 feet, &«., Ac Pric £2 per acre.—Samuel Vaile and Son*, Land Agent Shortland-street 3^96 rp o L_ E 1 EPSOM—Gentleman's Residence of 9 rooms at offices ; stable and boggy-house, cowshed, etc 8 acres of ground, nicely laid out. Rent low to good tenant. . , „ , OTAHUHU— Convenient Residence of 11 Jar; rooms, good well and tanks ; wash-house, bus? house 5 acres of garden, orchard, <fcc.. Rent, £! perarmum. KYBBR PASS—The handsome family Resideoi of R. W. Moody, Esq., 13 superior rooms, wit offices and outbuildings, large garden. PARK AVENUE— 10 rooms and offices, 3. per week. PONSONBY—Bouse, 15 rooms, balcony, verandal lj acres of garden, plenty of fruit; £2 10s p< week. . , DEVON PORT, Cheltenham Beach — urn l she House of 7 rooms ; 30s per week, if taken for months or more. VICTOR -STREET—2 splendid 3-storev Brie Shops, plate- fronts, 'Jis a week each. HOBSON-STREET Large Brick Shop and Dwe ling, good position ; rent, SOs a week. OSer froi rood tenant would be considered. ITTT-STR —Large Butcher's Shop, with fl; tares, stable, and large shed ; rent low. COIJ.HOE HILL and St. Mary's Road (Corner> Shop with good dwelling accommodation, gas ar water; rent k>w. GRAFTON ROAD—Large .Store, with Dwellir attached ; rent, 20s a week. Stock and Fitting could be bought- at a low figure. Shop doing good business. - BRIGHTON ROAD, Parnell—Shop and Dwellir of 4 rooms, 10e a week. LORN E-STREET—Yard suitable for contractor. BATH-STKEKT, PARNELL—House, 7 rooms, l 1 a week. . MOUNT EDEN ROAD-Supenor House of rooms, stable and coachhouse, 3} acres of grounc rent, only 17s 6d per week. MOUNT EDEN—Bcilwood House, containing rooms*, with 2 acres of garden, orchard, Ac., stalled stable and bujrjy-hou*e, with loft ov all, wash-house. Rent, only 12s a week to sta with. . , „ PONSON BY ROAD—Superior House of / room large garden ; rent. rOs pr week. OXFORD-STREET (off Rarangahape Road)—Ne. Cottage of 5 rooms, city water ; rent, 6s per weel also, 3-roomed CottssE®, 3s a week. AGUE-STREET— of i rooms, ci wa»ar, 3s fid p«r week. CLAREXCE-STRKKT —House, 5 rooms, 2s 6dp week. VERMONT-STREET—House, C rooms; 6s a wee: BRIGHTON ROAD, PARNELL — House of rooms is a week. PICTON-STEEKT. PONSONBY—Good House < 7 rooms, "».s and water. baths, 146 per week. SHADDOCK-STREET (off Mount Eden Road) 4-roomed Ci'Ua»e.. 4s 6d a week. iIORNI MtSIDE Cottage of 4 rooms ; Lan ■piece of groond ; rent, is 6ti per week. *fEW LYNN —6-roomed Cottage, J aero garde rput, +s per week. DEVONPORT (rioso to Victoria Wharf) — r.c: 6-roomed Houses, gas laid on, large garden; rent, Sa a week aacli. 8 " others in all parts of city and suburbs. FARMS. tTithin 7 miles of tie city—l 6} a/rras of good Lrhi all in a high state of ailtivaUon, with goc Xiouse of 5 rooms ; rent, £46 per annum. About 22 miles away by water (steam comtnunic tioa) —4SO acres, 160 Acres ass, facre orchari °00 acres bush. House 6 rooms and outbiiiiuiDp Could bo had on proving lease. SAMUEL VAILE & SOXS (Laxe Vaile & Douglas).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9452, 24 August 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9452, 24 August 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9452, 24 August 1889, Page 2